Arknights Fan Fic

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Chapter 1

Ten years from current time:

Warden’s Office of Mansfield Prison:

“What should we do about that brat, RK1120?” Baron furiously asked.

“Calm down, Barton,” the warden sighed. “We wouldn’t refuse the orders of the government. Although,
they had the wrong call to send this brat here. She should be sent to Rhine Lab instead of this prison.”

“Right,” Barton said. He took out a box of cigarette, light it, and smoked. With his cigarette, he managed
to calm his anger. The warden just look at the paper files piled up on the table. “What should we do if
she riots?”

“We would not be able to stop her. After all, she has a strength that even I would fear. If she want to go
escape, then just let her be,” the warden sighed.

“But warden!” Barton slammed the table.

“Barton, I understand your anger. I know well how she beat you up when she was brought here. Even
with the strength draining cuffs, she even beat up the jailers that were with you. Even I would not want
this, but I would not dare to invoke her anger.”

“I apologize for that, warden. But then why not just let her go if that is the case?” Barton asked.

“You will be asking for the wrath of the government.”

Present Time(Mansfield State Prison):

How long have I been here? Oh right, ten years. It has been that long already. It has been five months
since I last saw Anthony. I heard he broke out with some prisoners.

What should I do? Should I continue to stay here? This cuffs are getting heavy day by day. Reminds me, I
haven’t eaten a thing for week.

“Jailer,” I cried out. “Food.”

After some few minutes, the door of my prison room opened, with the jailer bringing in a bowl of soup
and bread placed on a tray. He places it gently on the floor near the door, and leaves the room.

I slowly crawled on the floor to reach out on the food. I ate the bread, and drink the soup. After I was
done with my meal, I knocked twice on the iron door. The jailer opened it, took the bowl and the tray
and left after closing the door.

Prison life has got boring after Anthony left. No one from the C-section would even dare to talk to me.
What am I, an ugly beast in this prison. I could beat all of them, they should be thankful I am not in the

I slept on the floor. After all of these years, I finally had a dream. I dreamed of a place where I could
meet a lot of good people. It was not a city, town or village. It was a landship.

There goes my call to get out here. “Jailer, open up.” I said.
The jailer opened up. “What do you need?”

“Remove these cuffs.” I said. The jailer took out the keys and removed it. “Lead me outside.”

The jailer nodded. He lead me outside without a saying a word. Some of the prisoners kept looking at
me when we passed by in some of the cells. Before we were outside, the warden met us.

“After all these years, young lady, why have you decided to stay here?” the warden asked.

“It is much quiet in a place like this,” I replied. “I suddenly want to see the world outside.”

“I understand,” the warden said. “You can go now.”

The jailer lead me outside. The landscape I could see was a pure earth, cracked land stretched as far as
the eye can see. This is the middle of barren lands.

The jailer went back to the prison. Wearing the prison clothes, I started to walk straight, away from the
prison I have stayed for so long. My dream is telling me, to go to that landship…

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