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an" stein Coefficients (theory) ression for energy density : Consider two energy states £) and Ey of a system of atoms Ein: Exp! Ey > Bi). Let there be N, atoms with energy E, and Ny atoms vith energy 2, per unit volume of the system. N, and Ng are alled the number density of atoms in the states 1 and 2 espectively. Let radiations with a continuous spectrum of requencies be incident upon the system. Let there be radiation { frequency v such that v= (Ey —£;)/h, and let U, be the energy lensity of radiations of frequency v. Then U, dv will be the energy lensity of radiations whose frequencies lie in the range v and +dv. : Let us now consider the absorption, and the two emission rocesses case by case. i) Case of Induced Absorption: In the case of induced absorption, 1 can go to the level Ey when it absorbs E; radiation of frequency V a ch that, v = (£y—2))/& (Fig. 5)- he number of such absorptions per unit an atom in the level A uceo ABSORPTION @ per unit volume, is called rate of INO a sorption. ny @ rate of absorption depends uP? jee Nye and «states a) the number density of lower o je ae b) the energy density 4% “y mr ion “ Rate of absorption ‘Scanned with CamScanner 284 USES Or, we can write the same as, Rate of absorption = Byy NU,» o==(2) where, Big is the constant of proportionality called Einstein coefficient of induced absorption. (ii) Cose of Spontaneous Emission: In the case of spontaneous emission, an B } ‘tom in the higher energy level Ey www. undergoes transition to the lower energy level Ey voluntarily by emitting a photon 5, (Fig. 6). Since it is a voluntary transition, SPORTANEDUS it is independent of the energy density of any frequency in the incident Fig. 6 radiation.’ The number of such spontaneous emissions per unit time per unit volume, is called rate of spontaneous enission which is proportional to only the number density in the higher energy state, ie., Ny. <. Rate of spontaneous emission = Ag, No, --6) where, Ap is the constant of proportionality called the Einstein coefficient of spontaneous emission. (iii) Case of Stimulated Emission: : Since the system requires an external photon of appropriate 1 frequency v[= (£-4)/A), www to stimulate the atom for the Yate corresponding — downward incidence) transition, and thereby cause emission of stimulated photons (Before incidence) Ez as (Fig. 7), the energy density U, Fig. 7 has a role in this case. The number of stimulated emissions per unit time per unit volume, called rate of stimulated emission, is proportional to, a) the number dessity of the higher energy state, i.¢,, Ng, and, b) the energy density, i,, uy. ‘Scanned with CamScanner M-3 LASERS 85 Rate of stimulated emission =: NoU,, Or, rate of stimulated emission = By,NoU, —€#) where, Bg, is the constant of proportionality called the Einstein coefficient of stimulated emission. Let the system be in thermal equilibrium which means that, the total energy of the system remains unchanged’ in spite of the interaction that is taking place between itself and the incident radiation. Under such a condition, the number of photons absorbed by the system per second must be equal to the number of photons it emits per second by both the stimulated and the spontaneous emission processes. « At thermal equilibrium, Rate of absorption = Rate of spontaneous emission + Rate of stimulated emission. + From Eqs(2), (8) & (), we have, By N\Uy = Ay Ny + By Ne Uy. Or, U, (BN — By Nz) = AnNe- Or, U, = _ An Ny . . By N, — By Ne . By rearranging the above equation, we get , An 1 u, = S1/__—}. YBa | BRAT ——_ it does change, then it manifests as a change in the temperature: Which instant thermal equilibrium is disturbed and the conditions any more. ‘Scanned with CamScanner M.3 286 ied But, by Boltzmanrs law, we have, Mm. fm eek M M Ny, s. Eq(5) becomes, y= 2 n8) = he : By B? 1 ‘According to Planck's law, the equation for U, is, Brive | 1 U, = ——- | a a) , é E 5| Now, comparing the equations (6) and (7), term by term on the basis of positional identity, we have, Ay _ Bry? By é and, By =1, Bay * Biz = By, which implies that the probability ~¢ :--+----4 ~henrotion is ‘Scanned with CamScannee M-3 LASERS: 287 .. At thermal equilibrium the equation for energy density is, Production of Lasers Pytiring, Lasing, and Active System - the terminologies : The act of exciting atoms from lower energy state to a higher energy sate by supplying energy from an external source is called pumping. Uu= The process which leads to emission of stimulated photons after ion inversion is often referred to as Jasing— m between whose cnergy levels, the pumping and establishing the lasing actior fled an active system. : —____—_ Laser cavity —_—. A laser device consists Micor Mirror of an active medium bound ie. | between two mirrors (Fig. 8). Laser light The mirrorsreftect the photons ‘Active medium ave : LASER CA\ y to and fro through the active medium. A photon moving in a particular direction represents a7 Fig. '8 light wave-moving-in the same direction. Thus, the two mirrors along with the active medium form a ~laser cavity. Inside the cavity two types Of waves exist; one type comprises c ‘of waves moving to the Tight, and the other one, to the left (Fig. 9a). el ———_— | The two waves interfere constructively if there is no phase 4 difference between the two (Fig-9a). But, their interference becomes destructiveif-the phase difference is(Fig. 9b) = I. Tt WV LN. 1 ‘Scanned with CamScannee

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