Year 7 HASS Final Test Term 1

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Year 7 HASS Final Test Your name: 10% of Your Final Grade

1.How long have Aboriginal people at least been living in Australia?

a. 40,000 years
b. 56,089 years
c. 60,000 years
d. 600,000 years

2.What percentage of the Australian population identifies as Aboriginal?

a) About 0.1%
b) About 3%
c) About 9%
d) About 31%


3.Which is the most unaccepted term to use for a First Peoples person of
Australia's mainland?

a) Aborigine
b) Aboriginal
c) Hunters
d) Aboriginal person
e) Indigenous person

4.Which of the following persons is likely Aboriginal?

a) A woman with fair skin and brown eyes.

b) A man with dark skin and blue eyes.
c) A girl with white skin and red hair.
d) An elderly lady with dark skin and brown eyes.
e) Any of the above.

5.The first group of people to settle in Australia are known as _____.

Year 7 HASS Final Test Your name: 10% of Your Final Grade

a) Nomads
b) Hunters and Gatherers
c) First Nation People
d) Australians

6. Australian Aboriginals are known for creating unique _____.

a) clans
b) traditions
c) tools
d) language

7.What is the name of the largest Indigenous Australian nation in South

A. Kuarna
B. Kokatha
C. Narranga
d. Nukunu

8.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander is the world’s oldest surviving culture.
A) True
B) False

9.Elders in Aboriginal communities are:

a) Old people
b) The custodians of culture and country
c) Only senior men
d) All Parents

10.Which of the following does NOT describe Aboriginal spirituality?

Year 7 HASS Final Test Your name: 10% of Your Final Grade

a. The land is our food, our culture, our spirit and identity.
b. The belief that all objects are living and share the same soul or spirit that
Aboriginals share.
c. An expression through ceremonial performances (corroborees), rituals, totems and
d. The belief in ancestor gods and the practical worshipping of these gods.

11. The colours of the Aboriginal flag (red, yellow and black) represent:

a) Earth, wind and fire

b) Man, woman and children
c) Earth, sun and people
d) Air, knowledge and sun


12.What is the most commonly used dialect today?

a) Kala Lagaw Ya
b) Aboriginal English
c) Yankuntjatjara
d) Pitjantjatjara

13.What do the hands represent in Aboriginal art painting? How about animals
and what do we know from the paintings if there are so many animals?
Answer this question in full sentences:







Year 7 HASS Final Test Your name: 10% of Your Final Grade

14.Complete this fill in the blank.

In History there are _____ _____ types of sources that help us gain information. A
primary source is a piece of _______ created by someone at the time of an event. However,
a ____________ source is created by someone who was not present at an event. Primary
sources are things like _______ _____ and ________ _____, whereas secondary
sources can be a ____________ _.

15.Create timeline of your life

Just put the letters into the right box.



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