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The maps illustrate the changes of Strokeford district in 1930 and 2010. Overall,there is a major
change in the town map, agricultural units and green space have been replaced with the
housing community while some part remain the same. More details will be described in the
paragraphs below.

In 1930, Stokeford was a tiny village that was home to 10 households. Farmlands and garden
had taken the most lands of the small town.

Later in 2010, the farming spaces, shop and some part of the garden is now disappeared and
has been replaced with over 40 houses. The large house in the middle of the town has builded 2
more buildings and now is operating as an eldery care. The primary school is now almost
doubled in size as well as the main road that has expanded several streets to reach every
house. Some parts of the town still remain the same as in 1930 which are the post office and
the bridge.

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