VBA SQL Query Cell Value

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Using VBA, how to use cells in Excel as part of an SQL query string like: SELECT
strTable.strField, where strTable = Range("A1").Value strField = Range("A2").Valu;
FROM strTable, where strTable = Range("A1").Value; 4/4
order by strData, where strData = Range("A3").Value, where strData is a Date
type field in the DD/MM/YYYY pattern

Here is an example of how you can use VBA to construct an SQL query string
using cells in Excel as part of the query:

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Sub CreateSQLQuery()

Dim strTable As String

Dim strField As String
Dim strData As String

strTable = Range("A1").Value
strField = Range("A2").Value
strData = Format(Range("A3").Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT " & strTable & "." & strField & " FROM " & strTable
& " ORDER BY " & strData

Debug.Print strSQL

End Sub

In this example, the values in cells A1, A2, and A3 are used to construct the
query string. The value in cell A1 is used as the table name, the value in cell A2
is used as the field name, and the value in cell A3 is used as the date field for
the order by clause. The strData variable is also formatted to the DD/MM/YYYY
pattern using the Format function. The final query string is then printed to the
debug window for you to verify.

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