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SDK Reference Manual

MASUNG Printers
Software Development Kit
Reference Manual

Shenzhen Masung Technology Co.,Ltd.

Software research and development department

SDK Reference Manual

Revising history

Version Explain author Auditor Revision

date create yijungan 2018-6-12 Add mutex lock to interface yijungan 2018-07-24 Add serial port flow control,SetPrintportFlowCtrl yijungan 2018-08-01

Add support for Bluetooth printing(SetPrintConn) Add print Data Matrix code (Print) yijungan 2018-12-11

(only DLL has this function)

Add PrintQRcode500II yijungan 201-03-01

Add PrintQrcodeII yijungan 201-03-01

SetDevname optimizing and adding the function

of automatic matching USB interface can greatly yijungan 201-03-01

improve the printing speed.

SDK Reference Manual

1. SDK introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 overview ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 To whom should concern ............................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Support printer model.................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Communication interfaces ........................................................................................................... 6
1.5 SDK library ................................................................................................................................. 6
2. interface description ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Printer Initialization and close ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Set device name (Windows) ....................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Set device connection(Windows) ............................................................................. 8
2.1.3 Set device name(Linux) ............................................................................................. 9
2.1.4 set flow control ....................................................................................................... 11
2.1.5 Automatically configure USB interface ............................................................. 12
2.1.6 Automatically configure Serial port interface ............................................. 12
2.1.7 Printer initialization ........................................................................................... 13
2.1.8 Clear buffer memory ................................................................................................. 14
2.1.9 Printer close ............................................................................................................. 14
2.1.10 Set chinese mode ............................................................................................... 15
2.1.11 Set country & language codepage ................................................................. 15
2.2 Normal printing function ........................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Print character string ........................................................................................... 17
2.2.2 Cutting ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Print & line feed ..................................................................................................... 18
2.2.4 Print & feed paper ................................................................................................... 18
2.2.5 Print self test page ............................................................................................... 19
2.3 printing function ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.3.1 Set line space ........................................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Set character pitch ................................................................................................. 20
2.3.3 Set left margin ......................................................................................................... 21
2.3.4 set character size ................................................................................................... 21
2.3.5 Set text size ............................................................................................................. 22
2.3.6 Set character alignment ......................................................................................... 23
2.3.7 Set bold character ................................................................................................... 23
2.3.8 Set character rotation ........................................................................................... 24
2.3.9 Set character direction ......................................................................................... 24
2.3.10 Set inverse white ............................................................................................. 25
2.3.11 Set italic ........................................................................................................... 26
2.3.12 Set underline ..................................................................................................... 26
2.3.13 Set chinese size ............................................................................................... 27
2.3.14 Set chinese pitch ............................................................................................. 28
2.3.15 Set horizontal table position ..................................................................... 28
2.3.16 Execute to next HT position ......................................................................... 29
2.4 Bit-image & barcodes................................................................................................................ 30

SDK Reference Manual
2.4.1 Print QR code ............................................................................................................. 30
2.4.2 Print mixed QR code ................................................................................................. 31
2.4.3 Print 1D barcode ....................................................................................................... 32
2.4.4 Print BMP file from local disk I ....................................................................... 34
2.4.5 Print BMP file from local disk II ..................................................................... 34
2.4.6 Set NV BMP file ......................................................................................................... 35
2.4.7 Print NV BMP file ..................................................................................................... 36

2.4.8 Print Data Matrix Code ................................................................................ 38

2.5 Get printer status ....................................................................................................................... 39
2.5.1 Get printer status ................................................................................................... 39
2.5.2 Get printer special function status ................................................................. 40
2.5.3 Get printer information ......................................................................................... 41
2.5.4 Get SDK version information ................................................................................. 42
2.6 Blackmark ................................................................................................................................. 42
2.6.1 Set blackmark cutting offset ............................................................................... 42
2.6.2 Set blackmark printing offset ............................................................................. 43
2.6.3 Blackmark detection ................................................................................................. 43
2.6.4 Detect blackmark and feed paper to printing position ............................... 44
2.6.5 Detect blackmark and feed paper to cutting position ................................. 44
2.6.6 Cut blackmark ............................................................................................................. 45
2.7 Other interface ........................................................................................................................... 46
2.7.1 Transmit command (sending ) ................................................................................. 46
2.7.2 Transmit command (send and receive) ................................................................. 46
2.8 Customize printer interface description..................................................................................... 47
2.8.1 Set command mode ....................................................................................................... 47
2.8.2 Set rotation printing mode ................................................................................... 48
2.8.3 Send rotation mode data ......................................................................................... 48
2.8.4 Send rotation barcode ............................................................................................. 49
2.8.5 Send rotation line feed ......................................................................................... 50
2.8.6 Send rotation left margin ..................................................................................... 51
2.8.7 Printing rotation mode data ................................................................................. 51
2.8.8 Set printer ID or name ........................................................................................... 52
2.8.9 Get printer ID or name ........................................................................................... 52
2.8.10 Extend set character alignment ................................................................... 53
2.8.11 Set page mode ..................................................................................................... 54
2.8.12 Set page mode data beginning position ..................................................... 54
2.8.13 Set page mode printing direction ............................................................... 55
2.8.14 Print data in page mode ................................................................................. 55
2.8.15 Print QR Code II ............................................................................................... 56
2.8.16 Print QR Code III ............................................................................................. 57
3. Invoking sample .................................................................................................................................... 57
3.1 Msprintsdk.dll ........................................................................................................................... 57
3.2 Msprintsdk.ocx .......................................................................................................................... 59
3.3 ............................................................................................................................ 59
SDK Reference Manual
4. appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 60
4.1 Configuration file ...................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.1 Windows configuration ............................................................................................. 60
4.1.2 Linux configuration ................................................................................................. 60

SDK Reference Manual

1. SDK introduction

1.1 overview
SDK means Software Development Kit
This SDK manual provides technical reference to all printers manufactured
from MASUNG , it will ease developers work and help them to finish terminal
application software.
Its advantages:
⚫ There is no need to understand the specific instructions of the printer.
⚫ Packaging the communication with the printer, No need to care processing
and printer specific communication protocol.
⚫ Easy bit-image printing
⚫ Easy QR code printing
⚫ Access to printer status checking

1.2 To whom should concern

⚫ Application software developer

1.3 Support printer model

⚫ Full series thermal printer made by MASUNG(if there is without special

1.4 Communication interfaces

⚫ RS-232C

1.5 SDK library

⚫ Msprintsdk.dll
DLL means Dynamic Link Library , it could be used to different application
software programs, and it is used on Windows platform,support multiple compiled
languages invoking(such as VB\VC\ C#\ QT etc)
⚫ Msprintsdk.ocx
OCX means Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Control Extension),and it is
SDK Reference Manual

used on Windows platform, Support VB, VC, C#, QT, JAVA and other development
languages, mainly used in web development calls.

SO means shared object, it is used on Linux platform.

This SDK manual explained to those three kind libraries. Most of them are
same communication interface, difference part will be marked with those signs

stands for this interface is only available for “Msprintsdk.dll”

stands for this interface is only available for “Msprintsdk.ocx ”
stands for this interface is only available for “”
Note: if there is no any sign, that means this part information available
for all kind SDK document.

2. interface description

2.1 Printer Initialization and close

2.1.1 Set device name (Windows)


int SetPrintport(char *strPort, int iBaudrate)

Setup printer connection mode,name and serial interface baud rate.
name type parameter description
strPort char * Printer communication interface name is
generally USB00X or COMX( X stand for number
1, 2, 3)
Interface will automatically recognize its

SDK Reference Manual

Communication method: USB or COM

iBaudrate int Serial baud rate
9600、38400、115200 this parameter should be
pair with printer hardware baud rate
configuration. When printer is in COM
interface connection,this parameter is
valid, when printer is in USB interface
connection ,this parameter is invalid.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetPrintport("COM1",115200);

int r = SetPrintport("USB001",0);

2.1.2 Set device connection(Windows)


int SetPrintConn(int iConnWay,char *strName, char *strValue)

Set the printer device connection mode, device name and parameter value.
name type parameter description
iConnWay int Printer communication mode
1 Serial
3 Bluetooth
strName char * Printer communication interface name is
generally USB00X or COMX( X stand for number

SDK Reference Manual

1, 2, 3) or Bluetooth name.
strValue char * Communication baud rate if the connection mode
is serial port
Support 9600,38400,115200,need to be
consistent with the hardware settings of the
This parameter is invalid when the connection
mode is USB.
When the connection mode is Bluetooth, it is
the connection password.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetPrintConn (1,"COM1","115200");

int r = SetPrintConn (2,"USB001","");

int r = SetPrintConn (3," MS-BL58","1234");

This upgrade to version 2.2 adds support for bluetooth printers and can
replaces the SetPrintport interface.

2.1.3 Set device name(Linux)


int SetDevname(int iDevtype, char *cDevname, int iBaudrate)

Set printer connection mode,name and serial interface baud rate.

SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description
iDevtype int Printer interfaces
1 COM (including direct COM or virtual COM)
3 Automatically match USB
cDevname char * Printer name
In generally, when iDevtype=1,
Direct COM value as/dev/ttySX(X stands for
COM number 0、1、2)
Virtual COM value as/dev/ttyUSBX(X stands
for COM number 0、1、2)
When iDevtype=2,
USB value as /dev/usb/lpX(X stands for USB
number 0、1、2)
iBaudrate int Serial baud rate
9600、38400、115200,this parameter should be
pair with printer hardware baud rate
iDevtype=1 this parameter is valid
iDevtype=2,this paramter is invalid

iDevValue int Equipment parameter value

iDevtype=1,serial-communication baud rate,
Support 9600, 38400, 115200, and printer
hardware Settings should be consistent;
iDevtype=3,the USB PID value;
iDevtype=0,Use the default value 0x2013
[return value]

SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
int r = SetDevname(1,"/dev/ttyS0",115200);

int r = SetDevname(2,"/dev/usb/lp0",0);

2.1.4 set flow control


int SetPrintportFlowCtrl(int iFlowCtrlFlag)

Configure the flow control of serial port and USB port

name type parameter description

iFlowCtrlFlag int 0 cancel flow control
1 set flow control
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r1 = SetPrintport("COM1",115200);
int r2 = SetPrintportFlowCtrl (1);
It needs to be called after SetPrintport.
When using a serial port, set the flow control, printer exception (such as
the printer not powered on), It's going to keep blocking, please use with

SDK Reference Manual

2.1.5 Automatically configure USB interface


Automatically search USB interface name
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetUsbportauto();
This interface is only suitable for printer USB communication.

2.1.6 Automatically configure Serial port interface


Automatic search serial port
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetComportauto();

SDK Reference Manual

The interface is only suitable for printer serial port communication.

2.1.7 Printer initialization

Open the device or port to connect to the printer, initial printer , clear
butter memory.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetInit();
Only when this interface is invoked successfully, then developer can make
printer working
Please setup printer connection method , name and other parameters before
invoking this interface, below are explains for different SDK libraries.
⚫ Msprintsdk.dll

Need to invoke SetPrintinterface or SetUsbinterfaceauto configuration

parameters,if developer didn’t invoke those, the dll will look up
“Config.ini”from folder includes dll. If there is “Config.ini” file,then
his programm will read interface information from this document. Format refers
to appendix 4.1.1 Windows configuration.
⚫ Msprintsdk.ocx

Need to invike SetPrintinterface or SetUsbinterfaceauto configuration

SDK Reference Manual

Need to invoke SetDevname configuration parameters,if developer didn’t

invoke those, the dll will look up “Config.ini” from folder includes so . If
there is“Config.ini” file then his programm will read interface information
from this document. Format refers to appendix 4.1.2 Linux configuration.

2.1.8 Clear buffer memory

Clear printer buffer memory and previous configuration parameters.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetClean();

2.1.9 Printer close

Close printer interface and release printer resource
[return value]
0 success
1 failure

SDK Reference Manual

int r = SetClose();

2.1.10 Set chinese mode


SetReadZKmode(int mode)
Set chinese mode

name type parameter description

mode int Chinese mode
0 enter into chinese mode
1 exit out chinese mode
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetReadZKmode(0);

2.1.11 Set country & language codepage


SetCodepage(int country,int CPnumber)

Set country & language codepage
name type parameter description
country int Country
Refer to below table
CPnumber int Codepage

SDK Reference Manual

Refer to below table

Country table
parameter country
0 US

1 france
2 germany
3 UK
4 denmark I
5 sweden
6 italy
7 spain
8 japan
9 norway
10 denmark II

Codepage table
paramter codepage

0 PC437[USA-Europe standard]
1 Katakana
2 PC850[multiple language]
3 PC860 [portuguese]
4 PC863 [canadian-french]
5 PC865 [north Europe]

16 WPC1252
17 PC866[slavic2]
18 PC852[latin2]
19 PC858 [Europe]
[return value]

SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
int r = SetCodepage(0,0);

2.2 Normal printing function

2.2.1 Print character string

int PrintString(char* strData, int iImme)
Print character string

name type parameter description

strData char * Printing content
iImme int Print immediately or not
0 line feed and printing
1 no line feed and not print
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintString("PrintTest",0);

2.2.2 Cutting

int PrintCutpaper(int iMode)
SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description

iMode int Cutting mode
0 full cutting
1 half cutting
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintCutpaper(0);

2.2.3 Print & line feed


int PrintChargeRow()
Printing data and line feed, if without printing data, printer will feed one
blank line.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintString("PrintTest1",1);
r = PrintString("PrintTest2",1);
r = PrintChargeRow();

2.2.4 Print & feed paper


int PrintFeedDot(int Lnumber)

SDK Reference Manual

Feeding paper.
name type parameter description
Lnumber int unit
Value range: 0-250
Unit value = 0.125 mm
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintFeedDot(10);

2.2.5 Print self test page


int PrintSelfcheck()
Print self test page.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintSelfcheck();

SDK Reference Manual

2.3 printing function

2.3.1 Set line space

int SetLinespace(int iLinespace)
Set line space

name type parameter description

iLinespace int Line space
Value range 0-127
Unit value = 0.125mm
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = iLinespace(10);

2.3.2 Set character pitch

int SetSpacechar(int iSpace)
Set character pitch
name type parameter description
iSpace int Character pitch
Value range 0-64
Unit value = 0.125mm
[return value]

SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
int r = SetSpacechar(10);

2.3.3 Set left margin

int SetLeftmargin(int iLeftspace)
Set left margin
name type parameter description
iLeftspace int Left margin
Value range 0-576
Unit value = 0.125mm
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetLeftmargin(10);

2.3.4 set character size

int SetSizechar(int iHeight,int iWidth,int iUnderline,int iAsciitype)
Set character size
name type parameter description
iHeight int Double height

SDK Reference Manual

0 invalid
1 valid
iWidth int Double width
0 invalid
1 valid
iUnderline int Underline
0 invalid
1 valid
iAsciitype int ASCII font type
0 12*24
1 9*17
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetSizechar(1,1,1,1);

2.3.5 Set text size

int SetSizetext(int iHeight, int iWidth)
Set text size
name type parameter description

iHeight int Enlager height

Value range 1-8
iWidth int Enlager width
Value range 1-8
[return value]

SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
int r = SetSizetext (2,2);

2.3.6 Set character alignment

int SetAlignment(int iAlignment)
Set character alignment
name type parameter description
iAlignment int Character alignment
0 Left alignment
1 Central alignment
2 right alignment
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetAlignment(1);

2.3.7 Set bold character

int SetBold(int iBold)
Set bold character
name type parameter description

SDK Reference Manual

iBold int Bold character

0 invalid
1 valid
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetBold(1);

2.3.8 Set character rotation

int SetRotate(int iRotate)
Set character rotation
name type parameter description
iRotate int Character rotation
0 cancel character rotation
1 clockwise rotation 90°
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetRotate(1);

2.3.9 Set character direction

int SetDirection(int iDirection)

SDK Reference Manual

Set character direction

name type parameter description
iDirection int Character direction
0 cancel character rotation
1 rotate 180°
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetDirection(0);

2.3.10 Set inverse white

int SetWhitemodel(int iWhite)
Set inverse white
name type parameter description
iWhite int Inverse white
0 cancel inverse white
1 set inverse white
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetWhitemodel(1);

SDK Reference Manual

2.3.11 Set italic

int SetItalic(int iItalic)
Set italic
name type parameter description
iItalic int italic
0 cancel italic
1 set italic
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetItalic (1);

2.3.12 Set underline


int SetUnderline(int underline)

Set underline
name type parameter description

underline int underline

0 none
1 single dot underline
2 double dots underline
[return value]

SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
int r = SetUnderline (1);

2.3.13 Set chinese size

int SetSizechinese(int iHeight,int iWidth,int iUnderline,int iChinesetype)
Set chinese size
name type parameter description
iHeight int Double height
0 invalid
1 valid
iWidth int Double width
0 invalid
1 valid
iUnderline int underline
0 invalid
1 valid
iChinesetype int Chinese font type
0 24*24
1 16*16
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetSizechinese(1,1,1,1);

SDK Reference Manual

2.3.14 Set chinese pitch

int SetSpacechinese(int iChsleftspace,int iChsrightspace)
Set chinese pitch
name type parameter description
iChsleftspace int Chinese left margin
Value range 0-64
Unit value = 0.125mm
iChsrightspace int Chinese right margin
Value range 0-64
Unit value = 0.125mm
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetSpacechinese(10,10);

2.3.15 Set horizontal table position

int SetHTseat(const char* bHTseat,int iLength)
Set horizontal table position

name type parameter description

bHTseat char* HT position
from small to big , unit as single ASCII
character, beginning position couldn’t be
SDK Reference Manual

iLength int HT position data quantity
Value range 1-32
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
Refer to Execure to next HT position;

2.3.16 Execute to next HT position

int PrintNextHT()
Execure to next HT position
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
char cSeat[3]={10,18,25};

SDK Reference Manual


Printing result
1 2 3 4
1a 2a 3a 4a
1b 2b 3b 4b

2.4 Bit-image & barcodes

2.4.1 Print QR code

int PrintQrcode(const char* strData,int iLmargin,int iMside,int iRound)

Print QR code
SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description

strData char* QR code inner content
iLmargin int Left margin
Value range 0-27
Unit value = 1mm
iMside int QR code size
Value range 1-8

iRound int Encircle mode

0 direct printing
1 encircle ( synchysis,but some model
printers didn’t support this function)
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintQrcode("QR Code",2,2,0);
The printed QR code has multiple interfaces.,see the interface description
of the custom class.Any question,please ask technical service personnel for

2.4.2 Print mixed QR code


Print mixed QR code
[return value]

SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
PrintQrcode("QR Code:123456",2,4,1);
PrintString("QR Code:",0);
int r = PrintRemainQR();
Printing result:

2.4.3 Print 1D barcode

int Print1Dbar(int iWidth,int iHeight,int iHrisize,int iHriseat,int
iCodetype,const char* strData)
Print 1D barcode
name type parameter description
iWidth int Barcode width
Value range 2-6
Unit value = 0.125mm
iHeight int Barcode height
Value range 1-255
Unit value = 0.125mm
iHrisize int Character font type
SDK Reference Manual

0 12*24
1 9*17
iHriseat int Character position
0 none
1 Above
2 below
3 up and down
iCodetype int Barcode type
Barcode type refers to below table
strData char* Barcode content

1D barcode type table

parameter Barcode type
0 * UPC-A
1 * UPC-E
2 * EAN13
3 * EAN8

4 * CODE39
5 * ITF
7 * Standard EAN13
8 * Standard EAN8
9 * CODE93

10 * CODE128

[return value]
0 success
1 failure

SDK Reference Manual

int r = Print1Dbar(2,10,0,1,10,"1Dbar");

2.4.4 Print BMP file from local disk I

int PrintDiskbmpfile(const char* strPath)
Print BMP file from local disk

name type parameter description

strPath char* BMP File path
If you have only the filename,use the current
path;if you specify the full path,use the
specified path.
1bit BMP format file.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintDiskbmpfile("D:\\test.bmp");
Printing result:

Only supports 1bit single color BMP format file

2.4.5 Print BMP file from local disk II


SDK Reference Manual

int PrintDiskimgfile (const char* strPath)

Print BMP file from local disk
name type parameter description
strPath char* BMP File path
If you have only the filename,use the current
path;if you specify the full path,use the
specified path.
1bit and 24 bit BMP format file
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintDiskimgfile ("D:\\test.bmp");
Printing result:

Supports 1bit and 24 bits single color BMP format file

2.4.6 Set NV BMP file


int SetNvbmp(int iNums,const char* strPath)

Set NV BMP file

SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description
iNums int BMP file quantity
Single file size is within 64KB
Total files size is within 192KB
(BMP file quantity is without limitation )
strPath char* BMP file path
• If the full path to any image file is not
provided, then the current working
folder will be assumed
• If multiple image files are specified,
then each entry must be separated with
a “;” character
• The iNums parameter must match the no.
of image files specified

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetNvbmp(3, "D:\\test1.bmp;D:\\BMP\\test2.bmp;test3.bmp");
Only supports 1bit single color BMP format file
this function completely replaces any images currently stored in NV memory
BMP file will be saved at printer flash, this interface is used to fixed
BMP file content, such as LOGO information.

2.4.7 Print NV BMP file

int PrintNvbmp(int iNvindex,int iMode)
Print NV BMP file

SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description
iNvindex int NV BMP file index,from 1 begin
Value range 1-N,N depends on
“SetNvbmp”setup quantity,when N is over
“SetNvbmp”setup quantity, printer won’t
iMode int BMP file size
48 normal
49 double width
50 double height
51 double width and double height
[retun value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintNvbmp(1,48);
Printing result:

int r = PrintNvbmp(1,49);
Printing result:

int r = PrintNvbmp(1,50);
Printing result:

SDK Reference Manual

int r = PrintNvbmp(1,51);
Printing result:

2.4.8 Print Data Matrix Code

int PrintDataMatrix(const char* strData, int iSize)
Print Data Matrix code.

name type parameter description

strData char* content
iSize int Matrix size
The minimum is 2.
Maximum is related to content length.
[return value]
0 success
1 failure

SDK Reference Manual

int r = PrintDataMatrix("DataMatrix",6);

2.5 Get printer status

2.5.1 Get printer status

int GetStatus()
Check printer status
[return value]

return value return value description

0 Printer is ready, Power is correct and paper is enough
1 Printer is offline or no power
2 Printer called unmatched library
3 Printer head is opened
4 Cutter is not reset

5 Printer head temp is abnormal

(overheating or too low)
6 Printer does not detect blackmark, Possible problems
 BM sensor is broken
 Used white paper
 BM is not standard
Notice: This status only can be available when printer
blackmark is turn on
7 Paper out
8 Paper low

SDK Reference Manual

int r = GetStatus();

2.5.2 Get printer special function status

int GetStatusspecial ()
Get printer special function status
[return value]

return value return value description

0 Printer is ready, Power is correct and paper is enough
1 Printer is offline or no power
2 Printer called unmatched library
3 Current printer can’t support special function
4 Printer doesn’t load paper to presenter

5 Paper is blocked in printer bezel

6 Paper jams in printer mechanism
7 Unfinished ticket is dragged by outside force
8 There is ticket held on printer bezel (This is detected
by ticket taken sensor)
int r = GetStatusspecial();
Only apply to model MS-D347/EP802 series.
EP802-TM not support special status 4、7
EP802-TMP not support special status 5、7

SDK Reference Manual

2.5.3 Get printer information


int GetProductinformation(int iFstype,char* bFiddata,int iFidlen)

Get printer basic information
name type parameter description
iFstype int Information type
1 printer head model ID
2 printer PCB board version
3 firmware version
4 manufacturer information
5 printer model
6 chinese encode format
7 check sum value

bFiddata char* Return information content

Output value
When iFstype=7 the return value is two bytes
hexadecimal,the high in the front,and the
low in the back.
iFidlen int Return information content length
(This value is invalid)
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int iLen = 0;
char bFiddata[30]={0};
int r = GetProductinformation(3,bFiddata,iLen);
SDK Reference Manual

2.5.4 Get SDK version information


GetSDKinformation(char* bInfodata)
Get SDK version information

name type parameter description

bInfodata char* Return information content
Output value
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
char cCmd[20]={0};
int r = GetSDKinformation(bInfodata);

2.6 Blackmark

2.6.1 Set blackmark cutting offset

int SetMarkoffsetcut(int iOffset)
Set blackmark cutting offset
name type parameter description
iOffset int offset
Value range 0-1600

SDK Reference Manual

Unit value = 0.125mm

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetMarkoffsetcut(10);

2.6.2 Set blackmark printing offset

int SetMarkoffsetprint(int iOffset)
Set blackmark printing offset.
name type parameter description
iOffset int offset
Value range 0-1600
Unit value = 0.125mm
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetMarkoffsetprint(10);

2.6.3 Blackmark detection

int PrintMarkposition()
Under blackmark mode detection, printer will feed paper and stop on
blackmark position

SDK Reference Manual

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintMarkposition();
Pinting offset will influence paper feed distance

2.6.4 Detect blackmark and feed paper to printing position

int PrintMarkpositionPrint()
Under blackmark detection mode, printer will feed paper and stop on printing
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintMarkpositionPrint();
Printing offset will influence paper feed distance

2.6.5 Detect blackmark and feed paper to cutting position

int PrintMarkpositioncut()

SDK Reference Manual

Under blackmark detection mode, printer will feed paper and stop on cutting
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintMarkpositioncut();
Cutting offset will influence paper feed distance

2.6.6 Cut blackmark

int PrintMarkcutpaper(int iMode)
Cut blackmark

name type parameter description

iMode int Cutting mode
0 detect blackmark full cutting
1 not detect blackmark half cutting
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintMarkcutpaper(0);

SDK Reference Manual

2.7 Other interface

2.7.1 Transmit command (sending )

int PrintTransmit(const char* bCmd,int iLength)
Transmit original command to printer

name type parameter description

bCmd char* command
iLength int command length
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
char bCmd[2]={0x1B,0x69}; //cutting command
int r = PrintTransmit(bCmd,2);

2.7.2 Transmit command (send and receive)


int GetTransmit(const char* bCmd,int iLength,char* bRecv,int iRelen)

Transmit original command to printer and receive return value
name type parameter description
bCmd char* command
iLength int Command length

SDK Reference Manual

bRecv char* Return value

iRelen int Return value length
(This value is invalid)
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
char bCmd[3]={0x10,0x04,0x01}; //check printer status
char bRecv[3]={0};
int iReLen = 0;
int r = GetTransmit(bCmd,3,bRecv,iReLen);

2.8 Customize printer interface description

This interface only applys to customized printer series, eg: EP800、EP802

and so on.
Please consult technical service personnel for details.

2.8.1 Set command mode

SetCommandmode(int iMode)
Switching printer into different command mode, in order to realize customized
printing interface function
name type parameter description
iMode int Command mode
2 EPIC mode
3 EPOS mode

[return value]
SDK Reference Manual

0 success
1 failure
int r = SetCommandmode(2);
If developer needs to use customized printing interface , he needs to switch
printer into EPIC command mode. after that function is accomplished, developer
needs to switch printer into EPOS command mode, then he can use common standard
printing interface.

2.8.2 Set rotation printing mode


int SetRotation_Intomode()
Set rotation printing mode
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetRotation_Intomode();

2.8.3 Send rotation mode data


int PrintRotation_Sendtext(char* strData,int iImme)

Send text data in rotation mode.
SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description

strData char* Text data
iImme int Line or not
0 line feed
1 no line feed
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintRotation_Sendtext("Rotation",1);

2.8.4 Send rotation barcode

int PrintRotation_Sendcode(int leftspace,int iWidth,int iHeight,int

iCodetype,const char* strData)

Send barcode data in rotation mode
name type parameter description
leftspace int barcode left margin
value range 0-36
Unit mm

iWidth int Barcode width

Value range 2-6
Unit value = 0.125mm
iHeight int Barcode height
Value range 1-10
Unit value = 3mm
iCodetype int Barcode type

SDK Reference Manual

Barcode type refer to below table

strData char* Barcode content

Barcode type table

parameter Barcode type

0 * UPC-A
1 * UPC-E
2 * EAN13
3 * EAN8
4 * CODE39
5 * ITF
7 * Standard EAN13
8 * Standard EAN8
9 * CODE93
10 * CODE128
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintRotation_Sendcode(10,3,60,10,"1Dbar");

2.8.5 Send rotation line feed


int PrintRotation_Changeline()
Send line feed in rotation
SDK Reference Manual

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintRotation_Changeline();

2.8.6 Send rotation left margin


int SetRotation_Leftspace(int iLeftspace)

Send rotation left margin

name type parameter description

iLeftspace int Left margin
Value range 0-36
Unit mm
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetRotation_Leftspace(10);

2.8.7 Printing rotation mode data


int PrintRotation_Data()
After rotation printing and save data, then exit rotation mode, enter into
EPOS command mode
SDK Reference Manual

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintRotation_Data();

2.8.8 Set printer ID or name


int SetPrintIDorName(char* strIDorNAME)

Set printer ID or name

name type parameter description

strIDorNAME char* Printer ID or name
Value length range:1-14
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetPrintIDorName("EP800-000001");

2.8.9 Get printer ID or name


int GetPrintIDorName(char* strIDorNAME)

Get printer ID or name

SDK Reference Manual

name type parameter description

strIDorNAME char* Get printer ID or name
return value
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
char bRecv[30]={0};
int r = GetPrintIDorName(bRecv);

2.8.10 Extend set character alignment


int SetAlignmentLeftRight(int iAlignment)

Align left and right on the same line.
name type parameter description
iAlignment int Character alignment
0 left alignment
2 right alignment
[return value]
0 success
1 failure

SDK Reference Manual

must use this as an example, or you might cause data errors.

2.8.11 Set page mode


int SetPagemode(int iMode,int Xrange,int Yrange)

Print data as complete page mode

name type parameter description

iMode int 0 exit page mode
1 enter page mode
Xrange int Page width,max 576
Yrange int Page height,max 640
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetPagemode(1,576,640);

2.8.12 Set page mode data beginning position


int SetPagestartposition(int Xdot,int Ydot)

set page mode data beginning position
name type parameter description
Xdot int X position,max 576

SDK Reference Manual

Ydot int Y position,max 640

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetPagestartposition(40,0);

2.8.13 Set page mode printing direction


int SetPagedirection(int iDirection)

Set page mode printing direction
name type parameter description
iDirection int Printing direction
0 normal
1 rotation 90°
2 rotation 180°
3 rotation 270°
[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = SetPagedirection(2);

2.8.14 Print data in page mode


int PrintPagedata()
SDK Reference Manual

Print complete page data by page mode

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintPagedata ();

2.8.15 Print QR Code II


int PrintQrcodeII(const char* strData,int iLen,int iMside)

Print QR code.

name type parameter description

strData char* Content of QR code
Support for invisible characters
iLen int Content length
iMside int Size of QR code
Value range 1-16

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
char cQRData[128]={0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36};
int r = PrintQrcodeII(cQRData,6,8);

SDK Reference Manual

2.8.16 Print QR Code III


int PrintQRcode500II(int iwidth,const char* strData)

Print QR code.
name type parameter description
iwidth int Size of QR code
Value range 1-8

strData char* Content of QR code

[return value]
0 success
1 failure
int r = PrintQRcode500II (3,"QR Code");
Retain compatibility with previous SDK version 1.0.

3. Invoking sample

3.1 Msprintsdk.dll

VC sample
Visual Studio 2008 VC++ compile

SDK Reference Manual

C# sample
Visual Studio 2008 C# compile

SDK Reference Manual

Notice item attribute , creation->objective platform,configuration as X86;

click on “allow unsafe code”

3.2 Msprintsdk.ocx

Needs to register before compile, XP OS can run “RegMsprintsdk1.bat” to

register; win7/win8/win10 OS right click on “RegMsprintsdk2.bat” and “run
it as administrator”.
Sample refers to “Msprintsdk.htm”


Sample msprintdemo compile

SDK Reference Manual

gcc -o msprintdemo msprintdemo.c /lib/ -lstdc++

4. appendix

4.1 Configuration file

4.1.1 Windows configuration

[file name]
[configuration description]
Same as manual Set device name (Windows) parameter

4.1.2 Linux configuration

[file name]
[configuration description]
Same as manual Set device name(Linux) parameter

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