Heat LP

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Name: Maricel A.

Alcoy (Grade 7 Rose)


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of how heat is transferred.

B. Performance Standard The learner shall be able to suggest proper lighting in various activities.

C. Learning Competency A. Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur ( S7LT-IIIh-i-

B . Demonstrate heat transfer.

C. Reflect heat transfer in our daily life.

II. CONTENT Heat Transfer


A. References
1. Teacher’s guide pages K to 12 Curriculum Science CG Codes for Grade 7
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from learning
resources(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
C. material Needed 1. Laptop

2. Television, PowerPoint Presentation, candle and spoon

D. Strategies Video presentation, Discussion,


A. Preliminary Activities I. Prayer

- Let us all stand for the prayer. In the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit Amen.

II. Greetings

- Good morning class!

- Good morning

- Before you take your set, please

pick up pieces of paper and
arrange your chairs.
-Yes ma’am

III. Checking of attendance

- Raise your hand if your name is

A. Reviewing previous - What was our lesson yesterday -About light ma’am
lesson or presenting the class?
new lesson
-Very Good
- Light is a radiation or
-What is light? form of energy that
our eyes can detect

-Very good!

- Lets have an activity I need one

B. Establishing a person in front, I have a candle and spoon
purpose for a lesson here you will light up the candle to create
a fire then put the spoon about the fire
and observed what will be happened.
- The spoon is hot
-What happened to the spoon class? ma’am
- Because of the heat
-Why the spoon is hot? from the fire ma’am

- Very good!

- Yes very good!

C. Presenting - I have video here observed
examples/instance of the carefully, because I have
new lesson. questions after this video.
- About heat ma’am
- What did you observe from the

- What else? - Heat is warm all the

things in earth
- Very good! ma’am.

D. Discussing new - Today we will discuss about the heat

concepts and practicing transfer
new skills #1
First we will define what is heat?

Heat- can be defined as the thermal

energy that is being transferred from one
object to another because of temperature

THERMAL ENERGY- refers to the

movement of molecules within an object
or substance. Example the sun.

Unit of heat is Calorie.

Temperature- is a measure of the degree

of hotness or coldness of an object. Unit
of temperature Celsius, Fahrenheit,
Kelvin, and Rankin. The used to measure
of temperature is thermometer.

Mechanisms of Heat transfer

The process of increasing the internal

energy is called heating and the process
of decreasing internal energy is called

Heat transfer takes place because of a

temperature difference occurs in three
different ways; conduction, convection,
and radiation.

Conduction- transfer of energy from

molecules to molecules. Primarily
happened in solids Materials through
which heat energy pass are called
Conductors, example metal, copper and
aluminum . Materials that do not allow to
heat to pass through are called
nonconductors like drinking mugs,
spatulas and pot handles.

Example : heating a pan on stove, heat

transfers into your hands as long as you
hold a cup of coffee.

Convection- is a movement of liquid or

gases from a colder region to a warmer
region producing a current. Wind that we
feel is a result of convection. Wind
produced due to unequal heating of the
earth’s surface. Land heat is faster than

E. Discussing new Example; ice melting, hot air rising above

concept and practicing the fire, boiling water, air condition and
new skills #2. hot air balloon.

Radiation- the third way of heat transfer

that takes place because of the
temperature difference. Transfer through
electromagnetic waves . Any energy
including heat that transmitted by
radiation is called radiant energy.
Radiant energy is carried by
electromagnetic waves at the speed of

Infrared wave- part of electromagnetic

waves that makes us feel warm also
known as radiant heat.

The hotter the object, the greater the

amount of radiant heat being emitted.

Hot enough is red light. Increasing the

temperature produce more
electromagnetic wave in the visible light
like orange to yellow. At about 1,200
F. Developing Mastery Celsius the eye can see all the different
waves of the visible region and see the
object as white hot.

Example ; microwave from oven, heat

waves, laser, cell phone , tV and more.

G. Finding practical - Heat is very

applications of concepts important to our daily
and skills on daily living Let’s have an activity I have picture here life like, cooking
you will be labeling according to the heat need heat and more
transfer take place in different ways. The ma’am.
conduction, conviction and radiant. (Students answer
may vary)

Who can reflect the importance of heat or

heat transfer? - About heat transfer
H. Making ma’am
generalizations and - The conduction,
abstractions about the convection, and
radiant ma’am
topic. - Conduction heat by
touching, convection
-Very good! heat by air and
radiant heat by

- What is the lesson I discuss

- What is the three ways that heat
I. Evaluating Learning
- What is the difference between
conduction, convection and

- Very good!

A. Identify the method or way of heat

transfer taking place. Write conduction,
convection, or radiant on the blank before
the numbers. Choose the best answer.

___1.Microwave from oven.

___2. Hot air balloon.

___3. Heat waves.

___4. Heating a pan on stove.

___5. Heat transfers into your hands as

long as you hold a cup of coffee

J. Additional activities
for application or B. Connect column A to column B.


VI. REFLECTION Heat by touching Radiant

A. No. of learners who Heat by air Conduction

earned 80% on the
formative assessment. Heat by waves. Convection

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson?

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. which of my teaching
strategies work well?

F. what difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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