Letter of Recommendation

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October 22, 2021

Ngoc Han Vo
Lecturer of English HCMC University of Foreign Languages - Information
Department of Foreign Languages.
155 Su Van Hanh (ext.), Ward 13, District 10, HCMC
Tel. No.:

To the Admissions Committee:

I am honored to write this reference letter in support of Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Y Truong,
who is applying for an admission to the Master in Linguistic, Teaching English to
Speaker of Other Languages (TESOL) at California State University, Long Beach
(CSULB). As her professor throughout these recent years, I truly believe that she has
full of potential in completing excellently the program.

Regardless of her decent academic report, I would like to share some insights into her
abilities while performing her studying process with me. Nhu Y has this combination
of qualities that will support her well in her upcoming journey in pursuing a further
education in teaching. Firstly, her communication skills, which include verbal and
non-verbal. She has a great gift in connecting people and ease their minds, whether
the subject are her teammates or teenagers to seniors, she can manage to make them
feel comfortable around her since she always listen to people’s opinions and response
in a well-mannered way. Secondly, her creativity and boldness in presenting. During
our Public Speaking class, I frequently observed her whenever it was her turn of
presenting, and I noticed that most of her projects were incredibly interesting and fun
to watch, which is definitely a smart way to draw people’s attention to her
presentation and keep the watcher on a steady pace. Moreover, she was extremely
comfortable and well-prepared each time, even when interacting with other students
during in-class activities or improvising in unexpected situations. Lastly, she has
numerous superb personalities that I extremely adore such as humorous, intelligent,
kind-hearted and humble, which likely will make you feel being motivated to choose
her as a companion for your study journey.

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Y Truong absolutely has my strongest recommendation for the
admission into Master of Linguistics, TESOL at your university.

Thank you for providing a space for me to wholeheartedly recommend Nguyen Ngoc
Nhu Y Truong. If you have any further question with regard to her qualifications,
please do no hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,
Ngoc Han Vo.

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