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A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship between faults and
B. Performance The learners should be able to participate in decision making on where to build
Standard structures based on knowledge of the location of active faults in the
C. Learning Using models or illustrations, explain how movements along faults generate
Competencies/Objectives earthquakes

Specific Objectives:
1. Locate the layers of the Earth using an illustration; and
2. Identify and describe earthquake waves
II. CONTENT Earthquake Waves

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal

B. Other Learning

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s
A. Reviewing previous Good morning class! Good morning
lesson or presenting a Sir!
new lesson To formally start our class this day, let’s have first a prayer.

Are you all present today?

Very good. Yes Sir!

B. Establishing a At the end of the lesson the student should be able to locate
purpose for the lesson the layers of the Earth using an illustration; and discuss
earthquake waves
C. Presenting Direction: Study the picture below.
Examples/instances of
the new lesson

What can you say about the picture? It’s about

Seismic waves
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #1

the solid rock layer that makes up the outermost shell of the

The mantle is the mostly-solid bulk of Earth’s interior.

The outer core differs from the rest of the eath’s interior
because it is the only liquid layer. It composed of iron and
nickel, resulting in a very thick liquid that flows chaotically.

At the very center of the earth is the

1220 km-thick inner core, which is the densest layer and
iscomposed of solid iron with some amount of nickel.

It is impossible to drill a hole from one side of the earth all the
way to the other side, and no one has ever seen the earth’s

so how did we get all these information?

Seismologists use earthquakes to be able to “see” inside the

earth. The vibrations are more properly called seismic waves.

Seismic waves are caused by the sudden movement of

material within the Earth, such as slip along a fault during

An earthquake generates seismic waves that penetrate the

earth as body waves or travel as surface waves.

Body Waves
1. Primary or P waves
2. Secondary or S waves

P-wave: the primary body wave; the first seismic wave

detected by seismographs; able to move through both liquid
and solid rock.

*seismograph- an instrument that respond to ground noises

and shaking such as caused by earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and explosions.

S-wave: secondary body waves that fluctuate the ground

perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. S-waves will not
travel through liquids like water, molten rock, or the Earth’s
outer core.
E. Discussing new Surface wave
concepts and practicing
new skills #2 1. Rayleigh-wave
2. Love-wave

Rayleigh Waves- surface waves that move in an elliptical

motion, producing both a vertical and horizontal component
of motion in the direction of wave propagation.

Love waves- surface waves that move parallel to the Earth’s

surface and perpendicular to the direction of wave

F. Developing Mastery Activity

(Lead to Formative How Seismic Waves travel?
Assessment #3

1. Group the class into 3.

2. Each group will determine on who will be their Group
Leader, Scribe, and Reporter.
3. This activity should be finish within 10 minutes.
4. After 10 minutes the group member would be posting their
write ups on the board.
5. And the reporter of each group will present it to the class.

Note: This activity will perform by group but the

observations should be answered individually.

Materials Needed:
•Metal pan (baking pan or frying pan)
•Construction paper,
1.Place a metal pan on a table so that the bottom of the pan is
facing upward
2.Place a large piece of paper on top of the pan.
3.Sprinkle rice on top of the paper.
4.Strike the pan with the spoon.
5.Observe what happens to the rice on top of the paper.
6.The earthquake waves (seismic waves) are caused by the
spoon striking the pan. The waves travel through the pan to
the paper and then the rice.

Guide Questions:
1.What do you think will happen if you try this experiment
with large beans?(2 points)
____________________________________________ (a) the
large beans will move as the spoon strikes the pan. (b) the
large beans won’t move at all.
2.What would happen if you try this experiment with a
cup(plastic) of water on the top of the pan? (2 points)
(a)the water inside the cup will move as the spoon strikes the
(b)the water inside the cup won’t move at all

G. Finding practical It can be integrated in DRRM subject.

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living Why are we going to be prepared during earthquake/ disaster?
H. Making What have you learned in our lesson today? Earthquake
generalization and waves
abstractions about the
lesson Can you name the layers of the Earth? Crust, mantle,
outer core, and
What is seismic waves? inner core

What are the two types of body waves? Primary or P

Secondary or
S waves

How about in surface waves? Rayleigh-wave

How this seismic waves generate earthquake?
(answers may
I. Evaluating learning Part A.
Direction: Label the layers of the Earth. Write your answer
next to the picture.
Part B.
Direction: Check (√) the appropriate column which describes
the characteristics of P- wave and S- wave.

1.Travel through liquids
2.Travel through solids
3.Fastest waves
4.Slowest waves
5.have high frequency
6.have longitudinal wave
7.have transvers wave
8. Move in all directions
from their source
9.Move forwards and
backwards as it compressed
and decompressed
10.have short wavelength

J. Additional Activities List down the things that you would do before, during, and
for Application or after an earthquake.

A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
Prepared by:
John Mark F. Semillano

Rubric in Group Activity

Point Value Outstanding Good Developing Beginning
 5  4-3  2  1
Participation Participates Participates in Sometimes Participates
actively.  group. Shows participates in minimally.
Helps direct the concern for goals. group.  Shows a little
group in setting Participates in Shows concern for concern for goals. 
goals.  goal setting. some goals.  Watches but doesn't
Helps direct group Participates in Participates participate in goal
in meeting goals.  meeting goals.  marginally in goal setting.
Thoroughly Completes setting.  Completes assigned
completes assigned tasks. Participates in tasks late or turns in
assigned tasks.  Demonstrates meeting goals. work incomplete.
Actively effort to help the Completes some  
participates in group work assigned tasks.
helping the group together.
work together
Communication Shares many ideas Freely shares Shares ideas when Does not share
related to the ideas. encouraged. ideas.
goals.  Listens to others.  Allows sharing by Watches but does
Encourages all Considers other all group not contribute to
group members to people's feelings members. discussions.
share their ideas.  and ideas.  Listens to others.  Does not show
Listens attentively Considers other consideration for
to others.  people's feelings others.
Empathetic to and ideas. 
other people's
feelings and ideas. 
Note: There will be an additional point to those groups observing the safety protocol.

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