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The causes of global climatic change are essentially human. Discuss this statement.

First and foremost, what is climate change? Global climate change is a long-term
sequence of changes in weather and temperature which affects simultaneously all
the planet Earth. Climate change existed all the time, but after the “Industrial
Revolution”, the scale of it started to increase rapidly. In this essay, I will try to
discuss, whether the statement “The causes of global climatic change are essentially
human”, without a doubt, is correct.
As I mentioned before, climate change existed all the time, therefore, we could have
stated that it can be fully natural. Nevertheless, there are still some nuances that
could have arise the contradiction to this.
Industrialization period was a breakthrough in civilization of modern people. Along
with it, unfortunately many factories started to take place, where fossil fuels, such as
cole, oil or natural gas, were burned, in order to produce energy and electricity.
Unfortunately, this process, as unforgivable disaster, still happens in many places in
the world until this day. Its great amount of emissions through the persistent pollution
damages our atmosphere, causing eco-system destruction along with global climate
change. Another evidence can be burning (or cutting) down forests and, moreover,
tropical rainforests (such as Amazon forest, forests in Sumatra Basin or Indonesian
(Sumatrian) forests) in the more distant, wildlife zones. It not only damages fauna
and puts existence of its inhabitants at risk, but also has a colossal impact on climate
change. And it’s people fault, because, in order to gain money and make a business,
such as making tropical food, coffee or chocolate plantations, they have to cut down
(or again, burn down) forests to get some space for development. Burning down
forests also is way dangerous, as it also produces high amount of CO2, and which,
causes two times harder pollution of atmosphere. Yet we have left to mention the
important impact of using transportation, such as cars, trains, planes etc. Lately,
electric cars became more popular, but still, great amount of population, especially in
less developed countries, use transport that works purely thanks to burned fossil
fuels. This very same burning causes greenhouse gases (CO2 emissions especially),
and they, cause the change of temperature in atmosphere, which then is a reason of
global warming. Last but not least evidence, which is purely human-like, is a race
after wanting more, in other words – consumerism. People want many things, eg.
clothes, food, electronics or plastics, and when they get them, they want even more.
But if they won’t take a chance and use it in a right time, these things become
disposable pretty fast. And, once again, unfortunately, rubbish is also a reason for
global climate change. Only a few highly developed countries take care of recycling
and reusing of old products, but most of them just happens to be on a dump, where
greenhouse gases begin to emit are being released into the atmosphere.
Contribution to it is purely human’s fault, because no other being on planet Earth,
does not need all these things, which became necessities of most of us in latest
However, there is also another side of the problem – the natural causes. First of all,
the Earth’s temperature depends on many reasons, one of the crucial ones, is the
change of the amount of energy that the Sun gives. However, there is another
example called “variations in solar radiation”. These variations could include an 11-
year solar cycle, also called the Milankovitch Cycles, which proves that small
variations can cause ice ages. But on the shorter timescale, it is prone to cause an
increase in temperature all across the globe. Unfortunately, these changes can be
disturbing for non-stop vitality of our planet. There are few examples left, such as
albedo (absorption of solar radiation by dark surfaces, which is being reflected by the
atmosphere, and then causes temperature rising) and global dimming. Global
dimming is kind of phenomenon that occurs if there is no movement in the air by
planes. Because, air pollution, produced by planes, turns out to have cooling affect
on the atmosphere. There is two types of global dimming – shirt-term, caused by
volcano eruptions, and long-term, caused by a human.
Another natural reason of climate change could be methane emissions from eg.
natural wetland and paddy fields which emit up to 150 million tons of methane
annually. Or also, methane is being produced by organisms that live in frozen lakes,
which eat dead matter, and as a result, release methane. But because of very low
temperature inside the lake, bubbles just stop in the middle of the water. And would
not be a problem at all, if ice wouldn’t start melting. That’s when the disaster
happens. Methane, that was trapped inside the lake, now being released into the
atmosphere, causing global warming, which causes more ice melting, and in the end,
more methane is being released into the atmosphere. The never-ending vicious
To sum up, In my opinion, the statement “The causes of global climatic change are
essentially human.” Is correct, but only to a certain extent. Climate change would
happen someday anyway, just only due to natural reason, but, unfortunately, people
are successfully fastening up this process in high speed, which makes natural
causes fade into the background. There is definitely more anthropogenic causes of
pollution, than natural ones, but it does not mean, that natural causes do not exist at

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