English Mahakal Vichaarkranti Ang Avayavon Se

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The Clarion Call of the Time-Spirit (Mahakal) Please read and inspire others

to read it daily. The seeds of illumined transmuting intelligence will sprout

and grow to usher in the golden era of truth and righteousness on earth – An
open invitation to all awakened souls to join the ranks of Peaceful Warriors of Spirit
for spiritual transformation of humanity.

To intrinsically and qualitatively change humanity is indeed a Herculean task and

paid workers or servants cannot do it. This work is for the awakened souls ready to
dedicate them to selfless service for upliftment of humanity into the illumined realm
of unitive consciousness of spirit. I need those noble souls who are both honest
and hard working. At present, those who are honest are not hard working and
those who are hard working are not honest; and those who are both hard working
as well as honest, are unaware of the Time-Spirit’s call (Mahakal’s call) for
divination of human consciousness. I have very little time in this embodiment and I
need worthy collaborators and colleagues to carry forward my Divine Mission of
transmutation to its culmination. I heartily welcome all who can offer themselves
unconditionally for this noble cause. It is my assurance to you that this will be the
most rewarding undertaking. I have been doing it myself ever since I was in my
early teens and hence this assurance.

I need you to expand the reach of this Divine Mission. I need those who can
contribute to the building up of a new nation, a new world of divinised human
beings. All of you! Please take me to new regions, new territories and to new
classes of people. The Mission that I have initiated is unique of its kind. The heart
of this Mission is to take the consciousness transforming literature that I have
written and which has been made available at negligible cost to every noble and
educated person in the world. My humble request to all of you is to spread the
sparks of the illumination behind my inspired words as far and wide as you can.

When you introduce me to others, please do not introduce me as a great yogi and
saint endowed with occult powers, who can grant boons to whosoever beseeches
the same from him. Instead, introduce me as a person who has a burning fire in his
heart and firy sparks in his eyes for the real welfare of humanity.

My request to all of you who have responded to my ardent call is to read and
understand my thoughts and vision and spread them across the entire globe.
Please detach yourself from the dreamland filled with selfish motives and join the
wakefulness of Spirit, which embraces the whole creation in its love-filled bosom.

Please take my inspired words to everyone close to you who is ready to be

awakened, especially the thinkers and intellectuals of society. There is no copyright
on my writings and these can be printed / published by any one.

Anyone who will read and assimilate my message of spiritual awakening is my 1

Hark to the Clarion Call of Mahakal (The Timeless Spirit) and
be Blessed and Glorified
Please read and inspire others to read it daily.

An unambiguous wake-up call has gone forth from the deeps of the Eternal Timeless
Spirit for humanity to cooperate in the ushering in of a New Era of Harmony, Hope
and Peace. Unlucky and damned indeed will be those who refuse to listen, heed and
cooperate. Each one has to make a choice; unmindful of the bouquets or brickbats of
the ignorant masses. It is a thorny path requiring tremendous courage, commitment
and faith. Inner conscience attuned to the Indwelling Soul is the only guide. In the
light of this inner wisdom we have to keep advancing on our way. It has to start as a
solitary pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Light, Truth, Love and Eternal Life.

Any worthwhile change requires clear vision and strong will power. Apparently the
scene is dismal. Courage and high idealism have disappeared and the youth is way-
lost and overwhelmed with cowardice. We will not let ourselves discouraged by the
appearances. We will keep moving ahead even if we have to do it alone. We, who
have heeded the call, are already moving towards our goal and we will keep on
advancing till the demonic forces dominating the present-day human consciousness
are vanquished and replaced by angelic virtues. As we have resolved to transform the
demonic era by the Golden Age, we will have to first transform ourselves individually
and collectively into fit instruments of the Divine – body, mind and soul. There is no
other way.

We are repeating the call of the Mahakal (Timeless Spirit) again and again. If this call
is ignored, what more can we say than just to warn that in the near future Mahakal
will compel the elites of humanity to come out of the prisons of their pursuits for
power and pelf. Nobody would be able to waste precious resources for self-
aggrandizement and self-indulgence. Nobody’s strength and intelligence would be
allowed to be misused for self-gratification and ego-inflation.

The call is for glad and voluntary cooperation in this hour of God. If that is not given,
the day is not far off when the Mahakal will extract it forcibly. Voluntary cooperation
will bestow glory and bliss; forcible acquiescence will entail pain. The choice is ours.

In the New Era nobody will be allowed to grab and accumulate material riches. All
vital resources of the Earth will be equitably distributed amongst all for leading a
simple and healthy life of mutual caring and sharing.

When the followers of The Buddha started giving up there riches, young men and
women left the worldly pleasures and became bhikshuk / bhikshuni for the betterment
of this world. When Gandhiji started his movement for independence, millions of
people voluntarily came forward to face the bullets and bear the atrocities of the
foreign rulers. At that time, many people might have called them fools, but history is
testimony to the fact that their decision of joining Gandhiji’s campaign for
independence opened the doors of glory for them.

These days, Mahakal is calling the elites in all walks of life for assuming leadership
for ushering the advent of a heavenly era for humanity. This is a golden opportunity
for them. Whosoever breaks the shackles of worldly pleasures, greed and ego and
joins the ranks of the warriors of Mahakal will be bestowed with divine boons. Those
who refuse to heed the call will incur Divine wrath and deep and great will be their
pain, suffering and lamentation.

It is a crucial choice; let it be made wisely.

[Adopted from the book in Hindi titled “Yug ki Pukar Jise Suna hi Jaye” by Pandit
Sriram Sharma Acharya ]

To, My Soul-Descendents – My Disciples

(For you, to Read and Contemplate Every Day)

(The directions given by Revered Gurudev from time-to-time, which mark his
beatifying guidance to those dedicated to become a part of his epochal mission of
reconstruction of an era. These also stand as milestones for the seekers of righteous
path to altruistic service of the society).

My three fingers are expressing my heartfelt feelings on papers with the help of a pen
here. But what is being written certainly can’t be achieved only through these physical
means. The responsibility of its materialization lies upon you all –– the awakened
souls, the disciples who are devoted to the noble mission of global enlightenment.

This mission is founded by divine will, this plan is proposed by God’s inspirations. It is
not only my fingers, rather, every bit of my existence is noting down this plan; not only
expressing it in words, but also pondering over the details of its implementation in
reality. As I envisage it, an uncountable number of awakened souls will bear this
responsibility – sharing their time, efforts, resources, mental engrossment and/or
dedication visibly or invisibly. This paper, pen, the fingers may perish but the work
initiated will not stop; every single drop of my blood, every breath of my life, every
impulse of my mind is devoted to this noble cause. It is the flow of eternal divine force
that is subliminally acting behind the process of dawn of a bright era.

The basis and scope of the plan, the mission, is immeasurable; it is as vast as its
name reflects –– "Transformation of the Era". Great number of elevated souls will
collectively accomplish this epochal task from the gross or the sublime domains;
although, the credit may go only to those active on the visible fronts. You may also be
one of those, if you respond to this call of time…...

Recall what our mission has achieved so far and what is ongoing. What is going to
happen and required to be done is immensely more. Most of it will be done by you all,
who, to me, are like parts of my own body, reflections of my own existence….... In
fact, it is your collective power, which represents the name of this man, who is writing
these lines.

How will the seemingly impossible goals be achieved? How will the untoward trends
of the modern times be reverted? Where will the resources come from? Don’t worry
about that. HE, who has entrusted the responsibility, will take care of all this. The only
thing you should watch is – whether you are putting in best of your efforts? None of
you should lag behind in dedication to the noble mission.

Hanuman’s ability was insignificant in terms of resources, worldly talents, education,

etc. He was only an assistant to the dethroned king Sugreev. But the moment he
devoted himself through heart and soul to Shri Ram’s mission, he could attain
success in the astonishing tasks like, crossing over the ocean, uprooting a mountain,
destroying the mighty Kingdom "Lanka" of Ravana with ease. He also received the
rare honor of having Lord Ram and Lakshmana sit on his shoulders. I expect from
each one of you, the parijans (family members) of our grand (Gayatri Pariwar) mission
to be like Hanuman in devotion, discipline and duty.

"What exactly is to be done and when?" –– will be guided to you time-to-time from
here (Shantikunj, Hardwar, the mission’s fraternity). The tasks may keep changing
and so could be the patterns of your success. You just have to be unflinchingly sincere
in trying your level best to transact the assigned duties and keep remembering that
your sentiment of devotion, with which you had joined us and come here for good
should not wane or weaken; it should continue to enhance and expand with each day

Understand the gigantic dimensions of the tasks ahead to meet our objectives. Rest
assured that if you have put-in the most of your attempts without any dilemma or
diversion, then, even if you don’t hit the target, your efforts would definitely lead near
what could be termed as unique, remarkable, trend-setting and historic. It is true that
immense support and potentials are required for success in the plans of such vast
grandeur. But, leave this burden upon the divine force that has laid the foundation of
this mission. You only worry about how to make better and greater use of your time,
abilities and labor. Disregard, of whether the work assigned suits your interests, your
main aims should be to see how much more and constructive could be your
participation in its completion? How much greater burden could you bear? How could
you march faster towards the goal despite the unfavorable circumstances?

Be vigilant about your nature, qualities and conduct; there should be progressive
refinement of your personality and character as well. Watch your thoughts and deeds
carefully and rectify the defects and weaknesses, if any, observed by you or by any of
your colleagues. Check out whether there is any indiscipline in your routine, your work
habits at the behest of fatigue or some other excuse? If so, throw it away the very
moment. Don’t let selfish desires, lethargy, or passions for comfort get a chance to
avert you from the path of ideals; don’t think of relaxing or discontinuing the work at

Frustration and arrogance are the most dangerous and intimate enemies of those
working for altruist tasks of social welfare and mass elevation. You should be alert to
keep a safe distance from both. Failure or success –– neither is yours. Failure should
only give you a chance to pursue more thorough introspection and endeavor to
improve. Remember! This is like a fire-test of your abilities, your intrinsic faith; you
have to conquer every obstacle courageously and brilliantly. You should also help
extend the faith and potentials of your associates.

Grand success should only help you assess how big a leap your virtuous efforts and
sincerity could take. It may boost your faith in the chosen path but should not trigger
your ego. If you are able to achieve something, humbly share the credits with your
colleagues. Have self-confidence but don’t regard yourself above or bigger than
others. This is the ideal mentality of a volunteer for social service and upliftment.

Our mission’s role will expand multifold in the years to come. Your preparation for this
should be what could be regarded as excellent, exemplary. Your endeavors should be
such that make your inner self enlighten with grace at the time of self-analysis. Your
devotion should make the divine guiding force so close to your soul, as that had
enabled Hanuman be a part of the Ram Panchayat.

Glorious accomplishment of our mission in the years to come is an absolute certainty,

which will manifest in the dawn of the bight era on the earth. The present phase is that
of earnest efforts by those, upon whom the Almighty has bestowed a chance to work
on the visible fronts for this purpose. You are among those. This is a crucial time of
fire-testing of your participation. Take care that on no front – physical, mental, or
behavioral – there is no risk of your deflection, decline or fall. In these critical
moments, no one among you should lose faith or perturb from the chosen path, none
should be lost or separated from the mission, and hence repent forever…. It is after
millions of ages that the deserving souls get an opportunity to join such a mission
emanated from the call of divinity. So don’t just miss it….

Great people achieve great goals. One does not become great by the height or heap
of any physical or worldly possession. Rather, the virtues of his personality, his
modesty, generosity, sincerity, integrity, purity of thoughts and sentiments, diligence
and motivation to noble purpose make him great. Our goals in sight are steadily
ascending; your height (greatness) should not fall short in any respect. It is with this
expectation, hope and confidence in you that we are proceeding towards the higher,
sublime, realms….

–– Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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