Assessment1-Prestado, Arvinbryan S.

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Prestado, Arvin Bryan S.


1.1a What are the opportunities international networks provide? Why it is important for organisations to
allocate time to build networks when intending to operate in the international arena and why must they have
policies and procedures that support networking?
International business networks can be formal and informal, consisting of individuals, groups or
organizations who choose to share information and gain mutual benefit. Networks are built, both in national
and international contexts, by meeting and interacting with new people. They provide opportunities to:

 Make yourself and your organisation known

 Acquire new business leads and business opportunities
 Identify business best practices and industry benchmarks
 Learn from what others do
 Raise the organisation’s profile
 Raise your own, personal profile
 Generate new business
 Identify your competitors
 Take advantage of business opportunities before your competitors do
 Get advice
 Get referral business
 Gather information about cutting edge technology
 Identify emerging business trends
 Share resources
 Help others—reciprocate
Networking is a means of establishing relationships with other people in similar or related fields in order
to increase the effectiveness of a person or organization. Networks are so useful and important that it takes
time and resources to identify the right contacts, build relationships and actively work to maintain them in
both national and international markets. . To build networks:

 Use every professional and social opportunity to meet and connect with new people
 Select from both formal and informal networks to investigate
 Exchange ideas and information networks to investigate
 Leave a positive impression with everyone you meet and show that you are not only competent but
alsi a pleasant person to deal with
 Take time to contact networking associates and to share information that might be useful to them
or to provide input
 Promptly return emails and phone calls to maintain your credibility with your contacts
 Thank your contacts for their advice, assistance or input
Time spent networking can be seen as an investment in the future of the organization. Organizational
policies and procedures that describe the requirements for participation in networking and the behavior
expected of managers and executives in the organization will support the network for the benefit of the
organization. Policies and procedures explain what is expected, why it is needed, and what support is

1.1b What existing international networks or contacts might be beneficial? How could they benefit an
The type of business network you will develop will depend on the organization, its products/services, the
type of business it operates and its national and international reach. To build your international networking
capacity, you can participate in informal networks which are casual contact networks of general business
groups that provide opportunities for a number of people from different overlapping professions to gather
and socialize informally. To build your international networking capacity, you can participate in informal
networks which are casual contact networks of general business groups that provide opportunities for a
number of people from different overlapping professions to gather and socialize informally. Strong contact
referral groups and community service groups such as Rotary International.

1.2 What opportunities can you identify that will allow an organisation to develop their international
networks when networking face to face and online?
To discover networking opportunities, you want to recognise and talk with many people. Informal and/or
private networks frequently get up thru character contact, participation in groups, institutions or
corporations with not unusualplace interests. Some formal networks require a club utility and payment.
There are some of on-line organizations that provide club in global networks. Formal networks can be
authorities sponsored or accessed thru corporations consisting of Austrade, state/territorial authorities’
agencies, chambers of commerce, or comparable bodies.
Participation in prepared networking functions (participation in dinners, meetings / shows, digital
occasions, webinars, etc., participation in committees, shows or publishing your personal blogs and
webinars) serves to make you and the corporation seen on your contacts. Australian authorities enterprise
workshops, participation in global alternate or enterprise institutions and important occasions including
country wide celebrations overseas and Australia, product launches and receptions. International networks
may be configured online. When you get right of entry to networks online, you create beneficial
relationships, now no longer simply connections. Take the time to proportion records, construct
relationships, and enlarge your private understanding of global markets. It is ideal to be seen, attend and
take part in global festivals, meetings and education activities. However, your company will advantage if it
may showcase those characteristics. Alternatively, the company may want to have an marketing and
marketing stand at global festivals and exhibitions. When developing international networks:

 Identify sources of information relating to social and culture awareness for specific cultural groups
within current awareness
 Reflect social and cultural awareness
 Put some effort into maintaining the relationships
 Be prepared to analyse and note sources of information relating to social and cultural awareness
for specific cultural groups within current and prospective network membership
 Use communication styles and social mores appropriate to specific cultural groups and individuals
within the network
 Regurlary review the quality of communication and relationships and effectiveness of
communication styles and interaction with networks members
 Review the time and effort put into maintaining contact and remember that some networks will be
more valuable than others.

1.3 Research LinkedIn and provide current statistics and facts on global usage and explain what the benefits
are for an organisation to build their online profile when networking internationally. (CREATE A
Facebook may be the largest social networking site in the world today, but LinkedIn has been supporting
its users for a longer time period. And more importantly for those looking to network and develop
business connections, LinkedIn users know the platform as the “professional social networking site.”
In a world where technology is rapidly changing, the longevity of the tech company, which was founded
in 2002, is a tribute to its utility and dominance within its niche in social media.
In fact, search interest for the term “LinkedIn” has increased more than 60 percent in the last 10 years. And,
when it comes to interesting LinkedIn statistics and LinkedIn facts, there is a surprising abundance.

LinkedIn now has almost 740 million members with over 55 million registered companies.

Of those LinkedIn users who are frequently engaging with the platform, 40% access it on a daily basis,
clocking up over 1 billion interactions every month. However, LinkedIn is used sparingly, so you only have
a few minutes to make an impact. Users only spend about 17 minutes on LinkedIn per month.
According to the Pew Research Center 2018 Social Media Use study, LinkedIn remains popular with
college students. Further research into these LinkedIn statistics revealed that 50% of college graduates in
the US are LinkedIn users, while the site engages with only 9% of people whose education doesn’t surpass
high school.
Additionally, 44% of LinkedIn users take home more than $75,000 per year, which is above the national
median in the US.
Although the US has the most LinkedIn users at 176 million, over 75% of LinkedIn users are from outside
of the US.
Along gender lines, LinkedIn is more popular with men, who comprise 57% of its users base. And,
interestingly, millennia’s make up over 60% of LinkedIn’s user base, with 11 million of the 87 million
millennia’s in decision-making positions.

LinkedIn is an especially good source for discovering leads. Hubspot found that LinkedIn is 277%
more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter.
Given this, it’s no surprise that 79% of marketers see LinkedIn as a very good source of leads, with 43% of
marketers saying they have sourced at least one customer from LinkedIn.
Because of LinkedIn’s ability to recognize boolean operators and filter results according to metrics such as
company, number of years of experience, function, and seniority level, the platform easily tops its
competitors for helping people make essential business connections.
However, despite the advanced search capabilities, you will still want to optimize your LinkedIn profile
(suggested reading: How to Create a Company Page on LinkedIn). The first step for doing this is adding a
professional photo, which on average will get a user 14 times more views than other types of profile
To boost your connection requests fivefold, make sure you list your current position. And, don’t forget to
list at least five relevant skills, as doing so increases the chance that your profile will be discovered and
someone will message you by more than 31 times what you would get if you didn’t.
After Microsoft stepped in, LinkedIn introduced several new features, such as Showcase pages. This
extension of business pages is designed to highlight your company’s business unit or initiative.
LinkedIn also introduced a calendar chatbot, which syncs the calendars of two LinkedIn users so they can
meet up. This is especially helpful for people wanting to connect with others in different time zones.
Although a chatbot feature has yet to be implemented on LinkedIn, AI technology has already made its way
to the platform in the form of smart replies, or suggested responses.
LinkedIn allows you to share different types of content. Articles, which can be posted on your profile or on
LinkedIn Pulse, links to your website, slideshows, and video are among the most popular types of content
LinkedIn users post.
In 2019, LinkedIn sessions increased 25 percent year-over-year, with 358 billion feed updates viewed. but
only 3 million users (out of the 740 million) share content on a weekly basis. This means that only about
1% of LinkedIn’s 260 million monthly users share posts, and those 3 million or so users net the 9 billion
LinkedIn drives 46% of social traffic to B2B sites and is considered the most credible source of content.
So, it is no surprise that 98% of content marketers use LinkedIn for content marketing, especially for B2B
marketing and lead generation.
A study by OkDork, which analyzed more than 3,000 LinkedIn posts, found that “how-to” and list posts
performed best, especially those with titles that had 40-49 characters. Additionally, it found that posts with
five headings had the most views. It also revealed that long-form content (1,900-2,000 words) performed
the best, as well as content with eight images.

1.4 Why is it important to identify and maximise, wherever possible, face-to-face contact with overseas
business associates and international business network members?
It is not possible to begin a brand new commercial enterprise and hold a commercial enterprise without
different human beings. Successful marketers take each possibility to make buddies and proportion what
they may be doing. He is networked, friendly, professional, and committed. While assembly human beings
in character may also appear dated, many businesses nevertheless move head-to-head, likely with a
handshake, and in character continues to be the great manner to community with global marketers and
commercial enterprise proprietors each time possible. Personal touch may be set up via way of means of
organizing United States or enterprise visits led via way of means of your valued community partners.
Personal touch also can be set up via way of means of organizing or collaborating in business enterprise
dinners, dinners or different social events, in addition to collaborating in education programs. Meeting in
character is likewise the great manner to keep away from misunderstandings. Online communique may be
without difficulty misinterpreted or misinterpreted. People can overreact for your message and also you
aren't there to accurate it. When assembly face-to-face, concentrate to them in character, actively
concentrate to what they are saying in reaction to their communique, look at how they react (frame
language, facial expressions, tone of voice), and keep away from or accurate misunderstandings. Face-to-
face connections permit them to construct human relationships, proportion information, and nurture the
pleasure of others. This facilitates construct friendships. You can see the opposite character's personality
and they are able to see who you are. Both events can examine the credibility, reliability and integrity of
the opposite. Personal touch at meetings, seminars, conferences, education courses, etc.

1.5 What communication channels can be of use when contacting and maintaining contact with international
business network members? Explain why they are important?
You can use these channels to inform your customers, offer recommendations, and sometimes even share
resources. The different communication channels are phone calls, videoconferencing, SMS, social media,
and email. Effective communication depends on the selection of the appropriate communication channel
and the factors to consider when choosing a communication. To maintain an effective and valuable network
relationship, you must have good communication, show general courtesy, and provide adequate
information. You can use these channels to inform your customers, offer recommendations, and sometimes
even share resources.

1.6a What are the advantages of providing appropriate input when networking and what sort of input can
you provide and why should you ask for feedback from networks?
To network effectively, you must be prepared to provide input and make it a beneficial and mutually
beneficial contribution. Don't be afraid to ask for feedback. You can ask if the information you provide to
someone is useful, if they can follow up and get positive results from the referrals you provide. You can
ask people for their opinion when you meet in person, send a polite email for feedback, or call. This should
not only help you determine if your contribution is appropriate, but will also give you the opportunity to
connect with your big affiliates. It also gives you the opportunity to ask if there is anything else you can do
to help. This helps recognition by network members. Give them feedback so they know you appreciate the
help. Thank them and briefly explain how their help has benefited you. This kind of general courtesy will
increase your network and make people more enthusiastic about providing contacts, references, and
information to meet your future needs.

1.6b How do organisational policies and procedures protect confidential or commercial information when
providing input and interacting with networking contacts?
If you operate facts supplied via way of means of one in all your community contacts, do now no longer
byskip off the facts as your own. If you want to byskip it on the 2 others, ask for permission. Make positive
you deliver credit score to the man or woman or corporation presenting the facts. When imparting enter and
while interacting with in networking contacts it's far essential which you ensure which you are complying
with organizational policies, approaches and processes. Sharing facts inside your community does now no
longer suggest which you are capable of proportion exclusive or business in self assurance facts. If you're
unsure approximately what need to be shared, cope with the difficulty with senior control corporation CEO
or equivalent.

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