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Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs): Toward a Hydrogen-free

Hydrogen Economy
Patrick Preuster,† Christian Papp,‡ and Peter Wasserscheid*,†,§

Lehrstuhl für Chemische Reaktionstechnik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Egerlandstrasse 3, 91058
Erlangen, Germany

Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie II, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Egerlandstrasse 3, 91058
Erlangen, Germany
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Helmholtz-Institut Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (IEK-11), Egerlandstrasse 3, 91058
Erlangen, Germany

CONSPECTUS: The need to drastically reduce CO2 emissions will lead

to the transformation of our current, carbon-based energy system to a
more sustainable, renewable-based one. In this process, hydrogen will gain
increasing importance as secondary energy vector. Energy storage
requirements on the TWh scale (to bridge extended times of low wind
and sun harvest) and global logistics of renewable energy equivalents will
create additional driving forces toward a future hydrogen economy.
However, the nature of hydrogen requires dedicated infrastructures, and
this has prevented so far the introduction of elemental hydrogen into the
energy sector to a large extent. Recent scientific and technological progress
in handling hydrogen in chemically bound form as liquid organic hydrogen
carrier (LOHC) supports the technological vision that a future hydrogen
economy may work without handling large amounts of elemental
hydrogen. LOHC systems are composed of pairs of hydrogen-lean and
hydrogen-rich organic compounds that store hydrogen by repeated catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation cycles. While
hydrogen handling in the form of LOHCs allows for using the existing infrastructure for fuels, it also builds on the existing public
confidence in dealing with liquid energy carriers. In contrast to hydrogen storage by hydrogenation of gases, such as CO2 or N2,
hydrogen release from LOHC systems produces pure hydrogen after condensation of the high-boiling carrier compounds.
This Account highlights the current state-of-the-art in hydrogen storage using LOHC systems. It first introduces fundamental
aspects of a future hydrogen economy and derives therefrom requirements for suitable LOHC compounds. Molecular structures
that have been successfully applied in the literature are presented, and their property profiles are discussed. Fundamental and
applied aspects of the involved hydrogenation and dehydrogenation catalysis are discussed, characteristic differences for the
catalytic conversion of pure hydrocarbon and nitrogen-containing LOHC compounds are derived from the literature, and
attractive future research directions are highlighted.
Finally, applications of the LOHC technology are presented. This part covers stationary energy storage (on-grid and off-grid),
hydrogen logistics, and on-board hydrogen production for mobile applications. Technology readiness of these fields is very
different. For stationary energy storage systems, the feasibility of the LOHC technology has been recently proven in commercial
demonstrators, and cost aspects will decide on their further commercial success. For other highly attractive options, such as,
hydrogen delivery to hydrogen filling stations or direct-LOHC-fuel cell applications, significant efforts in fundamental and
applied research are still needed and, hopefully, encouraged by this Account.

1. INTRODUCTION the only byproduct.3 If the applied hydrogen is produced from

The concept of using hydrogen as an energy carrier is not new. renewable energy (e.g., by water electrolysis4) or without CO2
As early as 1976, Jones postulated the use of hydrogen as byproduct creation (e.g., by methane decomposition to carbon
energy carrier not only to be desirable but inevitable on the and hydrogen5), a CO2-free energy system is possible. (2)
long-term.1 Since that time, numerous studies highlighting Hydrogen is characterized by a very high gravimetric energy
various aspects of using hydrogen as an energy vector have density. Its lower heating value is 33.3 kWh/kg or 120 MJ/kg−
been published. These were summarized by Bockris in 2013 in no other energy carrier shows a higher gravimetric energy
form of a historic record of scientific developments toward a density (see Figure 1).
future hydrogen economy.2 The use of hydrogen as energy
vector has many advantages: (1) Combustion of hydrogen in Received: September 20, 2016
fuel cells or in combustion chambers typically liberates water as

© XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474

Acc. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
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Figure 1. Energy density of various energy carriers in comparison: left side, volumetric energy density; right side, gravimetric storage density.

However, while the chemical industry produces and gravimetric energy density.12 As indicated by the title of this
consumes more than 60 million tons of hydrogen every contribution, we will not consider in the following state-of-the-
year,6 the introduction of hydrogen as energy vector is art technologies to store and transport hydrogen in its
struggling, mainly for two reasons: (1) Hydrogen has to be elemental form as either compressed hydrogen (cH2, 200−
produced from other forms of energy. This is different from our 700 bar)13 or cryogenic hydrogen (l-H2, −253 °C).14
previous understanding of energy carriers. Moreover, hydrogen Moreover, we will restrict our discussion to technologies that
production from coal, oil, and gas (e.g., by steam reforming or offer the potential for storage and transport of hydrogen on the
partial oxidation)7 liberates CO2 as byproduct. For example, 1 TWh scale and thus may potentially act as backbone of a future
ton of hydrogen produced by methane reforming has been hydrogen economy. For this reason, we will also not treat
reported to liberate more than 10 tons of CO2.8 In renewable hydrogen storage in the form of physisorption or chem-
energy scenarios, hydrogen is expected to be produced by isorption to solids.15
electrolysis of water. However, this method of hydrogen This contribution deals with the scientific foundations and
production is, at today’s gas and electricity prices, still more recent progress of technologies that aim for chemical hydrogen
expensive than hydrogen production from natural gas. While storage by binding hydrogen to hydrogen-lean molecules in
production costs for 1 kg of hydrogen from electrolysis have catalytic hydrogenation reactions. To act as a hydrogen storage
been reported to be around 3 € kg−1,9 the same amount system, the so-formed hydrogen-rich molecules should enable,
produced from methane is about half this cost, depending on at least in principle, release of the stored hydrogen in a catalytic
the local gas price. (2) It is complicated and costly to store and dehydrogenation to close the storage cycle. Two classes of
transport large amounts of elemental hydrogen. As shown in hydrogen-lean molecules are distinguished: (1) Hydrogen-lean
Figure 1, the excellent gravimetric energy storage density of H2 molecules that are extracted from the atmosphere or exhaust
comes with an extremely low volumetric energy density under gas mixtures, like CO2 or N2. They form, after catalytic
normal conditions of only 0.01 MJ/L or 3 Wh/L. This is a
hydrogenation, the well-known bulk chemicals formic acid,16
direct consequence of the low density of hydrogen under
methane,17 methanol,18 Fischer−Tropsch products19 (depend-
ambient conditions (0.0898 g/L at 0 °C and 1 bar).10
ing on the applied catalyst and process parameters during the
Moreover, hydrogen is easily combustible with air in very
hydrogenation process) or ammonia,20 respectively. (2)
broad concentration ranges (Table 1). It is characterized by low
Hydrogen-lean organic liquids that enable fully reversible
catalytic hydrogenation/dehydrogenation cycles. For these
Table 1. Relevant Properties of Hydrogen for a Safe and
compounds the term liquid organic hydrogen carriers
Secure Handling10,11
(LOHCs) has been coined (in an earlier publication also the
ignition limits in air (%) 4−75 term “liquid organic carriers” was used21).
ignition energy in air (mJ) 0.02 Note that LOHC systems enable hydrogen storage without
flame temperature (°C) 2045 binding or releasing other substances from or to the
boiling point (K) 20 atmosphere. Pure H2 is obtained from LOHC dehydrogenation
diffusion coefficient in air (cm2 s−1) 0.610 after appropriate condensation of the liquid, ideally high-boiling
carrier molecule. The hydrogen-rich LOHC compounds can be
ignition energy and high diffusion rates in gases, liquids, and stored for extended times without energy losses and trans-
even solids. At room temperature, hydrogen shows a negative ported over long distances using established energy transport
Joule−Thomson coefficient thus heating up when expanded. logistics for liquid fuels (e.g., pipelines, ships, trucks). Thus,
Consequently, the handling of elemental hydrogen requires transition to a hydrogen economy using existing and
investment into specialized equipment and dedicated infra- depreciated infrastructure appears feasible. In the following,
structures. we will limit our contribution to hydrogen storage and handling
Numerous hydrogen storage technologies have been using LOHC systems. While earlier reviews on the topic have
investigated in the recent decades. They all target to increase given a broad overview of liquid organic and inorganic hydrides,
the volumetric energy content without compromising on their specific properties, and related catalyst systems for
B DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
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Scheme 1. Schematic View on Hydrogen Storage Using the Dibenzyltoluene (H0-DBT)/Perhydrodibenzyltoluene (H18-DBT)
LOHC System

Scheme 2. Schematic Representation of the Most Relevant Reaction Steps in Hydrogen Storage Using the N-Ethylcarbazole
(H0-NEC)/Perhydro-N-ethylcarbazole (H12-NEC) LOHC System

hydrogen release,22 our contribution focuses on a narrow set of hydrogen from the product stream. Another problematic
most promising LOHC systems and covers the full range from feature of the TOL/MCH LOHC system is its low flashpoint
fundamental catalytic aspects to first demonstrator applications. that is below the temperature of dehydrogenation. Despite
these practical disadvantages, the Japanese company Chiyoda
2. AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AS HYDROGEN-LEAN Corporation has developed the TOL/MCH LOHC system into
STORAGE MOLECULES a demonstrated technology and has recently announced its
Historically, the first research activities toward hydrogen large-scale application for hydrogen and energy logistics.27
storage using LOHC systems date back to the 1980s. The Attempts to overcome some of the specific problems of the
first oil crises promoted research at the Paul Scherrer Institute TOL/MCH hydrogen storage pair while sticking to pure
in Switzerland toward the use of nuclear power for mobility via hydrocarbon systems for full compatibility with the fuel
water electrolysis, hydrogen storage, and on-board fuel cells. infrastructure led later to a closer investigation of the
Already at these early times, the advantages of LOHC systems naphthalene/tetralin/decalin,28 as well as the benzyltoluene
vs battery technologies (e.g., higher energy storage capacities, (H0-BT)/perhydrobenzyltoluene (H12-BT) and dibenzylto-
shorter refueling times) were recognized.23 All these early luene (H0-DBT)/perhydro-dibenzyltoluene (H18-DBT), stor-
studies focused on the LOHC system toluene (TOL)/ age systems (hydrogen capacity = 6.2 mass %).29 While
methylcyclohexane (MCH). This system has a hydrogen naphthalene is solid at room temperature (mp = 80 °C), the
storage capacity of 6.1 mass % hydrogen (1.55 kWh/L) and LOHC systems using technical mixtures of benzyltoluene or
shows a comparatively high heat of hydrogenation of −68.3 kJ/ dibenzyltoluene regioisomers turned out very attractive
mol H2. For thermodynamic reasons, this leads to harsh
(Scheme 1). They combine very wide liquid ranges (mp =
conditions in dehydrogenation if full conversion to TOL is
−34 °C; bp = 390 °C in case of H0-DBT) with excellent
desired (typical conditions for 99% MCH conversion are 320
°C at 1 bar H2).24 At such harsh conditions, the formation of thermal robustness, low flammabilities and very favorable
side products by dealkylation or coking was typically observed toxicological profiles. Most importantly, these mixtures are
with the applied heterogeneous Pt25 or Ni catalyst systems.26 At already in large-scale technical use as heat transfer oils (e.g.,
both hydrogenation and dehydrogenation conditions, all under the trade name “Marlotherm”) for many decades, which
reactants of the TOL/MCH storage system are gaseous. Due guarantees industrial acceptance, full registration, technical
to the relatively low boiling point of all components, extensive availability at low price, and well established quality standards
condensation and purification steps are required to isolate pure in their production.
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
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However, all pure hydrocarbon LOHC systems suffer from containing LOHC systems due to a limited world production of
their relatively high heat of hydrogenation. In the case of the boron would be an issue, as pointed out by Crabtree.40
H0-DBT/H18-DBT, the latter has been determined exper- An alternative, very interesting concept has been recently
imentally to be −65 kJ/mol H2.30 As a consequence, catalytic presented by Milstein et al.41,42 It leaves the traditional track of
dehydrogenation has to take place at temperatures above 250 hydrogen storage by hydrogenation of aromatic compounds.
°C. This high temperature level makes the utilization of “waste The authors report instead a LOHC-system based on 2-
heat” to drive the endothermic dehydrogenation reaction more aminoethanol that is catalytically converted into the cyclic
difficult. peptide glycine anhydride while liberating 4 mol of hydrogen
per mol of cyclic dipeptide formed (hydrogen capacity = 6.6
3. N-HETEROAROMATICS AS HYDROGEN-LEAN mass %).43 The reaction conditions are mild (105−135 °C)
STORAGE COMPOUNDS with the homogeneous Ru-complex (preferably carrying PNN-
H ligands) applied. The same complex is also able to catalyze
The development of LOHC systems with significantly lower the reverse hydrogenation reaction (10−70 bar H2 pressure,
heat of hydrogenation/dehydrogenation has been pioneered by 110 °C). However, none of the reported storage cycles was
researchers of the company Air Products and Chemicals who 100% selective or complete even after prolonged reaction times
carried out a systematic theoretical screening of LOHC (12−48 h for each individual step). Still, this new approach is
candidates according to this criterion.31 The best studied highly remarkable and opens new avenues for future develop-
system identified in this screening is N-ethylcarbazole (H0- ments.
NEC)/dodecahydro-N-ethylcarbazole (H12-NEC) (hydrogen
capacity = 5.8 mass %) (Scheme 2). 5. LOHC HYDROGENATION/DEHYDROGENATION
The dehydrogenation enthalpy of this system is 50 kJ/mol CATALYSIS
H2. To tackle one drawback of H0-NEC, namely, its melting
point of 68 °C, Stark et al. have investigated eutectic mixtures Catalysis plays a key role in hydrogen storage using LOHC
of different N-alkyl substituted carbazoles and found melting systems as both H0-LOHC hydrogenation for hydrogen
points of optimized H0-N-alkyl carbazole mixtures down to 24 storage and Hx-LOHC dehydrogenation for hydrogen release
°C.32 Another drawback of N-alkyl carbazoles and their require promotion by suitable catalyst systems. Despite the fact
hydrogenated counterparts is the tendency to split off their that a number of studies have applied homogeneous
N-alkyl substituent at temperatures far below the decom- catalysts,21,35,42,44−47 the practical need for decoupling storage
position temperature of the heteroaromatic ring structure.33 tank and reactor volume to independently adjust storage
LOHC systems with a dehydrogenation enthalpy similar to capacity (in MWh) and release power (in MW) calls for
N-ethylcarbazole are indole/indoline (ΔHdehyd = 52 kJ/mol heterogeneous catalyst systems in large-scale storage applica-
H2)34 and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline/quinolone.35 These tions. Therefore, we will restrict the following part to the
systems have been studied using homogeneous and heteroge- development of heterogeneous catalysts for LOHC hydro-
neous catalysts, and dehydrogenation temperatures were found genation and dehydrogenation reactions.
to be remarkably low. For indoline dehydrogenation, Jessop et 5.1. Fundamental Aspects
al. found 81% dehydrogenation to indole using a Pd on silica While many applied studies have started with screening
catalyst at only 100 °C (reaction time 1 h).34 In the case of the commercial catalysts for LOHC transformations,27 efficient
dehydrogenation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, the applied catalyst optimization requires solid fundamental understanding.
homogeneous Ir-complex was able to reach 100% dehydrogen- To this end, the groups of Steinrück and Libuda have
ation over 20 h at 138 °C (reflux of the solvent p-xylene).35 investigated since 2011 the catalytic dehydrogenation of various
The use of other N-based heteroaromatic/heteroalicyclic hydrogen-rich LOHC molecules on single crystalline surfaces
LOHC systems (e.g., pyridines/piperidines or perhydronaph- and supported model catalysts using a rigorous surface science
thyridines/naphthyridines) has been very recently summarized approaches, i.e. applying spectroscopic methods under ultra-
in a review by He et al.36 In brief, the presence of nitrogen in high vacuum (UHV) conditions.48 By combining synchrotron
LOHC molecules always improves dehydrogenation thermody- radiation-based high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectros-
namics and kinetics. However, it also promotes thermal lability copy (HR-XPS), infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
and opens reaction pathways to undesired degradation (IRAS), temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), molec-
products. ular beam experiments, and theoretical studies, these groups
were able to gain an unprecedented atomic/molecular-level
4. ALTERNATIVE LOHC SYSTEMS understanding of the relevant processes in LOHC dehydrogen-
ation catalysis. Some of the most instructive findings are
Even lower down is the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation
summarized in the following:
enthalpy for boron containing LOHC systems. Müller et al.
give 36 kJ/mol H2 for the dehydrogenation of 1,2-dihydro-1,2- • In situ XPS during H12-NEC adsorption on Pt(111)33
azaborine.37 Hydrogen release from molecular liquids contain- and on Pd(111),49 followed by applying a heating ramp
ing nitrogen and boron has attracted significant attention since revealed a reaction sequence that starts with the
the 1960s.38 While H2 release has been reported at temper- desorption of H12-NEC multilayers followed by
atures below 100 °C, many systems are solids and stability at dehydrogenation to H8-NEC through formation of a
storage conditions of up to 60 °C and in contact with moisture central pyrrole unit. The latter dehydrogenates further to
is a concern.39 Moreover, the reversibility of these systems is a H0-NEC. At even higher temperatures, a C−N scission
grand challenge. To date, no such system has been reported first forms carbazole before the LOHC molecule
that can be recharged with molecular hydrogen. If all these disintegrates on the hot surface at even higher temper-
technical issues could be solved, still scalability of boron atures (Scheme 2).
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Scheme 3. Dehydrogenation of Dicyclohexylmethane (DCHM) on Pt(111) under the Conditions of a Surface Science
Experiment as Determined by a Combination of HR-XPS, TPD, NEXAFS, and IRAS

• Dehydrogenation catalysis of several perhydro-N-alkyl- molecules plays a crucial role for the high reactivity detected
carbazoles (with the alkyl groups being ethyl, propyl, or in surface science experiments.
butyl), compared on Pt(111) and on Al2O3-supported Pt 5.2. Applied Aspects of LOHC Hydrogenation
nanoparticles, showed no effect of the substituents on the
Hydrogenation of pure hydrocarbon aromatics with traditional
order of reaction steps and their onset temperatures.50
heterogeneous catalysts is performed in the chemical industry
• The undesired ethyl abstraction from H0-NEC to form on a million-ton-per-year scale, for example, benzene hydro-
high melting carbazole (mp = 245 °C) has been found to genation to cyclohexane for adipic acid production.55 In a
be a function of the Pt particle size. The structure similar manner the hydrogenation of H0-DBT is successfully
sensitivity of dealkylation was studied by HR-XPS on carried out using commercial Ru on AlOx catalyst (50 bar, 150
Al2O3-supported Pt model catalysts and Pt(111) single °C),29 and recent mechanistic studies have even elucidated the
crystals. On smaller, defect-rich Pt particles, the onset of hydrogenation order of the three aromatic rings applying 1H
dealkylation is shifted by 100 °C to lower temperatures NMR spectroscopy.56 The hydrogenation of carbazole
compared to large, well-shaped particles and a well- derivatives is also known in the literature but of significantly
ordered Pt(111) surface.51 less technical relevance so far. Already in the 1940s, Adkins et
• The dehydrogenation of dicyclohexylmethane (DCMH) al. have described the hydrogenation of different carbazole and
on a Pt(111) surface includes formation of a π-allylic indole derivatives using high temperatures and pressures (e. g.,
species coadsorbed with hydrogen (−70 to −10 °C), 200 bar H2, 260 °C).57 Following the seminal study by Pez et
followed by phenyl group formation and hydrogen al. at Air Products in 2006,31 a number of academic research
desorption at −10 to 60 °C, and finally, full dehydrogen- groups have significantly optimized the protocol for H0-NEC
ation (above 60 °C) accompanied by C−H bond scission hydrogenation. Table 2 gives an overview of applied conditions
at the methylene bridge (Scheme 3). The latter reaction and catalyst systems.
is a first unwanted decomposition step. Further heating
under the conditions of the surface science experiment Table 2. Overview of Various Catalyst Systems and Reaction
led to fragmentation of the diphenylmethane molecules Conditions for the Hydrogenation of N-Ethylcarbazole (H0-
on the surface already at 180 °C.52 NEC) as Described in Selected Publications
It is noteworthy that onset temperatures of catalytic active metal support temperature (°C) pressure (bar) refs
dehydrogenation or decomposition are always found much Ni 130−180 50−70 58
lower in the surface science experiments compared to real C/SiO2 130 70 59
conditions with the solid catalyst suspended in the LOHC Raney 120−230 50 60
medium. For example, the very low onset temperatures Ru 130 70 61
reported for dicyclohexylmethane under surface science AlOx 120−180 60−70 62−64
conditions (see above) is contrasted by the fact that no C 130 70 62
dehydrogenation activity is observed for such molecule with TiO2/SiO2 130 70 59
any Pt catalyst system at 1 bar hydrogen atmosphere below 200 Pt C 130 70 59
°C. Furthermore, decomposition of pure hydrocarbon LOHC
compounds observed under surface science conditions at 180
In brief, Ni, Ru, and Pt catalysts have been found suitable for
°C is typically not observed under real conditions below 350 °C
the hydrogenation of H0-NEC. Typical applied temperatures
to the same extent. Along the same lines, it has been found that
are between 120 and 230 °C, and hydrogen pressures are
the optimum temperature for H12-NEC dehydrogenation at
between 50 and 70 bar. Interestingly, the work of Ye et al.58
Pt(111) under surface science conditions is 110 °C,33 while
revealed indications for the mass transport of hydrogen being
optimum rates were found at 250 °C for the same reaction
the rate-determining step of the reaction. This is in contrast to
under real catalysis conditions.53 In order to close this
the finding by Wan et al., who described that the variation of
“temperature gap”, H12-NEC, otherwise volatile under UHV
stirrer speed under very similar conditions had no effect on the
was covalently linked to an imidazolium cation, forming a
observed reaction rate.63 The Ru-based hydrogenation catalyst
nonvolatile ionic liquid.54 In this way, it was possible to probe
was found to form H8-NEC as kinetically stable intermediate of
in situ the dehydrogenation of the “immobilized” and liquid
the H0-NEC hydrogenation reaction.62
H12-NEC close to equilibrium reaction conditions of real
heterogeneous catalysis by XPS and TPD. Interestingly, 5.3. Applied Aspects of LOHC Dehydrogenation
dehydrogenation was observed under these conditions at Also the dehydrogenation of cyclic aliphatic hydrocarbons is
identical reaction temperatures to the real catalysis experiment. well-known in the chemical and petrochemical industry. The
This demonstrates that the availability of free and reactive most important example is the so-called “platforming”, a
coordination sites in proximity to the adsorbed LOHC refinery process that converts alkanes into alkylated aromatics
E DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
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to boost the octane number of fuels. As indicated by its name, dehydrogenation productivities of up to 10.9 g(H2) g(Pt)−1
the process uses Pt-containing catalysts to promote dehydro- min−1, which corresponds to a quite impressive Pt-based power
genation.65 Palladium and other metals have been also output of 22 kW g(Pt)−1.74 This performance was obtained
described but their activity is generally significantly lower.66 using a homemade egg-shell catalyst. H12-NEC dehydrogen-
MCH dehydrogenation is both an important reaction in the ation was found to be heavily mass transfer influenced at
platforming process and the key step in the hydrogen-release temperatures above 235 °C.
using the TOL/MCH LOHC system. Therefore, a number of In full agreement with the surface science studies described
studies have tried to improve lifetime, activity, and selectivity of above, the dehydrogenation of H12-NEC proceeds in a
MCH dehydrogenation catalysts. Small additions of rhenium sequence of dehydrogenation and decomposition steps depend-
have been found to enhance the stability of the catalyst.65 ing on the applied conditions. Yang et al. described, for
Moreover, doping with sulfur has shown beneficial effects.67 example, that the dehydrogenation of H12-NEC to H8-NEC
Furthermore, it has been shown that the active catalyst under starts at Pd on AlOx already at 128 °C, while the
real conditions is not pure Pt but a carbon modified Pt−C dehydrogenation of H8-NEC to H4-NEC requires a minimum
surface.68 Depending on the H2‑pressure, a balance between temperature of 145 °C, and complete dehydrogenation to H0-
formation and degradation of the carbon layer is established. At NEC a temperature of 178 °C.72 The same study also
hydrogen pressures below 1 bar, the catalyst deactivates much demonstrates that under the applied mild conditions only
faster due to cooking. Okada et al. have demonstrated that a 0.003 mol % ethane (from the hydrodealkylation of the N-ethyl
homemade Pt/AlOx dehydrogenation catalyst worked with group) is detected in the product mixture. Moreover, the
stable catalytic performance (LHSV = 2 h−1, T = 320 °C) with obtained product gas stream was claimed to be free of PEM fuel
99.9% toluene selectivity in MCH dehydrogenation for 3000 h cell poisons (PEM = proton exchange membrane). However,
time on-stream.25 Also Ni catalysts have been found suitable for even under these mild conditions, 2% of the NEC carrier
MCH dehydrogenation. However, these catalysts are less active molecule was dealkylated to carbazole over 10 hydrogenation/
compared to Pt and more prone to side product formation.69 dehydrogenation cycles. The same group has also studied
Al-ShaikhAli et al. have very recently published a bimetallic systematically the activity of different metals in H12-NEC
NiZn catalyst that reaches one-third of the MCH conversion of dehydrogenation under comparable conditions and found the
a standard Pt catalyst (at 350 °C) with 90% selectivity to reactivity order of Pd > Pt > Ru > Rh.73
toluene at high conversion.70 This is a quite remarkable result
compared to earlier reported Ni-based systems.
As described above, hydrogen storage in the benzyltoluene
(H0-BT)/perhydrobenzyltoluene (H12-BT) and dibenzylto- Applications of the LOHC technology with potential to
luene (H0-DBT)/perhydrodibenzyltoluene (H18-DBT) contribute to a hydrogen-free hydrogen economy in the future
LOHC systems has significant advantages over the TOL/ can be envisaged in the fields of energy storage, hydrogen
MCH system, such as higher volumetric storage density, easier logistics, and hydrogen mobility.
hydrogen purification, and reduced toxicity. Brückner et al. have For stationary energy storage, it is useful to discriminate
studied the catalytic dehydrogenation of H12-BT and H18- between grid and off-grid applications. In grid applications, the
DBT using various commercial catalysts (310 °C, 1 bar H2) and storage unit is always connected to an energy supply or sink of
found that Pt on C and Pt on AlOx catalysts are by far more almost infinite dimension. The unit’s owner aims to fill the
active than the respective Pd analogues on the same supports.29 storage with cheap energy at energy-rich times, while the unit
Different from dehydrogenation of pure hydrocarbon LOHC generates valuable energy in the form of electricity and heat at
systems, the dehydrogenation of nitrogen-containing alicyclic energy-lean times. This concept is attractive for buildings,
compounds proceeds at lower temperatures due to their lower business parks, or industrial sites if the energy price spread is
reaction enthalpy. Here, we will restrict ourselves to the specific large enough, the yearly hours of energy surplus/shortage are
case of H12-NEC dehydrogenation, as this is by far the best- sufficiently high and the investment costs for the LOHC unit
investigated compound. Table 3 gives an overview of catalyst are reasonable.75 Off-grid applications are economically more
systems and reaction conditions that have been successfully attractive than on-grid applications as the electricity and heat
applied in the literature for this purpose. produced by the system does not compete at grid price level
In brief, H12-NEC dehydrogenation has been studied at 1 but with other (usually more expensive) ways of off-grid energy
bar and at temperatures between 130 and 270 °C using various production, for example, a diesel generator. Examples for such
active metals. At 270 °C, Peters et al. demonstrated off-grid applications include tourist locations on secluded
islands, transmitting stations in the desert, or mining
Table 3. Overview of Various Catalyst Systems and Reaction exploration sites in the wilderness. Typical costs for electricity
Conditions for the Dehydrogenation of Perhydro-N- from diesel generators in such locations are 0.6 €/kWh, which
ethylcarbazole as Described in Selected Publications allows to cover both the cost for renewable energy production
and the LOHC storage unit. In all attractive off-grid application
active temperature pressure scenarios, the storage unit is embedded into an environment
metal support (°C) (bar) refs with excess supply in renewable energy. However, temporal
Ir homogeneous 150 1 44 energy demand does not fit the generation profile and
Pd SiO2 150−170 1 71 anticipated energy-lean times are too long to bridge the
AlOx 130−180 1 72 resulting shortages with commercial battery systems. Figure 2
C 170 1 73 illustrates an example of off-grid power supply: Here, enough
Pt AlOx 180−270 1 29, 72, 74 sunlight is available in daytime to fill the LOHC hydrogen
Ru AlOx 180 1 72 storage and a heat storage system for overnight hydrogen
Rh AlOx 180 1 72 release from the LOHC system.
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Figure 2. LOHC-based unit for off-grid power supply: at energy-rich times, solar energy is used to operate photovoltaics and to charge both the
LOHC and the heat storage system.

Figure 3. LOHC demonstration unit at Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart: 100 kW dehydrogenation unit (horizontal vessel in the middle) heated by a
hydrogen burner (not visible behind the container) producing hydrogen for a 30 kW fuel cell (right in front). The total storage capacity of the unit is
1000 L of H18-DBT (tanks on the left) or 2.05 MWh based on the lower heating value (LHV) of the stored hydrogen.

A typical LOHC system for power storage involves the Energy and hydrogen logistics will play a key-role in an
following five elements: electrolysis, LOHC hydrogenation increasingly renewable world as global regions with the highest
unit, storage tanks, LOHC dehydrogenation unit, and fuel potential for renewable energy harvest are not identical to those
cell.76 A recent important progress in stationary energy storage with the highest energy demand. A detailed evaluation of
is the so-called “OneReactor” concept77 that applies a LOHC-based energy and hydrogen transport has been recently
combined hydrogenation/dehydrogenation unit. This concepts published based on two specific scenarios, namely, export of
saves significant cost as only one reactor with its catalyst renewable energy from Northern Africa (solar) and export from
inventory, piping, manifolds, and management system is Iceland (hydroelectric, geothermal, wind) to Germany.78 The
required. A great advantage of performing storage and release study concludes that energy transport via LOHC over long
in the same reactor is that the reactor is always at elevated distances is indeed quite promising. Compared to the transport
temperature. This greatly increases dynamics of the system as of compressed or liquid hydrogen, transport costs for LOHC-
heating up times of cold reactors are avoided. A requirement to based hydrogen are low, in particular due to the possibility to
operate successfully the “OneReactor” is to have a catalyst use existing fleets of product tankers. Compared to electric
system or combination of catalysts at hand that works for both transmission, the fragmented energy delivery by dozens of
hydrogenation and dehydrogenation with suitable activity and individual ships navigating in the open sea increases security of
excellent selectivity. To identify and further optimize such supply. The additional storage function of the LOHC systems
catalyst systems is a very attractive research target. allows for energy release at the time and at the location of
G DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
Acc. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Accounts of Chemical Research Article

Figure 4. Process chain for operating a LOHC-based hydrogen filling station.

Figure 5. Schematic view of a direct LOHC fuel cell.

highest energy demand, a fact that adds significantly to the delivery of hydrogen to various customers. Note that LOHC-
economics of the transport path. based hydrogen storage and transport is not restricted to green
Figure 3 shows a very recently installed commercial hydrogen from water electrolysis but can also be based on
demonstrator for LOHC-based hydrogen logistics. This hydrogen from methane reforming or “waste” hydrogen from
demonstrator has been manufactured by Hydrogenious chlor-alkali electrolysis processes.
Technologies GmbH, Erlangen,79 and installed at Fraunhofer LOHC-based hydrogen delivery to hydrogen filling stations
IAO, Stuttgart. The unit runs on H18-DBT that is delivered to is a realistic technology target for the upcoming three to five
Stuttgart from Erlangen via road transport. The material is years. Major development targets deal with providing the
charged in Erlangen using solar power, a PEM electrolyzer required hydrogen quality for fuel cell vehicles at low
(Siemens), and a LOHC hydrogenation unit (Hydrogenious). investment into the LOHC dehydrogenation/compression/
The unit provides 30 kW power and is used as part of a micro- purification unit. Options to provide the heat of dehydrogen-
smart grid80 to charge electric vehicles during the night at ation at a hydrogen filling station include direct electrical
Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart. heating, burning of fuels (e.g., LPG or bioethanol), or heat
Note that from an actual economic viewpoint, it is not storage systems that are electrically heated from solar or wind
favorable to convert hydrogen, stored and transported in power at energy-rich times. Figure 4 shows the sequence of unit
LOHC systems, back into electricity. In contrast, it is much operations that is required to operate such a hydrogen filling
more attractive to use the stored hydrogen directly as fuel for station. As development goal for a future commercialization, it
hydrogen mobility or in industrial applications. While 1 kg of is envisaged to operate the whole process chain in a 20 feet
hydrogen (33.3 kWh LHV) provides 18.3 kWh electricity container at the filling station (including the dispenser) and to
(assuming a FC efficiency of 55%) resulting in a market value use either the existing fuel tanks of the station or a small tank
of 2.2 € (assuming the German industrial electricity prize of within the container for LOHC storage.
0.12 €/kWh), the market value of 1 kg of hydrogen at a On a longer research perspective, also on-board hydrogen
hydrogen filling station is between 9 and 12 €. Commercial generation on mobile platforms is a very attractive research
hydrogen delivery costs are between 5 and 55 €/kg depending and development goal. Technical realization of this vision is
on purchase quantity, quality, and location. This price spread easier on heavy and large platforms, like ships or locomotives,
gives an indication of the economic value of on-demand than on high performing small cars. On-board storage of the
H DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
Acc. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Accounts of Chemical Research Article

diesel-like LOHC is straightforward, a double chamber tank density = 14−15 mW cm−2). In contrast to direct methanol fuel
system is required to accommodate Hx-LOHC and H0-LOHC cells,85 the problem of undesired crossover of the fuel through
in the same tank volume. During the refueling process, Hx- the membrane is reduced. D-LOHC-FC concepts operating on
LOHC is filled into the one chamber of the tank system, while N-containing LOHC systems were later published by Driscoll
H0-LOHC is sucked off to empty the other tank chamber from et al.86 (using indoline and N-benzylaniline as fuels) and Ferell
uncharged LOHC.81 et al.87 (using mainly H12-NEC and perhydrofluorene as fuels).
For obvious reasons, the provision of the dehydrogenation A thermodynamic evaluation of several different LOHC fuels
heat for hydrogen release is more challenging on mobile for direct fuel cell concepts has been presented by Arauja et
platforms than for stationary applications. Some options, like al.88 Also the patent literature covers D-LOHC-FC concepts.89
heat supply from a heat storage system, are impractical for However, significant problems are still encountered on the
mobile applications. Basically, the following options remain: way to making D-LOHC-FC fuel cells efficient and robust.
• Electrical heating using the electricity produced by the These include compatibility issues between the membrane and
on-board FC is an obvious option, but it comes with the the LOHC materials, problems of electropolymerization, and
shortest driving range. The reason is that the limited generally low power outputs due to the slow kinetics. It is so far
efficiency of the FC enters twice the overall efficiency unpredictable whether the power output of D-LOHC-FCs will
calculation, for driving and for producing the electricity ever be sufficient to enable their reasonable use on mobile
equivalent for heating the endothermic dehydrogenation. platforms. Therefore, the theoretical possibility of operating D-
• On-board hydrogen combustion is the second option to LOHC fuel cells on vehicles one day should not prevent
produce the dehydrogenation enthalpy. At least 27% of anybody from establishing 700 bar hydrogen filling stations
the released hydrogen has to be burned for full hydrogen today for the next decade of hydrogen mobility. Having said
release in the case of H18-DBT (assuming no heat this, it is also true that the topic of D-LOHC-FC is fascinating
with many interesting challenges for fundamental research.
losses). Comparison with Figure 3 illustrates that
In conclusion, it appears from the current state of knowledge
significant progress in power density of the conversion
that LOHC systems offer significant potential to become a
units is needed to make this technology an option for on-
leading concept among the different options of chemical energy
board energy delivery on road vehicles.
storage. Different from storage options for elemental hydrogen,
• Combining the endothermic LOHC dehydrogenation
the concept enables storage and transport of very large amounts
reaction with metal hydride hydrolysis as an exothermic of energy in existing infrastructures. Different from other
hydrogen release process has been proposed by Jessop et “power-to-X” concepts, no additional reactants have to be
al.82 While the idea appears appealing on the first view, isolated from gas mixtures or the atmosphere and very pure
handling of solid metal hydrides/oxides, controlled heat hydrogen can be provided from LOHC storage systems. The
release from these systems, and their on-board scientific and technological progress of the last five years toward
regeneration is very challenging. robust LOHC systems and efficient hydrogen storage/hydro-
• Heat integration between the exothermic fuel cell gen release processes is very encouraging and supports the
operation and the LOHC dehydrogenation is another vision of a future hydrogen economy in which much of the
option. As only PEM fuel cells fulfill the dynamic applied hydrogen may be bound to high boiling liquids. This
requirements for mobile applications, this requires on the would not only facilitate a stepwise transition into the hydrogen
first view LOHC dehydrogenation at the temperature economy, it would also make this economy look similar to our
level of PEM fuel cells (up to 180 °C).83 An alternative, current energy system. This is a very relevant point to gain
very interesting but still very immature option is the on- public acceptance for this kind of breakthrough toward a more
board operation of a Direct-LOHC-fuel cell (D-LOHC- sustainable energy system.

FC, Figure 5). Conceptually, this option has the striking
advantage that LOHC dehydrogenation and fuel cell AUTHOR INFORMATION
operation takes place in one device and at one catalyst
Corresponding Author
thus saving both space and investment. In addition, the
D-LOHC-FC does not liberate elemental hydrogen from *E-mail:
the LOHC but only protons, a process that can take ORCID
place at the low temperatures of typical PEM fuel cells. Peter Wasserscheid: 0000-0003-0413-9539
Assuming that a D-LOHC-FC could reach one day the
same hydrogen efficiency as today’s hydrogen cars (0.7 Notes
kg H2 consumption per 100 km driving range), a car with The authors declare the following competing financial
an 80 kg LOHC tank content (carrying a LOHC system interest(s): Peter Wasserscheid is co-founder of the company
with 62 g of releasable H2/kg LOHC) would offer a Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH (
maximum driving range of ca. 700 km. that is mentioned in the Account.
Note that the D-LOHC-FC process handles no elemental Biographies
hydrogen. Liquid, hydrogen-charged LOHC is pumped into the
device, and electric power is delivered together with uncharged Patrick Preuster is group leader at the Institute of Chemical Reaction
LOHC. Without doubt, efficient D-LOHC fuel cells would Engineering of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurem-
bring the vision of hydrogen-free, but still hydrogen-based berg (FAU) ( for energy conversion technologies
energy converters much closer. But is this feasible? Already in using LOHC systems. His particular research focus is on catalytic
2003, Kariya et al. reported on the successful operation of a D- conversion units with high power density.
LOHC-FC based on cyclohexane.84 The authors claim good Christian Papp is group leader of the “surface and in situ spectroscopy
performance (open circuit voltage = 920 mV, maximum power group” at the Chair of Physical Chemistry II at the Friedrich-

I DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
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Dr. Berthold Melcher, and Dr. Martin Schneider for fruitful Gas Shift and Fischer−Tropsch Synthesis. Chem. Ing. Tech. 2013, 85,
discussions and helpful advice. Moreover, the authors thank the 489−499.
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Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials (EXC 315)” Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37, 14382−14392.
(21) Wang, Z.; Belli, J.; Jensen, C. M. Homogeneous dehydrogen-
for financial support. C.P. wants to thank H.Z.B. for the
ation of liquid organic hydrogen carriers catalyzed by an iridium PCP
allocation of synchrotron beamtime.

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(22) Zhu, Q.-L.; Xu, Q. Liquid organic and inorganic chemical
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L DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00474
Acc. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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