Ballb 5 Sem Law of Crimes p5 7466 Summer 2019

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Fifth Semester B.A. LL.B. Five Years Course (C.B.S.) Examination
Compulsory Paper—5

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :— (1) All Sections are compulsory.
(2) Section A carries 10 marks. Section B carries 30 marks. Section C carries 40 marks.
(3) Follow the instructions given in each Section.
(Multiple Choice Question)
Note :— This Section consists of one question having sub-questions carrying 1 mark each.
1. Attempt any ten of the following :
(i) Rupan Bajaj V. K.P.S. Gill is a famous case decided by the Supreme Court of India on the
offence of :
(a) Grevious Hurt (b) Wrongful restraint
(c) Wrongful Confinement (d) Outraging the modesty of a woman
(ii) Section 498 A defines :
(a) Cruelty (b) Defamation
(c) Dowry Death (d) Cohabitation
(iii) The maximum punishment for the offence of defamation under Indian Penal Code is prescribed
as _____.
(a) One year (b) Six months
(c) Two years (d) Five years
(iv) Crime is _____.
(a) Essentially an immoral act
(b) Essentially a socially reprehensible act
(c) An illegal act
(d) None of the above
(v) Section 376 D of IPC deals with :
(a) Custodial rape (b) Marital rape
(c) Rape causing death (d) Gang rape
(vi) Under the IPC, the offence of "Sedition" can be committed _____.
(a) By spoken words
(b) By written words
(c) By visible representations and by signs
(d) All the above
(vii) Section 73 of IPC provides for the maximum limit of solitary confinement to be _____.
(a) One year (b) Two years
(c) Three months (d) Six months
(viii) Under Section 98 of IPC right to private defence is available against _____.
(a) Unsound person (b) Intoxicated person
(c) Immature youth (d) All the above
(ix) In which of the following cases Hon'ble Supreme Court of India legalised passive euthanasia ?
(a) Nar Foundation v/s Delhi Administration
(b) P. Rathinam v/s Union of India
(c) Gian Kaur v/s State of Punjab
(d) Common Care (A Regd. Society) v/s Union of India

CLS—14273 1 (Contd.)

(x) In which of the following mens rea has been considered to be an essential element of an
offence ?
(a) Srinivasmal Barolia v/s Emperor
(b) R v/s Tolsen
(c) Nathulal v/s State of Madhya Pradesh
(d) All the above
(xi) A makes an attempt to pick pocket of B by thrusting his hand into B's pocket. A fails in attempt
in consequence of B's having nothing in his pocket. A is guilty of _____.
(a) No offence (b) Theft
(c) Attempt of Theft (d) Using Criminal Force
(xii) The offence of "Cheating" involves an intent which is _____.
(a) Fraudulent or negligent (b) Negligent or dishonest
(c) Fraudulent or dishonest (d) None of the above
(xiii) Under the IPC, the word person includes –
(a) Company (b) Incorporated Association
(c) Body of persons (d) All the above
(xiv) For abduction, abducted person should be _____.
(a) Below 16 years of age (b) Below 18 years of age
(c) Insane person (d) Of any age
(xv) Personating a public servant shall be punished with (Cognizable non-bailable) _____.
(a) Imprisonment for a term which may be extended upto 2 yrs or with fine or both
(b) Imprisonment for a term which may be extended upto 3 years or with fine or both
(c) Either (a) or (b) at the discretion of the court
(d) None of these 1×10=10
SECTION–B (Short Answer Questions)
2. Answer the following (any three) :
(a) What do you understand by public and private nuisance ?
(b) What is unlawful assembly ?
(c) Explain the offence of 'giving false evidence'.
(d) Discuss the provisions on suicide. 5×3=15
3. Distinguish between (any three) :
(a) Hurt and grevious hurt
(b) Kidnapping and Abduction
(c) Wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement
(d) Robbery and Dacoity. 5×3=15
SECTION–C (Long Answer Questions)
Answer any five questions of the following :
4. Explain the salient features of the Indian Penal Code.
5. Define Culpable Homicide. When does it amount to Murder ?
6. Elaborate on the offences against public peace and tranquility.
7. 'Sexual acts "against the order of nature" in Section 377 of IPC has got the stability by Apex Court
Judgement'. Elaborate this aspect with your views.
8. Discuss the Rarest of Rare Doctrine in the light of Supreme Courts decisions.
9. Explain in detail the offences relating to documents.
10. What do you understand by General Exception ? Illustrate the classification with examples.
11. State the offences against women. Elaborate on any two of them. 8×5=40

CLS—14273 2 NRT/KS/19/7466

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