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ORATA, Anthony R.


Sociological Perspective of the Self

1. How would you describe yourself?

I would say that I have different personalities, depending on which type of person or group of
people I’m with. I am someone who corresponds his personality or behavior with the same
person or group.

Most of the time, I am the silent one in a circle of friends but I am also that one companion
who is easygoing. I find it peaceful and calm when I’m silent and so with the surroundings,
which explains why I brought this kind of behavior with my friends or any companion. I do not
like arguing. Being an easy-going person, I avoid having arguments during miscommunications
and I would rather start an open discussion between conflicts, for example, between my friends.

In a collaborative group, I mostly find myself leading the group or initiating tasks for other
members. This was influenced by my experiences as a student leader; being a student leader
transformed me into someone who can possess leadership that others cannot. Although I was
been a leader before, I still doubt that I have enough skills and attitudes that a leader must have.

2. What are the influences of your family on your development as an individual?

I believe that I am from a family of values. As cliché, as it may sound I grew up in a family
who recognize Filipino values, which contributed to the personality that I have become today.
Filipino values such as generosity, respect, gratitude, and faithfulness are one of the few things
that I severely learned through my childhood life, which I still exercise at the present.

Aside from the values I mentioned above, being hardworking and persevering, and having
grit and determination is the most important influence that I acquired from my family. They
taught me to always strive so that I could provide myself with a better life. That lesson
influenced my personality greatly, and it also reflects one of my core traits, which is being a
hard-working student.

Although I’ve been in a family of values, I am certain that we are not a perfect family. Small
fights and family issues also influence my traits and perspective in life as I grew up. My family
issues help me to have the instinct to break the issues and toxic family traits (and trauma) that I
have been involved in. These, drove me to alter those traits, which I think developed me.
3. What situation(s) in your life do you think you are your “true self”?

Although I am an expressive person, who overshare his or her emotions and feelings with
other people, I limit my true self when I am with people who are close and significant to me,
such as my close friends and family because these people have assured me of my unique
behaviors that I do not exhibit to other people. I also exhibit my “true self” in line with
vulnerabilities, especially when I get stressed with tasks and when I feel blue. With these people,
I am comfortable displaying my vulnerabilities, since they are the ones who understand how to
console my feelings.

4. What situation(s) in your life do you think you are not your “true self”?

I only have a few encounters in such situations where I displayed my true self. I only show
my not “true self” personality when I am meeting new colleagues and friends. I am not fond of
socializing with new people or expanding my network. I preferred to be alone or with the people,
I have known. I am most comfortable when showing my true traits, which I have only done with
significant people.

AIthough, I still have the instinct to alter my preferences to be able to ‘fit’ in with a specific
type of people, the reason that I have the feeling of rejection. For instance, meeting new people
on the first day of an academic year or working on a new organization. These are the people who
haven’t recognized me and my unique personality at first. Moreover, being with someone who is
not the same as my traits it is somehow difficult for me to show my true self.

5. What social pressures help shape yourself? If you had the choice, would you have
wanted to not experience those pressures?

Being a student, I find myself spending my time mostly doing school requirements or
reviewing a day or two before quizzes and examinations. I preferred to get things done correctly,
be unique, and be innovative. I describe myself like someone does also, as a student achiever, an
honor student rather, and a competitive person. All of these are because of my grit and
determination, which were influenced due to academic pressure.

Academic pressures put weight on my burden as a student. It challenged my skills,

intelligence, and abilities, which pressured me to become an achiever. As an achiever, most
people would always expect me to have an achievement or always produce a good outcome in

Most of the time, I consume my time doing academics, which limits my chances to socialize
with other people. Somehow, these pressures shaped me to become responsible and motivated to
achieve my goals. Moreover, it also transformed my beliefs and values and contributed a lot to
my principles.
6. What is it about yourself do you think may be changed or you would like to change?

If there is something that I like to change about myself, that is the fear of being rejected and
left behind. I have been always wanting to have a companion all the time since I feel like I am
still dependent on other people. I have this toxic trait where I get too melancholic whenever I feel
like I am being rejected by other people or being left behind with what is mainstream. I want to
remind myself to stand on my own, and to be independent on the path that I take. I think, this
way, it will help me to live independently as a young adult and will give me enough courage to
take risks.

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