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Full Marks 80

Time 3 Hours

Answer the questions from

both the groups as per instruction.

The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.



1 Fill in the blanks [1x12

a) (a+b)(a-b) =

b) A is an irrational number that can be

expressed with roots.

c) 8% of 625 is

Dis tan ce
d) is called

e) The angles of an equilateral triangle is

t ) I f the radius of a circle is r then the area of the

circle is

g) Length Meter Time

h) 1, 3, 7, 21

i) ?

) 1 , 9, 25, 81

k) Mirror image of 25 is

1) A cube has -

2 Answer any EIGHT of the following: [2x8


b) 20% of a number is 19, then the number is

- 3

d) The degree of the polynomial 2x5+2xy+4y+5 is

e)Which word is the odd man out.

i) Just i) Fair ii) Equitable iv) Biased

Cup :Lip: Bird

g) Melt Liquid:: Freeze


Which is different from other.

i)0.1, 0.4, 0.9, 1.6,

) 1 kg 50 gm . grams.

3. Answer any EIGHT: [3x8

A boatman can raw 3 km against the stream in

20 minutes and return in 18 minutes. Then the

rate of current is Kmph.

- 4

b) A

The total number of triangles in the above figure


c) The average of 7 consecutive number is 20. The

largest of these number is

d) The side of a square is increased by 25%, then

the percentage change in its area is

e)If radius of a circle is decreased by 50% then

the percentage decreases in its area is
) The day on 15th August 1947 is

g) The last day of a century can not be day.

h) The mirror image of MALAYALAM is

i) Draw a Venn diagram showing student, boys and


The mirror image of MANGO is

- 5 -


Answer any FOUR. [7x4

. a) In the series 357, 363, 369, . . what will be the

10th term ?

b) In the series 7, 14, 28, what will be the

10th term.

5 a) A number 'a' is chosen at random from the

numbers 4, 6, 1, 92, 32, 56, 98, 11 and 55. What

is the probability that a<50 ?

b) Find the probability of getting an odd number,
when a dice is thrown.

6 Two concentric circles form a ring. The inner and

outer circumference of the ring are 132 cm and
176cm respectively. Then find the width of the ring.

7. A mixture of 150 litres of wine and water contain 20%

water. How much more water should be added so
that water becomes 25% in the new mixture.

- 6

8. A and B can do a piece of work in 45 days and

days respectively. They began to do the work together

but A leaves after some days and B completed the

work in another 23 days. The number of days after

which A left the work was

9 Find the selling price of an article after two

successive discount 10% and 20% if the marked
price is Rs. 2500.

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