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Personality and Individual Differences 81 (2015) 195–200

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The Situational Test of Emotional Management – Brief (STEM-B):

Development and validation using item response theory and latent class
analysis q
Veleka Allen a,⇑, Nazia Rahman b, Alexander Weissman b, Carolyn MacCann c, Charles Lewis d,
Richard D. Roberts e
Otsuka Pharmaceutical, USA
Law School Admission Council, USA
The University of Sydney, School of Psychology, Australia
Fordham University, USA
Professional Examination Service, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study uses a 3-Parameter Logistic item response theory (IRT) model to develop an 18-item short-
Received 27 April 2014 form of the Situational Test of Emotion Management (STEM). In a sample of 900 people, the short form
Received in revised form 24 January 2015 showed acceptable reliability (reliability index = .87; Cronbach’s alpha = .84) and a meaningful correla-
Accepted 30 January 2015
tion with another indicator of emotional intelligence (i.e., r = .30 with the Situational Test of Emotional
Available online 27 February 2015
Understanding). Latent class analysis of the short-form detected two classes. For all items, participants
in Class 2 had a higher probability of selecting the best option than Class 1. When response options were
coded to represent different emotion regulation strategies, Class 2 had a higher probability of endorsing
Emotional intelligence
Emotional regulation
‘‘situation modification’’ and Class 1 had a higher probability of endorsing ‘‘no regulation’’. These results
Situational judgment test provide validity evidence for the STEM-B as an assessment of emotion regulation.
Latent class analysis Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Item response theory

1. Introduction item response theory (IRT) analysis is used to select items for the
purpose of developing a brief instrument (i.e., the STEM-B). This
Emotional management is the fourth branch of the Mayer and study also examines whether the STEM-B assesses emotion regula-
Salovey (1997) conceptual model of emotional intelligence (EI), tion by comparing how frequently different latent classes endorse
and involves the regulation of negative emotions and the enhance- response options representing different strategies for emotion
ment of positive ones (MacCann & Roberts, 2008; Mayer, Roberts, & regulation.
Barsade, 2008). There are two primary theoretical models of EI. The
first is an ability-based model, where EI is the capacity to process, 1.1. Emotion management and emotion regulation
comprehend, and manipulate emotion-related information and is
usually assessed by items not unlike those found in traditional cog- The emotion management branch of the Mayer–Salovey model
nitive tests. The second is a mixed-model approach, where EI is of EI is conceptually linked to Gross’ (1998) process model of emo-
considered a combination of character traits, motivation, and abil- tion regulation (e.g., Joseph & Newman, 2010). The process model
ity constructs and is usually assessed by self- or observer-report outlines several different techniques or strategies that can be used
rating scales (e.g., Mayer et al., 2008). The current research con- to regulate emotions at different time points across the emotion
cerns the ability-based conceptualization of emotion management. experience. These include: (a) situation selection (approaching or
We report the development of a new short-form of emotional man- avoiding particular people, places, or objects); (b) situation modifi-
agement based on MacCann and Roberts (2008) Situational Test of cation (active efforts made to address the situation at hand; similar
Emotional Management (STEM). A 3-Parameter Logistic (3-PL) to problem-solving or task-focused coping); (c) attentional deploy-
ment (a shift in focus through distraction, concentration, or rumi-
q nation); (d) cognitive change (modifying one’s evaluation of the
This article is a Special issue article – ‘‘Young researcher award 2014’’.
⇑ Corresponding author at: Otsuka Pharmaceutical, 506 Carnegie Dr., Princeton, situation, including cognitive reframing and reappraisal); and (e)
NJ 08550, USA. response modulation (directly influencing the physiological impact
E-mail address: (V. Allen). of emotions through the use of, for example, drugs, exercise, and
0191-8869/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
196 V. Allen et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 81 (2015) 195–200

relaxation techniques) (Gross, 1998). Individual differences in 1.5. Validity evidence for the short version of the STEM
emotion management may correspond to differences in the type
of emotion regulation strategies used. The current study tests this To provide further validity evidence, we report correlations of
conceptual link by classifying options on the STEM-B as represent- the STEM-B with another EI test (Situational Test of Emotion
ing one of these five emotion regulation strategies (or no regula- Understanding, STEU). Emotion understanding and management
tion at all). We then examine whether two latent classes are conceptually related branches of EI in the four-branch model
(determined from STEM-B responses) show different scores on of EI, together forming the strategic area of EI (Mayer et al.,
the STEM-B, and also show different rates of endorsing the various 2008). A recent meta-analysis reported the correlation between
types of emotion regulation strategies. constructs to be .55 (Joseph & Newman, 2010). We thus expect sig-
nificant correlations between STEM and STEU scores. Furthermore,
1.2. Measuring EI: the Situational Test of Emotion Management we expect STEM and the STEM-B will show a similar magnitude of
(STEM) relationship with the STEU, demonstrating that the short form has
similar validity evidence to the long form.
Most of the research on ability-based EI uses the Mayer–Salo-
vey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT; Mayer, Salovey, 1.6. Aims and rationale of the present study
& Caruso, 2002) or its predecessor, the Multifactor Emotional Intel-
ligence Scale (MEIS; Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey, 1999). MacCann and The primary goal of this study was to develop a short form of
Roberts (2008) developed alternative assessments of the higher the STEM using IRT analysis. We consider evidence for both the
two branches of the four-branch model: (a) the Situational Test reliability and validity of STEM-B scores. Validity evidence is based
of Emotional Understanding (STEU); and (b) the Situational Test on: (a) correlations with the STEU; (b) the use of latent classes to
of Emotion Management (STEM). validate the scoring key (i.e., predict high versus low scorers);
The STEM consists of 44 multiple-choice items that are avail- and (c) the use of latent classes to predict endorsement of qualita-
able in the American Psychological Association PsycTESTS database tively different forms of emotion management (e.g., situation
and as Supplementary material to MacCann and Roberts (2008) selection versus situation modification).
(see Estimates of Cron-
bach’s alpha were .68 and .85 in a sample of 207 Australian under-
2. Method
graduates and 850 Belgian medical students respectively
(Libbrecht & Lievens, 2012; MacCann & Roberts, 2008). The STEM
2.1. Participants
also shows some evidence of convergent and discriminant validity.
STEM scores correlate at .30 with MSCEIT management scores and
Data was drawn from four samples where the 44-item STEM
are also associated with other branches of EI such as emotion
was administered as part of the study protocol: (a) MacCann and
understanding and emotion perception (Austin, 2010; Libbrecht
Roberts (2008) Study 1 (n = 112 Australian psychology under-
& Lievens, 2012; MacCann & Roberts, 2008).
graduates; 77 female; mean age = 21.30 years; SD = 6.31); (b)
Aldao, Nolen-Hoeksema, and Schweizer (2010) (n = 152 Australian
1.3. Analysis of the STEM using item response theory
psychology undergraduates; 89 female; mean age = 20.64 years,
SD = 4.25); (c) a sample of white-collar workers in the United
Typically, classical test theory approaches are used to assess the
States (n = 507; 247 female; mean age = 36.40 years, SD = 13.27);
psychometric properties of EI assessments. However, item respon-
and (d) a sample of USA undergraduates (n = 129; 80 female; mean
se theory (IRT) has some advantages over classical test methods,
age = 21.08 years; SD = 4.38). That is, the total sample size was 900
and emerging research has begun to use this measurement para-
(55.9% female; mean age = 26.32 years, SD = 11.48), and was a mix
digm in EI research (Allen et al., 2014; Anguiano-Carrasco,
of university students and white collar workers from the United
MacCann, Geiger, Seybert, & Roberts, 2014). Recently, we success-
States and Australia.
fully used IRT analysis to develop a short-form of emotional under-
standing (the STEU-B; Allen, Weissman, Hellwig, MacCann, &
Roberts, 2014), and the current study uses a similar approach to 2.2. Measure
developing the STEM-B.
Assumptions such as unidimensionality must be met when 2.2.1. Situational Test of Emotional Management (STEM; MacCann &
employing most IRT models. Before undertaking IRT analysis, we Roberts, 2008)
test the unidimensionality of the STEM by calculating the ratio of The complete set of items comprising the STEM may be found in
the first to second eigenvalue in a one-factor exploratory factor the APA PSYCTests database at
analysis (EFA) of STEM items (Morizot, Ainsworth, & Reise, 2007). a0012746.supp and in Supplementary material for MacCann and
Roberts (2008). In all analyses in the current paper, item numbers
1.4. Analysis of the STEM using latent class analysis correspond to these documents. The STEM ordinarily uses partial
scoring, with scoring weights determined by the proportion of
Latent class modeling is another useful tool used to examine the experts who select each option as the best answer. In the current
psychometric properties of assessments. Latent class models clas- study, dichotomous scoring is used in order to conduct 3-PL IRT
sify respondents into classes or categories based on their pattern analyses, with the best option scored as ‘‘1’’ and the other options
of responses and provide probabilities of class assignment for each as ‘‘0’’.
respondent (Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh, 2004). Latent class analysis
can provide validity evidence in that if item responses are fit to a 2.2.2. Data analysis
two-class solution, the classes may show different types of pre-de- The unidimensionality assumption of the data was tested by
fined responses. For example, one class may more frequently select comparing the ratio of the first to second eigenvalue in a one-factor
the best option. In the current study, we investigate whether dif- EFA conducted in SPSS 18.0. Bilog-MG (Zimowski, Muraki, Mislevy,
ferent latent classes show: (a) high versus low scores on the & Bock, 1999) was used to fit a 3-PL IRT model to the scored data of
STEM-B; and (b) different endorsement rates for different types the STEM long form (44 items) in order to estimate item para-
of emotion regulation strategies. meters. The item characteristic curves were then used to create a
V. Allen et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 81 (2015) 195–200 197

short form by retaining items that provided the most information. less information). Although the STEM-B captures less information,
The 3-PL IRT model was fit again on the subset of responses to the it is comparable to the STEM, especially at lower ability levels.
items that were retained on the short form. Latent class analysis of Cronbach’s alpha reliability for STEM-B was .84 (M = 0.59,
raw (unscored) item responses was conducted on both the long SD = 0.25). There were significant gender differences (males:
and newly created short forms using PROC LCA in SAS (freely esti- M = 0.56, SD = 0.24; females: M = 0.61, SD = 0.26; t = 2.897;
mated parameters; maximum number of iterations = 5000; maxi- p < .01), with a small effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.20). These values
mum absolute deviation convergence method; convergence are all based on the dichotomously scored items.
criterion = 0.000001). A two-class solution was fit to the data to
investigate if two classes would represent low-scoring and high-s-
3.5. Latent class analysis on the long and short forms of the STEM
coring individuals, and if there would be differences in emotion
regulation strategies selected by the groups.
Raw responses on the STEM-B (i.e., the observed response
options of A, B, C, or D) were fit to a two-class latent solution.
3. Results Results are presented in Table 2. For every item, people in Latent
Class 2 had a higher probability of endorsing the correct answer
3.1. Descriptive statistics than people in Latent Class 1. For example, on Item 5, Latent Class
2 had 0.60 probability of endorsing the correct response choice (C),
The STEM mean proportion correct was 0.53 (SD = 0.16), and while Latent Class 1 had a probability of 0.13. Thus, Latent Class 1
Cronbach’s alpha = .83. The mean score for females (M = 0.55, represents lower scoring respondents (n = 218) and Latent Class 2
SD = 0.16, n = 493) was higher than that for males (M = 0.51, represents higher scoring respondents (n = 682).
SD = 0.15, n = 389). This difference was significant (t = 3.31; To examine whether emotion regulation strategy choice dif-
p < 0.01), with a small effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.25). fered across classes, each option for every STEM-B item was classi-
fied as one of: (a) no regulation, (b) situation selection, (c) situation
3.2. Testing for unidimensionality modification, (d) attentional deployment, (e) cognitive change, or
(f) response modulation. This classification was conducted inde-
Unidimensionality was tested by comparing the ratio of first to pendently by two separate raters to assess reliability of coding.
second eigenvalues obtained from an EFA of STEM responses. Raters agreed 67% of the time, with a weighted Kappa of .664, indi-
Morizot et al. (2007) suggest that a ratio of above 3 between the cating an acceptable level of inter-rater consistency (Viera &
first and second eigenvalue indicates that an assessment measures Garrett, 2005). A third rater classified item responses to resolve
one dimension. The first five eigenvalues were 7.671, 1.625, 1.546, the disagreements, and the reported classifications are from this
1.470, and 1.304, respectively. The ratio between the first and sec- final reconciliation (see Table 3).
ond eigenvalues was 4.72, indicating that the STEM can be consid- Table 3 shows the strategy represented by each option. For each
ered as measuring one dimension, thus supporting the class, strategies with the highest probability of selection (most
unidimensionality assumption. popular choice) are shown in bold, and strategies with the lowest
probability of selection (least popular choice) are underlined. For
3.3. IRT analysis of the standard form of the STEM Class 2 (the high scorers), situation modification was the most pop-
ular choice for 14 of the 18 items, whereas no regulation, situation
The 3-PL IRT model (D = 1.7; ML estimation; Maximum EM selection, and attention deployment were not the most popular
cycles = 25; convergence criterion = .001) was fit to item responses choice for any item. In fact, situation selection was the least popu-
on the long form. Five items had negative biserial correlations and lar choice for 7 items. In contrast, for Class 1 (the low scorers)
were subsequently omitted. The model was then fit to item situation modification was the most popular choice in only 3 items
responses for the remaining 39 items and resulted in the inability (and the least popular choice for 7 items), no regulation as the
to calibrate item 24. The model was then fit to 38 items. The relia- most popular choice for 6 items, and attention deployment was
bility index (average standard error of latent trait scores) obtained the most popular choice for 3 items. In summary, high scorers fre-
from IRT analysis was .91 and Cronbach’s alpha was .86 (based on quently endorse situation modification and do not endorse the ‘‘no
dichotomously scored items). regulation’’ or ‘‘situation selection’’ strategies, whereas the reverse
pattern holds for low scorers. This finding provides some construct
validity evidence for the scoring key, as qualitative differences
3.4. IRT analysis leading to a short form of the STEM
between the two groups were identified.
Pearson correlations between a participant’s estimated prob-
A STEM short form was developed using the following steps.
ability of assignment to Latent Class 2 and their number-correct
First, items where at least 75% of the experts endorsed a single
scores (based on dichotomously scored responses) on the original
response were selected, leaving 22 items remaining. This was done
long form and STEM-B were conducted. The probability of assign-
to ensure that there was little ambiguity in which response choice
ment to Latent Class 2 correlated highly with number-correct
was the best answer. These 22 items were fit to a 3-PL IRT model.
scores on both the original long form and the STEM-B (r = .86 in
The aim was to produce a test information function for the short
both instances). Number-correct scores from the long and short
form similar to that of the long form. Item parameters, item infor-
STEM forms also correlated highly (r = .89; disattenuated
mation curves (amount of information an item contains along
r = 1.00), as did the probability of assignment to Latent Class 2
the latent trait scale), and the test information curve (amount of
for short and long forms (r = .98).
information the items collectively contain along the latent trait
scale) were reviewed. Items with low ‘‘maximum effectiveness’’
(maximum amount of item information <0.05) and providing infor- 3.6. Correlation analyses between STEM and STEU
mation for similar areas of the latent scale were omitted. The short
form (STEM-B) now included 18 items (reliability index = .87). The A subset of the sample (N = 559) completed both STEM and
item parameters are presented in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the test STEU instruments. The STEU was significantly correlated with the
information functions (TIF) for the short and long forms. The short expert proportion scored STEM (r = .29; p < .01; disattenuated
form TIF is lower as expected (it contains fewer items, capturing r = .35) and STEM-B (r = .24; p < .01; disattenuated r = .29) as well
198 V. Allen et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 81 (2015) 195–200

Table 1
Item parameters for STEM-B.

Item Item parameter estimates (standard errors) Point of maximum item information on h scale
a b c
5 0.77 (0.08) 0.24 (0.09) 0.07 (0.03) 0.167
7 0.68 (0.07) 0.00 (0.10) 0.08 (0.03) 0.049
9 0.92 (0.08) 0.04 (0.08) 0.07 (0.03) 0.024
11 1.50 (0.13) 0.56 (0.06) 0.08 (0.03) 0.398
13 0.54 (0.07) 1.21 (0.30) 0.24 (0.09) 0.287
17 1.22 (0.14) 0.38 (0.10) 0.21 (0.05) 0.174
19 1.11 (0.09) 0.35 (0.07) 0.07 (0.03) 0.190
25 0.81 (0.07) 0.00 (0.08) 0.06 (0.02) 0.039
29 0.63 (0.09) 0.86 (0.12) 0.10 (0.03) 0.405
31 1.12 (0.21) 1.11 (0.10) 0.29 (0.03) 0.914
32 1.29 (0.14) 0.14 (0.08) 0.20 (0.04) 0.016
33 0.58 (0.06) 0.62 (0.11) 0.06 (0.03) 0.251
34 1.83 (0.15) 0.50 (0.05) 0.05 (0.02) 0.397
36 2.75 (0.28) 0.61 (0.04) 0.09 (0.02) 0.534
38 0.51 (0.08) 0.75 (0.18) 0.14 (0.05) 0.309
41 0.66 (0.11) 0.99 (0.14) 0.15 (0.04) 0.514
42 0.68 (0.11) 0.21 (0.25) 0.34 (0.07) 0.045
44 1.26 (0.12) 0.67 (0.09) 0.14 (0.04) 0.415

Notes: STEM-B = Situational Test of Emotional Management-Brief; a = discrimination parameter; b = difficulty parameter; c = guessing parameter. The item numbers given in
this table correspond directly to those given in Appendix B of MacCann and Roberts (2008); see

as the dichotomously scored STEM (r = .28; p < .01; disattenuated

Test Informaon Funcons for Revised Long and r = .35) and STEM-B (r = .24; p < .01; disattenuated r = .30).
Short STEM forms
20 4. Discussion
The two broad goals of the research were met. First, an 18-item
14 Long Form
(STEM) version of the STEM was developed that had acceptable psycho-
Test Informaon

metric properties, and a much shorter testing time (i.e., under

10 10 min, compared to 20 min for the full STEM). Second, STEM-B
8 Form scores predicted both STEU scores and latent class membership,
6 (STEM-B) supporting the scoring key, and also predicted different choices
4 of emotion regulation strategies. Taken together, these results sup-
2 port the reliability and construct validity of the STEM-B as an indi-
0 cator of emotion regulation.
-2 In terms of reliability, results suggest that the STEM-B is compa-
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
rable to (and possibly better than) the STEM. Despite a reduction in
length of more than 50%, reliability of the STEM-B is almost as high
Fig. 1. STEM and STEM-B test information functions. as the STEM: Cronbach’s alpha increased from .83 to .84, and the
reliability index decreased slightly, from .91 to .87. This indicates
that the STEM-B is a more efficient assessment of emotional
Table 2
STEM-B latent class assignment: probability of endorsing each item response by
latent class assignment. The STEM-B was significantly correlated with the STEU,
although the association was smaller than expected. However, a
Item Latent Class 1 Latent Class 2
lower correlation than reported in Joseph and Newman’s (2010)
A B C D A B C D meta-analysis might be expected, as their estimate was based on
5 0.42 0.39 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.24 0.60 0.15 multiple tests of emotion understanding and management (rather
7 0.15 0.20 0.61 0.04 0.67 0.31 0.02 0.00 than a single test of each, as in the current study). The strength of
9 0.13 0.67 0.14 0.06 0.01 0.29 0.69 0.02
association declines very little from long to short form, suggesting
11 0.10 0.18 0.64 0.08 0.08 0.89 0.02 0.01
13 0.10 0.10 0.54 0.26 0.01 0.07 0.87 0.05 that the STEM-B has similar evidence of validity to the STEM. Fur-
17 0.13 0.31 0.51 0.06 0.01 0.83 0.15 0.00 thermore, the latent class analysis results provided some internal
19 0.57 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.02 0.80 0.00 0.18 evidence of validity of the STEM-B. The two latent classes repre-
25 0.08 0.19 0.12 0.62 0.09 0.23 0.67 0.01 sented respondents scoring high versus low on the STEM-B. More-
29 0.13 0.16 0.51 0.19 0.47 0.03 0.28 0.21
31 0.30 0.18 0.44 0.07 0.48 0.07 0.30 0.15
over, the two latent classes showed very different rates of
32 0.23 0.13 0.31 0.33 0.78 0.02 0.13 0.07 endorsement of different emotion regulation strategies. In essence,
33 0.23 0.52 0.18 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.23 0.52 situation modification was the emotion regulation strategy of
34 0.54 0.13 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.02 0.00 0.90 choice for high scorers (with situation selection the least likely
36 0.26 0.21 0.41 0.13 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96
strategy to be chosen), whereas low scorers were most likely to
38 0.13 0.59 0.22 0.06 0.38 0.09 0.52 0.01
41 0.06 0.57 0.17 0.20 0.02 0.00 0.52 0.46 endorse responses involving no attempts at emotion regulation.
42 0.05 0.47 0.41 0.08 0.01 0.79 0.18 0.03 The representation of STEM-B options as different types of
44 0.10 0.55 0.27 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.90 0.07 emotion regulation is important for two reasons. First, explaining
Notes: STEM-B = Situational Test of Emotional Management-Brief; A, B, C, D refer to
differences in emotion management in terms of regulation
the item response choices; Probabilities of endorsing A, B, C, D by latent class sum to strategies outlines the processes that may underlie emotion
approximately 1 due to rounding error; Bolded probabilities are the key. management. Much of the research on EI has focused on
V. Allen et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 81 (2015) 195–200 199

Table 3
Emotion regulation classification of response choices for STEM-B.

Item Latent Class 1 Latent Class 2

5 No reg Modify Modify Deploy No reg Modify Modify Deploy
7 Modify Modify No reg Select Modify Modify No reg Select
9 Select Deploy Modify Select Select Deploy Modify Select
11 Modify Modify No reg Modify Modify Modify No reg. Modify
13 No reg Modify Modify Change No reg Modify Modify Change
17 Change Modify Change Modify Change Modify Change Modify
19 No reg Modify No reg Modify No reg Modify No reg Modify
25 Change Modify Change No reg Change Modify Change No reg
29 Modify Select Change Modify Modify Select Change Modify
31 Modify Deploy Select Change Modify Deploy Select Change
32 Modify Select No reg Deploy Modify Select No reg Deploy
33 Select Deploy Modulate Change Select Deploy Modulate Change
34 Select No reg Select Modify Select No reg Select Modify
36 Select Deploy Change Modify Select Deploy Change Modify
38 Modify Change Modify Deploy Modify Change Modify Deploy
41 Select Modify Change Modify Select Modify Change Modify
42 Modify Modify Modify No reg Modify Modify Modify No reg
44 Select No reg Change Deploy Select No reg Change Deploy

# Highest probability # Lowest probability # Highest probability # Lowest probability

No reg 6 0 0 4
Select 2 4 0 7
Modify 3 8 14 4
Deploy 3 3 0 2
Change 4 3 4 1

Notes: No reg = no regulation strategy; select = situation selection; deploy = attentional deployment; change = cognitive change; modify = situation modification;
modulate = response modulation; options with the highest probability of endorsement are in bold; options with the lowest probability of endorsement are underlined.

descriptive or structural models rather than explanatory models 4.1. Limitations and future directions
(i.e., a focus on describing what EI consists of and what it may pre-
dict, rather focusing on the processes and qualities that distinguish One possible limitation with the current study is that STEM had
high and low levels of EI). The current results suggest that indi- to be scored dichotomously to allow 3-PL IRT parameters to be
vidual differences in emotion management are underpinned by estimated. The final items selected were the ones where there
qualitatively different processes for emotion regulation. These was the greatest degree of expert agreement. On one hand, this
results are supported by a recent meta-analysis linking psy- may indicate that the STEM-B items have the most evidence of a
chopathology to differences in emotion regulation strategies. Psy- valid and reliable scoring key. On the other hand, this is an indica-
chopathology was related to greater use of situation selection tion that easier items were selected (STEM-B score range, mean
(e.g., avoidance) and attentional deployment (e.g., rumination) score, and standard deviation were higher than STEM (R = 0–1.0;
but less use of situation modification and cognitive change (Aldao M (SD) = 0.59 (.25) versus R = .14–.84; M (SD) = 0.53 (.16)), such
et al., 2010). It is now possible to understand why some people that ceiling effects may prove an issue in populations where rea-
are good at managing their emotions – they tend to use better sonably high levels of emotion management can be assumed. Addi-
strategies. If the processes that underpin high versus low emotion tionally, STEM-B items were selected based on test information
management can be understood, it will be much easier to design curves. This resulted in a decline in measurement precision for
theoretically driven programs to train emotion management (i.e., respondents with ability levels further away from the mean.
interventions that disrupt or change the processes underlying poor Another limitation is that the psychometric properties of the
emotion management). In the last few years there have been sever- STEM-B were not investigated on another independent sample.
al research articles suggesting that it is possible to develop or influ- Therefore, future research could test the psychometric properties
ence EI (e.g., Nelis et al., 2011; Nelis, Quoidbach, Mikolajczak, & of the STEM-B from a different sample, and provide evidence that
Hansenne, 2009; Schutte & Malouff, 2012). The current research its scores are associated with other measures of emotion manage-
suggests that interventions targeted toward teaching effective ment (e.g., the MSCEIT Management scores) and predict emotion-
regulation strategies (or discouraging the less effective strategies) related outcomes. Moreover, the link between STEM-B scores and
would be a fruitful way for intervention research to proceed. the use of particular emotion regulation strategies could be
Second, the coding of STEM-B options as representing different assessed using many different methods (e.g., experience sampling
emotion regulation strategies provides a useful resource for as a way of detecting the regulation strategies that people use in
analyzing the types of errors that people make. For example, one their real lives).
test taker may consistently select options representing the ‘‘do
nothing’’ approach of no regulation whereas another test-taker 4.2. Conclusion
may consistently endorse situation selection (and hence may pos-
sibly point toward a tendency to avoid aversive situations). The This study succeeded in its four aims: (1) the STEM demonstrat-
prospect of this type of qualitative feedback allows the STEM-B ed unidimensionality; (2) IRT was successfully used to develop a
to be used in training or coaching context to identify particular short form (the STEM-B) with acceptable psychometric properties;
tendencies underlying ineffective emotion management. (3) the latent class analysis and coding of the STEM-B response
200 V. Allen et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 81 (2015) 195–200

options were successfully used in tandem to measure the construct MacCann, C., & Roberts, R. D. (2008). New paradigms for assessing emotional
intelligence: Theory and data. Emotion, 8, 540–551.
of emotion regulation; and (4) correlation analysis results of the
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