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The aim for this study is to determine the perception of youth in Municipality of

Carmen in Sexual abuse is one of the most devastating types of child

maltreatment, and estimate indicate that it has increased significantly during

the past decade. As with all forms of child maltreatment, no universal

definition of sexual abuse exists. There are various risk factors which lead to

sexual abuse in children. In addition, the respondents were given questions to

determine their perception on conduct of online learning or distance education

in terms of overall learning process, mental health, perception of learning

community, perception of student report and benefits/challenges/barriers of

online. Results revealed that the perceptions of the youth of Municipality of

Carmen on conduct of data learning or distance education the level of their

perception is sometimes manifested, which means the level of effectiveness

on distance learning to criminology students of University of Mindanao is

sometimes manifested.

Keywords: perception, online learning, distance education



This research is dedicated to our loving and supportive family,

especially our parents who have provided unwavering support and inspiration

throughout life’s challenges. They help us out financially and morally to make

this thesis possible. They also instilled in us the value of discipline and hard


We are thankful to the people in our lives who support us and inspire us

to conduct research like this.

Lastly, we want to express our gratitude to our Almighty God for giving

us the strength and power to complete this research.







A Tables Per Indicator 23

B Turn-it-In/Plagiarism Result and Grammarly Report 25

C Title Proposal 27

D Title Approval signed by RC and Dean 29

E Title Approval Form / Title Evaluation Forms 31

F Undergraduate Research Agreement 33

G Assignment of Research Personnel 34

H Letter of Acceptance of Research Adviser 35

I Endorsement for Outline Defense 36

J Endorsement for Final Defense 37

K Consultation Form/Routing Slip 38

L Letters of Permission to Conduct Study 39


M Certificate of Appearance 40

N Validation Results (from Panel) 41

O Sample Questionnaire/Original Copy of Data 42

P Certificate of Statistician 43



As the researchers observation in conduction our topic it talks about

sexual abuse involves an adult engaging a child in sexually explicit conduct,

including direct sexual contact, simulation of sexual contact, or visual

representation of sexual contact. Davis’ Atlas et al. (2021) the act of sexual

abuse may include rape, molestation, prostitution, child pornography, incest,

or other forms of exploitation of a child for the sexual gratification of an adult.

Though there are varying legal definition for child abuse across cultures and

jurisdiction, sexual abuse of a child can lead to trauma and stigma for child

and his or her family.

Long-term health of sexual abuse usually depends on the support of

the family of community and protection from further harm. A growing body of

research exists on the associations between child sexual abuse victimization

and diverse physical, psychological, economic, and social outcomes. In their

research article, (De Jong et al. 2018) argue that a major limitation of this

literature is that few studies examine systematically the mediating role that

may be played by characteristic of the abuse.

Sexual abuse has a negative impact in the mental and physical health

of the victim. Sexual abuse is intended to inform power over others, and this

can have a serious negative impact on the person mental health. Victims of

sexual abuse are more likely experience anxiety, depression, and post-

traumatic stress after being assaulted. Many victims would require a long

period of time to overcome the traumatic experience and thus making it


harder for their daily lives. Many victims that are abuse “in childhood can lead

to mental health issues that can persist into adulthood and last a lifetime”.

(Theguardian 2019). However, tragic and spectacular, offer little insight into

the pervasive long-term social, behavior, and cognitive repercussions of child

abuse and neglect.

In an article by (Khaleifeh et al. 2019) elaborated on the mental health

issues that sexual violence has on the victims while leads to further issues

such as “including injuries, chronic physical illness, poor sexual health,

adverse perinatal outcome, substance misuse, mental illness and suicidal

behavior”. (Khaleifeh et al., 2019). The mechanism that explains sexual

assault has helped to inform people on the potential damage that can cause

distress and damage self-concept, sexual offending against children is often

framed as a “unique, inexplicable phenomenon”.

Child sexual abuse (Wortley and Small-bone 2018). After all, virtually

unapparelled in its ability to generate outrage, disgust and confusion (see,

e.g., Greer 2016; Martellozzo 2020; Wort-ley and Smallbone 2018). Attributing

such Illegal and dis-turbing behavior to an inherent criminal ‘disposition’ or

medical abnormality (e.g., paedophilia) can have the comforting effect of

othering offenders. Child maltreatment is a major social issue in the United

State. In 1990, social service agencies received over 2 million reports of child

abuse and neglect. From 1997 to 1998, approximately 2,000 children (ages 0-

17) died each year because of abuse and neglect (McClain et al., 2019), with

an addition160,000 cases resulting in serious injuries.


American society has not yet recognized that complex origins or the

profound consequence of child victimization. The General Accounting Office

(2019) has estimated that these services it cost more than $500 million.

Research also reveals that child maltreatment instances are strongly linked to

social issues such as juvenile delinquency. Substance addiction, and

violence, all of which necessitate addition service and have a negative impact

on the quality of life for many American families. Explaining and preventing

child sexual abuse, the research field must evolve beyond its tradition focus

on individual psychopathology. One particularly fruitful area in recent years

has been the rapid growth in studies from a situational perspective (e.g.,

Brayley et al. 2011; Cockbain et al. 2011, 2015; Deslauriers-Varin and

Beauregard 2010; Leclerc et al. 2008, 2009a, b, 2011; Terry and Ackerman

2008; Wort-ley and Smallbone 2006b, c, 2012).

Rather than address that “why” of child sexual abuse, such situational

enquiries typically focus on the ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘how’, ‘when’, and ‘who’. A

better understanding of the immediate dynamics of situation in which offences

occur can open new avenues of intervention, informing targeted manipulation

designed to deter offending, improve detection, support victims and so forth.

After all, understanding factors promoting child abuse is only half the

challenge: the other half the translating this knowledge into on-the-ground

effort to tackle.

Therefore, child sexual abuse recognized as a serious violation of

human well-being and of the law, no community has yet developed

mechanism that ensure that none of their youth will be sexually abuse. It is

international problem of great magnitude that can affect children of all ages,

sexes, or races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic classes. Upon invitation, this

currently publication aims to providing to providing brief overview pf a few

lessons have learned from victimization as to heighten awareness of mental

health professionals on this utmost important and widespread social problem.

This overview will focus of the prevalence of, the associated mental health

outcomes, and the preventing strategies to prevent from happening in the first

place. (Raymond G. Miltenberger et al. 2018)

The importance of studying this DV is for tracking and studying the

superiority of this crime. According to Radford (2918) it will permit researchers

to examine the hassle among demographics and assist them layout extra

powerful prevention and intervention measures. Because sexual violence

takes many forms, it’s miles essential to have a uniform definition to make

comparisons among international location and cultures. This literature review

provides the reader with an overview of major academic works concerning

child sexual abuse in the general population. This is a comprehensive review

of the available literature, though it is not a meta-analysis (a synthesis of

research result using various statistical methods to retrieve, select, and

combine results from previous studies). During the past thirty years, the field

of sex offender research has expanded and become increasingly inter-


It would be nearly impossible to review every piece of information

relating to the topic of child sexual abuse. Instead, this is a compilation of

information pertaining to theories, typologies and treatments that have

attained general acceptance within the scientific community. In reviewing the

literature concerning sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, the amount of

empirical research was limited, and many of the studies suffered from

methodological flaws. 5

Additionally, much of the literature consisted of either anecdotal

information or impassioned arguments employed by various researchers

when characterizing the responses of the church to this incendiary issue. In

providing the reader with a comprehensive review, it was necessary to

summarize every point of view no matter how controversial. Any of the ideas

expressed in this review should not be considered indicative of the point of

view of either the researchers at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, or the

Catholic Church. One aims of this literature review is to put into perspective

the problem of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church as compared to its

occurrence in other institutions and organizations. However, there is little or in

empirical data pertaining to the true prevalence of sexual abuse within most

other organizations.

For this reason, the sexual abuse in children in the Catholic Church is

difficult to contextualize because there is no basis for comparison in any

group, including the general population. Some journalists have conduct

research on sexual abuse in particular organization, such as the Boy Scout.

Though this work is an important step in studying the problem, it is not

comprehensive in nature and more empirical work should be conducted on

institutions that cater to children. Though not empirical in nature, this literature

review does contain an overview of published newspaper articles on child

sexual abuse in specific organization. (Karen J. Terry, Ph.D., and Jennifer,

Tallon, 2019).

Sexual abuse in childhood has damaging effects on female survivors.

The term sexual abuse is described as “the victimization of a child by sexual

activities, including molestation, indecent exposure, fonding, rape, and incest”

(Legislative Analyst’s Office, 2017, para. 2). 6

To this research the focus is on female children. Many theories and

models have been proposed and research including, but not limited to

attachment theory and familial dynamics, the postmodern feminist theory in a

patriarchal society, and Pennebaker’s Trauma Response Theory. Attachment

theory does not always seem to be associated with sexual abuse of children

from a theoretical standpoint, but it is quite important to make the connections

between attachment, familiar dynamic and abuse. Loosely put, the attachment

theory was developed by John Bowlby. Attachment is the need for children to

bond with a caretaker, to formulate proper views of themselves and to

navigated life effectively and securely.

Attachment theory serves two primary functions: to protect vulnerable

individuals from potential threats of harm and to regulate negative emotions

following treatment or harmful events (Beckes & Simpson, 2017). There is a

clear flaw in the attachment theory for these individual victims of childhood

sexual abuse. The attachment is away to explain some of the unusual coping

strategies and reasons why there is a lack of reporting. Since “nearly three in

four (74 percent) reported that the assault was committed by someone they

knew will” (US Department of Justice, 2019, p. 5). There is a disconnected in

attachment. If a perpetrator is someone they know well, then an inability to

differentiate between their unhealthy attachment to the perpetrator and a


trauma response. The inability to properly attach to a caregiver within the first

6 months can create a perfect victim. 7

To determine the rate of sexual violence against minor who are out of

school youth for the year 2018-2021. To determine the trend of most common

sexual violation committed from 2018-2021. To determine the crime solution

efficiency in addressing sexual violence at Municipality of Carmen. Based on

finding enhancement plan small be formulated. There is a research gap in the

level of knowledge we have about sexual violence in this context. The existing

domestic violence research gives us the opportunity to learn from the

research and to develop a research agenda that asks important questions

about inclusive and effective screening tool; types of referrals survivors need;

The development and testing of health care outcome measures;

development and implementation of program models that work within the

health care system, are cost effective and are adaptable to different types of

sites; and how screening for sexual violence affects health care usage, the

quality of survivors’ lives and health care savings. We need to focus on

identifying and assisting survivors and sexual violence and help them to let go

of the shame of silence and isolation related to their experiences of sexual

violence. One way to do this is to on longer weigh them with the burden of

finding a person to tell or a place to get help. We need to offer comprehensive

care and services were women already go and make sexual violence

screening a clear and integrated of women’s health care.

Primary aims to provide treatment and support to those at-risk of

sexually offending before any involvement with the legal system. Increased

demand for primary service and early results from current initiatives

demonstrate that at-risk individuals are willing to seek treatment without

external pressure from the legal system, and often report numerous

treatment-related benefits. These findings support the need for widespread

implementation of primary initiatives. The safety of children requires that

society stops merely reacting to sexual offences, and instead begins

implementing proactive evidence-based strategies that can prevent even

initial incidents of child sexual abuse. This article explores some of the many

benefits and barriers associated with primary, as well as strategies for

overcoming these barriers. Recommendations for the development and

implementation of prevention initiatives are also included.

Although sexual abuse is recognized as a serious violation of human

well-being and of the law, no community has yet developed mechanism that

ensure that none of their youth will be sexually abused. Sexual abuse is,

sadly, an international problem of great magnitude that can affect children of

all ages, sexes, races, ethnicities and socioeconomic classes. Upon invitation,

this current publication aims to providing a brief overview of a few lessons we

have learned from sexual abuse scholarly research as to heighten awareness

of mental health professionals in this utmost important and widespread social


This overview will focus on the prevalence of sexual abuse, the

associated mental health outcomes, and the preventive strategies to prevent

sexual abuse from happening in the first place.


Figure 1. The Conceptual of Sexual Abuse


Lead to Stress
Sexual abuse Trauma and

Child abuse is an important determinant of future violence perpetration

and victimization. Past research examining linkages between child abuse and

adult intimate partner violence (IPV) has predominantly focused on married

individuals and not considered adolescent dating violence. In the present

study, data from three waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent

Health are used to examine the impact of child abuse and adolescent dating

violence on the likelihood of IPV victimization and perpetration in young

adulthood. Child abuse and adolescent dating violence are common in this

study population and are highly predictive of IPV. In regression models


stratified by gender, child abuse and adolescent dating violence are significant

predictors of IPV victimization and perpetration for both men and women, but

the magnitude of these associations differs by gender. Although gender

differences exist, it appears that experiencing violence during childhood and/

or adolescence is highly predictive of IPV in young adulthood.



This chapter describes the study’s research design, research locale,

respondents, and research instrument, sampling, data collection and

statistical tools employed. This study would examine quantitative research of

this for therapeutic program development. This would include sexual abuse of

children and adults, both male and female. Sexual abuse would be used as

the genetic term, and includes sexual assault, rape, and child sexual abuse.

The major areas of research on this subject vary from those focusing on

individual deviance to those that attributed the behavior to cultural and

societal influence, and various combination of the individual and society. The

study would concentrate on the quantitative approaches used in the current

research to study this influence, and the strengths and weaknesses of this

type of research in this field.

This secondary data turned into used description studies layout the

usage of probability sampling technique, this sort of studies describes a

situation or a given scenario in phrases of unique elements of factors. What


perhaps defined are traits of character or group, I, e., offenders, victims,

bodily environment, rural, urban, squatter, performance effectiveness, etc.

The descriptive sort of examine unearths solution to the questions who, what,

when, how. Quantitative techniques emphasize goal measurements and the

statistical, mathematical, or numerical evaluation of records accrued thru

polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or through manipulation pre-present

statistical records the usage of computational techniques. 11

Sexual abuse refers to all kinds of sexual behavior against children

who are younger than 15 years or who are 15 years or older but without the

ability to perceive the legal meaning and consequences of the sexual act, and

sexual behavior against a child on the basis of another cause affecting threat,

fraud, or will. Punishment must be increased where the act of sexual abuse is

through penetration of the body and the victim is under 12 years of age.

Penalty aggravated factors are mentioned as follows that sexual abuse

by more than one person, abuse occurring in places where people live in

public spaces, abuse by persons such as guardians, educators, or public

officials, or a person who has a kinship with the child. Qualitative studies

make a specialty of amassing numerical records and generalizing it

throughout organizations of humans or to explain a specific phenomenon

(Babbie 2018). In addition, Sein, Henfridsson, Purao, Rossi, and Lindgren,

(2019) has covered that the vital cause for usage of quantitative studies

allows the expert to recognize the amount of people in a goal populated had

comparable attributes or requirements of conduct.


The researchers were asking permission from the office of the Dean of

University of Mindanao Mrs. Carmelita B. Chaves, PHD through by the

Assistant dean Nestor C. Nabe, Ph.D. Assistant Dean – College of Criminal

Justice Education. A separate letter of approval was sent to Municipality of

Carmen addressed to the head Government of Carmen. To permit the

researchers to behavior a survey. Retrieval of the data which become observe

right away via way of means of the tallying of the facts via Microsoft Excel,

analyzing and deciphering of facts with the used of the statistical device with

the assist of the statistician.

The study was conducted in the residence inside Carmen, Davao del

Norte namely Alejal, Magsaysay, Tubod and Tuganay. Alejal is situated at

approximately 7.3850, 125.6582, in the island of Mindanao. Elevation at these

coordinates is estimated at 10.2 meters or 33.5 feet above mean sea level.

You sent Magsaysay is situated at approximately 7,3972, 125.6356, in the

island of Mindanao. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 15.6

meters or 51.2 feet above mean sea level. You sent Tuganay is situated at

approximately 7,3709, 125.7219, in the island of Mindanao. Elevation at these

coordinates is estimated at 5.8 meters or 19.0 feet above mean sea level. You

sent Tubod is situated at approximately 7,3653. 125,6295, in the island of

Mindanao. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 22.3 meters or 73.2

feet above mean sea level.

This study was made use of survey questionnaire adopt from

(Questionnaire on child sexual abuse.doc. (n.d.) to gather the needed data for

the study. The least often measured phenomenon became child abuse itself

forty-one percentage of the devices had been supposed to discover danger


elements or reasons of maltreatment, and 38 percentage measured

hypothesized consequences of abuse. The findings propose that studies on

child abuse have made minimum use of multi-indicator measures with

regarded reliability and validity. While second part of the survey questionnaire

is composed of the sexual abuse experience and sexual intercourse. Effects

maltreatment in terms of treatment and equal distribution the privileges. This

is constructed based on further readings of different literatures from the

internet. The first draft was submitted to the adviser for corrections. Panel of

experience and are also consulted to ensure its reliability and validity.



This chapter presents the results and discussion of the study. This

shows the numerical data which corresponds to the statement of the problem.

Thus, this, too explains and interpret the generated result based on the


Table 1

Rate of Sexual Violence against Out of School Youth Minors

Crime 20 201 202 202 Total Mean SD

18 9 0 1

Total Incidents Involving 20 19 12 20 71 17.75 3.86

OSY Minor Victims of (6 (73 (55 (74 (68%) (68%) (9.02)
Sexual Violence 9 %) %) %)

Other Crimes 9 7 10 7 33 8.25 (1.50)

(3 (27 (45 (26 (32%) (32%) (9.02)
1 %) %) %)

Total Reported Crime 29 26 22 20 104 26.00 2.94

Incidents Involving (1 (10 (10 (100 (100% (100% (0.00)
Minors 00 0%) 0%) %) ) )

) 15

Table 1 presents the crime from 2018 to 2021 which classify the total

rate if sexual abuse the first row presents the incident involving OSY minor

victims of sexual violence such as 71 with a 68%, mean is 17.75 with 68%

and the SD is 3.86 with a 9.02. Other crimes which have a total of 33 with

32%, the mean is 8.25 with a 32% and the SD is 1.50 with a 9.02. total

reported crime incidents involving minors which has a total of 104 with a

100%, the mean which has a total of 26.00 with 100%, and the total SD is

2.94 with a 0.00.

Moreover, in 2018 there are a total of 29 most rate of crime in

Municipality of Carmen which has a percentage of 100%. In 2019, there are a

total of 26 most rate of crime in Municipality of Carmen with a percentage of

100%. In 2020, there are a total of 22 most rate of crime in Municipality of

Carmen with a percentage of 100%. In 2021, there are a total of 20 most rate

of crime in Municipality of Carmen a percentage of 100%. This concludes that

sexual abuse crime rate in Municipality of Carmen is the highest rate in the

year of 2018. the SD is 3.86 with a 9.02. Other crimes which have a total of 33

with 32%, the mean is 8.25 with a 32% and the SD is 1.50 with a 9.02. total

reported crime.

Table 2

Distribution of Sexual Violence Incidents against Out of School Youth Minors


SEXUAL VIOLENCE 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL

Acts of Lasciviousness 3 2 0 4 9
(15%) (11%) (0%) (20%) (13%)

Rape- RPC 10 3 2 0 15
Art. 266-A (50%) (16%) (17%) (0%) (21%)

Anti-Rape 2 10 5 10 27
Law of 1997 (10%) (53%) (42%) (50%) (38%)

Attempted 0 0 0 1 2
Law of 1997 (0%) (0%) (0%) (5%) (1%)16

Serious 1 1 0 0 2
Injuries (5%) (5%) (0%) (0%) (3%)

Anti-Child 3 1 3 3 10
Abuse RA7610 (15%) (5%) (25%) (15%) (14%)

Less Serious 0 1 1 0 2
Physical Injury (5%) (5%) (8%) (0%) (3%)

Slight Physical 1 1 0 1 3
Injury (5%) (5%) (0%) (5%) (4%)

Simple Seduction 0 0 1 0 1
(0%) (0%) (8%) (0%) (1%)

Unjust Vexation 0 0 0 1 1
(0%) (0%) (0%) (5%) (1%)
Total Incidents 20 19 12 20 71
Involving Minor (100%) (1000%) (1000%) (100%)

Table 2

Distribution of Sexual Violence Incidents against Out of School Youth Minors

Table 2 presents that there is a total of 71 from 2018 to 2021. This

includes criminal offenses such as, act of lasciviousness which has a total of 9

with 13%, rape-rpc Art. 266-A which has a total of 15 with a 21%, anti-rape

law of 1997 which has a total of 27 with 38%, serious physical injuries with a

total of 1 with 1%, anti-child abuse with a total of 2 with a 3%, less serious

physical injury with a total of 10 with 14%, and slight physical injuries with a

total of 2 with a 3%, simple seduction 3 with 4%, unjust vexation total of 1 with

1%. 17

Additionally, in 2018 there are a total of 20 which has a percentage of

100%. In 2019, there are a total of 19 with a percentage of 100%%. In 2020,

there are a total of 12 most committed crimes with a percentage of 100%. In

2021, there is a total of 20 most committed crimes with a percentage of 100%.

This concludes that the highest crime incident involving minors' victims is anti-

rape law of 1997.




These researches, as most do, varied in how, when, and who

implemented them. Most school prevention programs have the goals of

teaching students how to say no to a person who inappropriately touches

them, to leave the situation, and the importance of telling a trusted adult

(Roberts & Miltenberger, 1999). Elementary schools tend to be the place

where most prevention is delivered. Programs offered at middle and high

schools vary from the programs offered at the elementary schools (Greytak,


Students at the secondary level are viewed as potential victims,

witnesses to victimizations, perpetrators, and support systems to victims

(Whatley & Trudell, 1987, as cited in Greytak, 2003). Students at the

elementary school are viewed simply as potential victims. Behavioral skills

training is the most common and seemingly the most effective method of

delivery for prevention education at both levels (Wurtele, Marrs, & Miller-

Derren, 1987, as cited in Davis & Gidycz, 2000). Child sexual abuse is a

complex, serious issue. Child sexual abuse is a negative experience that no


child should have to encounter. However, the reality is that child sexual abuse

happens more than people want to imagine. Educators, especially school

counselors, should be knowledgeable about child sexual abuse victims,

perpetrators, and school programming that deals with sexual abuse.

Educators should strive to prevent abuse and help those who have been

abused to disclose their abuse. 19

Lastly, there goal is for the abused child to get the help he or she

needs. Parents should be involved as much as they can in the educational

process. They should receive adequate education themselves so they can

use their knowledge to effectively teach their children prevention measures.

Educators cannot make the world perfect for students. However, they can do

everything in their power to help students through difficult times and strive to

prevent negative experiences through education and support




This chapters presents the conclusion based on the analysis and

interpretation of the problem. In addition, the recommendation is also laid.

Moreover, this highlights the important points which are generated from the

results and discussion of the study.

A first according to the file, efforts to prevent, and reply to those crimes

require higher collaborative tactics that construct upon the competencies of

human and entities from a variety of sector. In addition, such efforts want to

confront call fore and the people who devote and advantage from those

crimes. The file recommends expanded recognition and information,

strengthening of the law’s response, strengthening of studies to improve

information and to aid the improvement of prevention and intervention

strategies, aid for multi-quarter and interagency collaboration, and introduction

of a vital information sharing platform.

A second despite a long time of attention, action, and advocacy this

evaluation of data, research, and enjoy suggests that sexual abuse stays

extern and pervasive hassle throughout without a doubt all enterprise sectors

and workplace. We determine that no zone stays untouched via way of means

of sexual abuse, nor unaffected via way of means if its impacts. Sexual abuse

damage the lives, health, monetary independence, and possibilities of

limitless victims, and charges companies now no longer handiest in criminal

fees, however in misplaced productivity, morale, effectiveness, and talent. 21

This research is recommended for police officers, students and

community, these findings of the study will help police officers know the status

of the crime rate in Municipality of Carmen and give ideas on how to lessen

the crime that occurs in the Municipality. To the youth these may help for their

future research. To community, the study’s findings will help the community

understand the factors involved (e.g.,place, time) for the crime initiated.

Lastly, to the future researchers, this study may help future researchers

analyze the crime rate in their perspective cities and give them insights into

the field of the study.




Table 1

Rate of Sexual Violence against Out of School Youth Minors

Crime 20 201 202 202 Total Mean SD

18 9 0 1

Total Incidents Involving 20 19 12 20 71 17.75 3.86

OSY Minor Victims of (6 (73 (55 (74 (68%) (68%) (9.02)
Sexual Violence 9 %) %) %)

Other Crimes 9 7 10 7 33 8.25 (1.50)

(3 (27 (45 (26 (32%) (32%) (9.02)
1 %) %) %)

Total Reported Crime 29 26 22 20 104 26.00 2.94

Incidents Involving (1 (10 (10 (100 (100% (100% (0.00)
Minors 00 0%) 0%) %) ) )

Table 2

Distribution of Sexual Violence Incidents against Out of School Youth Minors


SEXUAL VIOLENCE 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL

Acts of Lasciviousness 3 2 0 4 9
(15%) (11%) (0%) (20%) (13%)

Rape- RPC 10 3 2 0 15
Art. 266-A (50%) (16%) (17%) (0%) (21%)

Anti-Rape 2 10 5 10 27
Law of 1997 (10%) (53%) (42%) (50%) (38%)

Attempted 0 0 0 1 2
Law of 1997 (0%) (0%) (0%) (5%) (1%)17

Serious 1 1 0 0 2
Injuries (5%) (5%) (0%) (0%) (3%)

Anti-Child 3 1 3 3 10
Abuse RA7610 (15%) (5%) (25%) (15%) (14%)

Less Serious 0 1 1 0 2
Physical Injury (5%) (5%) (8%) (0%) (3%)

Slight Physical 1 1 0 1 3
Injury (5%) (5%) (0%) (5%) (4%)

Simple Seduction 0 0 1 0 1
(0%) (0%) (8%) (0%) (1%)

Unjust Vexation 0 0 0 1 1
(0%) (0%) (0%) (5%) (1%)
Total Incidents 20 19 12 20 71
Involving Minor (100%) (1000%) (1000%) (100%)










2 37

2 38









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• O’Dell, L. (2003). The ‘harm’ story in childhood sexual abuse: contested

understandings, disputed knowledges. In: Reavey, P. and Warner, S.
(Eds). New Feminist Stories of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Scripts and
Dangerous Dialogues. London: Routledge. pp.131–147.

 Denov, M. (2004). The long-term effects of child sexual abuse by female

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Retrieved from .

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