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Memristor-assisted Background Calibration for

Analog-to-Digital Converter
Zhaoguang Si∗ , Chaohan Wang∗ , Adil Malik∗ , Shiwei Wang† , Themis Prodromakis‡ , Christos Papavassiliou∗

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, SW7 2BT, UK
2022 20th IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS) | 978-1-6654-0105-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/NEWCAS52662.2022.9842108

Centre for Electronics Frontiers, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK

Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK
Corresponding email:

Abstract—This paper proposes a memristor-assisted sign-based Input

S/H Output
background calibration scheme for analog-to-digital converters SAR Logic
(ADC). A R-2R digital-to-analog converter (DAC) was imple-
mented with a memristor array and other peripheral circuits. Main Error detection
The background calibration detects the error caused by DAC mis- DAC /Cal. algorithm
match and corrects it by adjusting the memristor’s memristance1 +
Correction Cal. Register
in a feedback loop. The implemented circuit takes advantage of DAC (memory)
the memristor’s small area and multi-state switching property.
Simulation results show the feasibility of using memristors to (a)
correct mismatch in high-resolution ADC design. The proposed
system has been designed in a TSMC 180nm process. Memristors S/H Output
SAR Logic
will be laid on the top of the chip via Metal 5 and Metal 6.

Error Sign ? :
The concept of memristor, a device that represents the +
relationship between charge and flux, was first postulated ...
by Leon Chua in 1971 [1]. In 2008, Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Laboratory first realised a two-terminal memristor physically, Memristor-array

which exhibit a resistance switching behaviour correlates to the (b)

amplitude, polarity, and frequency of the applied voltages [2].
Since then, memristors made from different materials have Fig. 1: (a) The sign-based calibration scheme in [7]. Unlike post-processing
been the focus of many studies. In recent years, memristors the output of the ADC in [9], the sign-based calibration can keep running
parallelly with the normal ADC operation and calibrate the output immediately
have been integrated with CMOS technology to design next- when there is an error detected. (b) The proposed memristor-assisted calibra-
generation electronics applications. The memristor offers non- tion scheme where a memristor array is used as the correction elements and
volatility, multi-state resistive switching, and small size. Re- the memory at the same time owing to its non-volatile multi-state switching
property. The calibration can be conducted easily by applying positive or
cent studies show how memristors have been applied to non- negative voltage pulses on the correction memristor according to the sign of
volatile memory [3] and computing devices [4]. The possibility the error.
of inducing gradual and non-volatile resistance changes with
low-voltage programming pulses makes memristors an excel-
lent candidate for calibration in analog circuits. This has been the calibration scheme based on the device model of a
previously explored in precision neural amplifier designs [5]. Pt/TiOx/AlxOy/Pt stack-based memristor used in [8]. We
The successive approximation register (SAR) ADC is validate the concept of the memristor-assisted calibration for
known for its good power efficiency at a moderate speed element mismatches in a 12-bit R-2R DAC, and the proposed
and resolution [6] [7]. Nevertheless, the element matching in architecture is applied to a 12-bit SAR ADC.
the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) becomes challenging for The paper is organised as follows: Section II introduces the
high resolution (≥ 10b) SAR ADC design. The area of the sign-based background calibration scheme for the ADC and
intrinsic DAC has to be scaled up four times for one more the model of the multi-state memristor. Section III presents
extra effective bit to meet the matching requirements [6]. This our proposed memristor-assisted DAC mismatch calibration
bottleneck is possibly overcome by integrating the memristor method. Section IV shows the simulation results and discusses
technology to an ADC. the tape-out plan, and Section V concludes the paper.
In this paper, we propose a memristor-assisted sign- II. S IGN - BASED BACKGROUND CALIBRATION FOR ADC
based background calibration scheme for ADC. We develop A. Sign-based Background Calibration
Figure 1(a) is an example of the sign-based background
1 Memristance is defined as the resistance value of the memristor calibration in [7], the SAR ADC is implemented with a sign-

978-1-6654-0105-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taiwan Univ of Science and Technology. Downloaded on April 01,2023 at 14:42:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Comparator calibration scheme
Programming Comparator Comparator
Pulses correction offset detection
Read the value
S/H SAR Logic 14-bit Digital Code 12-bit out
(14 cycles) Processor
1 more cal. cycle added
12-bit DAC
DAC Control Circuit
output 12-bit
Mode set Activation

Memristor-based Mismatch
DAC R-2R DAC Detection Circuit
calibration Calibration Sign-based
scheme Control signal feedback
Programming Pulse Generator
Pulses (Correction Circuit)
Calibrated output

Fig. 2: The architecture of the memristor-assisted 12-bit SAR ADC

Fig. 3: Simulation result of the Pt/TiOx/AlxOy/Pt memristor model. Rmax
is 74kΩ±1kΩ, and Rmin is 43kΩ±1kΩ. Memristance can be increased or
decreased to different states by applying positive or negative voltage pulses.
error detection circuit and a trimming circuit. The sign-error Every programming cycle consists of 500 pulses, and each pulse width is
detection is enabled by introducing redundancy to the conver-
sion scheme. With the assistance of redundancy cycles, the
sign error can be directly detected by the detection circuit and can be continuously adjusted in the background by trimming
output a sign-based feedback signal. The sign-based feedback the memristance of the memristor in the DAC.
signal is used to control the trimming circuit, which provides
the trimming value as an output to the ADC, and finally C. The Model of the Multi-state Memristor
calibrates the error to zero. Rather than detecting the error The memristor model used for simulations has been in-
of the full-bit output of the ADC in the digital domain [9], troduced and verified in [8]. The static characteristics of
detecting the sign error in an analog way can reduce the the model consists of a bi-directional hyperbolic sine, whilst
overhead in power, area, and latency [7]. the rate-of-change of memristance exhibits an exponential
Figure 1(b) shows the proposed calibration scheme, which dependence on the applied voltage. The parameters used for
applies a memristor array to intrinsic DAC. The memristance the simulations were extracted from physical device and can
of the memristor can be incrementally or decrementally pro- be found in [8].
grammed by applying positive or negative low-voltage pulses. The model was programmed in Verilog-A and simulated in
This can be used to trim the DAC element mismatch [10]. Cadence to ensure the design is realistic. Figure 3 shows the
The memristor itself can store the calibration code due to transient response of the model when applying voltage pulses
its non-volatility. Therefore, it does not need any additional with different amplitudes and polarities.
memory (e.g. the cal. register in [7]). The polarity of the III. D ESIGN AND I MPLEMENTATION OF THE DAC
programming pulses can be determined by the sign-based
feedback signal. Hence, the sign-based background calibration A. DAC mismatch detection
is a suitable design choice for a memristor-assisted ADC The DAC mismatch detection circuit is the most important
calibration system. building block of the DAC design. It detects the sign error and
controls the correction circuit. A truth table of the detection
B. Proposed Architecture of the ADC logic is shown in Table I.
Figure 2 shows the proposed architecture of the ADC, which
TABLE I: Truth Table of sign error detection and correction logic
is developed from the block diagram shown in Figure 1(b).
With the assistance of redundancy, the SAR logic is expanded B1 B2
Q(N) Q(N-1)
(Calibration Control Signal) (Sign-based Feedback Signal)
from 12-bit to 14-bit. Thus, there are four 14-bit codes which 1 0 0 X
represent the same 12-bit value. When the DAC calibration 0 1 0 X
1 1 1 1
is activated, one more cycle will be added to the original 14 0 0 1 0
converting cycles. In the additional cycle, the DAC output will
be compared with the DAC output in the previous cycle. These Figure 4 shows the detection circuit developed from the
two outputs have the same 12-bit value but are represented logic in Table I. Figure 5 shows the timing diagram of the
by different 14-bit codes. The mismatch detection circuit detection circuit. ‘Calibrated’ signal is a flag that represents the
generates the ‘sign-based feedback’ and ‘calibration control’ completion of calibration. Once the DAC output is calibrated
signals based on the comparison results. Then, the pulse to the desired reference value, which is described by one of the
generator will trim the memristor in the memristor-based R- other 14-bit codes, the ‘Calibrated’ will be set to ‘1’. ‘Switch’
2R DAC according to the sign of the error. The DAC output signal is used to activate the detection.

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Q(N-1) S1
OR Switch 1-bit input
Initialisation Memristor
D -Q D<11> ... D<0>
output Calibrated
Q Cal. Ctrl. Signal Programming
... Pulses
... Programming
CLK Q CLK Q Switch Memristor Cell Memristor Cell
Sign-based 55LQLW Pulses
Switch ...
DFF DFF Switch feedback + DC 5
- DAC output
signal  55LQLW
Port 1
D -Q D -Q GND Port 2

Initialisation DeLayed CLK
Control Signal
Fig. 6: Implementation of the memristor-assisted 12-bit DAC. The memristor
Switch AND
model has an initial memristance Rinit = 43kΩ±1kΩ.

Fig. 4: Implementation of the sign-error detection circuit Sign-based

feedback signal

S2 S3
Voltage Generated Cal. Ctrl. S1
DAC output Programming Signal
Clock +

S4 S5

Q (N-1) Fig. 7: Implementation of the correction circuit. The design is based on an

Calibrated Switch = ((Q(N)
XOR Q(N − 1))
|| Calibrated)
& Initialisation to generate either positive or negative programming pulses
td Calibration
Control Signal
based on ‘sign-based feedback signal’ and programmed the
Control = Delayed memristor. When the Q(N) and Q(N-1) became different,
Signal Clock& !Switch
the calibration process was stopped, the DAC output was
Sign-based Sign-based
Feedback feedback signal calibrated to 449.95 mV and the memristance was calibrated to
= Q(N)
Signal 38.69 kΩ, which means the implemented circuits can perform
Initialisation the proposed calibration logic correctly.
Figure 9 shows the simulation results of applying different
Fig. 5: The timing diagram of the detection circuit
digital codes and different mismatches to the DAC. In Fig-
ure 9(a), with the same input but different mismatches, the
B. Memristor-assisted R-2R Cell in the DAC initial DAC outputs were different, and the initial memris-
tances were the same in all conditions (43kΩ±1kΩ). After the
Memristor-assisted R-2R DAC is designed by cascading
calibration, all the DAC outputs in different conditions were
memristor cells. As shown in Figure 6, all switches in the
calibrated to their corresponding VREF value, and the mem-
memristor cell are controlled by ‘Calibration Control Signal’,
ristances in different conditions were calibrated to different
which is used to isolate the memristor from the system when
values. In Figure 9(b), three different inputs were applied to the
the memristor is being programmed.
calibration system as an example. By performing the calibra-
C. Correction Circuit tion, the outputs of the DAC with different inputs were all cal-
As shown in Figure 7, switches S2, S3, S4 and S5 are ibrated to their corresponding VREF value. These calibration
controlled by ‘Sign-based Feedback Signal’. Switch S1 is processes are repeatable. Results show that the implemented
controlled by ‘Calibration Control Signal’. The correction DAC based on the memristor-assisted background calibration
circuit can output positive or negative programming pulses scheme is capable of performing the correct calibration.
based on the outputs from the detection circuit. The proposed DAC was tested in a conventional 12-bit
SAR ADC used in [11]. The charge-redistribution DAC was
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS replaced by the proposed memristor-assisted R-2R DAC and
The bias voltage was set to 1V for all simulations. The ref- other circuits. The simulation results show that the memristor-
erence voltage corresponding to different inputs is calculated based background calibration scheme successfully calibrates
by: the DAC mismatches in the SAR ADC. A prototype chip
Digital Input is being developed in 180nm CMOS process. The final
VDACout = Vbias · , N = 12 (1)
2N fabricated chip will have integrated Pt/TiOx/AlxOy/Pt stack-
Figure 8 shows the detection and correction result of based memristors through wafer-level CMOS back-end of line
the implemented DAC. As shown in Figure 8(a), the initial (BEOL) post-processing. The ADC performance including
memristance was 43kΩ±1kΩ and the initial DAC output was DNL, INL and effective number of bits will be measured
437 mV. When Q(N) and Q(N-1) were both ‘0’ or ‘1’, the to validate the efficacy of the proposed calibration method.
‘calibration control’ signal activated the correction circuit Additionally, further in-depth characterisation of the dynamic

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Fig. 9: Simulation of the memristor-based 12-bit DAC with background
Amplitude of Programming Pulses(V)

2.5 Positive Pulses

calibration. The amplitude and pulse width of the programming pulses were
the same as the one in Fig. 8. (a) A 12-bit input code ’010011001100’ is
0.5 demonstrated as an example. The VREF was set to 300 mV. The period of

the system clock was set to twice of the pulse width. Only the MSB memristor
0 was presented for clarity. Three different mismatches were added by varying
1 Pulses
the resistance of the resistors in the R-2R cells. (b) Three different input codes
were applied to the DAC. VREF was calculated by equation (1).
Sign-based feedback signal
Programming Pulses -1

0 -1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
time(s) 10-4 A memristor-assisted sign-based background calibration
(c) scheme for ADC is presented based on a stacked
Pt/TiOx/AlxOy/Pt memristor. The architecture of the
Fig. 8: Simulation to validate DAC mismatch detection and pulse generator memristor-assisted calibration for element mismatches in a
circuits. The programming pulse width was set to 1µs. The amplitude of the 12-bit R-2R DAC is validated by circuit-level simulation.
programming pulses was set to 2 V. 3% mismatch was emulated. The VREF
was set to 500 mV. An input code of ’010011001100’ is demonstrated as an The calibration architecture has been implemented in a 12-bit
example. Only MSB memristor was presented for clarity. In (b) (c), when SAR ADC. The proposed technique proves the feasibility
Q(N) and Q(N-1) were the same, programming pulses were generated with of using memristors to calibrate high-resolution ADCs. We
a polarity defined by ‘sign-based feedback signal’. After Q(N) and Q(N-1)
became different at 0.35ms, the calibration process was stopped. DAC output anticipate memristor-based circuit can be used as a new
and memristance in (a) entered the reading region became stable. approach in the calibration circuit and will be characterised
and benchmarked with the SAR ADC state of the art in the
behavior of memristors will be available through inference
based on the ADC results. This will enhance the maturity of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
existing Verilog-A device models incorporating comprehensive
information on dynamic switching characteristics and device- This work was supported by FORTE, which is a UKRI En-
to-device/cycle-to-cycle variations, which will in return con- gineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Programme
tribute to more precise designs in the future. under Grant EP/R024642/1.

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