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Geological Atlas of Africa

Thomas Schlüter

Geological Atlas of Africa

With Notes on Stratigraphy, Tectonics,
Economic Geology, Geohazards, Geosites
and Geoscientifi Education of Each Country

With contributions by Martin H. Trauth

2nd four-coloured revised and enlarged edition, with 417 f gures and a CD-ROM

Thomas Schlüter
UNESCO Nairobi Offic

ISBN: 978-3-540-76324-6 e-ISBN: 978-3-540-76373-4

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008923786

1st Edition 2006

c 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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Over t he l ast 10 y ears si nce t he i nception o f t he Digitizing o f v arious p rinted maps w as do ne b y

Geological Atlas of Africa Project, I have been fortu- Dirk Spengler (Utrecht), Nadja Insel (Potsdam) and
nate to have had support from many individuals and Stephen M ogere (N airobi). The fi nal l ayout o f t he
institutions in several African, European and North maps a nd t he complete page design was created by
American countries. My interest in the compilation Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Sillmann (Landau/Pfalz).
of geological overview maps of Africa grew out from
the conviction of my late supervisor, Walter G. Kühne, I am grateful to Dr. Christian Witschel (Heidelberg)
who had t aught me t hat basic understanding of the for the incorporation of this atlas into the Springer
geology of an area or region will never happen with- Geosciences Programme.
out initial observation of the respective available geo-
logical map. It is therefore my hope that by critical
evaluation of the here presented maps further scien- I ac knowledge t he f ollowing c opyright h olders f or
tific work may be successfully carried out. permission to use copyright material:

I am indebted to a g reat number of individuals for BBC Books,

assistance in many areas beyond my own discipline photographs on ps 38; 224.
of H istorical G eology a nd Pa laeontology. F inan-
cial su pport w as r eceived f rom DAAD (German Borntraeger Verlag,
Academic E xchange S ervice), na mely M r. C ay photographs 18; 20; 91.
Etzold, Director of the DAAD Office in Nairobi from
2001–2005. My colleagues in the UNESCO Nairobi DuMont Buchverlag,
Office, D r. Pa ul Vi tta, P rof. J oseph Ma ssaquoi, photographs 28; 29.
Alice Ochanda, and Dr. Robert Höft (now Toronto)
provided a n en vironment t hat w as v ery i nnova- Ferdinand Enke Verlag,
tive for the creation of the maps and the text of the photographs 2; 4.
atlas. Similarly I was encouraged by my colleagues
at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Drs. Wolfgang Geological Society of South Africa,
Eder, Robert Missotten and Margarete Patzak, and photographs on ps 62; 193; 217.
at field offices in Windhoek, Alex Magarikakis, and
Nairobi, N oeline Ra ondry-Rakotoarisoa. P rofs. Justus Perthes Verlag Gotha
Britta Schütt (Berlin), Dieter Jäkel (Berlin), Jürgen photographs on ps 20; 24; 52; 188; 232.
Wohlenberg ( Hannover), Volker J acobshagen
(Berlin), Wolf U. Reimold (Berlin), Martin Strecker Harry N. Abrams,
(Potsdam), Eckart Wallbrecher (Graz, Austria), Peter photographs 87; 212, 262.
van St raaten (Guelph, C anada), Theo D avies (Jos,
Nigeria), Sospeter Muhongo (Pretoria, South Africa), National Geographic,
Henry K ampunzu† (Gaborone, B otswana), Is aac photographs on ps 17; 33.
Konfor Njilah (Yaounde, Cameroon), a nd Ma nuel
Pinto (Porto, Portugal) contributed i n ma ny ways Der Spiegel,
significantly to t he fi nal te xt a nd s ometimes w ith photograph on pg 95 left.
photographs of various geosites. Dr. Andreas Berger
(Potsdam), Wolfgang Zils (Berlin) and Dr. Christa Struik,
Werner (Berlin) provided an invaluable mass of photographs on ps 10; 12.
information on t he geology of E ast A frica. To Dr.
Wolfgang Wramik (Rostock) I am indebted for his Time,
contribution on the island of Socotra. frontispiece July 2002.

as2_ 008 12:14:10 Uhr

VI Acknowledgements

Weidenfeld & Nicholson, Geoscience Press, Inc.,

photographs on ps 49; 71; 77; 139. photograph on pg 71.

World Wild Fund for Nature, Vintage,

photographs 24; 27; 46. photograph before pg 59.

C. Bertelsmann, Waldemar Kramer,

photographs 2; 12; 13. photograph on pg. 111.

AGID Report Series Geosciences in Jahrbuch Geologische Bundesanstalt, Vienna,

International Development, photograph on pg 35.
photographs on ps 208; 210.
Welterbe der UNESCO, ADAC-Buch,
Bradt Travel Guides Ltd, photograph on ps 33; 67; 76; 77.
photographs on ps 3; 7.
Interlink Publishing Group, photograph on pg 68.
photograph on ps 28; 160.
Deutscher Kunstverlag München Berlin,
Mémoire de la Terre, photographs on ps 52, 130; 137.
photographs on ps 66; 71; 94.
Every e ffort was made to t race t he copyright hold-
Philipp von Zabern, ers, but if any of them inadvertently has been over-
photograph on pg 100. looked, the necessary arrangements will be made at
the first opportunity.


This atlas is intended primarily for anybody who is in- some bac kground f or t he a rrangement o f h ow t he
terested in basic geology of Africa. Its originality lies atlas was done. The second chapter is devoted to the
in the fact that the regional geology of each African history o f g eological mapp ing i n A frica, n ecessary
nation or territory is reviewed country-wise by maps for a fuller appreciation of why this work in Africa is
and text, a view normally not presented in textbooks worth doing. Chapter 3 provides a n executive su m-
of regional geology. It is my belief, that there has long mary on the stratigraphy and tectonics of Africa as a
been a n eed i n u niversities a nd g eological su rveys, whole, i. e. in the context of no political boundaries.
both in Africa and in the developed world, for sum- The main part of the atlas lies in Chapter 4, where in
marizing geological maps and an accompanying basic alphabetical order each African country or territory
text utilising the enormous fund of knowledge that is presented by a digitized geological overview map
has been accumulated since the beginning of geologi- and an accompanying text on its respective stratig-
cal research in Africa in the mid-19th century. I hope raphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and
that, in part, the present atlas may satisfy this need. geosites. A short list of relevant references is also add-
ed. The atlas, essentially devoted to African geology,
The idea to compile the atlas resulted from my teach- offers in a condensed way data on all aspects of cur-
ing experience at African universities for more than rent geoscientific issues that may in future contribute
20 years, and after I had witnessed that my colleagues to the development of this continent.
there often had no access to geological overview maps,
references and literature of other African countries, Nairobi, February 2005 Thoma s Schlüter
sometimes bad ly needed for te aching purposes. I n
western eyes Africa is often perceived only as a land
of adventurers and explorers, but while Africa is un-
deniably d iverse a nd d ifferent, i t ha s n ever b een a Preface to the 2nd Edition
lost continent – o nly u nfamiliar, u nderappreciated,
misunderstood or forgotten. Anybody who has ever The commercial success and many well-aimed reviews
gone to A frica ha s t aken a pa rt o f i t away a nd l eft of the first edition of this atlas have led after only 2 ½
something behind. The results have not been always years since its publication to a new edition, which in
good, nor have they always been bad, but they have parts has been modified due to previously unknown
all gone into the mix that makes up the African soci- data. Some of the maps are completely new and many
ety. The atlas is therefore intended to build capabili- photographs of geological sites were adde d. A s t he
ties and capacities at various places in Africa, so that atlas sha ll b e u sed p referentially b y A frican g eolo-
the people there can later continue on their own with gists, I decided to add for each country or territory a
what I had begun. paragraph on the current state of art of geoscientific
education there. These data are based on departmen-
The atlas is subdivided into four chapters centering on tal websites and were compiled mainly from a report
regional geological aspects of each African country or on Geoscience Education in Africa submitted to the
territory. The first chapter defines the scientific issues Ecological and Earth Science Division in UNESCO’s
involved in the preparation of the atlas and provides Headquarter in Paris.

Nairobi, January 2008 Thoma s Schlüter

as2_V_X 12:14:11 Uhr

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Fig. 1 Africa – survey of countries and territories

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Chapter 1

Aims and Concepts of the Atlas 1

Chapter 2

Early Geological Maps of Africa 7

Chapter 3

Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis 13

Chapter 4

Review of Countries and Territories 31

Algeria 32 Mauritania 166

Angola 38 Mauritius 170
Benin 42 Morocco 174

Botswana 46 Mozambique 180
Burkina Faso 50 Namibia 184

Burundi 54 Niger 190
Cameroon 58 Nigeria 196

Canary Islands (Spain) 62 Reunion (France) 202
Cape Verde 66 Rwanda 204

Central African Republic 68 São Thomé & Príncipe 208
Chad 70 Senegal 212

The Comoros 74 Seychelles 216
(Mayotte still under French administration) Sierra Leone 220

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 76 Socotra (Yemen) 224
Republic of Congo 84 Somalia 226

Djibouti 88 South Africa 230
Egypt 92 Sudan 238

Equatorial Guinea 98 Swaziland 242
Eritrea 102 Tanzania 246

Ethiopia 104 Togo 254
Gabon 110 Tunisia 258
The Gambia 114 Uganda 262 S
Ghana 116 Western Sahara 268
Guinea 122 (under Moroccan administration)
Guinea-Bissau 126 Zambia 270

Ivory Coast / Cote d’Ivoire 128 Zimbabwe 274

Kenya 132

Lesotho 140
Geographical Index 281
Liberia 144

Libya 148

Madagascar 152 Subject Index 290

Madeira (Portugal) 156
Malawi 158
Mali 162 Authors Index 301

as2_V_XII_Titel 008 12:14:12 Uhr

UNESCO Office Nairobi, Kenya
F. W. EDER, Paris, France
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

Nairobi, Kenya

Potsdam, Germany


Nairobi, Kenya
(Research Fellow)

Landau, Germany
(Communication Designer)
Chapter 1
Aims and Concepts of the Atlas

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Fig. 2 Universities with geology department and other geoscientific institutions in Africa (after Schlüter, 2007)

as2_001_006.indd 2 11. .2007 17:29:39 Uhr

Aims and Concepts of the Atlas

1 Geological Maps
The production of a geological map of a certain area each unit, which shall be adopted for geological
is a means of making understandable the geology of maps. However, these principles were in practice
this area in a r elatively simple way. On suc h a map not a lways applicable i n t he geological atlas of
different ro ck t ypes o r r elated g roups o f ro cks a re Africa. To compensate this, additionally for a bet-
represented, and these are shown as having formed at ter discrimination in the here presented overview
various periods during the history of the Earth. Each maps often c olours u sed b y t he United St ates
of these rocks formed under, or has been affected by, Geological Survey (USGS) were also applied.
a definite set of conditions. Some of the rocks that are
exposed at the surface today must at one stage have
2 Accompanying Text
been deep down in t he crust. Other rock t ypes are
from old mou ntain c hains or old volc anoes. S ome The atlas seeks to portray the geology of each African
of t he ro cks formed u nder c old, g lacial c onditions, country or territory as a whole, therefore apart from
others in deserts, some in swamps, and many obvi- the digitized maps an accompanying text is included,
ously under the sea. It is the piecing together of all the which specifically is related to t he stratigraphy and
available information about the rocks themselves that tectonics, economic geology, geoenvironmental haz-
will provide a picture of the geological development of ards and geosites and the state of art of geoscientific
each particular country or territory in this atlas. education of e ach p articular c ountry or t erritory.
Mapping of any topic has a long history. The oldest Due to t he available data it has rarely been possible
sketch maps were probably drawn on sand or snow to provide details significant at a regional level, and
thousands of years ago, whereas the most recent kind almost never at a local level.
of maps a re being created via the World Wide Web
and can be sent to someone᾽s mobile phone. Ther e is, 2.1 Stratigraphy and Tectonics
however, an inherent problem of maps: they are short-
lived and need to be updated regularly. The Geological As t he text of t he atlas t ries to de scribe t he geology
Atlas of Africa is aimed at compiling, enriching and of e ach A frican c ountry or t erritory, it i s b asically
updating the geological information that already ex- related to t heir s tratigraphy a nd te ctonics, t hus b y
ists, but which is distributed in a scattered way and building u p a c hronological s equence o f e vents o r
often not available. processes through geological time. Once the sequence
Production of the here presented geological atlas of and the structure of a certain area are known, also the
Africa had to cope with discrepancies and differences sequence of events and processes can be determined.
on the following aspects: To d o t his e ffectively involves, however, utilizing
– Level of detail; meaning that there are differences information and principles from virtually all of the
of details in the maps used as sources. diverse branches of geology. This is provided in the
– Map scales. Due to the format used for the atlas, accompanying text on stratigraphy and tectonics for
comparatively small countries appear in a very each country or territory, but it has to be considered
different scale than those that are larger. that there exists for each country or territory its own
– Harmonization o f l egends. A ll t he g eological geological nomenclature, based on the limited regional
maps used as sources have different colours for occurrence of certain rock types (Burollet, 2004).
particular ro ck u nits a nd d ifferent definitions
of stratigraphic and tectonic terms. The Global 2.2 Economic Geology
Stratigraphic C hart o f t he I nternational C om-
mission on Stratigraphy (ICS), published jointly The 53 independent nations and six other territories
by t he I nternational Union o f G eological S ci- of c ontinental A frica a nd ad jacent i slands c onsid-
ences (IUGS) and UNESCO in 2000 (modified ered i n t he a tlas a re h ome f or a bout 9 30 m illion
in 2004), indicates the international terms of the people (2007). For many of these countries mineral
stratigraphic units currently in use, their relative exploration a nd p roduction c onstitute sig nificant
and absolute age, and the respective colours of parts of their economies and remain keys to f uture

as2_001_006.indd 3 11.12.2007 17:29:39 Uhr

4 Chapter 1 – Aims and Concepts of the Atlas

economic g rowth. A frica i s r ichly en dowed w ith by delineating natural resources including those that
mineral reserves and ranks first or second in terms are e ssential f or o ur ba sic n eeds, p rincipally w ater,
of concentration (20 % to 80 %) of world mineral re- shelter a nd f ood. G eology ma y t herefore b ecome
serves of bauxite, chromite, cobalt, coltan (columbite- a co nstructive t ool f or a gricultural de velopment,
tantalite), diamond, gold, manganese, phosphate rock, especially t hrough e xploration a nd de velopment
platinum-group metals ( PGM), titanium m inerals of fertilizer raw materials used either directly or in
(rutile and ilmenite), vanadium, vermiculite and zir- modified forms for the production of one of our most
conium (Coakley & Mobbs, 1999). Among industrial basic needs, food (Straaten, 2007). “Agrogeology,
minerals t he r esources o f l imestone a nd dol omite the use of rocks for crops”, is t he t itle of a r ecently
were comprehensively investigated and reviewed by published b ook, w hich a ims a t ma king t he u se o f
Bosse et al. (1996). rocks a nd m inerals to i mprove soil fertility for t he
Although the continent attracted significant invest- benefits of farmers. It provides information on the
ment in mineral development, particularly in the gas geological provenance of t he major plant nutrients
and oil sector, widespread civil wars, internal ethnic or and m icronutrients, w hich e specially i n A frica a re
political conflicts and refugee displacements continued sometimes a gronomically e xtremely e ffective. This
to destabilize a number of African countries and con- book may therefore make a significant contribution
strained new investment in mineral exploration and towards achieving the Millenium Development Goals
development in many areas. Countries directly affected (MDGs) of reducing the number of hungry and poor
in the early 21st century included Algeria, Angola, Bu- people globally.
rundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic
of C ongo, E ritrea, Et hiopia, Gu inea, Gu inea-Bissau, 2.3 Geoenvironmental Hazards
Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and
Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Although natural ha zards a nd disasters seem to b e
Zimbabwe. Negative economic impacts that resulted inevitable, their catastrophic impact can be consider-
from the burden of military assistance provided to dif- ably reduced through various methods of pre-disaster
ferent sides of the civil war in the Democratic Republic planning and post-disaster reconstruction and reha-
of Congo were also felt by Angola, Namibia, Rwanda, bilitation. In many developing countries, character-
Uganda and Zimbabwe. ized b y he avy c oncentration o f p opulation, sha nty
The long-term i mplication of t he H IV/AIDS epi- towns, sl ums a nd ma rginal s ettlements, a na tural
demic on the workforce presents another disincentive hazard o r d isaster c an l ead t o g rave co nsequences
to foreign investment and economic development on even where its initial impact is not very severe. In this
the continent. In several southern African countries, context t he following distinctions have to b e made
from about 20 to 35 % of the working age population for future planning exercises, and it is important to
are i nfected. H IV/AIDS i s i ncreasing t he o perat- distinguish between hazards, disasters and emergen-
ing c osts f or t he m ining s ector i n ma ny c ountries, cies: A ha zard is a r are or extreme event or process
where t he s ocial w elfare a nd he alth-care c osts o f in t he natural or human environment t hat ha s t he
employees a re a bsorbed b y t he m ining c ompanies potential adversely to affect human life, property or
(Smart, 2004). activity to the extent of causing a disaster.
International mineral exploration companies, in A disaster is the occurrence of a sudden or major
general, were cutting exploration expenditures over misfortune, w hich d isrupts t he ba sic f abric a nd
the l ast de cade, s ome do wn to t he m inimum r e- normal functioning of a s ociety or community. An
quired to hold leases. Additionally, the lack of skilled emergency i s a n e xtraordinary si tuation, i n w hich
labour remains a sig nificant factor in the slow pace people are unable to meet their basic survival needs,
of mineral project development. The information on or there are serious and immediate threats to human
economic g eology provided i n t he a tlas i s ado pted life. D isasters a nd emerg encies a re t herefore t he
from various informal sources and may not always consequences of ha zards a nd may a lways b e t aken
bereflecting the latest state of art of exploration and as t he p otential r esults o f ha zards. The following
exploitation of the respective mineral resources. three categories reflect t he t ypes of ha zards, which
Geologists a re n ot o nly i nstrumental i n s earch- are considered and addressed in the atlas:
ing f or a nd de veloping g eological ma terials f or – Geophysical h azards, in cluding e arthquakes,
humankind in cluding m etals, hydrocarbons a nd landslides, volcanic eruptions and mudflows
non-metallic minerals, but contribute to society also – Environmental hazards, including erosion and

as2_001_006.indd 4 11.12.2007 17: 9:40 Uhr

desertification of this area. Geological heritage sites, properly man-

– Geochemical ha zards, i ncluding na tural c on- aged, can generate employment and new economic
tamination of soils and human-made pollution activities, e specially i n r egions i n n eed o f n ew o r

by mining and other activities additional sources of income. Secondly, geosites are

Chapter 1 – Aims and Concepts of the Atlas

Disaster m anagement re quires re sponse, i ncident a medium of education, with regard to natural sci-
mapping, e stablishing priorities, de veloping ac tion ences, but also with respect to t he mining industry
plans, a nd i mplementing t he p lan to p rotect l ives, and to history. This aspect involves such subjects as
property a nd t he en vironment. Mapp ing a nd i n- neoarchaeological and mining geological heritage. In
formation ac quisition i s t herefore v ital f or d isaster Africa it is only South Africa, where an active com-
management. P reparation o f r isk maps i s e ssential munity of geoconservationists has already provided
for pl anning e ffective p reparedness a nd r esponse an inventory of geosites in the country, which are for
measures. Available te chnologies suc h a s G IS a nd instance described and well-illustrated in the book of
Remote S ensing provide a nalysis of environmental Viljoen and Reimold (1999).
factors for the identification of potential geohazards
and d isasters. A c omprehensive i nventory o f t he 2.5 Geoscience Education
major g eoenvironmental ha zards o f t he A frican
countries has not yet been made, and it is therefore Geology/geoscience education in Africa is currently
aimed in the atlas that there should be more efforts in a crisis (Schlüter and Davies, 2008). As the conti-
directed towards t he development of a n i ntegrated nent has been plagued in the last decades by instabil-
geographical i nformation s ystem a mongst v arious ity, i ncluding m ilitary coups, civil wars, periods of
governmental i nstitutions a nd non- governmental economic s tagnation a nd t he H IV/AIDS e pidemic,
agencies that will help to minimize the effects of the stress of living in such domestic and occupational
hazards and disasters. scenes has also led to deficiencies in the basic training
of geology/geosciences graduates and inadequaties in
2.4 Geosites teaching resources and research facilities, including
staffi ng, fieldwork, l ibrary e quipment a nd s tudent
Across the whole continent of Africa there are many attitude. A ltogether t here a re i n A frica a bout 100
examples of landscapes, regionally specific rocks and university departments and other geoscientific insti-
fossil sites that provide key evidence of a pa rticular tutions that offer undergraduate courses in geology/
moment or period in Earth history. Such Earth geosciences (Fig. 2), roughly meaning in average one
heritage sites are important for educating the general geology/geosciences department for 10 million people.
public in environmental matters. They also serve as Classical m ining c ountries l ike S outh A frica y ield
tools f or demo nstrating su stainable de velopment for a population of about 48 million people at least 13
and for illustrating methods of site conservation as universities w ith g eology/geosciences de partments,
well a s re membering t hat ro cks, m inerals, fo ssils, while some of the smaller countries do n ot provide
soils, landforms and activities like mining form an an e ducation with geoscientific bac kground a t a ll.
integral part of the natural world. However, it is only Countries l ike M orocco, N igeria a nd E gypt ha ve
since 1996 that the International Union of Geological quite a number of geology/geosciences departments
Sciences ( IUGS) a nd U NESCO have been sponsor- with s ometimes l arge p ersonnel c apacities, but a re
ing the global GEOSITES project, which is aimed at institutionally often rather poorly equipped. Political
compiling a global inventory of important geological instability has contributed to the deterioration of ge-
sites of both scenic and scientific value. ology/geosciences departments in Burundi, Rwanda,
Why is the preservation of geosites of importance? Liberia, Sierra Leone and Somalia.
Firstly, in some instances the significance of certain In the midst of the training and educational crisis,
sites for aesthetic or tourism reasons is obvious. Ther e however, some good research is still coming out, albeit
are n umerous g eosites, w hich c ould c ontribute to minimal. But A frican research results a re r arely i n-
effective exploitation of geotourism, often in conjunc- dexed in major international databases, a problem that
tion with ecotourism. The strategy employed to such is further exacerbated by the inaccessibility of theses
sites involves close consultation with all communities and dissertations complemented in the respective re-
in the vicinity of the respective geosite and is not only gion, many of which contain local empirical data that
aimed at tourism and education, but also at sustain- are often not available in international literature.
able improvement of the infrastructure of the people Specialization in fields such as remote sensing

as2_001_006.indd 5 11.12.2007 17:29:40 Uhr

6 Chapter 1 – Aims and Concepts of the Atlas

and GIS, hydrogeology, engineering geology, micro- sciences, both within the continent and outside, and
palaeontology, etc., accompanied by some practical to initiate new research opportunities by providing a
orientation e ven a t t he u ndergraduate l evel, w ill database of basic geological background information
without do ubt en hance t he c hances o f A frican g e- of this continent.
ology/geoscience g raduates ac quiring jobs i n t he
mining, engineering and water sector or in other rel-
evant areas. The establishment of regional networks 4 References
linking existing institutions and other agencies is a
Ashwal, L. D. & De Wit, M. J. (2000): Epilogue: rediscover-
means of upgrading t he te aching of E arth s cience ing the frontiers of Gondwana Earth Science in Africa.–
graduates a nd p roviding sp ecial t raining i n t he Journal African Earth Sciences 31 (1), 209–212; Oxford.
latest te chniques a nd c oncepts. Network ac tivities Bosse, H .-R., Gwo sdz, W., L orenz, W., M arkwich, H .,
include ex change o f i nformation, o rganization o f Roth, W. & W olf, F. ( 1996): L imestone a nd D olomite
regional workshops and specialized training courses Resources of Africa.– Geologisches Jahrbuch D, Min-
eralogie, Petrographie, Geochemie, Lagerstättenkunde,
for staff, improvement of mechanisms to allow Earth 102, 1–532; Hannover.
scientists to meet on the regional and international Burollet, P.-f. ( 2004): G éologie A fricaine. Une S ynthese
levels, a nd c ooperative u se of t he s carce resources Bibliographique.– Publication Occasionelle CIFEG 40,
and equipment. 1–153; Orleans.
Coakley, G. J. & Mobbs, P. M. (1999): The Mineral Indus-
tries of Africa.– U. S. Geological Survey Minerals Year-
3 Conclusions book 1999, 1–4.
International C ommission on S tratigraphy (2004): Inter-
As already outlined in the epilogue for the Gondwana national St ratigraphic Chart.– To accompany “A new
10 Symposium (Cape Town 1999) by Ashwal and De Geological Time Scale, with special reference to Pre-
cambrian and Neogene”, by F. M. Gradstein et al., Epi-
Wit (2000 ), much of the research work that currently sodes 27 (2).
takes place i n A frica i s done by non-Africans. The International Workshop on Natural and Human–induced
reasons for this are complex and involve sociological, Hazards a nd D isasters i n A frica ( 2007).– A bstract
political and financial elements. Africa as the focal Volume, 2 1–22 July 2 007, K ampala, U ganda, 1–55;
area of Gondwana has apparently been rediscovered
Schlüter, T. ( 2007): T he Cu rrent St atus of G eoscience
in recent years, and it is therefore vitally important Education at African Universities.– Unpublished Report
that this interest and research effort from countries for the Ecological and Earth Science Division (EES) of
external to Africa is balanced against a growing UNESCO, 1–61; Nairobi.
interest fr om w ithin t he c ontinent. Under i deal Schlüter, T. & Davies, T. C. (2008 in press): No future for
geo-education in Africa?– A World of Science; Paris.
conditions, s cientists f rom t he first w orld sh ould Schlüter, T. & Mogere, S. (eds.) (2002): Geoenvironmental
consider their counterparts in the south as full and Hazards and Disasters in Africa. –Workshop 1–3 July
equal colleagues, but this is often not the case. This 2002, Nairobi, Abstract Vol., 1–46; Nairobi.
is especially important in the acquisition, handling Smart, R. (2004): HIV/AIDS Guide for the Mining Sector.–
and sha ring of l arge a nd f requently d isparate d ata- I–XIV, 1–251; International Finance Corporation (IFC),
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA);
sets. C onsiderable re sponsibility a lso re sts on t he Ottawa, Washington DC.
shoulders o f g eoscientists, w ho l ive i n A frica, to Straaten, P. van (2007): Agrogeology – The Use of Rocks for
communicate a mongst t hemselves, not only to w el- Crops.– I–VI, 1–440; Enviroquest Ltd., Ontario.
come c olleagues f rom o utside t he b orders o f t heir UNESCO & I UGS ( 2000): I nternational St ratigraphic
Chart; E xplanatory not e to t he I nternational St rati-
countries, b ut a lso to ma intain a nd en hance t heir
graphic Chart.– 1 folded chart and accompanying bro-
passion f or a c ollaborative e ffort in understanding chure, 1–16.
this sp ectacular na tural l aboratory. I t i s t herefore Viljoen, M. J. & Reimold, W. U. (1999): An introduction to
the aim of this atlas to c ontribute to c apacity build- South Africa᾽s Geological and Mining Heritage.– I–VII,
ing and extended communication in African Earth 1–193; Mintek and Geological Society of South Africa.

as2_001_006.indd 6 11.12.2007 17:29:40 Uhr

Chapter 2
Early Geological Maps of Africa


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as2_007_012.indd 7 11.12.2007 17:39:16 Uhr

Early Geological Maps of Africa

William Smith (1769–1839), an English engineer and
surveyor, began at the end of the 18th century to collect

fossils from successive beds, which he had observed
in t he c ourse o f h is jo urneys ac ross E ngland. H e

Chapter 2 – Early Geological Maps of Africa

realized t hat e ach s tratum c ould b e re cognized by
the fossils found in it, and that the same succession
of strata could be observed wherever the rocks con-
cerned were found. In 1815appeared as a result of his
investigations t he l arge geological map o f E ngland
and Wales with an accompanying explanation. This
is t he e arliest l arge-scale g eological map o f a ny e x-
tensive area or country (Winchester, 2001), although
similar efforts had already been made since the late
18th century in Saxony by A. G. Werner (Wagenbreth,
1998). A p receding a ttempt o f t hese e arly s cientific
geological maps should here, however, be mentioned,
because of its origin in Africa: Undoubtedly existed
in ancient Egypt a h ighly developed surveying and
engineering system, but unfortunately almost no car-
tographic proof of it is known – except a map drawn
on a papy rus, which is currently kept in the Museo
Egizio in Turin. It was apparently prepared during the
19th Dynasty under the reign of the Pharaoh Sethos I,
together with his son Ramses II, who was initiating
new mining operations for gold in the Eastern Desert Fig. 4 Geological map of Egypt, published by Russeger (1842)

of Eg ypt, b ecause t he t raditional n earer ac cessible

supplies had been exhausted. One of these areas for
exploration may have been in the Wadi Hammamat
and is figured on the Turin Papyrus, exhibiting apart
from topographic details also the occurrence of silver
and gold bearing deposits (Bowen & Jux, 1987) (Fig. 3).
It is therefore a k ind of a geological map, surely the
oldest k nown attempt to d raw somehow geological
units. The oldest scientific geological map of Africa
originates also from Egypt and was already compiled
by R . Russeger i n 1842 ( Fig. 4). The term “Nubian
Sandstone”, which characterizes mainly continental
and s andy de posits, a nd w hich i s s ometimes s till
in use today, is mentioned for t he first time in t his
map. Until recently, this chronolithological unit was
considered to be stratigraphically indivisible. Recent
research has shown t hat t hese rock sequences com-
prise d ifferentiated strata containing i ntercalations
of marine sediments.
Fig. 3 Pharaonic map of gold mining areas in Wadi Hammamat, Geological maps have sometimes been produced
Eastern Desert, Egypt without proper knowledge of the topography of the

as2_007_012.indd 9 11.12.2007 17:39:19 Uhr

10 Chapter 2 – Early Geological Maps of Africa

concerned area, as can be seen from t he geological

map published by Sadebeck (1872) on East Africa, in
which the Great Lakes region of central eastern Africa
is very poorly figured, but surely because the famous
explorers like Livimgstone, Stanley, and von Höhnel
had not yet reported about their discoveries there. In
1880 the Scotsman Joseph J. Thompson presented in
the journal Nature the first geological field account
of a s ector of t he E ast A frican R ift System, t hat of
Nyanza, in which he included three cross sections. As
a result of his traverses Thompson postulated a zone
of volcanism extending f rom t he C ape to Et hiopia,
roughly parallel to the Indian Ocean. From 1883 to
1886 the German naturalist Gustav A. Fischer mapped
Fig. 6 Geological map of the Cape Colony (from Rogers, 1905)
the rift grabens of southern Kenya and northern Tan-
zania. Notably is a detailed geological map at a scale
1:50,000 , which he i ncluded in his 1884 publication.
Less t han 15 years later Gregory (1896) was a lready sufficiently were probably t he t wo s triking r easons,
able to draw a rather comprehensive and exact picture why comparatively few publications on the Precambri-
of the geology of the Kenya Colony and the northern an strata were then published. Geologists of this time
part of the then German East Africa (Schlüter, 2001) had no other tools than lithostratigraphic comparisons,
(Fig. 5). Si milarly i n t he g rade of ac curacy ha s a lso which, of course, were not sufficient to correlate these
been prepared the geological map of the Karoo Basin formations precisely ( Furon, 1968). A rthur Holmes
and adjacent areas in southern Africa (Rogers, 1905) (1890–1965), whose book “The Age of the Earth” had
(Fig. 6). The stratigraphic sequence of the Karoo Sys- already appeared in 1913, was a scientist, who devoted
tem (or Supergroup as it is termed today), subdivided a ma jor p ortion o f h is c areer to t he app lication o f
into Dwyka, Ecca, Beaufort and Stormberg Series, had radioactivity in the solution of geological age dating.
already been established, and their paleoenvironment It is remarkable that his calculations and hence result-
carefully evaluated. ing definition of the Mozambique Orogenic Belt were
There is, however, one aspect that was largely omit- based on less than 25 radiometric ages, when he gave
ted by the pioneering geologists of the late 19th century his memorable address to the Association of African
almost up to the middle of the 20 th century: The Pre- Geological Su rveys a t t he I nternational G eological
cambrian basement comprises by far the largest share Congress in London in 1948 (Holmes, 1951). He pro-
of rocks on the continent, but often the monotony of its visionally dated the Mozambique Orogenic Belt to be
facies as well as the inability to date these formations approximately 1,300 Ma old, an age today indicative for
the Kibaran Orogenic Belt, but at least much younger
than the previously assumed Archean age. Ther efore,
when Holmes defined the Mozambique Orogenic Belt
as extending from south of the Zambezi River to the
extreme north of Kenya, Uganda and southern Ethio-
pia, the stratigraphic and structural map of equatorial
and southern Africa received a new face (Fig. 7), which
basically still holds today. In a compilation prepared
by Arthur Holmes and Lucien Cahen (1912–1982), the
latter being another father of Precambrian stratigraphy
of Africa, in 1954, the number of radiometric ages in
Africa had grown to approximately 100, and by 1956 the
same authors were able to list about 300 ages. In their
summarizing book “The Geochronology of Equatorial
Fig. 5 Geological sketch map of the southern part of the Africa”, C ahen a nd Snelling (1966) c onsidered more
Kenya Colony and the northern part of former German East than 550 determinations. During the early fifties, the
Africa (from Gregory, 1896) K:Ar a nd R :Sr me thods had b een e stablished on a

as2_007_012.indd 10 11.12.2007 17:39:21 Uhr

projects before having at their disposal geological maps
indicating the nature, distribution, composition and
structural r elationships o f t he v arious ro cks i n t he

respective areas. Geological maps were prepared pre-
dominantly in a scale 1:125,000 , sometimes 1:100,000 .
Some geological maps with various aims in a smaller

or a larger scale were sometimes also issued. Quarter
degree sheet mapping of Africa has, however, never

Chapter 2 – Early Geological Maps of Africa

been completed, and it has to be pointed out that the
advent of independence for most African countries in
the 1960᾽s a nd t he cease of publication of geological
maps from there are almost coincident. For example,
although about 80 % of Tanzania is now geologically
mapped, only 116 of the foreseen 322 map sheets have
yet b een p ublished, probably b ecause t here a re c ur-
rently no sources for their printing available.

Bowen, R . & J ux, U. (1987): A fro-Arabian G eology – a
Fig. 7 Orogenic belts in southern and central Africa as
kinematic v iew.– I–XIV, 1–295; C hapmann a nd Ha ll,
proposed by Arthur Holmes in 1948 (Holmes 1951)
London, New York.
Cahen, L . & Sne lling, N. J. (1966): The Geochronology of
Equatorial Africa.– I–VII, 1–195; North-Holland Publ.
Comp., Amsterdam.
Cahen, L., Snelling, N. J., Delhal, J. & Vail, R. J. (1984): The
virtually routine basis, while the older U-Pb method Geochronology and Evolution of Africa.– I–XII, 1–512;
had become even more firmly entrenched. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
On t he other ha nd it ha s to b e p ointed out t hat Fischer, G . A. (1884): B ericht ü ber d ie i m A uftrag d er
Cahen e t al. (1984) i n t heir f amous a nd, c urrently Geographischen G esellschaft in Hamburg unternom-
mene Reise in das Massai-Land. Part 1: Allgemeiner Be-
probably mos t quo ted b ook o n t he P recambrian
richt.– Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft
stratigraphy of Africa, are of the opinion that much Hamburg, 1882–1883, 36–99; Hamburg.
of the former isotopic evidence is of relatively poor Furon, R. (1968): Geologie de l᾽Afrique.– 1–374; Payot,
precision, and that the data obtained for the variation Paris.
of i nitial 87 Sr:86 Sr r atios t hrough p lace a nd t ime Gregory, J. W. (1896): The Great Rift Valley. Being the Nar-
rative of a Journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo.–
with respect to Africa will probably soon become only I–XX, 1–405; John Murray, London.
of historical interest. Accordingly, also the abundant Holmes, A. (1951): The Sequence of Pre-Cambrian Orogenic
U-Pb data achieved before 1984 should for similar rea- Belts in South and Central Africa.– 18th International
sons largely be ignored. Cahen et al. (1984) predict for Geological Congress, Great Britain, 1948, 14, 254–269;
future stratigraphic investigations isotopic variations London.
Rogers, A . W. (1905): A n I ntroduction to t he G eology of
of strontium, lead and neodymium, whereas they are the Cape.– I–XI, 1–463; Longmans, Green & Co., New
skeptical about palaeomagnetic studies. York, Bombay.
Publication o f qu arter de gree she et g eological Russegger, R. (1842): Geological Map of Egypt. Sadebeck,
mapping at various scales began i n A frica si nce t he A. (1872): G eologie von O st-Afrika.– I n: O . Ker sten:
C. C. von d er D ecken᾽s R eisen i n O st-Afrika. Pa rt 3,
beginning of the 20 th century, sometimes only in the
1–140; Leipzig.
1930᾽s, and was linked to the establishment of Geologi- Schlüter, T. (2001): H istory a nd Perspectives of G eologi-
cal Surveys in the respective countries. It was assumed cal Research in East Africa.– Documenta Naturae 136,
that these institutions might provide sound and reliable 161–183; Munich.
geological maps as a basic prerequisite for the develop- Winchester, S. (2001): The Map t hat Changed t he World.
William Sm ith a nd t he Bi rth of M odern G eology.–
ment of potential mineral resources. It was during the 1–332; HarperCollins Publishers Inc., New York.
colonial administration also anticipated that private Wagenbreth, O. (1998): Die geologische Kartierung in der
mining companies were not expected to take serious Geschichte der Wissenschaften.– Zeitschrift für geolo-
interests i n i nitiating de tailed m ineral e xploration gische Wissenschaften 26 (1/2), 241–246; Berlin.

as2_007_012.indd 11 11.12.2007 17:39:22 Uhr

Chapter 3
Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis


Cenozoic volcanics

Paleozoic volcanics

Main rift trends W E

Mesozoic volcanics S

Craton older than 2000 Ma

Hypovolcanic ring complex


as2_013_030.indd 13 11.12.2007 20:39:36 Uhr

Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis
1 Introduction studies a nd subsequent d rilling operations have es-
tablished its main geological components. Detailed
Africa encompasses a l and a rea of 30.3 million km2 , geological mapp ing a nd g eochronological s tudies
occupying about one-fift h of the land surface of the have shown that all the Archean cratons have been
Earth. From a g eological v iewpoint it i s a v ery old reworked, a t l east ma rginally, d uring s everal P ro-
continent spa nning a t l east 3,800 Ma o f t he E arth᾽ terozoic orogenesis. The principal components of the
history. Practically the whole of the continent is un- Archean cratonic blocks (excluding the Limpopo Mo-
derlain by Precambrian basement. Phanerozoic cover bile Belt between the Kapvaal Craton and the Zimba-
rocks are only of limited areal extent. The following bwe Craton) are predominantly low-grade greenstone
executive summary on t he stratigraphy a nd tecton- belts, extensive areas of high-grade gneisses, granitic
ics of A frica i n a c omprehensive c ontext i s ma inly series i ncluding several phases of m igmatites, a nd
based and adopted from papers published by R. Key usually ending with anorogenig K-granites, and late
(1992), A . J. B oucot (1999) a nd A . B. K ampunzu & minor intrusions.
M. Popoff (1991).
The crystalline basement of Africa is composed of 2.2 Greenstone Belts
metasedimentary, meta-igneous a nd igneous rocks,
which v ary i n a ge f rom Pa leoarchean to C enozoic Two s equences of g reenstone b elts a re generally rec-
times. Wi thin t he P recambrian c rystalline bl ocks, ognized i n t he ma jor c ratonic n uclei e xcept t he
granitic-gneissic greenstone belts of the Archean cra- Kapvaal Cr aton, w hich p rematurely s tabilized (at
tonic nuclei are surrounded by essentially Proterozoic about 3,050 Ma) prior to the formation of the second
orogenic provinces often referred to as mobile belts. generation of belts. The oldest greenstones were laid
Parts of the crystalline basement are igneous intru- down b etween a bout 3,550 Ma a nd a bout 3,050 Ma .
sions a ssociated w ith a norogenic ma gmatism. The They c ommonly have precursor g neiss foundations,
heterogeneous basement is extensively concealed be- which include definite metasedimentary components.
neath a variable thickness of diverse, essentially un- Within these greenstone belts there are essentially sin-
metamorphosed supracrustal cover rocks. These also gle cycles from basal, mainly basic, volcanics with di-
vary in age. The oldest cover rocks are the Archean agnostic high-MgO rocks (komatiites), upwards into
and Pa leoproterozoic s edimentary a nd v olcanic clastic sediment-dominated sequences. They are best
sequences capping the Kapvaal Craton: the Pongola, preserved on the Kaapval Craton and central parts of
Witwatersrand, Ventersdorp, Transvaal-Griqualand the Zimbabwe Craton. The Barberton Greenstone Belt
West a nd Waterberg-Soutpansberg-Matsap S uper- in northeastern South Africa and Swaziland serves as
groups. The yo ungest c over s equences i nclude t he an excellent example of the lithological content of the
Cenozoic volcano-sedimentary d eposits a ssociated older belts. Unusually, the older volcanics of the Tan-
with rift ing, notably within the East African Rift Sys- zania Cr aton, referred to t he Nyanzian Group, may
tem, and the partly consolidated sediments, such as have a h igher proportion, up to 75 % of t he volcanic
the Kalahari Supergroup, currently infilling the ma- pile, of andesites, although it is doubtful if the lower
jor crustal depressions. part of the Nyanzian is ever seen. The younger green-
stone belts were laid down between about 2,800 Ma
and about 2,600 Ma . They appear to be slightly older
2 Archean Cratonic Nuclei (Fig. 8)
in the West African Craton relative to the central Afri-
2.1 General can cratons, although there was a minor development
of greenstone belts on the Zimbabwe Craton at about
Large parts of the Congo Craton and of the cratonic 2,950 Ma . All these belts again comprise single volca-
nuclei i n western a nd n orthern A frica a re c overed nic c ycles f rom ba sal ba sic lavas up i nto more felsic
mainly b y u nconsolidated C enozoic d eposits. This pyroclastics. Both bimodal and calc-alkaline volcanic
means that their geological histories and areal limits sequences a re recognized. Bi modal a ssemblages a re
are imperfectly known. The western part of the south- found in the basal parts of younger belts and contain
ern African Archean province is also concealed by up abundant mafic and ultramafic rocks with minor felsic
to 200 m of the Kalahari Supergroup, but geophysical volcanics and cherts and very little andesitic material.

as2_013_030.indd 15 11.12.2007 20:39:41 Uhr

16 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

Upper volcanics i n younger b elts have c alc-alkaline 2.3 Granitic Series (Including Gneisses) and
affinities a nd v ary f rom u ltramafics t hrough a ndes- Late Minor Intrusions
ites to felsic rocks with associated greywackes. Miner-
al variations are used to distinguish up to six types of Granites, roughly contemporaneous with spatially as-
amphibolites (altered mafic volcanics). However, they sociated greenstone belts, are recognized in the main
have similar whole rock chemistries, which closely cor- cratonic nuclei. Two ma in g ranitic series a re recog-
respond to oceanic tholeiitic basalts. nized, one en compassing ig neous ac tivity b etween
Sedimentary s equences a re i mportant i n t he about 3,600 Ma a nd about 3,100 Ma, and the second
youngest greenstone belts, e. g. the Shamvaian Group between about 2,950 Ma a nd 2,450 Ma. The older se-
on the Zimbabwe Craton, the Kambui Supergroup of ries commenced with high-grade migmatites, which
West Africa, the Kavirondian Group of the Tanzania are certainly as old as the adjacent greenstone belts
Craton, and the upper Congolian Group of the Con- (e. g. the Ancient Gneiss Complex of Swaziland), or
go Craton. The sediments consist of intercalated beds older as the basement in the central African cratons.
and l enses o f c hemical a nd c lastic de posits, w hich Metasediments and orthogneisses are present in the
form highly variable proportions of greenstone belts early m igmatites, w hich a re r ecognized o n a ll t he
within individual cratons. Thus, although the aver- cratonic nuclei. However, the succeeding intrusions
age proportion of metasediments within the young- have o nly b een mapp ed a nd p laced i nto a c hrono-
er greenstone belts of the Zimbabwe Craton is about logical order in the southern African cratons. Here
15 %, t he Vumba G reenstone Bel t co ntains m inor various major synorogenic tonalitic and trondhemitic
metasediments, while the adjacent Tati Greenstone intrusives cut the early migmatites and older green-
Belt has major metasedimentary formations. Typical stone belts and were succeeded by anorogenic potassic
metasediments i n t he g reenstone belts a re A lgoma- granite plutons. The early sequence is repeated by the
type banded iron formations (BIF), marbles, calc-sil- second granite series, characterized by calc-alkaline
icates, metaquartzites, coarse clastic rocks (conglom- trends, which is much more widely recognized. The
erates, arkoses, etc), aluminous shales, black shales, migmatites, which floor younger greenstones gener-
greywackes and reworked volcaniclastics. These show ally record ages of about 2,950 Ma, or they are slightly
wide grain-size variations and are chemically varied. younger. The succeeding granitoid intrusives gener-
The i ronstones h ave a long-strike f acies v ariations ally show progressive increases in K 2 O/Na 2 O ratios
from chert-hematite/magnetite associations into car- from e arly tonalitic plutons to a norogenic p otassic
bonates and sulphides. Typical greenstone belt min- granites. These relatively sodic, early rocks underlie
eralizations a re i ndicated by gold d issemination i n featureless plains, whereas the later G3 plutons form
the metavolcanics or concentration in fracture-con- positive outcrop features, locally with a thick saprock.
trolled veins, or by volcanogenic ba se me tal de pos- The relatively high potassium content and the abun-
its. The greenstone belt terrains have distinctive hilly dance of quartz means that the saprock is not broken
landscapes controlled by the varied bedrock. down into a thick soil cover. The emplacement of po-
Greenstone belts are least common in t he Kaap- tassic granites generally marks the end of the Archean
vaal Craton, where only t he oldest are represented, orogenesis. Th is w as a d iachronous pr ocess, f rom
and most common within the Zimbabwe Craton and about 3,050 Ma (Kaapval Craton) to about 2,600 Ma
northern half of the Tanzania Craton. The belts are for the Zimbabwe Craton and about 2,450 Ma for the
broadly linear throughout the West African Craton central African cratons.
and a re of h igher me tamorphic g rade (up to g ran-
ulite f acies). Wi thin o ther c ratonic do mains, t he 2.4 Tectonothermal Events
greenstone b elts ha ve o nly su ffered g reenschist f a-
cies me tamorphism ap art f rom m arginal z ones at Complex v ertically p lunging s tructures do minate
amphibolite facies. It is possible that the high-grade the early (3,600 – 3,200 Ma ) A frican cratonic a reas.
West African greenstone belts represent disinterred However, de tailed s tudies of t he younger A rchean
basal remnants. The varied distribution of the green- cratonic areas have revealed polyphase tectonother-
stone belts of up to 20 % by area of each craton, may mal histories similar to those established for Phaner-
be due to a combination of tectonic disruption and ozoic o rogenic b elts. Re gional f olding p roduced
variable erosion. At deeper crustal levels granitoid nappes followed by static metamorphism and em-
rocks may dominate, especially if the greenstones are placement of tonalitic plutons into folded metasedi-
compressed within tight synclinal folds. mentary a nd metavolcanic rocks. A fter t hese early
'—  )'—< +'—<



Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

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Fig. 8 Assumed extension of the Archean cratonic nuclei (after Key, 1992)
18 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

events the greenstone belts were isolated as relatively major shear zones, formed in environments devoid
low-grade s chist relics w ithin higher-grade gneiss- of large stable blocks of continental crust. Thei r gen-
es. Further ductile and subsequently brittle tectono- eration cannot therefore be related to Wi lson-cycle
thermal events were roughly contemporaneous with plate tectonic processes, but they may have originated
the final phase of t he g ranite s eries. A lthough t he above mantle plumes.
final te ctonothermal e vents w ere r elatively w eak
compared to higher-grade earlier events they have a 2.5 The Limpopo Mobile Belt
critical influence on groundwater storage. These late
events generated open folds and crenulations in addi- The Limpopo Mobile Belt trends in a WSW-ENE di-
tion to brittle faults and fractures, which are locally rection for about 690 km with a maximum width of
important aqu ifers. Re trogressive me tamorphism about 200 km. It separates the Kapvaal and Zimba-
produced hydrous mineral phases, which made the bwe Cratons and is dominated by high-grade gneiss-
host rock more susceptible to weathering. The aver- es and lacks the low-grade greenstone belts, tonalitic
age regolith thickness over the Zimbabwe Craton is plutons and anorogenic potassic granite batholiths
about 18m, and is generally from 10 to 30m in West normally a ssociated w ith A rchean provinces. O ro-
Africa. Undoubtedly t here were u nique features to genic de velopment b etween a bout 3,200 Ma a nd
Archean geology c aused by s ecular c hanges to t he about 2,500 Ma w as dominated by differential (ver-
lithosphere. The older greenstone belts are thought tical/strike-slip) mo vement b etween t he K aapvaal
to have originated above mantle plumes, due to the Craton and the ancient central areas of the Zimbabwe
existence of hotter, thinner and more mobile crust Craton. The Limpopo Mobile Belt may be referred to
within ensialic rifts. However, the recognition of the as a linear buffer zone as typical for Proterozoic mo-
similarities o f t he g eological h istories o f yo unger bile belts. The Great Dyke in Zimbabwe (emplaced at
(post –3,200 Ma) Archean cratons and Phanerozoic about 2,450 Ma) cuts across the Zimbabwe Craton-
orogenic b elts ha s g enerally l ed to u niformitarian Limpopo Mobile B elt boundary to p rovide a m ini-
interpretation of t he older provinces. For example, mum age for the stabilization of the southern Africa
the youngest g reenstone belts a re regarded as f rag- Archean Province.
ments of oceanic volcanic terrains accreted to con-
tinental nuclei during orogenesis. Consequently the
development of the younger Archean cratons is often 3 Paleoproterozoic Basement
likened to that of younger orogenic provinces includ- Development (Fig. 9)
ing the Proterozoic mobile belts recognized in Africa.
Tankard et al. (1982) have described an evolutionary During this period in excess of two thirds of the
path from mobile belt to craton with gradual lateral present African continental crust was affected by a
growth of African continental crust throughout the similar s equence o f e vents to t hose r ecorded f rom
Precambrian. Key (1992) assumes that this is prob- the A rchean c ratonic nuclei. However, c ontroversy
ably an oversimplification as major disruption of the remains w ith r egard to t he proportion of A rchean
Archean cratonic blocks took place during the vari- material adjacent to the nuclei in the surrounding
ous P roterozoic o rogenies a nd i t i s s till u nknown, Paleoproterozoic prov inces. This i s d ue ma inly to
how much continental crust was present by the end a l ack o f de tailed g eological a nd g eochronological
of the Archean. knowledge of t he Pa leoproterozoic prov inces, to -
Strike-slip she ars a nd t ranscurrent f aults, o ver gether with poor exposure in many areas, notably
100 k m in length, are characteristic features of mod- northern Africa. However, an increasing amount of
ern lithospheric plates. Their existence indicates rel- isotopic d ata do es i mply t hat a sig nificant a mount
ative h orizontal mo vement b etween ad jacent c om- of new crustal material was introduced around the
petent crustal/lithospheric segments. Ther efore the Archean cratonic cores.
presence of Archean shears of comparable length Low-grade supracrustal sequences are more wide-
can be used as evidence for large, coherent Archean ly preserved t han i n t he A rchean c ratons. The old-
crustal bl ocks. I n A frica, t he ol dest o f t hese me ga- est supracrustals are clastic metasediments derived
shears is found in the Limpopo Mobile Belt, where from Archean cratons during the long period of uplift
they have a maximum age of 3,000 Ma . A logical fol- and weathering at the beginning of the Proterozoic.
low-up of this argument is that the early greenstone They include the altered quartzites, pelites and band-
belts of the Archean areas, which are older than the ed ironstones of the Luiza Supergroup of equatorial
'—  )'—< +'—<

Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

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Fig. 9 Exposure of Precambrian rocks, partly under younger coverage (after Key, 1992)
20 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

Africa and the Oendolongo System of southern An- trends, e. g. the SSW-NNE grain of the Baoule-Mossi
gola, which is dominated by metaconglomerates. The Province defined by the major synforms in the supra-
main supracrustal sequences in the 2,250 – 1,950 Ma crustal r elics. O ther a reas r ecord ma jor s trike-slip
orogenic belts are lithologically similar to those of the movements between bounding cratons. The most im-
Archean greenstone belts. These include the Birrimian pressive structures in all the Eburnian provinces are
Supergroup in West Africa (up to 15,000 m thick in steeply d ipping, brittle f ractures (in t he i ntrusives)
Ghana), the Mporokoso Group (up to 5,000 m thick) and faults. The largest faults can be traced for sever-
of t he Bangweulu Block, a nd t he Buganda-Toro Su- al hundred kilometres, notably in the Tuareg Shield.
pergroup i n e astern e quatorial A frica l ocally i nter- These faults may have originated as ductile shears of
preted from geochemical evidence, as accreted slabs sutures d uring t he e arly o rogenic h istory, w ith r e-
of ocean crust. The Birrimian Supergroup is charac- peated subsequent movement to include late brittle
terized in Ghana by five parallel, evenly spaced, sev- faulting. The faults tend to be parallel to the regional
eral hundred kilometre-long volcanic belts, separated trend of the orogenic provinces, e. g. N-S to NE-SW
by basins with folded volcaniclastic and clastic sedi- within the Baoule-Mossi domain.
ments as well as granitoids. A lower, thick sequence The p re-existing s table A rchean p rovinces must
dominated by alternating phyllites and greywackes have had a p rofound i nfluence on t he e volution of
with associated slates, schists and tuffs is overlain by the Eburnian b elts of A frica. It i s t hought t hat t he
a group of volcanics with minor sedimentary inter- Paleoproterozoic prov inces re sulted f rom e ither
calations. Basic lavas and associated intrusives, and full Wilson-cycle orogenesis, i nvolving c ollision of
less common acidic lavas and pyroclastics, comprise separate, r elatively sma ll A rchean c ratons, o r en si-
the Upper Birrimian Group. The erosion of the Bir- alic disruption of a single large craton (Kröner, 1981).
rimian volcanics and sediments produced the Tark- Post-orogenic gravitational collapse and extension of
waian Gro up s ediments, w hich w ere de posited i n continental crust thickened by tectonic and/or mag-
long narrow intramontane grabens, which formed matic processes may have produced some mid-Pro-
by r ift ing i n t he c entral p ortions of a ll five Bi rrim- terozoic sedimentary basins.
ian volcanic belts.
Associated with the supracrustals is a wide range
of intrusions. Alkaline granite series, featuring early 4 Mesoproterozoic Basement
large syntectonic plutons are recognized within the Development (Fig. 9)
main o rogens. These i nclude ma jor g ranodiorites
and p otassic g ranites o ccupying a ntiformal z ones Orogenic ac tivity w as not a s w idespread a s during
between synforms defined by Birrimian supracrust- the p receding p eriod. Two ma jor o rogens a re r ec-
als in the Baoule-Mossi Province of West Africa. The ognized: t he linear Kibaran Belt of central western
large gabbro-anorthosite complexes of southern An- Africa and the arcuate Namaqua Province of south-
gola were also emplaced in the earliest orogenic stages. ern A frica. The N amaqua P rovince c omprises t he
Migmatites appear to have Proterozoic sedimentary/ Namaqua Belt of South Africa, the Choma-Kaloma
volcanic rock and Archean components - most easily Block a nd p ossibly t he N E-SW t rending I rumide
recognized in marginal zones of the Archean cratonic Belt o f c entral s outhern A frica. The yo unger, E -W
nuclei. Post-tectonic igneous activity in the orogenic trending Zambesi Belt separates the Choma-Kaloma
belts is principally restricted to relatively small intru- Block from the Irumide Block. Elsewhere in Africa,
sions of mixed composition. However, contemporane- less w ell do cumented o rogenesis to ok p lace i n t he
ous anorogenic magmatism is important within the Mozambique Orogenic Belt. All three provinces are
stable Archean provinces. Both the Great Dyke and polycyclic w ith su perimposed Pa n-African e vents
the Bushveld Igneous Complex were emplaced during (complete orogenic cycles).
Paleoproterozoic times. Dolerite dyke swarms such as A large proportion of the Kibaran Belt comprises
the Mashonaland dolerites of central Africa are an- metasediments, which likely exceed 10,000 m in total
other distinctive facet of anorogenic magmatism. thickness. The supracrustals are dominated by clastic
As wide a range of tectonic styles is shown in the metasediments with major metaquartzite formations.
Paleoproterozoic Eburnian provinces as well as in Less c ommon a re l imestones a nd g reenstones ( ba-
the A rchean c ratons. S ome have si milar s equences sic metavolcanics). Metamorphic grade is generally
of events to the early cratons with initial ductile ele- low w ithin t his base-metal m ineralized belt. I ntru-
ments (folds and shears) defining regional structural sives include early granitic gneiss complexes as well
as composite granitoids such as the Choma-Kaloma large strike-slip movement, e. g. 200 km of dextral
Batholith of Zambia. displacement a cross t he G ordonia Subp rovince i n
The Namaqua Province is lithologically more var- the N amaqua P rovince. C ontemporaneous s trike-
ied with tectonic interleaving of basement gneisses, slip faulting in adjacent reactivated older belts com-
supracrustals a nd s yntectonic she et-like i ntrusions pensated f or sh ortening i n t he ma in o rogens, e . g.

all cut by discordant post-tectonic minor intrusions. major N W-SE si nistral s trike-slip f aulting i n t he
In this respect it resembles the older Proterozoic crys- Ubendian B elt d uring obl ique c ompression ac ross
talline basement provinces. Variable, greenschist to the Irumide Belt.

granulite facies, metamorphism associated with tec- The recognition of uplifted blocks of basement in
tonic d isruption f urther c omplicated t he l ithologi- the Kibaran Belt influenced early models for the evo-

Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

cal d iversity. The p rovince i s e xtensively ma ntled lution of the Mesoproterozoic mobile belts as ensialic
by Neoproterozoic to Re cent deposits. The Irumide rifts a long i ntracratonic z ones of c rustal weakness.
Belt i n Z ambia g enerally co nsists o f coa rse cla stic However, subsequent detailed structural studies in
metasediments (Muva Supergroup) with possible fel- southern a nd c entral A frica i ndicate t hat t he orog-
sic metavolcanics. In a w estern foreland zone these enies also involved considerable crustal shortening.
overlie the granitoid Bangweulu Block. Further east Their stepwise evolution comprised:
in Malawi a thicker cover sequence is dominated by – Crustal extension.
metapelites w ith l ocal c arbonates a nd a mphibolite – Crustal sh ortening to p roduce f old a nd t hrust
(metagabbro) sheets. These sheets, at least in part, rep- belts, which tectonically interlayered sedimentary
resent altered intrusions and not ophiolite slices. In and volcanic supracrustal ro cks a nd s ome si alic
Malawi, and possibly parts of Zambia, the metasedi- basement.
ments are volumetrically subordinate to early grani- – Post-collision strike-slip faulting, upright folding
toid intrusives. and retrogressive metamorphism
There is geochronological evidence for a Mesopro- – Uplift and erosion to commence the next orogenic
terozoic basement to the more widespread Neopro- cycle (of N eoproterozoic a ge) i n pa rts su perim-
terozoic sediments and volcanics in the Mozambique posed on all the Mesoproterozoic belts.
Orogenic Belt from Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania
and Kenya. Th is basement records a 1,100 – 1,200 Ma
old h igh-grade te ctonothermal e vent. I n c entral 5 Neoproterozoic Basement
Kenya i t i s do minated b y ma ssive m igmatites, b ut Development (Fig. 9)
a mo re e xtensive a nd v aried l ithological s equence
is de scribed f rom M ozambique. H ere, f our s epa- By the end of the Neoproterozoic period almost all
rate su pracrustal s equences ha ve b een te ctonical- of t he p resent A frican c ontinent had b een f ormed,
ly i nterleaved a nd c ut b y v arious g ranitoid ba tho- and it has remained a stable cratonic area after poly-
liths. The oldest supracrustal formation comprises orogenic ac tivity i n well-defined b elts. C ahen e t al.
gneisses and migmatites derived from calc-alkaline (1984) record widespread tectonothermal activity in
volcanics. The yo unger u nits a re m ixed s equences the orogenic belts at about 950 Ma, 785 Ma, 720 Ma,
of fine-grained me tasediments a nd me tavolcanics, 685 to 660 Ma a nd from 600 to 4 50 Ma. Four major
which i nclude d isrupted o phiolites. The granitoid lithological components are variably present in t he
batholiths, w hich a re l ocally p orphyritic, a re i ndi- main orogenic belts, as follows.
vidually up to 500 km 2 in area and form about 25 % Clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks with im-
of the orogenic belt. portant fluvio-glacial deposits and stromatolitic lime-
Two ma in p eriods o f p olycyclic te ctonothermal stones (e. g. in the Voltaian and Togo Belt of West Af-
activity ha ve b een de fined i n t he ma in M esopro- rica, the Limestone and Quartzite Group of Morocco
terozoic orogenic provinces. During both periods and the Damar metasediments of Namibia). In some
the earliest major structures are fold and thrust belts, cases these rocks are at very low metamorphic grades
implying c ompression ac ross t he o rogens. D uctile and should not strictly be regarded as part of the crys-
shears penetrate through the cover rocks into a crys- talline basement.
talline basement, which largely controlled the style Volcanic ro cks e ither a s m inor i ntercalations i n
of d eformation. The a ssociated me tamorphism lo - thick s edimentary s equences o r a s i mportant v ol-
cally reached the granulite facies. Subsequent events canosedimentary provinces tectonically interleaved
produced more upright folds and shear zones with with the sedimentary sequences. The major volcanic
22 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

assemblages i nclude t he d isrupted i sland a rc/ophi- importance, but the shear zones can be traced for up
olite s equences f ound i n n ortheastern a nd n orth- to several hundred kilometres.
western Africa. Alkaline and calc-alkaline volcanic All r ecent a uthors i nterpret t he de velopment o f
assemblages up to several thousand metres thick are the N eoproterozoic o rogenic b elts i n ter ms o f Wi l-
recorded. son-cycle p late te ctonic p rocesses. F our s tages a re
Intrusive rocks of t he a lkaline a nd calc-alkaline identified, w hich ma y b e r epeated w ithin a si ngle
granitoid s eries i ncluding s yn- a nd p ost-orogenic orogen, as follows.
intusions. The ma jor ba tholiths a re mos tly g rano- – Rifting. Initial extension of continental crust (older
dioritic, e. g. t he early g ranodiorites of t he Mozam- cratonic areas) with either complete disruption to
bique Orogenic Belt in Kenya. Major pegmatites are generate oceanic crust or intraplate, locally tran-
common, e. g. the Khan Pegmatite of Namibia, as are stensional aulacogens (failed rift arms). Some aula-
post-tectonic dolerite dykes and sheets (West Africa, cogens a re formed by reactivation of old crustal
Egypt). Older ba sement i nliers occur a s crystalline fractures by the new stress fields, e. g. the Katangan
foundations at low tectonic levels or tectonically in- Supergroup. Remnants of t he newly formed oce-
terleaved within cover sequences (all high-grade oro- anic crust are recognized, both in low- and high-
genic belts). For instance, the Mukogodo Migmatite grade terrains, over the whole of Africa.
in central Kenya is exposed in t he cores of relative- – Subduction a nd i nitial c ollision. I nitial ba sin
ly late antiformal structures. There was widespread closure with accretion of successive volcano-sed-
tectonic reworking of the marginal parts of the cra- imentary assemblages onto the cratonic forelands
tonic areas. are we ll do cumented f rom nor theastern A frica.
The metamorphic grade is variable within single Major tectono-thermal activity gave rise to thrust
Neoproterozoic orogens. For example, a range from and fold belts and accompanying magmatism.
greenschist to granulite facies assemblage occurs in – Collision b etween t he c ratonic f ragments. C on-
the M ozambique O rogenic B elt o f e quatorial e ast- tinuing te ctono-thermal ac tivity a nd ma gma-
ern A frica a nd i n t he T ibesti B elt o f n orthern A f- tism e xtend i nto t he c ratonic fore lands. M ajor
rica. T he N eoproterozoic s equences o f n ortheast- strike-slip z ones w ithin t he orogens a re a ligned
ern Africa are generally at low metamorphic grades, subparallel to the trends of the orogens, e. g. in the
whereas c ontemporaneous ro cks f urther s outh i n Trans-Sahara Belt.
the M ozambique O rogenic B elt a re i n t he a mphi- – Post-collision c ooling a nd u plift. Re corded b y
bolite or granulite facies. Both terrains are related mineral ages within the orogens and the cratonic
to t he s ame obl ique c ontinent-continent c ollision. blocks. During this period there was a change from
Eroded ro ot z ones o f t he o rogen a re p resently e x- subduction-related to within-plate magmatism.
posed in the Mozambique Belt. Lower grade, higher
level parts preserving major slivers of oceanic crust
6 Phanerozoic Development
crop o ut i n n ortheastern A frica, i ndicating a l ater-
al change in tectonic style a long t he orogen. Major 6.1 General
strike-slip faulting took place in the northeast. Con-
sequently it is futile to generalize with regard to the Africa l ay at t he c entre of G ondwana at t he c lose
lithological make-up of the Neoproterozoic orogenic of t he Precambrian. The Pa n-African orogeny had
belts of Africa. joined o ther c ontinents to i ts e astern a nd w estern
The cover sequences of the orogenic belts can be margins. Throughout mo st of t he Pa leozoic t imes
traced onto the cratonic forelands, where they are North Africa occupied the southern seaboard of the
not metamorphosed and are not part of the crystal- Iapetus O cean, w hereas s outhern A frica w as b or-
line basement, e. g. the Voltaian Supergroup and the dered by a shel f sea to t he south. After the Iapetus
Rokel R iver Group of West A frica. C ontemporane- Ocean closed during mid-Devonian times and t he
ous anorogenic magmatism (e. g. within the cratonic Hercynian o rogeny had b rought tog ether i n L ate
foreland to the Pharusian Belt of northern Africa) and Carboniferous the remaining northern continental
major ductile or brittle shearing, such as the Chuan blocks i nto t he P angea S upercontinent, A frica a s-
shear z ones o f t he Tanzania Cr aton i ncluding t he sumed an even more interior location, in which po-
Aswa shear zone in Uganda, are also recorded within sition it remained until Mesozoic to Cenozoic times,
the cratonic a reas between t he Neoproterozoic oro- when Pa ngea f ragmented a nd each continent went
gens. On the cratons, the intrusions are only of local its separate way.
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Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

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Fig. 10 Main rift structures (after Kampunzu & Popoff 1991)

24 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

6.2 Orogenic Activity to about 100 km in length, but mostly from 1 to 30 km

in diameter. They tend to form positive topographic
The final t hroes o f t he N eoproterozoic o rogenesis features despite extensive epithermal alterations.
persisted into the lower Paleozoic until about 425 Ma. The basic, commonly tholeiitic, dykes and sills are
Anorogenic g ranitoid ma gmatism a nd u plift were concentrated in areas that remained as stable cratons
widespread in the mobile belts. Low-grade tectono- during the Neoproterozoic in contrast to the granitoid
thermal activity was mostly localized, although epi- intrusions. The dyke swarms preferentially weather to
thermal alteration was ubiquitous in the orogens, fa- control present drainage networks and consequently
cilitating subsequent weathering processes. Renewed have important groundwater implications. Kimberlite
major orogenesis in well-defined fold-thrust belts was pipes a re a nother sma ll-scale ma nifestation of a no-
confined to the southernmost tip and northwestern rogenic magmatism.
coastal zone of Africa. Elsewhere in Africa essentially
unmetamorphosed major Phanerozoic basins form 6.4 Phanerozoic Rifts and Associated
important components of the cover. Magmatism (Fig. 10 and 11)
The b eginning o f Pa leozoic o rogenesis i n n orth-
western Africa is marked by extrusion of alkaline vol- In contrast with the Archean cratonic areas, where
canics at about 560 Ma. Cover sequences of clastic and only k imberlite bodies are common, the successive
chemical sediments with volcanics, cut by relatively Proterozoic mobile belts have been the sites of Phaner-
minor g ranitoid i ntrusives, w ere def ormed d uring ozoic brittle tectonics and magmatism since the end
the Caledonian-Hercynian tectono-thermal activity. of the Pan-African Orogeny. For instance, the western
This produced mountainous fold-thrust belts cut by branch of the East African Rift System reworked the
major wrench faults. The orogeny is a product of the Paleoproterozoic NW-SE trending Ubendian suture
interaction between the North Atlantic and African zone along the southern Lake Tanganyika region; it
Plates. Major extensional faults and rift-related mag- also cut across the Mesoproterozoic Kibaran structur-
matism during the Triassic and Jurassic preceded the al trends in the northern Lake Tanganyika-Lake Kivu
Alpine orogenesis in the extreme north. regions and possibly the Neoproterozoic Mozambique
Inliers o f ol der me tasediments a nd a g ranite Belt in Lake Malawi. In western Africa, the N-S trend-
basement a re l ocally p resent a long t he mo untain- ing Pan-African suture and decollement zones, still
ous coastal strip, t he Cape Fold Belt, which strikes active up to Cambrian times, were mobilized during
roughly E -W ac ross t he s outhern t ip o f t he c onti- the Paleozoic east of the West African Craton. Later
nent. A p redominantly s edimentary c over o f t he on, during the Mesozoic, the Mesozoic African Rift
Middle Paleozoic C ape Sup ergroup a nd ove rlying System also reworked the NE-SW trending Pan-Af-
mixed K aroo Supergroup dom inates t his l ate H er- rican ductile shear zones, which accommodated the
cynian foldthrust belt, which heralded the break-up last stages of the collision between the West African
of Pangaea. and the San Francisco-Congo Cratons.
Depending o n t he e xtensional s tress app lied to
6.3 Anorogenic Magmatism an individual domain, the old crustal to l ithospher-
ic discontinuities together with some neo-fractures
Phanerozoic a norogenic ma gmatism i s w idespread acted as normal to oblique faults and transfer faults,
and g enerally l inked to ma jor f aulting a nd r ifting observed respectively as perpendicular, oblique and
associated with the break-up of Gondwana and sub- parallel to t he v ertical sig ma 1 - sigma 3 p rincipal
sequently since the Mesozoic with the development stress planes. In Mesozoic times, Africa was cross-
of the East African Rift System (EARS). Two major cut by major t ransfer fault s ystems (Fig. 10). I n t he
suites of intrusives are recognized as well as the new earliest rift stages, for instance clearly illustrated in
oceanic crust generated in the Afar area of the East the western branch of the East African Rift System,
African Rift System. These are the alkaline granitoid and a lso i n t he B enue Trough, t he ma gmatic prov-
ring complexes and basic dykes and sheets. inces are mainly located at the junction of the major
The a lkaline r ing c omplexes a re g enerally si ted fracture s ystems (Fig. 11). L ater on, t hese r ift faults
within the Neoproterozoic mobile belts. Thei r em- imprinted t he continental ma rginal f racture z ones,
placement is related to u plift during reactivation of whereas t ransfer f aults w ith t heir i nitial offset in-
the major shears and transcurrent faults during frag- duced t ransform f ault z ones w hen i n c ontact w ith
mentation of Gondwana. Individual complexes are up an oceanic crust.
'—  )'—< +'—<

Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

'— '—

N <


(''' ' ('''bd

'— )'—< +'—<

:\efqf`ZmfcZXe`Zj D\jfqf`ZmfcZXe`Zj

GXc\fqf`ZmfcZXe`Zj :iXkfefc[\ik_Xe)'''DX

DX`ei`]kki\e[j ?pgfmfcZXe`Zi`e^Zfdgc\o


Fig. 11 Main magmatic events (after Kampunzu & Popoff, 1991)

26 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

6.5 Sedimentary Basins (Fig. 12) body fossils are absent, except for the Late Ordovician
of the Table Mountain Group, where articulate bra-
African sedimentary basins can be grouped into four chiopods and trilobites are found. Fossiliferous Silu-
main types (Clifford, 1986): rian, particularly graptolitic facies, is widespread in
– Divergent passive marginal basins North Africa and Arabia, unlike anything in south-
– Intracratonic sag basins ern Africa. Silurian rocks are also known from the
– Intracratonic fracture basins or rifts Bove Basin in Guinea, West Africa, but no further to
– Cratonic foreland basins the northwest. Marine palynomorphs of Silurian age
Fig. 12 shows the distribution of these primary types were recovered at Elmina, near Takoradi, in Ghana.
of sedimentary basins, and the secondary or modified The Devonian in North Africa is lithologically as well
basins, all of which cover about half of the continent. as faunally very distinct from southern Africa, with
Depending on t heir structural location a nd on t he Devonian Ol d World Re alm f aunas b eing p resent
dominant depositional process, t he pa ssive or ma r- from Morocco to Libya and Arabia. Early Devonian
ginal sag basins have been further classified as wrench, brachiopods a re k nown f rom Gu inea a nd adjacent
deltaic sag, and fold belts. This classification has also southeastern S enegal. De vonian ro cks o ccur a lso
been determined by their stage in the Wilson Cycle: near Accra in Ghana. In South Africa the Bokkeveld
rifting, drifting a nd sagging, subduction a nd conti- Group has yielded various marine fossils of Devonian
nental collision. Only two parts of Africa were mar- age, whereas from the Carboniferous only the Dwyka
ginally i nvolved i n Phanerozoic c ollision te ctonics. Group in the Kalahari and the Great Karoo Basins
Northwest Af rica c omprising t he Moroccan Her- are represented by thin marine sequences. Lower Car-
cynide f oreland a nd t hrust b elt a nd t he M esozoic boniferous (Mississippian) marine fossils are present
to Cenozoic Atlas and R if Alpine orogenic systems near Takoradi in Ghana and in Morocco. The Perm-
with thin-skinned thrust belts, and the Early Paleo- ian ha s y ielded s ome l ocalities o f ma rine de posits
zoic Cape Fold Belt in South Africa, were affected in southern Africa but less in North Africa (Boucot,
by Phanerozoic orogenies. The basins in the rest of 1999). Triassic marine fossils are unrecognized in all
the continent are at the first two stages in the plate the coastal basins of Africa. The Jurassic and Creta-
tectonic process. Paleozoic intracratonic sag basins ceous of Madagascar, East and Northeast Africa wide-
constitute the Saharan platform, which extends from ly contain a Tethyan type fauna of various Mollusca,
Mauritania a nd Morocco i n t he west to E gypt a nd Echinodermata, Brachiopoda, Foraminifera, etc. All
Sudan i n t he e ast. I n sub -Saharan A frica t he C on- marine fossil-bearing strata of Cenozoic age in Africa
go, Ok awango a nd Etosha i ntracratonic s ag ba sins, point to rather warm water conditions.
although c ontaining P recambrian to P hanerozoic
sediments, subsi ded ma inly i n K aroo t imes ( Late 6.7 Karoo Supergroup (Fig. 13)
Carboniferous to Early Jurassic).
The L ate C arboniferous to E arly Jurassic p eriod i n
6.6 Phanerozoic Marine Cover Sequences sub-Saharan Africa is represented by widespread non-
marine s trata, b elonging to t he K aroo Su pergroup
There is a well-developed Early Cambrian sequence (Fig. 13) (Schlüter et al., 1993). The term “Karoo” is en-
known, ranging from northern Africa to the Middle trenched in African geological literature, being used
East and overlying an extensive Proterozoic sequence in a g eneric s ense f or te ctonically a nd c limatically
unlike anything else in other parts of Africa, but no controlled continental sequences ranging from Late
Middle Cambrian and virtually no Late Cambrian Carboniferous to Early Jurassic. A typical Karoo suc-
exists, suggesting a disconformity generated by uplift cession comprises from base to top tillites, coalmea-
associated with a late phase of the Pan-African oro- sures, f an-deltaic c lastic w edges, w hich i nterfinger
genesis. Cambrian fossils are very rare in southern with lacustrine deposits, fluvial and eolian beds, and
Africa, being known only from the Nama Group and finally e xtensive ba salt flows. K aroo ba sins a re o f
from some archaeocyathid-bearing cobbles present in three t ypes: The ma in Karoo Basin, which extends
the Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Group. North Af- in a n E -W d irection ac ross s outhern A frica, a nd
rica has widespread marine Ordovician rocks, most- subsided as a foreland basin because of prolonged re-
ly indicating a cool environment, except during the gional compression and uplift in the Cape Fold Belt.
Ashgill, which features warm water carbonate rocks Outside the Karoo foreland basin are shallow broad
and fossils. In other parts of the continent Ordovician intracratonic sag basins to the west. These sag basins
)'—< +'—<

Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

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;fnenXigYXj`e DXafi]iXZkli\qfe\j

Fig. 12 Various types of sedimentary basins (after Clifford, 1986)

28 Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis

are known in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, An- continents, severe oscillations in climate and vegeta-
gola, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. tion were also experienced in Africa during the Qua-
The t hird a nd e astern g roup o f K aroo ba sins a re ternary. Over the past 1 Ma n i particular, vegetational
represented by narrow grabens and half-grabens or belts contracted and expanded in response to changes
troughs, which occur in eastern and southeastern Af- in temperature and moisture that were possibly tied
rica, e. g. in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zim- to M ilankovich c ycles ( Behrensmeyer e t al., 1992).
babwe and Madagascar. These Karoo troughs result- However, t he extent, phase a nd duration of a rid to
ed from a long period of regional crustal extension, moist changes i n A frica evidently a re not perfectly
which proceeded the fragmentation of Gondwana in correlated with glacial to i nterglacial environments
Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. of Eurasia, and varied extensively from region to re-
The type area for the Karoo Supergroup is in south- gion. Synchroneity of c limatic c hange t hrough t he
eastern South Africa, where nearly horizontal conti- African continent was complicated by variations in
nental sandstones and shales are exposed, intersected atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns. Thus,
by dolerite she ets a nd dy kes. Here, four major l ith- no general climatic-chronological framework similar
ostratigraphic u nits r ecord t he b road sp ectrum o f to the glacial-interglacial framework of Europe has
depositional environments. The glaciogenic Dwyka yet been worked out for Africa.
Group i s suc ceeded by t he c oal-bearing a lluvial to
flyschoid clastics of the Ecca Group, which in turn
is overlain by deltaic wedges of the Beaufort Group,
Selected References
that pass upward into fluviatile and eolian deposits Behrensmeyer, A . K., D amuth, J. D., D imichele, W. A.,
(Molteno, E lliot a nd C larens F ormations). Volumi- Potts, R ., Sues, H.-D. & Wi ng, S. L. (1992): Terrestrial
nous outpourings of Drakensberg basaltic lavas in the Ecosystems through Time. Evolutionary Paleoecology
of Terrestrial Plants and Animals.– I–XIX, 1–568; The
Jurassic, generally referred to t he Stormberg Group, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London.
ended the Karoo depositional cycle. Boucot, A. J. (1999): Southern African Phanerozoic marine
invertebrates: biogeography, palaeoecology, climatology
and c omments on a djacent re gions.–Journal A frican
6.8 Interior Sag Basins (Fig. 12) Earth Sciences 28 (1), 129–144; Oxford.
Clifford, A. C. (1986): African oil – past, present and future.
Mesozoic to Cenozoic interior sag basins are most- In: Future petroleum of the world, M. T. Halbouty (ed.),
ly located in sub-Saharan A frica, including t he Iul- AAPG Mem. 40, 339–373.
lemeden, C ongo, Okawango, Etosha and K alahari Kampunzu, A . B. & P opoff, M . (1991): D istribution of
Basins. Sedimentation in these basins, for the most the M ain A frican R ift s a nd A ssociated M agmatism:
Introductory N otes.– I n: M agmatism i n E xtensional
part, was under continental conditions, and was not Structural Settings, The Phanerozoic African Plate, A. B.
profoundly influenced by rifting either. Kampunzu & R. T. Lubala, (eds.), 2–10; Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, H eidelberg, N ew York, L ondon, Pa ris, Tokyo,
Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest.
6.9 Quaternary Key, R. M. (1992): An introduction to the crystalline base-
ment of Africa.– In: Hydrogeology of crystalline base-
The term Quaternary was first applied in Europe in ment aquifers in Africa, E. P. Wright & W.G. Burgess
the mid-18th century to alluvial and superficial depos- (eds.), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 66, 29–57; London.
its, which sometimes yielded artifacts as a character- Kröner, A. (1981): Precambrian crustal evolution and conti-
istic element. It was therefore separated from the pre- nental drift.– Geologische Rundschau 70, 412–428.
Muwanga, A., Owor, M., Schumann, A. & Kawule, W. (eds.)
ceding Tertiary. The Quaternary was later defined to
(2007): I nternational C onference on t he E ast A frican
include deposits with a fauna and flora that has living Rift System (EARS–07) 23–25 July 2007, K ampala,
representatives. The most widely adopted concept of Uganda.– Abstract Volume, 1–94; Kampala.
the Quaternary was however the fact that during this Schlüter, T., Picho-Olarker, G. & Kreuser, T. (1993): A review
period extensive and frequent glaciations occurred. of some neglected Karoo grabens of Uganda.– Journal
African Earth Sciences 17, 415–428; Oxford.
Climatic c ooling i n i ntervals o n a g lobal s cale ap - Tankard, A. J., Jackson, M. P. A., Eriksson, K. A., Hobday,
parently coincided with the establishment of desert D. K., Hunter, D. R. & M inter, W. E. L. (1982): Cr ustal
conditions in t he Sahara, a lthough a de sert area in Evolution of S outhern A frica, 1–523; Spr inger Verlag,
northern Africa may have existed periodically since Berlin, H eidelberg, N ew York, L ondon, Pa ris, Tokyo,
at least the early Miocene. Generally, as on the other Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest.

('—< )'—< *'—< +'—<

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Chapter 3 – Tectonostratigraphic Synopsis
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Fig. 13 Deposits of the Karoo Supergroup in southern and eastern Africa (after Schlüter et al., 1993)
Chapter 4
Review of Countries and Teritorries







N <


General exhibits m ajor metamorphism of very hi gh-grade
Area: 2,381,741 km2 and an abundance of m igmatites and ferruginous
Population: 33,330,000 ( 2007 estimate) quartzites. The main structural feature is a m igma-
titic core 300 km in diameter, where gneiss septa are
still present. Ages older than 2,500 Ma are dominant.
Summary of Geology
The so-called Eburnean Shield as central and eastern
Algeria᾽s geology c an be subdivided i nto t hree con- part of the Reguibat Shield yields mostly ages not
trasting t ectono-stratigraphic d omains: The West older t han 2 ,000 Ma a nd i s b roken u p b y s everal
African Craton generally consists of a P recambrian faults, t he number of which increases from west to
granitized basement and its surrounding Neoprotero- east. I ntrusive g ranites i n t he w est a nd v olcanic
zoic mobile belts, forming the larger central, southern formations i n t he east predominate. I n A lgeria t he
and western pa rt of t he c ountry. The e astern l imit Yetti Series, consisting of volcano-sedimentary rocks,
of t he West A frican Cr aton b orders to t he Tuareg acid and basic lavas and pyroclastic products is part
shield, w hich c omprises t he Hoggar region a nd its of the Reguibat Shield. These rocks were affected by
southwestern a nd so utheastern p rolongations, t he several g enerations o f f olds, o f w hich t he e arliest,
Adrar des Iforas and the Aïr, respectively. This region isoclinal and coeval with low-grade metamorphism,
has been mostly affected by the Pan-African tectono- developed b efore t he em placement o f E burnian
thermal event. In the north, beginning from Tangier granitoids, i. e. about 2,150 Ma ago. The Akilet Deilel
in Morocco via northern Algeria to Tunis in Tunisia, Series lies unconformably on the Yetti Series and is
a folded chain extends over the entire length of the made up of predominantly detrital deposits with, at
Maghreb. This belt is part of the Alpine chain, with their top, volcanic rocks of c alc-alkaline geochemi-
its features more resembling the Betic and Apenine cal affinity emplaced in a continental margin setting.
segments of the Alpine unit. The Algerian part of the The metamorphism is weak, or even non-existent. It
latter belt is also known as the Tellian chain. is followed by the emplacement, between 1,950 a nd
1,755 Ma, of a granitoid suite, at first calc-alkaline with
pink granites at Erg Afrout, and then alkaline with
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
granites at Bir Moghrein. At the end of this episode,
In Algeria, the West African Craton crops out in the the shield was stabilized. It is unaffected by the Pan-
Reguibat Shield in the northwest of the country. The African orogeny t hat de veloped a round its r im. Its
Reguibat Shield may be subdivided into two main cover terrains are tabular and horizontal.
parts, o f w hich o nly t he e astern i s r epresented i n The eastern boundary of the West African Craton
Algeria: The s o-called A rchean Sh ield i n t he w est is de fined b y t he Pa n-African Trans-Saharan B elt,

Fig. 14 Turtle-erosion on sandstone at the Tamrit Plateau near Fig. 15 Eroded granite in the Hoggar Mountains, southern
Djanet, southern Algeria Algeria
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Fig. 16 Geological overview of Algeria (modified after Fabré et al., 1978)

34 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

which has been interpreted as a collision belt formed

during a Wi lson c ycle. NS t rending g eological do -
mains predominate i n t he Tuareg Sh ield of central
southern Algeria. High-grade Archean terranes occur
for instance in the In Ouzzal-Iforas part of the West-
ern Tuareg Sh ield, a nd p ossibly i n t he O umelalen-
Temasent area of the Eastern Tuareg Shield of the
Hoggar (Ahaggar) mountains. The In Ouzzal-Iforas
domain is a narrow elongate submeridional block oc-
cupying the full width of the Tanezrouft-Adrar zone
and thinning towards the Mali-Algerian border and
then re-appearing in a westerly displaced block, which
widens to the south through the Adrar des Iforas area. Fig. 17 Eroded basalts in the Hoggar Mountains, southern
Archean granulites in this region were later affected Algeria
by t he Pa leoproterozoic E burnean orogeny, during
which they underwent low-grade metamorphism. The
In O uzzal g ranulite complex consists of a r ange of
aluminous metapelites, banded magnetite quartzites,
leptynites a nd m arbles c ommonly a ssociated w ith
norites and lenses of pyrigarnite and Iherzolite. Grey
gneisses a nd a ssociated po tassium a ugen-gneisses
are the oldest rocks in the region, dated at 3,480 Ma.
Interstratified w ithin t he me tasediments o f t he I n
Ouzzal g ranulite c omplex a re l enticular b odies o f
orthopyroxene-sillimanite g ranulites. These rocks
have undergone high-grade metamorphism between
3,300 a nd 2,900 Ma a nd were l ater a ffected by low-
grade me tamorphism d uring t he Pa leoproterozoic
Eburnean orogeny, during w hich add itional g ranu-
lites were formed in this region. Shelf sedimentation Fig. 18 Eroded Cambrian sandstone on the Tamrit Plateau,
is recorded in the northwestern Hoggar mountains Tassili n’Ajjer, southern Algeria
in Ahnet at the end of the Eburnean orogeny. Meso-
proterozoic ages were dated from various sites in the
eastern and western Hoggar mountains, but the main
tectono-thermal events in this region occurred during zones. D uring t his P an-African d eformation, t he
the Pan-African orogeny. metamorphic conditions evolved from medium- to
In t he northwest of t he Hoggar mountains, a s e- high-pressure towards lower pressure/high tempera-
ries known as ”Green Succession”, made up of thick ture. The effects of t he Pa n-African tectonics differ
greywackes w ith f ragments of volcanic origin, l ies from one area to a nother in the Hoggar mountains
through a probable angular discordance and a basal and various structural zones can be distinguished:
tillite o nto M esoproterozoic qu artzites. The tillite In t he e astern H oggar mo untains, t he D janet-
also contains fragments of t he basic a nd u ltrabasic Tafassasset ter rain i s a u nit o f me tapelitic a nd
rocks that recut the stromatolitic shelf deposit. Above greywacke-type r ocks w ith l enses o f ma rbles a nd
a c alc-alkaline a rh yo-dacite v olcanism de veloped metagabbros, involved in steeply dipping NS trending
being characteristic of an active continental margin. structures. Their metamorphism is in the greenschist
In different areas of the Hoggar mountains and the and a mphibolite facies. The age of a l ate-kinematic
Adrar de s I foras, t he ma gmatic ro cks ha ve a ges o f granite has yielded 730 Ma. In the west, the Tiririne
crystallization ranging from 800 to 630 Ma. The rocks Formation c orresponds to t he mol asse o f t his b elt
older than 600 Ma are deformed by an initially gently and is made up of clays and limestones, followed by
dipping fol iation, for med du ring t angential move - coarse detritus of eastern provenance, and finally by
ments of great amplitude and followed by transcur- detrital b ut ma ture s edimentary ro cks. B asic ma g-
rent movements a long s teeply d ipping major she ar matic rocks, dated at 660 Ma, are commonly intrusive
along t he O ugarta r anges t hrough t he Touat a nd
Bled-el-Mass anticlinorium; in the adjoining Bechar
Basin to t he northeast; along the northern margins
of Yetti Eglab of the Reguibat Shield; and also form
a g irdle a round the Tuareg Shield with the A nnet
and Tassili N᾽Ajjer being the largest Paleozoic expo-
sures. Between the uplifted zones of central Algeria
extensive Paleozoic sequences fill great depressions,
the largest of which are the Bechar-Timimoun (Erg

Occidental) Basin, the Ghadames (Rhadames or Erg
Oriental) Basin, the Illizi (Polignac) Basin, and the

Ahnet Basin. The Bechar-Timimoun Basin contains
Fig. 19 Paleozoic sandstone formations east of Djanet, Tassili an almost complete marine succession of Cambrian
to m id-Carboniferous s trata. The Ghad ames B asin

occupies northwestern Libya and extends into eastern
Algeria, where Ca mbrian to Carboniferous marine
strata a re w idespread, b ut ma jor u nconformities
into the Tiririne Formation. The polycyclic Hoggar caused by C aledonian and Hercynian movements
terrain shows three petrographic facies, known as a occur. The I llizi Basin is a lso filled w ith Cambrian
quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and granitoids facies, a to Upper Carboniferous marine strata.
highly me tamorphic me tasedimentary (quartzites The tectonic style of the Algerian atlas, with broad
and marbles) facies, corresponding to t he so-called synclinal basins and narrow anticlinal pinches, is simi-
Suggarian chain, and a slightly metamorphic volcanic lar to that of the Moroccan atlas. The folds, with axial
and v olcano-sedimentary f acies, c orresponding to strike N 45° E, are oblique to the general N 60° E trend
the Pharusian chain, which consists of two successive of the Atlas. These folds are seldom symmetrical and,
cycles s eparated b y a ma jor d iscordance. The first, as in Morocco, the anticlines grade into stretch-thrusts
or Pharusian I, starts with the deposition of shelf at depth. The faults are well expressed throughout the
sediments of the Timessalarsine succession, in which domain. Contemporary E-W faults of the Atlasic phase
voluminous magmatism in a r ift-type environment display a dextral component. Most of these structures
led to the emplacement of basic and ultrabasic rocks developed before or during the Middle Eocene. Trias-
within t he succession. Subsequently it was a ffected sic salt extrusions a re f requently encountered. Thei r
by recumbent isoclinal folds before the intrusion of emplacement is Atlasic, but some are younger and have
calc-alkaline granitoids dated at about 870 Ma. affected the Miocene. The highly fractured Zibane zone
The P harusian I I beg ins w ith t he d eposition o f is the narrowest part of the Algerian Atlas.
the Amded Formation containing fragments of the The s edimentary s equences of t he Tellian c hain
TimessalarsineFormation, a nd is overlain by t he Ir- in northern Algeria, which is part of the almost
relouchem volcanic rocks dated at about 680 Ma. The
whole succession is recut by calc-alkaline granitoids.
These Pharusian II episodes are characteristic of an
active margin environment. In its western part, the
Pharusian chain consists of Archean and Eburnean
cores, co vered b y M esoproterozoic q uartzites a nd
Neoproterozoic s tromatolitic c arbonates a nd a
volcano-detrital succession known as ”Green Series”.
The Tilemsi zone in the west of the Tuareg shield cor-
responds to an island arc currently about 100km wide
at o utcrop. Various t ypes o f i ntrusive ro cks o ccur,
from ba nded t holeiitic ga bbros a nd ga bbro-norites
dated at about 710 Ma, to calc-alkaline granodiorites
at about 635 Ma.
Paleozoic ro cks u nderlie mos t o f A lgeria. These Fig. 20 Neogene phonolite-filling of a former volcano east of
outcrop a long a N NW-SSE uplifted zone that runs Assekrem in the Hoggar Mountains, southern Algeria
36 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

circum-western Mediterranean Alpine chain, were of Ouenza. Two lead-zinc ore deposits occur in the
deposited on a Hercynian or locally older basement, Oued Amizour mountain region, but most lead-zinc
that makes up a significant part of the internal zones mining o perations a re s till a rtisanal. The E l Abed
of t he c hain. This basement crops out in northern Mine near the Algerian-Moroccan border has yielded
Algeria in the Greater and Lesser Kabylia massifs. It a production averaging between 10,000 to 15,000 mt/a
is in the former mainly composed of gneisses, schists of z inc c oncentrates. A lgeria i s a sig nificant w orld
and a sedimentary sequence, which has been dated producer o f mer cury, su pplying a bout 10 % of t he
as Lower Paleozoic because of very weak metamor- world᾽s output.
phism. S ometimes a c alcareous L ower to M iddle Algeria is among the world᾽s major Paleozoic oil
Devonian has been recorded, containing a volcano- and gas provinces. Two well-known large fields are
sedimentary complex i n its upper pa rt. The Lesser the Hassi Messaoud oil field with estimated reserves
Kabylian basement is overthrust towards the south of 8 billion barrels, and the Hassi R᾽Mel gasfield with
and s outheast o nto flysch s ediments. Cr ystalline estimated reserves of 50 trillion cubic feet of gas and
rocks are present, including sometimes peridotites. A 2 billion ba rrels o f c rude o il. The b ulk o f A lgerian
whole succession of transgressive and discordant for- hydrocarbons is deposited in the Bechar-Timimoun
mations on top of the Kabylian basement consists of Basin and in the Illizi and Ghadames Basins. Most
detrital sediments of Oligocene to Miocene age. This of these occurrences are structural traps, which are
unit is mainly conglomeratic with marls and silexites. linked to Caledonian and Hercynian movements. In
It is overlain by an olistostrome of Burdigalian age, their order of importance, the productive reservoirs
resulting f rom p robably subaque ous de position o f in Algeria are in Cambro-Ordovician, basal Triassic,
materials der ived f rom t he Mauretanian, t hen t he Devonian and Carboniferous sandstones. Generally
Massylian and finally the Numidian flysch units. It the oil and gas fields are located in anticlines, faulted
is usually composed of flaky pelites and sometimes anticlines or domes. The sealing beds include Triassic
micro-brecciated sa ndstones a t t he b ase. The Cal- to L ower Jurassic e vaporitic s equences, C arbonifer-
careous chain (or Dorsale) is the cover of the Greater ous and probably Devonian shales. The major source
Kabylian massif, detached from its basement and rocks w ere p robably t he w idespread, o rganic-rich
split into allochthonous units. A succession ranging Silurian shales.
from Carboniferous to Oligocene has been observed.
An additional set of allochthonous units consisting
of deep-sea turbidite deposits can be distinguished,
which a re k nown a s t he Ma uretanian napp e, t he Earthquakes o ccur f requently i n n orthern A lgeria
Massylian nappe and the Numidian nappe. They are and ha ve c aused ma ny human fa talities a s w ell a s
located at the southern edge of the Calcareous chain the loss of infrastructure and property (Fig. 22). Pol-
and to the north of the ancient terrains. Deformation lution of aquifers and surface environment due to the
of t he Tellian c hain b egun d uring Cr etaceous, f ol- exploration of hydrocarbons is also evident.
lowed by an intensive phase in end-Eocene, known
as ” Pyrenean”. L ate def ormation ha s a ffected the
Oligocene-Miocene deposits of the Kabylian massifs
and has been assigned as a compressive phase at the
end of the Miocene.

Economic Geology
The p roduction o f h ydrocarbons i s s till b y f ar t he
leading m ineral s ector, ac counting f or t he b ulk
of export earnings of Algeria. The Government᾽s
mineral industry fosters a diverse but rather modest
production of metals.
The bulk of Algeria᾽s iron ore output was extracted
from t he O uenza M ine i n t he e ast o f t he c ountry,
where the hematite ore is ranging from 53–60 % iron Fig. 21 Oil fields at Hassi Messaoud
content. Iron ore is also mined at Bou Khadra south
Fig. 22 Houses hit by the earthquake of 10 October 1980 Fig. 24 Assekrem black volcanic peaks in the central Hoggar

in the Oued Cheliff region, northern Algeria, in which about Mountains at sunset
2,600 people lost their lives and nearly 300,000 were left

Geosites References
An i nventory o f p otential g eosites ha s n ever b een Bertrand, J. M. L. & Caby, R. (1978): Geodynamic Evolution
made, but ma ny places de serve due to t heir s cenic of the Pan-African Orogenic Belt: A new interpretation
of t he H oggar Sh ield (Algerian S ahara).–Geol. Ru nd-
beauty a nd/or ge ological s ignificance i ncreased schau 67, 357–383; Stuttgart.
protection, especially in the mountainous regions of Bertrand, J. M. L., Ducrot, J., Lancelot, J., Moussine-Pouch-
the Sahara (Fig. 23 and 24). kine, A . & S aadallah, A . (1978): The l ate Pa n-African
intracontinental linear foldbelt of t he eastern Hoggar
(central S ahara, A lgeria): ge ology, s tructural d evelop-
Geoscience Education ment, U /Pb ge ochronology, t ectonic i mplications
for t he H oggar Sh ield.–Precambrian R es. 7, 349–376;
Countrywide there are 5 universities where geology/ Amsterdam.
geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ostgraduate Caby, R. (1987): The Pan-African Belt of West Africa from
courses are offered. The personnel and institutional the Sahara Desert to the Gulf of Benin.– In: J. P. Schaer,
& J. Rodgers (eds.), The Anatomy of Mountain Ranges,
capacities of their departments are generally of high 129–170; University Press, Princeton.
standard. I n i nternational r anking d atabases f or Fabre, J. (1976): Introduction à la géologie du Sahara Alge-
Africa the respective universities achieve intermedi- rien et des région voisines.– 1:5,000,000; SNED, 1–421;
ate positions. Alger.
Fabre, J., Jonquet, B. & Bronner, G. (1978): Carte géologique
du nord-ouest de l᾽Afrique.– SNED, Alger.
Piqué, A. (2001): Geology of Northwest Africa.I–XIV, 1–310;
Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
Rocci, G ., Bron ner, G . & D eschamp, M . (1991): Cr ystal-
line b asement of t he West A frican Cr aton.– I n: R . L .
Dallmeyer & J. P . L ecorche (eds.), The West A frican
orogens a nd c ircum-Atlantic c orrelations, 31–61;
Springer, Berlin.

Fig. 23 Gigantic dunes near tha oasis Ouargla, central

General through the R epublic of C ongo, the D emocratic
Area: 1,246,700 km2 Republic of Congo, to northern Angola. It contains
Population: 13,100,000 ( 2007 estimate) three structural zones, which are from east to w est
the e xternal z one w ith sub -horizontal s trata, t he
median folded zone and the internal zone consisting
Summary of Geology
of intrusive and pre-west basement rocks. The older
Rocks o f p ossibly N eoarchean a ge o utcrop i n t he rocks in the internal zone are the Mayumbian and the
northeast of Angola belonging to the Kasai Craton. In Zadinian Supergroups, representing the infilling of
the west the country is underlain by Paleoproterozoic, a Kibaran-age continental rift, which was deformed
Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic rocks of various and thrust eastwards during the Pan-African orogeny
composition, among them tillites at the base of the in the West Congolian. The e xternal a nd me dian
Neoproterozoic B embe System, w hich a re followed zones c ontain t he West C ongolian Su pergroup, a
by stromatolitic and oolitic limestones. Sedimentary sequence of l ow-grade me tasediments (Fig. 25). B e-
and volcanic rocks of t he K aroo Supergroup occur cause of its elongate basin geometry, the occurrence of
in t he northern c entral pa rt of t he c ountry. I n t he high-energy debris flow deposits (mixtites), red beds
coastal basin t he Precambrian basement is directly and basic volcanics in its lower part, sedimentation
overlain b y a t hick s equence o f M esozoic to C eno- has been assumed to have started in a fault-bounded
zoic marine sediments. The eastern part of Angola is continental rift, probably at around 1.1 Ga.
largely covered by sands and related deposits of the Sediments of Paleozoic to Mesozoic age are mainly
Kalahari Group. preserved i n t he n orthern c entral to n orthwestern
geological depression, called Cassanje Graben. These
magmatic and sedimentary rocks are related to t he
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
Karoo S upergroup. Du ring t his pe riod ma gmatic
The oldest formations known in Angola are from the activities c aused t he em placement o f d iverse sub -
northeast, corresponding to t hose more completely volcanic to volc anic b odies, i ncluding k imberlites,
studied i n K asai ( Democratic Re public o f C ongo) carbonatites, b asalts, dole rites, s yenites, t rachytes
and ha ve b een a ffected by me tamorphic e pisodes and phonolites. The kimberlite and carbonatite bodies
corresponding to t he s o-called Musefu a nd M oyo are located along a major trend line, which transects
episodes of Kasai, both being of Neoarchean age. Iso- Angola diagonally from southwest to northeast.
lated Archean rocks are also exposed in some places The w estern ma rgins o f A ngola a re c overed b y
in t he ba sement of western A ngola, for e xample at Cretaceous to Pleistocene marine sediments. Consid-
Malanje, Dondo and south of the River Cuanza near erable information has been gathered on these basins
Cariango, w here A rchean a ssemblages sh ow E -W
and N E-SW t rends a nd c omprise en derbites, c har-
nockites, kinzigites and granulite gneisses. South of
Nova Lisboa the volcano-sedimentary Jamba Group
is also of Archean age. Complex greenstone belts
of Paleoproterozoic age are present in the southern
central pa rt o f t he c ountry. It ha s b een c oncluded
(Cahen et al., 1984) that an orogeny affected most of
this region at about 2.15 Ga, during which the main
metamorphism, granitization and deformation took
place, followed by extensive late- and post-tectonic,
and anorogenic granitic intrusions and volcanic ac-
tivity between 2.05 and 1.75 to 1.65 Ga. Low initial Sr
isotope ratios in the homogeneous regional granites
of southern Angola suggest the addition of juvenile
crustal ma terial. The West C ongolian mob ile b elt Fig. 25 Popa Falls in the Okavango River, flowing over
extends for over 1,300 k m from Gabon southwards sediments of Neoproterozoic age
(,—< )'—<

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:cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjXe[ZXiYfeXk\j AliXjj`Z :cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjXe[ZXiYfeXk\j

B`dY\ic`k\j :cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjXe[ZXiYfeXk\j D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z

:fek`e\ekXcZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjXe[ AliXjj`Z$
\okilj`m\mfcZXe`Zjf]k_\BXiff Lgg\i D\kXdfig_fj\[ZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj
Jlg\i^iflg :XiYfe`]\iflj Xe[ZXiYfeXk\j
K_iljk]Xlck Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[^e\`jj\jXe[

Fig. 26 Geological overview of Angola (modified after Araujo et al., 1998)

40 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

from borehole data du ring oi l-exploration both off- the Malanje provinces. Others are scattered all over
and on-shore (Fig. 27). These basins are from north to the country, but economically less significant. These
south: The Congo, the Kwanza and the Namib marine deposits are related to laterisation and the carbonatite
coastal basins, which started with their development complexes. Angolan copper occurrences are related to
during Lower Cretaceous times. Neoproterozoic ore bodies and Cretaceous sedimen-
In Angola three types of Tertiary to Quaternary tary basins, but production of copper came to a halt
rocks c an b e d istinguished, f orming t he yo ungest already in 1963. Silver and cobalt were by-products.
geological u nits o f t he c ountry. These a re Q uater- Vanadium was produced from the Lueca and Kinzo
nary a lluvial a nd c olluvial de posits, Tertiary to mines i n t he 1950᾽s, r esembling i n de position t he
Quaternary c ontinental s ediments of t he K alahari polymetallic Tsumeb ore body in Namibia. Low
Group, a nd e arly Tertiary l aterite r esidues. N early grade, sub -economic u ranium de posits, a ssociated
half of Angola is covered by these sedimentary with carbonatites, phosphates and pegmatites, occur
rock types. The Kalahari Group consists mainly of in the Cabinda and Zaire provinces.
sand and quartzitic sandstones. In the central and In t he Lu nge-Bunge a rea i n M oxico, l ignite o c-
eastern pa rt o f A ngola t he l ateritic r esidue f orms currences in seams of 3 m, with overburden of 4–6 m,
the substratum of the Kalahari Group. Quaternary have been reported, which, however, a re appa rently
alluvial and colluvial deposits in the form of sands, not of e conomically sig nificant v alue. O ther l ignite
clay, rubbles and gravels occur mainly in depressions occurrences have been reported from the Cretaceous
and/or river valleys.

Economic Geology
Angola has a considerable mineral wealth. The petro-
leum industry still dominates the Angolan economy.
Exploration o f f uels i s mos tly do ne i n n ear sh ore
zones, de fined a s b eing l ess t han 150 m i n de pth.
These occupy a 20 to 50 k m wide strip along the en-
tire Angolan coast (Fig. 27). Paralleling the shallow
water concessions are several deep water concessions,
defined as occupying depths from 150 to about 600 m,
of which not all are yet being exploited.
Diamonds a re t he mos t i mportant m ineral r e-
source after oil, occurring in kimberlites and a variety
of placer deposits. At least 700 kimberlites are known, Fig. 27 Off-shore oil drilling along the Atlantic coast of
of v arying si ze a nd shap e. The d iamond g rade i n- Angola
creases with depth. The kimberlites are aligned along
a NE-SW trend, which extends into the Democratic
Republic of Congo. Most of the alluvial diamonds are
produced from the erosion of Cretaceous kimberlites.
The richest fields are located in Lunda Norte in the
northeast of the country (Fig. 28 and 29). About 90 %
of the gold produced in Angola originates from the
Maiombe a rea i n C abinda a nd i s ma inly a lluvial.
These deposits are related to greenstone belts of either
Neoarchean or Pa leoproterozoic a ge. Nic kel, c hro-
mium and platinum occurrences have been reported
from southwestern Angola. These o ccurrences a re
associated with mafic-ultramafic complexes. Iron was
produced at the Cassinga mine near surface, from
high-grade ore (50–60 % Fe) of a deposit of Banded
Iron Formation (BIF). A number of small manganese Fig. 28 A diamond-washing plant in the Kasai Basin in
deposits are located near Lucala, Cuanza Norte and northeastern Angola (1964)
Kwanza basin. Angola is a producer and exporter of
good quality dimension stone, especially red and black
granite. Extensive exploration for phosphates led to
the discovery of significant reserves of phosphates
within the Tertiary-Cretaceous marine sediments. The
major deposits are in the Cabinda and Zaire provinces.
Kaolin was mined on a small scale in the early 1970᾽s
from deposits in Bengo, Huila, Huambo, Bie and
Uige provinces. Despite the abundance of limestones,

sands, sandstones and clays in Angola᾽s marine coastal
basins, their production has been low.


An inventory has not yet been made. Mining activities
have caused pollution of aquifers and on the surface.
Environmental p roblems app ly f or t he offshore ex-
ploration of hydrocarbons.
Fig. 30 A typical highland landscape of gentle rolling hills
separated by broad shallow valleys in northwestern Angola
An inventory has not yet been made, but t his large
country offers many sites of scenic beauty, which are
currently under consideration (Fig. 30). References
Araujo, A. G., Perevalov, O. V., Guimaraes, F. R., Kondratiev,
Geoscience Education A. I ., Tselikov, A . F., K hodirev, V. L ., P olskoi, F. R .,
Agueev, Y. I., Voinovski, A. S., Sunda, P. & Joaquim, A.
Countrywide there is currently only one university (1998): Carta de Recursos Minerais Mineral Resources
(Luanda) where geology/geosciences in undergradu- Map, escala 1:1,000 ,000 .– República de Angola, Instituto
ate and postgraduate courses are offered. The person- Geológico de Angola; Luanda.
Carvalho, H . (1983): N otice e xplicative p réliminaire su r
nel and institutional capacities of its department are la géologie de l᾽Angola.– Garica de Orta Sér. Géol. 6,
probably of rather low standard, as the university is 15–30; Lisboa.
not recorded in any international ranking databases Duarte-Morais, M. l., Castellano, M. C., Putignano, M. l. &
for Africa. Scrosso, I. (2004): The tectono-sedimentary evolution of
the Kwanza Basin (Angola). – 20 th Colloquium Africa
Geology, Abstr. Vol., 143; Orleans.
Haas, O. (1942): Some Upper Cretaceous Ammonites from
Angola.– A merican M useum N ovitates 1182, 1–24;
Knoche, G . (1982): A ngola – Roh stoffwissenschaftlicher
Länderbericht 27, 1–84; Hannover.
Kogbe, C . A . (2001): Petroleum G eology of S edimentary
Basins of Western Africa.– Africa Geoscience Review
8 (1&2), 1–269; Paris.
Minck, R ., Ewins, N. P. & Pa cavira, N. ( 2001): S equence
stratigraphy a nd hyd rocarbon a ccumulations i n t he
Miocene of Block 14, offshore Cabinda, Angola.– Africa
Geoscience Review 8 (1/2), 17/27; Paris.
Porada, H. (1983): Geodynamic model for the geosynclinal
development of t he D amara oro gen, Na mibia/South
West Africa.– In: H. Martin & F. W. Eder (eds.), Intra-
continental fold belts, 503–542; Springer, Berlin.
Premoli, C. (1994): Industrial minerals in Angola and Mo-
zambique – a multi-country approach.– In: Industrial
Fig. 29 Artisanal diamond exploration in northern Angola Minerals in Developing Countries, S. J. Mathers & A. J.
G. Notholt, eds., 135–144; Nottingham.
General the West African Craton and constitute the external
Area: 112.620 km2 units of t he Da homeyide O rogen, na med a s Buem
Population: 7,745,000 ( 2007 estimate) and Atacora (= Togo Group) structural units (Fig. 32).
The Buem Group comprises from bottom to top shales
and sandstones, dolomites and limestones, with an
Summary of Geology
important conglomerate generally regarded as a tillite,
The geology of B enin is comprised of t wo d ifferent and a volcanic unit with basalts, dolerites and some
domains, separated by a line almost parallel to the 7th rhyolites. It is structurally overlaying the Togo Group,
latitude. The northern region is dominated by crystal- which is characterized by over 300m of thick quartz-
line rocks of the Neoproterozoic Dahomeyide Orogen, ites separated by pelites, the quartzites being locally
whereas the southern region consists of sedimentary accompanied by ironstones. Zone 2 is a narrow tract
rocks ranging from Recent to Cretaceous age. In the characterized by a high positive gravity anomaly. Its
northeastern pa rt o f t he c ountry a lluvial ro cks o f basic and ultrabasic rocks are believed to r epresent
Neogene age are predominating. either mantle diapirs or remnants of a paleo-oceanic
crust with characteristics of an ophiolithic complex.
Zone 3 i s made u p p redominantly o f m igmatites,
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
gneisses, s yenites, g ranites, m icaschists, ma rbles,
Crystalline ro cks i n B enin a nd Togo a re g enerally quartzites and amphibolites. Zone 4 is characterized
considered as belonging to the Dahomeyide Orogen, by the presence of several NNE to SSW trending schist
which i s l ocated a long t he s outheastern ma rgin belts surrounded by a g neissic-migmatitic complex.
of t he West A frican Cr aton. T he f ollowing ro ck There is an uneven distribution of available radiomet-
types ha ve bee n r ecognized w ithin t his f old be lt: ric data within the Dahomeyide Orogen, which is best
metasandstones, schists, metasilexites, metasiltstones, dated i n Z ones 4 to 6 . Z one 1 indicates a sig nature
metaconglomerates, me tatillites, c arbonate ro cks of Pan-African tectonothermal activity. For Zone 2
or m arbles, u ltramafic r ocks, m etajaspillites, m e- in northwestern Benin a K ibaran activity has been
tahematites, quartzites, quartz s chists, micaschists, recorded, but Pan-African ages are also evidenced in
gneisses, migmatites, amphibolites, granites (Fig. 31), other parts of the region. Geochronological data on
charnockites, ecl ogites, m etabasalts, c alc-silicate granites, orthogneisses, migmatites and granulite fa-
rocks a nd py roxenites. C ontrasting l ithological a s- cies rocks of Zone 3 suggest that these rocks have been
sociations are present in different parts of the orogen affected by t hree orogenic events, including phases
and, from west to east, six lithotectonic zones or ter- of the Eburnean, Kibaran and Pan-African activities.
ranes have been recognized, of which three or four Ages obtained from granitic rocks of Zone 4 (and 5)
are recorded in Benin. The ro cks of Z one 1 border indicate predominantly Pan-African activities.

Fig. 31 The granitic inselberg of Wari Maro in central Benin Fig. 32 Proterozoic rocks at a road outcrop near Tanguieta
Atacora, central Benin
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Fig. 33 Geological overview of Benin (modified after Anonymous, 1972, and Affaton et al., 1990)
44 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Outcropping i n t he n orthwestern pa rt o f t he Geosites

country a re s ediments o f t he Voltaian Su pergroup,
ranging f rom Pa leozoic to N eoproterozoic t imes. An inventory has not yet been made, but the coastal la-
The Voltaian Supergroup has been divided into three goon of Ganvie exhibits both cultural and geoscientific
groups. The lowest comprises sandstones, quartzites aspects of heritage to be preserved (Fig. 34–36).
and shales with a maximum thickness of 600 m. The
middle Voltaian or O ti Group, w ith a t hickness of
Geoscience Education
about 1600m, lies unconformably on the lower Volta-
ian with conglomerates, interpreted as tillites, at the Countrywide there is only one university (Cotonou)
base, followed by shales, sandstones, limestones and where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
dolomites. The upper Voltaian or Obosum Group is postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
a molasse unit. institutional capacities of its department a re appa r-
Southern Benin is characterized by sediments of ently o f i ntermediate s tandard a s i ndicated f rom
Meso- and Cenozoic age, which sometimes reach a the uni versity’s p osition in international r anking
thickness of approximately 2000 m. Stratigraphically databases for Africa.
these d eposits c an be s ubdivided i nto t he f ollow-
ing u nits: Turonian – C oniacian s trata, c onsisting
mainly o f s ands a nd s andstones; Ma astrichtian
strata with sands and kaolinitic grey to g reen clays;
Lower Paleocene strata with glauconitic and oolithic
formations; Upper Pa leocene s trata w ith d ark g rey
clays and marls; Eocene strata mainly with greenish
clays; Upper Miocene strata with mainly sandy clays,
sometimes i ron-indurated s ands a nd c laystones;
Pliocene s trata c onsisting o f g ravel a nd s andy c lay
deposits; and Quaternary strata with various t ypes
of coastal, lagoonal and riverine sediments. Alluvi-
als are, however, also well developed along the major
rivers within the Proterozoic terranes.

Economic Geology
Gold mineralisation is known from conglomerates in
quartzites of the Togo Group in northwestern Benin.
Alluvial and eluvial indices of rutile are very abundant
Fig. 34 River Terou Donga in central Benin
in an elongated area extending from Kolkonde in the
north to Basila in the south. A number of geochemi-
cal a nomalies i ndicating t he o ccurrence o f n ickel,
copper, chromium and cobalt have been detected in
the region of Goumpare, east of Parakou. Limestone
is f ound i n t he O ueme D istrict i n t he s outh, w ith
reserves e stimated at 123 million tons of l imestone
suitable for manufacturing of cement and lime, and
33 million tons of sandy limestone suitable for the use
as ba llast. L ess i mportant o ccurrences of u ranium
and iron ore were also detected.
Benin has since the 1990᾽s produced some crude
oil, which mostly came from the Seme Field, about
15 km south of Cotonou. Further onshore exploration
is still continuing, and the potential for the develop-
ment of significant additional reserves of oil and Fig. 35 Lacustrine village in the Ganvie Lagoon, coastal
natural gas is high. Benin
Fig. 36 Rapids at Kota Atakora in central Benin

Affaton, P. (1987): Le bassin des Volta (Afrique de l᾽Ouest):
une marge passive, d᾽age Protérozoique supérieur, tec-
tonisée au Panafricain (600+ 50 Ma).– Thése Doct. Sci.
Fac., St. Jérome, Marseille, 1–462; Marseille.
Affaton, P., R ahaman, M . A ., Trompette, R . & S ougy, J.
(1990): T he D ahomeyide O rogen: Tectonothermal
Evolution and Relationships with the Volta Basin.– In:
The West A frican O rogens a nd Ci rcum-Atlantic C or-
relation, R. D. Dahlmeyer & J. P. Lécorché (eds.), 17–122;
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Alcard, P. (1957): Le précambrien du Togo et du Nord-Ouest
du Dahomey.– Bull. Directorate Fédér. Min. Géol. Af-
ricaine Occidentale Francaise 23, 1–226; Dakar.
Alcard, P., P ougnet, R . & Sl ansky, M . ( 1960): C arte
geologique a u 1,000 ,000 , Re publique d u Da homey.–
BRGM, Orleans.
Anonymous (1972): C arte gé ologique de la partie mér idi-
onale de l᾽Afrique de l᾽Ouest, 1:2,000 ,000 .– Bur. Rech.
Géol. Miner. Paris; Paris.
Bertrand-Sarfati, J., Moussine-Pouchkine, A., Affaton, P.,
Trompette, R. & Bellion, Y. (1990): Cover Sequences of
the West African Craton.– In: The West African Oro-
gens and Circum-Atlantic Correlation, R. D. Dahlmeyer
& J. P. Lécorché (eds.), 65–82; Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Cahen, L., Snelling, N. J., Delhal, J. & Vail, J. R. (1984): The
geochronoloy a nd e volution of A frica.I–XIII, 1–512;
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
OBEMINES (1989): Carte géologique du Bénin à 1:200,000.–
Office Béninoise des Mines, Cotonou.
Sougy, J. (1971): Remarques sur la stratigraphie de Protérozo-
ique superieur du Bassin Voltaien; influence de la paléo-
surface d᾽érosion glaciaire de la base du group de l᾽Oti
sur le t racé si nueux des Voltas et de c ertainsaffluent.–
C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 272, 800–803; Paris.
General of the Kapvaal Craton, whereas its northern margin
Area: 581,730 km2 is partly represented by the Mahalapye Complex of
Population: 1,856,000 ( 2007 estimate) similar a ge. I t r emains u nclear w hat happ ened i n
the central a nd western zones of t he Limpopo Belt
during the Paleoproterozoic. The Magondi Belt has
Summary of Geology
been t raced i nto northern B otswana to de fi ne t he
Rocks of A rchean age predominate i n t he east a nd western e dge o f t he Z imbabwe Cr aton. The Kubu
southeast o f B otswana. P roterozoic o rogenic b elts, Island Granite was emplaced at about 2,000 Ma i nto
mostly c oncealed b eneath K aroo ro cks, young pro- Archean crust towards the southeastern edge of the
gressively westwards away from the Archean rocks. Magondi B elt, w here i t c ontinues i nto t he w estern
Karoo s trata d eposited w ithin t he Ka lahari B asin zone o f t he L impopo B elt. To t he n orthwest t he
underlie c entral B otswana, w hereas i n t he n orth Magondi B elt i s b ounded b y t he M esoproterozoic
and northwest rocks of Meso- a nd Neoproterozoic northwest Botswana Rift and the inland arm of the
age occur. Neoproterozoic Damara Belt.
An ac curately def ined n ortheasterly t rending
Mesoproterozoic r ift s tructure ha s b een e videnced
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
in Botswana, within which there was bimodal volca-
The northwestern part of the Archean Kaapval Craton nism and associated sedimentation. The southeastern
extends into southeastern Botswana, where gneissic margin of the rift is preserved as a reactivated Paleo-
granitoids w ith a ssociated me tasedimentary a nd proterozoic t hrust z one, t he K alahari Suture Z one.
metavolcanic rocks are intruded by the Modipe Gab- Rift ing c ontinued into t he Neoproterozoic as t he
bro as well as by the Gaborone and Mmathete Gran- Ghanzi Group sediments were laid down in a rifted
ites. There is a partial cover of Archean supracrustal basin. The present northwestern e dge of t he north-
rocks of the Lobatse and Lower Transvaal Group. The west Botswana R ift i s defined by a ma jor Damaran
western margin of these Archean rocks is concealed thrust zone. The northwest Botswana Rift links the
beneath a c over o f K aroo ro cks a nd K alahari s edi- central African intracratonic Irumide and Kibaran
ments. The same applies for the Archean Zimbabwe Belts to the Namaqua, Natal, Falkland, Haag, Maud
Craton a nd t he Pa leoproterozoic L impopo M obile and southern Mozambique Belts.
Belt in the east of the country, which are both litho- Neoproterozoic ro cks o ccur mos tly i n n orth-
logically similar to the Kapvaal Craton but differ in western B otswana a nd b elong to t he Da mara B elt,
their structural styles and in timing of major thermal of which the Ghanzi Group along the northeasterly
events. The f ollowing ro ck u nits ha ve b een f ound striking Ghanzi Ridge exhibits three different silici-
in t hese ter ranes: m igmatites, p orphyric g ranites, clastic formations. The intensity of folding and related
metasedimentary rocks, amphibolites, meta-intrusive thrusting within the Damara Belt increases towards
rocks, gabbroic anorthosites and gneissic granites. In the nor thwest. The Pa ssarge B asin i s i nfilled w ith
northwestern Botswana folded rocks of unknown age very weakly folded Ghanzi Group strata, whereas the
possibly form a cover sequence over the southern part Nosop/Ncojane B asin f urther to t he s outh ha s flat-
of the Congo Craton. lying Nama Group sediments above Ghanzi Group
From Pa leoproterozoic t imes, m ajor e pisodes rocks. L ow-grade si liciclastic me tasediments w ith
of s edimentation, m ajor c entres of m agmatism associated limestones and felsites of the Okwa Group
and ma jor def ormation b elts ha ve b een r ecorded are exposed in the Okwa Valley. The sequence is also
in B otswana. T he p reserved a reas o f s edimenta- of Neoproterozoic a ge or e ven younger (Ramokate
tion a nd ma gmatism a re b oth w ithin t he A rchean et al., 2000). Essentially unexposed but well defined
crustal elements as well as in the bounding orogenic due to recent airborne magnetic surveys are four
belts. Wi thin t he A rchean p lates, t here i s a spa tial rock units within the inland branch of the Damara
association of Pa leoproterozoic s edimentation a nd Belt in Ngamiland, which are probably also of Neo-
magmatism, where the sediments represent proximal proterozoic age.
deposits from the eroded magmatic rocks. The about The Karoo strata of Botswana can be subdivided
2,00^9 Ma old Kheis Belt defines the western margin into five s tratigraphical u nits (Smith, 1984). T he
)'—< Q8D9@8


)'—J Q@D989N< )'—J



N <

),—J J ),—J

('' ' ('' )''bd


)'—< ),—< *'—<

G?8E<IFQF@:BXcX_Xi`>iflgj\[`d\ekjf] GIFK<IFQF@:
 gfjk$:i\kXZ\fljX^\efkj_fne :XdYi`Xe
J\[`d\ekjf]k_\EXdXXe[FbnX>iflgj Xe[&fi
B`dY\ic`k\j Dfjkcp E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
Dfjkcpn\Xbcpd\kXdfig_fj\[ E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
MfcZXe`Zjf]k_\JkfidY\i^>iflg2 d\kXj\[`d\ekjf]mXi`flj^iflgj
Lgg\iBXiffJlg\i^iflg AliXjj`Z
j\[`d\ekXipifZbjf]k_\J`eZcX`i>iflg D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
:fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\Lgg\i Cfn\iAliXjj`Z$
BXiffJlg\i^iflg Lgg\iKi`Xjj`Z
:fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\Cfn\i Cfn\iKi`Xjj`Z$
BXiffJlg\i^iflg :XiYfe`]\iflj D\kXj\[`d\ekj#^iXe`k\j#^iXe`k`Z GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z
>iXe`k`ZXe[Xdg_`Yfc`k`Z^e\`jj\j# GifYXYcp\Xicp
d`^dXk`k`\jf]k_\BmXe[f:fdgc\o G_Xe\ifqf`Z


d\kXgclkfe`Zj Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[

Fig. 37 Geological overview of Botswana (modified after Key & Ayres, 2000)
48 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

wana, w hich a re p redominantly o f Cr etaceous a ge.

However, the exceptionally diamondiferous Jwaneng
pipe is Permian in age. The Kalahari Group sediments
of post-Cretaceous age infill an inland depression in
central-southern A frica, which was i nitiated at t he
end of the Cretaceous by the break-up of Gondwana.
Major de position to ok p lace si nce t he en d o f t he
Miocene in the centre of southern Africa. Terrestrial
as well a s f resh w ater s ediments a re present i n t he
Kalahari Group of B otswana. The O kavango R iver
in northern Botswana is currently depositing deltaic
sediments. Despite t heir large spatial coverage, t he
Kalahari Gro up s ediments a re g enerally l ess t han
180 m in total thickness.

Economic Geology
Diamondiferous kimberlite pipes have largely contrib-
uted to the prosperous economy of Botswana (Fig. 39).
Other m ining c ommodities i nclude copper-nickel
(from t he S elebi P hikwe m ining c omplex), g old
Fig. 38 Salty crust on the dried-out surface of Lake Makga- (near Francistown) a nd m inor o ccurrences of i ron,
dikgadi in northwestern Botswana platinum and soda ash. Estimated reserves of coal
are about 17 billion tons.

basal Dwyka Group comprises all the glacial depos-
its, which were laid down from Late Carboniferous Mining activities have contributed to various human-
until Early Permian. Its main outcrop is in the south induced ha zards i n t he v icinity o f t he r espective
in the Mabuasehube to Middlepits region. Ther e are ore exploitation. Related to the social life of mining
smaller exposures in t he Mmamabula a nd Pa lapye activities ma y pa rtly b e s een a nother d isaster, t he
areas. The E cca Gro up s ediments o f P ermian a ge HIV/AIDS pandemy, which – at least indirectly – has
have a huge outcrop area in southwestern Botswana. led to an HIV infection rate of over 35 % of the adult
Further to t he east exposures of E cca Group strata
occur a round t he f ringes o f t he K alahari a nd Tuli
Basins. The Kule Formation of t he Beaufort Group
(Permo-Triassic in age) is widespread in Botswana
with large outcrop areas in the southwest. Ther e was
regional uplift within the Kalahari Basin at this time
to account for the major unconformities recognised at
the base and top of the Kule Formation. The Lebung
Group sediments were laid down during Triassic and
early Jurassic. In Botswana these sediments are inter-
leaved with basal flood basalt flows, which extruded
at about 180 Ma . The flood basalts cover the central
and northern pa rts of t he K alahari B asin, t he Tuli
Basin, and are also preserved in grabens in the Maun
area. Numerous and large dolerite sheets intrude the
Karoo mainly along the Ecca/Beaufort unconformity
in southwest Botswana. Similar dolerites occur also Fig. 39 The Orapa diamond mine in eastern Botswana, one
in northwestern Botswana. of three in Botswana providing the country with its most
More than 200 kimberlites are known from Bots- important source of revenue
population in the country (2006), the highest world-
wide. However, the government, mining companies
and various NGOs have in recent years started aware-
ness campaigns for reduction of the risk. Another se-
rious geohazard is the progressing desertification due
to irregular rainfalls in this landlocked country.

A formal inventory of potential geosites (Fig. 38 and
41) has not yet been made, but the middle Cretaceous

maar lake deposit of the Orapa kimberlite pipe north
of G aborone w ith i ts u nique ter restrial floral a nd

faunal components (early angiosperms and insects)
must be considered for this purpose (Fig. 40).

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o nly o ne u niversity (Gabo-
rone) w here g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate
and p ostgraduate c ourses a re offered. Thou gh the
personnel c apacities o f i ts de partment a re l imited,
institutionally it is probably one of t he best i n sub -
Saharan Africa as indicated in international ranking
databases for the continent. Fig. 40 Reconstruction of the fossilized crater lake (maar)
of Orapa in eastern Botswana, which has yielded the richest
insect and plant bearing taphocenosis of middle Cretaceous
References in Africa

Kampunzu, A. B., Armstrong, R. A., Modisi, M. P. & Mapeo,

R. B. M. (2000): Ion microprobe U-Pb ages on detrital
zircon gneisses from the Ghanzi Group: implications for
the identification of a K ibaran-age crust in northwest
Botswana.- Journal African Earth Siences 30, 579-587;
Key, R. M. & Ayres, N. (2000): The 1998 edition of the Nation-
al Geological Map of Botswana.- Journal African Earth
Siences 30 (3), 427-452; Oxford (including CD-ROM).
Ramokate, L. V., Mapeo, R. B. M., Corfu, F. & Kampunzu, A.
B. (2000): Proterozoic geology and regional correlation
of the Ghanzi-Makunda area, western Botswana.- Jour-
nal African Earth Siences 30 (3), 453-466; Oxford.
Turner, D. C ., Mapeo, R ., Delvaux, D., K ampunzu, A . B.
& Wendorff, M. (2000) (eds.): 50 th Anniversary of t he
Geological Survey, Geodynamics of Continental Rifting
(IGCP 400), Evolution of the Kibaran Belt (IGCP 418),
Neoproterozoic Foreland Basins (IGCP 419).- Journal
African Earth Siences 30 (3), Special issue and CD-ROM,
V-VII, 427771; Oxford.
Fig. 41 So-called “ochre dunes” (Kalahari sands) in central
Burkina Faso
General Proterozoic c onglomerates a nd s andstones o f t he
Area: 274,200 km2 Tarkwaian Group rest unconformably on Birrimian
Population: 13,902,000 ( 2007 estimate) rocks a round E ssakane i n t he N E of Bu rkina Faso
(Fig. 42). The margins of a l arge sedimentary basin
of Neoproterozoic to Ordovician age emerge at the
Summary of Geology
western border of Burkina Faso. These rocks consist of
Burkina Faso is predominantly underlain by rocks of basal sandstones with overlying shales and dolomites,
the Guinea Rise, which borders the Gulf of Guinea sometimes carrying bauxite mineralizations.
and extends from Sierra Leone in the west to Ghana in
the east. The rise is generally characterized by granitic
Economic Geology
gneisses, and north to northeasterly trending belts of
metasediments and metavolcanics. Gold occurrences are widespread and found through-
out t he Bi rrimian f ormations a s m ineralization
related to qu artz v eins a nd s tockwork, d issemina-
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
tions and the alluvial concentrations in Quaternary
The oldest rocks in Burkina Faso are pre-Birrimian or recent river gravels. Gold occurrences have been
migmatites, g neisses a nd a mphibolites u nderlying described from the following seven districts: 1. Poura,
the Birrimian rocks. In southwestern Burkina Faso about 180 km SW of Ouagadougou, with reserves es-
the Birrimian deposits can often be divided, similarly timated to be 1.45 Mt at 11.3g/t; 2. Dori-Yalago, in the
as i n n eigbouring Gha na, bet ween p redominantly NE between Pissila and Dori; 3. Aribinda District, in
clastic (flysch) f ormations a nd v olcano-clastic f or- the extreme N; 4. Dossi-Kiere District, about 150 km
mations. H owever, w hereas i n Gha na s edimento- east of Bobo-Dioulasso; 5. Essakane in the extreme
logical features clearly i ndicate t hat t he former a re northeast; 6. Yako-Kaya-Ouahigouya District, about
older t han t he l atter, i n Bu rkina Faso t he opposite 100km north of Ouagadougou; 7. Kwademen, about
sequence ha s g enerally b een f avoured. The clastic 30km southwest of Koudougo west of Ouagadou-
sequence consists of intensely deformed pelitic and gou. Alluvial diamonds have been found, but so far
psammitic metasediments (Fig. 43). There are three no ma jor d iscoveries w ere made . B esides g old, t he
major Birrimian greenstone belts in the south and the country᾽s most significant mineral resources are the
west of t he country, in which volcano-sedimentary Perkoa zinc (about 120 km west of Ouagadougou)
sequences a re do minant, a nd a f ourth i n t he c en- and the Tambao manganese (about 300 km northeast
tral and northeastern regions, b esides numerous of Ouagadougou) deposits. Three low grade copper
other sma ller g reenstone b elts, w hich a re f ound deposits have been investigated, but none is presently
throughout the country. Granites and granodiorites mined. Numerous small deposits of bauxite have been
occupy t he spac es i n b etween t he g reenstone b elts. discovered, but none has been mined to date. Ther e

Fig. 42 Eroded spindle-like sandstones of Palaeozoic age on Fig. 43 1.8 Ga old domes of Fabedougou in southern Bur-
the plateau of the Sindou Peaks in western Burkina Faso kina Faso
)—N '— )—<


(+—E D8C@ (+—E


()—E ()—E

Burkina Faso

>?8E8 E

,' ' ,' ('' (,'bd

('—E N < ('—E

:FK<;¡@MF@I< J

+—N )—N '— )—<

G?8E<IFQF@: 8I:?<8E
I\Z\ek$ >e\`jj\j#d`^dXk`k\j#Xdg_`Yfc`k\jf]
8cclm`Xcj E\f^\e\ E\fXiZ_\Xe

E\f^\e\$ Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[YXj\d\ek
:cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj D\jfqf`Z

MfckX`XeJlg\i^iflg GXc\fqf`Z$ Jki`b\jc`g]Xlck


MfcZXef$ZcXjk`Z]XZ`\j29`ii`d`Xe GXc\f$
Jlg\i^iflg gifk\ifqf`Z



Fig. 44 Geological overview of Burkina Faso (modified after Bessoles, 1977)

52 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

are s everal p hosphate de posits i n t he s outheast o f

Burkina Faso, concentrated in the Pendjari Series of
sedimentary rocks. Reserves are believed to be in the
order of 30 Mt of ore (Fig. 45).

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o nly o ne u niversity (Ouaga-
dougou) where geology/geosciences in undergraduate
and postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel
and i nstitutional c apacities of it s d epartment a re
apparently of intermediate standard as indicated for Fig. 45 Proterozoic phosphates worked for direct application
the u niversity i n i nternational r anking d atabases as fertilizer at Kodjari Mekrou in northern Burkina Faso
for Africa.

This large country offers many places of scenic beauty
(Fig. 42, 43 and 46)

Bard, J. P . (1974): L es g rand a ccidents d u c raton oue sta-
fricaine en C ote d᾽Ivoire: de s de crochements p ost-
éburnéens (?).- C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris D 278, 2609-2611;
Bessoles, B. (1977): Géologie de l᾽Afrique. Le Craton
Ouest A fricaine.– M ém. Bu r. R ech. G éol. M in. Pa ris
88, 402–479; Paris.
Casting, L ., Tie blemont, D ., L e M etour, J., Bi lla, M .,
Donzeau, M., Chevremont, P., Egal, E ., Zida, B., Oue-
drago, S., Guerrat, C., Cocherie, A., Tegyey, M., Milesi,
J. P. & Itard, Y. (2004): Geologie du Burkina Faso à
la lumiére de nouvelles donnes géochimiques e t géo-
chronologiques.– 20 t h Colloquium A frican Ge ology,
Abstr. Vol., 106; Orleans.
Kabore, E ., Kote, S., Bi lla, M., M ilesi, J. P. & Touliere, B.
(2004): Carte des potentialites metalliferes du Burkina Fig. 46 Waterfalls at Karfiguela in Burkina Faso
Faso.– 20 th Colloquium African Geology, Abstr. Vol.,
216; Orleans.
Nabas, S., Vegas, N., Bouchez, J. L. & Lompo, M. (2006): The
Paleoproterozoic Gr anite Plutons of E astern Bu rkina
Faso.– 21st C olloquium A frican G eology, Abst r. Vol.,
127; Maputo.
Pasava, J. I., Bezusko, P., Kominek, E., Kribek, B., Yameogo,
F. H., Kaboré, A. & Zida, B. (2006): Evaluation of Gold
Sources in Waste Material after Artisanal Exploitation
in Burkina Faso.– Abstract Vol., 21st Colloquium Afri-
can Geology, 330–331; Maputo.
Sattran, V. ( 2002): G eologie d u Bu rkina F aso – G eol-
ogy of Burkina Faso.– 1–144; Czech Geological Survey,

Fig. 47 Heavy rains and flooding in southern Burkina Faso

caused this local dam to break-off
Burkina Faso 53 B
General conglomerate near the base of this formation, which
Area: 27,830 km2 is characterized by the presence of ferruginous lenses.
Population: 7,140,000 ( 2007 estimate) The rocks of the Burundian Supergroup are intruded
by granites, and along a 350 km long narrow zone by
mafic and ultramafic intrusions.
Summary of Geology
Neoproterozoic rocks in Burundi are represented
Burundi᾽s g eology i s mos tly made u p o f ro cks b e- by t he Ma lagarasian Su pergroup, w hich i s e quiva-
longing to the Mesoproterozoic Kibaran Belt, which lent to t he Bu koban S ystem o f ad jacent Tanzania.
is here termed as Burundian Supergroup, and of the The c ontact b etween t he N eoproterozoic Ma lagara-
Neoproterozoic Malagarasian Supergroup, which is sian Supergroup and the underlying Burundian sedi-
equivalent to t he Bu koban System in northwestern mentary rocks belonging to t he Kibaran Belt in the
Tanzania. Tertiary a nd Q uaternary sed iments fi ll west or to the Archaen craton in the east is either un-
parts of the Western Rift at the northern tip of Lake conformable or faulted. The relatively flat-lying and
Tanganyika. unmetamorphosed N eoproterozoic for mations of
southeastern Burundi are composed of epicontinen-
tal sediments associated with basic igneous rocks. The
Malagarasian Supergroup of Burundi with an overall
Rocks of Archean age in Burundi were subjected to thickness of about 2000 m ha s been subdivided into
retrogressive metamorphism in the greenschist facies the following five units: The lowest group is the Ka-
and subs equent def ormation during t he U bendian vumwe Group, whose sediments were accumulated
orogeny in Paleoproterozoic times. The Kazigwe am- in local basins, consisting of quartzites, sandstones,
phibolite facies complex resulted from mylonitization argillaceous sa ndstones a nd s hales. The following
and retrogressive metamorphism of the Archean Ki- Nkoma Group consists of conglomerates, quartzites
kuka gneiss complex in southwestern Burundi. and sandstones. The following Musindozi Group con-
Rocks belonging to the Mesoproterozoic Kibaran tains dolomitic limestones, calcareous sha les, lavas,
Belt are widespread in Burundi and are locally termed sandstones, quatzites and conglomerates. In the fol-
as Burundian Supergroup. Generally, the Burundian lowing Mosso Group silicifi ed dolomitic limestones
Supergroup is subdivided into three units. The base of and lavas have been recorded. The top of t he Ma la-
the lower Burundian consists of a quartzitic sequence, garasian Su pergroup i s r epresented b y t he K ibago
which overlies directly the Archean basement. The up- Group, which is characterized by sandstones, quartz-
per part of this unit contains locally a tuff horizon of ites, shales and a basal conglomerate. An ensialic and
intermediate composition. It is overlain by schists of intracratonic geodynamic evolution for this part of
considerable thickness, whose lower part consists of central Africa is more likely than the development of
graphitic schists, which are interbedded with quartz- a Neoproterozoic o rogenic b elt. A s ystem o f c onju-
itic h orizons o f m inor i mportance. H igher u p, t he gate strike-slip sedimentary basins located along the
quartzitic horizons are interbedded with grey schists, southeastern border of the Kibaran Belt and linked to
sometimes c ontaining volc anic i ntercalations. The a late evolution of this belt indicates that the Malaga-
middle Burundian begins with a sequence of quartz- rasian (and Bukoban) sediments may be interpreted
ites overlain by schists and green phyllites, which are as the molasse of the Kibaran Belt.
particularly well-represented in the western part of Mostly Neogene sediments fill parts of the West-
the country, and which in this region contain basic ern Rift at the northern tip of Lake Tanganyika and
volcanic i ntercalations ove rlain by a cidic volc anic along various rivers.
horizons. These pelitic key horizons are overlain by
black graphitic and ferrugenetic schists, which prog-
ress gradually towards the upper Burundian. The up-
per Burundian is generally characterized by poorly In central Burundi a fault system crosscuts the Kiba-
sorted sediments, containing often arenites. Within ran Belt and gives rise to an almost N-S trending cor-
these arenites occur numerous lenticular conglomer- ridor, which is known as the N-S accident. It has been
atic bands. Frequently present is an intraformational assumed that the N-S accident is either representing
*'—< *(—<

9lile[` CXb\Il^n\if



*—J *—J


;%I%:FE>F K8EQ8E@8


+—J N < +—J

)' ' )' +'bd

)0—< *'—< *(—<

I\Z\ek$ Gfjk$B`YXiXeXcbXc`e\Zfdgc\o E\fgifk\ifqf`Z6
DX`ecpXcclm`Xcj E\f^\e\

GIFK<IFQF@:DXcX^XiXj`XeJlg\i^iflg DX]`ZXe[lckiXdX]`Z`ekilj`fej
Dfjjf>iflg D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
Dlq`e[fj`>iflg E\fgifk\ifqf`Z 
BXmldn\>iflg D\kXdfig_`ZifZbj

Fig. 48 Geological overview of Burundi (modified after Deblond, 1990)

56 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

a late Kibaran suture, or a late Kibaran lateral strike

slip deformation, which culminated in a major shear

Economic Geology
Although minerals were for many years of consider-
able interest in this small, but densely populated coun-
try, even in the most productive years they contrib-
uted for less than 1% to the GDP. Mineral production,
starting in the 1920᾽s, has included gold, tin, tungsten,
rare earths, columbium-tantalum a nd peat, as well
as various construction materials. During t he past
30 years, nickel, vanadium and phosphate deposits, in
many cases associated with precious and other valu-
able minerals, attracted some attention, as did oil and
gas possibilities. However, lack of infrastructure, es-
pecially reasonable-cost transportation, and also the
ongoing or dormant civil war since the early 1990᾽s,
were the major obstacles to development. Fig. 49 Thermal springs at Muhweza in southern Burundi
Gold mineralization in northwestern Burundi is
located in a N NW-SSE aligned zone of a 10–60 k m
wide belt, which extends from Ntendezi in Rwanda
to Ndora in Burundi. Gold lodes in quartzites at a
number o f si tes n ear M uyinga, 120 k m n ortheast
of Bu jumbura, w ere e valuated si nce 1989. A lluvial
gold de posits i n t he northwest were s tudied i n t he
early 1990᾽s. Nickel laterite deposits near Musonga-
ti, about 90 k m southeast of Bujumbura, may yield
30,000 m t/a of ore for production. Tin ore, or cassit-
erite, produced by private companies on an artisan-
al level has started again in 1987 after a lapse of eight
years. The location is in the north-central area near
the border to Rwanda.

A formal inventory has not yet been made, but this
mountainous country exhibits many places of scenic
beauty (Figs 49–52).

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Bujumbura)
where p ossibly u ndergraduate c ourses i n g eology/
geosciences are currently offered. The personnel and
institutional capacities of its department are due to
political i nstability i n t he country c urrently of low
Fig. 50 Karera Falls in southern Burundi
standard, indicated by no record in international
ranking databases of universities for Africa.
Anonymous (1990): C arte G éologique d u Bu rundi a u
1:250,0 00.– M inistére d e l᾽Energie e t d es M ines d u
Burundi; République du Burundi.
Baudet, D. (1988): Et ude Pa lynologique d ans le P rotéro-
zoique Sup erieur d u Bu rundi.– I GCP N o. 255 Bull.–
Newsletter 1, 1–5; Braunschweig, Tervuren.
Brinckmannn, J., L ehmann, B ., H ein, U ., H öhndorf,
A., M ussallam, K ., Weiser, T. & Ti mm, F. (2001): L a
Géologie et la Minéralisation Primaire de l᾽Or de la
Chaine Kibarienne, Nord-Ouest du Bu rundi, Afrique
Orientale.– Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe D, D101, 1–195;

Deblond, A. (1990): Late Kibaran Layered Igneous Rocks
from Eastern Burundi. A Progress Report.– IGCP No.

255 Bull.-Newsletter 3, 9–17; Braunschweig, Tervuren.
Deblond, A. & Tack, L. (1999): Main characteristics and
review of mineral resources of the Kabanga-Musongari

mafic-ultramafic alignment in Burundi.J. African Earth
Sciences 29, 313–328; Oxford.
Klerkx, J., Liegois, J.-P., Lavreau, J. & Claessens, W. (1987):
Crustal Evolution of the Northern Kibaran Belt, Eastern
and Central Africa.– In: Proterozoic Lithospheric Evo-
lution, A. Kröner (ed.), American Geophysical Union,
Geodynamic Ser. 17, 217–233.
MRAC ( Musée Ro yal d e l᾽Afrique c entrale): G eological
Map of Burundi, 1:100,0 00.
Snel, M . J. ( 1956): Et udes d es for mations d e t ravertines Fig. 51 One of the sources of River Nile at Bururi in central
calcaires d ans l a p rovince d u K ivu.-Bull. S erv. G eol. Burundi
Belge 7, 1-32; Tervuren.
Tack, L . (1990): Late K ibaran Structural Evolution in Bu-
rundi.- IGCP No. 255 Bull.-Newsletter 3, 77-79; Braun-
schweig, Tervuren.
Tack, L. (1995): The Neoproterozoic Malagarasi Supergroup
of SE Bu rundi a nd it s equivalent Bu koban System i n
NW Tanzania: A c urrent re view.- M usee Ro yal d e
l᾽Afrique centrale, Tervuren (Belg.), Annales Sciences
Geologiques 101, 121-129; Tervuren.
Verhaege, M. (1963): Inventaire des gisements de calcaire,
dolomies et travertines du Kivu, du Rwanda et du
Burundi.- M em. S erv. G eol. Bu reau d e L eopoldville,
Bureau d`Elisabethville, Bureau de Bukavu 3, 1-9.

Fig. 52 The Mishwanga Falls in Burundi

Area: 475,440 km2
Population: 16,185,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Cameroon is underlain by Precambrian rocks, Cre-
taceous s ediments a nd C enozoic s edimentary a nd
volcanic formations. Large parts of the Precambrian
are undifferentiated gneisses and migmatites. Meso-
and Neoproterozoic rocks are exposed in the south-
east of the country. Cretaceous sediments overly the
Precambrian basement. In northern Cameroon the Fig. 53 Mt Cameroon seen from Victoria Bay
sedimentary facies of the Cretaceous is mainly con-
tinental, while the Cretaceous in the coastal area is
mainly marine. A zone of young volcanic extrusives are known in Cameroon (Moreau et al., 1987), referred
cross Cameroon in northeastern direction. This line to as the “Granites Ultimes” (Fig. 54), extending over
probably follows a major ancient structural zone. a distance of about 1,000 k m and being parallel to the
NE-SW alignment of the CVL. The continental volca-
nism of the CVL is characterized by a 1,600 k m long
Y-shaped chain of Tertiary to Recent, generally alka-
The ba sement ro cks c an b e d ivided i nto t wo s trati- line volcanoes, that stretch from the Atlantic Island
graphic units, the Congo Craton in the south and the of Pagalu through the Gulf of Guinea into the interior
Central African Mobile Zone (CAMZ) in t he north. of western Africa. Mt Cameroon (Fig. 53) is the south-
The Congo Craton is of Archean age and covers large ernmost volcano of the continental sector of the CVL
parts of southern Cameroon where it is known as the and the only volcano along the line that has recorded
Ntem Group (Ndéléc and Nsifa, 1987). Its principal rock eruptions within the last two centuries. However, the
types are gneiss, granite and charnockite. The CAMZ is numerous cones and craters dotted throughout the
a domain of remobilized Precambrian terrain includ- line are clear evidence of sub-recent volcanic activity.
ing igneous a nd metamorphic rocks of Pa n-African These volcanic centres differ in size, age and lithology,
age (Vail, 1989). Generally, most parts of the CAMZ their lavas generally e volving f rom m ildly a lkaline
consist of m ica s chists, plagioclase b earing a nd m i- basalts towards trachyte and rhyolite.
caceous gneisses, and migmatites intruded by quartz, Sedimentary ro cks a re r estricted to t he s outh-
diorite and granodiorites. The basement is overlain in
some places by Lower Paleozoic volcanic and younger
sedimentary formations, e. g. the Mangbei, Douala and
Rio-del-Rey Basins (Moreau et al., 1987).
Cenozoic magmatic rock types in Cameroon can
be d ivided i nto t wo ma jor u nits: R ing c omplexes
range in diameter from 1 to 10 km and are often asso-
ciated with the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), com-
prising a variety of rock types including syenites and
granites. Their age of 66 to 30 Ma suggests that there
was an overlap in activity with the extrusive centre
of volcanism. The ring complexes probably represent
deeply eroded remnants of older volcanoes that were
intruded into the granitic and metamorphic Precam-
brian B asement a nd i nto e arly Tertiary s ediments. Fig. 54 Volcanic plugs at Rumsiki/Kapsiki in the Mandara
More than 60 of these sub-volcanic ring complexes Mountains in northwestern Cameroon
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8cclm`Xcj#ZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjXe[mfcZXe`Zj# I\Z\ek$ D\kXj\[`d\ekjf]k_\Cfn\i
jfd\k`d\jÈ>iXe`k\jLck`d\jÉ E\f^\e\ ;aX>iflg
JKIL:KLI<J @ek\id\[`Xk\>iflgj
=Xlckj =fidXk`fejf][flYk]lcX^\gifYXYcp E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
Y\cfe^`e^kfk_\@ek\id\[`Xk\>iflg 6



?`^_^iX[\^e\`jj\jle[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[ gifk\ifqf`Z$
Ek\d>iflg D\jfXiZ_\Xe

Fig. 55 Geological overview of Cameroon (modified after Elangwe, 1979)

60 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

western a nd n orthern pa rts o f t he c ountry. I n SW and near Fongo-Tongo in the west. Two iron depos-
Cameroon, t he ol dest s edimentary ro cks a re ma s- its w ith g rades of 30–40 % Fe a re k nown i n C amer-
sive c rossbedded s andstones a nd c onglomerates o f oon, in the southwest at Mbalam and near the coast
the Mudeck Formation of probable Lower Cretaceous at Kribi. Limestone is exploited at Figuil for a local ce-
age, w hich r ests u nconformably o n t he c rystalline ment manufacturing plant, whereas marble occurs in
basement. The sandstones are overlain by fossilifer- northern Cameroon near Bidzar. A pozzolana quarry
ous shales of early Turonian age. is mined in the north at the Djoungo quarry. Some
The Douala a nd R io-del-Rey offshore ba sins a re oil is produced along the coast north of Victoria and
typical pa ssive ma rgin ba sins t hat o riginated d ur- offshore in the Mokoko-Abana Oilfield. Gas reserves
ing t he o pening o f t he e quatorial A tlantic O cean. currently undergo feasibility studies.
They formed one continuous sedimentary basin that
stretched from Nigeria to southern Cameroon from
Cretaceous to Miocene times. The Lake Chad Basin
in the north is covered by Quaternary to Recent sedi- Mt Cameroon, the only active volcano in the conti-
ments. Alluvial and colluvial materials of Holocene nental sector of the CVL, has erupted seven times in
age predominate in the flood plains of large rivers. the 20 th century (1909, 1922, 1954, 1959, 1982, 1999 and
2000). Generally, only minor fatalities such as the de-
struction of forest and plantations through lava flows
have been recorded. The highest geoenvironmental
The CAMZ is transected in central Cameroon by risk in Cameroon are, however, crater lakes that have
major faults of the Foumban Shear Zone. The orien- been f ound to c ontain v ery h igh ac cumulations o f
tation of the former continuous Cretaceous equato- volcanic ga ses, p rincipally c arbon d ioxide. Two o f
rial Atlantic Ocean Basin was controlled by normal these lakes have been sites of toxic gas emissions: Lake
faults, whereas t he northern part of t he Douala Ba- Monoun in 1984 (37 deaths) and the largest natural
sin is characterised by a s eries of NNE-SSW strike- gas disaster ever recorded at Lake Nyos with about
slip faults. These faults were probably formed during 1700 deaths (Njilah 2006). Since then degassing pipes
the volcanic activity that separated the basin into the
recent Douala and R io-del-Rey Basins. The CVL is
partly superimposed upon a preexisting fracture zone,
the Central African Shear Zone (CASZ), which cuts
across a major post-Cretaceous uplift, the Adamawa
Uplift. To the north lies the Benue Trough and to the
south t he Foumban Shear Zone, both of which are
major tectonic features.

Economic Geology
Diamonds a re a ssociated w ith C retaceous fluvio-
lacustrine formations of the “Séries de Carnot” close to
the border with the Central African Republic and were
exploited by using artisanal methods. Gold indices are
across the whole country, especially in the crystalline
basement and the epimetamorphic sequences. High-
est concentrations are in the east, essentially along the
borders with the Central African Republic and Chad.
Cassiterite is found in a small deposit at Mayo Darlé
in NW Cameroon. Nickel and Cobalt of economic
concentration occur east of Lomie in an area of about
80 k m2 . Rutile was exploited till 1957 near Yaounde,
where mica-bearing schists are outcropping. Bauxite
occurs in two larger deposits in the Ngaoundal and
Minim-Martap Complex in the south of the country Fig. 56 Degassing of CO2 in Lake Nyos
Fig. 57 Water falls over basalt of the Sanage River in the Fig. 58 Eroded volcanic plugs at Rumsiki in the Mandara

Adamana Plateau, northwestern Cameroon Mountains, northwestern Cameroon

Belinga, S. E. & Njilah, I. K. (2001): From Mount Cameroon
have been installed with the aim to reduce the risk of to Lake Nyos.– 1–128; Les Classiques Camerounais,
oversaturation of the lake with gas.

Earthquakes a re i n C ameroon mos tly c onfined Bessoles, B. (1969): Synthése simplifiée des connaissances
to t he M t C ameroon re gion, t hough a dditionally, sur la Géologie du Cameroun.– Bull. Dir. Mines Geol.
there a re s ome l inear z ones o f ac tivity w ithin t he Cameroun 5, 185–218; Yaunde.
Bessoles, B. & Laserre, M. (1978): Le complexe de base du
NE-SW trend of the CVL. Regions with large mass Cameroun.– Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr. (7), 19 No. 5, 1083–1090;
movements are located on the predominantly rugged Paris.
slopes of the various volcanic mountains, due to their Deruelle, B., N᾽NI, J. & Kambou, R. (1987): Mount Camer-
topography, heavy rainfall and large scale deforesta- oon: an active volcano of the Cameroon line.– Journal
African Earth Sciences 6 (2), 197–214; Oxford.
tion. The Wabane landslide (21 June 2003) along the Freeth, S. J. & Kay, R. L. F. (1987): The Lake Nyos gas disas-
CVL at t he B ambouto C aldera k illed 23 people, i n- ter.– Nature 325, 104–105; London.
dicating that landslides in this region are often still Elangwe, H. N. (1979): Carte Géologique de la République
underestimated (Ayonghe & Ntasin, 2006). Unie d u C ameroun / G eological M ap of t he United
Republic of Cameroon, 1:1,000 ,000 . Minister of Mines
and Power; Yaounde.
Geosites Moreau, C ., R egnoult, J. M., D eruelle, B . & Rob ineau, B .
(1987): A tectonic mode of the Cameroon line, Central
A formal i nventory of potential geosites has not yet Africa.– Tectonophysics 1139, 317–334.
been made, but Cameroon exhibits many places of sce- Ndéléc, A . & Nsi fa, E . N. (1987): L e C omplexe d u N tem
(Sud-Cameroun): une serie tonalitiquetrondhemitique
nic beauty, for instance in the CVL (Figs 57 and 58).
archeene t ypique.– Cu rrent R esearch A frican E arth
Sciences, H . S chandelmeier & G . M atheis (eds.), 3–6;
Geoscience Education Ngnotué, T., Nzenti, J. P., Barbey, P. & Tchoua, F. M. (2000):
Countrywide there are 6 universities where currently The N tui-Betamba h igh-grade g neisses: a nor thward
extension of t he Pa n-African Yaoundé g neisses i n
geology/geosciences in undergraduate and postgrad- Cameroon.– J ournal A frican E arth S ciences 31 (2),
uate courses are offered. The personnel and institu- 369–381; Oxford.
tional c apacities o f t heir de partments a re v arying Njilah, I. K. (2006): L ake Nyos L amentations.– I–V, 1–97,
from l ow to h igh s tandard. I n i nternational r ank- Vision Educational Publications; Limbe.
ing d atabases for A frica t he respective u niversities Soba, D. (1989): La série du Lom: étude géochronologique
d᾽un bassin volcano-sédimentaire de la chaine panaf-
achieve mainly intermediate positions. ricaine à l᾽est du Cameroun.– Thèse d᾽Etat, Univ. Paris
VI, 1–181; Paris.
Toteu, S . F., S chmus, v an W. R., Penaye, J. & Nyob e, J. B.
References (1994): U -Pb a nd Sm- Nd e vidence for E burnian a nd
Pan-African high metamorphism in cratonic rocks of
Ayonghe, S . N. & N tasin, E . B. (2006): T he I mpacts of
southern C ameroon.– P recambrian R es. 6 7, 321–347;
Landslides on the Socio-Economic Activities of People
within the B ambouto C aldera, C ameroon Volcanic
Vail, J. R. (1989): Ring complexes and related rocks in Africa.–
Line, Central Africa.– 21st Colloquium African Geology,
Journal African Earth Sciences 8 (1), 19–40; Oxford.
Abstract Vol., 403; Maputo.
Canary Islands (Spain)
General and their deformation has either been related to the
Area: 7 major islands covering about 7,500 km2 emplacement of the basal complex or to distant echoes
Population: 2,025,000 ( 2007 estimate) of the Alpine orogeny in the Moroccan Atlas. Sepa-
ration from Africa is presumed to have occurred in
Early Tertiary. On Fuer teventura isotopic ages have
Summary of Geology
yielded 35 Ma f or t he ba sement c omplex. The pre-
Pre-Tertiary sub marine v olcanism ros e o ut o f t he Miocene history of most islands cannot as yet be too
Canary Islands oceanic floor and is related to a first clearly deciphered, because basement complexes are
period of opening of the meso-Atlantic rift, and later not evident in all islands, but with the exception of
to the sporadic activity of deep fractures, similarly as Hierro – a product of Pliocene times – all islands ap-
with other passive continental margins. The islands pear to date from Early Tertiary, perhaps back to Ju-
are therefore made up of rocks of various types and rassic for Fuerteventura and possibly Lanzarote. Over
alternating deposits of pyroclastics, lavas, intrusives, a period of about 20 Ma events can be traced, such as
extrusives, marine and terrestrial sediments. volcanism, submarine and subaerial effusions, explo-
sive episodes, marine and terrestrial sedimentation,
extensive periods of denudation, positive a nd nega-
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
tive movements of the islands of volcano-tectonic and
The e astern C anary Isl ands e xhibit c ontinental isostatic origins and eustatic fluctuations. From east
affinities, both in nature of their crustal type and to west the islands are becoming younger.
in the source of their Mesozoic sediment relics. The Interspersed with the constructive phases there
western Canary Islands show a crust of oceanic type, have been repeated periods of denudation, some of
pre-Quaternary s ediments a re l acking o r do ubtful relatively long duration, stripping away volcanics and
and volcanism is predominant. The central islands are sedimentary rocks, and upon these planed-off areas
transitional and diastrophism has apparently played fresh volcanism has formed, thus creating many un-
a greater role t han elsewhere, a c ritical zone where conformable relationships within the sequences. The
stresses have tectonic significance. To a de gree, the petrologic succession shows, according to the differ-
islands represent independent volcanic edifices, yet ent i slands, de trital s edimentation f rom a p ossibly
as they all lie within the 3,000 m i sobath. As in all is- African s ource, ma rine s edimentation w ith l ime-
lands magmatism is associated with basal fracturing, stones c hiefly, t errestrial d eposition o f fluvial a nd
there is some common linkage between them. aeolian origin, submarine and subaerial volcanism of
The oldest rocks occur on Fuerteventura, being dat- lavas and pyroclastics, plutonic intrusions as dykes,
ed as Cretaceous. These rocks are folded and faulted, sills, irregular bodies, quiet eff usions and explosive

Fig. 59 Pico de Teide on Tenerife, with 3718 m altitude the Fig. 60 Pleistocene phonolitic lapilli between darker basaltic
highest mountain of all volcanoes in the Atlantic Ocean lapilli, indicating an eruption of different magma from the same
plug, along the road from La Laguna to El Portillo in Tenerife
(/—N (-—N (+—N


N <
*'—E *'—E

J 8KC8EK@:F:<8E

,' ' ,' (''bd

)0—E C8EQ8IFK<


Canary Islands

)/—E )/—E


(/—N (-—N (+—N

Jf`cjXe[Xcclm`Xcj I\Z\ek$D`fZ\e\

9XjXckj@M I\Z\ek$JlYi\Z\ek

9XjXckj@@@ HlXk\ieXip

9XjXckj@@ Gc`fZ\e\

9XjXckj@ D`fZ\e\

9XjXcmfcZXe`ZZfdgc\o Gc`fZ\e\&D`fZ\e\$

Gi\mfcZXe`Zj\[`d\ekj :i\kXZ\flj

Fig. 61 Geological overview of the Canary Islands (modified after Mitchell-Thomé, 1976 and Rothe, 1996)
64 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 62 Eroded lava flows along Pico de Teide on Tenerife

outbursts causing interlayering, volcanism from cen-

tral vents, from fissures and adventitious cones. Well
into Recent times positive and negative movements of
the islands are noted. Volcanism extends into historic
times, for instance in 1971 on La Palma.

Economic Geology
The mining industry has no economic significance on
the Canary Islands. Basic and ultrabasic rocks have
been unsuccessfully investigated for copper content.
Black sands on Hierro may form an ore rich in mag-
netite or Ti-magnetite.
Fig. 63 The Roques de Garcia, eroded pyroclasts of the
Various rocks are quarried for building purposes. Canadas Series, on Tenerife. In the background is Pico de Teide
Clays are used in pottery and tile manufacture, poz- (from Rothe, 1996)
zulana, foraminiferal sands and clays in cement man-
ufacture, limestone for the production of lime. Lapilli
are spread over fields, particularly in the drier islands Geosites
of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, to lower evaporation
and promote water condensation. In these two islands The Canary Islands are known as tourist destinations,
also salt is evaporated from sea waters. due to their climate and their scenic beauty. Ther e ex-
The utilization of geothermal energy, with special ist geological guide books, in which most potential
reference to Lanzarote, is currently under investiga- geosites are described in detail (Rothe, 1996) (Figs 59
tion. In t he western region of t his island t he Basal- and 60, 62–67).
tic Series IV lava flows have yielded temperatures of
between 16° to 350 °C over an area of some 200 k m2 .
Geoscience Education
On Gran Canaria occur thermal springs varying in
temperatures from 21° to 26 °C, and on Tenerife with On t he Isl and of L as Pa lmas i s t he only u niversity
an average of 20.8 °C. where i n t he De partment of Physics ma ny c ourses
with geoscientific backgoud are currently offered. Its
personnel and institutional capacities are probably of
high standard, although there is no record in univer-
sity ranking databases for Africa.
Fig. 64 Miocene calcareous arenites with fossilized ostrich Fig. 66 Pico de Teide on Tenerife

eggs and terrestrial gastropods at Orzala on Lanzarote (from
Rothe, 1996)

Canary Islands
Fig. 65 A fossilized ostrich egg in calcareous arenites at
Orzola on Lanzarote (from Rothe, 1996)

Arana, V. & O rtiz, R. (1991): The Canary Islands: Tecton-
ics, M agmatism a nd G eodynamic F ramework.- I n:
Magmatism in Ex tensional S tructural S ettings (A.
B. Kampunzu & R. T. Lubala, eds.), 209-247; Spinger
Verlag, B erlin, H eidelberg, N ew York, L ondon, Pa ris,
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest.
Mitchell-Thomé, R . C . (1976): G eology of t he M iddle At- Fig. 67 Recent lava flows (“Stricklava”) in Lanzarote
lantic Islands.- In: Beitr. Regionale Geol. Erde 32, I-IX,
1-382; Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
Rothe, P. (1996): Kanarische Inseln.- In: Sammlung Geolo-
gischer Führer 81, I-XIV, 1-307; Gebrüder Borntraeger,
Berlin, Stuttgart.
Cape Verde
General the northwestern island of the archipelego, were sum-
marized b y Si lva e t al. (2004), i ndicating t he l atest
Area: 4,033 km2 Population: 423,000 ( 2007 estimate) volcanic activities at about 0.09 Ma.

Summary of Geology Economic Geology

The Republic of Cape Verde, located some 500 km west The products of traditional mining activities on the
of the coast of Senegal in the Atlantic Ocean, consists Cape Verde islands are salt, pozzolana salt, gypsum,
of 12 islands, 9 of which are inhabited. They are made kaolin, l imestone a nd building materials. The only
up mostly of Tertiary and younger volcanics. mineral of some interest is pozzolana, some of which
was exported to Portugal in the past. A small lime op-
Stratigraphy and Tectonics eration exists on the island of Boa Vista.
The oldest rocks of the Cape Verde Archipelago occur Geohazards
in Maio, from where aptychi (i. e. shell remains of am-
monites) were collected, which have been assigned to At least 26 volcanic eruptions have been reported since
an Upper Jurassic or Neocomian age (Mitchell-Thomé , the 15th century from Fogo Island, indicating that the
1976). It is not clear if other Cretaceous deposits occur strongest impacts on the landscape and human settle-
on the archipelago, for instance in Sao Nicolau, Sao ment there resulted from volcanic products. The last two
Vicente, Maio, Sao Tiago and Ilheus Secos. Another eruptions occurred in 1951 and 1995, causing the follow-
stratigraphic uncertainty refers to the Paleogene. The ing geoenvironmental hazards: rapid lava flows, volca-
greatest number o f f ossils ha s b een c ollected f rom nic vent reactivation, emission of bombs, ashes and gas
the Neogene of Sao Nicolau, indicating a Helvetian emanations. Fogo is apparently the only island of Cape
and Tortonian age. Raised beaches of Pleistocene age Verde with active volcanism during historic times.
have been determined for several islands, whilst Ho-
locene is represented by active dunes, marine terraces, Geosites
coastal river alluvium, scree deposits, etc.
The islands of Cape Verde represent a within-plate An inventory has not yet been made, but many islands
archipelago l ocated i n t he c entral A tlantic O cean. are tourist destinations due to their scenic beauty.
They are remnants of Tertiary volcanism, generated
by a ma ntle plume a nd related to t he Mid-Atlantic References
Rift environment. The main current volcanic activity Assuncao, C . Torre de, Machado, F. & G omes, R . A. Davis
is centred underneath the Fogo-Bravo region. Litho- (1965): On the occurrence of carbonatites in the Cape Verde
logically t hey c onsist mos tly of ba salt, but few o ce- Islands.– Bol. Soc. Geol. Portugal 16, 179–188; lisboa.
anic Mg-rich carbonatites also occur (Le Bas, 1980). Bebiano, J. B. (1932): A G eologia d a A rquipelago d e C abo
Recent volcanic formations from Santo Antão Island, Verde.– Commun. Serv. Geol. Portugal 18, 1–275; Lisboa.
Le B as, M . J. (1980): O ceanic c arbonatites.– I n: J. Kor n-
probst (ed.), Kimberlites I: Kimberlites and related rocks,
169–178; Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Meyer, H . (1981): C ap Vert M ission d᾽evaluation d es re s-
sources minerales.– Rapport de Mission 3–7 Dec. 1980.–
Unpubl. Rep. UNDP-DTCD; New York.
Mendes, M. H. & Costa, F. L. (2001): Volcanic Hazards in
the Fogo Island, Cape Verde.– J. Geoscience Soc. Cam-
eroon 1 (1A), 74–75; Yaounde.
Mitchell-Thomé, R. C. (1976): Geology of the Middle Atlantic
Islands.– Beitr. Reg. Geol. Erde 12, I–IX, 1–382 [chapter
on Cape Verde Islands ps. 247–319]; Berlin-Stuttgart.
Stahlecker, R . (1935): N eocom a uf d er K apverden-Insel
Maio.– N. J b. M iner., G eol., Pa läont., B eil.-Bd. 73B,
265–301; Stuttgart.
Silva, L. C., Serralheiro, A., Torres, P. C. & Mendes, M.H.
(2004): G eology of re cent Volcanic for mations f rom
Fig. 68 Fogo, the only active volcano of the Cape Verde Santa A ntão I sland, C ape Verde.– 2 0 t h Colloquium
islands Africa Geology, Abstr. Vol., 378; Orleans.
),—N )+—N





(-—E N < 8KC8EK@:F:<8E 9F8M@JK8 (-—E

Cape Verde

*' ' *' -'bd


(,—E (,—E

),—N )+—N )*—N

9\XZ_[\gfj`kj#Xcclm`Xcj#[le\j I\Z\ek$Gc\`jkfZ\e\

CXmXjXe[YXjXckj I\Z\ek$JlYi\Z\ek

9Xj`ZXe[lckiXYXj`Z`^e\fljifZbj Gc\`jkfZ\e\$E\f^\e\

C`d\jkfe\j E\f^\e\

N\Xbcpd\kXdfig_fj\[c`d\jkfe\j GifYXYcpAliXjj`Z

Fig. 69 Geological overview of Cape Verde (modified after Mitchell-Thomé, 1976)

Central African Republic
General in peneplains, significant chemical alteration of the
surface ro cks o ccurred d uring Q uaternary, s ome-
Area: 622,984 km2 Population: 4,303,000 (2007 estim.) times reaching a thickness of up to 40 m.

Summary of Geology Economic Geology

Approximately 60 % of the Central African Republic The mineral potential of the Central African Republic
are underlain by rocks of Archean and Proterozoic has not yet been systematically evaluated, but may be
age. Parts of the western and central areas of the coun- large. The mining industry is mostly based on the pro-
try are covered by probably Paleozoic glaciogene sedi- duction a nd e xport of d iamonds. To d ate, d iamonds
ments and flat-lying Cretaceous sandstones. are mined exclusively in Quaternary alluvial deposits,
by diving or by gravel extraction from river beds, as
Stratigraphy and Tectonics well as by mining of the lower terraces of rivers, in the
river basins crossing the sandstone formations of Car-
The P recambrian s trata o f t he C entral A frican Re -
not-Berberati in the southwest and of Mouka-Ouadda
public can be subdivided into two major units: The
in the northeast. Some diamonds are also found in the
lower “Granitic-Gneissic Complex” is mainly made
Precambrian sandstone of Kette. Gold is associated with
of gneisses, gneissic-migmatitic, granitic and amphi-
ultrabasic rocks of the greenstone belts, and is concen-
bolitic rocks, probably of Neoarchean age. This unit
trated in secondary vein deposits. It is generally mined in
has been described as a greenstone belt (Cahen et al.,
placer deposits. In addition to diamonds and gold, iron
1984) and was subdivided into the Bandas Belt and
ore deposits (BIF) occur near Bogoin, copper deposits at
the Dekoa B elt, which originally possibly belonged
Ngade and tin deposits at Yalinga. At Bakouma, an ura-
to t he same entity, whereas t hey are presently sepa-
niferous phosphate deposit was discovered, but the cur-
rated by Proterozoic sequences. The complex is often
rently low uranium price, combined with infrastructure,
intruded by doleritic dykes as well as by late granitoid
mining and processing difficulties, has delayed opening
batholiths of N eoproterozoic a ge. H ighly metamor-
of the planned mine. Lignite occurrences at Nzako and
phosed formations, at the granulite facies, form large
limestone deposits at Babassa play only locally a role in
complexes in the central part of the country. The up-
the mining sector.
per “ Schisto-Quartzitic C omplex” i s c haracterized
by qu artzitic a nd s chistose ro cks, probably of Neo- Geoscience Education
proterozoic age. This unit is often folded, but weakly
or not metamorphosed. Mica schists, quartzites and Countrywide there is one university (Bangui) where
dolomitic l imestone i ndicate a s edimentary o rigin. geology/geosciences (together w ith b iology a nd
Quartzites are more common in the central part of chemistry) in undergraduate and postgraduate cours-
the country, whereas m ica schists a re found i n t he es are offered. The personnel and institutional capaci-
east. The Schisto-Quatzitic Complex is also intruded ties of its department are probably of rather low stan-
by basic rocks, which are generally sheared. dard as the university is not recorded in international
Probable Pa leozoic s equences i nclude t he Ma m- ranking databases for Africa.
bere Formation in the west, and the Kombele Forma-
tion in the east, which are apparently of glaciogenic References
origin. These are separated from probably Cretaceous
fluviatile sequences by a d iscontinuity, which corre- Malibangar, A., Lang, J. & Censier, C. (2001): Use of heavy
minerals as indicators of diamantiferous (alluvial)
sponds to a s tratigraphic u nconformity. These sub- paleo-placers i n C entral A frican R epublic.– Pa ngea
horizontal s andy/ c onglomeratic u nits c over mo re 35/36, 43–56; Orleans.
than 85,000 k m2 and are known in the northeast as Mestraud, J. L. (1964): Carte géologique de la République Cen-
the Mouka-Ouadda Sandstone Formation, and in the trafricaine au 1:1,500,000.– Bur. Rech. Géol. Min.; Paris.
southwest as the Carnot-Berberati Sandstone Forma- Mestraud, J. L. (1971): C entral A frica.– I n: Tectonics of
tion. Rocks of Cenozoic age, especially of Eocene, oc- Africa 6, Earth Sciences, 461–507; UNESCO, Paris.
cur in the southwest of the country, known as Bambio Wolff, J. P. (1962): R épubliques C entrafricaine, d u C ongo,
Gabonaise et du Tchad. Carte géologiques de reconnais-
Sandstone Formation and forming there plateaux. As sance à l᾽echelle 1:500,000. Notice explicative sur la feullr
it is typical in the intertropical zone and particularly Nola.– Inst. Equator. Rech. Etudes géol. Minér.; Paris.
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Central African Republic


:8D<IFFE )'' ' )'' +''bd

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I\Z\ek$ E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
JXe[j#ZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj#Xcclm`Xcj Gc\`jkfZ\e\ N\Xbcpd\kXdfig_fj\[j\[`d\ekj

JXe[jkfe\j#ZcXpjÉ:fek`e\ekXc E\f^\e\$ E\fgifk\ifqf`Z$

K\id`eXcÉ 8Z`[`Z&`ek\id\[`Xk\`^e\fljifZbj
GXc\f^\e\ D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z

DX`ecpZfe^cfd\iXk\j D\jfqf`Z6 D\kXdfig_fj\[mfcZXe`ZjXe[ E\fXiZ_\Xe6


K`c`k\j#^cXZ`Xc[\gfjk`j GXc\fqf`Z Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[d\kXdfig_`ZifZbj


=Xlck 8dg_`Yfc`k\j#gpifo\e`k\j E\fXiZ_\Xe6


Fig. 70 Geological overview of the Central African Republic (modified after Malibangar et al., 2001)
General unconformity on the Precambrian rocks. The latter
Area: 1,284,000 k m2 have been divided into two units, separated by an un-
Population: 9,886,000 ( 2007 estimate) conformity and basal conglomerate, which differ in
degree of metamorphism, but which are both highly
folded and intruded by granitic rocks. The older se-
Summary of Geology
quence, known as Tibestian I, i s made u p of highly
The geology of Chad is characterized by Precambri- metamorphosed s edimentary a nd i ntercalated b a-
an and younger sediments surrounding the central sic volcanic rocks, such as mica schists, micaceous
Chad Basin. Precambrian rocks occur in the Tibesti quartzites, hornblende schists, amphibolites and py-
Mountains in the north and the eastern part of the roxenites. They a re intruded by synorogenic g rano-
country. Lower Paleozoic sandstone sequences in the diorites and folded on NNE axes. Due to their style of
Kufra Basin in the northeast (at the border with Libya folding and facies they may be age-equivalent to the
and Sudan) are overlain by Nubian sandstones. The Paleoproterozoic Suggarian event in the eastern Hog-
Lower Cretaceous is made u p of continental clastic gar Mountains. The upper unit, known as Tibestian II,
rocks, w hereas t he Upper Cr etaceous i ncludes ma - covers a much larger area and is composed of alter-
rine sediments. Tertiary continental sediments cover nating quartzites and arkoses with slates and rhyolitic
parts of southern Chad. The Neogene Chad Forma- lavas. The rocks indicate low-grade of metamorphism,
tion comprises lacustrine sediments in large parts of but are affected by syn- and late-orogenic calc-alkali
the Chad Basin. and alkali granites, the latter associated with pegma-
tites containing wolfram and tin. Isotopic measure-
ments have yielded age determinations ranging from
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic times.
Along the border between Libya and Chad there is an There is a large area of basement rocks exposed in
impressive area of some of the highest mountains in eastern Chad, which extends across the Sudan border
the Sahara, known as the Tibesti highlands (Fig. 71). into the Darfur Province. The dominant rock types
The tallest peaks are Cenozoic volcanoes, sometimes are granitic gneisses, quartzo-feldspathic, graphitic
directly overlying ba sement ro cks, w hich a re often and pelitic schists, whereas calcareous and volcanic
completely surrounded and overlapped by flat-lying rocks are rare. The folding is usually on NE axes, and
sediments. Much of this platform cover, especially on many of the rocks are in amphibolite grade of region-
the western, southern and eastern flanks in northern al metamorphism. There are many late-orogenic gra-
Chad, i s made u p o f c ontinental C ambrian to O r- nitic batholiths c utting t he schists a nd g neisses, i n
dovician sa ndstones ( Fig. 72) r esting w ith ma rked which quartz veins and pegmatites are developed in

Fig. 71 Eroded granite in the northern Tibesti Mountains Fig. 72 Paleozoic sediments overlain by shield volcanoes of
the Tarso Abeki in the Tibesti Mountains
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CXb\J\[d\ekj I\Z\ek$JlYi\Z\ek J\[`d\ekjcXb\[\gfj`kj#jXe[j ;\mfe`Xe

;le\j#X\fc`Xe[\gfj`kj ?fcfZ\e\$Gc\`jkfZ\e\ DX`ecpZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj :XdYif&Fi[fm`Z`Xe

CXZljki`e\ZcXpj#jXe[j#[`Xkfd`k\j HlXik\ieXip GI<:8D9I@8E

D`ZXjZ_`jk\j#Xe[\j`k\j# E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
JXe[j#ZcXpj#[`Xkfd`k\j Gc`fZ\e\
É:fek`e\ekXck\id`eXcÉ D`fZ\e\$Fc`^fZ\e\
>iXef[`fi`k\j#hlXikq`k`Z[`fi`k\j D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
ÉElY`XeJXe[jkfe\É :i\kXZ\flj6
DX`ecpjXe[jkfe\j :XiYfe`]\iflj

Fig. 73 Geological overview of Chad (modified after Saleh, 1994)

72 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 74 The shore of Lake Chad Fig. 76 Volcano Ehi Mousgou about 70 km southeast of the
oasis Bardai

Coniacian marine shales and carbonates. The Upper

Cretaceous i s a c lastic s equence w ith g ypsiferous,
glauconitic and fossiliferous shales still recording ma-
rine influence up to t he Santonian and Campanian.
Tertiary non-marine beds resting unconformably on
Maastrichtian to Pa leocene continental s andstones
with oolitic iron-stones, belong to t he “Continental
Terminal”. I n t he T ibesti M ountains, P hanerozoic
sediments a re o verlain b y sh ield v olcanoes a nd e x-
plosive volcanic centres. Here basaltic and acidic ig-
nimbritic eruptive rocks are predominant, with hot
springs indicating recent activity (Fig. 76).
Fig. 75 Dunes in the northwestern Desert du Thai in Chad

Economic Geology
places, and tin and wolfram mineralization occurs. Currently Chad possesses virtually no mineral indus-
Intrusive granitoids have yielded ages ranging from try. Underdevelopment characterizes Chad᾽s mining
590–570 Ma. sector since independence in 1960, a lthough a v ari-
Precambrian rocks affected probably by the Pan- ety of minerals have been reported to occur in Chad.
African te ctono-thermal e vent o ccur a lso i n t he Columbium-tantalum, tin, tungsten and uranium are
southeast o f t he c ountry c lose to t he b order w ith
Cameroon in the Guera Massif and the Lam Moun-
The Erdis Basin of Chad is an extension of the larger
Kufra Basin, which is known from southeastern Lib-
ya, southwestern Egypt and northwestern Sudan. It
is made up of a sequence of Paleozoic rocks ranging
in t he K ufra B asin f rom C ambrian to C arbonifer-
ous times. The Chad Basin refers to a g roup of NW-
SE trending buried rifts in western central Chad and
southeastern Niger. These buried rifts are beneath a
mantle of Quaternary desert dunes. The sequence, up
to 4,000 m thick, begins with Permo-Triassic to Early
Cretaceous non-marine strata of fluviatile and lacus-
trine origin, which belong to the “Continental Inter- Fig. 77 A Pleistocene caldera with parasitic volcanic cones, the
calaire” Group, which is overlain by Cenomanian to so-called “Trou au Natron” in the Tibesti Mountains, Chad
associated with granites and pegmatites of the Aou- (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), which was dated at about
zou region and Tibesti mountain region of northern 7 Ma a nd t herefore represents t he oldest k nown re-
Chad. Indications of bauxite, chromium, copper, iron, mains of our ancestors (Figs 78 and 79).
lead, n ickel, t itanium a nd zinc have been reported.
Historically, artisanal exploitation of alluvial gold has
Geoscience Education
been reported near Pala in southern Chad.
Crude oil was discovered in Chad in 1974 at Sedigi, Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity (N᾽Djamena)
north o f L ake C had, app roximately 300 k m f rom where some courses with geoscientific background in
N᾽Djamena. The oil reserves are estimated of about its environmental undergraduate programme are of-
10.5 M barrels. Natron is extracted north of the Lake fered, but no records for its university in international
Chad region by the local population (Fig. 77). Salt is ranking databases for Africa are indicated.
extracted from the salt lakes in northern Chad. Con-
struction materials in the form of aggregates are ex-

tracted f rom a qu arry l ocated s outh o f L ake C had
along with clay, limestone and sand. Gerard, G . (1958): C arte gé ologique d e l᾽Afrique E qua-
toriale f rancaise a u 1:2,000,000.– D irection M ines e t

Géologique, A. E. F.; Paris.
Geosites Klitzsch, E. (1966): South-central Libya and northern Chad.

A g uidebook for t he ge ology a nd p rehistory.–Eigth
An i nventory of p otential sites ha s (Figs 74–77) not Annual Field Conference 1966, Petroleum Exploration
yet been made. However, one of t he most spectacu- Society of Libya, 1–19.
lar paleoanthropological discoveries of recent times Kusnir, I. & M outaye, H. A. (1997): Ressources minérales
du Tchad: une revue.– Journal African Earth Sciences
was made in the Djurab Desert of northern Chad, 24, 549–562; Oxford.
when a team of Chadian and French scientists in 2001 Lang, J., Kogbe, C., Alidou, S., Alzouma, K. A., Bellion, G.,
found an almost completely preserved hominid skull Dubois, D., Durand, A., Guiraud, R., Houessou, A., De
Klasz, I., Romann, E., Salard-Cheboldaff, M. & Trichet, J.
(1990): The Continental Terminal in West Africa.– Jour-
nal African Earth Sciences 10, 79–99; Oxford.
Saleh, M . A. (1994): Bibl iographie G éologique d u Tchad
1903–1994.– C IFEG P ublication O ccasionelle 30; I–
XXIV, 1–181; Orleans.
Wolff, J.P. (1964): Carte géologique de la Republique du Tchad,
Echelle 1:1,500,000.– Bur. Rech. Géol. Min.; Paris.

Fig. 78 Sahelanthropus, the oldest known hominid, on the Fig. 79 The discovery site of Sahelanthropus tchadensis
cover of Time Magazine (July 2002)
The Comoros
(Mayotte is still under French administration)

Area: A ltogether 2,033 km2 (Grand Comore [Ngazi-
dja], Moheli [Mwali] and Anjouan [Ndzuani] make up
the State of The Comoros, the fourth island, Mayotte
[Maore], is still under French administration)
Population: 822,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
The a rchipelago o f t he C omoros i s l ocated a t t he
northern tip of the Mozambique Channel in the In-
dian O cean, ha lfway b etween t he c oasts o f Mad a-
gascar and the African continent. It comprises four
major islands of volcanic origin aligned to a NW-SE Fig. 80 Crater lake at Karthala on Grand Co more (from
trending axis. The volcanic chain of the Comoros ap- Bachèlery & Coudray, 1993)
parently represents a “hot spot trace”.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics Geohazards

The Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean consti- Karthala i s an a ctive volcano on G rand C omore,
tutes a region of particular complexity within the geo- which er upted s everal t imes si nce e arliest r eliable
dynamique framework of polyphase tectonics during records in 1857. A volcanological observatory in the
the d islocation of t he Ma lagarasian m icrocontinent capital of Moroni is concerned with risk assessment
from Gondwana. The principal steps of the structural of potential eruptions. The use of the primary coral
development include during the period ranging from reefs as a construction material is problematical due
Permian to Lower Jurassic a NE-SW trending Karoo to environmental impacts.
rifting and from Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous
the formation of oceanic basins along the N-S trending Geosites
Davie Ridge. The age of the volcanics of the Comoros The C omoros a re to urist de stinations a nd t here-
increase eastward, from Grand Comore (0.01 Ma) to fore e xhibit a n umber of p otential geosites (mostly
Moheli ( 5.0 Ma ), to A njouan ( 3.9 Ma) a nd Mayotte their volcanoes a nd c oral reefs), b oth of geological
(7.7 Ma), indicating that the volcanic chain of the Co- significance and scenic beauty (Fig. 80).
moros represents a “ hot spot trace” produced as the
Somali plate moved over a mantle source. References
The lavas are primarily undersaturated alkali oliv-
ine basalts. Phonolitic and small volumes of trachyt- Bachèlery, P. & Coudray, J. (1993): Carte Volcano-Tectonique
de la Grande Comore (Ngazidja), Echelle 1:50,000.– Co-
ic lavas have also been reported. The volcanic rocks operation Francaise, CIRAD, Université de la Reunion.
have been differentiated into the “Phase volcanique Emerick, C . M. & D uncan, R . A. (1982): A ge p rogressive
superieure, intermediaire et inferieure”. In all phas- volcanism in the Comoro Archipelago, western Indian
es, basaltic lavas prevail. Scorias and puzzolanic tuffs Ocean and implications for Somali plate tectonics.– Earth
have been reported from Grand Comore, Moheli and Planet. Sci. Lett. 60, 415–428.
Anjouan. Phonolitic and trachytic rocks are known Pavlovsky, R. & Saint-Ours, J. de (1953): Etude Géologique
from Mayotte. de l᾽Archipelago de C omores.– Service Geologique Ta-
nanarive, Madagascar, 1–55; Tananarive.
Saint-Ours, J. de (1956): Etude géologique et morphologique
Economic Geology de l᾽Archipel des Comoros.– Bull. Academie Malgache
34, 7–39; Tananarive.
The mineral industry of the Comoros is limited to the Stieltjes, L. (1988): Mayotte (Archipel des Comores). Bureau de
production of local building materials from mainly vol- Recherches Géologiques et Minieres, Carte Géologiques
canic rocks. The mining of corals for the production of de la France. Notice Explicative, 1–135: Orleans, including
lime from coral debris is in use but also limited. geological map of Mayotte 1:50000 ; Orleans.
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Le`kjf]CX>i`cc\ MfcZXe`Zj ?fcfZ\e\

Le`kjf]BXik_XcX Gc\`jkfZ\e\ MfcZXe`Zj Gc\`jkfZ\e\

Le`kjf]D¡9X[a`e` G_fefc`k\j Gc`fZ\e\

JKIL:KLI<J Gc`fZ\e\$D`fZ\e\
=XlckC`e\j Jflk_\ieMfcZXe`Zj

Fig. 81 Geological overview of the Comoros (modified after Bachelery & Coudray, 1993, and Stieltjes, 1988),
except Mwali-Moheli and Ndzuani-Anjouan.
Source maps for Mwali-Moheli and Ndzuani-Anjouan were not available
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
General In the region of the Kasai and northeastern Ango-
Area: 2,345,410 km2 la Shield ancient metamorphic basement is exposed,
Population: 63,655,000 ( 2007 estimate) which is bounded at about 4° south by a fault. In the
east the Archean terrane is bounded by the Katangan
System, while Phanerozoic rocks cover the southern
Summary of Geology
and western ends of the shield. Most of the Kasai and
The Congo Basin, made up largely of Mesozoic to Ce- northeastern Angola Shield is underlain by poorly ex-
nozoic and Recent sediments, occupies large parts of posed gneisses and migmatites. The oldest rocks, dat-
the centre and west of the country. It is surrounded ed at about 3,400 Ma, are the Upper Luanyi granite
by more or less elevated Precambrian ridges: to the gneisses with pegmatites of amphibolite facies. These
west by the Atlantic Rise, to the north by the Uganda are separated from the adjacent Kanda Kanda grey
to Central African Republic mobile belts and to the tonalites and granodiorite gneisses by inferred faults.
south by the Kasai and northeastern Angola Shield. The Kanda Kanda gneisses contain diff use lenses of
Tabular volcano-sedimentary deposits of Pan-African alaskite g neisses, w hich a re h ololeucocratic p ink
age encircle the inner margins of the basin. The south- rocks t hat p robably f ormed n ear t he l imit o f g ran-
east of the country is underlain by the Pan-African ulite f acies me tamorphism o r a s i ntrusions, w hich
Lufilian Arc. Along the eastern part, at the border to originated from the nearby charnockitic rocks, the
the Western Rift of the East African Rift System, oc- Kasai-Lomami ga bbro-norite a nd c harnockitic a s-
cur numerous Tertiary to Recent volcanoes and some semblage. Although their exact ages are unknown, the
carbonatites. Kanda Kanda gneisses have been estimated to range
between 3,400–2,820 M a. The K asai-Lomami ga b-
bro-norite a nd c harnockitic a ssemblage c omprises
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
two rock suites: There is a mafic unit (gabbro, norite,
Archean terranes are exposed in three principal parts
of t he C ongo Cr aton i n e quatorial A frica. I n t he
southwestern pa rt it i s t he K asai a nd northeastern
Angola Sh ield, i n t he n orthwest i t i s a b road ba se-
ment comprising t he foreland of t he younger West
Congolian mob ile b elt, a nd i n t he n ortheast o ccur
granite-greenstone ter ranes, which extend i nto t he
neighbouring c ountries o f t he C entral A frican Re -
public, Uganda and Sudan.

Fig. 82 Lava fountains in the crater lake of Nyira-gongo Fig. 83 An entombed skeleton of an elephant in the lava flow
Volcano, eastern DRC, 23 July 1982 (from Krafft, 1990). of Nyiragongo Volcano, eastern DRC (from Krafft, 1990
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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)



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I\Z\ek$E\f^\e\ 9Xj\d\ek^e\`jj\jXe[`ekilj`m\j
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:fek`e\ekXcZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjXe[ D\jfqf`Z$
\okilj`m\mfcZXe`Zj2BXiffJlg\i^iflg GXc\fqf`Z JKIL:KLI<J




Fig. 84 Geological overview of D. R. Congo (modified after Lepersonne, 1974)

78 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

amphibolites a nd a northosites), w hich o riginally

comprised a he terogeneous sequence of hypabyssal
intrusives or eff usive magmatic rocks and deepseat-
ed intrusives, which have undergone granulite facies
metamorphism. The second unit is an acidic assem-
blage comprising dark gneisses of charnockiticender-
bitic composition and aluminous granulites, both of
which p robably had pa rtially s edimentary p recur-
sors. The acidic part of the Kasai-Lomami assemblage
contains metadolerite dykes. Both the mafic and the
acidic c omponents c ontain g rano-clastic te xtures
and c ataclastic def ormations, w hich r efl ect g ranu-
lite facies metamorphism (or charnockitization) and Fig. 86 Gold mining in terraces during the 1950s in the former
regional deformation respectively. These events are Belgian Congo colony
dated at about 2,800 Ma .
The northwestern pa rt of t he C ongo Cr aton i s a
broad basement upward, which constitutes the fore-
land of t he younger West Congolian mobile belt of have not been completely transformed by granitiza-
Pan-African a ge. I t e xtends a s a v ast g ranitoid a s- tion. The Chaillu Massif granitoids have been dated at
semblage known as the Chaillu Massif from the Re- about 2,700 Ma, thus the engulfed schists and green-
public of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, stones are apparently older.
through Gabon, where it is mostly concealed beneath In t he n ortheastern pa rt o f t he C ongo Cr aton
Neoproterozoic supracrustals, to southern Cameroon. Archean gneisses and gr anite-greenstone terranes
The Chaillu Massif shows a N-S foliation and contains are widely distributed and extend into the adjacent
two generations of granitoids: grey granodioritic to territories o f t he C entral A frican Re public, w est-
quartz d ioritic biot ite or biot ite-amphibolite t ypes, ern Uganda and southern Sudan. In this vast region
and pink, mostly potassic migmatites, which occur Archean ro cks c omprise t he following major t hree
as veins cutting the grey granitoids. Within the gran- assemblages: ol d ba sement g neisses, w hich ha ve
itoids, schists and greenstones exist as septa, which yielded a ges o f a bout 3,500 Ma a nd a re k nown a s
Bomu and West Nile Gneissic Complexes; scattered
greenstone belts known as the Ganguan Greenstone
Belt in the west and as the Kibalian Greenstone Belt
in t he east, both of which represent t wo periods of
greenstone emplacement between 3,200–2,600 Ma ;
and two main generations of granitoids emplaced at
about 2,900 –2,700 Ma. The Bomu Gneissic Complex
is exposed around the confluence of the Bomu and
Uele R ivers a t t he b order b etween t he Demo cratic
Republic of Congo a nd t he Central A frican Repub-
lic. Several gneissic assemblages, the Bomu, Bereme,
Nzangi and Monga gneisses constitute the basement
complex i n t his r egion. The l argest a re t he B omu
amphibolitepyroxene g neisses o ccupying a s ynfor-
mal s tructure in t he northern D emocratic R epub-
lic of C ongo. The B omu g neisses a re s chistose a nd
garnetiferous and have undergone retrograde meta-
morphism. They a lso c ontain ma ssive a nd ba nded
tonalitic and monazonitic granitoids. The geological
history of these gneisses began with the deposition
of probably oceanic precursors of the Bomu gneisses
at about 3,500 Ma , followed by h igh-grade tectono-
Fig. 85 Profile of the Virunga volcanoes in eastern DRC thermal activity and finally the intrusion of tonalites
Fig. 87 Homestead of miners processing coltan ore in the Fig. 88 Artisanal processing of coltan ore in eastern DRC

eastern DRC

at about 3,410 Ma. The so-called West Nile Gneissic

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Complex includes several basement gneisses, which
are poorly exposed from the West Nile Province in
northwestern Uganda and the northeastern part of
the Democratic Republic of Congo, through southern
Sudan into the Central African Republic.
Granulite rocks known as pre-Watian assemblage
in this region contain charnockitic dolerite dykes
and a re c haracterized b y i soclinal f olds w ith v erti-
cal axial planes trending E or ENE. Before they were
deformed and intruded by dolerite dykes, the parent
rocks of t hese g ranulites were probably of volcano- Fig. 89 Artisanal gold exploration and exploitation occurs
sedimentary o rigin. These pa rent ro cks were me ta- frequently in the Kivu region in the eastern DRC
morphosed at greater crustal depths to g ranulite fa-
cies during the Watian tectono-thermal event at about
2,900 Ma . Charnockites developed during this stage.
The Watian event was probably followed by t he for- 2,980 Ma. Although the Kibalian Greenstone Belt is
mation o f v olcano-sedimentary ro cks, w hich w ere exposed in several isolated belts and is separated by
later metamorphosed into the so-called Western Grey the Upper Congo Granitoid Massif, it probably rep-
Gneisses Gro up c omprising w ell-layered g neissic resents only one continuous greenstone belt, which
rocks and predominantly composed of upper amphi- has been subdivided into an eastern facies and a west-
bolite f acies biot ite-hornblende g neiss w ith m icro- ern facies. The eastern facies shows a predominance
cline. The Western Grey gneisses exhibit NE-plunging of mafic to intermediate volcanics, while the west-
folds with steep axial planes and are assigned to the ern facies contains mostly ba nded i ron formations
Aruan tectono-thermal event at about 2,680 Ma. In and less mafic rocks. The Kibalian Greenstone Belt is
the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of further subdivided into a regionally more extensive
Congo occur also the so-called Eastern Grey Gneisses, lower Kibalian with an age of about 2,890 Ma and an
which are of low metamorphic grade. The Ganguan upper Kibalian dated at about 2,500 Ma . An island
Greenstone Belt occurs in several exposures main- arc tectonic setting has been proposed as a model to
ly east of t he Bomu-Uele confluence. Lithologically explain the Kibalian greenstones, some of which are
it comprises from bottom to top sericite quartzites believed to be of oceanic crust origin. Granitoids are
and quartz phyllites, quartz-poor talc schists, seric- the most extensive rocks in the northeastern Congo
ite s chists, c hlorite s chists a nd p hyllites. The Gan- Craton, r epresenting mos tly o rthogneisses, w hich
guan g reenstones a re d ated at about 3,200 Ma, but were derived from reworking of monzonite granites
were affected by tectono-thermal activities at about and tonalites. There are two generations of granitoids:
80 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

the first generation is dated at about 2,840 Ma a nd stromatolites and acritarchs. On the southeastern part
consists of tonalites with diorites and granodiorites. of the Congo Craton is the Mbuyi Mayi Supergroup,
The second group, which is dated at about 2,460 Ma, which is made up of conglomerates, quartzites, silt-
is the most abundant and consists of medium-to- stones, shales and dolomitic shales, sometimes con-
coarse-grained quartz monzonites, w hich intrude taining s tromatolitic c arbonates. The northern t ab-
the first generation. ular sequence is k nown as the Lindian Supergroup,
The Lufilian Arc comprises a zone of Neoprotero- which lies north and northeast of Kisangani. It con-
zoic ro cks i n northern c entral Z ambia a nd t he K a- sists of the Ituri Group at the base, which is a typical
tanga (Shaba) Province in the Democratic Republic epicontinental orthoquartzite-carbonate assemblage
of Congo. Formed initially within a major zone of in- deposited u nder s table sha llow ma rine c onditions
tracontinental extension, the Lufi lian Arc developed with stromatolites. The Aruwumi Group at t he top
its present fold and thrust belt character during the comprises i n a scending o rder qu artzites o f fluvial
development of the transcontinental DamaraLufilian- and ae olian o rigin, ma rine o r l agoonal l imestones,
Zambezi Orogen. This complex orogenic system sep- euxinic sha les and finally a t hick deltaic arkosic se-
arates the Congo, Bangweulu and Kalahari Cratons, quence. Between t he Congo a nd Tanzania Cratons
overprinting t he 1,300–1,100 Ma ol d K ibaran a nd patchy t abular o utcrops b elong to t he Itombwe Su -
Irumide orogenies. Isolated by the Mwembeshi Shear pergroup, t he e quivalent o f t he Bu koban o r Ma la-
Zone the Lufilian Arc components in the Democratic garasian Supergroups to t he e ast. The Mpioka a nd
Republic of Congo are also known as Katanga Oro- Inkisi Groups are the foreland tabular sequences of
gen. Starting from about 875 Ma, up to 10,000 m o f the West Congolian Orogen.
Katangan sediments were deposited within a system The C ongo B asin i s a b road do wnwarp c entred
of linked, differentially-subsiding rift basins and sub- on t he C ongo Cr aton a nd c ontains K aroo, L ate Ju-
sequent s ag ba sins. D ifferences i n t he o riginal r ift rassic to E arly Cr etaceous fluviatile a nd l acustrine
morphology a nd subs equent te ctonic e volution o f deposits and an Upper Cretaceous non-marine suc-
the Lufilian Arc account for the stratigraphic varia- cession. The Lualaba and the Kamina Series consti-
tions between regions and structural domains in the tute the Late Jurassic to E arly Cretaceous sequence,
orogenic belt. In Katanga, the base of the otherwise while t he Kwanga S eries represents t he Upper Cre-
in Z ambia t hick Roa n Su pergroup i s g enerally n ot taceous s uccession, r ich i n f reshwater fishes, ostra-
seen. This sequence is here assumed by the presence codes and palynomorphs. Diamond-bearing gravels
of s ignificant i ntraformational bre ccias, re present- and conglomerates occur at the base of the Kwango
ing tectonic stacking of north-thrusted sheets. The Series, suggesting the intrusion of kimberlitic pipes
Roan Supergroup is unconformably overlain by car- in Early Cretaceous.
bonaceous shales, iron formations and pyroclastics Volcanism in the Western Rift of the East African
of the Mwashya Group. Within the Katangan-Zam- Rift System commenced contemporaneously with, or
bian c opper b elt, t he Upper Roa n Su pergroup a nd shortly after volcanism began in the Kenyan Rift. The
the Mwashya Gro up s ediments c ontain sig nificant oldest basalts, dated at about 14 Ma, form a foundation
volumes o f i rregular si ll-like a mphibolitic ga bbros.
The o verlying L ower a nd U pper pa rts o f t he K un-
delungu Supergroup have both glacial sequences at
their bases, terminated by cap carbonates. The Katan-
gan sediments were deformed and metamorphosed
to g reen s chist a nd a mphibolite g rade d uring Pa n-
African times.
Tabular cratonic sedimentary formations rest on
the C ongo Cr aton a long i ts ma rgin, r epresenting
the remnants of a once flat-lying Pan-African cover,
which is equivalent to t he deformed successions i n
the craton-encircling Pan-African mobile belts. The
basal parts of the Pan-African cratonic cover contain
Kibaran molasse, while the upper part includes Pan-
African molasse. Only very few radiometric ages are
available, but stratigraphic correlations are based on Fig. 90 Open-cast copper mine in Shaba Province (1984).
to the Virunga Massif east of the present rift. These
fissure basalts are of transitional alkalinity, and are
overlain by a lkaline ba salts r anging i n a ge f rom 13
to 9 Ma. In Late Pliocene times (ca. 3 Ma), a change
in tectonic style to NESW fracturing was accompa-
nied by a f undamental change in volcanism. Potas-
sic, highly undersaturated lavas now erupted along a
zone transverse to the rift, building up a chain of large
central volcanoes. Most, if not all, of these volcanoes
evolved through a stage of having a semi-permanent
lava lake, the two youngest being the Nyiragongo and
Nyamulagira volcanoes.

Economic Geology

The o verall de cline o f t he Demo cratic Re public o f
Congo᾽s m ining i ndustry c ontinued si nce t he o ut-
break o f t he c ivil w ar d rastically a nd ha s l ed to a

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

virtual c ollapse o f t he me tal m ining s ector o f t he
The copperbelt of Katanga and Zambia within the
Lufilian Arc holds more than half of the world᾽s re-
serves of cobalt deposits and about 12 % of the world᾽s
copper reserves. Of the 4.8 million tonnes of cobalt
metal r eserves i n t he c opperbelt, t he Demo cratic
Republic of Congo has the largest share, with about Fig. 92 A shop selling diamonds in Kisangani, central DRC
3.1 million tonnes. The copperbelt is a p olymetallic
metallogenic province, the major types being strati-
form, vein and skarn, in which the dominant deposits
are Cu-Co and Zn-Pb sulphides, Cl oxides and noble
metals (Figs 90 and 91). The o utput o f z inc w as a b yproduct o f t he K ip-
Gold production has fallen considerably over the ushi Mine in the Katangan copperbelt near Lubum-
years, largely owing to obs olete equipment. Aurifer- bashi. The m ine w as c losed i n 1993, b ut f easibility
ous deposits exist mainly in the east of the country studies suggest a reopening aimed at a production of
and c urrently s ome rehabilitation ac tivities a re u n- 200,000 t /y of zinc. It was also a major source of ger-
derway. manium. 200 tonnes of tin were yearly produced at
Sominki in the east of the country till the early 1990᾽s,
but current production data are not available.
The me tallic ore of c olumbite-tantalite, s ometimes
better known as coltan, is found in major quantities in
the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
When refined, coltan becomes metallic tantalum, a
heat-resistent powder that can hold a high electrical
charge. These properties have made it in the last de-
cade a vital and strategic element in creating capaci-
tors, the electronic elements that control current fl ow
inside miniature circuit boards. Tantalum capacitors
are used in almost all cell phones, laptops, pagers and
many other electronics. Thus the price for coltan has
skyrocket to as much as 400US$/kg in recent years.
The path that coltan takes to get from central Africa
Fig. 91 Open-cast copper mine in Shaba Province (1993) to the world market is highly a convoluted one, with
82 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

legitimate or ar tisanal m ining operations often be-

ing confused with rebel operations.
The K isenge ma nganese de posit ha s n ot b een
mined since the late 1970᾽s, when the civil war in An-
gola closed t he Benguela railroad, K isenge᾽s princi-
pal export route.
Diamond production comes mainly from mining
operations in Mbuji-Mayi in the Kasai Province, but
the alluvial deposits there are nearing exhaustion. It
is assumed that more than one third of the country᾽s
diamond production, worth a bout 300 m U S$, a re
smuggled out each year. However, the fight of Unita
rebel troops in Angola across the Angola/DRC bor- Fig. 93 The house and compound of the WHO in Goma Town
der into diamond producing areas in Kasai was dis- in a mass of lava flow from Nyiragongo Volcano, January
ruptive to artisanal mining activities. 2002.
Coal p roduction f rom t he Luena M ine w as
significantly reduced a s a r esult of e thnic c onflicts
in the Shaba Province and the reduced demand from
Gécamines plants. No data are available on the cur-
rent production of hydrocarbons.

Mining operations have caused pollution in the aqui-
fers and the surface environment especially in the Ka-
tanga Province, but no data are available.
The last eruption of the volcano Nyiragongo in Jan-
uary 2002 in the east of the country led to the death of
at least 45 people in the town of Goma, about 20 km
away from a fresh plume near the top of the 3,470 m
volcano, w hen a r iver o f mol ten l ava p oured f rom
there into the town, destroyed the airport and then
flew into Lake Kivu (Figs 93, 95 and 96). The Nyam-
ulagira volcano erupted on 27 November 2006, b ut
without major fatalities.

Geoscience Education
Geoscience e ducation i n t his m ineral-rich c ountry
has over the last decades deteriorated. Countrywide
there are 2 universities (Kinshasa and Lubumbashi)
where currently geology/geosciences in undergradu-
ate (and postgraduate ?) courses are offered. The per-
sonnel a nd i nstitutional c apacities o f t heir de part-
ments are probably of low standard as the respective
universities are not mentioned in international rank-
ing databases for Africa. Fig. 94 “Staircase of Venus” Falls at Mt Hoyo, eastern DRC
Fig. 95 Lava burns in a street of Goma Town, eastern DRC, Fig. 96 Refugees from Goma seek shelter after the lava flow

from the eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano, January 2002 of Nyiragongo Volcano in January 2002.


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Cahen, L . & L epersonne, J. ( 1967): The P recambrian of
the C ongo, R wanda a nd Bu rundi.– I n: K . R ankama
(ed.), The P recambrian, Vol. 3, 143–290; I nterscience
Publishers, New York.
Chartry, G ., F ranceschi, G ., B audet, D., Fer nandes D es-
Alonso, M . & L ahogue, P. ( 2004): T he 1:2,000,000
Scale mineral occurrence map (1976) of the Democratic
Republic of C ongo (DRC) revised.– 20 th Colloquium
Africa Geology, Abstr. Vol., 112; Orleans.
Krafft, M . (1990): Führer zu den Virunga-Vulkanen. I–X,
1–187; Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart.
Lubala, R . T., K abengele, M . & Ru mvegeri, B . T. (2006):
Crustal Evolution of the Kasai Craton in Central D. R.
Congo w ith R eference to t he A rchean K anda K anda
T. T. G. Complex.– Colloquium African Geology Mapu-
to, 3–6 July 2006, Abstract Volume, 101–102; Maputo.
Lepersonne, J. (1974): Carte Géologique du Zaire, Èchelle
1:2,000 ,000 .– Re publique d u Z aire, C ommissariate
d᾽Etat aux Mines, Service Géologique.
Mining Annual Review (1985): Zaire.– Mining J. Ltd,
443–445; London.
Skuys, M. (1950): Le systeme du Karroo dans le basin
du C ongo.– Bu ll. I nstitute Ro yale c oloniale B elge 21,
979–1019; Tervuren.
Wafula, M . D., K asereka, M ., Ru sangiza, K ., K avuke, K .,
Mukambilwa, K ., M avonga, T., Lu kaya, N., K avotha,
K., Yalire, M. & Ciraba, M. (2007): Some considerations
on t he Nyamuragira er uption on N ovember 27, 2006,
Virunga re gion, D . R. C ongo.– I n: A . M uwanga, M .
Owor, A. Schumann & W. Kawule (eds.), Abstract Vol-
ume, International Conference on the East African Rift
System (EARS-07) 23–25 July 2007, Kampala, Uganda,
68–71; Kampala.
Republic of Congo
General greenstone belt, which consists of sub-vertical banded
Area: 342,000 k m2 iron-formations, a mphibolites, p yroxeno-amphibo-
Population: 4,099,000 ( 2007 estimate) lites and biotite gneisses. Another relict greenstone
belt occurs at Zanago, which consists of N-S trend-
ing, de eply d ipping ba nded i ron-formations ( BIF),
Summary of Geology
amphibolite-bearing qu artzites, a mphibolites w ith
The Republic of Congo is i n t he northwest a nd t he residual pyroxenites and a small mass of dunite. The
southern central pa rt mostly u nderlain by Precam- Chaillu granitoids have been dated at about 2,700 Ma,
brian rocks of Archean to N eoproterozoic age. The the schists and greenstones engulfed by the granitoids
east o f t he c ountry i s c overed b y Q uaternary a llu- must therefore be older.
vial s ediments o f t he C ongo B asin. The c oastal ba - The Sembe-Ouesso Group crops out in the north-
sin is made up of Cretaceous to Quaternary marine western Re public of C ongo a nd i n adjacent ter rito-
sediments and bounded to Precambrian rocks of the ries of Gabon and Cameroon. It lies below a mixtite
Mayombe Supergroup. and comprises in ascending order quartzites, arkoses,
conglomerates, phyllites, quartzites, shales, phyllites,
calc-shales, dolomites and quartzites. The age of the
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
Sembe-Ouesso Group ha s been a ssigned by C ahen
The n orthwestern pa rt o f t he C ongo Cr aton c om- et al. to t he N eoproterozoic, w hereas Vi cat e t al. a
prises a b road basement upward, which constitutes Paleoproterozoic age have indicated.
the foreland of the younger West Congolian mobile The West Congolian mobile belt extends for over
belt. It extends as a v ast granitoid massif known as 1,300 km from Gabon southwards through the south-
the Chaillu Massif in the southern central Republic west of the Republic of Congo, the west of the Demo-
of C ongo, t hrough G abon, w here i t i s mos tly c on- cratic Republic of Congo, to northeastern Angola. It
cealed be neath N eoproterozoic s upracrustals, t o contains from east to west three structural zones: the
southern Cameroon. The Chaillu Massif shows a NS external zone with sub-horizontal strata; the median
foliation and contains two generations of granitoids, folded zone; and the internal zone to the west. The ex-
grey granodioritic to quartz dioritic biotite or biotite- ternal and median zones comprise the West Congo-
amphibolite t ypes, a nd p ink, mos tly p otassic m ig- lian Supergroup, for which a Neoproterozoic age has
matites, which occur as veins cutting the grey grani- been assigned. The rocks in the internal zone are older
toids. Within the granitoids schists and greenstones and belong to the Mayombe Supergroup. Thro ughout
exist as septa, which have not been completely trans- most of t he West Congolian Orogen t he Mayombe
formed by granitization. At Mayoko occurs a relict Supergroup unconformably overlies post-Eburnean
Mesoproterozoic metasediments and metavolcanics.
Its a ge f alls b etween t hat of t he u nderlying K imez-
ian Supergroup, which was affected by the Eburnean
Orogeny at about 2,000 Ma , and the age of the Mati-
va g ranite, which was d ated at about 1,020 Ma . Ac-
cording to Porada (1989) the Mayombe Supergroup
represents the infilling of a K ibaranage continental
rift, which was deformed and thrust eastwards dur-
ing Pan-African times onto the West Congolian Oro-
gen. The Mayombe Supergroup is usually subdivided
into two distinct units: The lower is mainly volcanic
and volcano-sedimentary, w hereas t he upper i s en-
tirely sedimentary.
The West Congolian Supergroup has been subdi-
vided, from base up, into the Sansikwa Group, the
Fig. 97 A tributory of River Congo with rapids near Brazzaville, Haut Shiloango Group, the Schisto-Calcaire Group,
Republic of Congo and t he Mpioka a nd I nkisi Groups. Two horizons

I\glYc`Zf]:fe^f :<EKI8C8=I@:8EI<GL9C@: +—E


)—E N < )—E

,' ' ,' ('' (,'bd
'— '—

Republic of Congo

)—J fe: )—J


+—J +—J

8KC8EK@: 9iXqqXm`cc\
Ef`i\ 8E>FC8

('—< ()—< (+—< (-—< (/—<

DfjkcpdXi`e\ZcXjk`ZXe[Xcclm`Xc D`ZXjZ_`jkj#d`ZX^e\`jj\j`eZcl[`e^
j\[`d\ekj I\Z\ek$ ^iXe`kf`[jf]k_\DXpfdY\Jlg\i^iflg D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
DfjkcpZfek`e\ekXcZcXjk`ZXe[Xcclm`Xc Cfn^iX[\d\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\
j\[`d\ekj J\dY†$Fl\jjf>iflg
GIFK<IFQF@: @jfcXk\[>i\\ejkfe\j

:XcZXi\e`k\j#ZcXpj#jXe[jf]k_\N\jk D\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\:_X`ccl
E\fgifk\ifqf`Z 9Xj\d\ek


Fig. 98 Geological overview of the Republic of Congo (modified after Vicat et al., 1992)
86 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

of p ebbly s chists o r m ixtites, f ormerly c onsidered

as g lacial de posits, b ut n ow i nterpreted a s m ud
flows, separate the Sansikwa Group from the Haut
Shiloango Gro up, a nd t he l atter f rom t he S chisto-
Calcaire G roup. The S ansikwa Gro up i s mos tly a
clastic s equence w ith sub ordinate c arbonates; t he
Haut Shiloango Group contains mainly argillites; the
Schisto-Calcaire Group marks the predominance of
carbonate deposition, which was followed by depo-
sition of terrigenous sediments. The Mpioka Group
overlies t he S chisto-Calcaire Gro up u nconform-
ably w ith c onglomeratic u nits c omprising a ngular
limestones a nd c hert c lasts, w hich fill de pressions
and sha llow s ynclines i n t he u nderlying c arbon-
ates. The Mpioka Group is unconformably overlain
by t he I nkisi Gro up, w hich c omprises c onglomer-
atic a renaceous a nd p elitic r ed b eds. The Mpioka
and Inkisi Groups are considered to be molasse de-
posits laid down after t he first orogenic episode of
the West C ongolian b elt, w hich ha s b een d ated a t
about 735 Ma.

Economic Geology
Fig. 100 Offshore oil exploration along the Atlantic Ocean
The Republic of Congo is a major crude oil producer coast of the Republic of Congo
in sub-Saharan Africa, and this commodity remains
the ma instay of t he Congolese economy, providing
about 50 % of t he G overnment᾽s r evenue a nd 90 % mining operations in the area still persist, which geo-
of export earnings. A lmost a ll t he oil is d rilled off- logically belong to t he West Congolian Supergroup.
shore (Fig. 100). Other potential deposits in this unit and in the Paleo-
Two ma jor ba se me tal de posits o ccur i n t he proterozoic Mayombe Supergroup include gold, tin
M᾽Fouati region, a bout 290 km west of Brazzaville. and wolfram, niobium and tantalum, uranium, man-
The two deposits, Djenguile and Yanga-Koubenza, are ganese, titanium, nickel and chromium, and thorium,
rich in copper, lead and zinc. Some small base metal all of which have been recorded at least as geochemi-
cal anomalies. Gold, uranium, titanium, copper, nio-
bium and tantalum may also occur in the Paleopro-
terozoic Sembe-Ouesso Group. Diamonds are known
to o ccur a s p lacers i n t he Bi kosi c onglomerates o f
probable L ower Cr etaceous a ge. G em-quality a nd
industrial-grade d iamonds a re i n m inor qu antities
exploited and exported. The Archean Caillu Massif
yields numerous deposits of gold, which are related to
amphibolites. These deposits are sometimes exploited
by artisanal mining methods. Iron ore is part of the
frequent itabirites (BIF) in the Caillu Massif, but no
commercial production exists.
The Republic of Congo has considerable resourc-
es of sedimentary phosphates, which are forming a
string o f o utcrops e xtending o ver 50 km a long t he
Fig. 99 The Loufoulakari Falls along River Congo, Republic coast. K nown larger deposits occur at Holle and at
of Congo Sintou Kola, about 50 km away from Pointe Noire.
Phosphate nodules of Neoproterozoic age have been
found near Comba, 110 km west of Brazzaville.


The country offers many places of scenic beauty, which

are largely unknown (Figs 97, 99 and 101).

Geoscience Education

Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Brazzaville)

where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offererd. The personnel and

institutional capacities of its department are probably
of low standard, because in international ranking da-
tabases for Africa the university is not indicated.

Republic of Congo
Boudzoumou, F., K inga-Mouzéo, A . & M oussiéssié, J.
(2006): Pa n-African She ar Z ones i n t he West-Congo
Fold B elt a nd Ni ari B asin.– C olloquium A frican G e-
ology M aputo, 3–5 July 2 006, A bstract Volume, 19;
Maputo. Fig. 101 River Congo with rapids near Brazzaville, Republic
Gerad, G (1958): carte géologique de l᾽ Afrique Equato- of Congo
riale f rancaise a u 1:2,000,000.– D irection M ines e t
Géologique, A. E. F.; Paris.
Dadet, P. (1969): Notice explicative de la carte géologique de
la République du Congo Brazzaville.–Mem. B. R. G. M.
70, 1–103; Orleans.
ORSTOM (1967): C arte G eologique a u 1:2,000 ,000 .– I n:
Atlas du Congo, Planche VIII; BRGM, Orleans.
Porada, H . (1989): Pa n-African r ifting a nd orogene sis
in southern to equatorial Africa and eastern Brazil.–
Precambrian Research 44, 103–136; Amsterdam.
Tchikaya, J. B. (1969): L a re gion d e L outete (Congo Br az-
zaville). Géologie, hydrologie et problemes appliqués.–
Thesis Universite Besancon, 1–130; BesanÇon
Vicat, J. P., Ten K am Kon , N. & M aurin, J. C. (1992): M i-
néralisation et Évolution Tectonique de la République
Populaire d u Co ngo a u Co urs d u P rotérozoique.–
IGCP No. 255 Newsletter Bull. 4, 51–56; Braunschweig,
General replaced by these plateau-forming basalt flows. They
Area: 23,200 k m2 are succeeded by scoriaceous alkaliolivine-basalts, of
Population: 773,000 ( Estimate 2007) which the differentiated lavas formed huge volcanoes
parallel to t he r ift s tructures. I n f act, t he C entral
Volcanic Range, which delineates the middle part of
Summary of Geology
the Danakil Graben, is still active. The Afar triangle
Djibouti lies on the narrow gulf linking the Red Sea cannot be considered as the formation of recent sea-
to the Gulf of Aden. The country is formed of a t ri- floor spreading on land, because oceanic magma has
angular depression, which is caused by the collision not been found outside the Danakil region. Since the
of t he general tectonic t rends of t he Great R ift Val- Early P leistocene, c oastal u plifts c an b e c orrelated
leys of East Africa. These run N-S and NW-SE and with successive alluvial deposits.
have created a complex fragmented relief, composed
of high blocks and subsidence zones, in which there
are s ometimes l akes, e . g. L ake A ssal b eing 174 m
below sea level. Most of the country is composed of During the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene, the Red
Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Sea-Gulf of t he Aden a rea opened. This event coin-
cided w ith a n u plift of t he s outhern p rolongation
of the Danakil Horst. At the same time, uplifts and
basins developed. Plate tectonic analysis of the Afar
Djibouti is framed by the Ethiopean Highland in the triple junction gave integrated extension rates for the
west, the Somali Plateau in the south and the Danakil
Horst in the east. Its northern part is occupied by the
Danakil Depression, a branch of the Red Sea. To the
west, the area consists of highly disturbed basement
overlain by unfolded Mesozoic strata. Within the Afar
Depression, N eogene s ediments l ie u nconformably
on p re-Tertiary f ormations. I n t hem, ol der l imnic-
fluviatile b eds a re suc ceeded b y ma rine de posits.
The w hole s equence t hickens towards t he c entre of
the de pression. These ba sin fillings c onstitute t he
Danakil F ormation a nd i ndicate a ma jor p hase o f
rift f aulting b efore a nd d uring t heir ac cumulation.
Their e xtensions o n b oth flanks o f t he de pression
reflect the structural borders of the Danakil Graben.
Evaporites occupy its deepest part, which was down-
faulted o r o pened b y ma jor r ift move ments i n t he
Pliocene. Quaternary rift ing determined the present
topography and was succeeded by a marine invasion.
Its s ediments ma ke u p t he Z ariga F ormation a nd
gave radiocarbon ages of 25,000 to 34,000 years. The
deepest part of the low is concealed under the Afrera
Formation w ith a r adiocarbon a ge o f 5,800 y ears,
framed by several lakes.
In northern Djibouti, rift ing accompanied strong
volcanic activity, so that extensive basalt flows interca-
late and locally underlie the Danakil Formation. The
Afar basalts gave K-Ar ages ranging from Miocene to
Pliocene. I n t he s outhern pa rt o f t he Da nakil Gr a- Fig. 102 Recent cracks give witness of ongoing tectonic
ben, the late Tertiary sedimentary basin fillings are activities in the Afar depression
+)—< +*—<


N <

()—E ()—E

KX[afliX >LC=F=8;<E




((—E (' ' (' )'bd ((—E

+)—< +*—<

8cclm`Xc[\gfj`kj 8dYX8iX[XdJXe[jkfe\j AliXjj`Z

<clm`XcXe[Zfcclm`Xc[\gfj`kj#kXclj# JKIL:KLI<J
CXZljki`e\Xe[jnXdg[\gfj`kj I\Z\ek$




Fig. 103 Geological overview of Djibouti (modified after Merla et al, 1973)
90 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 104 Triple junction area of the three arms of the East Fig. 105 Fresh lava flows already broken in the highly active
African Rift Valley in Djibouti Afar depression

Ethiopean rift valley of between 1 and 3 mm annually. Geosites

In t he A far De pression, w here t he Et hiopean R ift An inventory has not yet been made, but the location
meets the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, earthquake of the triple junction of the East African Rift System in
epicentres concentrate along peripheral block faults, Djibouti is of significant geological interest and offers
but there are too few fault plane solutions to allow any many places of scenic beauty (Figs 104, 106–110).
inferences regarding motions (Figs 102 and 105).
Geoscience Education
Economic Geology
The recently founded university of Djibouti does not
Mineral production is an insignificant component yet offer courses in geology/geosciences.
in t he e conomy of D jibouti. S olar-evaporated s ea
salt, l imestone a nd c alcined l ime a re p roduced. A
potential for marble, granite, gypsum and perlite has
been reported. Investigations for geothermal energy
for electric power generation are underway.

Occasional e arthquakes a nd volc anic e ruptions i n
the centre of the triple junction of the East African
Rift S ystem are potential sites of geoenvironmental
hazards (Fig. 102).

Fig. 106 Raised reefs along coastal Djibouti, being either the
result of geological upheavel or of a drop in sea level
Fig. 107 The Devils Islands, a line of volcanoes offshore Fig. 108 Lake Assal in central Djibouti is with its lake level of
Djibouti continues under the sea –125m asl the deepest continental area in Africa


Boucarut, M., Clin, M., Pouchon, P. & Thibault, L. (1985):
Impact de s e venement te ctonovolcaniques p lio-
pleistocenes su r l a s edimentation en R epublique d e
Djibouti (Afar central).– Geol. Rundschau 71, 123–139;
Bowen, R. & Jux, U. (1987): Afro-Arabian Geology – a k i-
nematic view.– I–XIV, 1–295; Chapman & Hall, London,
New York.
Clin, M . & P ouchan, P. (1970): C arte gé ologique d u Ter-
ritoire F rancaise d es A fars e t d es I ssas, 1:200,0 00.–
Université de Bordeaux, Conseil de Gouvernement du
T. F. A. I. Fig. 109 Shore of Lake Assal in central Djibouti
Le G all, B ., D aoud, M ., B ellon, H ., Maury, R . & Role t, J.
(2004): Discrimination of recent volcanic series in the
Djibouti rifted zone from geochemical, radiometrical
and s tructural e vidence.– 20 t h Colloquium A frican
Geology, Abstr. Vol., 256; Orleans.
Merla, G ., A bbate, E ., C anuti, P., S agri, M . & T acconi,
P. (1973): G eological M ap of Et hiopia a nd S omalia,
1:2,000 ,000 .– C onsiglio N azionale del le R icerche,
Varet, J. ( 1978): G eology of c entral a nd s outhern A far
(Ethiopia a nd D jibouti R epublic).– 1–124, C entre Na -
tional Recherche Scientifique; Paris.

Fig. 110 A canyon along the triple junction of the East African
Rift Valley in southwestern Djibouti
General therefore probable that this region is to be considered
Area: 997,739 km2 part of a craton from thence on.
Population: 80,335,000 ( 2007 estimate) Till to d ate, no pre-Pan-African rocks have been
identified i n other regions of E gypt. The basement
rocks i n t he E astern De sert of E gypt c an b e sub di-
Summary of Geology
vided f rom ba se to to p i nto t he Meatiq Group, t he
The oldest rocks in Egypt occur as isolated Archean Abu Ziran Group and the Hammamat Group, all of
to Proterozoic inliers in the Western Desert, whereas Neoproterozoic age. The Meatiq Group comprises old
the E gyptian p art of the A rabian-Nubian S hield crystalline ba sement o utcropping i n g neiss do mes.
along the coastal Red Sea region is made up of Neo- These p robably e volved i n a ma inly c ompressional
proterozoic Pan-African rocks. Paleozoic sediments tectonic environment during Neoproterozoic times
often mantle the basement rocks. After a sedimentary and exhibit many of the basic structural and lithologi-
hiatus d ue to t he H ercynian o rogeny Cr etaceous cal c haracteristics of me tamorphic c ore c omplexes
sediments are well exposed in various parts of t he of the Cordilleran type. They comprise an anticline
country. The C enozoic h istory i s c haracterized b y with low dipping foliation and unidirectional mineral
transgressions and regressions and their respective slickenside l ineation. The co re co mprises g ranitic
sediment types. gneisses c onformably o verlain b y a he terogeneous
and i soclinically f olded m ylonitic ma terial, w hich
predates the doming event. This grades up into low-
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
grade ophiolitic rocks. The area lies in the foreland
Much of northeastern Africa is mantled by thick fold a nd t hrust belt of a c ontinental margin origin.
sedimentary strata of Phanerozoic age, which form Ophiolites o utcrop a long t he t hrust b etween t he
a generally undeformed cover to a de ep crystalline Meatiq infrastructure and the imbricated Abu Ziran
basement. The older rocks are well exposed in eastern nappe. Calc-alkaline magmatism occurred along two
Egypt a nd Sud an, where t hey comprise pa rt of t he upwards and is associated with gold mineralization.
Arabian-Nubian Shield. Further into the interior of The Abu Ziran Group comprises ophiolites overlain
northeastern Africa they appear as isolated inliers, by me tasediments, py roclastics a nd l ocal i nterme-
for instance the Uweinat inlier across the borders of diate v olcanics w ith i sland a rc c haracteristics. The
Egypt, Libya a nd Sudan. The Uweinat inlier is a lso Hammamat Gro up i ncludes mol asse-type c lastics
significant bec ause i t ha s provided t he o ldest a ges and the penecoeval Dokhan volcanics of andesitic
from anywhere in northeast Africa: Granulite facies to rh yolitic c omposition, t hese b eing e quivalent to
rocks in this area have yielded an average age of about plutonic, syn- to late-tectonic calc-alkaline granites.
2,900 Ma. No younger ages than about 1,800 Ma have The clastics are up to 5,000 m thick, of Late Pan-
been obtained there, thus i ndicating the tectonic African age and exposed in the coastel mountains of
stability of t he Uweinat i nlier si nce t hat t ime. It i s the Eastern Desert. There are four lithofacies, which
are conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, sandstone and
siltstone, respectively. The interrelationships suggest
alluvial fan-braided stream deposition within several
small-sized ba sins. The i nterbedding o f c onglom-
erate a nd t hick si ltstone u nits i ndicate t he d irect
interdigitating of fans with playas or lake sediments.
Discontinuous siltstone units are interpreted as cut-
off channel deposits within braided streams. Debris
flow sedimentation is not exhibited. Palaeomagnetic
directions have been identified at several sites in the
Dokhan volcanics a nd a lso f rom t wo dyke swarms
intruding t he late orogenic (younger) granites. The
Fig. 111 Pharaonic head sculpture made by using a Cimonia reported Rb-Sr ages for the Dokhan volcanics range
nautilid, probably of Roman times from 660 to 60 3 Ma. The d ike s warms r ange f rom
),—< *'—<
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JXe[[le\j#jXYb_Xj#E`c\[\gfj`kj$ >iXe`kf`[jjpe$kfgfjkk\Zkfe`Z 2jc`^_kcpd\kXdfig_fj\[
Zlck`mXk\[#NX[`Xe[gcXpX[\gfj`kj# HlXik\ieXip ZcXjk`Zjf]k_\?XddXk>iflg2jc`^_kcpd\kXdfig_fj\[
Y\XZ_Xe[ZfiXcj#ZXcZXi\e`k\YXij mfcZXe`Zjf]k_\;fb_Xe>iflg2cfZXccp^XYYifjXe[
DXi`e\Xe[efedXi`e\[\gfj`kj1 Gfjk$?XddXk>iflg]\cj`k\j#gfig_pi`\j
ZcXjk`Zj#ZXiYfeXk\j#^pgjld2cfZXccp K\ik`Xip D\kX^XYYif$;`fi`k\$:fdgc\ok\Zkfe`j\[#liXc`k`j\[ 2
YXjXck$[fc\i`k\[pb\j >\fjpeZc`eXcD\kXmfcZXe`Zji\^`feXccpd\kXdfig_fj\[
jp\e`k\j  >\fjpeZc`eXcD\kXj\[`d\ekj`eZcl[`e^_fieYc\e[\$Y`fk`k\
DXi`e\Xe[]clm`fdXi`e\Y\[j#ZcXjk`Zj _fieYc\e[\Xe[Y`fk`k\^e\`jj\jXe[d`^dXk`k\j

DfjkcpZcXjk`Z 6

Fig. 112 Geological overview of Egypt (modified after Anonymous, 1981)

94 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

530 to 480 Ma in age. The Abu Zawal area is approxi-

mately 150 km northeast of Luxor and is composed of
a sequence of igneous and metamorphic rocks of Neo-
proterozoic age. The least radioactivity is associated
with basic metavolcanics and the highest values relate
to late orogenic plutonites, whereas the granodiorites
possess a moderate level of radioactivity.
Post-Hercynian st ructural r ealignments a nd
resultant E -W t rending s tructures i n t he S aharan
platform determined the major depocentres until the
disintegration of Pangaea in Jurassic to Cretaceous
times c reated n ew s tructural t rends. D uring t he
Mesozoic E gypt c onsisted o f t wo ma in s tructural Fig. 113 Strongly eroded yardangs of a former lake basin in
provinces, an unstable shelf to t he north with com- southern Egypt
plex NE-SW transcurrent faults and fault-bounded
basins a nd h orsts, a nd a s table shel f to t he s outh.
The stable shelf was covered by mostly Paleozoic to
Mesozoic continental deposits and was intermittently
overlapped by shallow seas, which encroached from
the north. Major intracratonic basins lie in Egypt᾽s
unstable shel f, a mong w hich a re t he Da khla B asin,
the Misaha Trough and the Abyad Basin.
Paleozoic ro cks u nconformably o verlie t he P re-
cambrian ba sement i n t he Gi lf Keb ir a nd J ebel
Uweinat regions in southwestern Egypt. Ordovician
sandstones containing abundant Skol ithos a nd t he
indicative Cruziana rouaulti were found in the Jebel
Uweinat a rea j ust a bove t he ba sement pa laeorelief.
The Gilf Kebir region contains 400 m of thick-bedded
Silurian sa ndstones r esting o n t he ba sement a nd
containing Cruziana and Arthrophycus horizons. It
composes the southeastern Abu Ras Plateau as well
as i ts s outhern f oreland. Cros s-bedded s andstones
up to 70 m t hick may be assigned to t he Devonian, Fig. 114 The Aswan Dam ponding Lake Nasser in southern
sometimes containing plant detritus. Carboniferous Egypt
deposits a re u p to 100 m t hick a nd c onsist ma inly
of marine shales and siltstones with fine-grained
sandstones having fluvial beds in the upper part. The the Lower Cretaceous. Periodic transgressions of the
eastern Gilf Kebir region is also composed to a great Neo-Tethys ocean spread across the Saharan platform,
extent o f Pa leozoic s trata. The u pper l imits o f t he reaching its climax in Cenomanian to Turonian times
Carboniferous are vaguely exposed and the Paleozoic/ when a seaway was formed up to the Gulf of Guinea.
Mesozoic i nterval i s n ot y et de fined i n t he w hole Continental L ate J urassic to Cr etaceous s trata,
area. There has been a long sedimentary hiatus due generally referred to a s t he “Nubian S andstone” or
to the Hercynian orogeny. Nevertheless, the western “Continental Intercalaire” accumulated over most of
and e astern Gi lf Keb ir r egion e ssentially c omprise North Africa as far as southern Algeria. Now regarded
Paleozoic rocks mantled to the north and northeast as the Nubian depositional cycle, rather than a for-
by Mesozoic deposits (Fig. 115). Well exposed in this mal lithostratigraphic unit, these fluvial and deltaic
area is the colourful Abu Ballas Formation framing sandstones were deposited by northward prograding
the plunging Gi lf Kebir region on its northeasterly fluvial s ystems. They i ntertongue northward with
trend towards Abu Tartur. The age of this clayey and nearshore marine sediments, which contain carbon-
fossiliferous f ormation, c ontaining o ne o f t he f ew ates a nd pho sphatic b eds i n E gypt. N orthwesterly
lagerstaetten of fossil insects in Africa, is assigned to tilt o f t he n orthern S aharan p latform to wards t he
Economic Geology
Generally the mineral industry is only a minor con-
tributor to the Egyptian economy. The only exception
is perhaps the petroleum production and its export
Gold and copper mineralisation exist in Egyt, but
are n ot o f su fficient g rade to b e e conomically v i-
able (although gold had already been mined during
Pharaonic times, Fig. 3). In the Bahariya Oasis in the
Western De sert o ccur l arge i ron de posits, a nd t he
railway linking t he mine t here w ith t he steelworks
Fig. 115 Wadi Abdi el Malik in the Gilf Kebir Plateau in the at Helwan near Cairo was rehabilitated in the early
Western Desert of Egypt, a landscape that was first seen by 1990᾽s, thus enabling the expansion of the previous
geologists in the 1920᾽s production capacity. Black sand placers containing
the heavy minerals ilmenite, hematite, magnetite, zir-
con, garnet and monazite occur in Quaternary beach

Tethys region continued during Late Cretaceous and sands, sand dunes and sabkhas along the Mediterra-
was accompanied by N NWSSE rifting forming t he nean coast. A coastal sabkha is a geomorphological

Dakhla basin. Maximum Tertiary marine transgres- feature that is flooded occasionally and is produced
sion occurred during the Paleocene and extended as by offshore deposition a nd s ediment ac cumulation

far south as the Sudan. In Egypt, where the unstable from the landward site.
shelf had de veloped f olds i n L ate Cr etaceous a nd Phosphate ro cks c ontinue to b e t he ma jor n on-
Early Tertiary times, there was a thinner sedimentary fuel m ineral product of E gypt, but production ha s
cover in that region than in the stable shelf, where fluctuated si nce t he m id-1980᾽s. P roduction c ame
epeirogenic d ownwarps ha d cr eated d eeper d epo- principally from the East and West Sebaiya Mines on
centres. The Paleocene is represented by the Dakhla the River Nile, south of Luxor. Additional production
Shale, t he Tarawan Sha le and t he lower part of t he
Esna Shale, while Eocene strata are mostly carbonates
containing larger foraminifers such as Nummulites
and A lveolina. The Oligocene was deposited u nder
predominantly continental conditions with fluviatile
sediments o ccurring i n t he s outh. I n t he northern
shelf facies accumulated clays and minor carbonates.
Along t he e scarpments o f t he F ayum de pression a
unique mammalian fauna is associated with silicified
logs i n fluvial p oint ba r a nd floodplain de posits of
the Jebel Quatrani Formation. The break-up of t he
Arabian-Nubian Shield during the Neogene dramati-
cally affected the structural and palaeogeographical
framework of Egypt. After the Gulf of Suez and the
Red Sea grabens opened in the Early Miocene, a ma-
rine t ransgression spread over large a reas of north-
ern E gypt. Ma rine del taic c lays a nd fluvio-marine
deposits accumulated in northern Egypt. During a
late Early Miocene regression t he Gu lf of Suez was
isolated from the Mediterranean Sea, and evaporites
formed in the Gulf of Suez, later extending into the
Red Sea. Arid conditions began in Late Miocene, in
the course of which thick evaporitic sequences accu-
mulated, possibly leading to a temporarily dry-up of Fig. 116 The artificial Lake Nasser between Aswan and Abu
the Mediterranean Sea (Messinian Event). Simbe
96 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 117 Oasis Bahariya with outcropping sediments of

Cretaceous and Tertiary age yielding bone beds with various

is l ocated ad jacent to t he Re d S ea p ort o f S afaga.

Phosphate mining has also commenced at Abu Tar-
tur in southern Egypt, where apparently the largest
deposits occur.
Oil w ells i n t he Gu lf o f Sue z ac count f or a bout
90 % of t he Egyptian petroleum production. Crude
oil ha s a lso b een d iscovered a t B addredin i n t he
Western Desert.
Fig. 118 Excavation of a fossil whale (Cetacea) of Eocene age at
Wadi al-Hitan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in central Egypt
A c omprehensive i nventory o f t he v arious g eoenvi-
ronmental hazards in Egypt has not yet been made. capacities of their departments are generally of high
Air pollution in suburban Cairo caused by particulate standard, but they have institutionally over the last
emissions of cement fines may preclude f urther c e- decades often deteriorated. In international ranking
ment industry development in the near future. databases for Africa some of the respective universi-
ties achieve high positions.
Many potential sites exist, but a comprehensive inven-
tory has not yet been made. The Wadi al-Hitan with its Anonymous ( 1981): G eological M ap of E gypt, S cale
many fossilized cetaceans (whales) of Eocene age is a 1:2,000 ,000 .– Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining
UNESCO World Heritage Site (Fig. 118). Many other Authority; Cairo.
Bowen, R . & J ux, U. (1987): A fro-Arabian G eology – a
sites i n t he S aharan de sert a re e specially o f s cenic kinematic v iew.– I–XIV, 1–295; C hapmann a nd Ha ll;
beauty (Figs 113 and 116). Bone Beds containing Cre- London, New York.
taceous tetrapods occur for instance in the Bahariya Klitzsch, E. (1986): Plate Tectonics and Cratonal Geology
Oasis (Fig. 117). A traveller`s guide to various geosites in Northeast Africa (Egypt, Sudan).– Geol. Rundschau
75, 753–768; Stuttgart.
of Egypt was recently published (Sampsell, 2004). Said, R. (1981): The Geological Evolution of the River Nile.–
I–VIII, 1–151; Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
Said, R . (1990): The G eology of E gypt.– 1–734; B alkema,
Geoscience Education Rotterdam.
Egypt is a country with a long tradition in geoscience Sampsell, B. M. (2004): A Traveller’s Guide to the Geology
of Egypt (How the Land Made Egypt What it is).– 1–272,
education. C ountrywide t here a re at least 7 u niver- University of Cairo; Cairo.
sities w here g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate Tawadros, E. (2000): Geology of Egypt and Libya.– 1–480;
and postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel Taylor & Francis.
Egypt 97 E
Equatorial Guinea
Area: 28,051 km2
Population: 551,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Precambrian metamorphic sequences underlie most
of t he c entral a nd e astern ma inland o f E quatorial
Guinea, sometimes also being called Rio Muni. Me-
sozoic, N eogene a nd Q uaternary s ediments a re e x-
posed along its coastal and western zone. The Atlantic
Fig. 120 A maar lake on Bioko Island
Ocean islands of Pagalú (= Annobon) and Bioko (=
Fernando Poo) are part of the Cameroon Volcanic
Line (CVL) and of volcanic origin.
basal gneissic complex, a greenstone terrane and an
undifferentiated g ranitoid complex. The ba sal com-
plex c onsists of g ranulitc g neisses of c harnockitic
Th ree s tratigraphically a nd l ithologically d ifferent character and some gabbros. The granulitic gneisses
units can be observed in this part of the Archean were f ormed d uring t he Li berian t ectono-thermal
Congo Craton of mainland Equatorial Guinea: a event (about 2.8 G a), a nd w ere r ejuvenated d uring
the Eburnean orogeny (about 2.1 Ga). The greenstone
terrane is made-up of metavolcanics and volcaniclas-
tics, which locally reach amphibolite facies. Quartzitc
schists, garnitiferous mica schists, biotite schists and
amphibolites a re distinguished. The granitoid com-
plex is formed by intrusive rocks ranging from granite
to diorite. Most granitoids intrude the gneisses and
the greenstones, but some seem to be part of the basal
gneiss complex, i. e. at least two different s tages o f
intrusion exist.
The E astern G abon a nd Do uala B asins, w hich
underlay the coastal lowlands, are filled with Meso-
and C enozoic suc cessions ac cumulated d uring t he
Atlantic r ift ing e vent a s w ell a s i ts l ater e volution
towards a passive margin (Fig. 120).
Pagalú (=Annobon) (17 km2) (Figs 119 and 121) is
the southernmost island of the Gulf of Guinea within
the Cameroon Volcanic Line and is the top of a 5300 m
high stratovolcano, which is built on the oceanic crust
and reaches an altitude of 813 m asl. The volcano was
progressively built: 1. Submarine volcanism produced
palagonitic breccia, w hich c rops out a round t he i s-
land; 2. Basaltic flow pile covered the major part of
the island. The oldest flow has been dated as 18.4 Ma.
Numerous dykes related to t he following period in-
tersect the pile and have been dated as 5.3 Ma. A large
pyroclastic cone was built upon the layered basaltic
Fig. 119 The central volcanic crater on the island of Annobon, flows; 3. Trachytic plugs cut the cone and have been
Equatorial Guinea dated as 3.9 Ma; 4. More recently, the volcano erupted
('—< ((—<


)—E )—E

N <

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)—E (—E
:FI@J:F >89FE

('—< ((—<

Equatorial Guinea
,—*/¡< /—+'¡<
G8>8Cè =<IE8E;FGFF

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I\Z\ek$ DX`ecpZXcZXi\fljd\kX$ :XdYi`Xe$
DXi`e\Xe[Xcclm`Xcj\[`d\ekj HlXik\ieXip j\[`d\ekj E\fgifk\ifqf`Z

GXcX^fe`k`ZYi\ZZ`X GIFK<IFQF@:$8I:?<8E
DX`ecpd\kXdfig_`k\j 8iZ_\Xe

:`e[\iZfe\j I\Z\ek$



DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj E\f^\e\$

Fig. 121 Geological overview of Equatorial Guinea (modified after various sources)
100 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

to the north about 2.6 Ma and to the south on the very Equatorial Gu inea t he f ourth-largest o il e xporting
small island of Tortuga. The la va se ries d eveloped country in Africa and contributed much to its GDP
a p otassic a lkaline t rend w ith ba sanites, hawaiites, and revenues (Fig. 122).
tristanites and trachytes. More recent volcanic activ-
ity (< 100 Ka) includes eruption of basalt flows on the
north and south ends of the island and the eruption
of a basaltic tuff from the crater lake. Possible volcanic er uptions on t he islands of Bioko
The i sland o f Bi oko ( previously F ernando P oo) and Pagalú are a limited potential geoenvironmental
(2,017 k m 2) r ests u pon t he c ontinental shel f a bout hazard.
40 k m southwest of t he coast of Cameroon. It con-
sists o f t hree a malgamated s trato-volcanoes. P ico
Santa Isabel occupies the northern part of the island
and i s t he h ighest volcano r eaching a n a ltitude of Cornen, G . & M aury, R . C. (1980): P etrology of t he vol-
3008 m. Pico Biao (San Joaquim) and Pico San Carlos canic island of Annobon, Gulf of Guinea.– Mar. Geol.
volcanoes are adjacent and form the southern part 36, 253–267.
Déruelle, B., Moreau, C., Nkombou, C., Kambou, R., Lis-
of t he island. Pico Biao ha s a sma ll crater (0.4 k m som, J., Njonfang, E. & Nono, A. (1991): The Cameroon
diameter) occupied by a l ake; Pico S an C arlos ha s Line: A Review.– In: Magmatism in Extensional Struc-
a large c aldera (2.5 k m d iameter). Numerous f resh tural S ettings (A. B. K ampunzu & R . T. Lu bala, e ds.),
pyroclastic cones, mostly on Pico Santa Isabel and 274–325; Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
Déruelle, B. & K ambou, R. (1988): New petrological data
between this volcano and Pico Biao testify to recent on volcanic rocks of Bioko Island (Ecuadorian Guinea).–
activity. Historical eruptions have been reported in Coll. Géol. France D anemark “Les i les océa niques et
1898, 1903 and 1923. The ages of the dated lavas are le volcanisme des océans”, Univ. Paris Sud Orsay, Lab.
not older than 1.1 Ma, thus the island is probably of Pétrogr. Volcanol., Publ. Spéc. 79–80; Paris.
similar age as neighbouring Mt Cameroon. Only ba- Lizaur y Roldan, D. J. (1945): Geologia y geografi a fisica de
la Guinea Continental Espanola.– Dirr. Gen. de Mar-
saltic lavas are known on the island. They are picrites ruecos y Colonias, 1–47; Madrid.
(with a bundant p eridotite n odules), a lkali ba salts, Mitchell-Thomé, R. C. (1970): Geology of the South Atlantic
hawaiites, a nd r are k aersutite-bearing m ugearites. Islands.– 1–367, Bornträger, Stuttgart.
All the lavas with a differentiation index less than 35
are nepheline normative. The picrites contain large
olivine xenocrysts (with >2750 pp m Ni) a nd s ome
basalts contain large centimetric augite xenocrysts
(with >3000 ppm Cr, 50 ppm Co and 35 ppm Sc). The
xenocrysts have been considered as mantle melting
residua and the basaltic lavas, which contain these
xenocrysts, as closely related representative of primi-
tive magma.

Pre-, s yn- a nd p ost-rift te ctono-sedimentary u nits
can be distinguished during the Meso- and Cenozoic
formation of the Atlantic rifting event towards a pas-
sive margin. NE-SW and E-W trending intracratonic
basins accumulated since the Miocene.

Economic Geology
Equatorial Gu ina ha s n o sig nificant s olid m ineral
industry. Artisanal alluvial gold mining takes place
in some rivers draining Precambrian rocks of Rio
Muni. However, recently discovered oil and natural
gas fields on and near the island of Bioko have made Fig. 122 Oil refinery on Bioko Island
Equatorial Guinea 101 E
General the former᾽s independence continued and eliminated
Area: 121,320 km2 most mineral exploration and production activity in
Population: 4,906,000 (2007 estimate) southern Eritrea. In the late 1990᾽s about 500 kg of gold
were produced a nnually f rom various, but generally
Summary of Geology small-scale concessions. Other mineral occurrences in
Eritrea include asbestos, barite, copper, feldspar, iron,
Eritrea is underlain by Neoproterozoic terranes and
kaolin, lead, marble, nickel, potash, sylvite and zinc.
Tertiary to Recent volcanic rocks. Marine sediments
The hydrocarbon p otential i n t he E ritrean Re d S ea
of Mesozoic to Recent age are exposed in the coastal
Basin was recently evaluated by Woldegiorgis (2006).
area of the country along the Red Sea.
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
An inventory has not yet been made. Critical remarks
All the Precambrian rocks occurring in Eritrea have
on mining are presented in the National Environmen-
been involved in the Pan-African orogeny. Sometimes
tal Ma nagement P lan f or E ritrea (1995), e specially
structures of the Precambrian rocks show interesting
concerning gold mining and the use of mercury.
relationships to the Neogene rift structures: Basement
foliation i n n orthern E ritrea, w est o f t he Re d S ea Geosites
Ethiopian plateau, generally dips steeply westwards,
whilst east of the escarpment, on the Red Sea plains, An i nventory ha s not yet been made. The National
the foliation dips gently eastwards. Environmental Management Plan for Eritrea (1995) is
Mesozoic sediments were severely deformed in the among various topics also concerned with the natural
present Danakil and Aysha horsts. Near the northern heritage and biological diversity of the country, but
end of t he Da nakil horst t wo s eparate qu adrants of no geosites are considered.
ringed intrusions have been observed, which are possibly
related to Tertiary granites from the Afar margins. Geoscience Education
Numerous thin and localized basaltic flows are
Countrywide there is one university (Asmara) where
found in the Miocene sediments of the Red Sea coast.
geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate c ourses a re
Pliocene welded tuffs were formed prior to the main
offered. The personnel and institutional capacities of
phase of rifting, which now displaces them in some
its department are apparently still of lower standard,
magnificently exposed sections. The so-called Aden
as the university in international ranking databases
Series basalts range in age from Pliocene to Holocene
for Africa is not yet considered.
and occur regardless on either floor or rim of river can-
yons. The basalts were probably extruded contempora- References
neously with the major Pleistocene phase of uplifting
and rift faulting. Cones composed of pantelleric and De Souza Filho, C. R. & Drury, S. A. (1998): A Neoproterozoic
comendic lavas, welded tuffs and pumice flows, known supra-subduction terrane in northern Eritrea, NE Af-
rica.– Journal Geol. Soc. London 155, 551–556; London.
as the Aden Series silics, are aligned along the central Merla, G ., A bbate, E ., C anuti, P., S agri, M . & T acconi,
fault zone of the rift, but occur also at Asmara. Thei r P. (1973): G eological M ap of Et hiopia a nd S omalia,
age is ranging from Pleistocene to Holocene. 1:2,000,0 00.– Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italy.
Mesozoic limestones are found east of the Danakil Mohr, P. A. (1971): Outline tectonics of Ethiopia.– In: Tec-
depression, in the Danakil Alps. Most of the Tertiary tonics of Africa, 447–458; UNESCO, Paris.
National Environmental Management Plan – Eritrea (1995):
sediments along coastal Eritrea comprise marine lime- Mechanisms to optimize resource use and sustain
stones. Large reserves of Neogene evaporites including human de velopment.– I –XII, 1–236; G overnment o f
halites, gypsum and potassium salts exist in the Dallol Eritrea, Asmara.
depression located in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Quaternary Talbot, C . J. & G hebreab, W. (1997): Red Sea detachment
gypsum deposits occur along the coast. and basement core complexes in Eritrea.– Geology 25,
655–658; London.
Woldegiorgis, L. (2006): Geology and Hydrocarbon Poten-
Economic Geology tial of the Eritrean Red Sea Basin.– 21st Colloquium Afri-
Political ten sion b etween E ritrea a nd Et hiopia a fter can Geology, 3–6 July 2006 Maputo, 304–305; Maputo.
*/—< +'—<


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`^e`dYi`k\jXe[i_pfc`k\j K`cc`k\jXe[^cXZ`XcjXe[jkfe\j Fi[fm`Z`Xe
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_pXcfZcXjk`k\j >iXe`k\jXe[hlXikq$[`fi`k\j GXc\fqf`Z$
?pg\iXcbXc`e\j`c`Z`ZcXmXjXe[[fd\j Gc`fZ\e\6
jXe[j#j_Xc\j 2;f^Xc`J\i`\jf]k_\I\[ Gc`fZ\e\$ Cfn^iX[\d\kXdfg_fi`ZifZbjjcXk\j#
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D`fZ\e\$ DXiYc\jXe[c`d\jkfe\j E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
8lYX8`YX9XjXckjk_`Zb]cff[9XjXckj Fc`^fZ\e\
D<JFQF@: Xdg_`Yfc`k\j#hlXikq`k\j
JXe[jkfe\jf]k_\8dYX8iX[XdJ\i`\j :i\kXZ\flj$
J\i`\j Lgg\i$D`[[c\ MfcZXe`Zj
JXe[jkfe\jf]k_\8[i`^XkJ\i`\j D`[[c\
AliXjj`Z$Ki`Xjj`Z JKIL:KLI<J

Fig. 123 Geological overview of Eritrea (modified after Merla et al., 1973)
southwestern Tigray, but tighter folding with nappe
General development ha s b een obs erved f urther n orth i n
Area: 1,127,127 km2 Eritrea. Both folding and granitic intrusions in the
Population: 74,778,000 ( 2007 estimate) Precambrian of northern and western Ethiopia tend
to be cut discordantly by the final regional foliation.
The o ver-all t rend o f ba sement f oliation, f rom t he
Summary of Geology
Kenya border to the Red Sea, is roughly meridional,
Rocks o f P recambrian a ge u nderlie l arge pa rts o f but a notable virgation to an ENE-WSW trend occurs
northern a nd w estern Et hiopia a nd sma ller a reas in Tigray. Foliation strike is so frequently discordant
in the south and east of the country. Ethiopia lies at to the later rift structures, that it can be emphasized
the northern tip of the continental part of the East that t he pa ttern o f t he Et hiopian r ift sys tem h as
African Rift System. Voluminous piles of mainly Ce- been imposed on the crust in spite of the basement
nozoic volcanic rocks occur in large parts of western structural grain.
Ethiopia. Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments occupy Peneplaned b asement r ocks a re u nconformably
the e astern pa rt o f t he c ountry. The rift va lley is overlain by Mesozoic marine sandstones, shales, gyp-
covered w ith relatively young lacustrine sediments sum and limestones, except where the Mesozoic sea
and volcanics. failed to reach into the west and southwest of Ethio-
pia. Structural deformation of the Mesozoic rocks is
of considerable importance in elucidating the early
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
evolution of the East African Rift System.
The P recambrian g eology o f Et hiopia i s s till l it- Subsiding troughs in the northern section of the
tle k nown. A g eneralized t ectonostratigraphic main Ethiopian rift caused excessive thicknesses of
classification suggests the occurrence of three major sediments to ac cumulate, pa rticularly d uring U p-
units: A L ower C omplex o f p resumable A rchean per J urassic a nd Cr etaceous t imes. Do wnwarping
rocks, a Middle Complex of presumable Paleo- and of t he t rough ma rgins w as ac companied b y m inor
Mesoproterozoic ro cks, a nd a n Upper C omplex o f spilitic and basaltic volcanism. Deep basins filled
presumable Neoproterozoic rocks. However, most of with Mesozoic sediments are also known where no
the Precambrian rocks of Et hiopia have apparently subsequent r ift s tructures h ave d eveloped. For i n-
been involved in the Pan-African orogeny. Also the stance in the Ogaden more than 3,000 m o f Jurassic
structural geology of the Ethiopian basement is very to Cr etaceous s ediments ha ve ac cumulated i n na r-
poorly k nown. G ently N E-SW pitching broad a nti- row, fault-bounded basins over depressed basement.
clines a nd s ynclines a ffect t he low-grade s chists of Monoclinal warping and minor faulting along E-W

Fig. 124 Lake Hayk in central Ethiopia Fig. 125 Stromatolites at the shore of Lake Ahengi in central
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*,—< +'—< +,—<

8cclm`Xcj#cXZljki`e\&mfcZXef$cXZljki`e\ I\Z\ek$ Cfn$^iX[\d\kXdfig_`ZifZbjjcXk\j#
Xe[jnXdg[\gfj`kj Gc\`jkfZ\e\ g_pcc`k\j#Z_cfi`k`ZXe[j\i`Z`k`ZjZ_`jkj
I_pfc`k`ZXe[YXjXck`ZcXmXj#`^e`dYi`k\j# HlXik\ieXip$ ^e\`jj\j#^iXelc`k\j#Xdg_`Yfc`k\j#
cXZljki`e\Xe[jnXdg[\gfj`k E\f^\e\ hlXikq`k\j


JXe[jkfe\j#\mXgfi`k\j#c`d\jkfe\j# D\jfqf`Z

JXe[jkfe\j#[fc\i`k\jBXiffJlg\i^iflg Cfn\iAliXjj`Z$
\hl`mXc\ekj Lgg\i

Fig. 126 Geological overview of Ethiopia (modified after Merla et al., 1973)
106 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 127 The Danakil depression in northern Ethiopia Fig. 128 A river bed in the Danakil depression in northern

axes were affecting the Jurassic sediments of Tigray

during d eposition. These te ctonic l ines w ere a gain
active during a N-S compression along the proto-rift
system, a t t he en d o f t he M esozoic. The Mesozoic
sediments we re ge ntly fold ed by t his c ompression
over t he p resent p lateau r egion, b ut w ere s everely
deformed within the proto-rift system.
Volcanic rocks are more extensively developed in
Ethiopia than anywhere else in the East African Rift
System. This occurrence coincides with the highest
degree o f u plift, t hough t he p eriods o f ma ximum
volcanism and maximum uplift did not coincide. The
Ethiopian volcanics are most thickly developed in the
central region of the country, and along a N -S axis
situated immediately west of the rift system. The vol- Fig. 129 A volcanic plug in the central Ethiopian Highlands
canics are typically alkaline. The oldest post-basement
volcanic rocks are alkali basalts and trachybasalts in-
terbedded in the Mesozoic sediments of the Ogaden.
Such lavas are not known from west of the rift system.
The first major volcanic episode, and also the largest the plateaurift margin of northern Shoa to southern
of t he C enozoic i n Et hiopia, w as t he e xtrusion o f Wallo, but proof that the series extends beneath the
the Trap S eries fissure ba salts during Pa leocene to rift floor is still lacking. Local unconformities within
Oligocene times. The series is appreciably younger in the Trap Series are not considered to justify its subdi-
southern than in central Ethiopia. On the plateaux the vision into an older, Ashanghi Group, and a younger,
basalts lie unconformably on the Mesozoic strata, a Magdala Group, a si ngle series of flood basalts now
strong though gently angled unconformity separating being r ecognized o ver t he w hole o f Et hiopia. The
the two series. The Trap Series basalts thicken from a basalts a re a lkaline a nd t ypically o xidized. L arge
few hundred metres on the plateaux, to over 2,000 m central-type shield volcanoes began to build up in the
at the plateau-rift margins. Strong downwarping of plateau interior during the Early Miocene. The lavas
the proto-rift troughs was occurring simultaneously are chiefly alkali olivine basalts, but rare peralkaline
with fissure basalt extrusion, and it is therefore prob- silicic lavas and minor intrusions also occur. The larg-
able that the sites of the fissures, and aligned centres, est of these centres forms the Simien Mountains of
lay along the zone of most severe warping. Ther e is Beghemder. The basalts were very fluid and extended
also e vidence, f rom northern Tigray, t hat E -W te c- considerable distances north into Eritrea. The relation
tonic lines were controlling development of the Trap of t he Shield group basalts to t he older Trap Series
Series. The Trap S eries c an b e t raced r ight ac ross basalts has not yet been elucidated. Dyke swarms in
Fig. 130 From erosion denudated layers in the Omo Valley
in southwestern Ethiopia, where scientists found numerous
Pleistocene remains of primates and other mammals

Fig. 132 An extinct volcano with a crater lake in the Danakil
depression in northern Ethiopia

plateaux another series of plugs, bosses and domes of
medium-grained intermediate lavas o ccurs, w hich
tend to be peralkaline, for example the solvsbergite-
tinguaites o f A dua-Axum. So me N -S a lignments
of lavas a re k nown, for example i n western central
Ethiopia, but E-W a lignments a re more sig nificant,
Fig. 131 Excavations for palaeoanthropolgical remains are as at Adua-Axum. Feldspathoidal lavas have revealed
still continuing in the Omo Valley in southwestern Ethiopia a striking concentration on E-W tectonic lines, sus-
pected to be transcurrent faults. Furthermore, not a
single feldspathoidal l ava o ccurring w ithin t he r ift
system is known, suggesting a fundamental difference
the Sh ield Gro up ba salts i ndicate c losely c ontem- between the silicic lavas of the plateaux and the rift.
poraneous tensional strain du ring basalt extrusion. The rift lavas are always persilicic.
Strain ac ted b oth E -W (producing r ift-trend dykes Three i mportant te ctonic u nits c an b e d istin-
and sheets) and N-S (producing E-W dykes parallel guished i n t he Et hiopian pa rt o f t he E ast A frican
to major tectonic lines of this trend). The rare silicic Rift System: the plateaux, the rift margins (including
dykes t rend N-S. B asaltic ac tivity during t he l atter rift horsts) and the rift floor. Although being physio-
part of the Miocene was relatively minor. Over much graphic in description, these terms reflect strongly the
of southern and central Ethiopia, violent silicic erup- underlying Cenozoic tectonics. Whilst extensive ar-
tions covered large areas of the plateaux and most of eas of the Ethiopian plateaux exhibit a sub-horizontal
the proto-rift with flows of welded pantelleric tuffs. succession of flood basalts and Mesozoic sediments
These ignimbrites are now preserved over an area of upon the basement, other regions show a s evere de-
more than 150,000 k m2 . The welded tuffs are thickest formation, for instance the Mesozoic sediment-filled
at the margin of the rift system suggesting eruption troughs of the Ogaden, the west-downwarped flood
from aligned centres or fissures closely paralleling the basalts of Jimma, and the Lake Tana deposits in the
rift. The Pliocene welded tuffs were formed prior to centre of the Ethiopian plateau. The term rift-margin
the main phase of rift faulting, which now displaces can be defined in terms of physiography as the strip
them in some magnificently exposed sections. On the between the flat rift-floor and the escarpment of the
108 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

fresh faulting, which is usually axial to the rift. This

belt, termed the Wonji Fault Belt, is a crustal zone of
active tension, and has been traced for about 1,100 km
along the Ethiopian rift system. The Wonji Fault Belt
is characterized by short, curvilinear faults of normal
type, by tensional fissures, and by both basaltic and
silicic volcanism.

Economic Geology
Mineral p roduction r emains a m inor f actor i n
Ethiopia᾽s economy. Gold is the principal revenue-
earning mineral commodity, whereas construction
materials continue to be the most significant mineral
commodity both in value and in quantity. A variety
of o ther m inerals a re p roduced a nd ma ny mo re
known to occur in deposits of potentially economic
size and grade.
Gold occurs in the Adola District, about 350 k m
south-southeast o f A ddis Aba ba, w here qu artzitic
beds are forming a well-developed horizon assumed
to be t he source of t he Adola placers. The paragen-
Fig. 133 Simen National Park is a largely untouched natural esis of this deposit (Au, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn sulphides, Ag,
landscape but extends into commercially used farm fields
Pb tel lurides, e tc.) a long w ith i ts p osition i n a s e-
quence rich in amphibolites, suggests an origin of the
ore probably bound to submarine volcanic activity.
high plateau. The ma rgins o f t he ma in Et hiopian
rift continue southwards from Afar via some strong
cross-rift di slocations. These d islocations g ive t he
rift an apparent NE-SW orientation, but in fact the An inventory has not yet been made. Artisanal gold
structural t rend r emains N NE-SSW. The cross-rift mining is often operated by using mercury.
dislocations i ntersecting w ith ma jor E -W p lateau
faults account for the Addis Ababa rift embayment.
South of Addis Ababa, faulting of opposite throw to
the main rift escarpment faults produces a marginal
graben b elow Mt. Gu raghe, but i s not qu ite s trong
enough to do so in an upwarped zone east of Lakes
Zway and Langano. The average w idth of t he main
Ethiopian rift is about 70 km. The eastern escarpment
is usually more strongly developed than the western
escarpment. In some cases the western escarpment
is h idden by P liocene a nd Q uaternary we lded-tuff
centres. The main Ethiopian rift splits into two
branches south from the Lake Margherita basin, the
branches being separated by the Amaro Horst. This
horst is composed of basement rocks, which have been
uplifted a to tal of 2,500 m f rom the rift floor. Some
of the uplift of this N-S 60 b y 10 k m block has been Fig. 134 Artisanal gold panning in northern Ethiopia near
effected in the Quaternary. The rift faulting dies out Axum
south of l atitude 5 °N, but r esumes f urther west i n
the Lake Stephanie rift. The rift floor in Ethiopia is
dominated by a narrow, 3-15 km wide belt of intense,
Fig. 136 The skeleton of “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis),
excavated by a team led by Donald Johanson in 1974


Brinckmann, J. & K ürsten, M . (1970): Zu r G eologie d er
Danakil–Senke (nördliches Afargebiet, NE-Äthiopien).–
Geologische Rundschau 59, 409–443; Stuttgart.

Fig. 135 The area of Hadar in northeastern Ethiopia is
Getaneh, A., Pretti, S. & Valebar, R. (1993): An outline of
largely a desert, but has yielded some of the most important
the metallogenic history of Ethiopia.– In: Geology and
palaeoanthropological findings, e. g. an almost complete
Mineral R esources of S omalia a nd Su rrounding R e-
skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis, popularly known as
gions, E. Abbate, M. Saggri & F. P. Sassi (eds.), 569–578;
Jelenc, D. A. (1966): Mineral occurrences of Ethiopia.– Min-
istry of Mines, Addis Ababa, 1–720; Addis Ababa.
Kazmin, V. (1972): Geological map of Ethiopia, 1:2,000,000.–
Geosites Geological Survey of Ethiopia, Ministry of Mines,
An i nventory o f p otential g eosites i s c urrently i n Energy and water Resources; Addis Ababa.
progress ( Metaseria e t al., 2004). S everal N eogene Kazmin, V., Sh ifferaw, A . & B alcha, T. (1978): The Ethio-
deposits within the r ift v alley a re f amous f or pa - pian basement: s tratigraphy and p ossible manner of
evolution.– G eologische Ru ndschau 6 7 (2), 531–546;
leoanthropological d iscoveries, b est k nown i s t he Stuttgart.
australopithecine “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis) Merla, G ., A bbate, E ., C anuti, P., S agri, M . & T acconi,
from t he Afar bad lands of Hadar (Figs 135 and 137). P. (1973): G eological M ap of Et hiopia a nd S omalia,
The rift va lley o ften e xhibits e xtraordinary s cenic 1:2,000,0 00.– Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italy.
Metaseria, D ., A sfawossen, A . & M ogessie, A . (2004):
beauty (Figs 127, 128 and 133).
Contribution of ge ology to t he growth of t he tourism
industry in Ethiopia.– 20 th Colloquium African Geol-
ogy, Abstr. Vol., 131: Orleans.
Geoscience Education Mohr, P. A. (1971): Outline tectonics of Ethiopia.– In: Tec-
Countrywide there are at least 2 u niversities where tonics of Africa, 447–458; UNESCO, Paris.
Pilger, A . & Rö sler, A . (eds.) (1975): A far d epression of
geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ost- Ethiopia.– Proceedings International Symposium Afar
graduate c ourses a re o ffered. T he p ersonnel a nd Region and Related R ift Problems 1 (XIX), 1–415; Bad
institutional c apacities o f t heir de partments a re o f Bergzabern.
comparatively high standard. The university of Addis Tadesse, S., Milesi, J. P. & Deschamps, Y. (2004);: Geology
Ababa achieves in international ranking databases an and mineral potential of Et hiopia.– 20 th Colloquium
African Geology, Abstr. Vol., 388, Orleans.
intermediate position i n A frica, whereas t he newly Warden, A . J. (1975): E xplanation of t he ge ological m ap
founded Mekelle University has not yet been consid- of Ethiopia.– Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water
ered in ranking databases. Resources, G eol. Su rv. Et hiopia Bu ll., 1, 1–14; A ddis

General Cameroon), w here gr anulites an d c harnockites
Area: 267,667 km2 of v arying c omposition a re t ypical. The granitoid
Population: 1,462,000 ( 2007 estimate) terrane in the south, which is a c ontinuation of the
Chaillu Massif, contains a large number of relatively
small g reenstone b elts dominated by itabirites a nd
Summary of Geology
iron-rich quartzites and schists.
Gabon is located at the northwestern margin of the Paleoproterozoic ro cks c onsist of t he a bout
Congo Craton. Three major stratigraphic units can 2,000 Ma ol d Franceville Supergroup in the eastern
be distinguished: the Archean basement and the Pro- central part of the country and the Ogooué orogenic
terozoic sediments, which together cover about 75% of belt in the centre-west. The Franceville Supergroup
the country, and the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover, comprises a thick pile of predominantly sedimentary
which is essentially of Cretaceous age or younger. rocks, w hich w ere de posited i n t hree ma in ba sins,
across which the stratigraphic succession appears to
be f airly c onstant. The s yn-Franceville N = Goutou
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
Volcanic Complex has been dated at about 2,150 Ma,
The ol dest ro cks o f t he c ountry f orm pa rt o f t he thus indicating an age for the lower part of the suc-
Archean cratonic basement of Gabon, the Repub- cession. To t he e ast o f t he F ranceville Su pergroup,
lic o f C ongo, C ameroon a nd ma inland E quatorial the Og ooué o rogenic b elt c omprises a n umber o f
Guinea. In Gabon, this basement is traditionally thrust nappes of highly deformed medium- to high-
separated into the southern Chaillu Massif and the grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks (the
North G abon Ma ssif. The C haillu Ma ssif i s do mi- Ogooué Supergroup), t hat have been considered to
nated by g ranitoid rocks, which have g iven ages of be broadly coeval w ith t he Franceville Supergroup.
2,800–2,600 Ma. The granitoid rocks represent a typi- The belt contains a number of remobilised basement
cal A rchean c ratonic a ssemblage of foliated qu artz domes. In the southwestern part of the country, the
diorite-tonalite-granodiorite suites, with later more Mayombe-Nyanga ter rane c omprises me dium- to
potassic ro cks of monzonitic, g ranitic a nd s yenitic high-grade Paleoproterozoic basement rocks (includ-
compositions. A l arge c harnockitic b ody ha s b een ing t he L ambaréné m igmatite b elt), a nd me tasedi-
mapped in the south. Supracrustal remnants are rare, mentary rocks of the Doussa Supergroup, along with
with few extensive greenstones developed. Such rocks post-tectonic granites dated at about 1,900 Ma .
are restricted to pods and lenses of amphibolite, meta- The Mesoproterozoic geology of Gabon appears to
quartzite and mica schist. The North Gabon Massif be restricted to the rocks of the Mayombe Supergroup
appears to sh ow mo re v ariation t han t he C haillu in the Mayombe-Nyanga terrane and a suite of post-
Masif and includes the Monts de Crystal and Mitzic Franceville dolerite dykes emplaced at about 970 Ma.
regions (adjacent to the Ntem granulites of southern In the western part of the country, the Neoproterozoic
(Pan-African) West Congolian Supergroup is exposed
in t wo regions, t he de-la-Noya a nd Nyanga Basins,
which b oth c ontain t hick l ow-grade, def ormed,
volcano-sedimentary s equences, w hich a re t ypical
of the Pan-African belts of southern Africa. A small
carbonatite w as em placed a t a bout 669 Ma i n t he
Lambaréné region.
The Phanerozoic sedimentary cover in the coastal
region is either observed to be in pericratonic (Ba-
téké Plateau in southeast Gabon) or intracratonic
relationship with the Precambrian units. The coastal
sedimentary ba sin i s sp lit i nto t wo u nequal pa rts
by the horst of the Lambaréné-Chincoua basement
rocks and was formed during Lower Cretaceous. The
Fig. 137 Karstification in the Leconi Canyon in Gabon interior or e astern b asin, lo cated e ast of t he hor st,

('—< (+—<
)—E )—E



'— '—


)—J )—J



N < ,' ' ,' (''bd

+—J +—J
('—< ()—< (+—<

:<EFQF@:$D<JFQF@: 8I:?<8E

8cclm`Xcj#ZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj I\Z\ek$Ki`Xjj`Z 9Xe[\[@ife=fidXk`fej9@=

GIFK<IFQF@: >iXe`kf`[jf]k_\:_X`cclXe[Efik_
>XYfeDXjj`]j E\fXiZ_\Xe
GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z >iXe`kf`[jf]k_\:_ipjkXcDflekX`ej D\jfXiZ_\Xe

`ekilj`m\`ekfk_\F^ffl„Jlg\i^iflg 6 =Xlck

D\kXdfig_`Zj\i`\jf]k_\F^ffl„ GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z K_iljk]Xlck


Fig. 138 Geological overview of Gabon (modified after Prian et al., 1991)
112 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 140 Rapids of the Cascada din Gabon

100 km north of Gamba, was discovered in 1985 and

began p roduction i n 1989. I ncreased d rilling a nd
seismic activity will likely lead to further discoveries
and increased petroleum production.
The non-fuel mining sector is dominated by man-
ganese and uranium mining. Manganese ore occurs
on residual Lower Proterozoic deposits in southeast
Gabon near Mounana. Deposits of uranium are also
located i n t he Mounana a rea, i n s andstones of t he
western margin of the continental Franceville Basin.
However, production officially ended in 1999. Reason-
ably assured resources of 4,830 t of uranium are not
yet exploited (Fig. 141).
Fig. 139 Gabon Coastline near Gamba Gold-bearing r ivers a re n umerous a nd mos tly
located o n to p o f me tamorphosed P recambrian
rocks. Almost all gold produced in Gabon comes
consists ma inly o f c ontinental a nd l acustrine s edi- from alluvial deposits. Also diamonds appear to be
mentary s equences r anging f rom Upper Pa leozoic quite widespread in Gabon. They have been mined
to middle Cretaceous. The Atlantic or western basin in the Makongonio area in the south and to a lesser
consists of mostly marine sedimentary sequences of
middle Cretaceous to Quaternary age. The Batéké
plateau sequence is comprised of Tertiary continen-
tal facies and lies unconformable on the Proterozoic

Economic Geology
Gabon᾽s economy is largely dependent on its mineral
industry, whereby the petroleum sector may still con-
tinue to be dominant for some years. The Atlantic or
western sedimentary basin, which extends offshore
along t he c oast a t l east a s f ar a s S ao Tomé, i s t he
source of G abon᾽s oil production. Favourable t rap-
ping structures include faults related to the opening
up of t he Atlantic Ocean a nd salt d iapirs. Gabon᾽s Fig. 141 Uranium mine in the Mounana area in southeast
largest oilfield, the Rabi-Kounga Field, onshore about Gabon. Uranium production ended in 1999
Arambourg, C . & S chneegans, D. (1936): Poissons fossils
du basin sedimentaire du Gabon.– Annal. Paleont. 24,
139–160; Paris.
D᾽Agrella-Filho, M. S., Fey Besse, J.-L., Prian, J.-P., Dupuis,
D. & Eko N᾽Dong, J. (1996): Paleomagnetism of Precam-
brian rocks from Gabon, Congo Craton, Africa.– Jour-
nal African Earth Sciences 22 (1), 65–80; Oxford.
Gerard, G. (1958): Notice explicative de la carte géologique
de l᾽Afrique e quatoriale f rancaise a u 1:2,000,000.–
1–198; Paris.
Jensen, K . A. & E wing, R . C. ( 2001): T he Ok elobondo
Natural Fi ssion R eactor, S outheast G abon: G eol-
ogy, Mineralogy, and Retardation of Nuclear Reaction
Fig. 142 Aerial view of the jungle-town of Lambarene, well-
Products.– G eological S oc. A merica Bu ll. 113, 32–62;
known for its hospital maintained by the philanthropist Albert
Schweitzer in mid-20 th century
Ledru, P., N᾽Dong, J. E., Johan, V., Prian, J. P., Coste, B. &
Hallard, D. (1989): Structural and metamorphic evolu-
extend in the Mitzic region in the north of the country. tion of the Gabon Orogenic Belt: Collision tectonics in
the Lower Proterozoic? – Precambrian Res. 44, 227–241;
Several iron-bearing areas have been identified in the
Makokou-Mékambo region in the north, which origi- Prian, J. P., J ohan, V., L edru, P. & N ᾽Dong, J. E. (1991):
nated from the alteration of itabirites (BIF). Less im- L᾽Archeen du Massif du Chaillu (Gabon Central) et la
portant commodities include baryte from Dourekiki, Tectonique É burnenne A ffectant sa Bo rdure Ou est.–

west of Tchibanga, and a phosphate/niobium deposit IGCP N o. 2 73 Newsletter, Bu ll. 1, 75–76; P retoria,
at Ma bounié, e ast o f L ambaréné. I ndices f or l ead, Thomas, R . J., C hevalier, C . & M akanga, J. F. (1999): P re-

zinc, tantalite, potash, dolomitic limestone, talc and cambrian Geology and Metallogeny of Gabon.–Journal
ornamental rocks have a lso been identified, but no African Earth Sciences 28 (4A), 78–79; Oxford.
follow-up work has yet been undertaken. Weber, F. (1971): Une série Précambrienne du Gabon: Le

Francevillien.– S edimentologie, ge ochimie, rel ations
avec le s g ites m ineraux a ssocies.– Thes is Strassbourg
Geosites University, 1–328; Strassbourg.

The c ountry o ffers ma ny p laces o f s cenic b eauty

(Figs 137, 139, 140 a nd 142), w hich a re l argely u n-

Geoscience Education
Countrywide there is only one university (Franceville)
where geology/geosciences courses are offered. The
personnel a nd i nstitutional c apacities of its de part-
ment a re p robably o f r ather l ow s tandard a s t he
university is not considered in international ranking
databases for Africa.
The Gambia
General Economic Geology
Area: 11,300 k m2 It ha s b een a ssumed t hat t here m ight b e s ome p o-
Population: 1,688,000 ( 2007 estimate) tential for t he discovery of oil in t he basin. Several
thousand km of seismic surveys have been run over
the l ast de cades, a nd a f ew p etroleum e xploration
Summary of Geology
wells, all unsuccessful, were drilled.
The Re public o f G ambia i s b ordering t he A tlantic In t he 1950᾽s, t itaniferous b each s ands w ere
Ocean a nd c ompletely su rrounded b y S enegal, b e- mined. T he he avy-mineral c oncentrates a verage
ing confined to the valley of the Gambia River, thus 70.2 % ilmenite, 15.9 % zircon, 3.3 % rutile and 10.6 %
it is entirely underlain by Cenozoic rocks of alluvial, gangue m inerals. T here a re a lso u ndocumented
fluvial marine and coastal beach sediments. quantities of building and c onstruction m aterials.
The G ambia᾽s sig nificant g lass s and de posits ha ve
yet to be exploited.
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
Stratigraphically, The G ambia i s u nderlain by s edi-
Geoscience Education
mentary rocks deposited in a regional basin related
to t he o pening o f t he A tlantic O cean. The oldest The only university of the country has been founded
strata of the country, which is confined to the valley in 1999, and geology/geosciences courses are not yet
of the Gambia River, are Tertiary rocks of Oligocene, offered there.
Miocene or Pliocene age known as the Continental
Terminal Series and made up of sands, sandstones,
silts, c lays a nd k aolinitic c laystones. These occur
mostly i n t he west a nd centre of t he country. Pleis- Russel, T. S. & Whyte, W. J. (1988): Geological Map of the
tocene i ronstone cr usts co nsisting o f i ron o xides, Gambia, Scale 1:250,0 00.– Geological Unit, Ministry of
gravels, s ands, si lts a nd c lay matrices predominate Economic Planning and Industrial Development, The
Republic of The Gambia.
in t he e ast of t he c ountry a s well a s Pleistocene a l- Whyte, W. J. (1988): Geology and Mineral Resources of the
luvium, which is made u p of undivided sands, silts Gambia.– 1–69, Geological Unit, Ministry of Economic
and clays. Holocene deposits consist of marine and Planning and I ndustrial Development, The Republic
coastal sands, silts, clays and salts, sometimes with of Gambia.
organic i ntercalations. The H olocene d eposits a re
found along the Gambia River including its tributar-
ies and close to the sea.

Fig. 143 Aerial view of the Gambia estuary. Banjul lies on a

hooked sandspit in the far end (from Buckle, 1997)
(.—N (-—N (,—N


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8KC8EK@: I `m
F:<8E XdY`X

(*—E J<E<>8C (*—E

N <

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(.—N (-—N (,—N (+—N

The Gambia
DfjkcpXcclm`Xcj I\Z\ek$Gc\`jkfZ\e\

:fejfc`[Xk\[jXe[]fidXk`fej E\f^\e\$D\jfqf`Z

Fig. 144 Geological overview of The Gambia (modified after Russel & Whyte, 1988)
General originally defined as Lower and Upper Birrimian, re-
Area: 238,540 km2 spectively. It has, however, been demonstrated that the
Population: 23,014,000 ( 2007 estimate) Lower and Upper Birimian rocks represent a coeval
sequence, in which the volcanoclastic assemblage is
emplaced as a series of evenly spaced volcanic belts.
Summary of Geology
These volcanic belts are several hundred kilometres
Geologically, Ghana can be subdivided into three dif- long and consist mainly of low-grade metamorphic
ferent major units: Paleoproterozoic rocks predomi- tholeiitic lavas. From south to north they are named
nate in the southwestern and northwestern part of the Kibi-Winiba B elt, A shanti B elt, A sankrangwa B elt,
country, whereas gneisses and supracrustal rocks of Sefwi Belt, Bole-Navrongo Belt and Lawra Belt. Apart
mostly Neoproterozoic age occur in the southeast and from the most northern Lawra Belt they all trend in a
east of the country. Flat-lying shelf/marine sediments NE-SW direction. These belts are separated by basins
of very late Precambrian to Paleozoic age are found containing chiefly isoclinally folded dacitic, volcani-
in the central and northeastern part of the country. clastic and argillitic sediments as well as granitoids.
Mostly C enozoic s ediments o ccur i n a sma ll s trip In the transition zone between the volcanic belts and
along the coast. the s edimentary ba sins c rop o ut c herts, ma ngani-
ferous horizons, car bonates a nd C -rich s ediments,
considered a s t ypical ex halative faci es. A fter their
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
emplacement, the Birrimian lavas and sediments were
Most Paleoproterozoic strata in West Africa can be folded du ring t he E burnean t ectonothermal e vent,
assigned to the Birrimian Supergroup, which is largely intruded b y v arious t ypes o f g ranitoids, u plifted
subdivided i nto a s edimentary suc cession, c onsist- and eroded. The erosional products were deposited
ing of phyllites, tuffs a nd g reywackes, o verlain b y as sediments of the Tarkwaian Group in a long and
conglomerates, sandstones and shales, and a volcanic narrow intramontane graben, representing a gently
succession of tholeiitic affinity. These two units were folded molassic sequence, which was formed due to
rifting. Intruded into the Birrimian Supergroup are
large masses of g ranites a nd g ranodiorites of Cape
Coast type, which occur as batholiths in the central
portion of the Birrimian sedimentary basins, and of
Winneba type, which has an Archean sialic precursor.

Fig. 145 Ghana, the former Gold Coast, has produced large Fig. 146 Sword ornaments include some of the largest gold
quantities of gold, which was used for various purposes. The castings made by the Akan, weighing up to 800 g. These two
lion became in the 19th Century a symbol of royal power and examples represent a monitor lizard or skink (above) and a
was adopted by the Akan people from European heraldic crocodile (below)
+—N )—N '—

('—E N < ('—E

KXdXc\ J

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-—E -—E



+—N '— )—<

JXe[j#ZcXpj#^iXm\cj ?fcZ\e\$ J_Xc\j#jXe[jkfe\j#Xibfj\j#cXmXjf]k_\
Gc\`jkfZ\e\ 9l\d=fidXk`fe

I\[Zfek`e\ekXc[\gfj`kj#dX`ecp E\f^\e\Xe[ HlXikq`k\j#j_Xc\j#g_pcc`k\jf]k_\Kf^f E\fgifk\ifqf`Z

c`dfe`k`ZjXe[j#jXe[pZcXpj#^iXm\cj GXc\f^\e\ J\i`\j

DXi`e\j_Xc\j#jXe[jkfe\jXe[ <fZ\e\$ 8Z`[`ZXe[YXj`Z^e\`jj\jXe[jZ_`jkjf]

c`d\jkfe\j :i\kXZ\flj k_\;X_fd\pXe>iflg
JXe[jkfe\j#^i`kj#Zfe^cfd\iXk\j# :i\kXZ\flj$
j_Xc\j#dl[jkfe\jf]k_\J\bfe[`Xe HlXikq`k\j#g_pcc`k\j#^i`kj#Zfe^cfd\i$
;\mfe`Xe Xk\jf]k_\KXibnX`Xe>iflg
D\kXdfig_fj\[cXmXjXe[gpifZcXjk`Z GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z
GIFK<IFQF@: ifZbjf]k_\Lgg\i9`i`d`XeJpjk\d
HlXikq`k\j#j_Xc\j#Xibfj\j#dl[jkfe\j# GXc\fqf`Z$
c`d\jkfe\j#Zfe^cfd\iXk\jf]k_\ E\fgifk\ifqf`Z G_pcc`k\j#jZ_`jkj#kl]]j#^i\pnXZb\jf]
MfckX`XeJlg\i^iflg $D\jf$ k_\Cfn\i9`i`d`XeJpjk\d


Fig. 147 Geological overview of Ghana (modified after Anonymous, 1989)

118 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Smaller masses of granites called Dixcove type form

an u nfoliated i ntrusion i nto t he v olcanic b elt. The
rare B ongo p otassic g ranitoids a re p ost-Tarkwaian
in age and mainly found in the northern part of the
The Neoproterozoic Pa n-African mobile b elt ter-
rane of eastern and southeastern Ghana consists of
the Dahomeyan System, comprising mafic and felsic
gneisses, t he Togo S eries w ith qu artzite, sha le a nd
minor s erpentinite, a nd t he Buem Gro up, w hich
consists of sha les, sa ndstones, ba saltic t o t rachytic
lavas and volcanoclastics.
Sedimentary rocks of the Volta Basin can be subdi-
vided into the following three units: The Bombouaka
Supergroup, the Pendjari (or Oti) Supergroup and the
Tamale Supergroup. These represent slightly different
stratigraphic divisions than the lower, middle and up-
per Voltaian subdivisions previously used in Ghana.
The Bombouaka Supergroup has a thickness of about
1000 m a nd c omprises do minantly s andstones a nd
soft clay-siliceous sediments. The Pendjari (or O ti)
Supergroup has an average thickness of about 2,500 m
and r ests w ith a n erosi onal u nconformity, pa rtly
of g lacial o rigin, o n v arious B ombouaka ro cks, o r
directly on crystalline basement. Predominant rock
types a t t he ba se i nclude a n a ssociation o f t illite-
dolomitic limestone with baryte-silixite, and in the
upper pa rt rh ythmic a rgillites a nd si ltstones. The Fig. 149 A pit for artisanal gold mining in the Ashanti
Tamale Supergroup has a t hickness of about 500 m Region
and is made up in its lower part of clays and siltstones,
and i n its upper pa rt of s andy, c oarser c ontinental
rocks. This supergroup represents a typical foreland to ba sal C ambrian, o r s ometimes to t he L ower Pa -
molasse basin. Age determinations indicated for the leozoic, and thus could be time equivalent to the
Bombouaka Supergroup 1,100–700 Ma , a nd for t he Sekondian and Accraian Series developed along the
Pendjari (or Oti) Supergroup 700–600 Ma , whereas Atlantic coast of Ghana.
the a ge o f t he Tamale Su pergroup i s c ontroversial. Phanerozoic rock units at several places along the
Sometimes it is assigned to the upper Neoproterozoic coast include the Early or Middle Devonian Accraian
Series, t he M iddle De vonian to L ower Cr etaceous
Sekondian Series, t he Upper Jurassic to L ower Cre-
taceous Amisian Group, the Upper Cretaceous Apol-
lonian Group, and Tertiary to Recent unconsolidated,
marine, lagoonal and fluvial deposits.

Economic Geology
Gold de posits a re e conomically b y f ar t he mos t
important m ineral t ype i n Gha na. Pa st c umulated
production is estimated to be in excess of 1500 t Au.
Five i mportant t ypes of gold m ineralisation o ccur:
1. Ste eply d ipping qu artz v eins w ith na tive A u i n
shear z ones a t Bi rrimian b elt/basin b oundaries; 2.
Fig. 148 The heap of a gold mine in the Ashanti region Disseminated sulphide bodies, spatially, though not
Fig. 150 Chutes for liquid clayey gold mud used in artisanal Fig. 152 The siphon of a liquid gold mud delivering chute in
mining in the Ashanti region the Ashanti region

necessarily genetically in association with the shear beryl, spodumen, molybdenite and on-shore alluvial
zones, and quartz veins, with auriferous arsenopyrite ilmenite a nd r utile have b een identified but ha rdly
as ma jor h ost o f g old; 3. D isseminated a nd s tock- been f ollowed u p. Sma ll-scale p roduction o f s and,
werk mineralisation in l ate-kinematic “ basin-type” gravel and other construction minerals is widespread.
granitoids; 4. Modified paleo-placer-mineralisation Several small clay and kaolin deposits are worked for

in qu artz-pebble c onglomerates o f t he Tarkwaian bricks and/or ceramic products.
Group, c arrying, b esides g old, de trital a nd r econ-

stituted ma gnetite a nd hema tite; 5. A lluvial g old
concentrations in Recent and subrecent river gravels
(Figs 148–150 and 152). Major geoenvironmental hazards were created by the

Considerable d iamond de posits a re r ecovered pollution of surface waters and aquifers through gold
from river gravels in the eastern and central region. mining activities.
No kimberlites have been reported. Bauxite, derived
from we athering of Pa leoproterozoic ph yllites, i s
mined i n t he Awaso a rea o f t he w estern r egion.
Manganese ore in the form of manganese oxides and An i nventory ha s n ot y et b een made , b ut t he B o-
carbonates is mined at Nsuta in the western region. sumtwi Meteorite Impact Crater near Kumasi has
Traces of chromite, asbestos, andalusite, barite, mica, been proposed by Reimold (1999), who complained
nepheline s yenite, c assiterite, c olumbite, mon azite, that the scientific and touristic value of the site was

Fig. 151 The 113 m high rock-fill dam at Akosombo in the Fig. 153 Bosumtwi impact crater near Kumasi represents a
Volta Gorge of southern Ghana, holding back an artificial lake large meteoritic structure
of 8482 km2 (1964)
120 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 155 A hornbill bird made of iron by Akan people

Bell, S. V. (1964): Some comments on t he t illite f rom t he

Buem formation of Upper Precambrian age, from the
Fig. 154 The mudfish is a popular motif in Akan gold work, Volta region of Ghana (West Africa).– Geol. Magazine
often represented among sword ornaments and finger rings 101, 564–565; London.
Cox, L. R. (1952): Cretaceous and Eocene Fossils from the
Gold C oast.– Bu ll. G old C oast G eol. Su rvey 17, 1–68;
not yet recognized by Ghanaian geologists. An excel- Jones, E. (1977): A bibliography of the geology of Ghana and
related topics.– Bull. Ghana Geol. Surv., 1–66, Ministry
lent description including a r evised geological map of Lands and Mineral Resources; Accra.
of the Busumtwi area was presented by Koeberl and Junner, N. R. (1940): Geology of the Gold Coast and western
Reimold (2005). Togoland, with revised Geological Map (1:1,000,000).–
Bull. Geol. Surv. Gold Coast 11, 9–19; Accra.
Kesse, G . O. (1985): The M ineral a nd Ro ck R esources of
Geoscience Education Ghana.– I–XIV, 1–610; Balkema, Rotterdam.
Kesse, G . O. ( 1995): M anagement a nd E xploitation of
Countrywide there are at least 2 u niversities where Mineral Resources in a S ound Environment The Gha-
geology/geosciences c ourses i n u ndergraduate a nd naian E xperience.– I n: P roceedings of t he S eminar
postgraduate c ourses a re o ffered. T he p ersonnel and Workshop: Environmentally Sound Management
and E xploitation of M ineral R esources, a nd G eologi-
and institutional capacities of their departments are cal Application of R emote Sensing, 2–6 October 1995,
apparently of rather high standard, because in inter- Entebbe, Uganda, D. Hadoto & T. Schlüter (eds.), 81–105;
national ranking databases for Africa the respective Tervuren, Nairobi, Entebbe.
universities achieve good positions. Kesse, G. O. & Barning, K. (1985): Lode Gold Deposits in
the Birrimian System of Southwest Ghana.– UNESCO
Geology for D evelopment, Newsletter 4 , 67–76; Pa ris,
References Nairobi.
Kitson, A . E. & D avies, A . M. (1922): D evonian Ro cks at
Affaton, P., R ahaman, M . A., Trompette, R . & S ougy, J. Accra, Gold Co ast.– Compte R endu 13 International
(1991): T he D ahomeyide O rogen: Tectonothermal Congr. Geology , 945–947; Brussels.
Evolution and Relationships with the Volta Basin.– In: Koeberl, C . & R eimold, W. U. (2005): B osumtwi I mpact
R. D. Dallmeyer & J.P. Lécorchè (eds.), The Westafrican Crater: An Updated and Revised Geological Map, with
Orogens a nd Ci rcum-Atlantic C orrelations, 107–122; Explanations.– J ahrbuch G eologische B undesanstalt
Springer Verlag, Berlin. 145/1, 31–70; Vienna.
Amedofu, S . K. (1995): G old i n G hana.– Pa ngea 23, 5–14; Leube, A., Hirdes, W., Mauer, R. & Kesse, G. O. (1990): The
Orleans. Early Proterozoic Birimian Supergroup of Ghana and
Anonymous (1989): Geological Map of Ghana, 1:2,000 ,000 .– Some Aspects of it s Associated Gold Mineralization.–
Geological Survey of Ghana, Survey of Ghana at Accra; Precambrian Research 46, 139–165; Amsterdam.
Accra. Reimold, W. U. (1999): Geoconservation – a s outhern Af-
Bates, D . A. (1955): G eological m ap of t he G old C oast, rican and African perspective.– Journal African Earth
1:1,000 ,000 .– Survey department; Accra. Sciences 29, 469–483; Oxford.
Ghana 121 G
General becoming finer grained towards t he top. It overlies
Area: 245,857 km2 unconformably t he me tamorphic c omplex o f t he
Population: 9,932,000 ( 2007 estimate) Bania and Ouankifondi Groups. Red sandstones and
conglomerates of the Taban Group outcrop in several
small basins in Guinea immediately south of the Bove
Summary of Geology
Basin. These strata lie u nconformably on metamor-
Major pa rts o f Gu inea a re u nderlain b y P recam- phic rocks of the Forecariah and Ouankifondi Groups.
brian rocks, which form the southern portion of the The Taban Gro up i s c onsidered to b e o f fluviatile
West African Craton. The eastern two-thirds of the origin and is interpreted to be post-orogenic molasse,
country are dominated by rocks of the Kenema-Man which may represent the southernmost extent of the
domain and the Paleoproterozoic Birrimian System. post-orogenic molasse of t he Youkounkoun Group
Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic sediments with a basal of Guinea north of the Bove Basin, which covers the
tillite a nd o verlying s andstones, ma rls a nd qu artz- greatest part of western Guinea. The rock sequences
ites form wide parts of northern Guinea. Along the of t he B ove B asin have b een sub divided i nto t hree
coast occurs a strip of Neogene marine and alluvial groups: The Pita Group is the lowest and subdivided
sediments. into the Kindia Formation at the base and the follow-
ing Mount Gangan Formation. The Kindia Formation
is made mostly up of white, conglomeratic sandstones,
probably representing an alluvial plain. The Mount
Crystalline ba sement ro cks i n t he w estern pa rt o f Gangan Formation consists of sandstones with iso-
the Rokel ide O rogen a re p laced i n t he F orecariah lated, angular quartz pebbles and argillites with iso-
Group, which is considered to range from Neoarchean lated quartz clasts looking like a diamictite. No fossils
(2,700 Ma) to P aleoproterozoic (2,000 Ma) a ge. The have been found in the Pita Group, but it appears to
Forecariah Group is composed of a variety of gneisses, be more ancient than the following Telimele Group,
schists, migmatites and mylonites metamorphosed to which has been dated as early Silurian (Llandovery),
amphibolite and granulitic facies. It is subdivided into due to t he occurrence of graptolites. The lower part
the Kissi Kissi Formation, the Forecariah Formation, of the Telimele Group is composed mainly of argil-
the Ma hera F ormation a nd t he K ounsouta F orma- lites and siltstones, including also levels of green and
tion. The O uankifondi Group ha s b een c onsidered pyritic sandstones. 15 fossiliferous layers with grapto-
to be distinct from the Forecariah Group because of lites and microfossils have been identified. The upper
structural contrasts. To the east of the Ouankifondi part of t he Telimele Group begins w ith a s equence
Group i s a s equence o f v olcanosedimentary ro cks of s andstones, c ontaining s ometimes b rachiopods.
known as the Bania Group. It is composed of andes- In the higher part of this succession black and grey
ites, diabases, spilites and diorites and exhibits pillow shales are rich in various marine fossils, indicating a
lavas at Mt Binia. The Bania Group has sometimes late Silurian (Ludlow) to early Devonian (Gedinnian)
been correlated with the Ouankifondi Group, while age. The following Bafata Group is subdivided into
other a uthors co nsider i t t o be eq uivalent t o t he three formations: The lower formation is composed
Kolente Group, which r anges f rom Neoproterozoic of sandstones, intercalated by argillaceous and silty
to early Paleozoic. Of Neoproterozoic age is also the levels, containing brachiopods and sometimes trace
Walidiala Gro up i n n orthern Gu inea, w hich c om- fossils. The middle formation begins with a thick yel-
mences w ith a ba sal t illite. M icrofossils r ecovered low sandstone level with brachiopods of Eifelian age.
from dol omites i mmediately o verlying t his t illite It is followed by pink siltstones including brachiopods
place the upper part of the Walidiala Group and the of Givetian age. The upper formation is composed of
Mali Group into t he Cambrian. Hence t he Kolente argillites and siltstones, also containing brachiopods,
Group, exposed in southern Guinea and also char- which indicate a F rasnian and Famennian age. The
acterized b y a ba sal t illite, p robably s traddles t he environment o f t he B afata Gro up w as appa rently
Neoproterozoic-Cambrian b oundary. The Kolente shallow marine.
Group i s g enerally c omposed o f g reenish c lastics Along the coast occurs a na rrow strip of marine
and s ands near t he ba se of t he sequence, t he latter and alluvial clastic sediments of Cenozoic age.
(+—N ()—N ('—N

J<E<>8C >l`e\X

()—E >L@E<8$ ()—E




:feXZbip J@<II8C<FE<


,' ' ,' (''bd N <

/—E (+—N /—E


('—N /—N

DXi`e\Xcclm`Xcj 8I:?<8E
B`dY\ic`k\j >e\`jj\jf]k_\J`dXe[lJ\i`\j

G8C<FQF@: >e\`jj\jf]k_\Dfi\X_J\i`\j
JXe[jkfe\j ;\mfe`Xe
JZ_`jkj J`cli`Xe :XcZ$XcZXc`e\^iXe`k\jgfjkk\Zkfe`Z

JXe[jkfe\jf]k_\G`kX>iflg Fi[fm`Z`Xe :XcZ$XcZXc`e\^iXe`k\jjpek\Zkfe`Z

k_\=Xc\d`XeXe[=Xc\XJ\i`\j @e]iXZXdYi`Xe I_pfc`k\jXe[d`Zif^iXe`k\j

GIFK<IFQF@: E\g_\c`e`k`Zjp\e`k\jf]k_\Cffj`jcXe[j
Jpjk\d =Xlck

Fig. 156 Geological overview of Guinea (modified after Anonymous, 1998)

124 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Archean and Pan-African structures are clearly rec-
ognizable in Guinea in rocks affected by the Rokelide
Orogeny and are similar to those in Sierra Leone.

Economic Geology
Guinea is a country rich in various mineral commodi-
ties, but largely under-exploited. Among its mining
resources ba uxite c onstitutes t he ma jor s ource o f
foreign e xchange r evenues, ac counting f or a lmost
40 % of the bauxite world trade with average annual Fig. 158 Screening of diamond-bearing gravel by artisanal
exports of approximately 14 million tonnes. All baux- miners in the Kerouane region
ite deposits occur in the western and central parts of
the country and were formed through the alteration
of dolerites, crystalline schists and nepheline syenites Major iron ore deposits originating from Banded
from Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic strata during the Iron F ormations ( BIF) o f A rchean ro cks o ccur f or
peneplanation a nd l aterization o f t his r egion. The instance at Mt Nimba in the east of the country.
average thickness of the ore varies from 3 to 9 m. Ac- Other mineral products include a n ickel deposit in
cess to the deposits is easy and mining is carried out the Ka koulima-Kaloun ra nge, a bout 50 km a way
in open pits (Fig. 157). from Conakry. Uranium deposits occur in the north
Diamonds of gemstone quality occur in southern of t he c ountry a long t he b order to Ma li. I lmenite,
Guinea. They or iginate f rom Me sozoic k imberlite rutile, z ircon, to urmaline, e tc. a re a ssociated w ith
dykes and pipes, which are controlled by deepseated sands f rom sh orelines a nd l arge w atercourse b eds,
fracture systems. Diamonds can be found in Guinea such as the Niger, the Nandian, the Bofon River, etc.
also i n a lluvial a nd el uvial de posits. A rtisanal d ia- Economical deposits are known in Cape Varga, Boffa
mond mining is mostly done in relict heavy mineral and Benty, but not yet exploited.
concentrations in near-to-surface fractures in Ordovi- Hydrocarbon exploration in Guinea began already
cian quartzites in the Kindia area of western Guinea in 1968, and the existence of oil resources in the Guin-
(Figs 158 and 159). ean offshore has since then been confirmed, but no
Gold is found primarily in shear-zone hosted Pa- production unit is yet in operation.
leoproterozoic greenstone belts. But most economic
are t hose deposits, which were formed t hrough en-
richment during l aterization. Ar tisanal mining of
alluvial gold is locally widespread.

Fig. 157 Open pit bauxite mine in the Fria area, coastal Fig. 159 Drag-line set-up of diamond bearing gravels in
Guinea Banankaro in the Kerouane region
Mining operations a re t he ma in geoenvironmental
hazard, especially causing pollution in groundwaters
and aquifers.

Geoscience Education
Though Guinea has a long mining tradition, the Kofi
Annan University does not offer courses in geology/
geosciences education. Some training with geoscien-
tific background is, however, done at the Centre de
Promotion et de Developpement Miniers Conakry.

Anonymous (~ 1998): G uinea: M ining P otential. C PDM
(Centre of M ining P romotion a nd D evelopment),
Ministére des Mines, de la Géologie et de l᾽Environment
(MMGE), 1–16; Conakry.
Coulibaly, S. (1992): Industrial minerals of Guinea.– Indus-
trial minerals 296, 141–143; London.

Kone, J. (1969): Die Lagerstätten nutzbarer Mineralien und
der Bergbau in der Republik Guinea.Bergakademie 21
(8), 463–465; Leipzig

Millot, G . & D ars, R . (1959): L’archipel d es I les d e L os:
une s tructure a nnulaire su b-volcanique en Gu inee.–
Notes Serv. Geologique Prosp. Mineralogique 2, 47–56:

Lacroix, A. (1911): Les syenites nephelenitiques de l᾽Archi-
pelago de Los et leurs mineraux.– Nouvelles Arch. Nat.
Hist. 3, 1–162; paris.
Lacomme, A ., D elor, C ., C ostea, A ., E gal, E ., Fe ybesse,
J.-L., I liescu, D., L ahondere, D., G oujou, J.-C., Thie b-
lemont, D. & Theveniaut, H. (1999): Carte Geologique
de la Guinee a 1/500,0 00.– Ministere Mines, Geologie,
l᾽Environment, l᾽appui technique BRGM, Aide et Co-
operation francais.
Villeneuve, M . (1989): The ge ology of t he M adina-Kouta
basin (Guinea-Senegal) a nd it s si gnificance for t he
geodynamic evolution of the western part of the West
African Craton during the Upper Proterozoic period.–
Precambrian Res. 44, 305322; Amsterdam.
Guinea Bissau
General and younger sedimentary deposits, which are mainly
Area: 36,125 km2 of marine origin. Mafic dykes and sills cut all of the
Population: 1,665,000 ( 2007 estimate) above mentioned complexes.
Geomorphological evolution was intense during
the Q uaternary, ma rked b y t he f ormation o f l arge
Summary of Geology
glacis and some terrace levels, while the older plateaux
Geologically, Guinea Bissau can be divided into three are characterized by extensive duricrusts, generally
tectono-stratigraphic units. In the extreme northeast up to 8m thick, sometimes forming table lands. Some
occur Neoproterozoic ro cks, t he re st of t he e astern transgressive/regressive marine episodes known from
part c omprises N eoproterozoic to Pa leozoic s trata, other areas in northwest Africa are also indicated in
and the west contains Cenozoic to Recent sediments. Guinea Bissau, for instance the Tafaratian, Aioujian,
Inchirian and Nouakchottian episodes.
The ol dest ro cks o f Gu inea Bi ssau a re t hose o f t he
Neoproterozoic (680 Ma) Koulountou Group in the The Bove Basin features a l arge-scale, shallow open
extreme northeast of the country, representing schis- fold, the Bove-Bafata Syncline, striking NE-SW, and
tose lavas of the southern Calc-Alkaline Complex of is cut by brittle faults.
the Mauritanides Orogen. The Koulountou rocks are
attributed to the orogenic volcanism that is related to
Economic Geology
the evolution of an active continental margin.
The rocks of the Youkounkoun Group are generally Guinea Bissau has traditionally not been considered
unmetamorphosed b ut sl ightly f olded, o riginating to be well-endowed with mineral resources, but
from s ediments of a p ost-orogenic mol asse. R adio- exploration has continued to p rospect for potential
metric age data revealed about 580 Ma. Rocks of the deposits. B auxite a ssociated w ith l ateritic r egolith
Mali and Batapa Groups are probably age equivalent overlaying Pa leozoic s ediments ha s b een r eported,
to the Youkounkoun Group or slightly younger. The but has not as yet been exploited. Some isolated, low-
Mali ro cks r epresent mo notonous si ltstones w ith grade gold anomalies occur in the northeast of the
radiolarians, w hile t hose o f t he B atapa Gro up a re country. Associated with the Paleozoic sedimentary
the westward equivalent of the Mali Group. The rocks are soil anomalies of lead, zinc, copper and mo-
sediments of the Bove Basin cover the greatest part lybdenum, but no follow-up exploration has yet been
of eastern central Guinea Bissau. The basin is a gentle conducted. A larger resource of phosphates occurs in
synclinal feature filled with Ordovician to Devonian the Eocene carbonate sediments of the Farim region.
strata. The following three units can be subdivided: Locally, small-scale quarries produce road and brick
The Pita Group is 250–600 m t hick a nd consists of building materials.
conglomeratic s andstones, p robably r epresenting
deposition in an alluvial plain. No fossils occur in the
Geoscience Education
Pita Group, but an Ordovician age has been assumed.
The P ita Group i s more a ncient t han t he following There i s n o u niversity i n Gu inea Bi ssau, t herefore
Telimele Group, which is ranging from Llandovery, as geology/geosciences c ourses a re n ot offered i n t he
indicated by graptolites, to Upper Devonian (Famen- country.
nian). Various fossils have been found in the Telimele
Group, which has a thickness of 150–330 m. The third
unit is represented by the Bafata Group, which is also
of Devonian age a nd has a t hickness ranging f rom Alves, P. H., De Carvalho, H. & Afevedo, T. M. (2004): Geo-
150–430 m. I t w as p robably de posited i n a ma rine logical mapping of Gu inea-Bissau.– 20 th Colloquium
shelf environment. African Geology, Abstr. Vol. 46, 19; Orleans.
Teixeira, J. E. (1968): Geologia da Guiné Portuguese.– Junta
In the western part of Guinea Bissau, these Paleo- Inv. Ultramar 1, 53–104; Lisboa.
zoic rocks are unconformably overlain by Cenozoic

(,—N (+—N



()—E ()—E


((—E N < ((—E


*' ' *' -'bd

(-—N (,—N (+—N

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj I\Z\ek$

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj E\f^\e\

J\[`d\ekjf]k_\9fm„9Xj`e ;\mfe`Xe$


GXiXlkfZ_k_fefljifZbjf]k_\DXc`Xe[ GXc\fqf`Z6 $
9XkXgX>iflgj E\fgifk\ifqf`Z



Fig. 160 Geological overview of Guinea-Bissau (modified after Teixeira, 1968)

Ivory Coast – Cote d’Ivoire
General sedimentary ba sins. These v olcanic b elts c ontain
Area: 322,463 km2 chiefly low-metamorphic-grade tholeiitic flow rocks,
Population: 18,096,000 ( 2007 estimate) minor felsic volcaniclastics, some chemical sediments
and s yn-volcanic g ranitoid i ntrusions, w hich ha ve
yielded ages between 2,190–2,150 Ma . The sedimen-
Summary of Geology
tary basins consist of isoclinally folded, mostly dacitic
Almost a ll o f I vory C oast i s u nderlain b y ro cks o f volcaniclastics, greywackes and argillites. In central
Precambrian a ge (Archean a nd Pa leoproterozoic), Ivory C oast, continuity, spacing a nd pa rallelism of
belonging to the West African Craton. Only along the the v olcanic b elts a re l ess c learly de veloped, a nd
southern and southeastern coastal strip occur oil- and there are terrains in between them consisting largely
gas-bearing, mostly Cenozoic sediments. of gneisses and granitoids. The volcanic belts in this
central sector have yielded an age of about 2,100 Ma,
thus indicating t wo generations of volcanic b elts
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
being present in the Baoule-Mossi domain of Ivory
The Precambrian rocks of Ivory Coast can be subdi- Coast. Sandstones, arkoses and minor quartz-pebble
vided into the Archean Kenema-Man domain in the conglomerates b elonging to t he Tarkwaian Gro up
extreme west of t he c ountry a round Ma n, a nd t he are f ound a s r elatively sma ll, i solated o ccurrences
Paleoproterozoic Baoule-Mossi domain in central and spatially associated with some volcanic belts, the larg-
eastern Ivory Coast. Both are separated by the N-S est one cropping out in the northeast of the country
trending Sassandra mylonitic zone. The Kenema-Man near B ondoukou. The Eburnean tectono-thermal
domain consists chiefly of Archean granulitic and eventfolded a nd me tamorphosed t he supracrustals
migmatitic gneisses with subordinate granitoids and and syn-volcanic granitoids at around 2,100 Ma and
relic su pracrustal b elts, w hich a re me tamorphosed is responsible for the formation of high-strain zones
to granulite facies and predominantly composed of close to volcanic belt/sedimentary basin boundaries
banded i ronstone for mations. The A rchean ro cks as well as major, several 100 km-long, N-S trending
were a ffected by two major, but poorly constrained shear zones of regional importance. The basins and
tectono-thermal events, the earlier Leonian orogeny locally s ome b elts were i ntruded b y e xtensive, la te-
(ca. 3,500–2,900 Ma ) a nd t he subs equent L iberian kinematic S-Type granitoid plutons, which vary from
orogeny (ca. 2,900 –2,500 Ma). Similarly as in Ghana, tonalite to peraluminous granite.
the Paleoproterozoic terranes of the Baoule-Mossi do- Mostly Neogene to Recent clastic sediments exist
main in eastern Ivory Coast consist mostly of NE-SW along and offshore as part of the country᾽s Atlantic
trending, subparallel volcanic belts and intervening coast, which is generally made up of sandy beaches

Fig. 161 The lagoon of Abidjan, Ivory Coast

/—N -—N +—N

D8C@ E

9LIB@E8=8JF N <


/—E /—E



-—E -—E


Ivory Coast – Cote d᾽Ivoire



('' ' ('' )''bd

/—N -—N )—N

:<EFQF@: 8I:?<8E
CX^ffeXcXe[Xcclm`Xcj\[`d\ekj I\Z\ek$
HlXik\ieXip Gi\$9`ii`d`XeYXj\d\ek E\fXiZ_\Xe6

GIFK<IFQF@: Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[YXj\d\ek
J\[`d\ekXip]cpjZ_]XZ`\jf]k_\ Jki`b\jc`g]Xlck

MfcZXef$ZcXjk`Z]XZ`\jf]k_\9`ii`d`Xe GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z



Fig. 162 Geological overview of Cote d’Ivoire (modified after Rocci, 1991)
130 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 164 Gold jewelry in Ivory Coast was often made as

hollow castings for saving gold. The form was modeled from
Fig. 163 A bronze ring made by the Senufo people in Ivory a thin sheet of wax over a charcoal core that could be removed
Coast, showing a chameleon after casting. A leopard and a pangolin are shown

and l agoons. Th is s edimentary ba sin h osts I vory Diamond production is mainly undertaken in the
Coast᾽s modest known oil and natural gas reserves. alluvial fields at Tortiya in the north-central part of
the country south of Korhoga, and at Seguela. Kim-
berlite dykes are known at Seguela, Kanangone and
Economic Geology
Tortiya, a lthough n one o f t hese k imberlites s o f ar
Although a r elatively l arge n umber o f m ineral o c- discovered has yielded diamonds.
currences ha s b een i dentified i n I vory C oast, t he The t wo most common t ypes of iron formations
production o f m ineral c ommodities p layed o nly a found in Ivory Coast are the Minette Oolitic and the
minor role in the economy of the country. Lake Superior types. The Monogaga deposit (Minette
Gold de posits a re e conomically t he mos t i mpor- Oolitic type) near Sassandra is Miocene/Pliocene in
tant m ineral resources i n Ivory C oast. Thr ee types age and contains 150 Mt at 40% Fe. Lake Superior type
of gold m ineralization a re k nown: a ) s teeply d ip- magnetite deposits occur at Mt Gao, Segaye, Tortro,
ping quartz veins with native gold in shear zones Tia and Klahoyo. Lateritic nickel over amphibolitic
at v olcanic be lt/sedimentary b asin bo undaries; b) gneisses has been discovered at Biankouma, close to
disseminated su lphide bodies, spatially t hough not the Guinea border. Some of t he nickel occurrences
necessarily genetically in association with the shear carry appreciable a mounts of cobalt. Ma nganese is
zones and quartz veins, with auriferous sulphides as found a s o xide, c arbonate a nd si licate. A t Z iemou-
major h ost o f g old; c) a lluvial g old c oncentrations goula i n t he n orthwest o f t he c ountry, l enticular
in Re cent a nd sub -Recent r iver g ravels. M odified bodies have been drilled indicating potential reserves
paleoplacer gold m ineralization i n i nterbedded of 1.2 Mt at 47 % Mn. At Mokta and the Blafa-Gueto
conglomerates a nd qu artz-sericite s chists o f t he hills manganese occurs as residual caps, formed by
Tarkwaian Group has also been reported, with grades secondary en richment o f u nderlying p hyllites a nd
up to 3 g/t. An example for types a and b includes the gondites. Other mineral occurrences include bauxite,
Aniuri Mine in the extreme southeast of the country, glass s and, t itanium a nd t antalite r ecovered f rom
which is located in the Afema shear zone, which is a beach s ands, a nd m inor Ni-Cu de posits a ssociated
southwesterly continuation of the Bibiani shear zone with platinum group minerals.
in Ghana. Alluvial deposits in river gravels are mined
at Toulepleu and Babadougou.
Bard, J. P. (1974): Les grands accidents du craton ouest-afric-
ain en Cote d᾽Ivoire: des décrochements post-éburnéens
(?).– C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris D 278, 2609–2611; Paris.
Bessoles, B. (1977): Géologie de l᾽Afrique. Le Craton Ouest
Africain.– Mém. Bu r. Rech. Géol. Min. Pa ris 88, 402–
479; Paris.
Charpy, N. & Na hon, D. (1978): C ontribution a l᾽ Etude
lithostratigraphique du Tertiaire du Bassin de Cote
d᾽Ivoire.– Faculté des Sciences, Dept. Science de la terre,
Serie Documentation 18, 1–34; Abidjan.
Hirdes, W., Davis, D. W., Lüdtke, G. & Kon an, G. (1996):
Two generations of Bi rimian (Paleoproterozoic) volca-
nic belts in northeastern Cote d᾽Ivoire (West Africa):
Fig. 165 Lake Kossou near Bouaffle in central Ivory Coast consequences for the “Birimian controversy”.– Precam-
brian Research 80, 173–191; Amsterdam.
Peron, C . (1975): A tlas d es i ndices m ineraux d e l a C ote
Geosites d᾽Ivoire a u 1:4,000 ,000 .– R apport SO DEMI (Societe
pour le Development Minier de la Cote d᾽Ivoire) 338,
1–46; Abidjan.
Th is c urrently c ivil-war to rn c ountry offers many
Rocci, G., Bronner, G. & Deschamps, M. (1991): Crystalline
places of scenic beauty (Figs 161 and 165), which are Basement of t he West A frican Craton.– I n: The West
largely unknown. African O rogens a nd Ci rcum-Atlantic C orrelatives,
R.D. Dallmeyer and J.P. Lécorché (eds.), 32–61; Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg.
Geoscience Education Tagini, B . & G obert, M . (1981): C arte a u 1:4,000.000 e t
catalogue des gites et principaux indices mineraux de la

Countrywide there is one university (Abidjan) where Cote d᾽Ivoire.– Societe pour le Development Minier de
geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ost- la Cote d᾽Ivoire (SODEMI), Abidjan, 1–22; Abidjan.

graduate courses are offered. The personnel and in- Wright, J. R., Hastings, D. A., Jones, W. B. & Williams, H. R.
stitutional capacities of its department are probably of (1985): Geology and mineral resources of West Africa.–
1–187; Allen and Unwin, London.
rather low standard as the university is not considered

Ivory Coast – Cote d᾽Ivoire

in international ranking databases for Africa.
Area: 582,650 km2
Population: 36,913,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Kenya is underlain by Neoarchean rocks occurring in
the west of the country along Lake Victoria, metamor-
phic rocks of the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt
mainly in t he northern central pa rt of t he country,
sediments r anging f rom L ate Pa leozoic to Re cent
times a long t he c oast a nd p redominantly yo unger
volcanics a ssociated with the r ift for mation i n t he
central part of the country.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

Fig. 166 Mid-Pleistocene lake deposits below a basaltic lava
The oldest rocks outcropping in Kenya belong to the flow in the Suguta Valley, northern Kenya
Neoarchean Nyanzian System (sometimes k nown
as Nyanza Greenstone Belt) occurring east of Lake
Victoria. It is often composed of sedimentary rocks, by granites; Igukhu Formation, mainly consisting of
including slates, greywackes and conglomerates and greywackes; M roda Formation, consisting of sa nd-
is g eographically sub divided i nto a s outhern a nd a stones, greywackes and mudstones; Mudaa Formation,
northern terrain. The southern terrain is represented made up of laminated or blocky mudstones.
by the Migori segment, which trends in a WNW-ESE Paleoproterozoic rocks are not exposed in Kenya,
direction and is aligned in an almost linear contact and the occurrence of Mesoproterozoic rocks in the
of about 75 km to the Neoproterozoic Migori granite. country is doubtful. Tabular Neoproterozoic is repre-
This greenstone succession consists of mafic volcanics sented by the Kisii Group in western Kenya forming a
and BIF at the base, overlain by intermediate to felsic succession of flat-lying rocks resting unconformably
volcanics and sandstones, shales and BIF, interbedded on Nyanzian and Kavirondian formations. The rocks
with andesitic tuffs at the top of the succession. Intru- of the Kisii Group comprise in ascending order non-
sive rocks in the area are of granitic composition. The porphyritic and porphyritic basalts, ferruginous silt-
main occurrence of the northern terrain is to the west stones, cherts, quartzites, sometimes conglomerates,
of Maseno township, where a s equence of volcanics
(basalts, a ndesites, d acites a nd r hyolites) i s obs erv-
able. It has been concluded that the Maseno basalts
are associated with crustal extension and rifting near
a c ontinental plate. Nyanzian ro cks a lso o ccur e ast
and west of the Nandi escarpment, where they either
outcrop as epidiorites or metabasalts, or as low-grade
metamorphosed lavas and sediments containing BIF.
The following Kavirondian System still belongs to the
Neoarchean and is widely distributed in western Ke-
nya. The largest extent is known from an E-W trending
basin between the western slopes of the Nandi Hills
and Yala Town. The Kavirondian System in western
Kenya c an b e sub divided i n a scending o rder i nto
the following four formations: Shivakala Formation, Fig. 167 A Pleistocene tuff cone over basalts in the Suguta
made up of c onglomerates and sometimes intruded Valley, northern Kenya
*)—< *+—< */—< +'—<

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Dfjkcpj\[`d\ekjf]k_\B`j``J\i`\j =Xlck

Fig. 168 Geological overview of Kenya (modified after Anonymous, 1987)

134 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

rhyolites, tuffs, feldspathic sandstones, conglomerates,

andesites, dacites, porphyritic a nd non-porphyritic
felsites. The Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt is well
exposed in northern central Kenya and has been sub-
divided into various lithostratigraphic units (Fig. 170).
Ophiolites a re k nown f rom t he S amburu-Marsabit
and the Baragoi areas in northern central Kenya, and
from Moyale close to the border with Ethiopia.
Continental sediments of the Karoo Supergroup
outcrop a long c oastal s outheastern Ken ya i n t he
Mombasa Basin and at the western rim of the Man-
dera Basin in northeastern Kenya. In the Mombasa
Basin the Karoo rocks are generally at 5° to 7° dipping Fig. 170 Argillaceous/arenaceous deposits of the Neoprotero-
to the east. From base to top the following five units zoic Mozambique Belt in the Taita Hills
can be distinguished: The Taru Formation, the Maji
ya Chumvi Formation, the Mariakani Formation, the
Matolani Formation and the Mazeras Formation. The shales lying conformably on the Maji ya Chumvi For-
Taru Formation is dominantly composed of arkoses mation. It is more sandy and often more massive than
and comprises at the base probable tillites including its predecessors. It is subdivided into three sandstone
sharp-edged pa rticles s et i n a fine-grained ma trix members indicating a fluvial low sinuosity/braided
and v arved si ltstones. The a ssumed g lacial o rigin channel de positional en vironment. The Matolani
of t hese s ediments su ggests a L ate C arboniferous/ Formation outcrops only i n t he c entral pa rt of t he
Early Permian a ge f or t he s equence. It i s f ollowed Mombasa Basin and is rich in feldspathic sandstones.
by t hick w edges o f a rkoses g rading u pwards i nto Karoo sedimentation terminated with the deposition
feldspathic grits and carbonaceous shales with plant of the Mazeras Formation, which has been subdivided
debris. The Taru Formation comprises i n its upper into three distinct members: The lower unit contains
part a s equence of conglomerates, feldspathic sand- banded a rkosic yellow s andstones, t he m iddle u nit
stones, c alcareous s andstones, flagstones, s iliceous consists o f coa rse a rkosic sa ndstones, so metimes
limestones a nd o olithic l imestones. S ometimes conglomerates, and the upper unit comprises coarse
mudstones a re i ntercalated. The Ma ji y a C humvi sandstones w ith p ebbly hor izons. I n nor theastern
Formation comprises in ascending order three units: Kenya small isolated exposures of Karoo sediments
Arkosic sa ndstones/black s hales, b lue/black s hales occur at the western rim of the Mandera Basin. These
and flagstones/sandy sha les. A P ermo-Triassic a ge strata are known as the Mansa Guda Formation and
for this formation is indicated by palynomorphs and consist mainly of sandstones, sometimes interbedded
branchiopods. The Mariakani Formation represents by grits and conglomerates.
another s eries o f fine-grained s andstones a nd si lty After a l ong pe riod o f pe neplanation t he t rans-

Fig. 169 Weathered granitic boulders in the Vihiga District, Fig. 171 The "crying rock", a granitic boulder in Vihiga District
western Kenya near Kisumu
gression of the Jurassic epicontinental sea took place
since Liassic times. Wheres in the Mombasa Basin the
end-Karoo times are marked by faulting and a sudden
change from continental to marine facies conditions,
in the Mandera Basin in northeast Kenya the under-
lying P recambrian ro cks o f t he M ozambique B elt
had been worn down to a su rface of an undulating
relief. The Jurassic i n t he Ma ndera B asin ha s b een
subdivided in ascending order into the following for-
mations: Didimtu Formation (Toarcian), Bur Mayo
Formation (Bathonian–Callovian), Murri Formation
(Bajocian–Bathonian), Rukesa Formation (Callovian),
Asaharbito Formation (Callovian), Muddo Erri For-
mation (Oxfordian), Rahmu Formation (Oxfordian),
Seir F ormation (Oxfordian), G olberobe F ormation
(Oxfordian?), H ereri F ormation ( Kimmeridgian),
Dakacha F ormation ( Kimmeridgian–Tithonian?)
and Mandera Formation (Tithonian). Most of these
formations are richly fossiliferous yielding exclusively
marine i nvertebrates. I n t he M ombasa B asin t he
following Jurassic formations a re recorded: Kambe
Formation (B ajocian–Bathonian), K ibiongoni For -
mation ( Bathonian? – Callovian) an d M tomkuu Fig. 173 The two main peaks of Mt Kenya, Bation and
Formation (Upper O xfordian–Kimmerdgian). N ot Nelion
all of t hese formations a re rich in fossils, some a re

apparently de ep s ea s ediments. A n i solated o ccur-
rence of J urassic l imestones a ssociated w ith s and- (Lower Cr etaceous), b oth o f w hich a re n ot r ich i n

stones containing marine fossils of Oxfordian age fossils. In the Mombasa Basin the Freretown Forma-
has been recorded from the Matasade Hills in central tion has yielded ammonites indicating a Neocomian
Kenya. The Cr etaceous s ea sp read i n Ken ya a long to Apt ian a ge. O f p ossibly Tertiary a ge a re u nfos-

similar l ines a s t he Jurassic s ea, but n ever r eached siliferous c laystones, w hich u nconformably o verlie
the s ame e xtension. I n t he Ma ndera B asin a s w ell Jurassic limestones in the Mandera Basin. The Lamu
as in the Mombasa Basin only deposits of the Lower embayment i s a n e xtension of t he Mombasa B asin
Cretaceous have been recorded. In the Mandera Basin and covered by strata of Paleogene and Neogene age.
the Lower Cretaceous is represented by the Danissa Paleocene, E ocene a nd Ol igocene de posits outcrop
Formation (Wealden) a nd t he Ma rehan Formation near the present-day coast, but are not rich in fossils.
Strata of Neogene age a re represented in t he Lamu
embayment by the Middle Miocene Kipevu Beds and
the Upper Pliocene Ma rgarini Beds, both of which
are largely unfossiliferous.
The E ast A frican R ift S ystem i s r epresented i n
Kenya by the Gregory Rift (also known as the Kenya
Rift), which is a graben bounded by fault zones about
50–80 km apart. The altitude of the rift floor reaches a
maximum at around 2000 m asl in the Naivasha area,
and a minimum at around 600 m asl at Lake Magadi,
whereas Lake Turkana to t he north is located at an
altitude of a bout 300 m . The Kenya R ift ha s major
fault scarps, for instance the Elgeyo and Nguruman
escarpments r eaching 1500 m a nd t he Ab erdares
Fig. 172 A Pleistocene tuff ring over basalts in the Suguta over 2000 m a bove the rift floor. In the beginning of
Valley, northern Kenya the Cenozoic most of East Africa was a lowland area
136 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

and i n a reas well to t he east. Volcanism of t he pre-

rift st age co nsists p redominantly o f s mall ba saltic
shields i n t he Turkana–Baringo r egions, a nd o f
scattered nephelinite-carbonatite central volcanism
on the Kenya-Uganda border and in the Kavirondo
Rift. Mt Kenya started to develop towards the end of
the P liocene. It c onsists ma inly o f ba salts, rh omb-
porphyries, p honolites, ken ytes a nd t rachytes. The
plug of the volcano is composed of nepheline syenite
and phonolite in the form of a ring structure. Activity
started in the Aberdares area in Late Miocene times,
and it may have been active till the Pleistocene.

Economic Geology
Kenya᾽s mineral production is not very significant for
the economy of the country (about 1.3 % of the GDP).
Mining is based primarily on the extraction of indus-
trial minerals and therefore confined to minerals such
as trona (soda ash), fluorspar and limestone, which
account for about 70 % of the total value of Kenya᾽s
Fig. 174 Diatomite processing at Kariandusi, central Kenya
mineral output.
The development of gold resources in Kenya is a
priority of the Governments policies. Prospects have
with the coast further west than today. The first stage indicated t hat t here i s a su fficient a mount o f c om-
of rift ing probably started in Late Cretaceous times, mercially viable deposits to enable gold production by
with uplift ing i n c entral Kenya a nd c orresponding openpit methods. Current gold production is limited
subsidence i n t he Turkana B asin. Volcanic ac tivity to sma ll-scale a rtisanal operations. Prospection for
began with extensive basalt eruptions in the Turkana copper, lead and zinc in the Kerio Valley in northeast
Basin during the Oligocene. Subsequently during Late Kenya has advanced.
Oligocene to Early Miocene times the central area of Trona is a hydrated basic sodium carbonate, which
Kenya experienced uplifting to form the Kenya Dome. is converted into soda ash or anhydrous sodium car-
On the crest of this dome some downwarp occurred bonate, being currently the most important mineral
to f orm t he p roto-rift, w hich w as ac companied b y product of the country. Vast quantities of the mineral
nephelinite, b asanite a nd phonol ite m agmatism. occur in Lake Magadi on the floor of the rift valley
Major faulting o ccurred i n t he c entral to n orthern close to Tanzania, where the lake is covered by a thick
part of the rift in Middle Miocene times. The faulting
continued to p ropagate the rift southwards, mainly
during Pliocene times. By around 1.9 Ma the inner
rift had formed making a distinct graben. Continued
uplift on the rift shoulders through the Quaternary,
coupled w ith i ntense f aulting on t he r ift floor, pro-
duced the nested grabens witnessed today.
Volcanic rocks cover a large proportion of Kenya,
many o f t hese ro cks b eing c losely r elated to t he
Gregory Rift, but significant parts lying away from it.
The volcanism has apparently shifted eastwards with
time in Kenya. Oligocene eruptions took place mainly
west of the present rift. Miocene eruptions were more
widespread within and on the flanks of the proto-rift.
Pliocene activity tends to be confined within the rift, Fig. 175 The trona-covered Lake Magadi with factory
while Q uaternary ac tivity oc curred w ithin t he r ift buildings of the Magadi Soda Company
Fig. 176 A geothermal energy producing field at Olkaria near Fig. 178 Turbine house at Olkaria geothermal power plant
Lake Naivasha

crust of almost pure white crystalline trona. It is dug 25,000 t of lime are annually produced from the Koru
by a dredge of shallow draught designed to cut at least carbonatite i n w estern Ken ya. C alcrete r esources
6 m below the trona surface. The production was in in the Athi River quarry, about 20 km southeast of
the 1990᾽s at a level of about 100,000 m t/a (Fig. 175). Nairobi, are exploited as a raw material for the Athi
Mining o perations f or o ther i ndustrial m iner- River Cement Plant. The combined rate of Kenya᾽s
als a re l argely c onfined to fluorspar a nd l imestone cement production exceeds 1.3 million tons per year,
(for cement). Fluorspar is found at several localities a large portion of which is exported to neigbouring
within the r ift v alley i n t he E lgeyo-Marakwet a nd countries. A wide range of other industrial minerals
Baringo regions, where it occurs a s fault fillings in is produced on a sma ll scale. These include baryte,

both Precambrian metasediments and Tertiary vol- diatomite (Fig. 174), feldspar, clay, g ypsum, marble,
canic rocks. Most of the cement is produced from salt, dimension stone, vermiculite and wollastonite.

Meso- a nd C enozoic c oral r eef l imestones, w hich Silica s and i s m ined a t M sambweni a nd Rok a o n
occur a long t he c oast. O ther c arbonate r esources Kenya᾽s southern and northern coasts, and shipped
include carbonatites, calcrete and travertine. About for bottle glass manufacture to Nairobi. The produc-

tion of ilmenite, rutile and zircon from beach sands
near Kwale will commence in near future (Fig. 177).
Kenya is not a petroleum producer, but exploration
in t he v arious s edimentary ba sins a long t he c oast
and i n the r ift valley is still ongoing. Geothermal
energy from hot springs in the Lake Naivasha region
contributes already to about 5% of Kenyas electricity
production (Figs 176 and 178).

In a workshop on “Geoenvironmental Hazards and
Disasters in Africa”, which was held in July 2002 in
Nairobi, v arious p otential a nd appa rent r isks w ith
geological b ackground we re pre sented, a nalyzed
and d iscussed (Schlüter & M ogere, 2002). The fol-
lowing topics were on t he agenda of t he workshop:
progressive beach erosion, environmental impact of
mining, l andslides, flood pre diction a nd m anage-
ment, r adioactive s oil r adiation, geoenvironmental
Fig. 177 Machinery to be used for the production of ilmenite, hazards related to the use of geothermal energy and
rutile and zircon from beach sands at Kwale geo-medical impacts. Tremors apparently caused by
138 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 179 Aerial view of North Island in Lake Turkana, showing

the two youngest lava flows breaching the central crater wall
(from Key & Watkins, 1988)

an impending eruption of Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano

in northern Tanzania were even felt in Nairobi in
summer 2007. The potential of a l arger earthquake
within the East African Rift System is hardly to pre-
dict, but definitely present.

Geosites Fig. 181 Hot springs at Lake Bogoria in the central Rift
In a preliminary account of potential geosites in Ke-
nya the following locations have been considered: The
volcanoes of the Ngong Escarpment, the prehistoric
site of Olorgesaillie (already a N ational Monument
under protection of t he Kenya National Museums)
(Fig. 180), the Lake Magadi Basin, the Lake Naivasha
Basin, t he e xtinct v olcano L ongonot, t he Ol karia
volcanic field, t he c rater o f v olcano M enengai, t he
ophiolitic c omplex o f Si ambu a nd t he f ossil si te o f
Lothagam near Lake Turkana (Schlüter et al., 2001).

Fig. 180 Southern shore of Lake Turkana Fig. 182 Aerial view of the extinct crater of volcano Longonot,
central Rift Valley

Fig. 183 Excavations of Acheulean stone tools at Kariandusi,
east of Lake Elmenteita

Recently a list of geological sites of Kenya to be con-

sidered as World Heriitage Sites was proposed by the
Commissioner of Mines and Geology (2007), which
includes t he following locations: Menengai Crater,
Fischer᾽s Tower and columnar jointing in Hell᾽s Gate
National Pa rk, Ol karia G eothermal F ield, M ount
Longonot, Kit Mikayi Rock near Kisumu, Mt Elgon, Fig. 185 Kariandusi excavation site
Thomson᾽s Falls, and Nzambani Rock near Kitui.

Geoscience Education References

Countrywide there are at least 2 u niversities where Anonymous ( 1969): G eological M ap of Ken ya, S cale
geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ost- 1:3,000 ,000 .– S urvey o f K enya, M ines a nd G eology
graduate courses are offered. The personnel and insti- Department; Nairobi.

tutional capacities at the Geology Department of the Anonymous ( 1987): G eological M ap of Ke nya, S cale
1:1,000 ,000 .– P etroleum E xploration P roject, World
University of Nairobi are of good standard, whereas Bank A ssistance, M inistry o f En ergy a nd R egional
at Moi University (Eldoret) courses with geoscientific Development; Nairobi.
background a re offered w ithin t he en vironmental Commissioner of Mines and Geology (2007): List of Kenya
sciences programme. Geological Sites Proposed for Consideration as World
Heritage Sit es.– 1–11; M ines a nd G eological D epart-
ment, Nairobi.
Mason, J . E. & Theuri, F. G. (1981): I ndustrial m inerals
development i n Ke nya.– P roceedings 4 th In dustrial
Minerals Congress Atlanta, 111–129; London.
Pulfrey, W. & W alsh, J. ( 1969): The ge ology a nd m ineral
resources of Kenya.– Bull. Geol. Survey Kenya 9, 1–39;
Saggerson, E. P. (1961): Geological Map of Kenya, Tanza-
nia and Uganda, Scale 1:4,000,000.– In: Handbook of
Natural Resources of East Africa; Nairobi.
Schlüter, T. (1997): Geology of East Africa.– I–XII, 1–484;
Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
Schlüter, T., Kibunja, M. & Kohring, R. (2001): Geological
Heritage in East Africa – its Protection and Conserva-
tion.– Documenta Naturae 136, 3949; Munich.
Schlüter, T. & Mogere, S. (2002) (eds.): Geoenvironmental
Hazards and Disasters in Africa.– Abstract Vol. Work-
shop 1–3 July 2002, 1–46; Nairobi.
Fig. 184 Excavations of Pleistocene stone tools at Olorgesaillie, Walsh, J. ( 1980): M inerals of Ken ya.– G eol. Su rv. Ken ya
north of Lake Magadi. Bull. 11, 1–82; Nairobi.
General being the topmost unit of the Beaufort Group is the
Area: 30,355 km2 oldest Karoo represented in Lesotho. It is similar in
Population: 2,507,000 (estimate 2007) appearance and composition to rocks of the Middle
Beaufort, which comprises a sequence of variegated
mudstones alternating with yellow sandstones. Addi-
Summary of Geology
tionally, the Burgersdorp Formation contains red and
The K ingdom o f L esotho i s a lmost e xclusively u n- maroon sandstones with interspacings of greywhite
derlain by rocks of the Karoo Supergroup, compris- sandstones and streaks of thin coal seams.
ing sediments, which cover a quarter of the surface The w idely d istributed Stormberg Group is com-
area in the northwest and southwest, and volcanics, posed of a thick sequence of continental clastic rocks,
which do minate i n t he c entral a nd e astern pa rt o f generally sub divided i nto t he M olteno, E lliot a nd
the country. Clarens F ormations. The l owermost s trata i nclude
coarse sandstones and light-coloured shales known
as the Molteno Formation with a thickness ranging
from 15–300 m, which is a shallow lacustrine deposit
The lower parts of the Karoo Supergroup, i. e. rocks of Upper Triassic age, sometimes containing a rich as-
of the Dwyka and Ecca Groups, are not exposed in semblage of fossil plants and insects (Figs 186 and 189).
Lesotho. Upper Beaufort strata in the west and north- The Molteno Formation is conformably overlain by
west are the oldest rocks outcropping in Lesotho and the Elliot Formation (70–250 m thick), which is made
although there is no direct evidence of the nature of up of sandstones, red mudstones and siltstones and
the p re-Karoo ba sement, d ata f rom d rilling, xen o- sometimes contains silicified wood and dinosaur re-
liths f rom d iamond pipes a nd e xtrapolation of t he mains. The Elliot Formation is in turn overlain by the
geology in neighbouring South Africa establish that Clarens Formation (15–250 m thick), which comprises
crystalline me tamorphic b asement ro cks u nderlie massive sandstones and siltstones, often cross-bedded
the K aroo suc cession. The Bu rgersdorp F ormation and fine-grained with thin bands of cherts.
Capping the sedimentary succession of the Storm-
berg Group is a series of almost flat-lying amygdale-
rich lava flows constituting the Lesotho Formation of
the Drakensberg Group, which is of Lower Jurassic
age. These lavas form the mountainous part of Leso-
tho, reaching sometimes a thickness of up to 1600 m.
The bulk of the lavas is basaltic and they are composed
of tholeiites associated with andesites. The widespread
nature of t his t hick volcanic pile, t he succession of
horizontal flows in rapid sequence and the tholeiitic
composition o f t hese ro cks a re d istinctive p roper-
ties of plateaux basalts. Intrusives are ubiquitous
with over 70 volcanic vents and diatremes and more
than 1000 dy kes a nd si lls a re r ecorded. The dykes
and sills are of the same age and composition as the
lava flows. A p ossible em placement o f k imberlites
during t he Cretaceous constitutes t he last phase of
the volcanic activity.
Pluvial periods, which a lternated with t hree suc-
cessive glacial episodes during the Pleistocene, gave
rise to intense erosion of the upland areas with cobble
bed deposition intercalated with sands and clays in
Fig. 186 A foliage of the widespread fossil plant genus the l owland v alleys. These for mations s ometimes
Dicroidium from the Molteno Formation, Middle Triassic reach a thickness of up to 20 m. The erosion of these
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:cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjf]k_\JkfidY\i^>iflg Lgg\iKi`Xjj`Z

:cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekjf]k_\9\Xl]fik>iflg G\id`Xe

Fig. 187 Geological overview of Lesotho (modified after Ginsburg, 1962)

142 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

southwestern region remains still to be assessed. Cur-

rently three diamond mines are in operation. The Ka-
roo rocks throughout the southern African region are
host to low-grade, low-tonnage deposits of uranium,
therefore r epresenting o nly a l imited p otential f or
further exploration in Lesotho. Semiprecious stones
of L esotho a re a gate, a methyst, ol ivine, zircon a nd
chrome diopside, which are currently exploited on a
small scale. Isolated minor occurrences of cinnabar
have been recorded within the lower part of the Drak-
ensberg l ava flows. C oal o f sig nificant v olume a nd
quality is largely a phenomenon of the Lower Karoo,
which is not exposed in Lesotho. However, the prob-
ability of coal-bed-methane cannot be discounted nor
Fig. 188 Scenic beauty of the Drakensberge in eastern
Lesotho should one overlook the possibility of high rank coal
of limited volume within the Upper Karoo. Industrial
minerals that deserve to be mentioned are clays in the
strata has given rise to the development of character- Quaternary s trata a nd d imension s tones o riginat-
istic narrow steep-sided ravines, which in Lesotho are ing from t he sandstones of t he Molteno, Elliot and
referred to as “dongas”. Clarens F ormations a nd finegrained ba salts o f t he
Drakensberg Group.
Lesotho occupies the central part of the much larger
Karoo Basin of southern Africa. Its overall structural Landslides are the major geoenvironmental hazards
pattern is therefore a syncline. Within this framework, in Lesotho.
three e pisodes of d eformation ( pre-Drakensberg,
Drakensberg and post-Drakensberg) are recognised,
each i nfluencing t he K aroo s edimentation, ba salt
thickness, geomorphology a nd hydrology. A ma jor An i nventory of p otential ge osites of L esotho h as
NE-SW t rending fault k nown as Hellspoort w ith a not yet been made, but the various outcrops of the
vertical displacement of 300 m, south of Mafeteng, fossiliferous M olteno a nd E lliot F ormations n eed
and a f ew m inor f aults o f m uch l esser ma gnitude intensified protection, as they contain lagerstaetten
represent the main structural feature. of Upper Triassic insects and Jurassic foot prints of
dinosaurs ( Figs 192 a nd 193). F amous a re a lso t he
Economic Geology
The economic mineral potential of Lesotho is due to
the restriction of Upper Karoo deposits limited to the
following c ommodities: d iamonds, u ranium, s emi-
precious stones, possibly mercury, coal and industrial
minerals. Diamonds are found in the kimberlites and
in alluvial gravels. Over 400 kimberlite bodies have
been recorded, of which 343 occur as dykes and the
rest as pipes (39) and blows (23). Whereas kimberlites
are widespread distributed throughout the country,
northern Lesotho is probably the most concentrated
area of kimberlite intrusion in the world, with an
average i ntrusion o f o ne p er 10 k m 2 . De spite t his
abundance none of the kimberlites is exploited on a
Fig. 189 A reconstruction of the Middle Triassic lacustrine
large scale, but further exploration is underway. Also biocenosis of the Molteno Formation, Lesotho and South
the potential of alluvial gravels in the lowland of the Africa
Fig. 190 Holocene cave paintings in the Drakensberge, Fig. 191 Holocene cave paintings in the Drakensberge,
Lesotho Lesotho

Holocene cave paintings (Figs 190 and 191). The Drak-

ensberg Mountains should be considered because of
their scenic beauty (Fig. 188).

Geoscience Education
Only the Physical Geography section of the Depart-

ment o f G eography a t t he N ational U niversity o f
Lesotho offers a w ide range of geoscientific courses.

Its personnel and institutional capacities are probably
of good standard.

Fig. 192 Isolated footprint of a Jurassic dinosaur in the
References Drakensberge, eastern Lesotho

Ginsburg, L. (1962): Likhoelia ellenbergeri, tritylodonte du

Trias Superieur du Basutoland (Afrique du Sud).– An-
nales de Paléontologie 48, 179–194; Paris.
Lesotho Government (1982a): Geological map of Lesotho.
North Sheet. Les Geol 250. 1:250,0 00.– Government of
the United Kingdom (Directorate of Overseas Surveys)
fort he Government of Lesotho.
Lesotho Government (1982b): Geological map of Lesotho.
South Sheet. Les Geol 250. 1: 250,000.– Governmentof
the United Kingdom (Directorate of Overseas Surveys)
fort he Government of Lesotho.
Schmitz, G. & Rooyani, F. (1987): Lesotho, geology, geomor-
phology, soils.– National University of Lesotho, 1–204.
Stockley, G. M. (1947): Report on the geology of Basutoland.–
Basutoland Government, 1–114; Maseru.
Visser, D. J. L. (1984): Geological map of t he Republics of
South A frica, Transkei, B ophuthatswana, Venda a nd
Ciskei, a nd t he K ingdoms of L esotho a nd Swaziland, Fig. 193 Protected area of Jurassic dinosaur footprints in the
1:1,000,000.– Geol. Surv. South Africa; Pretoria. Drakensberge, eastern Lesotho
Area: 111,369 km2
Population: 3,196,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Liberia forms part of the West African Craton and
more specifically of the segment known as the Leo
or Man terrane. The rocks forming this crystalline
shield consist of an older series of granulitic and
migmatitic g neisses a nd a mphibolites w ith s ub-
ordinate g ranitoids. Rem nants o f sl ightly yo unger
supracrustal ro cks o f s edimentary a nd v olcanic
origin are aligned predominantly in a SW-NE direc-
tion. Phanerozoic sediments are only exposed along
a narrow coastal strip.
Fig. 194 Aerial view of Liberia’s capital Monrovia
Approximately 90 % o f L iberia i s u nderlain b y
Archean a nd Pa leoproterozoic g ranitic ro cks. They
form part of the Leo or Man Shield of the West Afri- by arkosic siltstones and sandstones, which, in turn,
can Craton. The basement rocks can be divided into are overlain by shales. A glacial origin has been sug-
three major u nits on t he ba sis of t heir r adiometric gested f or t he c onglomerates a nd si ltstones o f t he
age. The Archean rocks were effected by the earlier Gibi Mountain Formation, therefore corresponding
Leonian (3,500 –2,900 Ma) and the younger Liberian with N eoproterozoic g lacigenic de posits el sewhere
(2,900 –2,500 Ma) Orogenies. SW-NE trending green- in West Africa.
stone b elts o f Bi rrimian a ge (2,100 Ma) ha ve b een Isolated diabas or gabbro dykes (400–180 Ma) are
reported from the southern central part of the coun- intrusive to t he P recambrian ro cks. U nmetamor-
try. The t hird u nit c omprises t he Pa n-African a ge phosed laminated sandstones, arkoses, siltstones and
province, which was metamorphosed and intruded conglomerates o f p ossibly Cr etaceous a ge o ccur i n
about 550 Ma ago. The boundary between the Archean narrow sections (< 5km wide) along the coast, which
and Birrimian provinces is not well defined, but the in places are overlain by marine Neogene sediments.
Archean and Pan-African provinces are separated by
a series of NWW-SEE trending faults comprising the
Todi Shear Zone. Gneisses of the Archean and part of
the Pan-African age provinces are metamorphosed The 4 00 km l ong she ar z one s eparating t he K asila
to amphibolite grade. Granulite facies rock, however, Group from the Kenema Assemblage rocks in Sierra
are restricted to the Pan-African age province, but are Leone continues into Liberia as the Todi Shear Zone
probably derived from Archean rocks. and e xtends a n add itional 300 km to t he s outheast
Two small outliers of clastic sedimentary rocks, the until it ma kes a sha rp bend to c ontinuing offshore.
Gibi Mountain Formation, form heavily forested hills It separates amphibolites and granulites of the Pan-
32 km northeast of the Todi Shear Zone. They lie dis- African a ge p rovince f rom t he A rchean g ranite-
conformably on Archean gneisses and are overlain by greenstone terrane.
klippen of Precambrian itabirite-bearing quartzites.
The Gib i M ountain F ormation i s p robably Neopro-
Economic Geology
terozoic to early Cambrium in age, based on lithologic
similarities to basal Rokel River Group units in Sierra Liberia᾽s i ron o re r eserves a t g rades o f 30–67 % Fe
Leone. It consists of a ba sal conglomerate overlain are probably the largest in Africa. Two major types
((—N 0—N


/—E /—E

J@<II8C<FE< >L@E<8




-—E -—E

N < @:

,—E J ,—E

,' ' ,' (''bd

((—N ('—N 0—N /—N

G?8E<IFQF@: 8I:?<8E
:\efqf`ZZfjkXcgcX`eZfm\in`k_jdXcc`ec`\ijf];\mfe`Xe >e\`jj\ji\XZk`mXk\[`eGXe$8]i`ZXe





Fig. 195 Geological overview of Liberia (modified after Tysdal & Thorman, 1983)
146 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

of mineralisation occur: High-grade ores (> 60 % Fe)

consisting ma inly o f hema tite a nd l ow-grade o res
(30–40 % Fe) composed mainly of magnetite. A third
variety is of medium grade (40–60 % Fe), which is usu-
ally made up of a mixture of hematite and magnetite.
Liberia᾽s iron ore deposits are hosted by Precambrian
itabirites (BIF). High and medium-grade ores are the
result of laterization and the action of meteoric waters,
which ha ve l eached s ilica w ith co nsequent e nrich-
ment of iron. The site with the highest reserves, the
Mt Nimba area, has, however, largely been exploited
(Fig. 196).
Much of West Africa᾽s diamond potential is as-
sociated with the Archean Man Shield, which covers
parts of Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast.
Liberia᾽s diamond potential appears underdeveloped,
Fig. 197 Flooding of the countryside in central Liberia
particularly w ith r egards to k imberlites, a lthough
those few, which were assessed in the past, have not
proven e conomic. N umerous a lluvial d iggings a re
known f rom r iver a nd ma rsh g ravels, mostly close
to the border with Sierra Leone. There may also be a Geoscience Education
potential for marine offshore placer deposits. A num-
ber o f primary ( lode) g old o ccurrences a re k nown Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Monrovia)
in Liberia᾽s banded iron formation (BIF) and in Bir- where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
rimian rocks in the south of the country. Numerous postgraduate c ourses a re o ffered. H owever, t he
alluvial diggings are known throughout the country, department has due to the civil war since then dete-
particularly in the west. The widespread laterization riorated and it is not clear if the geology/geosciences
in Liberia suggests a good potential for lateritic nickel programmes are executed as shown on the recently
and c obalt de posits. O ther p ossible c ommodities published website. Its current personnel and institu-
include baryte, kyenite and bauxite. Silica sands and tional capacities are unknown.
ceramic clays have locally been mined.
Cahen-Vachette, M . (1988): L e c raton oue stafricain e t le
Artisanal mining for gold, which persisted during the bouelier guyanais: un seul craton au Protérozoique
civil war, has often caused surface water and aquifer inferieur? – Journal African Earth Sciences 7, 479–488;
contamination due to the application of mercury. Culver, S. J., Williams, H. R. & Venkatakrishnan, R. (1991):
The Rokelide Orogen.– In: The West African Orogens
and C ircum-Antlantic C orrelatives, R . D. D almeyer
& J. P. L écorché ( eds.), 123–150; Sp ringer, B erlin
Hurley, P. M., Leo, G. W., White, R. W. & F airborn, H. W.
(1971): L iberian a ge p rovince (about 2 ,700 m . y.) a nd
adjacent provinces in Liberia and Sierra Leone.– Geol.
Soc. America Bull. 82, 3483–3490.
Nair, A. M. & D orbor, J. K. (1990): Industrial minerals of
Liberia.– Industrial Minerals, March 1990, 137.
Tysdal, R . G. & Thorman, C . H. (1983): G eologic M ap of
Liberia, 1:1,000,000.– US Geol. Surv. Misc. Invest. Ser.
Map I 1480; Washington.

Fig. 196 The Bomi Hills iron ore mine northwest of Monrovia
Liberia 147 L
Area: 1,759,540 km2
Population: 6,518,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Libya belongs entirely to the Saharan domain forming
the northern part of the African Shield. Apart from
a f ew P recambrian de posits t he c ountry i s mos tly
covered by Pa leozoic, Mesozoic a nd C enozoic sedi- Fig. 198 Eroded Paleozoic sandstones of Jabal Acacus
ments and Neogene volcanics.

Precambrian outcrops are rare in Libya, but Precam-
brian strata have been identified at various places by
drilling, c onsisting o f me tamorphosed a nd f olded
deposits with schists, gneisses, some quartzites and
The P recambrian i s o verlain i n a n a ngular u n-
conformity by t he coarse Hassaouna sandstones of
probably Cambrian age. There is a local intercalation
of t he Murizidie purplish-blue intermediary series.
Sedimentation continued throughout the Paleozoic,
but epirogenic movements occurred from the begin-
ning o f t he O rdovician. The Si lurian, o n t he o ther
hand, w as a p eriod o f c alm b ut en ding w ith w ide-
spread emersion. The Lower Devonian (Gedinnian)
appears to be absent from the basin. The Devonian Fig. 199 Petrified wood at Jabal ben Guelma, southern
commences w ith t he Tadrari c oarse s andstones o f Libya
Siegenian a ge a nd c orresponds to a d isturbed p e-
riod with local subsidences, which went on until the
Lower C arboniferous. At Je bel O weinat, a long t he spread o ver t he Si rte d uring t he C enomanian, t he
eastern limit of the Kufra Basin, the Paleozoic ends eastern Fezzan during the Maastrichtian and reached
with a v olcanic s eries, w hich w as l ater f olded a nd the Tibesti region in Lower Eocene. The subsidence
traversed b y “ring-dyke” t ype e xtrusions, probably is irregular, according to different blocks of varying
of Early Paleozoic age. Following these movements mobility. This mobility persisted during the Miocene
in the Jeffara plain, further sedimentation occurred and Pliocene. The Oligocene is characterized by the
in the Upper Carboniferous and went on during the formation of fault t roughs i n conjunction w ith t he
Permian, including active subsidence. This subsidence strains s tretching t he A frican bl ock. The present
continued during Triassic and occasionally in Jurassic. margins of the Gulf of Sirte correspond to Pliocene
In the Murzuk and Kufra Basin, Mesozoic continental flexures, followed by Quaternary flexures in the same
sedimentation persisted – after a break during Upper direction. The Ionian Sea depression seems to be very
Paleozoic times – t ill the Lower Cretaceous. At the recent to the east of the stable Pelagian block.
end of t he L ower Cretaceous t he L ibyan t ilt began. The stratigraphic history of the northern Cyrenaica,
Existing ba sins b ecame s table, w hile, o n t he o ther which does not belong to the intracratonic basins, is
hand, si nking o ccurred i n t he e astern pa rt o f t he of a sp ecial k ind. From a pa laeogeographic v iew i t
country, w hich b ecame subsi dized. The transgres- is linked to the unstable central Tunisian platforms.
sion, which commenced during t he Apt ian-Albian, Uplifting of this zone took place during the Eocene. It
('—< (,—< )'—<


KLE@J@8 9\e^_Xq`

*'—E *'—E


),—E ),—E



N < :?8;

)'—E )'—E

('' ' ('' )''bd

('—< (,—< )'—< ),—<

:<EFQF@: G8C<FQF@: 
8cclm`Xcj#[le\j#ZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj I\Z\ek$ DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj G\idf$Ki`Xjj`Z

MfcZXe`Zj I\Z\ek$ DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :XiYfe`]\iflj


DX`ecpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj E\f^\e\$ DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj ;\mfe`Xe


D<JFQF@:LE;@==<I<EK@8K<; DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj J`cli`Xe

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :XdYif$

Fig. 200 Geological overview of Libya (modified after Conant & Gondarzi, 1970)
150 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 201 A hamada plateau with basalts in Jabal as Sawda,

southeast of the Bir al Washka oasis

became intensely folded during the Middle Miocene Fig. 202 Silurian claystones in the Kufra Basin
as a result of Hellenic foldings. Some faults still show
seismic activity. Northern Jeffara also subsided during
the Tertiary. In current marine bathymetry, the Gabes
trench marks the negative axis of the basin. Important
volcanic activity occurred on the ancient horsts at the
end of the Tertiary until Recent times, particularly at
Jebel Oweinat and along the Tibesti-Garian axis.
Situated to the north of the Saharan horst, Libya
has thus an element of transition. Although its geo-
logical evolution is linked to the massifs and Paleozoic
basins of the central Sahara, it has, none the less, been
extensively invaded by the Tertiary seas of the eastern

The ma in p hase o f H ercynian f olding i n L ibya o c-
curred during the Namurian, generally indicated by
a N-S fault pattern. The Cenozoic tectonic trends are
reflected just as much in fractures as in the form of
the basins. Its Mediterranean connections are clearly
defined: The Jeffara-Malta axis prolongs that of the
Tibesti-Garian axis, while Alpine foldings in Greece
affected the northern Cyrenaica.

Economic Geology
The p etroleum s ector i s s till t he mos t i mportant Fig. 203 A guelta (lake) in the Wadi Iharnaren
component of Libya᾽s mineral industry and will re-
main so for the foreseeable future, since the country
probably possesses the largest hydrocarbon reserves
in Africa. Other commodities include gypsum, mag-
netite, phosphate rock, potash sodium chloride and
sulphur, for which, however, reserves have not been
officially reported.
No s tatement o n g eoenvironmental ha zards ha s
been published, but environmental pollution related
to h ydrocarbon e xploitation ha s to b e t aken i nto

An i nventory of potential geosites has not yet been
made, b ut t here e xist ma ny e specially d ue to t heir
scenic beauty in the Sahara desert (Figs 202–205).
Fig. 204 A granitic inselberg at Murzuk
Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Benghazi)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate c ourses a re o ffered. T he p ersonnel
and i nstitutional c apacities of it s d epartment a re
apparently g ood a s t he u niversity i n i nternational
ranking databases for Africa achieves an intermedi-
ate position.

Bellini, E. & Massa, D. (1980): A stratigraphic contribution
to the Palaeozoic of the southern basins of Libya.– In:

The G eology of L ibya, M . J. S alem & M . T. Br usrewi
(eds.), 3–56.

Burollet, P. F., Magnier, P. & M anderscheid, G. (1971): La
Libye.– Tectonique de l᾽Afrique, Sciences de la terre 6,
409–417; Paris.
Busche, D. (1998): Die zentrale Sahara. Oberflächenformen

im Wandel.– Klett Perthes Verlag, Gotha Fig. 205 An elephant engraving at Messak, dating from the
Conant, L . C. & G ondarzi, C. H. (1970): Geologic Map of Bubalus period, about 10 Ka
Libya, 1:2,000,000.– Geol. Surv.; Washington.
Goudarzi, G. H. (1970): Geology and mineral resources of
Libya – a re connaissance.– US Geological Survey Pro-
fessional Paper 660, 1–104 (including geological map of
Libya 1:2,000 ,000); Washington.
Gray, C. (1971) (ed.): Symposium on the geology of Libya.–
1–329, Faculty Science, Univ. Tripolis, Libya.
Hallett, D. (2002): Petroleum G eology of L ibya.– 1–508;
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Hecht, F., Fü rst, M . & K litzsch, E . (1964): Zu r G eologie
von L ibyen.– G eologische Ru ndschau 53, 4 13–470;
Klitzsch, E. (1981): Lower Palaeozoic rocks of Libya, Egypt
and Sudan.– In: Lower Palaeozoic of t he Middle East,
Eastern a nd S outhern A frica, a nd A ntarctica, C . H.
Holland (ed.), 131–163; Wiley, London.
Salem, M. J. & Brusrewi, M. T. (1980): The Geology of Libya.–
1–289; Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Tawadros, E. (2000): Geology of Egypt and Libya.– 1–480;
Taylor and Francis.
General either of A rchean or Pa leoproterozoic a ge. B elong-
Area: 587,041 km2 ing to t he Pa leoproterozoic t ime i nterval a re t he
Population: 19,449,000 ( 2007 estimate) following groups: Isahara, Fort Dauphin, Ranotsara,
Antsakomiary, Ste Luce, Tranomaro, Sahambano and
Tsitondroina. The Fort Dauphin leptynites, granulites
Summary of Geology
and their gneissic intercalations are superimposed on
The eastern two thirds of Madagascar are underlain by the A rchean R anomena Gro up. The neighbouring
Precambrian rocks, sporadically intruded by Creta- Tranomaro Group contains c alc-magnesium pa rag-
ceous through Neogene basalts and rhyolites, whereas neisses, bands of granites and charnockites. A large,
the western third is composed of two large basins of well-preserved, mostly Mesoproterozoic sequence of
mid-Paleozoic to Recent sedimentary rocks. continental shelf sediments (quartzite, marble, schist),
referred to as the “Quartzo-Schisto-Calcaire-Series”,
occurs in central Madagascar. A shallow continental
shelf en vironment i s i ndicated b y flat l amination,
Archean rocks occur throughout Madagascar, from wave a nd c urrent r ipples, d une c ross b edding i n
Ile St . Ma rie i n t he n ortheast o f t he i sland to t he quarzites, do mal a nd ps eudocolumnar s tromato-
Ranotsara shear zone in the south. The Antongilian lites in carbonates and high K a nd Al chemistry in
granitoids, the Ambodiriana migmatites, the Masora pelites. There are extensive areas of granitoids and/
Group, all located in the east, as well as the Ankazabe or migmatites, many of which trend approximately
Group in the west, the Angavo Group in the centre, N-S, a nd w hich a re ma inly o f N eoproterozoic ( be-
and t he B ehara Group i n t he s outh of Mad agascar tween 900 –400 Ma) age. At least t wo major events
are p robably ol der t han 3,000 Ma . A ssemblages in t he E arly a nd L ate N eoproterozoic s eem to b e
formed during Mesoarchean and Neoarchean times represented. Some granitoids, especially those of Late
(3,000 –2,500 Ma ) a re r epresented i n Mad agascar Neoproterozoic age, appear to have been emplaced as
by t he f ollowing g roups: Ma napotsy, R anomena, concordant sheets or sills up to 500 m thick, referred
Antriamena, Marvatanana, Andriba, Ambarolampy, to as the “stratoid” granites of Madagascar.
Tolongoina, Beforama, Alaotra, Androna, Vondroza, Depositional s equences e quivalent to t he K aroo
Ampasary, S oakibany, Vavatenina, S ahantaha a nd Supergroup of continental Africa are found along the
Antenina, which are also summarized as Shamvaian entire western and northwestern coast of Madagascar.
Supergroup. Large assemblages of rocks in the north- Although t he de posits form a c ontinuous b elt, t hey
ern part of the island, originally described as “schist are generally subdivided into t he Morondava Basin
verte, quarzite avec magnetite and micaschiste”, can along the western coast and the Diego Basin on the
be considered as typical greenstone belts, which are northwestern c oast o f t he i sland. The suc cession i s
subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units, which
in ascending order are the Sakoa Group, the Sakamena
Group and the Isalo Group. The Sakoa and Sakamena
Groups are time equivalents of the Karoo Supergroup
on t he c ontinent a nd w ere de posited i n i ndividual
graben structures. The overlying Jurassic Isalo Group
drapes a cross t he K aroo-equivalent s equence a nd
represents t he p ost-Karoo p ericratonic ba sin f acies.
The L ate Pa leozoic s equence c ommences w ith g la-
cigene deposits, which are overlain by a coal bearing
succession. The succeeding strata rest in some places
disconformably on t he l atter or overstep onto ba se-
ment. The following Isalo Group is of marine origin
and contains various brachiopods and nautiloids.
Fig. 206 Aerial view of lavaka erosion gullies north of In northwestern Madagascar marine Lower Juras-
Antsirabe sic strata are recorded, whereas from Middle Jurassic
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8cclm`Xcj ?fcfZ\e\

JXe[jkfe\j HlXik\ieXip
DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj <fZ\e\

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :i\kXZ\flj

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj AliXjj`Z


jXbXcXi`k\j f]k_\BXiff
K\ii\jki`Xcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\@jXcf# Lgg\i
),—J ),—J JXbXd\eX#JXbXf>iflgj2BXiff :XiYfe`]\iflj



+,—< =Xlck

>iXe`kf`[j>iXe`k\jXe[d`^dXkf`[ 8dg_`Yfc`k\j#\g`[fk`k\j#^e\`jj\j#hlXikq`k\j#
^iXe`kf`[j E\fgifk\ifqf`Z jZ_`jkj#d`^dXk`k\j#Z`gfc`ejf]k_\Mf_`Yfip
J_\c]j\[`d\ekjHlXikq`k\$JZ_`jk$ >iXe`kf`[d`^dXk`k\jXe[d`^dXk`k\jf]k_\
:XcZXi\fljJ\i`\j D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
>i\\ejkfe\9\ckXdg_`Yfc`k\j# >e\`jj\j#c\gk`e`k\j#gpifo\e`k\j#Z`gfc`ej#
\g`[fk`k\j#^e\`jj\j#^iXef[`fi`k\j f] Z_XdfZb`k\j#n\ie\i`k`k\jf]k_\8e[ifpXe
k_\;X`iXeX>iflg J\hl\eZ\
d`^dXk`k\j#d`^dXk`k\j f]k_\ D`^dXk`k\jle[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[

Fig. 207 Geological overview of Madagascar (modified after Besaire, 1964, and Ashwal, 1997)
154 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 208 Granitic inselbergs near Ambalavao

deposits o nly f ossils o f C allovian a ge a re k nown,

but f rom t he U pper J urassic a n a lmost c omplete
sequence is indicated. In western Madagascar the
Cretaceous is w ell-preserved, ma rine d eposits o f
Berriaisian, Valanginian, H auterivian, Ba rremian,
Aptian, A lbian, Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian,
Santonian, C ampanian a nd Ma astrichtian a ge a re
often e xposed w ith ma ny i ndex f ossils, e specially
ammonites. T he s equence c ontinues i n n orthern
Fig. 209 Karstification at the Tsingy Massif of Ankarana
Madagascar uninterrupted into the Paleocene, which
is c haracterized b y v arious f oraminifers, a nd t hen
into ma rine E ocene a nd Ol igocene de posits. Si nce
Miocene times basaltic volcanism is known from the Comparable t ectonic d evelopments to t hose
Massif d᾽Ambre in the extreme north of the island. known f rom K aroo ba sins i n c ontinental E ast A f-
Of similar age are the volcanics of the Massif l᾽Itasy rica also took place in Madagascar, where the Early
west of Tananarive and in the centre of the island at Permian glacigene and coal-bearing graben fills of the
Ankaratra. Continental strata were deposited during Sakoa Group are overstepped by the Permo-Triassic
the P liocene, ac companied b y v olcanic er uptions, Sakamena Group. The structure of the Permo-Triassic
which continued into the Pleistocene. Various fossil basins of Madagascar appears therefore almost to be
Lemuriformes and other mammals are known from a m irror i mage of t hat d escribed f rom t he c oastal
different si tes o f Mad agascar. A g iant b ird o f p rey, Karoo basins of eastern Africa.
Aepyornis maximum, with a height of up to 3m, may
have existed till historical times.
Economic Geology
Chromite a nd g raphite a re s till t he t wo do minant
mineral c ommodities p roduced i n Mad agascar.
One of the most striking features of Malagasy geology Generally, the mineral resources of the island remain
is a prominent NW-SE trending, sinistral shear belt, under-exploited mos tly d ue to l ack o f sig nificant
the Bongolova-Ranotsara lineament, which possibly foreign i nvestment. I lmenite b each s ands n ear To-
separates two different crustal terranes, a n orthern alagnaro (formerly Fort Dauphin) y ield exploitable
and a southern one. Older structures, such as the N-S quantities of TiO2 , b ut a n en vironmental i mpact
trending Ampanihy ductile shear zone of southwest- study c oncluded t hat t he m ining o peration w ould
ern Madagascar were produced by intense flattening destroy 75% of the coastal forest zone in the mining
events a ssociated w ith g ranulite me tamorphism, area. O ther p otential de posits i nclude ba stnaesite,
isoclinal folding, flattened sheaths, steep to vertical bauxite and iron ore. Hydrocarbons have been found
foliations a nd she ath-like g eometry o f ma ssif-type in the form of natural gas, tar sands, heavy oil and
anorthosite bodies. coal, but are not yet of economic value.
Fig. 211 The skull of a prosauropod, possibly the oldest
dinosaur, from the Middle Triassic of Madagascar

Besaire, H. H. (1964): Ma dagascar C arte G éologique,

Echelle 1:1,000 ,000 .– S ervice G éologique, S ociété
des P etroles d e M adagascar, Bu r. R ech. G éologiques
Fig. 210 Karsitification at the Tsingy Massif of Ankarana Minières, Commissariat Energie Atomique, Inst. Rech.
Scient., Soc. Ugine Péchiney; Antananarivo.
Besaire, H. H. (1966): G ites M ineraux d e Ma dagascar.–
Geohazards Annls Geol. Madagascar 34, 1–822.
Besaire, H. H. & Collingnon, M. (1956): Le système crétacé
An i nventory ha s not yet been made, but deforesta- à Madagascar.– Trav. Bureau Géol. 77, 1–79.
tion has caused many environmental problems, for Caen-Vachette, M. & Hottin, G. (1979): The Precambrian
instance gully erosion (Fig. 206). of M adagascar t hrough w hole ro ck R b/Sr i sochron
data.– I n: H istoire de G ondwana v ue de Madagascar,
1–19; Antananarivo.
Geosites Cox, R. & Ashwal, L. D. (eds.) (1997): Proterozoic Geology
of Mad agascar.– P roceedings U NESCO-IUGS-IGCP
A formal inventory has not yet been made, but Mada- 348/368 I nternational Fie ld Workshop, G ondwana

gascar offers ma ny p otential si tes o f g eoscientific Research Group M iscellaneous P ubl. 5, 1–106; O saka,
Auckland Park.
interest (Figs 208–210). Hottin, G . (1972): G eological M ap of M adagascar, S cale

1:2,000,000.– Bur. Rech. Géol. Min.; Paris.
Hottin, G. (1976): Présentation et essai d᾽interprétation du
Geoscience Education Précambrien d e M adagascar.– Bu ll. Bu r. R ech. G éol.

Min. Paris, 2e Série 4 (2), 117–153; Paris.
Countrywide t here a re 2 u niversities w here g eol-
Lamberton, Ch. (1946): Contribution à la connaissance de la
ogy/geosciences in undergraduate and postgraduate faune sub-fossile de Madagascar. Lémuriens et Ratites.–
courses are offered. The personnel and institutional Mém. Ac. Malgache, 1934, 17, 1–168, and 1946, 27, 1–79.
capacities o f t heir de partments a re p robably o f Mitchell, N. ( 1984): The h ydrocarbon p otential a nd e x-
intermediate st andard a s i ndicated b y t he i nterna- ploration opportunities of the Democartic Republic of
Madagascar.– 1–17; I mperial C ollege Science Technol-
tional ranking databases for Africa of the respective ogy, University London, London.
universities. Windley, B . F., R azafiniparany, A ., R azakamanana, T.
& A ckermand, D. (1994): Tectonic f ramework of t he
Precambrian of M adagascar a nd it s G ondwana c on-
References nection: a re view a nd re appraisal.– G eol. Ru ndschau
83, 642–659; Stuttgart.
Ashwal, L. D. (1997): Geology of Madagascar: Brief Outline.– Wopfner, H . ( 1994): The M alagasy R ift , a c hasm i n t he
In: A shwal, L . D. (ed.), P roterozoic G eology of M ada- Tethyan ma rgin o f G ondwana.– J ournal S outheast
gascar – Guidebook to Field Excursions, Miscellaneous Asian Earth Sciences 9 (4), 451–461; Oxford.
Publications 6, Gondwana Research Group, 4–9; Osaka
and Auckland Park.
Battistini, R. (1965): Une datation au radio-carbon des oeufs
des derniers Aepyornis de l᾽Etrème-Nord de Madagas-
car.– C. R. Soc. Géol. France, 309; Paris.
Madeira (Portugal)
Area: 810 km2 (Madeira alone 728 km 2)
Population 275,000 (2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
The Madeira Archipelago is essentially a product of
Neogene times and made up of alternating deposits
of pyroclastics, lavas, intrusives, extrusives, marine
and terrestrial sediments. Fig. 212 Eroded basalts along coastal Madeira near Porta
da Abra
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
During L ower Cr etaceous t imes i ntense s edimen-
tation took place on marginal oceanic plains and
basins lying off to the east of Madeira. Fissuring and
fracturing of t hese d eposits c aused by e ngendering
stresses allowed the ascension of magma and its pour-
ing forth a s submarine eff usions. By t he end of t he
Paleogene, volcanics had b uilt up to b eyond the sea
level to create the initial Madeira archipelago. By Early
Miocene (possibly a lready i n l ate Ol igocene t imes)
Madeira w as w ell e stablished a s a v olcanic e difice.
Coral relief testifies to uplift. I n deeper offshore en- Fig. 213 Basaltic bay along the coast near Porta da Abra,
vironments, Globigerina limestones of Vindobonian northern Madeira
age were formed. Subsequent to t he development of
these biofacies, uplift of Madeira occurred to vary-
ing elevations, with limestones now found as high as areas, a nd i n de pressions f reshwater l akes f ormed,
400 m. Contemporaneous with the formation of bio- which g radually dried out a nd f urnished lacustrine
genic deposits there occurred diabasic, trachytic and deposits for aeolian reworking. The marine incursions
doleritic i ntrusions, r epresenting t he Vi ndobanian left on the coast biodetrital sands. Contemporaneous
Volcanic Complex. In post-Vindobanian times effu- with these incursions is the last volcanism prolonging
sions continued rather erratically. During this period into sub-Recent times. The presence today of Quater-
also biodetritic limestones, lavas and pyroclastics were nary marine terraces as high as 100 m result from a
formed. Quiet emissions were alternating with more combination of both uplift and eustatic adjustments
violent episodes and reefs developed along coastal ar- of the sea associated with the Ice Ages.
eas. Fossil plants and lignites are found in the Paul da
Serra Beds, which are overlain by basalts. The piling- Economic Geology
up of all these deposits during Miocene and possibly
There is no mining industry in the archipelago, apart
into early Pliocene times caused additional stress on
from local use of building materials. Fossil fuels and
the crust, resulting into down-buckling of the volca-
hydroelectric development are also unknown.
nic ed ifices. I n post-Miocene t imes, t rachytic lavas
and tuffs some 600 m thick and plateau basalts some Geosites
400 m thick developed. The pre-basalt surface was one
of considerable relief, t he lignites suggesting poorly Madeira as a tourist destination offers various geosites
drained depressions, whilst coarse clastics (breccias, mainly because of their scenic beauty (Fig. 212 & 213).
agglomerates, c onglomerates) su ggest s cree o r to r-
rential de position r esulting f rom p owerful erosi on References
down steep slopes. Laterization is a common feature Mitchell-Thomé, R . C. (1976): G eology of t he M iddle A t-
of the pre-basalt surface. In Quaternary times marine lantic Islands.– In: Beitr. Reg. Geol. Erde 12, I–IX, 1–382
incursions invaded t he existing low and flat coastal [chapter on Madeira ps. 109–142]; Berlin-Stuttgart.
(.—''¡N (-—+'¡N (-—)'¡N

**—('¡E **—('¡E

N <

**—''¡E **—''¡E
(' ' (' )'bd


*)—+'¡E *)—+'¡E


*)—*'¡E @C?8J;<J<IK8J *)—*'¡E

8KC8EK@:F:<8E 9L>@F

*)—)'¡E *)—)'¡E

(.—''¡N (-—+'¡N (-—)'¡N

8cclm`Xcj#Y\XZ_[\gfj`kj#[le\j I\Z\ek$


Lgg\iYXjXckj Gc\`jkfZ\e\

MfcZXe`Zj Gc`fZ\e\$

C`d\jkfe\jf]k_\M`e[fYfe`\e Lgg\i$D`[[c\

Fig. 214 Geological overview of Madeira (modified after Mitchell-Thomé, 1976)

Area: 118,484 km2
Population: 11,572,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Much of Malawi is made up of igneous and metamor-
phic rocks of the Basement Complex of Precambrian
age. Parts of the country are covered by Karoo strata
and by Cretaceous ig neous a nd sedimentary rocks. Fig. 215 Bird Island in Lake Malawi
Alluvium occurs along Lake Malawi.

may be contemporaneous with the Nyika granite, due
The Basement Complex of Malawi is bounded by the to similarity of lithology and mode of occurrence of
Zambezi Valley in the south, Lake Malawi in the east the two granites. The Dzalanyama granite intruded
and the Luangwa Valley in Zambia in the northeast. the sandstones and partly calcareous mudstones of
The oldest rocks of the Basement Complex are prob- the Mchinji Group, which were deposited in a marine
ably metamorphic rocks in the southern part of the shallow-water shelf environment. The earlier part of
country, w hich a re p ossibly der ived f rom ma rine the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Orogeny is termed
geosynclinal s ediments w ith s ome i gneous ro cks. Katangan episode, and the later part is the Damaran
This a ssumption i s ba sed pa rtly on t he o ccurrence episode. During the Mozambique Orogeny most of
of i ntercalated ma rbles, w hich may have originally the Basement Complex became regionally metamor-
been marine limestones and partly on the fact that the phosed and migmatized to a greater or lesser extent.
chemical composition of the metamorphic rocks ap- In southern Malawi, where plastic deformation and
proximates to that of some modern marine sediments high-grade metamorphism were common, large areas
with igneous material. About 1,800 Ma ago the Rusizi- of biotite and hornblende gneisses, charnockitic gran-
Ubendian o rogeny def ormed a nd me tamorphosed ulites and gneisses were produced. Isoclinal folding
the original rocks in the north of the country along in some areas was accompanied by the formation of
a zone of diastrophism running in NW-SE direction metasomatic perthite gneisses and granulites. Some
from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and infracrustal r ing co mplexes w ere a lso i ntruded a t
Burundi t hrough s outhern Tanzania a nd northern this time. The Mchinji sedimentary rocks underwent
Zambia into northern Malawi. This zone may have some sl ight metamorphism, which a ltered t hem to
extended at that time south through Malawi and low-grade metamorphic rocks. The final event in the
Mozambique i nto t he L impopo O rogenic B elt o f Mozambique Orogeny in the south of the country was
Zimbabwe and northern South Africa. However, most the emplacement of granites, syenites and associated
evidence in the south has been destroyed by succeed- minor i ntrusions, which probably occurred during
ing o rogenesis. The I rumide O rogeny o ccurred b e- early Pa leozoic times. In t he north of Ma lawi were
tween 1,600 and 900 Ma ago and caused deformation, phyllonites w ithin o lder g neisses p roduced d uring
intrusion and metamorphism in a belt extending east the M ozambique O rogeny, i ndicating t hat m uch
to east-northeast through Zambia, northern Malawi of the deformation was of brittle type. Syenites and
and Tanzania. The N yika g ranite w as i ntruded a t nepheline syenites were intruded in a f ew places at
this time in a small area in the north of the country. this time. In addition, the Mafingi sedimentary rocks,
The m udstones, s andstones a nd c onglomerates o f like the Mchinji, underwent some slight metamorphic
the Ma fingi Group, w hich a lso o ccur i n t he n orth, alteration to low- grade metamorphic rocks.
were deposited on a sha llow marine shelf following Terrestrial s edimentation a nd subs equent v olca-
the intrusion of the Nyika granite. The Dzalanyama nism of the Karoo Supergroup probably began during
granite, w hich o ccurs a round t he ju nction of t he Permian and ended in Early Jurassic. The sedimentary
borders between Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique, rocks of the Karoo Supergroup consist of interbedded

DXcXn` :<EFQF@:
8cclm`Xcj Gc\`jkfZ\e\

CXb\j\[`d\ekjf]k_\Jle^nX# Gc\`jkfZ\e\$
:_`nfe[fXe[:_`k`dn\9\[j D`fZ\e\
('—J ('—J :fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\ClgXkX :i\kXZ\flj6
:XiYfeXk`k\j#^iXelc`k\jXe[jp\e`k\j Z\flj$Lgg\i
f]k_\:_`cnX8cbXc`e\Gifm`eZ\ AliXjj`Z
BXiffJlg\i^iflg Cfn\iAliXjj`Z

K\ii\jki`Xcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\BXiff Ki`Xjj`Z$
Jlg\i^iflg G\id`Xe

>iXe`k\jf]k_\CXb\DXcXn`Gifm`eZ\ GXc\fqf`Z6 $

()—J ()—J E\fgifk\ifqf`Z


D\kXj\[`d\ekjf]k_\DZ_`ea`>iflg D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z


(+—J JZ_`jkj#hlXikq`k\j#dXiYc\j#

Q8D9@8 ^iXelc`k\j



(-—J N < (-—J

,' ' ,' (''bd

*+—< *-—<

Fig. 216 Geological overview of Malawi (modified after Bloomfield, 1966)

160 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

some time during the Pleistocene, the Songwe Volca-

noes in the extreme north of the country erupted.

The Karoo rocks were probably deposited in a series
of tectonically controlled basins. Subsequently these
rocks w ere do wn-faulted i nto a s eries o f N -S a nd
NW-SE t rending n ormal f ault t roughs i n n orthern
and southwestern Malawi. Earliest faulting occurred
during the later part of Karoo deposition and could
possibly be indicated by the first fractures associated
Fig. 217 Mount Mulanje, largely composed of syenite and with rift-faulting. The Rift Valley in Malawi is but a
granite. Mulanje Massif in Malawi is one of central Africa’s small part of a much larger feature, which extends in a
highest mountains raising to over 3,000 m discontinuous fashion through Africa from the Zam-
bezi River to the Red Sea. In Mozambique and Malawi
the southern Rift is a single linear zone of lakes and
mudstones, sandstones, marls and some coal seams. valleys created by downfaulting of large sections of the
Volcanicity of the Stormberg Group during Early Ju- earth᾽s crust during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
rassic resulted in dolerite intrusions and basalt flows
in the south of Malawi.
Economic Geology
During Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, alkaline
magmatism resulted in the intrusion of carbonatites, Exploration for exploitable minerals in Malawi has
granulites, feldspar and feldspathoidal syenites of the recently sh own a w ide r ange o f u ndeveloped m in-
Chilwa Alkaline Province in the southern part of the eral de posits. S ome o f t he c arbonatite c omplexes
country. Most of the intrusions took the form of ring contain rare earth elements, e. g. the Kangankunde
complexes, which now form prominent topographic
features such as the Zomba and Mulanje Mountains.
The intrusions were associated in a complex fashion
with rifting, which probably allowed some terrestrial
sedimentation i nto N W-SE t rending f ault t roughs.
This resulted in the fossiliferous Dinosaur Beds in
the north of Malawi and possibly in the calcareous
pebbly sandstones in the south.
Possible down-warping or fault-trough sedimenta-
tion in the Tertiary and Quaternary resulted in the
deposition of va ried sed iments of t he Sungwa, Ch i-
wondo and Chitimwe Beds of the northern lakeshore
area, representing probably the earliest sedimentation
of Lake Malawi. At this time the lake surface may have
been sometimes about 300 m a bove its present level
and w as p ossibly c onfined to a n a rea i n t he n orth,
which was about one quarter the size of the present
lake. C ontinued down-faulting a nd p ossible t ilting
allowed the lake to advance to the south and lowered
it to an elevation of about 200 m above its present level.
A continuation of this trend caused the lake to extend
as f ar a s t he p resent C ape Mac lear Peninsula a nd
dropped the water surface to about 120 m a bove the
present lake level. The Dwangwa gravels, which occur
in various places around the shores of Lake Malawi, Fig. 218 Village shelter below one of Malawi’s numerous
may then have been produced as a beach deposit. At inselbergs
Carbonatite a bout 60 km s outh-southeast o f N ch- have led to the building of a local museum (Cultural
eua, a nd t he S ongwe C arbonatite a bout 60 k m & M useum C entre K aronga), w hich w as r ecently
north-northeast of Mlanje. These deposits may also opened and exhibits these fi ndings and other items
contain apatite, baryte, strontianite and pyrochlore. of cultural significance of the area.
Uranium occurs near Thambani about 75 km west of
Blantyre. Pyrite and pyrrhotite near Lilongwe could
Geoscience Education
be mined. Vermiculite deposits of commercial value
have been found near Mpatamanga about 60 km west Countywide there is one university (Zomba) where
of Blantyre. Although coal deposits had been known geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate c ourses a re
for many years in the northern part of the country, offered. A nother u niversity (Mzuzu) offers courses
they were not m ined u ntil recently b ecause it w as with geoscientific background in its Department of
determined to be more economical to import coa l Environmental Sciences. Personnel and institutional
from Mozambique. Ma lawi now operates t wo coal capacities of both institutions are probably of lower
mines in the Livingstonia Coalfield in the northern standard as they are not considered in international
part o f t he c ountry. O ther c ommodities i nclude a ranking databases for Africa.
bauxite deposit on the Mlanje syenographic massif,
25 k m northeast of M lanje. China clay, corundum,
dimension s tone, g raphite a nd si licon s and ha ve References
also been investigated but not yet exploited. Explo-
Bloomfield, K . (1966): G eological M ap of M alawi, S cale
ration f or c hromite, c opper, g old, g ypsum, n ickel, 1:1,000 ,000 .– Geological Survey Department; Zomba.
rutile, s alt a nd h ydrocarbons ha s b een c onducted Charsley, T. J. (1972): The Limestone Resources of Malawi.–
in recent years. Mem. Geol. Surv. Dept. 6, 1–128; Zomba.
Jacobs, L. (1993): Quest for the African Dinosaurs. Ancient
Roots of the Modern World.– I–XII, 1–315; Villard Books,
Geosites New York.
Shroder, J. F. (1972a): Geological History and Structure of
A f ormal i nventory o f p otential g eosites ha s n ot the B asement C omplex.– M alawi i n M aps, S . A gnew
yet been made, but many sites of scenic beauty are & M. Stubbs (eds.), 20–21; University of London Press,
well-known (Figs 215 and 217–220). In Karonga, the London.
Shroder, J. F. (1972b): Geological History of Rocks of Post-
northernmost d istrict of M alawi, t he d iscovery of

Basement Complex, Rift Faulting, and Mineral Occur-
sediments y ielding both mid-Cretaceous dinosaur rences.– I n: M alawi i n M aps, S . A gnew & M . St ubbs
bones as well as those of early Pleistocene hominids (eds.), 22–23; University of London Press, London.


Fig. 219 Henga Valley as seen on the way to Livingstonia Fig. 220 Nyika Plateau with the Nyika National Park
Area: 1,241,232 or 1,240,192 km2
Population: 11,995,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Mali is underlain by two cratonic nuclei, extensions
of t he West A frican Cr aton a nd t he Tuareg Sh ield,
which were welded together during the Neoprotero-
zoic Pan-African orogeny. The West African Craton
outcrops in the west along the Senegalese border, in
southern Ma li as pa rt of t he L eo Shield a nd i n t he
far north. The Tuareg Shield outcrops in the east in
the A drar de s I foras mo untains. S ediments o f t he
intracratonic Taoudeni Basin underly most of Mali.
Parts of eastern Mali are covered by Cretaceous and
Tertiary sediments.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

Northern Mali is part of the Reguibat Shield, a
northern extension of the West African Craton. It is
bounded to t he north by t he Tindouf Basin, to t he
south b y t he Taoudeni i ntracratonic ba sin a nd to
the w est b y t he West A frican p olyorogenic mob ile
belt, i . e. t he Ma uritanides. The Re guibat Sh ield i s
composed of Archean rocks in the west and centre,
whereas Paleoproterozoic rocks predominate in the Fig. 221 Artisanal digging for gold ore in southwestern
east. The Archean basement of the Reguibat Shield, Mali
known a s t he A msaga Gro up i n t he w est a nd t he
Ghallaman Group in the east, has been divided into
a migmatitic and a metamorphic unit comprising at Syntectonic granites are abundant in the eastern
the ba se t ypical g ranulites. The me tamorphic u nit zone and include mica granites, porphyritic biotite
consists from bottom to top of charnockitic pyroxene- granites, granodiorites and diorites. The gneisses have
amphibolites, g ranulites, py roxene-amphibolites, yielded ages indicating a major tectono-thermal event
sillimanite-gneisses, g ranulites, biot ite g neisses, at around 2,700 Ma , whereas the granites are dated
amphibolites, ma rbles a nd f erruginous qu artzites. at about 2,400 Ma. Eburnean reactivation produced
These a ssemblages a re i ntruded b y me tagabbros, biotite ages falling in the range of 2,000 –1,500 Ma .
anorthosites a nd s erpentines a nd a re c ut b y sma ll Polycyclic Archean to Paleoproterozoic high-grade
massifs o f b iotite g ranite a nd b y b eryl-tourmaline assemblages are also preserved in the Adrar des Iforas
pegmatites. The Amsaga assemblage is about 10 km granulites of the southwestern Tuareg Shield and were
thick. In the central part of the Reguibal Shield the last a ffected b y t he E burnean O rogeny. I n t he c en-
Archean i ncludes a bundant l eptynites, b iotite a nd tral part of the Adrar des Iforas region an extensive
muscovite gneisses, amphibolites, marbles and quatz- Neoproterozoic volcano-clastic sequence belongs to
ites. I n t he e astern Re guibat Sh ield A rchean ro cks the Tafeliant Group, which rests unconformably on
are r epresented b y l eptynites, a mphibolites, ga rnet pre-Pan-African o r ol der ba sement a nd c omprises
gneisses a nd m igmatites. The me tamorphic g rade unstratified t illites w ith l arge l ocal bl ocks, l ittoral
varies f rom low pressure g ranulite facies to a mphi- calcareous s andstones a nd a u nit o f bl ack p elites
bolite facies and decreases towards the east. with clasts of marine tillites. The succession passes
('—N ,—N '—


N < 8C><I@8

('' ' ('' )''bd

)'—E )'—E


(,—E (,—E

9XdXbf 9LIB@E8=8JF


('—E ('—E


('—N ,—N '—

I\Z\ek$ Gifk\ifqf`Z#
;le\j#cXk\i`k\j E\f^\e\ D\kXmfcZXe`Zj#d\kXj\[`d\ekj le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[

DX`ecpZfejfc`[Xk\[jXe[]fidXk`fej D\jfqf`Z >iXe`k\j#^e\`jj\j#d`^dXk`k\j GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z6

B`dY\ic`k\j le[`]]\i\ek`$ 8I:?<8E
J\[`d\ekjXe[cfn$^iX[\d\kXj\[`$ 9Xj`Z`^e\fljZfdgc\o\j
d\ekj :XiYfe`]\iflj$

9Xj`Z&lckiXYXj`Z`ekilj`m\ifZbj le[`]]\i\ek`$

Fig. 222 Geological overview of Mali (modified after various sources)

164 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

upward i nto v olcanic g reywackes w ith ab undant Taoudeni Ba sin co ntains t he m ost ex tensive o ut-
andesitic material pa rtially m ixed w ith s emipelitic crops of Lower Paleozoic strata in West Africa. The
siltstones, a nd w ith a rkoses derived f rom t he sialic succession c omprises t he f ollowing su pergroups:
basement. The Tafeliant Gro up w as appa rently de - Supergroup 1 (Middle N eoproterozoic): s andstones
posited in a shallow marginal basinbounded by N-S and s tromatolitic c arbonates; Su pergroup 2 ( Late
trending faults. It may correlate westward with the Neoproterozoic to Cambro-Ordovician): basal tillites,
Tessalit-Tilemsi volcanic greywackes, which contain baryte-bearing do lomites, ma rine ch erts a nd sha ly
deep trough sedimentary features including a marine siltstones and Skolithos-bearing sandstones with in-
diamictite. T he O umassene Gro up, a n a ndesite- articulate brachiopods; Supergroup 3 (Late Ordovician
basalt complex, located at about 100 km to the north, to D evonian): t illites, g raptolite-bearing s hales a nd
may also correlate with the Tafeliant Group. In the fine sandstones, reefal limestones. Specifically in Mali
northwestern part of the Adrar des Iforas region the Carboniferous c lastics a nd c arbonates a re e xposed,
Tessalit-Tilemsi volcanic and volcano-clastic series which rest unconformably on Devonian sha les. Fos-
is of isla nd-arc a ffinity. It is characterized by meta- siliferous marine Lower Carboniferous clastics with
morphic and structural features, which are different conodonts and brachiopods are overlain by evaporitic
from the rest of the Tuareg Shield. carbonates. Cretaceous and Tertiary clastic sediments
The extensive Taoudeni Basin covers a l arge pa rt underlie large parts of northern and eastern Mali.
of t he West A frican Cr aton b etween t he Re guibal
Shield in the north and the Leo Shield in the south,
Economic Geology
and the encircling Pan-African Belts to the west and
east. It contains tabular sequences of Neoproterozoic Gold is the only mineral commodity produced that
to Carboniferous age. Thus, during this long period is currently of significance to t he economy of Ma li,
shallow seas periodically flooded the Taoudeni Basin although the country has a wide variety of other min-
and persisted long after the Pan-African tectonother- eral deposits, but few have been developed because
mal events had ended. It underlies most of Mali, but of a l ack of i nfrastructure a nd local dema nd. Gold
extends also into Algeria, Burkina Faso and continues accounted for more than 95 % of the estimated total
into Guinea, Guinea-Bissau a nd S enegal. Structur- value of mineral commodities produced in Mali and
ally t he Taoudeni Basin is a si mple sha llow i nterior about 20 % of the country᾽s total export of goods. The
sag ba sin w ith very low d ips. It l ies u nconformably greenstone belts at Kéniéba, Bougouni a nd Si kasso
upon t he E burnean ba sement. St ratigraphically, i t host gold deposits, commonly within shear zones and
has been subdivided into several main sedimentary quartz veins. Artisanal mining of gold is also reported
sequences s eparated b y d iscontinuity su rfaces. The in this area, but no data exist (Figs 221 and 224).

Fig. 223 Conventional Dogon bronze armring, central Mali Fig. 224 A modern gold rush: fortune seekers converge on
the bank of River Niger at Bamako, the Malian capital, in 1981,
when a small gold nugget was found there
Mali has a potential for diamonds in the Kéniéba
area, c lose to t he S enegalese b order a t t he c ontact
between Bi rrimian a nd N eoproterozoic s ediments.
21 kimberlitic pipes have been recorded, but outcrop
is p oor, w ith t he e xception o f mo untainous a reas.
Iron ore reserves are estimated at more than 300 Mt
in t he west o f t he c ountry. B auxite r eserves i n t he
southwest a re e stimated a t o ver a b illion to nnes.
Phosphate r eserves i n t he n ortheast a re e stimated
at 10 Mt. Limestone and marble resources are spread
over several areas. Rock-salt, lithium, gypsum, lead,
zinc, lignite and bituminous shales are also present
on Malian territory. Fig. 225 A traditional village of Dogon people along moun-
tainous environment

An inventory has not yet been made, but the houses
and caves of the Dogon people on a p lateau almost
parallel to t he Niger r iver at B andiagara i n c entral
Mali exhibit both cultural and geoscientific aspects of
heritage to be preserved (Figs 225 and 226). Tradition-
ally the locally mined gold served for filigree jewelry,
sometimes associated with bronze craft (Fig.223).

Geoscience Education
Countrywide there is one university (Bamako), which
due to the available information does not offer courses
in geology/geosciences.


Fabre, J. ( 1982): Pa n-African volc ano-sedimentary for -
mations in t he Adrar des Iforas (Mali).–Precambrian

Research 19, 201–214; Amsterdam.
Fabre, J., Jonquet, B. & Bronner, G. (1978): Carte géologique
de nord-ouest de l᾽Afrique, 1:5,000,000.– SNED, Alger.
Liegois, J. P., Bertrand, H., Black, R ., Caby, R . & F abre, J.
(1983): Permian alkaline undersaturated and carbonatite
province, and rift ing along the West African Craton.– Fig. 226 Dogon village along the mountains
Nature 305, 42–43; London.
Piqué, A. (2001): Geology of Northwest Africa, I–XIV, 1–310;
Gebrüder Borntraeger, Stuttgart.
Sauvage, J. F. & S avard, R . (1985): L es complexes a lcalins
soussatures a c arbonatites d e l a re gion d᾽In I manal
(Sahara ma lien): u ne p resentation.– J ournal A frican
Earth Sciences 3 (1/2), 143–149; Oxford.
United Nations (1987): Mineral Resources of M ali, 1–64.–
Unedited Report.
Area: 1,030,700 km2
Population: 3,270,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Mauritania᾽s g eology c an b e sub divided i nto f our
major domains: The Archean Reguibat Shield in the
north o f t he c ountry, w hich s trikes i nto Western
Sahara a nd A lgeria; t he N eoproterozoic N -S s trik- Fig. 227 Eroded surface of Cambrian stromatolites at Adra
ing Mauritanide Belt, folded and thrust during the
Variscan orogeny; the Taoudeni Basin with predomi-
nantly c ontinental s ediments o f Neoproterozoic to African fold belts including the Bassarides, Rokelides
Phanerozoic age, covering most of central and south- and Mauritanides. Largely allochthonous, the Mauri-
ern Mauritania; and parts of the Senegal Basin in the tanides rest in abnormal contact on the crystalline ter-
southwest of the country with marine sediments of rains of the Reguibat Shield and the platform cover of
Jurassic to Recent age. Sand dunes cover about 50 % the Taoudeni Basin. From south to north, the Mauri-
of Mauritania᾽s surface, which forms a vast peneplain tanides show a series of changes that provide valuable
studded with inselbergs over the folded belts. information on its history. The southern and central
Mauritanides are characterized by a r eadily observ-
able continuity: from east to west, the parautochthon
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
and t he i nfrastructural a llochthons a re p resent i n
The West A frican Cr aton c rops o ut a long a n E NE- all a reas. The p oorly e xtended su prastructural a l-
WSW a xis, i n t he Re guibat Sh ield o r u plift. I ts lochthons or related formations appear in different
western half consists mainly of metamorphic rocks structural setting along the segment, nappes of the
in g ranulite o r h ornblende f acies, N eoarchean i n northern type are unknown. The n orthern Ma uri-
age. The sequence of these rocks is known as Saouda tanides display an obvious change: the parautochthon
Series a nd consists of various t ypes of gneiss (with tends to d isappear n orthward; t he i nfrastructural
hypersthene, si llimanite-garnet, l eptynitic-garnet), allochthons a re poorly exposed, scattered a nd very
pyroxene amphibolites, magnetite quartzites and am- incomplete; t he su pracrustal a llochthons a nd t he
phibolites and marbles, interpreted as a series of sedi- nappes are largely extended; on t he northern front,
mentary to v olcanoclastic ro cks, i soclinally f olded, the latter rest directly on foreland.
striking N-S and verging west. The Saouda Series was The v ast Taoudeni B asin i s c entred o n t he West
intruded by basalts, gabbros and anorthosites and by African Craton, serving as Neoproterozoic to E arly
conformable serpentinites. Rocks of the Saouda Series Paleozoic f oreland to t he en circling Pa n-African
appear to be restites within a complex of magmatic mobile belts to the west and to the east. Apart from
and anatectic granites known as “Rag el Abiod com- Mauritania it underlies large areas of Mali, southern
plex”. The crystalline basement exposed within the Algeria, Burkina Faso a nd c ontinues into G uinea,
Kayes and Kenieba inliers is generally polydeformed, Guinea-Bissau a nd S enegal, w here i t i s k nown a s
variably metamorphosed (low-grade) volcanoclastic the Bove Basin. Structurally, the Taoudeni Basin is a
sedimentary rocks were intruded by syn-tectonic or simple shallow interior sag basin with very low dips of
post-tectonic granites. The granites have yielded ages one degree or less. It is flanked and overthrust to the
of about 2,050 Ma, which correspond to the Eburnean west by the Mauritanides along a narrow tectonized
Event. Pebbles o f m icrogranites a nd m icrosyenites margin with folds and fractures, which resulted from
in folded conglomerates of a me tasedimentary unit Hercynian deformation. Stratigraphically, the Taoud-
could be remnants of an older (Archean?) basement. eni Basin consists of fine-grained clastics and carbon-
Isoclinal-type folds with cleavage parallel to the bed- ates, 2,000 –3,000 m thick. The succession comprises
ding are NE-SW striking and SE vergent. the following three supergroups in ascending order:
The Ma uritanide O rogen i s pa rt o f t he West Supergroup 1, made up of Middle Neoproterozoic
('—N ,—N


N <

),—E J ),—E

('' ' ('' )''bd



)'—E )'—E



(,—E D8C@ (,—E

(,—N ('—N ,—N

DX`ecpjXe[[le\j I\Z\ek$ >iXe`k\j#^e\`jj\j#d`^dXk`k\j GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z

DX`ecpZfejfc`[Xk\[jXe[]fidXk`fej E\f^\e\$
D\jfqf`Z 8I:?<8E

J\[`d\ekjXe[cfn$^iX[\d\kXj\[`$ :XiYfe`]\iflj$ 9Xj`Z`^e\fljZfdgc\o

d\ekj E\fgifk\ifqf`Z

9Xj`Z&lckiXYXj`Z`ekilj`m\ifZbj G_Xe\ifqf`Z#

Fig. 228 Geological overview of Mauritania (modified after Anonymous, 1968)

168 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

sandstones and stromatolitic carbonates; Supergroup ore bearing carbonate unit is believed to be of sedi-
2, made u p o f Neoproterozoic ba sal t illites, ba ryte- mentary origin and the copper mineralization to be
bearing dolomites, marine cherts and sandstones, and essentially syngenetic in a volcanogenic environment.
Cambro-Ordovician S kolithos-bearing s andstones About 40 m below the original surface of the deposit,
with inarticulate brachiopods; Supergroup 3, made up the su pergene m ineralization c onsists o f c uprite,
of Late Ordovician tillites, graptolitic Silurian shales tenorite, malachite and azurite. The sulphide miner-
and fine sandstones, and Devonian shales with reefal alization consists of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, cubanite
limestones (Figs 227, 231–232). and arsenopyrite, with an average grade of 2.25 % Cu
Mauritania comprises a w ide part of the Senegal and 1.17g/t Au. Apparently the only current mining
Basin, w hich i s t he l argest o nshore emba yment i n operations are those of reprocessing about 2.5 Mt of
northwest A frica. St ratigraphically, i ts o nshore tailings with an average gold content of 2.5 g/t from
succession starts with Late Jurassic marine dolo- previous mining in the 1970᾽s. Recently an evaluation
mitic sandstones. Offshore, Early Cretaceous detrital of occurrences in southern Mauritania was presented
sediments o verlie E arly J urassic e vaporites, w hile by Salpeteur et al. (2004).
more calcareous lithofacies developed on a western The production of gypsum was derived from the
carbonate p latform. I n t he o verlying L ate Cr eta- N᾽Drahamcha qu arry, 50 k m n ortheast o f N ouak-
ceous to T ertiary s equence continental b eds i n t he chott. Most of the output was processed into plaster,
east interfinger westward with marine terrigenous additional amounts were used in the production of
deposits. A pronounced regression occurred at t he concrete blocks.
end of the Maastrichtian before a w idespread Early The p hosphate r esources i dentified a t B ofal a nd
Tertiary t ransgression. Loubboira in southern Mauritania were estimated at
120–150 Mt of phosphate rock averaging 20 % P2 O5 .
Economic Geology
The iron ore production is still the dominant mineral
production in Mauritania. In the 1970᾽s the reserves An inventory has not yet been made, but dust result-
of iron ore were estimated at about 200 Mt, grading ing f rom f requent s andstorms d eteriorated s ome
of 64 % Fe as hematite lenses and developed over mining facilities.
Proterozoic banded iron formations (BIF) at F᾽Dérik-
Segazou, Rouessa a nd Tazadit hills, a ll close to t he
border with the Western Sahara. Since the mid-1980᾽s
the so-called Guelb projects at El Rhein, 25 km north- An inventory has not yet been made, but Mauritania᾽s
east of Zouerate, where reserves of itabirites grading desert offers many places of scenic beauty (Figs 227,
in average of 37 % Fe and in the order of 300 Mt, are 230–233).
also e xploited ( Fig. 229). H owever, t he p roduction
there ha s r emained w ell b elow n ominal c apacity
(less than 2 Mt/y) largely due to p roblems with the
beneficiation plant, including rapid decay of the mills
and build-up of dust. Another Guelb project at Oum
Arwagen, 12 km east of El Rhein, with a grade of about
64 % Fe and identified reserves of 80 M t, came into
production in the early 1990᾽s.
The Akjoujt copper deposit is located about 250 km
northeast of Nouakchott at t he northern t ip of t he
Mauritanides Orogenic Belt. It consists of a 1,000 m
long and up to 250 m wide lens-shaped copper-bear-
ing carbonate body occurring on top of two hills, the
west and east Moghrein Guelbs. The carbonate unit is
part of a volcano-sedimentary pile of Neoproterozoic
age, which was thrust from a western internal portion
of the Mauritanides into a synformal nappe structure,
Fig. 229 Loading of the train at the iron ore mine of Guelb
which was overturned during Pa leozoic t imes. The near Zouerat
Fig. 230 An ancient lake in sandstones of the Mauritanides Fig. 231 Paleozoic tableland west of Adrar in the Mauritanides
along Chinguetti to Atar along Chinguetti to Atar

Geoscience Education
Countywide there is one u niversity (Nouakchott),
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
institutional capacities of its department a re appa r-
ently of good standard as indicated for the university
by international ranking databases for Africa.

Anonymous (1968): C arte gé ologique d e l a R épublique

Islamique de Ma uritanie a u 1:1,000 ,000 .– B RGM;
Fig. 232 Paleozoic formations of the Mauritanides along
Chinguetti to Atar
Carite, D. (2000): Geologie en Mauritanie.– 1–89; Edisud,

Holland, C. H. (1985): Lower Palaeozoic of North Western
and West C entral A frica.– 1–524; J ohn Wi ley a nd

Piqué, A. (2001): Geology of Northwest Africa, I–XIV, 1–310;
Gebrüder Borntraeger, Stuttgart.
Salpeteur, I ., Ha shmi, O . S., D iabira, F. a nd D ioumass᾽I,
B. (2004 ): New gold discoveries in the Neoproterozoic
belt of South Mauritania.20 th Colloquium on African
Geology, Abstr. Vol., 361;Orleans.
Sougy, J. (1964): Les formations paléozoiques du Zemmour
noir (Mauretanie septentrionale). Etude stratigraphique,
pétrographique et paléontologique.–Ann. Fac. Sci 15, Ser.
Science de la Terre 1, 1–695; Université Dakar; Dakar.
Wissmann, G. (1982): Stratigraphy and structural features
of the continental margin basin of Senegal and Maurita-
nia.– In: U. von Rad, K. Hinz, M. Sarnthein & E. Seibold
(eds.), G eology of t he nor thwest A frican c ontinental
margin, 160–181; Springer, Berlin. Fig. 233 A Hamada at Adra in the Mauritanides
Area: 2,040 km2 (including Rodriguez)
Population: 1,251,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Except for the beaches and coral reefs, the main island
of Mauritius is entirely of volcanic origin. The island
of Rodriguez (560 km to the east of Mauritius) is also
volcanic in origin and consists of basaltic rocks. Fig. 234 Grand Bassin, a crater lake, which is considered the
most sacred Hindu place in Mauritius

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

Three major periods of volcanic activity formed the unlikely t hat t hese r esources w ill b e de veloped i n
island. The first period, called the Emergence, Older the foreseeable future. The oil company Texaco has
or Ancient Series, lasted from 10 to about 5 Ma. The explored offshore areas at shallower depth for oil in
Ancient S eries c an b e f urther sub divided i nto t wo the 1970᾽s.
distinct pa rts: t he Breccia S eries f rom 10 to 7 .8 Ma
and the Old Series from 7.6 to 5 Ma. The second major
period called the Early Volcanic Series or Intermedi-
ate Series lasted from 3.5 to 1.7 Ma. The third period Environmental c oncerns r egarding t he m ining o f
is termed the Younger Series or the Recent Series and coral sand and its impact on coastal lagoons have been
lasted from 0.7 Ma to 20,000 years ago. The lithol- raised. As sand is a v ery slowly renewable resource,
ogy of the island is basically made of basalt, but the its e xtraction f rom s and qu arries a long t he c oast
three main phases have given rise to different types has been banned since 1991. However, sand mining
of rocks. The Older Series consists mainly of olivine in the lagoon is still allowed at certain places, but it
basalts and agglomerates with intrusive trachyte and
trachyandesitic plugs. The Younger Series comprises
mainly olivine-bearing flood basalts. (Simpson, 1950;
McDougall and Chamalaun, 1969).
The island of Rodriguez is of volcanic origin, its
highest peak reaching an altitude of 450m. The lavas
are basaltic with olivines. A radiometric dating has
yielded an age of 1.54 Ma. The southwestern plain is
composed of coral reef debris, reaching up to 62 m
in altitude. In caves the skeletons of an extinct bird,
called “solitaire” ha ve b een d iscovered (Pezophaps

Economic Geology
The mineral industry of Mauritius is a negligible factor
in its economy. Historically, mineral output consisted
of the local production and use of basalt construction
stone, coral sand (Fig. 239), lime from coral and solar-
evaporated sea salt. Polymetallic nodules occur on the
Fig. 235 The extinct Dodo (Raphus cucullatus), being the
ocean floor at a de pth of about 4,000 m, e xtending national symbol of Mauritius. Hand-coloured etching by
from 400 to 800 k m north of Port Louis, northeast George Edwards from his book “Gleanings of Natural History”
of Tromelin Isl and. H owever, c urrently i t app ears (1758-1764)
,.—*'¡< ,.—+,¡<



)'—(,¡J )'—(,¡J


N <

)'—*'¡J J )'—*'¡J

, ' , ('bd

,.—(,¡< ,.—*'¡< ,.—+,¡<

Pfle^\iYXjXck`Zj\i`\j '%')$'%.DX

@ek\id\[`Xk\YXjXck`Zj\i`\j )%'$*%,DX

Fc[\iYXjXck`Zj\i`\j ,%,$.%'DX

MfcZXe`Zm\ekj Gc\`jkfZ\e\

Fig. 236 Geological overview of Mauritius (modified after Simpson, 1950)

172 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 237 Gunner’s Quoin islet, an ancient basaltic volcanic Fig. 239 Sand exploitation at Chamarel (seven-coloured
cone. At some places pieces of fossilised coral can be found earth)
embedded in the basalt. Gunner’s Quoin is designated as a
Nature Reserve

is thought that the extraction of large quantities will References

have an impact on the littoral drift of sediments and
McDougall, L. & Chamalaun, F. G. (1969): Isotopic dating
so hinders the replenishment of beaches. and ge omagnetic p olarity s tudies on volc anic ro cks
from M auritius, I ndian O cean.– G eol. S oc. A merica
Bull. 80, 1419–1442;
Geosites McDougall, L., Upton, B. G. J. & Wadsworth, W. J. (1965): A
An i nventory of potential geosites has not yet been geological reconnaissance of Rodriguez Island, Indian
Ocean.– Nature 206, No. 4979, 2627; London.
made. A s a to urist de stination, Ma uritius o ffers Simpson, E . S. W. (1950): T he ge ology a nd m ineral re -
various locations of scenic beauty (Figs 234, 237 and sources of M auritius.– C olon. G eol. M iner. Resource
238). Palaeontologically, Mauritius was home for the 1 (3), 217–235;
flightless Dodo (Raphus cucullatus), which is extinct
since the early 17th century. Its remnants are exhibited
in the National Museum of Mauritius.

Geoscience Education
The only university of Mauritius offers some courses
with geoscientific bac kgroud i n i ts en vironmental
sciences programme.

Fig. 238 Rochester Falls in central Mauritius Fig. 240 Aerial view of coastal Mauritius
Mauritius 173 M
Area: 458,730 km2
Population: 33,011,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Morocco᾽s geology has generally been subdivided into
four structural domains or provinces. These are from
south to n orth t he A nti-Atlas Domain, t he Meseta
Domain, the Atlas Belt Domain and the Rif Domain.
Whereas the Rif Domain (or Mediterranean Morocco)
is part of the vast Alpine system of Europe and North
Africa, the other domains (or African Morocco) are
essentially o f West A frican a ffinities. Apa rt f rom
these structural units, along the Atlantic coast basins
filled w ith mos tly M esozoic a nd C enozoic t abular
sediments are recognizable.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

The Anti-Atlas Domain is only very slightly affected Fig. 241 Paleozoic succession near Erfoud in the Tafilalt
by A lpine mo vements a nd w as f ormed b y w ide- region
spanned up-doming of ma rginal pa rts of t he West
African Cr aton. P recambrian ro cks f orm t he c ore
of major domes in the axial zone of the range. Nor- the quartzites as sills and laccoliths that are more or
mally, this basement is covered by poorly deformed less concordant with the sedimentary bedding. In the
sediments of N eoproterozoic to L ower Pa leozoic Bou-Azzer inlier, the Quartzite Series is replaced by
age. In the Tafilalt region in southeastern Morocco an ophiolitic complex. S imilar conditions occ ur at
the Anti-Atlas Domain dips to t he E b eneath unde- Jbel Siroua, whereas at Jbel Saghro sandy-pelitic ter-
formed Cretaceous sediments of the Sahara platform. rigenous formations correspond to a n environment
However, all the older assemblages of Morocco only at t he ba se o f t he c ontinental ma rgin w ith c lastic
crop out w ithin inliers mainly situated in t he Anti- supply c oming f rom t he n orth. R anging f rom l ate
Atlas Do main. The ol dest ro cks ma y b e t he a ugen Neoproterozoic to Infracambrian is the Ouarzazate
gneisses of Jbel Ouiharem and the gneisses of Oued Series, which has been considered as molasse of the
Assemlil ( Fig. 248). The Z enaga S eries i s a u nit o f Pan-African orogenesis. Above the Ouarzazate Series
augen g neisses, me tadolerites a nd me tamorphic follows t he A doudounian S eries, w hich r epresents
rocks, w hich a re h ighly a ffected by sub-horizontal the base of t he Cambrian. It consists at t he base of
composite f oliation. Their me tamorphism i s at trib- conglomerates, followed by carbonates, marls, sand-
uted to a n ancient orogeny, because anatectic grani- stones a nd finally a gain c arbonates. F or i nstance,
toids were apparently emplaced in Paleoproterozoic the Amouslek Formation with shales and limestones,
times. Similar ages are also recorded from granites contains a r ich f auna o f t rilobites a nd a rchaeocya-
at A zguemerzi a nd Tazenakht i n t he c entral A nti- thids, indicating a Lower Cambrian age of a shallow
Atlas and farther west in the anticlinal inlier of the marine environment (Fig. 250). The Middle Cambrian
Lower Draa. The Quartzite Series north of Kerdous is r epresented b y t he G oulimine Q uartzitic S eries
is a de trital u nit w ith si ltstones, p elitic s andstones, containing various trilobites. The Upper Cambrian
conglomerates and especially thick quartzitic layers, is normally not exposed. To the south the Cambrian
which yielded Neoproterozoic ages. Limestones, often is overlain by Ordovician strata, which have a w ide-
stromatolitic, a re i ntercalated. B asic i ntrusions o f spread outcrop and are mostly made up of sandstones,
dolerites and t holeiitic gabbros were emplaced into micaceous clays and occasionally limestones. Typical
('—N /—N KXe^\i

*+—E N <

F:<8E DXiiXb\kZ_

*'—E *'—N

('' ' ('' )''bd


/—N -—N +—N )—N

:<EFQF@: G8C<FQF@:
JXYb_Xj#cXb\[\gfj`kj#[le\j HlXik\ieXip DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :XiYfe`]\iflj

MfcZXe`Zj HlXik\ieXip$ ;\mfe`Xe
:i\kXZ\flj DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj

DX`ecpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj J`cli`Xe

GXc\f^\e\ DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj

DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj Fi[fm`Z`Xe
DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :i\kXZ\flj
DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :XdYi`Xe

DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj AliXjj`Z GXc\fqf`Z#

DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[
;fc\i`k\jXe[mfcZXe`Zj AliXjj`Z$
DfjkcpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj Ki`Xjj`ZXe[ Cfn$^iX[\d\kXdfig_`ZifZbj#YXj`Z E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
G\idf$Ki`Xjj`Z mfcZXef[\eki`k`Zj

>e\`jj\j#dXiYc\j#hlXikq`k\j# D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
JKIL:KLI<J Xdg_`Yfc`k\j
D\kXdfig_`ZifZbj GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z

>iXe`k\j#i\c`Zjf]mXi`fljfif^\e`\j Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[

Fig. 242 Geological overview of Morocco (modified after Fabre et al, 1978)
176 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

fossils are graptolites and trilobites. The presence of

a Saharan glaciation during the Upper Ordovician is
indicated by tillites at Djebel Serraf. Silurian strata
are recorded f rom t he I riqui s ection i n t he c entral
Anti-Atlas, r epresented b y p laty s andstones, sha les
and dark mudstones, sometimes containing carbon-
ate n odules. Gr aptolites, a f ew l amellibranchs a nd
nautiloids are found. In the eastern Anti-Atlas in the
Tafilalt predominate black shales. Two types of facies
can be subdivided within the Devonian of the Anti-
Atlas: In the western Anti-Atlas, sandy mudstones of
the Gedinnian-Siegenian, containing limestone beds,
overlay conformably the Upper Silurian. The fauna is Fig. 243 Jurassic fossiliferous limestones in the Meseta in
composed of brachiopods, trilobites, conodonts and western Morocco
tentaculites. In the eastern Anti-Atlas, in the Tafilalt,
basaltic rocks are erupted at Hammar Laghdad. The
Middle D evonian and Frasnian i s represented i n
the western A nti-Atlas mos tly by bl ack l imestones, is characterized by a post-Panafrican molasse depo-
whereas to t he e ast t he U pper Tafilalt L imestones sition of redbeds and by post-collisional volcanism.
are rich in goniatites and tentaculites (Fig. 241). The Later, southern and middle Morocco constituted one
Famennian o f t he w estern A nti-Atlas e xhibits a vast epicontinental shelf during the early Paleozoic
clayey facies at the base, followed by detrital beds with terrigenous sediments coming from the Sahara.
and finally a calcareous horizon. In the eastern Anti- A carbonate shelf was installed in this region during
Atlas, platforms are uplifted in the western Maader Early to Middle Devonian. In Late Devonian times the
and Tafilalt, containing a condensed limestone with western part of Morocco and the Anti-Atlas platform
cephalopods. In the central and western Anti-Atlas, disintegrated into fault-bounded basins. These basins
the Carboniferous is represented in a series of cuestas, progressively deformed and closed during the Middle
which dominate the plains of Draa and constitute the to Late Carboniferous, the main phase of Hercynian
northern side of the Tindouf Basin. The Anti-Atlas movements in northern Africa.
can be regarded as a do main t hat remained largely Between t he l argely a llochthonous R if Do main
free o f sh ortening d uring t he H ercynian o rogeny. in t he n orth, t he Western M eseta Do main i n t he
Metamorphism is extremely weak, often non-existent, northwest and the Anti-Atlas Domain in the south,
and there are no Hercynian granites. the Atlas Domain extends from Agadir in the west
As i n Spa in, w here t his ter m ha s i ts o rigin, t he to eastern Tunisia in the east. The Moroccan part of
Meseta i s a do main w here t he Pa leozoic ter rains the Atlas Domain is composed of four main units:
remained s table a fter ha ving b een a ffected b y t he From west to east, there are the Western High Atlas,
Hercynian orogeny. They were then covered by thin the Pa leozoic H igh A tlas, t he P recambrian H igh
tabular successions of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedi- Atlas, a nd t he C entral a nd E astern H igh Atlas. I n
ments. Extensive exposure of Precambrian rocks in its tectonic and stratigraphic evolution the Western
this terrain is nowhere, but w ithin t he cores of t he High A tlas w as mo re r elated to t he de velopment
Mesetan anticlines crop a few Neoproterozoic strata of the Atlantic margin of northwest Africa than to
out, for i nstance at E l Jadida, Reha mna a nd i n t he the rest of the High Atlas. From the Atlantic coast
eastern pa rt o f t he C entral Ma ssif. G enerally, t he it extends eastwards for about 70 k m to the Argana
Meseta Domain i s s eparated i nto t wo pa rts by t he Basin, w here t he Triassic i s u p to 5 k m t hick a nd
NE-SW trending Middle-Atlas fold belt (or Middle comprises essentially a detrital and locally conglom-
Atlasic axis). The Western Meseta has well-developed eratic facies with evaporitic sequences appearing in
massifs and a reduced cover, whereas the Eastern Me- the west. Mesozoic strata in the Western High Atlas
seta extends on both sides of the Algerian-Moroccan thicken to the west and contain Jurassic (Figs 243 and
border a nd is cha racterized b y P aleozoic ma ssifs 246) and Cretaceous calcareous marly (Fig. 240) and
of small size. From Neoproterozoic to Middle De- locally evaporitic facies, whereas continental strata
vonian t imes t he A nti-Atlas a nd w estern M orocco are predominant in the east. The Western High At-
belonged to the same depositional setting. This phase las was only affected by differential subsidence. The
Fig. 244 Cretaceous badlands in northwestern Morocco.

Paleozoic High Atlas is a horst of Paleozoic terranes

intruded by Carboniferous granites and thinly cov-
ered by Mesozoic strata, whereas t he Precambrian
High A tlas i s a h orst o f sl ightly def ormed I nfra-
Cambrian a nd P recambrian ro cks w ith v ery t hin
Mesozoic cover. The Central and Eastern High Atlas,
also k nown a s t he C alcareous H igh Atlas b ecause
of thick Mesozoic carbonates, extends as a deep rift Fig. 245 Local selling of amethyst crystals found in the High
trough all the way to the Algerian border. Its strati- Atlas Mountains
graphic and structural evolution can be divided into
the following major phases: Continental rifting in the
Late Triassic created t he Atlas rift, i n which broad

alluvial fans prograded towards the centre of the gra-
bens and deposited fluvial sandstones, conglomerates

and mudstones. These m udstones a re i ntercalated
with evaporitic hor izons of dolom ite, g ypsum a nd
halite, and with tholeiitic dolerites at the top of the

Triassic sequence. The supply of terrigenous clastic
materials continued into the Jurassic. From Early to
Middle Jurassic epicontinental limestones and reefs
were established on fault blocks, which were shoal
areas, wh ereas g ravity-generated l imestones a nd
olistostromes accumulated in adjacent deeps. Early
to M iddle Cr etaceous subsi dence i n t he A tlas r ift
and global sea-level rise caused maximum transgres-
sion, which extended over adjacent platform a reas.
During t he r egression t hat f ollowed fl uvial a nd
deltaic fans prograded into the Atlas gulf from east
and west. Subsidence ended after the Turonian and
from later Cretaceous the Atlas began to rise. Border
faults developed into thrust faults along which slices
of Mesozoic strata were thrust onto the adjoining
platforms. The trough fill, now uplifted, was eroded
into new alluvial fan systems, which filled marginal Fig. 246 A lake in the Jurassic limestones in the Meseta,
foredeeps. western Morocco.
178 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

The Rif Domain is part of a folded chain extending

over the entire length of the Maghreb, known as the
Rifo-Tellian Domain (Piqué, 2001), which forms part
of the Alpine chain and especially resembles the Betic
cordillera of southeastern Spain. Sediments in the Rif
Domain i nitially ac cumulated f rom Triassic t imes
on at a more easterly location of present-day Tunisia.
This sequence was apparently transported to its pres-
ent position by progressive WSW movement of this
microcontinent, where it collided w ith t he A frican
plate in Oligocene-Miocene times and produced the
complicated Rif overthrust.
From E ssaouira to T arfaya, t he M oroccan A t- Fig. 247 The road through the High Atlas Mountains near Tizi
lantic ma rgin shows a r ather constant morphology n Tchika at an altitude of about 2500m
with t abular s trata a nd a c ontinental shel f, w hich
is very gently s loping. S eismic s ections indicate as
earliest sedimentary formations Carnian sandstones,
mudstones a nd c onglomerates ly ing d iscordant o n
the ba sement. On l and, t he Doukkala sub -basin i s
capped at outcrop by Quaternary terrains overly-
ing Mio-Pliocene marls and carbonates. In the west,
these deposits cover a marine succession beginning
with m iddle Cretaceous sediments that a re u ncon-
formable onto the folded Paleozoic terrains and the

Economic Geology
The m ineral i ndustry o f M orocco i s s till a ma jor Fig. 248 Neoarchean granites (2.7 Ga) at Touijenjert along the
source of revenue despite various economic impacts margin of the Reguibat Shield, southwestern Morocco
generated b y p olitical u ncertainties suc h a s t he
Middle East conflict and the pending Western Sahara
problem. Morocco is the world᾽s leading exporter of
phosphate rock, but since the early 1990᾽s the export reserves o f p hosphate ro ck a re e stimated to b e ap -
has declined. proximately 20 billion tons.
The me tal p roduction o f M orocco, pa rticularly Salt is recovered from a mine approximately 10 km
lead, silver and zinc, has experienced some resurgence east of Mohammedia. It i s t he l argest s alt m ine i n
since the early 1990᾽s, due in part to t he coming on- Morocco a nd ha s a p roduction c apacity of 1 Mm/a.
line of t he Douar Hajar p olymetallic m ine l ocated Probable s alt r eserves a re e stimated a t 600 Mm/t.
approximately 30 km south of Marrakech, which pro- The deposit is of Triassic age, probably transgressively
duces lead, zinc, copper, silver and sulfur. El Heimer deposited i n a sha llow sea, where blocked seawater
is located 20 km southeast of Oujda in northeastern could not return to the ocean. Tectonic activity later
Morocco a nd i s t he si te o f t he o nly o perating l ead folded the salt and recrystallized it to a 98 .9 %-pure
smelter i n N orth A frica, w ith a c apacity o f a bout form. The salt deposit reaches a thickness of 80 m in
100,000 mt/a of Pb-Zn and associated metals (copper, some places in the mine.
antimony and silver).
Phosphate ro ck i s m ined i n s everal r egions o f
Morocco. The most actively mined area is Khouribga,
which represents t he si ngle largest producing phos- A complete inventory has never been compiled, but
phate m ine i n t he world. The t wo open pit m ining many f atal e arthquakes (e. g. a t A gadir 1960) a nd
operations at Khouribga account for approximately pollution c aused b y va rious m ining a ctivities a re
50 % of a ll phosphate ro ck m ined i n Morocco. The recorded.

Morocco o ffers ma ny si tes o f g eological i nterest
(Figs 245, 247, 249 and 250). Though no formal inven-
tory of geosites has been compiled, the book “Maroc,
Mémoire de la Terre”, published in 1999, shows many
of them with detailed descriptions and is accompa-
nied by excellent photographs.

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here a re a t l east 16 u niversities a nd
other academic institutions that offer geology/geosci-
ences in undergraduate and sometimes postgraduate
courses. Their personnel capacities are generally large,
but their institutional capacities are often less devel-
oped. Most of these universities are not considered
in international ranking databases.

Fabre, J., Janquet, B. & Bronner, G. (1978): Carte géologique
du n ord-ouest de l ᾽Afrique, 1:5,000 ,000 .– SN ED;
Jacobshagen, V. (1988): The A tlas S ystem of M orocco.– Fig. 249 Dinosaur footprints in the in middle Jurassic
Lecture N otes i n E arth S ciences 15, 1–499; Sp ringer, (Bathonian) red beds of the Ouaouizaght syncline near Beni-
Berlin. Mellal in the High Atlas
Jacobshagen, V. (1988): Geodynamic Evolution of the Atlas
System, Morocco: An Introduction.– In: The Atlas Sys-
tem of Morocco, V. Jacobshagen (ed.), 3–9; Berlin.

Michard, A. (1976): Eléments de géologie marocaine.–Notes
Mém. Serv. Géol. 252, 1–408; Rabat. Piqué, A. (2001):
Geology of Northwest Africa.– I–XIV, 1–310; Gebrüder

Bornträger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
Mohammed VI & Chirac, J. (sous patronage) (1999): Maroc,
Mémoire de la Terre.– 1–236; Paris.
Piqué, A. (2001): Geology of Northwest Africa.– In: Beiträge

zur Regionalen Geologie der Erde 29, I–XV, 1–310; Ge-
brüder Borntraeger, Stuttgart.
Piqué, A., Cornee, J.-J., Muller, J. & Roussel, J. (1991): The
Moroccan H ercynides.– I n: R . L. D allmeyer & J. P.
Lécorché (eds.), The West African orogens and circum
Atlantic correlatives, 229–263; Springer, Berlin.

Fig. 250 The Lower Cambrian site of Amouslek in the Anti-

Atlas, where well-preserved trilobites (e. g. Fallotaspis sp.)
were discovered
Area: 801,590 km2
Population: 20,182,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Mozambique᾽s g eology i s h ighly d iversified a nd
represented by rocks of Archean, Paleo-, Meso- and
Neoproterozoic, Karoo, Meso- and Cenozoic age.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

The Irumide Belt outcropping along the border with
Zimbabwe consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic
rocks, which are forming an extension of the green- Fig. 251 The national park of Benguera Island with fresh
stone b elts a nd g ranite-gneisses o f t he Z imbabwe water pools along coastal Mozambique
Craton. This schist belt is made up of rocks of the
Umkondo, G airezi a nd Ma nica Gro ups r epresent-
ing t he ol dest ro cks o f M ozambique. The Irumide migmatites and gneisses. The province is represented
orogenic event is dated at about 1,350 Ma. by rocks of the Rushinga, Nhamatanda and Madzuire
The M ozambique B elt i s d ivided i nto t he M o- Groups and the Barue Complex.
zambique, N iassa a nd C entral Z ambezi te ctonic The Pan African metamorphic event (600 –450 Ma)
provinces. The Mozambique Province is the biggest is an intensive thermo-tectonic event with emplace-
of those and outcrops over most of the northern part ment of granites and pegmatites that overprint the
of the country. It is divided into two regions, the whole s equence o f t he P recambrian. A ssociated
northwestern region along the eastern shore of Lake sedimentation of peri-glacial a nd g lacial origin oc-
Nyasa, r epresented by g ranulites a nd c harnockites, curs in the extreme NW of the country (Katangula
and the northeastern region, consisting of quartzitic Group). These sed iments co rrespond w ith t he Ka -
marbles, schists, gneisses, migmatites, granitic and tanga Su pergroup o f t he Demo cratic Re public o f
charnockitic complexes. The Mozambique Province Congo and Zambia.
is represented by the Mecuburi and Muaguibe Groups The Phanerozoic Karoo Supergroup (Permo-Car-
and the Nampula, Chiure and Lurio Supergroups. boniferous to Lower Jurassic) in Mozambique forms
The rocks of the Niassa Province occur in the west three ma in s edimentary ba sins, t he i ntracratonic
of the country along the northern side of the Zambezi basins of Alto Zambezi, Rio Lunho and Rio Lugenda.
River and are limited to the south by the grabens of of These are filled with continental deposits and in the
Chire and Zambezi (these grabens originated along Alto Zambezi Basin at the top with volcanics. A gener-
Precambrian trends and are filled with Phanerozoic al similarity in the lithological succession between the
sediments). The rocks of this province continue north different basins seems apparent. Some fluvio-glacial
through Ma lawi a nd o utcrop o n t he e astern si de sediments – if present – are overlain by coal-bearing
of L ake Nyasa, where t hey a re k nown as Meponda strata, sometimes covered by reddish mudstones con-
Group. The rocks are generally composed of quartz- taining septaria and reptile levels, which are absent
ites, micaschists and marbles intruded by magmatic in the Lugendo Basin in northeastern Mozambique
gneisses, syenites, dolerites, gabbros and anorthosites. and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At the
The province is represented by rocks of the Meponda, top there are sometimes thick molasses-like cyclical
Zambue, Luia, Tete, Angonia and Fingoe Groups and fluvial sequences, whereas i n t he south i n t he A lto
the Pre-Fingoe granites. Zambezi Basin volcanic rocks of basaltic and rhyolitic
The Central Zambezi Province runs between the composition cover the whole succession.
eastern edge of the Irumide Belt and the mid-Zambezi Post-Karoo s ediments o f J urassic, Cr etaceous,
graben. The rocks are composed of schists, quartzites, Tertiary a nd Q uaternary a ge o ccur i n t he c oastal



N < (,—J

('' ' ('' )''bd

Q@D989N< +'—<

DXi`e\Xe[k\ii\jki`Xcj\[`d\ekj :i\kXZ\flj
)'—J 9\`iX )'—J
K_fc\``k`ZXe[XcbXc`e\mfcZXe`Zjf]k_\ Cfn\iAliXjj`Z

J\[`d\ekjf]k_\BXiffJlg\i^iflg :XiYfe`]\iflj


JFLK? >iXelc`k`q\[jlgiXZiljkXcjXe[
8=I@:8 >iflg

),—J ),—J

DXglkf E\fgifk\ifqf`Z

*,—< =fidXk`fei\cXk\[kfBXkXe^`Xe

I\Z\ek$ >iXelc`k`q\[d`^dXk`k\jf]k_\
8cclm`Xcj EXdglcX$>iflg

DX`ecpZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj E\f^\e\ J\[`d\ekjf]k_\Ldbfe[f>iflg

DX`ecpZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj GXc\f^\e\ D\kXdfig_`Zjf]k_\DliXJlg\i^iflg D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z


8cbXc`e\`ekilj`fej :\efqf`Z >iXe`k\jf]k_\KXi[`>iflg

ZiXkfe`Zfi`^`e2@ild`[\9\ck E\fXiZ_\Xe

Fig. 252 Geological overview of Mozambique (modified after Pinna et al., 1987)
182 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 254 The gorge of the Cahora Bassa dam in central


Fig. 253 The wall of the Cahora Bassa dam in central also occurs in biotitic ultrabasic rocks of the Mulatela-
Mozambique. Nampula Province. Graphite deposits occur in seven
of the ten provinces of the country, i. e. Niassa, Cabo
Delgado, Nampula, Zambezia, Tete, Manica and So-
basins of Rovuma, Mozambique, Save/Limpopo and fala. All graphite occurrences are found in Proterozoic
Baixa Z ambezi. S edimentation g enerally c hanges rock units associated with gneisses and schists, mostly
from continental to marine environment going from as small silvery flakes and also as narrow veins and
west to east. Marine sediments consist of calcarenites, small lenses often in the proximity of limestones. The
sandstones and conglomerates. Proterozoic sequences in the Zambezia and Nampula
Provinces contain pegmatites with a variety of minor
metals as well as precious and semiprecious gemstones,
Economic Geology
beryl, m ica, feldspar a nd r adioactive m inerals. Nio-
Sales of domestically produced mineral commodities bium and tantalum are the most important of those
are s till a r elatively m inor f actor i n Mozambique᾽s currently being mined. Numerous auriferous quartz
agriculture-dominated e conomy, a lthough m any veins a nd a lluvial g old a reas a re a lso found i n t his
metallic and non-metallic mineral occurrences have region. The economic potential of t he pegmatites is
been identified in the country. enhanced by their association with the beryl group of
The Archean to Paleoproterozoic Manica Belt as the minerals (aquamarine, morganite), mica, feldspar and
continuation of the Zimbabwe Mutare-Manica Gold quartz. I n n ortheastern Mozambique, n ear A lto L i-
Belt i s a g reenstone b elt, w hich hosts t he c ountry᾽s gonha, pegmatites host significant tantalum resources
gold, c opper, a sbestos, l ead, i ron o re a nd n ickel in association with subordinate columbium, antimony
resources. Lode and placer gold deposits have been and bismuth as well as lithium minerals, industrial
mined f rom t his r egion. Sma ll h igh-grade ba uxite and gem quality quartz and beryl.
deposits also occur within this a rea. The metasedi- Coal occurs in some lower sequences of the Karoo
ments o f t he G airezi a nd Umkondo Gro ups a long Supergroup. These deposits are among the biggest and
the frontier with Zimbabwe host deposits of iron, most i mportant mineral resources of Mozambique.
copper and limestone. Asbestos occurs in four areas Provisional estimates range from about 120–380 mil-
in Mozambique. Chrysotile asbestos deposits occur in lion tons of reserves for the Rio Lunho Basin only.
serpentine bodies originating from metamorphosed Some sedimentary sequences in the Rovuma Basin
Archean greenstones of the Zimbabwe Craton, e. g. at in the north and the Mozambique Basin in the south
Serra Mangota near Manica. Small chrysotile asbestos show a p otential f or h ydrocarbons, e . g. t he Cr eta-
bodies occur as clusters of reworked old greenstone ceous Grudja Formation, where some gas fields are to
belts w ithin t he Mozambique B elt in t he M anica, be explored. Fluorite, blue and yellow in colour with
Sofala and Upper Zambezi Provinces. Anthophyllite resources of about 1.1 million tons occurs in Mesozoic
asbestos originating from serpentinisation is known fractures in association with the rift evolution and in
from Mavita, south of Manica. Anthophyllite asbestos carbonatitic bodies, e. g. at Monte Muambe east of
Moatize in the Tete Province. Bauxite is known to oc-
cur in a few localities, especially in high altitude areas
and by alteration of alkaline rocks. The only deposit
currently i n production i s S erra de M oriangane i n
the Ma nica P rovince. O ther a reas w ith bauxite o c-
currences are Monte Salambidua in the Tete Province
and M onte Ma uze i n t he Z ambezia P rovince. The
Eocene Cheringoma and the Miocene Jofane Forma-
tions include large reserves of limestones, halite and
gypsum. Heavy mineral sands include ilmenite, rutile,
monazite and zircon. Extensive deposits occur along
the coast in dunes and beach sands especially in the
sector between Quelimane and south of Angoche. Fig. 255 Unique in Africa, a museum devoted only to geology
- in Maputo

An i nventory ha s n ot y et b een made , b ut M ozam-
Jordan, P. (1986): The mineral industry of M ozambique.–
bique has recently suffered from extensive flooding. Raw materials Report 4 (4), 3145; Lusaka.
Pollution of aquifers caused by mining has also to Jordan, P. (1986): M ining i n M ozambique: sm all a nd l a-
be considered. bour intensive.– Mining and Engineering 51 (9), 9–24;
Lächelt, S . (1988): B eitrag z ur ge ologisch-tektonischen
Geosites Entwicklung des Archaikums und Proterozoikums in
der V R M ocambique.– Z eitschrift Ge ologische W is-
An i nventory o f p otential si tes ha s n ot y et b een senschaften 16, 627–634; Berlin.
prepared, but t here is a m useum in Maputo t hat is Lächelt, S. (2004): Geology and Mineral Resources of Mo-
devoted only to geology (Fig. 255). The petrified forest zambique.– Direcao Nacional de Geologia, Ministerio
dos Recursos Minerais e Energia; Maputo.
of Karoo age at Mágoè-Estima in the Tete Province Lächelt, S. & Daudi, E. X. F. (1999): Metallogenetic epoches
in northwestern Mozambique has recently been pro- and ph ases on t he M ozambican t erritory.– J ournal
posed as a geosite (Marques & Ferrara (2006). African Earth Sciences 28 (4), 40–41; Oxford.

Lehto, T. & Pekkala, Y. (2006): General Overview on Min-
eral Resources in Mozambique.– 21st Colloqium African
Geoscience Education Geology, Abstract Vol., 312–313; Maputo.

Marques, J. I. & Ferrara, M. (2006): The Mágoè-Estima
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Maputo) Fossilised Forests: A St udy Case for Possible Heritage
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd Geoparks.– Co lloquium A frican Ge ology M aputo,

postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and Abstract Vol., 3–6 July 2006, 352–353; Maputo.
Pinna, P., Jourde, G., Calvez, J. Y., Mroz, J. P. & M arques,
institutional capacities of its department are of high
J. M. (1993): The Mozambique Belt in northern Mozam-
standard. After recovery from civil war in the 1980᾽s bique: Neoproterozoic (1100850 Ma) crustal growth and
the university has achieved in international ranking tectogenesis, and superimposed Pan-African (800–550)
databases for Africa a rather high position. tectonism.–Precambrian Res. 62, 1–59; Amsterdam.
Pinna, P., Marteau, P., Becq-Giraudon, J.-F., Manigault, B.,
Jourde, G., Costa, M., Barr, M., Flores, G., Araujo, J. R.,
References Marques, J. M. & Fer rara, M . (1987): C arta G eológica
Escala 1:1,000 ,000 .– I nstituto N acional de G eologia;
Afonso, R. S. (1976): Contribuicao para conhecimento da tec- Maputo.
tonica Mocambique (noticia explicative de carta tectonica Verniers, J., Jourdan, P. P., Paulis, R. V., Frasca-Spada, L. &
de Mocambique, escala 1:2,000,000), 1–39; Maputo. De Bock, F. R. (1989): The Karroo Graben of Metangula,
Afonso, R . S. ( 1978): A G eologia d e M ocambique ( no- Northern M ozambique.– J ournal A frican E arth S ci-
ticia e xplicative d a C arta G eologica d e M ocambique ences 9 (1), 137–158; Oxford.
1:2,000,000), 2. edicao, 1–191; Maputo. Voland, B. (1981): Geologie und Lagerstätten Mocambiques
Cilek, G. C. (1989): Industrial Minerals of Mozambique.– – e in Ü berblick.– Z eitschrift a ngewandte G eologie 27
Ministry of Natural Resources, NGIM, Maputo, 1–326; (6), 253–262; Berlin.
Maputo. Wright, I . (2000): S outh A frican E ast C oast Heavy M in-
Ferrara, M. I. & Marques, J. (2006): History of the Geological eral M ining a nd t he D evelopment of M ozambiques
and M ining K nowledge of M ozambique.– C olloquium Heavy Mineral Industry.– IOC Workshop Report 165,
African Geology Maputo, 3–6 July 2006, 50–52; Maputo. 203–208; Paris.
General Orogenic Belt, while the basal pelites and carbonates
Area: 824,292 km2 have eastern source areas.
Population: 2,055,000 ( 2007 estimate) No deposition is recorded from Cambrian till the
beginning of the Karoo episode, which in its initial
phase is characterized by glaciogene sediments of the
Summary of Geology
Dwyka Group. This type of rocks is well-distributed
Namibia᾽s g eology en compasses ro cks o f Pa leo-, in the Kaokoveld of northwest Namibia. It is followed
Meso- a nd N eoproterozoic a nd Pa leozoic to C eno- by continental sediments of the Omingonde Forma-
zoic a ge. Ab out 4 6 % of t he c ountry᾽s su rface a re tion o f t he E cca a nd Sto rmberg Gro ups i n c entral
bedrock e xposure, w hile t he r emainder i s c overed Namibia. T he P ermo-Triassic K aroo S equence i s
by the young surficial sediments of the Kalahari and intruded by mostly Mesozoic dolerite sills and dyke
Namib deserts. swarms, which, together with extensive basaltic volca-
nism and alkaline sub-volcanic intrusions, are related
to the breakup of Gondwanaland, and the formation
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
of the South Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous.
The geology of Namibia is dominated in the north by The c urrently l ast c hapter o f N amibia᾽s g eological
metasediments of the Neoproterozoic Damara Oro- history is represented by the widespread Cenozoic to
genic Belt (or Namibian System), while in the south Recent deposits of the Kalahari Sequence.
large areas are underlain by the unmetamorphosed,
relatively u ndisturbed s ediments o f t he C ambrian
Economic Geology
Nama Group. Locally, within the Damaran terrain,
inliers of older basement occur, for instance in the Targets for mineral exploration have been identified
extreme northwest at t he Kunene R iver t he oldest throughout the stratigraphic column. Metamorphic
rocks o f t he c ountry b elong to t he Pa leoprotero- complexes h ost a v ariety o f p rospective en viron-
zoic (about 2,100 Ma) Epupa Metamorphic Complex. ments suc h a s c opper-molybdenum p orphyry, v ol-
Only slightly younger are metamorphic rocks of the canoexhalative ba se metals a nd gold, volcanogenic
Huab Complex west of Outjo. Similar ages are also copper, s edimentary-exhalative le ad-zinc, fluorite,
recorded from rocks of the Grootfontain Metamor- shear-zone gold , a nd b eryllium-niobium-tantalum
phic Complex in the northeast of the country. The mineralisation.
Rehoboth-Sinclair Complex in Namibia᾽s southwest Paleo- to M esoproterozoic rocks locally contain
is of late Paleo- or Mesoproterozoic age. The Epupa extensive red-bed copper, while calc-alkaline units
and Huab C omplexes were a ttached to t he C ongo of t he s ame a ge ha ve p otential f or p orphyry a nd
Craton, w hilst t he Gro otfontain a nd t he v olcano-
sedimentary for mations of t he R ehoboth-Sinclair
Complexes were assembled with the Kalahari Craton.
The N amaqua M etamorphic C omplex c onsists o f
metasediments o riginally ero ded f rom t he C ongo
and Kalahari Cratons. Granitic/metabasic intrusions
also occur. It is of Mesoproterozoic age and covers
large areas in the south and southwest of the country.
Of Neoproterozoic age are the rocks of the Damara
Orogenic Belt, which are widespread in central and
northern N amibia. T hese a re h igh-grade me ta-
morphics, but granitic intrusions are also frequent.
The overlying rocks of t he Nama Group i n central
southern N amibia co nsist o f ma rine sed iments
indicating a sha llow shel f en vironment, de posited
during the Cambrian. The clastic components of the Fig. 256 Sieving for diamonds during German colonial times
Nama Group were mainly derived from the Damara (1912) at Kolmanskop, western Namibia
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I\Z\ek$ >iXe`k\jf]k_\;XdXiX>iflg
LeZfejfc`[Xk\[j\[`d\ekj#ZXcZi\k\ E\f^\e\

K\ik`Xip$ >Xi`\g:fdgc\o
B`dY\ic`k\j :i\kXZ\flj

@ekilj`m\:fdgc\o GfjkBXiff DX`ecpj\[`d\ekjf]k_\FkXm`=XZ`\j2 E\fgifk\ifqf`Z


MfcZXe`Zjf]k_\BXiffJlg\i^iflg Cfn\iAliXjj`Z =XZ`\j2;XdXiX>iflg

:fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\BXiff Ki`Xjj`Z$Lgg\i >iXe`k\jXe[jp\e`k\jf]k_\

Jlg\i^iflg :XiYfe`]\iflj I`Z_k\i]\c[:fdgc\o

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekjf]k_\EXdX^iflg :XdYi`Xe MfcZXefZcXjk`Zjf]k_\J`eZcX`iXe[



Fig. 257 Geological overview of Namibia (modified after Grünert, 1999/2000)

186 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

hydrothermal c opper, as w ell as v ein-type g old exploration a lso i ntersected oil-prone source rocks
mineralisation. in boreholes.
Namibia is one of the major producers of diamonds, Industrial mineral production in Namibia includes
95 % of w hich a re o f g em qu ality. The b ulk o f t he salt, fluorspar, w ollastonite a nd d imension s tone.
country᾽s known diamonds occur along the southern Salt is recovered on a l arge scale from coastal solar
coastline, north of the Orange River mouth (Fig. 256). evaporation pa ns i n t he Swakopmund a nd Walvis
The diamonds originated in the interior of southern Bay areas, and at Cape Cross. The Okorusu Fluorspar
Africa and were transported by the Orange River to the Mine produces high quality acid-grade fluorspar.
Atlantic coast, where they were deposited within beach The Okanjande graphite deposit (near Otjiwarongo)
sediments. Almost the entire coastline is covered by is comprised of high quality flake graphite, but the
exploration a nd m ining l icenses. O ffshore mining mine has not yet gone into operation. Wollastonite is
techniques have been pioneered in Namibia and the produced in the Usakos area. Namibia also produces
country has firmly been established as the world leader a variety of semi-precious stones through both small
in marine diamond mining. Inland, in the vicinity of and medium scale mining. Tourmaline, aquamarine,
Gibeon, 60 ba rren pipes of kimberlite of post-Karoo heliodore, mor ganite, ro se qu artz, smok ey qu artz,
age have been identified. The northeast of the country garnet, chrysocolla and dioptas are quarried in vari-
also hosts some kimberlites, which are currently being ous parts of the country. Marble, granite and other
explored for their diamond potential. dimension s tone for e xport or local processing a re
The main occurrences of gold are in t he Karibib produced between Swakopmund and Karibib.
and Rehoboth regions, t he Omaruru area and t he
Kunene region. Si lver is present in several deposits
mined p rincipally f or t heir c opper, l ead a nd z inc
contents. I t i s f ound i n t he o rebodies o f Tsumeb, Namibia᾽s geological exposures contribute to a wide
Kombat a nd Rosh P inah mines. Graphitic deposits variety of geosites. Some of them have already been
in the Damara Sequence, calcrete hosted deposits of protected, but some are unfortunately already spoiled.
the Tertiary and sedimentary deposits in sandstones A formal inventory of all the known sites is currently
of the Karoo Supergroup, are the three major types in preparation (Schneider, in litt.), who has given the
of uranium hosting lithologies in Namibia. The de- following list of 32 sites: Brandberg, Brukkaros, Burnt
posits at Rössing and Valencia are of granitic origin. Mountain, D ieprivier, Dol erite H ills, Eten deka Pla-
Currently, Rössing is the country᾽s only producer of teau, Erongo, Etosha Pa n, Fishriver Canyon, Gams-
uranium. Major base metal production in Namibia berg, Gibeoan Meteorites, Hoba Meteorite, Kalahari
includes copper, lead and zinc. Large-scale mining of Desert, Karas Mountains, Kolmanskop, Kuiseb Can-
base metals, especially copper, plays an important role yon, Lake Otjikoto and Lake Guinas, Messum, Mount
in the economy of Namibia. Copper occurs at several Etjo, Mukorob, Namib De sert, Naukluft, Omatako
locations, but is currently dominated by the Damara Mountains, O rgan P ipes, D inosaur F ootprints a t
deposits: Otavi Mountainland (including the defunct
Tsumeb Mine) and the Matchless Amphibolite Belt of
the Swakop Group. Minor amounts come from Rosh
Pinah. A feasibility study of the Skorpion zinc project
has confirmed that Skorpion could rank as one of the
world᾽s largest integrated zinc mining and refining
operations. Ha ib at t he border to S outh A frica is a
classic p orphyry c opper-gold-molybdenum de posit
featuring oxide and sulphide copper with a predomi-
nance of chalcopyrite in the sulphide ores.
Namibia p resently i mports a ll i ts p ower s tation
requirements. A large low-grade coalfield was found
near Aranos, at depths of 250–300 m. Large, low-
grade anthracite coal deposits are located along the
coastline b etween t he H uab R iver a nd Toscanini. Fig. 258 Trunks of the petrified forest at Khorixas, northern
They a re, h owever, s ub-economic. F ollowing t he Namibia, with specimens of the recent plant genus
discovery of t he o ffshore K udu G as F ield, r ecent Welwitschia
Otjihaenamaparero, P etrified Fore st at K horixas,
Sesriem Canyon, Sossusvlei a nd Tsondabvlei, Spitz-
kuppe, Twyfelfontein, Vi ngerklip a nd Waterberg.
Some detailed information on their topography and
geological significance is also presented in the book
of N. Grünert (1999/2000).
A sp oiled g eological mo nument i s t he s o-called
Mukarob or Finger of God, a w eather-resistant rem-
nant of a sandstone pinnacle that was left standing on
its own a s erosion slowly c ut back t he su rrounding
Weissrand E scarpment of t he K aroo Supergroup i n
southern Namibia (Fig. 261). The Mukarob consisted
of a l arge head of sandstone supported by a na rrow
neck o f so ft, f ragmented m udstone. The he ad w as
almost 12 m high and weighed about 450 t. On 8 De -
cember 1988 the Mukarob collapsed, possibly due to a
destructive earthquake that had occurred the previous
day in Armenia, but which was recorded strongly on
the seismograph in Windhoek (Miller et al., 1990).

Fig. 261 An extinct geosite: the “Mukorob” or “Finger of God”,

an eroded sandstone fragment that collapsed naturally on
8 December 1988, at Mariental in southern Namibia

The petrified forest near Khorixas (Fig. 258) in

northwest N amibia i s a n i mpressive pa laeontologi-
cal monument, which may serve as an already well-

protected g eosite (Grünert, 1999/2000 ). Si milarly,
Fig. 259 The Fish River Canyon in southern Namibia,
worldwide the second deepest after the Grand Canyon in
the Hoba Meteorite in northern Namibia (Fig. 260),
which is the largest known iron meteorite on Earth,

Arizona, USA
is well-protected as a national monument and attracts
many v isitors a t t he si te a nd i n t he m useum. The
famous copper deposit at Tsumeb in northern Na-
mibia was closed as a mine in 1996, but in addition to
commercial sales of blister copper, Tsumeb has to be
noted for its mineralogical diversity, having provided
innumerable specimens of unique or rare minerals
to t he w orld᾽s m useums a nd p rivate c ollections.
Tsumeb therefore also deserves to achieve the status
of a g eosite. Other locations in Namibia that are of
geological significance include the following: Traces
of Triassic dinosaurs at Otjihaenamaparero (central
Namibia); the Fish River Canyon (Fig. 259) in south-
Fig. 260 The Hobo iron meteorite in the Otavi Mountains in
ern Namibia is the second largest canyon of the world
northern Namibia, discovered in 1920 and being the largest and is famous for its scenic beauty. A Gondwanaland
ever found iron meteorite Geopark was proposed by Schneider (2006), covering
188 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

an area of 60,000 km2 in central western Namibia.

It includes scenic landforms, palaeontological and
archaeological sites, rare minerals and rocks, and
bears witness to geomorphological processes.

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity (Wi ndhoek)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
institutional capacities of its department are of high
standard, as the university achieves a good position
in international ranking databases for Africa. Fig. 262 The dunes of Sossusvlei, Namib desert, Namibia

Grünert, N. (1999/2000): Namibias faszinierende Geologie.
Ein Reisehandbuch.– 1–181; Klaus Hess Verlag, Wi nd-
hoek, Göttingen.
Martin, H. (1965): The Precambrian geology of South West
Africa and Namaqua land.– Precambrian Research Unit,
Univ. Cape Town, 1–159; Cape Town.
Martin, H. & Porada, H. (1977): The intracratonic branch of
the Damara orogen in South West Africa.–Precambrian
Res. 5, 311–357; Amsterdam.
Miller, R . McG. (1983): Evolution of t he D amara orogen
of S outh West A frica/Namibia.– Spec. P ubl. 11, G eol.
Soc. South Africa, 431–515; The Natal Witness (Pty) Ltd.,
Miller, R. McG., Fernandes, M. & Hoff mann, K. H. (1990): Fig. 263 Water in Sossusvlei, Namib Desert
The s tory of M ukarob.– J ournal, Na mibia S cientific
Society 42, 63–74; Windhoek.
Schneider, G. (2004): The Roadside Geology of Namibia –
1–149; Borntraeger Sammlung, Berlin, Stuttgart.
Schneider, G . (2006): G ondwanaland G eopark – A P ro-
posed G eopark for Na mibia.– A bstract Vol., 21st Col-
loqium African Geology Maputo, 362; Maputo.

Fig. 264 Sand dunes in the Namib Desert

Namibia 189 N
Area: 1,267,000 k m2
Population: 12,895,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Precambrian ro cks u nderlie l arge pa rts o f N iger,
but Cenozoic continental weathering products a nd
sand dunes conceal most of the Precambrian rocks.
Paleoproterozoic rocks are exposed west of Niamey, Fig. 265 Oasis and inselberg along Mt Timia in Aïr
forming a c ontinuation o f Bi rrimian ro cks f rom
Burkina Faso. Other Precambrian rocks occur in the
Aïr Massif in the north of the country. Neoprotero-
zoic rocks crop out south of Niamey along the border
with Benin a nd Bu rkina Faso, i n a c ontinuation of
the Volta B asin. Pa leozoic s ediments o ccupy pa rts
of northeastern Niger and the Agadez Basin west of
the Aïr Massif. Cretaceous marine and epicontinental
sediments of the Iullemiden Basin occur in central
Niger. Volcanic activity, with associated lava, tuff and
ash deposition is recorded from some places intermit-
tently since Devonian times.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics Fig. 266 Basalts over sand dunes of Mt Kori Timia in Aïr
Eastern Burkina Faso and the adjacent parts of Niger
and n orthern Gha na c onstitute a r egion, i n w hich
pre-Birrimian basement is common. The rock types formations: a heterogeneous metamorphic sequence
include a variety of gneisses and migmatites formed and s everal g ranitic i ntrusions. Ab out ha lf t he e x-
under c onditions o f t he a mphibolite me tamorphic posed area of the basement is formed by metamorphic
facies, locally possibly reaching the granulite facies. rocks, which are symmetrically disposed along a N-S
In the Liptako region of western Niger a group of me- axis with prograde metamorphism from the outside
sozonal amphibolites, chlorite schists, meta-andesites, towards the centre. One may distinguish the Edoukel
garnetgneisses, meta-arkoses and micaceous quartz- mesozonal m icaschists, t he A zanguerene g neissic
ites are younger than the mole-forming granite-gneiss formation a nd t he Tafourfouzete l eptynitic f orma-
complex, but older than virtually unmetamorphosed tion, which occupy t he c atazonal a xial z one of t he
greywackes, shales, mudstones, tuffs, quartzites and Aïr massif. To t he southeast, t he Aouzeueur forma-
conglomerates co mprising t he A marasindé a nd tion is represented by epizonal rocks. This formation
Bellekoiré beds. G ranites i ntrude t hese m esozonal may also be interpreted as an ophiolite. The rest of
assemblages, which have been assigned to the Upper the basement is composed of granitic rocks, subdi-
Birrimian Supergroup. Neoproterozoic rocks occur vided into ante-, syn- and postkinematic intrusives,
close to the border with Burkina Faso, in a continua- of which the Renatt and Dabaga types are the most
tion of the Volta Basin, which is a synclinal basin with important. A ll t ypes o f t he g ranites ha ve y ielded
the oldest deposits exposed around its margin. Pan-African ages.
The A ïr Ma ssif i n t he s outheast o f t he H oggar Anorogenic r ing-complexes c omprise a bout 30
Mountains includes t hree geological units: Precam- massifs w ithin t he N iger-Nigerian “Younger Gr an-
brian basement, circular Paleozoic subvolcanic ring ite P rovince”, w hich i s a s triking a lignment, a bout
structures a nd C enozoic volc anism. The Precam- 1500 k m long, and dated from the Cambrian in the
brian ba sement c an b e sub divided i nto t wo ma in north to the Jurassic in the south. The ring-structures
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I\Z\ek$ >iXe`k\jf]k_\GXeX]i`ZXeXe[ E\fgifk\ifqf`Z$

Gc\`jkfZ\e\ 9`ii`d`Xe<m\ekj GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z

CXZljki`e\Xe[dXi`e\j\[`d\ekj GXc\f^\e\ >i\\ejkfe\jf]k_\9`ii`d`Xe<m\ek

D\jfqf`Z D\kXmfcZXe`Zj#d\kXj\[`d\ekjf]k_\
CXZljki`e\Xe[dXi`e\j\[`d\ekj Jl^^Xi`Xe<m\ek
MfcZXe`Zj GXc\fqf`Z#

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj GXc\fqf`Z

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj @e]iXZXdYi`Xe

Fig. 267 Geological overview of Niger (modified after Razack, 2002)

192 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

in the Air are most probably entirely Paleozoic in age marine sediments are widespread, but from Eocene
and are characterized by a great variety of structures continental de posits p redominate, a lso k nown a s
and ro ck t ypes. The largest r ing-dyke i n t he world “Continental Terminal”.
(Meugueur-Meugueur, 65km in diameter) and one of
the smallest intrusions (Taguei, 0.8 km in diameter)
Economic Geology
occur in the province. Most have a circular form, but
others have a elliptical or semicircular form. From a The m ining i ndustry of Niger is still dominated by
petrographic v iewpoint t hree t ypes ma y b e d istin- uranium p roduction, w hich i s t he c ountry᾽s p rin-
guished: The Taghouaji-type is composed of plutonic cipal export, but it is a poor contributor to the GDP.
alkaline rocks with or without peraluminous granites. Other productive mineral commodities include coal
The G oudai-type i s c omposed do minantly o f ac id and gold, whereas the tin and phosphate production
volcanic ro cks. The O foud-type c omprises a g reat have already ceased.
petrographic variety from gabbros to granites, and is Uranium c oncentrate i s p roduced ma inly f rom
characterized by the presence of anorthosites. two c oncessions, o ne n ear A rlit a nd t he o ther a t
Although b eing a ba sin l argely fi lled with Meso- Akouta, 250 a nd 2 40 km n orthwest o f A gadez, r e-
zoic and Cenozoic sediments, the northern part of spectively. The production is on a decline since 1986
the Iullemeden Basin at Tamesna belongs to a lower stemming from low world demand for uranium and
Paleozoic ba sin t hat centred i n t he present Hoggar subsequent l ower p rices. Uranium r eserves i n t he
Mountains, prior to the post-Hercynian uplift of the Arlit-Akouta re gion a re e stimated t o b e a pproxi-
Hoggar M ountains. G enerally Pa leozoic s trata i n mately 200,000 tonnes. Substantial but undeveloped
the Tamesna sub-basin thicken towards the Hoggar resources a re a lso r eported to e xist i n o ther pa rts
Mountains a nd t hin s outhwards where t hey di sap- of the country, reaching an estimate of altogether
pear. C ambro-Ordovician s trata a re u p to 5 00 m 350,000 tonnes. These include deposits at Imouraren,
thick i n e astern Tamesna, w here t hey c omprise Abkorum-Azelik, A fasto O uest, A fasto E st, Tassa
basal co nglomerates, sa ndstones w ith C ruziana N᾽Taghalgué and Teguida N᾽Tessoun. Grades range
and Skol ithos, w hich a re u nconformably o verlain from 0.22–0.45 % U3 O8 .
by g lacial de posits. These a re f ollowed b y E arly Si - There a re i ndications o f g old m ineralisation i n
lurian graptolitic shales, Devonian sandstones and several parts of Niger, especially in the Liptako, Aïr
shales a nd L ate De vonian to E arly C arboniferous and S outh Ma radi r egions. The L iptako a rea i s a t
deltaic sandstones. A transgressive Tournaisian coal- the northeastern tip of the major West African gold
bearing paralic sequence is unconformably overlain belt running from the Atlantic coast in Ghana to the
by Visean sha les and limestones, containing corals Niger River. It continues to t he east of the river, but
and conodonts. Mesozoic marine sedimentation i n is i ncreasingly c overed b y yo unger s ediments. The
the Iullemeden B asin b egan w ith t he C enomanian Birrimian greenstones in Liptako occur in the follow-
transgression, s ometimes ove rlying non- marine ing areas: The Gorouel belt in the northwest and the
Lower Cretaceous strata. Till the end of the Paleocene Tera-Gassa belt in the southeast of the Liptaka region.

Fig. 268 Isolated volcanic plugs over eroded sandstone Fig. 269 Dunes along eroded sandstone at the Djado
surface in Tchigai, northeastern Niger Plateau
Fig. 270 Strongly eroded former yardang at Saro, western Fig. 271 Eroded landscape in Parc du West
margin of the Djado Plateau

Other occurrences include the Niamey and Makalondi are known in the Aïr Massif: pegmatite-hosted veins,
belts. Gold is found in quartz veins in association with stockwerks i n g reisenised g ranites a nd seco ndary
sub-vertical shear zones. Deep weathering during deposits (alluvial, eluvial and colluvial), only the latter
Quaternary w et p eriods ha s l ed to l aterisation t hat have been worked.
freed the gold from its enclosing sulphides. Molybdenum has been produced as a by-product
Silver m ineralisation ha s b een i dentified i n t he from t he u ranium m ining. O ver 150 copper o ccur-
Liptako, Da magaram-Mounio a nd A ir r egions. A t rences have been recorded throughout the country. In
Liptako, silver occurs in quartz veins, commonly Liptako, copper generally occurs in vein-type deposits
with grades of 1–3 g/t, although some veins carry up of chalcopyrite, often associated with malachite and
to 43 g/t. These veins, which often contain gold and elements such as lithium, molybdenum or silver.
sulphides (pyrite, a rsenopyrite, c halcopyrite, sphal- Copper mineralisation in the Proche-Ténéré District
erite, covellite, etc.) occur at the contact between the is found in veins that also contain zinc and lead. Sedi-
greenstones and the granitic intrusions. mentary copper occurrences are known in the region
The only indication of platinum in Niger has come around Agadez, where a lower Cretaceous sequence
from the Makalondi District in the south of Liptako. hosts cuprite, chrysocolla and native copper.

It is associated with chromite lenses in gabbros, The most important coal deposit is located at Anou-
anorthosites and chloritoschists. Grades vary from Araren, where coal was formed in a small basin. Coal

0.1–9 g/t. Ophiolites associated with the Abuzegueur reserves are estimated to be about 10 Mt. The coal is
overthrust in the Aïr region have a good potential for high in ash and has a low calorific value, but is suitable
platinum mineralisation as well as cobalt, chromite for on-site thermal power generation, the electricity

and nickel. A number of geochemical nickel anoma- being supplied to the uranium mines. In the Iullem-
lies have been found in Liptako. The most important meden B asin a re n umerous l ignite-bearing s trata
is t he Fantio de posit, der ived f rom t he weathering known. Recently hydrocarbon exploration resulted in
of ultrabasic rocks. Reserves are estimated at about the discovery of petroleum resources of about 300 m
200,000 t grading at 0.8 % of nickel. Makalondi, also in barrels in the Iullemeden Basin. Two areas with phos-
Liptako, has the most significant chromium resources, phate occurrences have been identified: The Tapoa de-
grading at 5.1–17.4 % of chromium, but the amount of posit, 135 km southeast of Niamey, is hosted by Volta
mineralisation is probably small. Iron ore occurs at a Group sediments of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian age
number of stratigraphic levels from the Precambrian and contains proven resources of 207 m at a grade of
to the Tertiary. The Cenozoic deposits are the most 23 %P2 O5 . The Tahoua deposit, 375 km northeast of
important, found i n t he Ader-Doutchi a nd Termit- Niamey, consists of nodular apatite, hosted in Paleo-
Agadem regions, and especially in Liptako. The grade cene to Eocene sediments. Reserves are about 7.4 m at
of iron varies from 34.7–55.4 %. a grade of about 30 % P2 O5 . The saline rich waters in
Tin f rom t he A ïr Ma ssif w as c ommercially p ro- the region of Tidekelt contain about 25 million tonnes
duced between 1984 and 1991. Today only artisanal of brines, yielding a salt content of about 70 % NaCl
mining operations occur. Three types of tin deposits and 30 % Na 2 SO4 .
194 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Uranium mining has caused serious pollution in the
limited aquifer reserves in t his desert region. Addi-
tionally, the regular seasonal sandstorms distributed
emitted r adon ga s f rom t he he ap o f t he u ranium
mines over large areas of the country.

An i nventory of potential geosites has not yet been
made, but t here are non-governmental activities to
establish a m useum o f na tural h istory i n N iamey,
where newly discovered Cretaceous dinosaur bones
shall be exhibited (Figs 272 and 273).

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity (N iamey)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
institutional capacities of its department are probably
of lower standard as the university is not considered
in international ranking databases for Africa. Fig. 272 Engraving of two huge giraffes into a sloping slab,
probably between 8–6 Ka old, from central Niger. The site
was in 2000 listed by UNESCO as one of the world’s most
References endangered monuments
Faure, H. (1962): Reconnaisance Geologique des formations
sedimentaires p ost-paleozoiques d u Ni ger or iental.–
Thesis University Paris, 1–630; Paris.
Geigert, J. & P ougnet, R . (1965): C arte gé ologique d e l a
Republique du Niger au 1:2,000,000.BRGM; Orleans.
Geigert, J. & P ougnet, R. (1967): Essai de description des
formation geologiques de la Republique du Niger.– Mem.
BRGM 48, 1–236; Paris.
Gerbeaud, O. (2004): Les gisement uraniferes de la region
d᾽Arlit ( Niger): c adre s tructural e t c ontrole t ectono-
sedimentaire.– 20th Colloquium African Geology, Abstr.
Vol., 177; Orleans.
Hambrey, M. J. & K lyver, H. M. (1981): Evidence of D evo-
nian or E arly Carboniferous glaciation in t he Agades
region of Ni ger.– In: Hambrey, M. J. & Ha rland, W. B.
(eds.), E arth᾽s pre-Pleistocene g lacial record, 188–190;
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Mining Annual Review (2000): Niger.– The Mining Journal Fig. 273 Cretaceous sauropod bone of Jobaria tiguidensis,
Ltd.; London. recently discovered by Paul Sereno in the Niger desert
Pons, J., B arbey, P. & L eger, J. M. (1995): M echanism of
Pluton emplacement and structural evolution of a 2.1GA
juvenile continental crust: the Birrimian of southwest-
ern Niger.– Precambrian Res. 70, 281301; Amsterdam.
Razack, A . A. (2002): P roposals for opt imising a rtisanal
mining in Niger.– Pangea – Geosciences and Develop-
ment 37/38, 7–23; Orleans.
Schuhmann, H. (1991): Uran – das Gold des Staates Niger?
– In: Afrika – der vergessene Kontinent? W. Rosenke &
T. Siepelmeyer (Eds.), 114–122; Unrast, Münster.
Niger 195 N
Area: 923,768 km2
Population: b etween135,000 ,000 a nd 145,000 ,000
(2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Geologically Nigeria is underlain by rocks belonging
to t he following u nits: Mostly g neisses a nd s chists
of p ossibly A rchean to Pa leoproterozoic a ge o ccur
widespread in the north, west and east of the coun-
try, s ometimes i ntercalated b y t he s o-called Ol der
Granites and various metasediments of Proterozoic Fig. 274 A weathered basaltic inselberg near the Nigerian
(to Paleozoic?) age. The Younger Granites of the Jos capital Abuja
Plateau are of Jurassic age. Mesozoic a nd Cenozoic
sediments of marine and continental types are found
in the Sokoto (or Iullemmeden) Basin, the Chad Basin, amphibolite f acies me tamorphism w as s ucceeded
the Benue and Niger Valley and the Niger Delta. by t he emplacement of aplite schists in t he ba nded
gneisses at about 2,750 Ma, during the Liberian Orog-
eny, and by the emplacement of microgranodioritic
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
dykes. A second phase of intense folding followed at
The ba sement rocks of t he so-called Nigerian Prov- about 2,200 Ma d uring the Eburnean Orogeny. The
ince include t he B eninian gneisses in t he internal last te ctono-thermal e vent r ecorded i n t he I badan
zone of the Pan-African Benin-Nigeria Orogen, and (and I fe a rea) w as t he Neoproterozoic Pa n-African
the vast expanse of reactivated high-grade, probably Orogeny. The Ibadan banded gneisses had apparently
Archean g neisses a nd Pa leoproterozoic su pracrust- a p olycyclic h istory, w hich i n sp ite o f t he c urrent
als. The Nigerian Province is the southernmost con- paucity of reliable isotopic age determinations, is also
tinuation of the central Hoggar reactivated basement. true for most of the Nigerian basement. Supracrustal
Thrust and shear zones within the Nigerian Province relicts in the Nigerian basement are sometimes inter-
allow t he sub division o f t his r egion i nto v arious calated with the reworked Archean gneisses. These
units: The M igmatite-Gneiss C omplex c onsists o f so-called Older Metasediments are best known in the
predominantly A rchean polycyclic g rey g neisses of Ibadan-Ife region and are represented by schists and
granodioritic to to nalitic c omposition. This reacti- metaquartzites within the banded gneisses. The Iba-
vated ba sement o ccupies nearly ha lf of t he su rface dan metaquartzites of possibly Paleoproterozoic age
area of Nigeria. Often occur schists and migmatites, are overlain by pelitic schists, which were intruded
in which minerals such as garnet, sillimanite, kyanite by Mg-rich mafic sills. The Younger Metasediments
and staurolite suggest a high-grade amphibolite facies are Neoproterozoic pelites (represented by phyllites,
metamorphism. Granulite-facies rocks are confined muscovite-schists a nd biot ite-schists) w ith qu artz-
to c harnockite b odies, w hich a re g enerally a ssoci- ites forming prominent strike ridges in several belts.
ated with granites of probably igneous origin. In the Some belts contain ferruginous and banded quartz-
Ibadan area of southwestern Nigeria the predominant ites, s pessartite-bearing qu artzites, c onglomeratic
rock types are banded gneisses, schists and quartzites, horizons, ma rbles a nd c alcsilicates. Ig neous ro cks,
representing metamorphosed shales and greywackes generally minor constituents in these belts, include
with i nterbedded s andstones, w hereas t he i nterca- amphibolites (originally lavas or minor intrusions),
lated amphibolite layers are probably metamorphosed serpentinites a nd o ther u ltramafics, w hich w ere
tholeiitic basalts. The geological history of the Ibadan probably i ntruded a long de ep f ractures during t he
Migmatite-Gneiss C omplex b egan w ith t he de posi- deformation of the supracrustal belts. There are also
tion of shales, greywackes and sandstones with inter- small occurrences of acid meta-volcanics of dacite to
bedded basalts. An early phase of folding and high- rhyolitic composition. The Younger Metasediments
,—< ('—<

E@><I :?8;



('—E BX`ea`;Xd ('—E



N <


,—E Gfik?XiZflik ,—E
('' ' ('' )''bd

,—< ('—<

8cclm`Xcj#jXe[j#^iXm\cj#ZcXpj# HlXk\ieXip Fi[fm`Z`Xe6 $
dXe^ifm\jnXdgj#g\YYc\j D\kXj\[`d\ekj#jZ_`jkj#hlXikq`k\j E\fgifk\ifqf`Z

JXe[j#ZcXpj#j_Xc\j#jXe[jkfe\j# E\f^\e\
$GXc\f^\e\ Fc[\i^iXe`k\j#le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[

MfcZXe`ZjYXjXckj#kiXZ_pk\j#i_pfc`k\j :\efqf`Z# 9Xj\d\ekZfdgc\o#le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[


`ifejkfe\j#^i`kj Dfjkcp

>iXe`k\j#jp\e`k\j#^XYYifj#i_pfc`k\j AliXjj`Z

Fig. 275 Geological overview of Nigeria (modified after Okezie, 1974)

198 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

are mostly found in northwestern Nigeria, but occur

also in the southwestern part of the country. They
are common i n synclinorial schist belts, where t he
low-grade rocks are characterized by tight to isoclinal
folding and steeply dipping foliation with gradational,
faulted o r she ared b oundaries w ith t he su rround-
ing mi gmatite-gneiss c omplexes. The s chist b elts
of n orthwestern N igeria a re i nterpreted a s t ypical
volcano-sedimentary assemblages with tensional and
compressional-related rocks, displaying the influence
of p aleo-rift sys tems. The cha racteristic st ructural
trend in the schist belts is N-S or NNE-SSW, some-
times also E-W. It is, however, assumed that a single Fig. 276 A snail-like vessel made from bronze and some lead
Pan-African tectono-thermal event affected both the additions produced in Igbo Isaiah, Nigeria, of the 9 th –10 th
Archean-Paleoproterozoic rocks and their supracrust- century A. D.
al cover. One of the implications of the Pan-African
tectonic model of eastward subduction and continent- basin sedimentation did not begin until t he end of
continent collision in the southern part of the Trans- the Cretaceous, whereas the earliest transgression in
Saharan mobile belt is that it generated abundant the east was during the Albian. These sediments in
granitoids in t he Nigerian P rovince. Syn-tectonic southeastern Nigeria consist of rather poorly bedded
to late-tectonic g ranites, d iorites a nd s yenites were sandy sha les w ith s andstone a nd s andy l imestone
intruded into both the migmatite-gneiss complexes lenses. Pa laeontologically, a mmonites, r adiolar-
and the overlying supracrustals. The se Pan-African ians, echinoids, bivalves a nd ga stropods have been
intrusives (700 –500 Ma ) a re termed i n Nigeria t he recorded. The beds are sometimes associated with a
Older Granites, to distinguish them from the Younger lead-zinc m ineralization. D eposits of C enomanian
Granites of Jurassic age. In northwestern Nigeria to Lower Turonian age near Calabar with a thickness
occur v olcano-detrital ma terials i ncluding d acites of about 600 m have been assigned to the Odukpani
and sh onshonites, w hich w ere d ated a s C ambrian Formation and consist of arkoses, sandstones, lime-
and interpreted as Pan-African molasse grabens. The stones a nd sha les. Other related deposits belong to
Older Granites range in seize from small subcircular the E ze-Aku F ormation, w hich c omprises g rey to
cross-cutting stocks to large granodioritic batholiths. black shales and siltstones, sometimes changing into
Some of the batholiths have adamellitic composition sandstones or sandy shales. Ammonites, bivalves, gas-
and coarsely porphyritic textures. Charnockites also tropods, echinoids, fish teeth, etc. indicate a Turonian
occur a mong t he Older Gr anites. Pa n-African late- age. The Coniacian sediments have been assigned to
to-post-tectonic basalt and dolerite dykes have also the Awgu F ormation, w hich c onsits o f bl uish-grey
been found in the Nigerian basement. shales with occasional intercalations of fine-grained
Ring complexes of Jurassic age, the so-called sandstones a nd t hin ma rly l imestones. T he b eds
Younger Granites, intrude the Neoproterozoic to early are rich in ammonites, molluscs and fish teeth. The
Paleozoic basement rocks of the Jos Plateau in central- Santonian i s r egressive. C ampanian s ediments i n
northern Nigeria in a N-S trending zone, which con- southeast Nigeria are part of the Nkporo Formation,
tinues to the Aïr region in Niger. This zone is parallel which c onsists o f d ark sha les a nd mudstones w ith
to t he ma in Pa n-African t rends i n t he ba sement, occasional thin beds of sandy shales and sandstones.
indicating control by earlier structures. The Younger The major pa rt o f t he N kporo Formation probably
Granites represent a petrologically distinctive series belongs to the Maastrichtian, which is made up of
of alkali-feldspar granites, associated with rhyolites dark grey, often friable shales, sometimes intercalated
and m inor ga bbros a nd s yenites. C haracterized i n by l imestones a nd s andstones. L ateral e quivalents
sub-volcanic intrusive complexes as ring dykes and of the Nkporo Formation are the Owelli Sandstone,
related a nnular a nd c ylindrical i ntrusions t hey a re the Enugu Shale and the Asata Shale, which are all of
richly mineralised with tin and niobium. shallow water origin. The Mamu Formation is a coal
The s outhern N igeria s edimentary ba sin i s pa r- measure s equence, s ometimes c ontaining ma rine
tially d ivided i nto western a nd eastern portions by intercalations with ammonites. The following Nsukka
the Ok itipupa R idge. I n t he w estern pa rt o f t his Formation is very similar to the Mamu Formation and
consists of an alternating succession of sandstones
and dark shales with thin coal seems at various ho-
rizons, probably also of Maastrichtian age. The first
major marine transgression in southwestern Nigeria
occurred during the Maastrichtian, when sediments
constituting the Abeokuta Formation were deposited,
which c ontains ma rine mol luscs a nd ha s y ielded a
microfauna towards t he top. During t he Pa leocene
in t he w estern pa rt o f t he ba sin, t he Ewekoro a nd
Akinbo F ormations w ere d eposited, wh ereas co n-
temporaneously in its eastern part the Ino Formation
lies on the Nsukka Formation, forming mostly thick
clayey shales. The last cycle of sedimentation began
in the Eocene and continues till present times. It is Fig. 277 Tin mining at the Big Paddock Mine on the Jos
during this period that the modern delta of the Niger Plateau in central Nigeria, in the mid -1950’s
River was formed.
The Benue Valley is characterized by a linear shape
and its sedimentary formations are continuous with
the Nigerian coastal basin. The Iullemmeden Basin in
northwestern Nigeria is locally known as the “Sokoto
Basin” a nd de fines a s edimentary ba sin, w hich e x-
tends from Mali and the western boundary of Niger
through northern Benin a nd northwestern Nigeria
into eastern Niger. The sediments found in Nigeria
accumulated since the late Jurassic. The “Continental
intercalaire” of late Jurassic to e arly Cretaceous are
made up of g rits a nd clays a nd a re overlain by t he
Maastrichtian Rima Group of a mostly brackish envi-
ronment. The subsequent Sokoto Group of Paleocene
age is marine. Since the Eocene continental sediments
are predominant.

About one tenth of the Chad Basin, the largest area Fig. 278 Part of a tin mine on the Jos Plateau in central Nigeria,
in the mid -1950’s
of inland drainage in Africa, is situated in the north-

ern part of Nigeria. The oldest sediments recorded are
the Albian Bima Sandstones, which are lying uncon- Economic Geology
formably on the Precambrian basement. During the

Turonian the Gongila Formation, a mixed limestone/ Nigeria is Africa᾽s largest crude oil producer and one
shale sequence, was deposited. These beds are over- of the 10 largest in the world. The hydrocarbon sector
lain by marine shales of the Fika Formation, dated as remains t he ma instay o f t he e conomy, ac counting
Senonian. Towards the end of the Cretaceous during for more than 80 % of the total government revenues
Maastrichtian a n e stuarine-deltaic en vironment and mo re t han 95 % of t he c ountry᾽s to tal e xport
prevailed and the Gombe Sandstones were deposited earnings. However, the country has apart from its oil
with intercalations of siltstones, shales and ironstones. reserves considerable mineral wealth a nd potential
Subsequently, the Cretaceous layers were folded into a for diversified development of the mineral industry.
series of anticlines and synclines that were later partly Nigeria is estimated to ha ve oil reserves of approxi-
eroded, c reating a n erosi onal u nconformity a t t he mately 20 billion barrels. Known natural gas reserves
base of the Tertiary deposits. During the Paleocene, are about 2.6 trillion m 3. Almost 70 % of the oil and
continental strata of the Kerri Kerri Formation were gas reserves are onshore, and a ll are in the delta of
deposited. Since t he Pliocene lacustrine deposits of the Niger River. Nigeria᾽s oil reserves have high gas-
the C had F ormation a re u nconformably o verlying to-oil ratios, and most of the gas discoveries occurred
the Kerri Kerri Formation. during oil exploration.
Gold is found almost throughout the western and
200 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 279 Granitic inselberg north of the Jos Plateau along the Fig. 280 Granitic inselberg north of the Jos Plateau and west
Kano to Masduguri road of Azare

northwestern part of the Nigerian basement, and was and a wide market existed until 1960, when oil and gas
successfully mined a lready before World War II in began to replace coal as a source of fuel. It has since
several parts of the country, but due to low gold prices then steadily declined, but is locally still in operation,
as w ell a s a n on-conducive l egal en vironment a ll for instance for smaller brick kilns and ceramic works.
mines were closed. Over the last years some of these There is a lignite belt across the southern portion of
restrictions were abandoned and potential investors the country, but reserves of t he lignite deposits are
have s hown i nterest to e valuate a nd re -explore t he not accurately known.
Nigerian gold deposits.
Large tin deposits occur within the Younger Gran-
ites of the Jos Plateau, where they have been mined
since pre-colonial times (Figs 277 and 278). Some of The production of c rude oil a nd natural ga s i n t he
the finest pre-colonial artifacts of the socalled Ife cul- Niger Delta has contributed to t he pollution of t he
ture (11–15 A. D.) (Fig. 281) have been produced from surface and the aquifers of large parts in this region.
tin of the Jos Plateau. However, tin production is cur- Heavy metal contamination i n u rban d rainage s ys-
rently very low, due to various reasons, e. g. expansive tems was recently evaluated by Tijani and Onodera
extraction of the cassiterite ore, fall of world tin prices (2004). The decade-long tin mining on the Jos Plateau
and frequent flooding of the mines. Additionally, tin has c hanged much o f t he o riginal s ocio-economic
mining on the Jos Plateau has also caused pollution infrastructure in this region. An inventory of other
of t he aquifers in t his region, which is a w atershed potential geohazards has not yet been made.
for large pa rts of Nigeria (Onyekakeyah, 1991). The
strategic minerals tantalite and columbite are associ-
ated with the tin ore occurrences of the Jos Plateau
and may become world class deposits once they are An i nventory of potential geosites has not yet been
properly explored. Ma ny lead/zinc occurrences a re made, but ma ny places a re of geoscientific interest,
known in the Plateau, Benue, Taraba and Anambra for instance on the Jos Plateau (Figs 279–281).
States of Nigeria. Some of these deposits are currently
mined on sma ll scale or artisanal basis. A lmost a ll
Geoscience Education
occurrences have a high content of arsenic, antimony
and cadmium. Barite veins are often associated with Countrywide t here a re a t l east 15 universities a nd
the lead/zinc deposits and found in the Plateau State other ac ademic i nstitutions w here g eology/geosci-
and ma ny o f t he e astern St ates. L arge r eserves o f ences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ostgraduate c ourses
iron ore are known from the Agbaja Plateau and at are o ffered. T he p ersonnel c apacities o f ma ny o f
Itakpe Hill in the Kwara State. Furthermore, there are these are apparently rather high, but they often lack
large deposits of industrial minerals such as kaolin, institutional c apacities. M ost o f t he r espective u ni-
gypsum, feldspar, etc. versities are not considered in international ranking
Coal production in Nigeria started already in 1915, databases for Africa.
Aribisala, O. A. & Adegbesan, B . A. (1994): E xploitation
and ex port p rospects o f N igerian n on-metallic m in-
erals.– I n: I ndustrial M inerals i n D eveloping C oun-
tries (S. J. M athers & A . J. G. N otholt, e ds.), 107–110;
Geological Survey (1957): Minerals and industry in Nigeria.–
Geol. Surv. Nigeria for 1956, 38–45; Kaduna.
Kogbe, C. A. (ed.) (1976, revised edition 1989): Geology of
Nigeria.– 1–538; Rock View (Nigeria) Limited, Jos.
Ministry Of Solid Minerals Development (2000): An inven-
tory of solid mineral potentials of Nigeria.–Prospectus
for Investors, 1–15;
Odukwe, G . C. (1980): I ndustrial m inerals of Ni geria.–
Proceedings 4 t h In dustrial Mi nerals In ternational
Congress Atlanta, 103–108; London.
Okezie, L . N. (1974): G eological M ap of Ni geria, S cale
1:2,000 ,000 .– Geological Survey; Lagos.
Onyekakeyah, L. O. (1991): Die Zerstörung des Jos-Plateau
durch jahrzehntelangen Zinnabbau.– In: Afrika – der
vergessene Kontinent?, W. Ro senke & T . Sie pelmeyer
(eds.), 123–128; Münster.
Reyment, R. A. (1965): Aspects of t he geology of Nigeria.–
University Ibadan, Occas. Paper, 1–145; Ibadan.
Reyment, R. A. & Tait, E. A. (1983): Resume of the geology
of Nigeria.– Lexique Strat., N. S. 1, West Africa, 127–135;
Swardt, A. M. J. & Casey, O. P. (1963): The Coal Resources
of Nigeria.– Bull. Geological Survey Nigeria 28, 1–100; Fig. 281 The famous head of an (female?) Oni from the
Kaduna. 12–15 century A. D. of the Wunmonije Compound, Jos Plateau,
Tijani, M. N. & Onodera, S. (2004): Profile of heavy metal composed of locally produced bronze
contamination in urban drainage systems: case studies
from Nigeria.– 20 th Colloquium African Geology, Abstr.
Vol., 408; Orleans.

Reunion (France)
Area: 2,512 km2 Population: 787,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
The I ndian O cean i sland o f Reu nion i s g ener-
ally formed by two volcanoes, the Piton de la Four-
naise (2,650m) a nd t he P iton de s N eiges ( 3,069m)
(Fig. 282).

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

The P iton de s N eiges ma inly c onsists o f v ery ba sic Fig. 283 Eruption at the Piton de la Fournaise, a Hot Spot
lavas. The main crater has almost disappeared due to volcano intermittently being active
intense erosion, but several smaller parasitic craters
are still preserved. Apart from the dominant basalts,
there exist a lso t rachytes, phonolites a nd a ndesites. Geohazards
Also a f ew i ntrusions o f a lkaline s yenites f orming
dykes a nd si lls ha ve b een de scribed. The P iton de The volcanic eruptions of the Piton de l a Fournaise
la Fournaise (Fig. 283), situated i n t he s outh of t he are a p otential geoenvironmental ha zard, but have
island, is st ill a ctive. Two se mi-circular r ecent cra- yet only caused a limited loss of property and human
ters su rround ol d c alderas. The l avas a re g enerally fatalities.
labradoritic b asalts, a lmost w ithout ol ivines. Very
rarely occur oceanites. The eruptions are a mixture
of t he Hawaian-Strombolitic t ype, sometimes w ith
very liquid lava flows. Due to their scenic beauty the two volcanoes Piton de
Only v ery f ew s edimentary de posits a re k nown la Fournaise and Piton des Neiges may be considered
from Reunion, for instance from the foot of the Piton as potential geosites (Figs 282 and 283).
des Neiges, the fragment of a larger calcareous block,
which had been submerged and later been brought up
Geoscience Education
together with the basaltic magma.
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity (Saint Den is)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
Economic Geology
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
No economic valuable deposits are known from Re- institutional capacities of its department are of high
union, but building materials are locally mined. standard as the university achieves in international
ranking databases a high position.

Billard, G. (2004): La Reunion, Carte Geologique de la
France A 1:50,000.– BRGM – S ervice G eologique Na-
tional, plus accompanying text, 1–44; Orleans.
Bussiere, P. (1958): Etude geologique de l᾽ile de la reunion.–
Trav. Bur. Geol. Madagascar 84, 1–64.
Rüe, A. de la (1931): Une excursion geologique a la Reunion
et a l᾽ile Maurice.– Rev. Geogr. Phys. Et Geol. Dynam.
4 (3), 201–222.
Upton, B. G. & Wadsworth, W. J. (1965): Geology of Reunion
Island, Indian Ocean.– Nature 207, No. 4993, 151–154;
Fig. 282 Aerial view of Reunion London.
,,—*'¡< ,,—*'¡<

I\le`fe Jk%;\e`j

N <

)(—''¡J )(—''¡J



)(—(,¡J )(—(,¡J

, ' , ('bd

,,—(,¡< ,,—*'¡< ,,—+,¡<

]clm`Xk`c\[\gfj`kj#fZZXj`feXccp ?fcfZ\e\$
kiXm\ik`e\j Gc\`jkfZ\e\

Gi\[fd`eXekcpYXjXck`mcXmXj I\Z\ek$

Kl]]j#YXjXckj#Xe[\j`k\j#ef[lc\jf] .'%'''$
g\i`[f]`k\ )*'%'''

Gi\[fd`eXekcpXe[\j`k\j 3*,'%'''

9XjXckjn`k_fc`m`e\fig\i`f[f]`k\ +*'%'''$

8^^cfd\iXk\j#YXjXckj#jfd\k`d\j 5)%(''%'''

Fig. 284 Geological overview of Reunion (modified after Billard, 2004)

Area: 26,338 km2
Population: 8,862,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
The G eology o f R wanda g enerally i s made u p o f
sandstones a lternating w ith sha les, w hich a re a ll
assigned to t he Mesoproterozoic Bu rundian Su per-
group, sometimes intercalated by granitic intrusions. Fig. 286 Intensive terracing near Kigali
In the east of the country predominate older granites
and g neisses. N eogene v olcanics a re f ound i n t he
northwestern a nd s outhwestern p arts o f R wanda. identified with those, which appear in neighbouring
Young alluvials and lake sediments occur along the Burundi. However, in Rwanda it was not yet possible
rivers and lakes. to observe the contact with the underlying Archean
basement. The sedimentary succession of the Burun-
dian Supergroup can be subdivided into the following
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
units: The L ower S eries (“La S érie I nférieure”), t he
In various localities of Rwanda, for instance to t he Byumba Series, and the Miyove Series; each of these
south and southwest of Butare and in the Congo-Nile can be subdivided into formations of quartzites
watershed to the southwest of Rwengeri, pre-Burun- (Fig. 285) and various undifferentiated rocks. The base
dian migmatites and gneisses accompanied by crys- of the Lower Series is the most developed formation,
talline whitish quartzites occur. Some of these rocks characterized b y bl ack s ericitic sha les. The meta-
in t he Butare a rea have been retrometamorphosed morphic ro cks i n t he e ast o f t he c ountry p robably
(initial stages of sericitization) and slightly cataclased represent me tamorphosed Bu rundian f ormations.
by a l ater deformation. Generally, t he stratigraphic All t hese s edimentary s equences i ndicate a f ormer
sequences established in Rwanda can more or less be shallow marine, high-energetic environment, as often
shown by the oblique stratification, the conglomerates
and the symmetric ripplemarks within the layers. At
least four types of granitic rocks are known within the
Kibaran Belt. Of these, the two first are synorogenic
and t he t wo l ast p ostorogenic. The c ulmination o f
the K ibaran o rogeny o ccurred f rom a bout 1,370 to
1,310 Ma; the first of these ages dates early granites in
Rwanda. Postorogenic granites are also known from
Rwanda and have been dated at about 1,136 Ma.
Cenozoic to Recent volcanic rocks occur in the
northwest a nd w est o f t he c ountry. S ome o f t hese
volcanoes are highly alkaline and are extensions from
the Virunga volcanic a rea of southwestern Uganda
and eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Tertiary a nd Q uaternary clastic s ediments fi ll
parts of the Western Rift in the western part of the

Economic Geology
Fig. 285 Mesoproterozoic quarzitic sediments of the Kibaran Since t he e arly 1990᾽s t he m ineral e xploitation o f
Belt in the Akagera region Rwanda w itnessed a n i ncreased p roduction b y

L>8E;8 K8EQ8E@8

N < CXb\9li\iX
(—*'¡J CXb\D`_`e[`

I<GL9C@: CXb\B`mleYX
;I: CXb\@_\dX


)—''¡J B`^Xc` )—J

CXb\EXj_f CXb\DgXe^X



)' ' )' +'bd

)0—< *'—<

I\Z\ek$ Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[ifZbjf]k_\D`pfm\
DfjkcpXcclm`Xcj#cXb\j\[`d\ekj Gc\`jkfZ\e\ J\i`\j9

Efik_\iecXmXj ?fcfZ\e\$ HlXikq`k\jf]k_\D`pfm\J\i`\j8

:\efqf`Z$ Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[ifZbjf]k_\9pldYX
Jflk_n\jk\ieYXjXckj :i\kXZ\flj J\i`\j9





Fig. 287 Geological overview of Rwanda (modified after Baudin et al., 1984, and Theunissen et al., 1991)
206 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 288 The Bisoke crater lake in western Rwanda

cooperatives a nd a rtisans. Th is included ores and

concentrates of gold, tin, tungsten and columbium-
tantalum (coltan) from a f ew of the many recorded
deposits of a large quantity of minerals. Production
of na tural me thane ga s f rom L ake K ivu a s w ell a s
limestone a nd cement was a lso ma intained. M inor
production of gem stones was reported as well, and Fig. 289 Accelerated erosion in the Akagera region
undoubtedly, s ome co nstruction ma terials w ere

A s ystematic i nventory ha s not yet b een made , but
toxic ga s em issions on t he g round su rface of some
valleys of t he Vi runga volcanoes, locally k nown a s
“Muzukas”, have been noted (Krafft, 1990). The densely
populated country is also affected by problems of ero-
sion, for instance the formation of gullies (Fig. 289),
and environmental destruction caused by intensive
terracing of the available land (Fig. 286).

An inventory has not yet been made, but the Virunga
Fig. 290 Nyakabuye Hot Spring, central Rwanda
volcanoes o ffer ma ny si tes o f e xceptional s cenic
beauty (Krafft, 1990).

Geoscience Education
Geoscience e ducation i n R wanda ha s o ver t he l ast
years deteriorated, and there is currently no Depart-
ment of Geology in the country. Some courses with
geoscientific background a re offered i n t he Depart-
ment of Geography at Butare university.
Baudin, B., Zigirababili, J. & Z isermann, A. (1984): Livre
Notice de la Carte des Gites Mineraux du Rwanda (1982)
a 1:250,0 00.– Ministère de l᾽Industrie, des Mines et de
l᾽Artisanat.– I–V, 1164; Butare.
Krafft, M. (1990): Führer zu den Virunga-Vulkanen.– I–X,
1–187; Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart.
Rusanganwa, J. B. (1988): St ratigraphie du Bu rundien au
Rwanda.– IGCP No. 255 Newsletter, Bull. 1, 51–53; Ter-
vuren, Braunschweig.
Theunissen, K., Hanon, M. & Fernandez, M. (1991): Carte
Géologique du Rwanda, 1:250,0 00.– République Rwan-
daise, Ministère de l᾽Industrie et de l᾽Artisanat, Service
Géologique; Butare.
Fig. 292 A granitic ‘kopje’ near Mutara

Fig. 293 The Kagera River, the source of River Nile, in R

southeastern Rwanda

Fig. 291 The Rusuma Falls in the Ruhengeri area

São Tomé et Príncipe
Area: 1001 km2
Population: 162,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
São Tomé et Príncipe is a dual island nation, geologi-
cally being part of the Cameroon Line, which is an
alignment of oceanic and continental volcanic mas-
sifs and of anorogenic plutonic complexes trending Fig. 294 Basalt flows on São Tomé
from Pagalú Island (Equatorial Guinea) in the south
to Lake Chad in the north.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

São Tomé is a complex strato-volcano about 5000 m and r epresent a sub marine p hase i n t he e volution
high. It rises from the abyssal plain to a n elevation of t he i sland. The ba saltic l avas ha ve b een sub di-
of 2024 m above sea level. The island is made essen- vided into an older lava series (basanites, hawaiites)
tially o f ba saltic l avas; p honolitic p lugs a nd n ecks intruded by numerous dykes of basaltic lavas, and
are a bundant i n t he s outhern pa rt o f t he i sland. a younger lava series (basanites, nephelinites). The
The ba saltic l avas r est u pon Cr etaceous qu artzose lavas of both series have been overlain by tristanites,
sandstones with metamorphic minerals, which crop phonolites and trachyphonolitic lavas in the centre
out at the centre of the island. Palagonitic tuffs and and in t he south of t he island. Dated lava samples
pillow-lavas characterize submarine eruptions and gave KAr radiometric ages around at 30.4 Ma (tho-
are overlain by younger subaerial lavas. Trachy-pho- leites f rom t he pa lagonitic b reccia) a nd a t 4 .9 Ma
nolitic plugs cut the basaltic material, but the centre (trachy-phonolitic s uite). The ba saltic l avas o f t he
of the island has not yet been described. The oldest older lava series contain phenocrysts of olivine and
dated rocks are trachytes (15.7 Ma). Other lavas gave titanaugite plus phenocrysts and microphenocrysts
ages b etween 13.2 Ma a nd Re cent. The mineralogy of plagioclase and titano-magnetite; the groundmass
of the basaltic lavas is characteristic for an alkaline contains microlites of the same minerals except
lava s eries a nd c omprises p henocrysts o f ol ivine, olivine. I n addition, a lkali feldspar, ne pheline a nd
augite and magnetite in a microlitic groundmass of apatite occur in the groundmass of the younger lava
labradorite-bytownite, au gite, fe rric oxides a nd a c- series. The p honolitic l avas a re p orphyritic w ith a
cessory titanite. Hornblende phenocrysts have been microlitic groundmass. The dominant phenocrysts
found in some lavas. The p honolitic l avas c ontain are nepheline, sanidine, aegirine-augite and barkev-
haüne or sodalite phenocrysts; barkevicite has been icite, t itanite a nd m agnetite w ith p ossible s odalite
seen in some trachytes. From basalts to p honolites and plagioclase. The basaltic lavas (MgO > 6 w t %)
and trachytes a continuum exists with no Daly gap. are nepheline normative; their Y:Nb ratios are less
The basaltic lavas a re a ll nepheline normative. The than 1. Sr87:Sr86 ratios of the older lava series are in
lava series is the result of differentiation of material the range 0.7030–0.7037 Ka.
from mantle source by fractional crystallization of
olivine, augite, plagioclase, hornblende, magnetite
Economic Geology
and apatite.
Príncipe rests upon t he oceanic floor at a de pth Sao Tomé a nd P ríncipe ha s n o sig nificant m ineral
of about 3000 m a nd culminates at 948 m above sea industry, with the exception of some small clay and
level on Pico do Príncipe. Basaltic rocks predominate stone open pit operations, utilized for local construc-
in the north, while phonolites and tephrites are com- tion needs. Sporadic interest has been generated con-
mon i n t he s outh. The l avas r est u pon pa lagonitic cerning possible offshore hydrocarbon-bearing strata.
breccias, w hich c ontain bl ocks o f t holeiitic ba salt Deepwater exploration may start in 2008.
JfKfd„GiˆeZ`g\ .—)'¡<


(—+'¡E (—+'¡E

N <

J (—*,¡E


)#, ' )#, ,bd

.—)'¡< .—),¡<

-—*'¡< -—*'¡<


CXk\i`k\j Gc\`jkfZ\e\
JfKfd„ G_fefc`k`ZcXmXj I\Z\ek$E\f^\e\

9XjXckj I\Z\ek$E\f^\e\

KiXZ_pk\j I\Z\ek$D`fZ\e\

LedXgg\[ D<JFQF@:$G8C<FQF@:

HlXikqfj\jXe[jkfe\j :i\kXZ\flj


São Tomé et Príncipe


'—''¡E '—''¡E
, ' , ('bd

-—*'¡< -—+'¡<

Fig. 295 Geological overview of São Tomé & Príncipe (modified after Caldeira et al., 2004)
210 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 296 A small river inland of São Tomé near Porto Alegre Fig. 297 Príncipe Coast, with Jockey Cap Island in the

An inventory has not yet been made, but the volcanoes
are of scenic beauty.

Caldeira, R., Munha, J. M., Madeira, J., Afonso, R., Nasci-
mento, E. & Mata, J. (2004): Geological map of São Tomé
Island, Gu lf of Gu inea: A m anagement to ol to wards
sustainable d evelopment.– 20 th Colloquium A frican
Geology, Abstr. Vol., 103;
Orleans. Dèruelle, B., Moreau, C., Nkomboa, C., Kambou,
R., Lissom, J., Njongfang, E., Ghogomu, R. T. & Nono, A.
(1991): The Cameroon Line: A Review.– In: Magmatism
in Ex tensional Structural S ettings. The Phanerozoic
African Plate, A. B. Kampunzu & R. T. Lubala (eds.),
274–327; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
São Tomé et Príncipe 211 S
Area: 196,722 km2
Population: 12,522,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Senegal i s do minated b y t wo g eological u nits: t he
Precambrian basement in the southeast of the country,
including s ome s ediments o f C ambrian a ge, a nd a
large sedimentary basin of Mesozoic to Recent age. Fig. 298 Wolof goldsmiths were often inspired by European
filigree jewelry produced earlier in the 20 th century

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

The B assaride O rogen o f e astern S enegal o f Pa na- largest marginal basin of West Africa: 340,000 km2 ,
frican a ge c onstitutes a s egment o f a c ontinuous 1,400 km f rom n orth to s outh, a nd 500 km i n i ts
orogenic terrane, which borders the western edge of maximum width at the latitude of Dakar, for its on-
the West African Craton. Two tectonic branches can shore part. Because of the Oligocene to Recent sandy
be distinguished within the Bassaride Orogen of Sen- cover, t he k nowledge c oncerning t he s tratigraphy
egal: The eastern one, called the Bassaris branch, has of the basin is mainly based upon data from oil and
a NNE-SSW trend, while the western one, called the water exploration drillings. The overall structure of
Koulountou branch, has a NE-SW trend. The se two the basin is that of an “Atlantic type” passive margin
trenches are separated by the triangular Youkounk- half-basin w ith a s edimentary i nfilling, w hich b e-
oun Basin. The Bassaris branch is separated from the comes t hicker seaward, a nd consists of superposed
West African Craton, represented by the Koudougou prograding el ementary w edges, a v ery w eak, c om-
inlier, b y t he Pa leozoic Youkounkoun, Ma li a nd monly w estward, d ip o f t he l ayers, w ith a mo re o r
Batapa Gro ups. I n t he Ke dougou i nlier, Bi rrimian less progressive slope of the substratum in the same
volcano-sedimentary ro cks ha ve b een me tamor- direction, and an apparent transgressive character of
phosed and intruded by granitic plutons during the the deposits westward and eastward, which is linked
Paleoproterozoic (2,000 –1,800 Ma) Eburnean Orog- with o ceanic sp reading a nd subsi dence. T he p re-
eny. Within these Birrimian formations three differ- Mesozoic ba sement, w hich sl opes g ently w estward
ent series with a SWNE trend can be distinguished: in the onshore part of the basin, is downthrown to
The Mako Series with metabasic rocks, metaandesitic the west along a north-south fault between 15° W and
breccias and greywackes; the Diale Series with meta- 16° W meridians. It lies at a supposed average depth of
basites, red jaspers, conglomerates, marbles, schists 6,000 m underneath Dakar and at more than 8,000 m
and micaschists; and the Dalema Series with schists, under the continental shelf of Casamance. This model
greywackes a nd conglomerates. The northern part becomes m ore co mplex so uthward bec ause o f t he
of the Neoproterozoic Madina-Kouta Basin outcrops presence of 10 salt diapirs, which pierce the sedi-
along the southern boundary of the Kedougou inlier mentary cover of the continental shelf of Casamance.
in the extreme southeast of the country. Their upward motion started in early Cretaceous and
The Komba Basin is limited on its western side by still continues. Northward the basin is disturbed by
the Ke dougou i nlier a nd t he Mad ina-Kouta B asin, several h orsts a nd g rabens, del ineated b y ro ughly
and on its eastern side by the Bassaris branch. Most north-south trending faults. This block-faulting and
of its sediments a re a lmost horizontal a nd a ll rock uplift te ctonics o ccurred f rom t he l ate Cr etaceous
infillings are probably belonging to the Lower Cam- to the late Miocene. Two main discontinuities affect
brian Mali Group. The Faleme Basin is the northern the sedimentary cover. The older of Senonian age is
extension o f t he K omba B asin a nd r epresented b y visible offshore the Casamance and Dakar area, the
tillites, cherts and limestones. younger, d ated a s Ol igocene, i s f ound a ll o ver t he
The Senegal sedimentary basin, also known as the basin, and is characterized by an erosion gap. The
Senegal-Mauritania B asin, i s t he w esternmost a nd sedimentary sequence begins with evaporites, such as
(-—N (+—N

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(+—E (+—E




,' ' ,' ('' (,'bd >L@E<8

()—E ()—E
(-—N ()—N

I\Z\ek$ <Xjk\ieZXcZ$XcbXc`e\`^e\fljZfdgc\o
8cclm`Xcj Gc\`jkfZ\e\ f]k_\E`fbfcf$BfYX>iflg

I\Z\ek$ N\jk\ieZXcZ$XcbXc`e\`^e\fljZfdgc\o
JXe[[\gfj`kj f]k_\Bflcflekfl>iflg

MfcZXe`Zj HlXik\ieXip XjjfZ`Xk`fejf]k_\>l`e^lXe>iflg


DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj GXc\f^\e\ K\id\jj\>iflg

:fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekj :\efqf`Z BflkX9Xj`e

D<JFQF@: B\[fl^fl`ec`\i29`ii`d`XeJpjk\d GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z

D\kXdfig_`ZifZbj Cfn\i
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Fig. 299 Geological overview of Senegal (modified after Bellion & Guiraud, 1984, and Villeneuve et al., 1991)
214 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

ferralitic weathering a nd by volcanic events, which

occurred in the Cap-Vert area, with two climaxes in
the Miocene and Quaternary. The Miocene volcanism
is represented by numerous sma ll a nd scattered oc-
currences o f a lkaline a nd s trongly u ndersaturated
lavas. The Quaternary volcanism, which is confined
to the head of the Cap-Vert peninsula, consists of a
main complex volcanic edifice, the Mamelles volcano,
of minor adjacent vents and of several sets of flows
and t uffs, w hich a re i nterbedded a mong g enerally
azoic aquiferous sands (Fig. 302).

Fig. 300 Neogene clayey deposits with numerous large shells Economic Geology
of Mollusca near Dakar
The Paleoproterozoic formations of Senegal are com-
parable to those found in other parts of West Africa
halite, gypsum and anhydrite of Triassic to Liassic age. and have t herefore a g ood p otential for gold a nd a
Their deposition apparently coincided with a p hase variety of other mineralisations. The gold potential of
of tholeiitic magma activity. The Jurassic (Callovian the Birrimian greenschist belts of southeastern Sene-
to Portlandian) consists of a 2,000 m-thick sequence gal is exploited by numerous artisanal mine workings
of c arbonates. Th is s tage c ontinued w ith a h igher in this region, its gold often used for filigree artwork
occurrence of detrital elements up to the late Aptian in the country. The Faleme iron deposit, evaluated at
(Fig. 301). From late Aptian to t he Lutetian, a mo re more than 800 million tons of ore, is one of the largest
extensive clastic sedimentation occurred in the basin. in the Paleoproterozoic formations of West Africa. It
It is represented by fine argillaceous and organic mat- is composed of magnetite and iron hydroxide grad-
ter-bearing deposits from Albian to Turonian, and by ing between 55–60 % Fe. The reserves of the Faleme
chemical to biochemical deposits since the Paleocene. deposit are located in three main sites (Koudekourou,
The alkali syenite dome of Leona near Saint Louis was Karakaene a nd K ouroudiaka) i n c arbonate ro cks
emplaced bef ore t he d eposition o f t he “aquiferous affected by a later intrusion of Paleoproterozoic calc-
sands of Senegal” during the Maastrichtian. After this alkaline rocks. Diamonds have been found as placers
phase, which represents the major tectonic episode in in the beds of the Gambia and Faleme Rivers. Explo-
the basin᾽s history, and the general withdrawal of the ration of titaniferous sand deposits began in the late
sea, which only locally remained in the Casamance 1980᾽s. Chemical sediment formation and the dynam-
Gulf, t he S enegal B asin e xperienced a n e ssentially ics that were characteristic of the sedimentary basin
continental e volution, f rom t he l ate E ocene to t he of Senegal have been favourable to the precipitation
Present. Such evolution is characterized by an intense of phosphates since the beginning of the Tertiary. The

Fig. 301 The oldest cement factory in Africa at Bargny near Fig. 302 Quaternary basalts at Cap Vert Peninsula near
Dakar, where Cretaceous limestone is quarried (1964) Dakar
Fig. 304 Salt production along the Pink Lake near Dakar,
western Senegal

most important phospotic deposits have been formed of high standard as it is indicated for the university by
during the middle Eocene. Phosphate accumulations international ranking databases for Africa.
are associated to a carbonate sedimentation near the
high a reas, a long a N W-SE t rend i n t he Thie s and
Taiba domains. At the end of the middle Eocene, the
advent of a continental regime following a transgres- Barrere, J. & Slansky, M. (1965): Notice explicative de
sion has resulted in a c ontinental a lteration, which la C arte G eologique a u 1:2,000 ,000 de l ᾽Afrique o c-
has transformed the lime phosphate into aluminium cidentale.– Mem. BRGM 29, 1–120; Pa ris Bellion, Y. &
Guiraud, R. (1984): Le bassin sédimentaire du Senegal.
phosphate through an enrichment process. Senegal Synthése du connaissance actuelle.– In: Plan Minéral de
is generally endowed with large reserves of lime and la République du Senegal, 4–63; Bur. Rech. Géol. Min.
aluminium phosphates of high market quality. Bellion, Y. & Crevola, G. (1991): Cretaceous and Cainozoic
Magmatism of the Senegal (West Africa): A Review.– In:
Magmatism in Ex tensional S tructural S ettings. The
Geoscience Education Phanerozoic A frican Pl ate, A . B. K ampunzu & R . T.
Lubala (eds.), 189–201; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Countrywide there is one university (Dakar) where Bellion, Y. & Debenay, J. P. (1986): Le bassin sédimentaire
geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ost- Senegalo-Mauritanien: Presentation generale.– INQUA-
graduate courses are offered. The personnel and in- ASEQUA Symposium Internat. Dakar April 1986, 1–8;

stitutional capacities of its department are apparently Bense, C. (1962): Carte Géologique du Senegal 1:500,0 00.–
BRGM, 4 sheets with explanatory notes, 1–36; Paris.

Lécorché, J. P., Bron ner, G ., D allmeyer, R . D., Ro cci, G .
& Rou ssel, J. ( 1991): The M auritanide O rogen a nd it s
Northern Extensions (Western Sahara and Zemmour),

West A frica.– I n: T he West A frican O rogens a nd

Circum-Atlantic C orrelatives R . D. D allmeyer & J. P.
Lécorché, (eds.), 187–227; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Spengler, A. de, Castelain, J., Cauvin, J. & Leroy, M. (1966):
le basin Secondaire-Tertiaire du Senegal.– In: Sympo-
sium su r le s basins s edimentaires du l ittoral a fricain,
80–94; Publ. Serv. Geol. Africains.
Villeneuve, M., Bassot, J. P., Robineau, B., Dallmeyer, R. D.
& Ponsard, J. F. (1991): The Bassaride Orogen.– In: The
West A frican O rogens a nd Ci rcum-Atlantic C orrela-
tives R . D. D allmeyer & J. P. L écorché, (eds.), 151–185;
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Witschard, F. (1965): C ontribution a l᾽ etude ge ologique
Fig. 303 Baobab trees in the savannah near St. Louis, northern et metallogenique des massifs granitiques du Senegal
Senegal oriental.– Mem. B. R. G. M. 44, 1–172; Orleans.
General on the passive northwestern margin of eastern Gond-
Area: 455 km2 wana upon which more than 1,000 m o f fine marine
Population: 82,000 ( 2007 estimate) clastics were deposited as the Somali oceanic basin
developed into the Early Cretaceous.
At about 120 Ma the fragmentation of East Gond-
Summary of Geology
wana beg an. I nitially A ntarctica-Australia l eft Ma-
The archipelago of the Seychelles lies in the western da gascar-Seychelles-India, t hen a t a bout 100 Ma
part o f t he I ndian O cean a nd c omprises 4 1 g ra- (mid-Cretaceous) Seychelles-India began rifting from
nitic and 74 coralline islands, being part of a former Madagascar, e ventually s eparating a t a bout 85 Ma
microcontinent. to f orm t he i ntervening Ma scarene o ceanic ba sin.
During the subsequent northward drift of Seychelles-
India, the emergence of the Deccan hotspot at about
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
65 Ma initiated the Carlsberg Spreading Ridge of the
The ba sement o f t he S eychelles m icrocontinent Arabian oceanic basin and completed the isolation of
comprises a su ite o f g ranites em placed d uring t he the elongate Seychelles sliver. Silhouette and North
Neoproterozoic e xtension w ithin t he G ondwana islands a re e arly Tertiary (about 6 3 Ma) a lkaline
Supercontinent. Granite is the bedrock of the main plutonic-volcanic complexes. No sediments have been
island Ma he a nd o f t he n earby i slands o f P raslin, drilled in optimal locations in Seychelles, although
La Digue, a nd Fregate. Ma he ha s t hree varieties of thin sequences of Late Cretaceous coarse calcareous
Neoproterozoic g ranites (about 755 Ma), r anging rift c lastics a nd en suing l imestone a nd sha le d rift
from “grey granite” over much of the island to “pink deposits were encountered in the wells on the western
granite” in the southwest, “porphyric granite” in the shelf of the plateau. Maastrichtian and/or Paleocene
northwest and gneissose granodiorite in the far north. volcanics were observed in all four wells on the Sey-
Pink granite is also exposed on Praslin, La Digue, chelles Plateau, but their full tectonic significance has
Fregate and the adjacent smaller islands. not yet been established.
The first Gondwanan rift phase to affect Seychelles Limited w ell s amples i ndicate t hat s ource ro cks
took place in the Late Paleozoic forming a s eries of accumulated in various depositional settings during
elongated failed rift grabens. The second phase of rift- each of the identifiable rift and drift tectonic phases
ing, during Triassic to Middle Jurassic, resulted in the that w ere r esponsible f or t he i solation o f t he S ey-
deposition of at least 2,000 m, a nd possibly as much chelles microcontinent. Best documented from this
as 6, 000 m, o f c lastic s ediments a long t he western dataset a re a v ariety o f de positional en vironments
margin of the Seychelles microcontinent. Following that developed within and marginal to the paralic
the subsequent split of Gondwana, the Seychelles lay Tethyan gulf during the Triassic to M iddle Jurassic

Fig. 305 Eroded pink granite from the southeast of Mahe Fig. 306 Eroded grey granite along the coast of Mahe Island.
,,—*'¡< ,,—+,¡<

+—(,¡J E +—(,¡J
N\jkJ`jk\i <XjkJ`jk\i

N < =\c`Z\@jcXe[

J Jflk_:flj`e GI8JC@E DXi`\

Efik_@jcXe[ 8ee\
;`^l\ @jcXe[
(' ' (' )'bd

JX`ek\8ee\@jcXe[ I\Z`]@jcXe[
M`Zkfi`X C¡@cfk


+—+,¡J @E;@8EF:<8E

,,—(,¡< ,,—*'¡< ,,—+,¡<


8cbXc`e\gclkfe`Z$mfcZXe`ZZfdgc\o\j GXc\f^\e\

>e\`jjfj\^iXef[`fi`k\j Seychelles



Fig. 307 Geological overview of the larger islands of the Seychelles (modified after Baker, 1963)
218 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

and its descendant Middle Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous Economic Geology

ocean basin, the Somali Basin. In addition, the very
limited d ata available f rom t he L ate Cretaceous s e- Mineral production i n S eychelles t raditionally c on-
quence suggest that source rocks possibly developed sisted mostly of unspecified quantities of construction
during both the Cenomanian-Santonian rift and the materials, e. g. clay, coral, stone and sand. Output of
Campanian-Maastrichtian d rift of t he S eychelles guano, an organic fertilizer composed of bird drop-
from Madagascar. pings, ceased in the mid-1980᾽s, but occasional small
The Seychelles microcontinent covers an area of ap- production wa s u nofficially r eported. E xploration
proximately 300,0 00 km2 within the western Indian for hydrocarbons offshore the granitic islands is still
Ocean. Until Late Cretaceous this microcontinent ongoing (Fig. 308).
was sandwiched between northern Madagascar and
the western coast of India. The Mesozoic geology of
the Seychelles evolved through three phases of rift/
drift tectonics (Figs 309–311) that included multiple An inventory has not yet been made, but most of the
periods of uplift, erosi on and associated volcanism. islands are of special geoscientific interest because of
The b urial a nd t hermal h istories o f t he r esultant representing part of a so-called micro-continent with
sedimentary pac kages a re t herefore qu ite c omplex, granites outcropping. (Figs 305 and 306).
and a t horough u nderstanding o f t he r elationship
between t ime g eneration a nd t ime s tructuring i s
critical for a proper assessment of the prospectivity
of hydrocarbons. Ashwal, L. D., Tersvik, T. H., Tucker, R. D., Eide, E. A. & Wit,
M. J. d e (1998): S eychelles re visited.– J ournal A frican
Earth Sciences 27 (1A), 11–12; Oxford.
Baker, B. H. (1963): Geology and Mineral Resources of the
Seychelles Archipelago.– Geol. Surv. Kenya Memoir 3,
1–29; Nairobi.
Baker, B. H. & Miller, J. A. (1963): Geology and Geochronol-
ogy of t he S eychelles I slands.– Nat ure 199, 346–348;
Davies, D. & Francis, T. J. G. (1964): The crustal structure
of the Seychelles Bank.– Deep-Sea Research 11, 921–927;
Pergamon, Oxford.
Weis, D. (1982): L e gé ochimie i sotopique du Plomb tot al
comme t raceur p étrogénétique: me thodologique e t
exemples d᾽application.–Unpubl. D oct. Thése Univ.
Brussels, Brussels.

Fig. 308 Drilling for oil on the shelf of the Seychelles

<Xjk 9Xjj`e





8ekXiZk`ZX DXjZXi\e\9Xjj`e

Fig. 309 Position of the Seychelles’ micro-continent (green) Fig. 310 Position of the Seychelles’ micro-continent (green)
during Early Cretaceous during Late Cretaceous




Fig. 311 Position of the Seychelles’ micro-continent (green)

during Paleocene
Sierra Leone
Area: 71,740 km2
Population: 6,144,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Sierra Leone is divisible into two major tectonostrati-
graphic u nits. The e astern one i s pa rt of t he s table
Precambrian West A frican Cr aton a nd c onsists o f
high-grade metamorphic rocks and granitic gneisses.
The western unit contains the elements of an orogenic
belt named the Rokelides that was deformed during
the Pan-African tectonothermal event, about 550 Ma
ago. A 2 0–40 k m w ide c oastal s trip i s made u p o f
Pleistocene to Recent sediments.

Archean rocks are well developed in the eastern half
and partly the west of Sierra Leone, constituting the
Kenema-Man domain, which is also outcropping in
neighbouring Guinea and Liberia and in southwestern Fig. 312 Rapids over Archean granulites in eastern Sierra
Ivory Coast. The Kenema-Man domain is character-
ized by relic zones of supracrustal rocks occurring as
greenstone belts, mainly forming synclinal structures
amid gr anitic gneisses and autochthonous and pa- formation, w hich i ncludes ma ssive p illow l avas o f
rautochthonous granitoids. In western Sierra Leone basic (amphibolitic) a nd u ltrabasic (serpentinite)
the greenstone belts are large, up to 130 km long with composition, overlain by tuffs, psammites, pelites and
thick successions (up to 6,500 m), and metamorphosed banded ironstones. These rocks were deformed and
to a mphibolite g rade. B anded i ronstone ( BIF) i s a metamorphosed during the Liberian tectonothermal
minor l ithological character. I n southeastern Sier ra event dated at about 2,750 Ma. Deformation during
Leone the schist relics are smaller (up to 40 km long) the L eonian event was a long E-W a xes a nd during
with thinner stratigraphic successions, in which band- the Liberian event along N-S axes.
ed iron formations are dominant. The metamorphic The term “Rokelide Orogen” was proposed for the
grade is variable, both within belts and between belts, orogenic belt in Sierra Leone that was deformed during
from greenschist to granulite facies (Fig. 312). the Pan-African tectonothermal event, about 550 Ma
The type area of the Kenema assemblage in central ago. It extends some 600 k m from western Guinea
Sierra L eone c omprises g ranites a nd ac id g neisses, along c oastal Sier ra L eone i nto L iberia. The Kasila
granulite facies rocks, and greenstone belts of schis- Group represents a linear belt, no more than 30 km
tose sediments and volcanics. In the northeast of the wide, of high-grade supracrustal rocks of Archean age,
country two separate suites of a greenstone belt have which were reworked during the Pan-African Orog-
been distinguished in the Kenema assemblage. The eny. It consists mostly of acid gneisses in the granulite
older suite is represented by the Loko Group of the facies, c harnockites, ga rnet-hornblende g neiss a nd
Kamokwie area and is composed of amphibolites garnet-plagioclase g neiss, a nd, i n p laces, h ornblen-
with subordinate serpentinites, quartzites and banded dite and pyroxenite. To the east of the Kasila Group,
ironstones. I t w as def ormed a nd me tamorphosed low-grade su pracrustal ro cks o f t he r ecumbently
during t he L eonean te ctonothermal e vent d ated folded Marampa Group overlie granitic terranes and
at a bout 2,960 Ma . The yo unger su ite, ter med t he are probably in fault contact with Rokel River strata.
Kambui Su pergroup, c onsists o f a l ower v olcanic The Ma rampa Gro up c ontains i ronstone, ma fic to
(*—N ()—N ((—N

N <

0—E 0—E


/—E /—E

8KC8EK@: C@9<I@8
), ' ,'bd

.—E .—E

(*—N ()—N ((—N ('—N

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekjf]k_\9lccfd>iflg I\Z\ek$ DXYfc\=fidXk`fe

9Xj`Z`ekilj`fej D\jfqf`Z K\p\=fidXk`fe


J\[`d\ekjf]k_\JX`jfe`XJZXig>iflg Fi[fm`Z`Xe

Sierra Leone
KX`X=fidXk`fe GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z$ 
DXiXdgX>iflg E\fXiZ_\Xe

KiXej]fid]Xlck BXj`cX>iflg

K_iljk]Xlck 8dg_`Yfc`k\jf]k_\BXdYl`



Fig. 313 Geological overview of Sierra Leone (modified after Anonymous, 1960)
222 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

The peninsula of Freetown is made up of Mesozoic

basic intrusives (Fig. 310).
The Bu llom Gro up c omprises a 2 0–40 k m w ide
strip o f C enozoic s ediments a long c oastal Sier ra

Sierra L eone is structurally d ivisible i nto t wo u nits,
which correspond a lmost exactly w ith t he two mor-
phological units. The main strike of foliation in the
eastern unit is NE-SW, extending far into the African
Fig. 314 Aerial view of Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown continent and being the main component of the West
African Cr aton. The w estern s tructural u nit c orre-
sponds with the coastal plain, trending NNW-SSE and
being oblique to the grain of the central highlands.

Economic Geology
Before the civil war broke out in the mid-1990᾽s, the
production a nd e xport o f v arious m ineral c om-
modities, pa rticularly r utile a nd i lmenite, ba uxite,
diamonds and gold (Fig. 312) sustained Sierra Leone᾽s
economy. Political t urmoil c aused a n a lmost to tal
decline of all mineral exports, except illegal trading
of d iamonds (“blood d iamonds”) for t he provision
of arms.

Fig. 315 Country side in central Sierra Leone

This c ivil-war torn c ountry offers v arious places of
scenic beauty (Figs 312, 315 and 317), which are largely
felsic volcanic rocks and derived volcanogenic sedi- unknown.
ments that are similar to greenstone belt lithologies
seen to the east within the Kenema Assemblage. The
rocks of the Marampa Group were originally formed
about 2,100 Ma a go, their Pan-African deformation
was dated at about 560 Ma . The Rokel R iver Group
comprises the easternmost domain in the Rokelide
orogenic belt in Sierra Leone. It occupies a belt some
30 km wide and 225 km long and is subdivided into 10
different units (Culver et al., 1991), which are named
as f ollows: T ibai M ember, Taban M ember, Do do
Member, Teye Formation, Mabole Formation 1, Taia
Formation 1, K asewe H ills For mation, Taia For ma-
tion 2 and Mabole Formation 2. Generally these units
are comprised of marls, quartzites, sandstones and
volcanic rocks. There are no direct geochronological
data available for the Rokel River group, but its basal
glacigenic d eposits c an be co rrelated w ith s imilar
strata in Senegal and Mauritania, which are generally Fig. 316 Open cast gold mine at Baomahun near the Kangari
accepted to be Neoproterozoic in age. Hills Forest Reserve
Fig. 317 A lagoon along coastal Sierra Leone

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Freetown)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offered. However, due to the
civil war t he geoscience education programme ha s
apparently deteriorated and it is not clear if all courses
can be executed as outlined in its website.

Allen, P. M. (1969): The geology of an orogenic belt in west-
ern Sierra Leone, West Africa.– Geolog. Rundschau 58
(2), 588–620; Stuttgart.
Anonymous (1960): Geological [map of] Sierra Leone, Scale
ca 1:1,000,000.– Sierra Leone Geol. Surv. Department;
Culver, S. J. & Williams, H. R. (1979): Late Precambrian and
Phanerozoic geology of Sierra Leone.– Journal Geol. Soc.
London 136, 605–618; London.
Culver, S. J., Williams, H. R. & Venkatakrishnan, R. (1991):
The Rokelide Orogen.– In: The West African Orogens

and Circum-Atlantic Correlatives, R. D. Dallmeyer & J.P.
Lécorché (eds.), 124–150; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Hawkes, D. D. (1972): The Geology of Sierra Leone.– In: T. F.
Dessauvagie & A. J. Whiteman (eds.), African Geology,
471–482; Ibadan.
Macfarlane, A ., Cro w, M . J., A rthurs, J. W., Wi lkinson,
Sierra Leone

A. F. & A ucott, J. W. (1981): The G eology a nd M ineral

Resources of Sierra Leone.– Overseas Mem. Inst. Geol.
Sci. 7, 1–103; London.
Morel, S . W. (1979): The G eology a nd M ineral Resources
of Sierra Leone.– Economic Geology 74 (7), 1563–1576;
New Haven.
Socotra (Yemen)
Area 3,650 km2
Population: about 70,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Socotra is the largest and most easterly of a group of
islands, which includes Abd-Al-Kuri, Semha (Fig. 318)
and Darsa. It lies some 250 km ENE of Cape Gaurdafui
at the northeastern tip of Somalia, and some 380 km Fig. 319 View of coastal Socotra
SSE o f R a᾽s Fartaq, t he n earest p oint o n t he s outh
Arabian coast. It is made up mainly of Precambrian
rocks and Cretaceous to Tertiary sediments. are only preserved in structural depressions. Vertical
movements were predominantly responsible for the
structure, which is simple in t he east but dissected
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
by W NW-ESE bl ock f aulting i n t he w est. C orrela-
Precambrian basement rocks crop out in three main tion with southern Arabia and Somalia suggests that
uplift a reas. E lsewhere t hey a re o verlain b y a v e- the metamorphic basement is Precambrian and the
neer of Cretaceous and Tertiary plateau limestones. post-kinematic igneous rocks are early Paleozoic. The
The ol dest ba sement ro cks a re a mphibolite f acies sedimentary formations broadly correlate with those
metasediments and meta-igneous rocks, which have of southern Arabia and the Oligo-Miocene deposits
been i ntruded b y s yn-kinematic g ranites a nd l ate- in particular are most closely related of Dhufar.
kinematic gabbros. Younger weakly metamorphosed
tuffs and mudstones also occur. Post-kinematic igne-
Economic Geology
ous activity gave rise to a sequence of volcanic rocks,
hornblende/biotite and peralkaline granites, gabbros Off- and on-shore drilling for hydrocarbons over the
and minor intrusions, which make up the bulk of the last decades was apparently not yet successful. Other
Haggier Mountains. After a long period of basement significant mineral resources are unknown, but build-
formation, sediments were deposited, which consist ing materials are mined locally.
of L ower a nd m iddle Cr etaceous l imestones, w ith
some ba sal s andstones, f ollowed w ithout appa rent
break by cliff-forming shelf limestones of Paleocene
to E ocene a ge. Ol igo-Miocene c alcareous de posits Beydoun, Z . R. & Bic han, H . R. (1970): The G eology of
Socotra Island, Gulf of Aden.– Quaterly Journal Geol.
Soc. London 125, 413–446; London.
Fediuk, F. (2005): Riebek, Sauer und Sokotra.– GMit Geo-
wissenschaft liche Mitteilungen 19, 20–23; Bonn.
Kossmat, F. (1907): Geologie der Inseln Sokotra, Semha
und A bd e l K uri.– D enkschriften K aiserl. A kademie
Wissenschaften Wien, Ma th.-Naturwiss. K lasse 7 1,
1–62; Vienna.
Merla, G ., A bbate, E ., C anuti, P., S agri, M . & T acconi,
P. (1973): G eological M ap of Et hiopia a nd S omalia,
1:2,000 ,000 .– C onsiglio N azionale del le Re cerche

Fig. 318 The peak of Semha Island

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[le\jXe[Y\XZ_[\gfj`kj Gc\`jkfZ\e\

DXicpXe[Y`f^\e\k`Zc`d\jkfe\j Fc`^fZ\e\

8diX[lC`d\jkfe\jY`f^\e\k`Z#dXjj`m\ Cfn\i<fZ\e\$Lgg\i
c`d\jkfe\j :i\kXZ\flj

E\i`k`Zc`d\jkfe\jXe[dXicj :i\kXZ\flj

>iXe`k\jXe[hlXikq$[`fi`k\j E\fgifk\ifqf`Z



Fig. 320 Geological overview of Socotra (modified after Merla et al., 1973)
Area: 637,657 km2
Population: 8,850,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Conventionally, S omalia i s geologically sub divided
into two regions, namely the one in the northern part
of t he country, which comprises mostly crystalline
basement ro cks a nd m inor pa rts o f a s edimentary Fig. 321 Jurassic limestones near Mogadishu
succession, and the one in its southern part, which
consists of two Phanerozoic basins, sandwiching an
elliptical area also of crystalline basement rocks. a c omplex h istory o f def ormational, ig neous a nd
metamorphic activity, which may be subdivided into
four major events. Major Event I (Paleo- to Mesopro-
terozoic) is only recorded by relics of granulite-facies
The northern Somali cr ystalline basement consists metamorphism a nd ba sic a nd g ranitoid p rotoliths,
of s even ma jor ro ck c omplexes, five o f w hich a re from which rocks of the Qabri Bahar complex were
mainly metasedimentary sequences with some meta- derived. It may represent t he vestiges of a p re-Pan-
igneous intercalations, while two are plutonic com- African continental crust. Major Event II (older than
plexes. The metasedimentary complexes are named about 700 Ma ) i ncludes a mphibolite-facies me ta-
as follows: 1. Qabri Bahar complex; 2. Mora complex; morphism, a natexis a nd a ssociated d eformation.
3. Abdulkadir complex; 4. Mait complex; 5. Inda Ad The em placement o f p osttectonic g ranitoids w as
complex. The first two units make up the medium- to also referred to this event, but it could also be as-
high-grade, polymetamorphic basement of northern sociated to Ma jor Event III. Major Event III (about
Somalia. The Ab dulkadir a nd Ma it c omplexes a re 700-640 Ma ) i ncludes c rustal t hinning, e xtension
composed of greenschist-facies, volcano-sedimentary and a borted l ithospheric r upture, de position o f a
sequences and are exposed in the western and central Neoproterozoic sequence with basic volcanic activity
part of the northern S omali c rystalline basement, in the Abdulkadir and Mait complexes, and related
respectively. The Inda Ad complex is a l ow- to very emplacement o f t he G abbro-Syenite su ite t hrough
low-grade, e ssentially me tasedimentary s equence, the thinned crust, followed by regional heating and
located i n t he e astern pa rt of t he northern S omali metamorphism. Major Event IV (about 600–500 Ma)
crystalline basement. The igneous plutonic complexes includes emplacement of granites, deposition of the
comprise t he f ollowing t wo u nits: 1. The Gabbro- Inda Ad sequence, a f urther t hermal pulse w ith re-
Syenite b elt a nd 2. The Younger Gr anites. L ayered gional heating accompanied by deformational activity
gabbros occur systematically associated with (rarely and finally emplacement of g ranites. The northern
nepheline-bearing) s yenites, h owever, p robably Somali c rystalline ba sement r epresents appa rently
not b elonging to a n ophiolite su ite, but appa rently not a j uvenile Pa n-African ter rain but a c omposite
reflecting intracrustal m agmatic a ctivity, p erhaps basement. I ts e astern pa rt c onsists o f j uvenile ter -
related to a n u nderplating e vent a nd p robably de - ranes (the Inda Ad and Mait complexes), whereas the
veloped under extensional conditions. Two different western part consists of pre-Pan-African crust, which
groups of granitoids are included within the Younger was affected by igneous and metamorphic processes at
Granites: 1. Foliated granites: Their foliation is well about 840 Ma, about 800–760 Ma and about 720 Ma,
developed in the outer part of the granitoid bodies, respectively. The Pan-African sequence of events was
but may be weak or lacking in the inner parts; 2. Un- controlled by dynamic and thermal processes related
foliated granitoids representing, with their aplitic and to crustal thinning and took place at the same time in
pegmatitic dykes, the youngest plutonic rocks in the which, farther north in the Arabian-Nubian Shield,
northern Somali crystalline basement. subduction-related magmatism led to the formation
The northern Somali crystalline basement records of intraoceanic island arcs and marginal basins.
+,—< ,'—<
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<XicpD`fZ\e\$Fc`^fZ\e\ D\kXdfig_`ZifZbj#d\kXmfc$

Fig. 322 Geological overview of Somalia (modified after Merla et al., 1973)
228 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

The sedimentary succession of northern Somalia

can be s ubdivided i nto t wo ma in d epositional se-
quences: 1. A Jurassic to Early Eocene sequence and
2. A M iddle Eocene to N eogene sequence. The first
one is related to events along the East Africa-Arabia
continental ma rgin, resulting f rom t he d ismember-
ing of Gondwana. Deposition began in Early Jurassic,
when the Tethys flooded this continental area from
the northeast. After a Cretaceous upwarping, testified
by the continental Yesomma Sandstones in the north-
western part of the country, the sequence ended with
an Early to Middle Eocene regional transgression. The
Middle Eocene to Neogene sediments were Early Mio- Fig. 323 Mesozoic limestones in coastal southern Somalia
cene - Oligocene deposited during the development
of the northern Somalia continental margin and the
opening of the Gulf of Aden. Continental or brackish Tertiary volcanic episodes (Fig. 323). The succession is
marine deposits occur in more or less confined basins known exclusively by means of geophysical prospec-
bordering t he r ising S omali P lateau. The outcrop- tions and drillings for oil exploration, which, however,
ping sequences are limited to the coastal region and have not reached the basement. The environmental and
are only preserved in places, but offshore Middle to structural development of this basin is strictly related
Late Tertiary sediments reach a thickness sometimes to the birth of the Indian Ocean and the relative mo-
>2 km and are related to rapidly faulted basins. tions of India, Madagascar and East Africa.
Two main sedimentary basins can be recognized The N NE-SSW t rending Lu uq-Mandera B asin
in southern Somalia: The NE-SW trending Mesozoic- consists of a Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous succes-
Tertiary Somali Coastal Basin in the northeast and sion, whereby the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic clastic,
the NNE-SSW trending Luuq-Mandera Basin in the evaporitic a nd c arbonate ma terials ha ve o nly b een
southwest. These t wo ba sins, w here t he to p o f t he found by drilling for oil exploration. Early to Middle
underlying basement is as deep as 5000 m or more Jurassic carbonate and shaly sediments are associated
below sea level, are separated by the so-called “Bur with a marine transgression, which started during the
Region”, a w ide el liptical a rea, where t he basement Liassic in the Arabian-Madagascar arm of the Tethys.
rises to the surface. Open sea environments are indicated by the deposi-
The crystalline basement of the Bur Region covers tion of marls with ammonites during early Toarcian.
an area of about 30,000 km2 , but outcrops only lo- Middle to Late Jurassic strata, possibly extending up
cally in isolated and relatively small hills. Most of this to Early Cretaceous, consist of shaly, carbonate and
region is covered by a thin (1–30 m) veneer of recent clastic sediments. Pelagic faunas with ammonites and
residual sediments. The Bur crystalline basement is belemnites of Callovian to Early/Middle Oxfordian
made up of two units: The Olon tole C omplex a nd age indicate an open but quite shallow epicontinental
the Dinsor Complex. The Olontole Complex consists sea environment.
of m igmatites, g neisses, g ranulitic a mphibolites
and qu artzites, a ll o f t hem c ross-cut b y i njected
granitoid b odies. The D insor C omplex pa rtly c on-
sists of metapelitic a nd metapsammitic h igh-grade Rifting of the Arabia-Somali Plate began in Oligocene
sequences and migmatites, and partly of quartzites, and the uplift of the plateau margin was substantially
iron-rich quartzites and marbles. Injected granitoid achieved at the end of Oligocene and the beginning
bodies also cross-cut this series. Rb-Sr whole rock iso- of Miocene, with the exception of later, minor fault
chrons indicate a lower Paleozoic age for the younger renewals. In the Gulf of Aden contemporarily intense
granites. The youngest rock-producing process in the stretching and magmatic intrusions occurred, giving
Bur Region therefore belongs to the Pan-African. rise to t he f ormation o f a b elt, w hich i s c haracter-
The N E-SW t rending C oastal B asin c onsists of a ized by a 100 km long quiet magnetic zone. Sea-floor
more than 7000 m thick succession of Jurassic (Fig. 321, spreading s tarted d uring L ate M iocene. It i s l ikely
323–325) to Recent calcareous, marly and terrigenous that t he Gu lf of Aden de veloped i n t he e astern ter-
units, sometimes intercalated by Cretaceous and Lower mination of a b elt of crustal weakness, which runs
longitudinally f rom t he Gu lf o f Gu inea to t he I n- References
dian Ocean. The Arabian and Nubian plate motion
was oblique to this weakness zone and produced en Abbate, E., Sagri, M., Sassi, F. R., Aden, I. H., Arush, M. A.
& Yusuf, O. S. (1994): Geological Map of Somalia, Scale
échelon ESE-WNW fractures, followed by subsiding
1:1,500,0 00.– Somali National University and Ministry
basins and active clastic sedimentation. of Mineral and Water resources; Mogadishu.
Buscaglione, L., Fazzuoli, M., Chiocchini, M. & Pav ia, G.
(1993): Contributions to the stratigraphy of the Early to
Economic Geology Middle Jurassic formations of the eastern side of the
Luuq-Mandera Ba sin, Ba y a nd G edo r egions, so uth-
Somalia᾽s mineral output is an insignificant part of western Somalia.– Geology and mineral resources of So-
its economy. The mining sector remains marginal and malia and surrounding regions, Ist. Agron. Oltremare,
largely u ndeveloped. G ypsum, l imestone, s epiolite Firenze, Relaz. E Monogr. 113, 153–168; Firenze.
and sea salt were probably the only minerals produced Dal Piaz, G. V. (1987): Short notes on the geology of north-
in r ecent y ears o f p olitical t urmoil i n t he c ountry. ern S omalia.– E xcursion B Gu idebook, GE OSOM
87, 1–22; Mogadishu.
Locally some stone, sand and gravel for construction Kröner, A. & Sassi, F. P. (1996): Evolution of t he northern
may have also been mined (Fig. 321). However, a v a- Somali basement: new constraints by zircon ages.– Jour-
riety of other potentially economic mineral deposits nal African Earth Siences 22 (1), 1–15; Oxford.
are known to exist in many parts of Somalia. Also oil Merla, G ., A bbate, E ., C anuti, P., S agri, M . & T acconi,
P. (1973): G eological M ap of Et hiopia a nd S omalia,
exploration, which in the 1980᾽s was still the most ac-
1:2,000,0 00.– Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italy.
tive sector in the mineral industry, has largely ceased Vargas Ro jas, R ., P ellikka, P. & Pa ron, P. (eds.) (2007):
following the civil war. Potentialities a nd L imitations i n t he U se of R emote
Sensing for Detecting and Monitoring Environmental
Change in the Horn of Africa.– Abstract Volume, Expert
Geosites Workshop, 12–13 June 2007, Nairobi, 1–103; Nairobi.
An i nventory ha s n ot y et b een made , b ut t he c ivil-
war torn country offers many places of scenic beauty,
especially along the coast and in the interior desert

Geoscience Education
There are currently about 15 higher (private) education
centres in the country, but none of them offers pro-
grammes in geology/geosciences. Till the end-1980᾽s
the National University of Somalia in Mogadishu had
a Faculty of Geology, which apparently has ceased to

provide courses with geoscientific background.


Fig. 324 Mesozoic limestones being prepared as building Fig. 325 Boulders of Jurassic limestones in a river in central
materials in coastal southern Somalia coastal Somalia
South Africa
Area: 1,219,912 km2
Population: 49,330,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
South Africa᾽s diverse rock formations span almost
the en tire r ange o f t he g eological t ime s cale a nd
include s ome o f t he w orld᾽s b est-preserved a nd
most t ypical e xamples. L arge pa rts o f t he c ountry
are underlain by Precambrian rocks, including t he
Barberton and Murchison Belts, the Limpopo mobile
belt and the Witwatersrand Supergroup, all of which
are o f A rchean a ge. For t he Transvaal Su pergroup,
Fig. 326 Thambazimbi open pit iron ore mine
the Bushveld Complex, the Vredefort Dome (an an-
cient meteorite impact structure) and the Waterberg
(Mokolian) Sup ergroup a Pa leoproterozoic a ge h as
been a ssigned. T he N amaqualand M etamorphic
Province is of Mesoproterozoic age. The lower Paleo-
zoic is characterized by sediments and granites that
were folded into the Cape Fold Belt. Approximately
two-thirds o f S outh A frica᾽s su rface i s c overed b y
rocks of the Paleozoic to Mesozoic Karoo Supergroup,
comprising mainly continental clastic sediments and
volcanics. S everal a lkaline c omplexes, c arbonatites
and kimberlites, have intruded the Precambrian and
Karoo s trata. C enozoic ter restrial a nd f resh w ater
sediments, mainly sands of the Kalahari Group, cover
large parts of northwestern South Africa a long t he
borders with Botswana and Namibia.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics

The ol dest ro ck f ormations o f S outh A frica a re o f Fig. 327 Platy Namaqua gneisses along a gorge of the Orange
Archean a ge a nd constitute t he K aapval Cr aton, a n River in Western Cape Province
ancient nucleus of continental crust that has remained
relatively undisturbed for about 3,500–2,500 Ma. These
basement ro cks c onsist ma inly o f l arge ma sses o f Botswana border, t he Johannesburg Dome bet ween
granite, w hich ha ve i ntruded i nto t he ol der g reen- Pretoria and Johannesburg and the Vredefort Dome
stone belts of volcanic and sedimentary composition. southwest of Johannesburg. The Barberton Mountain
This ancient granite-greenstone terrane extends from Land e pitomizes t he g ranite-greenstone t errane of
northern Natal a nd Swaziland to t he Soutpansberg, South Africa, giving rise to a rugged mountain range
and u nderlies mos t o f t he c ountry k nown a s t he that extends from the Mozambique border at Koma-
Lowveld. Similar rock formations extend west through tiport i n t he e ast to t he Mpumalanga D rakensberg
Pietersburg and also comprise most of the Limpopo escarpment near Kaapschehoop in the west. Close to
valley, n orth o f t he S outpansberg. O val o r c ircular the northern flank of the Barberton Greenstone Belt,
domes of the granite-greenstone basement occur else- a younger granite body (about 2,600 Ma old) has been
where as isolated exposures, surrounded by younger eroded by the Crocodile R iver. Some 250 k m north
rocks. Examples include the Makoppa Dome along the of the Barberton Greenstone Belt lies the Murchison
N <

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D<JFQF@:$G8C<FQF@: D\kXj\[`d\ekj#d\kXmfcZXe`Zjf]k_\ D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
Dfjkcp EXdXhX$EXkXc9\ck
B`dY\ic`k\j :i\kXZ\flj

9XjXckj#i_pfc`k\jf]k_\;iXb\ejY\i^ NXk\iY\i^>iflg
>XYYifj#^iXe`k\j#Xefik_fj`k\jf]k_\ GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z
C`de`ZZfek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\ 9lj_m\c[:fdgc\o

Dfck\ef=fidXk`fej 2BXiffJlg\i^iflg ;fcfd`k\j#c`d\jkfe\j#`ife]fidXk`fej#
:fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\9\Xl]fik Cfn\iKi`Xjj`Z$ Jlg\i^iflg
>iflg2BXiffJlg\i^iflg Lgg\iG\id`Xe
South Africa
J_Xc\j#jXe[jkfe\jf]k_\<ZZX>iflg2 Cfn\iG\id`Xe
BXiffJlg\i^iflg 9XjXckj#Xe[\j`k\j#gfig_pi`\jf]k_\
>cXZ`Xcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\;npbX>iflg2 Lgg\i
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JXe[jkfe\j#hlXikq`k\j#j_Xc\jf]k_\ Cfn\i 8iZ_\Xe^iXe`k`ZZiljk^iXe`k\j#
:Xg\Jlg\i^iflgXe[k_\EXkXc>iflg GXc\fqf`Z kfeXc`k\j#^iXe`kf`[j 
Zfe^cfd\iXk\j#bfdXk``k\j#gpifo\e`k\j D\jf$
f]k_\9XiY\ikfe#DliZ_`ejfe# GXc\fXiZ_\Xe

Fig. 328 Geological overview of South Africa (modified after Macrae, 1999, and Viljoen & Reimold, 1999)
232 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Greenstone B elt, w hich i s w ell m ineralized w ith

antimony, gold, base metals, mercury, emeralds, va-
nadium a nd t itanium. The P ietersburg Gr eenstone
Belt i n t he northwest of t he Murchison Greenstone
Belt has yielded the first discovery of gold in the for-
mer Transvaal Republic. Rocks of the Limpopo Belt,
which runs parallel to the borders of Zimbabwe and
Botswana, also form part of the Archean basement and
are gneissic and migmatitic in nature. After formation
of the basement, sedimentary basins with associated
volcanic rocks developed. The Witwatersrand Basin
contains a sequence of quartzites, conglomerates and
shales, which are about 3,000 Ma ol d. These deposits
have been largely covered by younger sediments and
generally outcrop only when they have been exhumed
by upl ift and erosion. The g old i n t he s edimentary Fig. 330 Cape Sandstones at Strandfontein, Cape Province
rocks of the Witwatersrand Basin occurs as minute
grains in narrow pebble bands of conglomerate layers
called “reefs”. Rocks that are similar in nature and age During Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic times
to the Witwatersrand beds outcrop fairly extensively (2,600 –2,250 Ma) large parts of t he Kapvaal Craton
in the Pongola area of northern KwaZulu-Natal, but were inundated by an inland see, and the Ventersdorp
do not c ontain si gnificant gold m ineralisation. The lavas a nd other older formations were covered by a
Witwatersrand sediments, as well as much of the widespread sequence of sediments of t he Transvaal
country b etween K imberley a nd Ma fikeng, w ere Supergroup. These r ocks were d eposited i n a huge
subsequently covered by huge volumes of lava flows of sedimentary basin lying roughly between Mafikeng
the Ventersdorp Supergroup, formed about 2,700 Ma in the west, Nelspruit in the east, Pietersburg in the
ago, which s ometimes a lso contains economic gold north, a nd Vredefort i n t he s outh. A si milar ba sin,
concentrations. the Gr iqualand West B asin, l ies b etween Vryburg
and Prieska in t he North West a nd Northern Cape
provinces. The Pa leoproterozoic Bu shveld C omplex
represents the world’s largest layered intrusion and oc-
cupies the area between the Pilanesberg volcano in the
west, Lydenburg in the east, Pretoria in the south, and
Potgietersrus in the north. Associated with the com-
plex are a number of smaller adjacent bodies, as well
as sills that have intruded into rocks of the Transvaal
Supergroup. A s t he Bu shveld ma gma c ooled slowly,
minerals of different composition and crystallisation
temperatures formed and had time to settle through
the liquid magma or float to the top. This gave rise to
the remarkably continuous layers of differing mineral
composition of the Bushveld Complex. For instance
it contains discrete layers of the platinum group
elements, copper, nickel, chromium, vanadium and
titanium. Some 35million years after the emplacement
of the giant Bushveld Complex, at about 2,020 Ma, the
central part of the Kapvaal Craton was slammed by a
huge meteorite. This site, which is now marked as the
Vredefort Dome, is characterised by an uplifted core of
Fig. 329 Columnar stromatolite from the Barber ton
basement rocks, which are surrounded by overturned
Supergroup, Mpumalanga Province, one of the oldest known sedimentary rocks. About 1,800 Ma ago parts of the
organisms Bushveld C omplex, t he Transvaal Su pergroup a nd
the basement rocks were covered with sediments of
the Waterberg Group, comprising mainly quartzites,
arkoses and conglomerates. The largest portion of Wa-
terberg rocks lies in the western part of the Northern
Province. Little geological activity succeeded in t he
northern a nd e astern pa rts o f S outh A frica t ill t he
formation of the large Karoo Basin. Minor volcanic
activity is marked by the intrusion of the Pilanesberg
alkaline volcanic complex and the Premier Kimberlite
Pipe east of Pretoria during Mesoproterozoic times.
In contrast, the southern and western parts of South
Africa a re c haracterised b y c rustal i nstability a nd
geological activity persisted throughout the Precam-
brian. The Namaqualand Metamorphic Province in
the west of the country forms part of the Namaqua-
Natal Belt, which is adjacent to the much older Kapvaal
Craton. The Bushmanland Craton was formed by an
orogenesis about 1,750 Ma ago, and the sedimentary
and volcanic rocks of the Bushmanland Group were
deposited between 1,600 a nd 1,400 Ma ago. The sedi-
mentary rocks, which have been metamorphosed into
a v ariety o f g neisses, s chists a nd qu artzites, h ost a
cluster of lead, zinc and copper deposits located some Fig. 331 Cape Point, the rocky promontory of the Cape of
60 km west of the town of Pofadder. In the eastern part Good Hope, mostly made of granite
of Namaqualand, volcanic rocks were intruded along
a zone of rift faults close to the interface between the
Kapvaal Craton and the Namaqualand terrane. These Supergroup, spanning the time period from about 300
now metamorphosed rocks also host a number of base to 140 Ma ago. The succession is best developed in the
metal deposits. main Karoo Basin, which extends from Touwsrivier
From Phanerozoic times onwards, geological activ- in t he Western C ape to Wi tbank i n M pumalanga
ity shifted to the southern and southwestern coastal over a distance of almost 1500 km. The sediments of
areas of South Africa. A chain of basins formed into the Karoo Supergroup indicate a changing geological
which were deposited a variety of sedimentary rocks, environment and the migration of Gondwana from
including the Malmesbury Group, about 600 Ma ago. polar to tropical latitudes over a period of more than
These sediments were subsequently intruded by the 150 m illion y ears. S edimentation c ommenced w ith

Cape Gr anites, w hich c ontain t in a nd t ungsten. A extensive de posits o f g lacial deb ris, k nown a s t he
series of sha les, sandstones and conglomerates was Dwyka Tillite, which can be seen in many localities

deposited o n t he pa rtially ero ded C ape Gr anites, from Namibia in the west to the Klein Karoo in the
about 500 Ma a go, w hich e xtend f rom t he v icinity southwest, KwaZulu-Natal in the southeast, and the
of Vanrhynsdorp on the West Coast to beyond Port area between Vredefort, Vereeniging and Middelburg
South Africa

Elizabeth in the east and give rise to the spectacular in the north-central parts of the country. The Dwyka
mountain ranges that make up the Cape Fold Belt. In Group, bearing testimony to the presence of former
the southwestern Cape, the Table Mountain Group huge ice sheets, was deposited when South Africa was
overlies the Cape Granites. The contact between the migrating over t he South Pole. A fter t he ice sheets
granite and the sedimentary rocks can be seen in a waned a nd d isappeared, t he sha les a nd sandstones
number of places around the Cape Peninsula. Rocks of the Ecca Group were deposited in a vast, shallow,
correlated w ith t he Cape Supergroup a lso occur in landlocked sea. During Ecca times, the northeastern
Natal, w here t hey o verlie t he rol ling h ills o f ol der part of the Karoo Basin – in southern Mpumalanga
granite i n t he f orm o f flat, t abular s trata, ma inly and northwestern Kwa Zulu-Natal – was covered in
composed of quartzite. many places with impenetrable forest or swamp. As
About t wo-thirds o f S outh A frica a re c overed this vegetation d ied a nd b ecame submerged i n t he
by s edimentary a nd v olcanic ro cks o f t he K aroo swamps, chemical processes converted the vegetable
234 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

matter into coal. The Ecca Group coal measures con-

stitute more t han a t hird of a ll coal reserves found
in t he Southern Hemisphere and provide t he main
source o f en ergy i n S outh A frica. The succeeding
Beaufort Gro up s ediments w ere de posited ma inly
on extensive river flood plains in a warmer and drier
climate. The Beaufort rocks are famous for their am-
phibian and reptile fossils, whereas the upper Triassic
Molteno Formation contains a rich plant and insect
lagerstaette, preserved in shallow lake sediments. The
Karoo succession was terminated by the eruption of
vast volumes of basaltic lava of the Drakensberg and
Lebombo Groups, which heralded and accompanied
the break-up of Gondwana. Large areas of South Af-
rica were covered by these flood basalts, which have
now b een mos tly r emoved b y erosi on. The numer-
ous i ndividual l ava flows may reach a t hickness of
1400 m and can be clearly seen in the Kwa Zulu-Natal
Drakensberg Escarpment and also in the Lebombo
Mountains, along the border to Mozambique. Fig. 333 Aerial view of Harmony Mine, where gold production
began in 1954 down to a depth of 3,300 m
Pipe-like intrusive bodies, which in most cases rep-
resent the root zones of ancient volcanoes of various
ages, abound in South Africa. The most important are
Economic Geology
several kimberlite pipes and fissures, which were in-
truded during mid- to late-Cretaceous, following the For mo re t han 100 y ears, m inerals ha ve b een t he
break-up of Gondwana. Kimberlite is the main host base of South Africa᾽s economy. The country is the
for diamonds, but weathers easily, and the pipes are world᾽s leading producer of precious metals (gold and
generally poorly exposed. The best known kimberlite, platinum-group metals) and important steel making
now mined out and manifested as a spectacular pit, metals, chromium and vanadium, and ranks among
is the “Big Hole” at Kimberley (Fig. 334). the top producers of diamonds, iron ore, manganese,
Geologically younger deposits, ranging in age from coal, titanium, and zirconium. Sales of minerals and
Cretaceous to Recent times, abound also in South mineral p roducts c ontribute f or a bout 16 % of t he
Africa. These include the Kalahari Group sediments, gross domestic product. Only small reserves of petro-
coastal, shallow marine and lagoonal sediments, as leum and natural gas exist, but offshore exploration
well as present and ancient river terraces. for these commodities is continuing.

Fig. 332 The famous Phalaborwa open pit copper mine

South Africa is still the leading producer of gold, with
an output about twice as much as the next largest pro-
ducer, the USA, though the production is in decline.
Gold was first mined on a large scale from the Pilgrims
Rest-Sable gold deposits in eastern Transvaal in 1872.
Quartz-pyrite r eefs, c ross-cutting v eins, s ausage-
like s wellings i n s tratiform qu artz v eins a nd g old
impregnations were the primary types of mineraliza-
tion. Stratified gold veins are hosted by the Malami
Dolomite, the upper Wolkberg Group, the Black Reef
Quartzite and the basal 1,700 m of the Pretoria Group.
Mineralizing fluids concentrated the auriferous ores
by migrating through conformable passageways cre-
ated by intrastratal tectonic movements, which also
produced slickensided surfaces around the reefs, offset
dykes, as well as non-penetrative cleavage in the shaly Fig. 334 Aerial view of the “Big Hole” near Kimberley,
rocks. These banded reefs extend up to 10 km along Northwestern Cape Province
strike. Mineralogically, the reefs consist of early-phase
quartz, c arbonates a nd py rite w ith s ome s cheelite,
arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and galena. Gold
and chalcopyrite represent a later mineralization. In
addition to gold, byproducts such as silver, copper,
arsenic, bismuth and pyrite are mined (Fig. 333).
South Africa continues to b e t he world᾽s largest
primary producer of platinum group metals (PGM)
and has almost 90 % of world reserves. Production of
PGM originates almost exclusively from mines in the
Bushveld Complex, north of Pretoria.
Titanium a nd z irconium a re p roduced f rom
beach sands north of Richard᾽s Bay, which contain
ilmenite, r utile a nd z ircon. T itaniferous ma gnetite
also i s re covered at t he P halaborwa c arbonatite a s
a byproduct of c opper a nd phosphate ro ck produc- Fig. 335 Massive machinery is required to extract and
tion. Titaniferous slag is produced with magnetite transport of ore and overburden
ores f rom t he Map ochs M ine. Phalaborwa M ining

Co. Ltd. p roduces 70 % of t he w orld᾽s baddel eyite
(zirconium sulphate) used in specialised applications Uranium p roduction i s l argely a b yproduct o f

in the refractory, ceramics, tanning industries, and three Wi twatersrand g old m ines. A dditionally, ap -
in kidney dialysis machines. proximately 100,000 kg of u ranium oxide ha s been
The production of chromite is from more than 20 produced by the Phalaborwa copper mine.
South Africa

mines exploiting the Bushveld Ultramafic Complex. Vanadium is produced from titaniferous magnetite
South Africa has about 68 % of the world᾽s chromium mined from the Bushveld Complex. South Africa has
reserves. about 45 % of the world᾽s reserves of vanadium.
The Phalaborwa Mine (Fig. 332) is by far the largest Lead, z inc, v anadium a nd fluorite m ineraliza-
copper producer of the country. It also produces bad- tion in the Malami Dolomite near Zeerust in the
deleyite, nickel sulphate, uranium oxide, phosphate western Bushveld is perhaps the oldest known Mis-
concentrates and vermiculite, as well as modest sissippi Valley-type mineral province in t he world.
amounts o f p recious m etals c ontained i n r efinery The p roduction o f l ead a nd z inc ha s c eased, b ut
tankhouse sl imes. Si nce 2002 o pen p it o perations fluorite still represents one of the largest deposits in
have ceased, but mining continued on underground. the world. The first diamonds in South Africa were
The production of antimony in South Africa is the found in alluvial gravels along the Vaal and Orange
fourth largest in the world. Rivers in what is now the Northern Cape Province,
236 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

in the late 1860᾽s. The only economically significant

primary source of diamonds is currently kimberlite,
an unusual ultrabasic igneous rock that occurs as
small v olcanic p ipes, dy kes a nd si lls. M ost o f t he
country᾽s k imberlites a re J urassic to Cr etaceous
in a ge. Diamonds have b een found i n a ll of S outh
Africa᾽s provinces, apart from Kwa Zulu-Natal. South
Africa ranks fift h in world diamond production by
volume, but third in terms of value.
The Transvaal Su pergroup i s a lso a r ich s ource
of a sbestos, a luminous m inerals a nd l imestone.
Chrysotile asbestos occurs around the Transvaal
Basin, w here B ushveld-age s ills h ave i ntruded i nto
and t hermally a ltered t he Ma lami Dol omite. A v a-
riety of a luminous minerals including a ndalusite,
staurolite and kyanite occur in the thermal aureole
of the Bushveld Complex with the aluminous shales
of the Pretoria Group.
South Africa has a highly-developed domestic and
export oriented phosphate industry. There are several
types o f p hosphate ro cks i n t he c ountry, t he ma in
source b eing o f ig neous o rigin, w hich i s c urrently
mined a t P halaborwa, a s w ell a s s edimentary a nd
biogenic resources. The latter two types are however
Fig. 337 Excavation of a Pleistocene cave deposit at Swaart-
not mined at present. Large resources of phosphate-
krans, where early hominids were found
rich sediments are located offshore along the Atlantic
Ocean coast.
South A frica i s t he fift h l argest c oal-producing
country i n t he w orld a nd t he t hird l argest c oal Except f or a m inor a mount o f ga s c ondensate,
exporter. A fter g old, c oal i s S outh A frica᾽s s econd South Africa has not yet produced crude petroleum.
largest export. The main coal-producing area is the The Southern Oil Exploration Co. (Soekor), the state
Witbank Basin, which accounts for more than 40 % owned petroleum exploration company, controls all
of t he c ountry᾽s o utput. Ab out 65 % of t he c oal i s offshore oil and gas prospects.
produced from underground mining operations, with
the reminder coming from open pit mines.
A comprehensive inventory has not yet been compiled,
but v arious e ffects of aqu ifer a nd su rface pollution
due to m ining activities are k nown. Similarly as in
Botswana the HIV/AIDS pandemy is widely distrib-
uted among the labour force of mines.

For a bout 20 y ears t he C onservation a nd E nviron-
ment Committee of the Geological Society of South
Africa ha s w orked to wards t he p rotection o f i m-
portant g eological si tes. A n ew N ational H eritage
Legislation was formulated in 1998, with the aim to
stipulate the registration of national heritage, includ-
Fig. 336 Karoo coal deposits at Middelburg with crossing ing geological sites and rare geological materials. As
dykes a result a b ook entitled “An Introduction to S outh
Fig. 338 Skull of Thrinaxodon liorhinus from the Karoo
(Permian) of South Africa

Africa᾽s Geological and Mining Heritage” was pub-

lished (Viljoen & Reimold, 1999), in which compre-
hensively t he p otential geosites of t he c ountry a re
listed, photographed a nd de scribed. These include
more than 100 named sites, making this book a stan-
dard reference for all future work on geoconservation Fig. 339 The famous skull of the Taung Child, discovered by
Raymond Dart in 1924
in South Africa (Figs 337–340).

Geoscience Education
South A frica i s a c ountry w ith a l ong t radition i n
mining a nd t herefore a lso i n geoscience e ducation.
Countrywide t here a re a t l east 13 universities a nd
other ac ademic i nstitutions w here g eology/geosci-
ences in undergraduate and postgraduate courses are
offered. The p ersonnel a nd i nstitutional c apacities
of most of their departments are excellent. In inter-
national ranking databases for Africa the respective
universities have achieved the highest positions.

Anderson, J. M., Kohring, R. & Schlüter, T. (1998): Was In- 237
sect Biodiversity in the Late Triassic Akin to Today? – A
South Africa

Case Study from the Molteno Formation.– Entomologia

Generalis 23 (1/2), 1–13; Stuttgart.
Macrae, C. (1999): Life etched in stone. Fossils of South Afri-
ca.– Geol. Soc. South Africa (ed.), 1–305; Johannesburg.
Tankard, A. J., Jackson, M. P. A., Eriksson, K. A., Hobday,
D. K., Hunter, D. R. & M inter, W. E. L. (1982): Cr ustal
Evolution of S outhern A frica.– 1523; Sp ringer, B erlin,
Truswell, J. (1970): An introduction to t he historical geol-
ogy of South Africa.– I–X, 1–167; Pursell, Cape Town,
Johannesburg, London.
Viljoen, M. J. & Reimold, W. U. (1999): An Introduction to
South Africa᾽s Geological and Mining Heritage. I–VII, Fig. 340 Fossilized brain casts of hominids from cave deposits
1–193; Mintek, Randburg. at Swartkrans near Pretoria
Area: 2,505,813 km2
Population: 39,379,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Sudan i s l argely u nderlain b y P recambrian ro cks,
particularly in the southwest, centre and northeast,
which were almost exclusively reactivated during the
Neoproterozoic Pan-African tectono-thermal event.
Large parts in the north of the country are covered
by continental clastic sequences of the predominantly Fig. 341 Yardangs, wind-eroded lake deposits in the now arid
Mesozoic N ubian c ycle ( previously N ubian S and- north of Sudan
stone), a nd i n t he s outh by Tertiary to Q uaternary
unconsolidated superficial sediments. Some Tertiary
and younger basalts occur in t he border zone w ith have been interpreted as a Red Sea-Type Pan-African
Ethiopia. rift basin. An age of 570 Ma from post-orogenic
granitoids, which were not a ffected by t he penetra-
tive NNE-SSW strike-slip shearing in this belt, sets
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
the minimum age for its deformation and low-grade
Some r ifted f ragments o f t he E ast S aharan Cr aton metamorphism. A n oph iolite a ssemblage w ith u l-
occur as hi gh-grade m etasedimentary e xotic t er- tramafic ro cks, py roxenites, p odiform c hromites,
ranes a mong t he Sud anese Re d S ea H ills a nd near massive and layered gabbros, dykes, pillow-lavas and
Haya, s outhwest of Port Sud an. These terranes a re chert deposits furnish the evidence of newly formed
also termed the “older shelf sequences” and contain oceanic crust in the Jebel Rahib rift. The se ophiolitic
mostly quartzites associated with marbles probably rocks imply the suggestion that juvenile Pan-African
representing a pa ssive c ontinental ma rgin a bout rocks were generated i n t he Nubian Sh ield outside
900 –800 Ma ago. the Red Sea fold and thrust belt. In its depositional
Otherwise t he ba sement c omplex o f Sud an i n- setting and structural style the North Kordofan Belt
cludes r eworked Pr ecambrian i nliers r eactivated in c entral Sud an i s si milar to t he J ebel R ahib B elt,
during P an-African t ectono-thermal a ctivities, except that ophiolites have not been found. Among
namely the Nuba mountains, the Darfur block and intrusive granitoids a tourmaline-bearing granite has
the B ayuda a nd Nubian de serts. I n t he l atter a rea been dated at about 590 Ma. Late Pan-African shear
high-grade granitoid gneisses with minor inliers of zones, which are sealed by mica-bearing pegmatites,
high-grade metasediments were migmatized and in- have y ielded a ges o f a bout 560 Ma. The low-grade
truded by voluminous granitoids late in Pan-African metasedimentary D arfour B elt i n c entral we stern
times. Small inliers of amphibolite-facies gneisses and Sudan, s tructurally o verlying ba sement g neisses
metasediments o ccur a lso w ithin t he l ower-grade in t he s outheastern Da rfour bl ock, ma y a lso b e
volcanogenic o phiolite a ssemblages o f t he Re d S ea equivalent to t he North Kordofan a nd Jebel R ahib
Hills of the country. Generally it has been assumed metasediments. I ntrusive g ranitoids h ave y ielded
that the metasedimentary belts scattered between the ages of about 570–590 Ma in the Darfour Belt. In the
East Saharan Craton and the Red Sea fold and thrust eastern Nuba Mountains in central Sudan a NE-SW
belt represent a z one of early rifting that developed to NNE-SSW striking belt of low-grade volcano-
along t he e astern ma rgin o f t he E ast S aharan Cr a- sedimentary rocks is exposed, which contains f rag-
ton during the initiation of a Neoproterozoic ocean. ments o f h ighly d ismembered o phiolites a nd ba sic
The Jebel Rahib Belt in central northwestern Sudan to a cidic pl utons. These a rc o phiolitic a ssemblages
contains co mplexly def ormed u ltrabasic a nd ba sic were me tamorphosed a t a bout 700 Ma, w ith p ost-
igneous ro cks a nd a t hick s equence o f a renaceous tectonic magmatism ceasing at around 550 Ma. The
and subordinate carbonaceous metasediments, which Pan-African j uvenile ter rane o f t he e astern N uba
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[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[ YXj`Zd\kXmfcZXe`ZifZbjXe[kl]]j

>e\`jj\jXe[jZ_`jkj^iXe`k`Z^e\`jj\j# D\jf$GXc\f$
DX`ecpYXjXckj#i_pfc`k\j#kiXZ_pk\j K\ik`Xip6$  d`^dXk`k\j#Z_XdfZb`k`Z^iXe`k\j#
D\jfqf`Z gifk\ifqf`Z
:cXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj#\mXgfi`k\j#c`d\jkfe\j d\kXj\[`d\ekj
f]k_\I\[J\X2C`kkfiXc>iflg#ElY`Xe D\jfqf`Z
JXe[jkfe\>iflgj#>`c]B\Y`i=fidXk`fe 8I:?<8E
JXe[jkfe\j#j`ckjkfe\j#dl[jkfe\j#j_Xc\j# MXi`flj_`^_$^iX[\d\kXdfig_`ZifZbj
Zfe^cfd\iXk\j#c`d\jkfe\j#Z_\ikj#^i`kjf] GXc\fqf`Z


Fig. 342 Geological overview of Sudan (modified after Anonymous, 1981)

240 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 343 Granitic inselbergs east of the sixth Nile Cataract Fig. 344 Crater of Jebel Marra in northern Sudan

Mountains r epresents either a k lippe t hrust over a

considerable d istance f rom t he east, or more l ikely
a minor ocean basin behind a large, probably rifted-
off c ontinental f ragment. Pa n-African ro cks o ccur
also a s t wo d ifferent te ctono-stratigraphic u nits i n
the Bayuda Desert in northern central Sudan. First,
on the eastern part along the River Nile, is a narrow
strip of low-grade metasediments, metavolcanics and
granitoids, which range compositionally from early
tonalites through granodiorites to large peralkaline
granites. Granitoids were emplaced t wice, at about
898 Ma and at about 678 Ma. Anorogenic within-plate
magmatism f ollowed a nd y ielded a n a ge o f a bout
Fig. 345 Oasis near the peaks of Jebel Marra in northern
549 Ma. An extensive metasedimentary sequence of Sudan
marbles and intercalated metaquartzites is exposed
between R iver N ile a nd t he Re d S ea H ills w est o f
Gabgada, w hich ma y r epresent a n a utochthonous
continental margin deposit.
A long pe riod of ped iplanation e nsued a fter the
formation of the basement complex structures, and
as a r esult u nmetamorphosed Pa leozoic a nd E arly
Mesozoic rocks a re u nknown or u ncommon i n Su-
dan. Early Cambrian rocks occur at Sabaloka, which
yielded an age of about 530 Ma.
The overall structural picture, which emerges for
the Red Sea depression is that it is not fault bounded.
Apparently de veloped d uring C arboniferous t imes
a zone of subsidence in t he Gulf of Suez, and prob-
ably d uring M esozoic t imes t his had e xtended to
Fig. 346 The crater lake of Jebel Marra in northern Sudan
the c entral z one, t he Re d S ea de pression ha ving
developed l argely b etween t wo ma rginal mo nocli-
nal flexures situated near the present Sudanese and
Arabian shores. The swell continued to rise reaching
a culmination in Late Eocene t imes. The climax of
rift-system faulting took place in Oligocene and Early
Miocene times. Subsidence accompanied by faulting
continued on the down-side of the Sudan monocline
zone r esulting i n t he ac cumulation o f mo re t han
4,300 m o f s ediments i n t he near-shore pa rt of t he
Suakin A rchipelago. The s ediments probably filled
the t rough f rom s hore t o s hore. I n M iocene t imes
lagoonal conditions apparently prevailed throughout
the Red Sea and evaporites were laid down. Intense
faulting took place in Pliocene and Early Pleistocene
times c ulminating i n t he f ormation o f t he c entral
trough and the intrusion of ultrabasic and basic dykes
derived from the upper mantle. By this time the Red
Sea depression had attained much of its present shape.
In Pliocene times the connection with the Mediter-
ranean Sea was closed, but the connection with the
Indian Ocean via the Bab el Mandeb opened. During
Late Pleistocene times the area was apparently reason-
ably stable and undeformed marine benches were cut
into Monastirian elevated reefs.

Economic Geology
Sudan᾽s m ineral c ommodities r emain s till l argely
unexploited because of political instability. Oil and
gas, gold, chromium and manganese ores, and several
industrial minerals have had most attraction. Many of
the solid minerals are found in the eastern highlands,
where transport distance to Port Sudan on the Red Sea
Fig. 347 Inauguration of a newly discovered oil well in
is not a major obstacle. There is natural gas offshore central Sudan
near the port. Oil has been discovered in the southern
central part of the country (Fig. 347).
Mineral production is mainly chromite, gold, gyp-
sum, limestone, cement, petroleum refinery products
and salt. However, the main mineral exports consist- References
ing of chromite, gold and salt provide currently only
for about 1% of export revenues. Adly Abdel Mageed, A. (1978): General outline of the geol-
ogy and mineral occurrences of the Red Sea Hills.– Bull.
Geol. Mineral Resources Dept. 30, 1–63; Khartoum.

Geosites Anonymous ( 1981): G eological M ap of t he Sud an,
1:2,000 ,000 .– G eological a nd M ineral Re sources

An inventory has not yet been made, but the Sudanese Department (G. M. R. D. Khartoum), R. S. C. Jeddah,
desert offers many places of scenic beauty (Figs 341 B. R. G. M. Orleans.
Awadalla Yassin, A ., K halil, F. A. & G adir E l Sh afie, A .
and 343–346).
(1984): E xplanatory not e to t he ge ological m ap at
the s cale o f 1:2,000 ,000 o f t he Dem ocratic Re public
of t he Sud an.– Bu ll. G eol. M in. R es. D ept. 35, 1–19;
Geoscience Education Khartoum.
Mageed, A. A. (1998): Sudan industrial minerals and rocks.–
Countrywide there are 7 universities and academic
Centre for Strategic Studies, 1–553; Khartoum.
institutions w here g eology/geosciences i n u nder- Vail, J. R. (1974): Geological map of the Democratic Republic
graduate a nd s ometimes p ostgraduate c ourses a re of Sud an a nd adjacent a reas, S cale 1:2,000,000.– Br it-
offered. The personnel capacities of their departments ish D irectorate O verseas S erv. M aps 2 103A, 2 103 B ;
are probably often large, but apparently they may lack London.
Vail, J. R. (1988): L exicon of G eological Terms of Sud an.–
institutional capacities, as most of the respective uni- Taylor & Francis, London.
versities are not considered in international ranking Whiteman, A. J. (1971): The geology of the Sudan Republic.–
databases for Africa. 1–290; Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
Area: 17,364 km2
Population: 1,350,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
The country᾽s geology is dominated in t he western
part by rocks of Precambrian (mostly Archean) age,
whereas in the east these are overlapped by sedimen-
tary and volcanic rocks of Karoo age. Fig. 348 Tonalitic gneisses of Archean age in a river bed near

Swaziland l ies o n t he e astern e dge o f t he K aapval the composite Usutu Intrusive Suite after the climax
Craton. In the Archean terrain, the oldest rock unit is of def ormation had pa ssed. The L ochiel Gr anite i s
probably the Ngwane Gneiss, which comprises layered, a major batholith, which was intruded in a n umber
grey to nalitic g neisses ( Fig. 348) w ith sub ordinate of pulses to form a sheet-like carapace or hood over
thin a mphibolites, p ossibly r epresenting pa rt o f a the subjacent g neisses. L avas a nd s ediments o f t he
proto-continental sequence. It has consistently high- Pongola Supergroup were laid down in the mid-
metamorphic grade, has suffered the greatest number Archean, w ithin a c ratonic ba sin, w hich l ay ac ross
of deformations, its amphibolites are geochemically the ero ded top of t he L ochiel batholith. The Insuzi
distinct from those of other formations, and it is cut lavas, which form t he lower ha lf of t he supergroup,
by mafic dykes, some of which, because they are absent have c ontinental a ffinities, a nd a fter w arping w ere
in the Onverwacht Group, are deemed to predate that overlain d isconformably b y s ediments a nd l avas o f
next-oldest rock unit. Rocks of the tripartite Swaziland the Mozaan Group. Some of the Shiselweni Amphi-
Supergroup crop out within the Barberton Greenstone bolites, w hich c rop o ut i n s outhern Swaziland, a re
Belt i n t he n orthwest o f t he c ountry. The irregular believed to be ancient lavas as they contain flattened,
wedge-shaped s ynclinorial t ract i s t ypical o f suc h amygdale-like quartzose blebs. The deposition of the
Archean greenstone belts. The base of the Onverwa- Mozaan s ediments w as followed by t he ba sic i ntru-
cht Group is not seen but the sequence comprises a sion of the Usushwana Complex, which resembles the
greenstone assemblage of mafic and ultramafic lavas, Great Dyke of Zimbabwe. The Mliba Granodiorite is
associated serpentinites, and minor sedimentary and geochemically akin to the older granodiorite plutons,
acid volcanic rocks. The succeeding Fig-Tree Group but its stratigraphic age is unclear, because it is cut by
yields flysch-type sedimentary rocks associated with leucocratic dykelets, which may belong to the Lochiel
ironstones. The Moodies Group lies unconformably Granite. Subsequently an increase in the geothermal
on t he F ig-Tree a nd On verwacht o utcrops, b oth o f gradient r emobilised t he ba sement, w hich tog ether
which together with an igneous/metamorphic terrain with its Pongola cover rose diapirically to form a series
supplied the bulk of detritus to the conglomerates of ma ntled g neiss do mes, o f w hich t he N hlangano
of t his youngest pa rt of t he sequence. Rocks of t he Gneiss is the central core. The Mkhondo Valley Meta-
Dwalile Metamorphic Suite in southwest Swaziland morphic Suite and adjacent outcrops were deformed
are lithologically similar to those of the Onverwacht into a series of dome-and-basin interference folds. The
Group with which they are equated. The Mahamba Kwetta and Mtombe Granites are rapakivi granites
Gneiss in southern Swaziland represents high-grade and belong to a formerly continuous post-deformation
semi-pelitic ga rnetiferous g neisses. Subs equent to intrusion. The H latikulu Gr anite r esembles i n i ts
the development of the greenstone belt the Ngwane structural a nd te ctonic s etting t he L ochiel Gr anite.
Gneiss wa s i ntruded b y h ornblende t onalites, t he The Mswati Granites are sharply transgressive anoro-
Tsawela and Mhlatuzane Gneisses, and by the sheet- genic plutons, being probably all of similar age. Only
like Mponono Anorthosite Suite. The post-greenstone a few post-Archean events can be definitely assigned
intrusive phase continued with the emplacement of to the Proterozoic, although much of the A rchean
)'–; )(–;


(,–I (,–I

M ;

(& & (& *&ac


IEKJ> ?dikp_=hekf

)'–; )(–; I^_i[bm[d_7cf^_Xeb_j[

B[XecXeH^oeb_j[i"IjehcX[h]=hekf Bem[h@khWii_Y C^bWjkpWd[=d[_ii

IWX_[H_l[h8WiWbj"IjehcX[h]=hekf Bem[h@khWii_Y JiWm[bW=d[_ii

9bWoijed[ie\j^[;YYW=hekf F[hc_Wd Kikjk?djhki_l[Ik_j[


>bWj_akbk=hWd_j[ 9ed]bec[hWj[ie\j^[CeeZ_[i=hekf Swaziland

Am[jjW%CjecX[=hWd_j[ <boiY^i[Z_c[dji"_hedijed[ie\j^[<_]

D^bWd]Wde=d[_ii CW\_YbWlWi"i[hf[dj_d_j[i"i[Z_c[dji

Cb_XW=hWdeZ_eh_j[ C[jWcehf^_YheYaie\j^[:mW_b[Ik_j[

Kiki^mWdW9ecfb[n D]mWd[=d[_ii


Fig. 349 Geological overview of Swaziland (modified after Wilson, 1982)

244 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

outcrop is cut by innumerable faults and shear zones main phase of folding along the Lebombo Monocline.
of varying age, trend and displacement. Some granophyric dykes within the Archean outcrop
The main Karoo outcrop in Swaziland is confined together with some gabbroic sills and basic dykes are
to and draped over the eastern edge of the Kapvaal probably of Karoo and even younger age.
Craton, but a number of important outcrops are also
in the southwest. The patchy development of the Dw-
yka Group of glacigenic sediments reflects deposition
within an area of considerable relief. The widespread Tight n ortheast-aligned o verfolds a nd a ssociated
Lower E cca c laystones were de posited i n a sha llow high-angle t hrust faulting have telescoped t he Swa-
marginal-marine ba sin, b ut w ere o verlain d uring ziland Supergroup in the northwest. Late stage cross
middle and upper Ecca by a prograding fluviodeltaic folding along NW-SE trending axes have resulted in
sequence, in which the presence of Gondwana-type the buckling a nd warping of t he pre-existing folds.
coals indicates an amelioration of the climate. Repetition and duplication of succession demonstrate
Subsequently c ontinental s edimentation c om- the region᾽s structural complexity.
menced w ith b raided s tream d eposits, s ometimes
intercalated by aeolian sediments. A r elatively t hin
Economic Geology
(40 m) sequence of the Beaufort Group comprising a
series of sandstones and shales is overlain by a thick Historically, Swaziland has been a significant regional
unit of Stormberg Group red rocks. The oldest Storm- producer o f a sbestos, i ron o re a nd g old. H owever,
berg is the Molteno Formation, while the youngest is the l evel o f e xploitation ha s de clined c onsiderably.
the Cave Sandstone Formation. The latter is overlain Diamonds were located in the Ehlane area near the
by a thick succession of basaltic lavas, which cover the Dokolwayo k imberlite p ipe, f rom w here a lluvial
greater p ortion of t he L owveld. De trital d iamonds diamonds have spread southward in several stretches
occur w ithin t he N kondolo s ediments, w hich had east of the Karoo trough. Gold production began as
derived f rom t he Dokolw ayo k imberlite p ipe. The early as 1882, but has steadily declined with almost no
presence of tuffs a t the top of the Nkondolo succes- current production. Among 25 mines, the Piggs Peak
sion suggests that there was no major break before the mine, Forbes Mine Reef, Daisy, Avalanche, Devil᾽s
succeeding olivine-poor tholeiitic Sable River Basalts Reef, She, Waterfall, Kabolondo and Wylesdale were
flooded much of the lanscape. The disconformity the ma in producers (Fig. 350). Iron ore is c urrently
separating the main sequences of basic volcanic rocks not mined, but Swaziland has three to four deposits
from the acidic Lebombo Rhyolites may represent the that may prove worthy of consideration. The Ngwenya
iron ore mine in the west was the country᾽s biggest
mining o peration i n t he 1970᾽s, b ut i s s till c losed
(Fig. 351 and 352). Swaziland has large reserves of coal,
which are low-volatile bituminous coals or anthracite.
Mpaka a nd M oaka C ollieries a re c urrently c losed,

Fig. 350 A gold nugget associated with quartzite from one Fig. 351 Former iron ore mine of Ngwenya near Mbabane,
of Swaziland’s gold mines with deposits of Archean age
Geoscience Education
The only university of the country (Kwaluseni) offers
courses with geoscientific background in its Depart-
ment of Geography, Environmental Scienec and Plan-
ning. Its personnel and institutional capacities are of
intermediate standard as indicated by international
ranking databases for Africa.

Clarke, M. G. (1975): Outline Geology of Swaziland.– Stencil
No. 625, Geol. Surv. Mines Department; Mbabane.
Hunter, D. R. (1961, reprinted 1991): The Geology of Swazi-
land, 1–104; Geol. Surv. Mines Department; Mbabane.
Tankard, A. J., Jackson, M. P. A., Eriksson, K. A., Hobday,
D. K., Hunter, D. R. & M inter, W. E. L. (1982): Cr ustal
Evolution of S outhern A frica.1–523; Sp ringer, B erlin,
Wilson, A . C. ( 1982): G eological M ap of S waziland,
1:250,0 00 (incl. G eological Su mmary).– G eol. Su rv.
Mines Department; Mbabane.
Fig. 352 Former Ngwenya open pit iron ore mine, northern

whereas the anthracite mine at Maloma commenced

with production in 1993. Swaziland has an excellent
potential for ceramic minerals, i. e. kaolin, talc, silica
and a variety of clays. Very good quality cross-fibre
chrysotile asbestos occurs in seams within a serpen-
tinite s equence a t Bu lembu i n t he n orthwest. It i s
Swaziland᾽s most important mineral commodity and
is won from one of the world᾽s largest asbestos mines.
But p roduction ha s o ver t he l ast de cade de clined
due to environmental harm related to asbestos. Two
commercial quarries for stone aggregate, Kwalini and
Mbabane Concrete Centre, are operating.

Fig. 353 Karst erosion features near Manzini

Few earth tremors have been recorded in Swaziland, 245
but generally the country is of low seismicity. A com-

prehensive inventory of potential geohazards has not

yet been made (Fig. 353).

No formal inventory of geosites has yet been made,
but t he L ions C avern, p ossibly o ne o f t he ol dest
mines in the world, where mining of specularite ore,
presumably for pigment, was carried out as early as
4,100 BC, should be nominated as well as parts of the
Fig-Tree and Moodies Groups, which yielded some of Fig. 354 Ripple marks in sediments of the Archean Fig Tree
the oldest known fossil organisms (Fig. 354). Series in northeastern Swaziland
Area: 945,087 km2
Population: 38,605,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Tanzania is cradled on an Archean craton. Progres-
sively yo unger c rystalline ro cks r im t his g ranitic
nucleus, with sediments and volcanics of Paleozoic
to Recent age occupying the rifted grabens, coastal
plains and inland basins. Karoo rocks were deposited
in structural basins. Rocks belonging to the Archean,
Proterozoic, Pa leozoic, Mesozoic a nd C enozoic a re
all well represented.

The oldest rocks of the country form part of the Tan-
zania Craton, rigid since the Precambrian and clearly
defined to the east and west. Ingrained in this shield
are v estiges o f a t l east t wo A rchean o rogenic b elts, Fig. 356 The snow-covered peak Kibo of Mount Kilimanjaro
the Dodoman of central Tanzania and the Nyanzian- (5880 m)
Kavirondian of northern Tanzania. These vestiges take
the form of small, often irregular enclaves, lenses and south a nd e ast of L ake Victoria. It i s c haracterized
other relics of sedimentary and volcanic rocks within by acid and basic volcanics (rhyolites, trachytes and
a setting of migmatites and mobilized granites. The tuffs with basalts and dolerites) together with banded
Dodoman extends some 480 km along an E-W trend ironstone. Closely associated geographically with the
and broadens westwards. It i s ma inly c omposed of Nyanzian, but separated from it by an unconformity
banded a nd ferruginous qu artzites, s ericitic s chists, and i ntense c rustal def ormation, a re ro cks o f t he
aplites, pegmatites and ironstones, all highly-altered, younger K avirondian S ystem. Typical K avirondian
frequently c oarsely c rystalline ro cks o f e xtreme rocks a re g rits, mudstones, c onglomerates a nd v ol-
composition that have resisted the change to granite. canics, probably derived as molasse f rom t he Nyan-
The Nyanzian o ccurs i n i rregularly s eparated a reas zian. A long t he s outhwestern e dge of t he Tanzania
Craton l ies a z one of complex, h igh-grade, strongly
folded me tamorphic ro cks a nd i ntrusive g ranites.
Th is z one, w hich t rends N E-SW pa rallel to L akes
Tanganyika a nd Rukwa, is k nown as t he U bendian
Belt, but is structurally younger than the craton. The
rocks a re mostly pelitic a nd volcanic in origin, a nd
hornblende, biotite, garnet and kyanite are common in
the gneisses. This belt is probably of Paleoproterozoic
age, though it may be polycyclic. The Mesoproterozoic
is r epresented b y t he K aragwe-Ankolean. Its ro cks,
occurring p rincipally o ver n orthwestern Tanzania,
are l argely a rgillaceous, m ildly me tamorphosed to
phyllites, a rgillites a nd l owgrade s ericitic s chists,
while a renaceous formations have b een c hanged to
Fig. 355 Mt Kilimanjaro with its two peaks Kibo and Mawenzi quartzites. Comparatively simple folds are character-
seen from Moshi istic, deformation and metamorphism increasing with
*'—< *,—<

M`Zkfi`X KXeqXe`X
DnXeqX B<EP8
8ilj_X N <
9LILE;@ CXb\<pXj`

,—J G<D98 ,—J


;f[fdX Q8EQ@98I


CXb\ D8=@8

DY\pX @E;@8E
('—J N@ CXb\ ('—J

('' ' ('' )''bd


*'—< *,—< +'—<

I\Z\ek$ Dfjkcpk\ii\jk`Xcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\
8cclm`Xcj#ZcXjk`Zj\[`d\ekj HlXik\ieXip 9lbfYXeJpjk\d
MfcZXe`Zj I\Z\ek$ D\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\DfqXd$
GXc\f^\e\ Y`hl\9\ck

E\f^\e\$ D\kXj\[`d\ekj#d\kXmfcZXe`Zjf]k_\

DXi`e\Xe[Zfek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekj D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
GXc\f^\e\ BXiX^n\$8ebfc\XeJpjk\d

D<JFQF@:$G8C<FQF@: Jpjk\d 247
DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj :i\kXZ\flj D\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\LjX^XiXe

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj AliXjj`Z

Dfjkcpk\ii\jki`Xcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\ Ki`Xjj`Z$Lgg\i
BXiffJlg\i^iflg :XiYfe`]\iflj >iXe`k\j

EpXeq`XeXe[BXm`ife[`XeJpjk\dj E\fXiZ_\Xe
D\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\KXeqXe`X D\jf$
:iXkfe GXc\fXiZ_\Xe

Fig. 357 Geological overview of Tanzania (modified after Muhongo, 1989, and Pinna et al., 2004)
248 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 358 Mawenzi is the rugged eastern summit of Mount Fig. 359 Part of Ngorongoro Crater in northern Tanzania
Kilimanjaro and elevated up to 5149 m

depth and proximity to g ranite intrusions. A varied

assortment of rock types, classified as the Bukoban,
succeeds the Karagwe-Ankolean in western Tanzania.
Conglomerates, thick-bedded sandstones, red shales,
quartzites, dolomitic sandstones and extensive flows
of basalt stretch from the Ugandan border as far as
the northern end of the Rukwa Rift. Predominantly
terrestrial and volcanic, the series is characteristically
slightly-folded, virtually unmetamorphosed and con-
siderably faulted. The Mozambique Belt abuts against
and t runcates t he e astern ma rgin o f t he Tanzania
Craton a nd i s pa rtly o verlain to t he e ast b y K aroo,
Mesozoic and younger sediments. It is a zone of great Fig. 360 Cretaceous clayey deposits at Kilwa, yielding a rich
structural and metamorphic complexity, polycyclic in fossil trace fauna that has not yet been described
origin and of Neoproterozoic age. The dominant rocks
are h ighly me tamorphosed, c onsisting t ypically o f
hornblende, biotite, pyroxene gneisses, charnockites
with crystalline limestones and sparing occurrences
of graphitic schists and quartzites.
Following the Mozambique orogenic episode there
was appa rently a l ong erosi onal i nterval b efore t he
advent of deposition of rocks of the Karoo Supergroup
(Upper Carboniferous – Lower Jurassic). These repre-
sent t errestrial sed iments, consisting of sa ndstones,
conglomerates, tillites, shales, red and grey mudstones,
coal measures a nd occasional limestones a nd were
principally laid down in downfaulted or downwarped
areas and have been preserved, though easily eroded,
because they occupy structural basins. Often the Ka-
roo formations contain plant and animal remains.
Marine ro cks – c hiefly marls, l imestones, s and-
stone a nd sha les o f Jurassic, Cr etaceous ( Fig. 356), Fig. 361 Beach side at Ras Kanyagema, about 30 km south
Tertiary a nd Q uaternary a ge – ma ke u p a b elt o f of Dar es Salaam
limited t hough v ariable w idth pa rallel to t he pres-
ent c oast. T he s equence i s d isconformable a nd
indicates long instability of the continental margin.
Fig. 362 Pleistocene stromatolitic nodules from the Paleo- Fig. 363 The gold mine of Mpanda in western Tanzania in
lake Manyara, being used as building material at Mto wa Mbo 1949
in northern Tanzania

Contemporaneously with this marine deposition a of the northern town of Shinyanga. Although al-
variety o f ter restrial de posits ac cumulated i nland, luvial diamonds have been recorded, large deposits
mainly in rift troughs. Volcanic activity commencing of transported diamonds have not been found. Gold
in late Cretaceous times with carbonatitic centres, constitutes t he seco nd m ost i mportant m ineral
caused the local and regional accumulation of typi- product o f Tanzania. O ver 90 % of t he a bout 70 t
cally alkaline volcanics in the Neogene, particularly of gold produced to date has come from Archean
north o f L ake N yasa i n R ungwe, f rom Ha nang to rocks in the vicinity of Lake Victoria at Geita, the
Kilimanjaro a nd north to L ake Natron. Typical of rest from Proterozoic rocks in the Lupa and Mpanda
these rocks are olivine and alkaline basalts, phono- (Fig. 363) d istricts. The p rincipal g old de posits a re
lites, trachytes, nephelinites and pyroclastics. those g enerally r eferred to a s A rchean g reenstone
lodes plus their weathering products, including the
areas of Musoma-Mara, Geita, Rwamagaza, Nzega
and I ramba S ekenke. T hese g reenstone b elts a re
The East African R ift System (EARS), t he main ele- characterized b y flat to s teep d ipping qu artz l odes
ment of the structural geology of Tanzania, consists
of a series of en-echelon grabens or rift valleys, often
including associated volcanism. In Tanzania rifting
is c oncentrated a long t wo a rms, t he Western R ift
occupied by Lake Nyasa and Lake Tanganyika and
the Eastern (or Gregory) Rift, passing through Lake
Natron to Lake Nyasa. There are also subsidiary rift

grabens at Lake Rukwa, along the coast in the Selous
Basin i n t he s outheast, a nd el sewhere. The rifting 249
created t he l akes a nd i nterrupted t he d rainage s ys-
tem. Lake Victoria is generally interpreted as being
formed by gentle downwarping between the Eastern

and Western Rifts.

Economic Geology
Tanzania i s g enerally r ich i n m inerals, b ut t hese
have never been f ully explored nor exploited. Gold
and diamonds have always been the mainstay of the
country᾽s mineral production. Over 300 kimberlites
are k nown i n Tanzania, o f w hich a bout 2 0 % a re Fig. 364 Polished tanzanites exhibiting a spectrum of colour
diamondiferous. Most of these occur within 200 km variations, from Lelatema near Kilimanjaro Airport
250 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

carrying pyrite, gold and minor base metal sulphides, and dolomite occur i n t he white ma rble deposit of
with carbonate or sericitic alteration of wall rocks. the Morogoro region. A variety of clays – bentonite,
The association of lodes with BIF units and shearing kaolin, fullers earth – in sizeable deposits have been
is common. Geologically both the Archean and the identified and are only scantily exploited, of which the
Proterozoic ro cks a re v ery p rospective f or c opper, Pugu Hill kaolin deposit still remains to be fully ex-
lead and zinc. However, only limited output of copper ploited. Evaporites and saline deposits of signifcance
and lead has been achieved. The numerous basic and occur in the rift valley lakes and along the coast, and
ultabasic rocks of the northwestern region together some of these are currently under exploitation. The
with the metasediments of the Karagwe-Ankolean production of sedimentary phosphates at Minjingu in
System o ffer a n excellent potential for n ickel, chro- the north of the country has ceased in the late 1990᾽s
mium and the platinum group minerals. Numerous (Fig. 365), but rehabilitation of the mine is currently
iron ore bodies have been identified in several settings. in progress. The phosphates a re u sed for d irect ap -
Titaniferous magnetite and haematite bodies in close plication as fertilizer in Tanzania and Kenya. The
proximity to coal occurrences and the railroad offer graphite resources of Tanzania a re substantial a nd
a good potential for development. Tin and tungsten have r ecently a ttracted ma jor de velopment i nvest-
have been produced from both lode and alluvial de- ment interest from overseas companies. At Merelani
posits in the Karangwa District. A variety of coloured in northern Tanzania two types of graphite have been
gemstones i ncluding t anzanite, t he f amous bl ue identified: the kyanite gneiss type, which hosts qual-
zoisite, are produced (Figs 364). Tanzanite is mined ity coarse flakes and the altered ore type, which hosts
from we athered ro ck, s ometimes i n a ssociation coarse flakes along with tanzanite and tsavorite. In
with graphitic bands, which are also of commercial the cement sector, the country᾽s largest cement plant,
value. The main deposit is located at Lelatema near Tanga Cement, based on Jurassic limestones, had a
Kilimanjaro International Airport. Other gemstones production capacity of 500,000 t/y of cement and held
include ruby, rhodolite, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, 40 % of the market share in Tanzania.
chrysoprase, peridot and tourmaline. More than 20 Exploration for hydrocarbons on the mainland of
carbonatites a ssociated w ith Me sozoic-Cenozoic Tanzania between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Rukwa
volcanics have been identified in the southwest of the was not yet successful. Also offshore concessions have
country, which could prove to be a useful source of
rare earths, niobium and phosphates.
Tanzania is the only country in East Africa with
significant c oal r esources, si milar i n a ge a nd qu al-
ity to t he G ondwana coals of southern A frica. The
country᾽s c urrently o nly p roductive c oal m ine a t
Kiwira near Lake Nyasa has an average output of
35,000 t /y, a ll of which is processed and consumed
locally. Good resources of high purity limestone

Fig. 365 The open-cast phosphate mine of Minjingu in Fig. 366 Ar tisanal mining operations for tanzanite at
northern Tanzania Lelatema near Kilimanjaro Airport
Fig. 367 Olduvai Gorge

not y ielded sig nificant oil de posits. However, l arge

deposits of natural gas were found at Songo Songo, a
small island about 300 km southeast of Dar es Salaam
Fig. 369 The skull of Australopithecus boisei, excavated by
in the Indian Ocean. Mary and Louis Leakey in 1959 at Olduvai

Various geoenvironmental hazards and catastrophes
over the past few years have been recorded in Tanza- The f ollowing g eosites w ere p roposed a nd r ecom-
nia: Physical pollution of human settlements as well mended a s p rimary t argets f or g eoconservation
as soils, waters and river sediments was largely caused measures during a workshop on “Geosites and Geo-
by often uncontrolled use of mercury in artisanal gold conservation in East Africa”, which was held in Nai-
mining areas. Ol Doinyo Lengai (Fig. 368), the world- robi in February 1999: Tendaguru Hill, Ngorongoro
wide only known active volcano with a c arbonatitic Crater (Fig. 359), Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano (Fig. 368),
lava, erupts regularly, and after the last large eruption Laetoli Fossil Site, Olduvai Gorge (Figs 367 and 370),
in 1966, o ccasional t remors d uring su mmer 2007, and M bozi I ron M eteorite ( Fig. 371). The s tatus of
which were felt even in far distances of Nairobi and geosites i n East A frica was debated during a w ork-
Kampala, may indicate the advent of new activities. shop in September 2004 in Arusha.


Fig. 368 Aerial view of the crater of Ol Doinyo Lengai Fig. 370 The famous Pleistocene hominid-bearing site of
Volcano Olduvai in northern Tanzania seen from the bottom
252 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Geoscience Education
Countrywide there is one university (Dar es Salaam)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
institutional capacities of its department are of high
standard as the university is considered in internation-
al ranking databases for Africa in a high position.

Aitken, W. G. (1961): G eology a nd Pa laeontology of t he
Jurassic and Cretaceous of Southern Tanganyika.– Bull.
Geol. Surv. Tanganyika 31, 1–144; Dar es Salaam.
Anonymous (1967): G eology, S cale 1:3,000,000.–Govern-
ment of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Empson, H . E. & Q uennel, A . M. (1983): G eological M ap
of Tanganyika, S cale 1:2,000 ,000 .– G eological S ur-
vey D epartment, M inistry of M ines a nd C ommerce;
Harris, J. F. (1961): Summary of the Geology of Tanganyika.–
Mem. Min. Res. Div. Geol. Surv. Tanganyika 1, part IV Fig. 371 The site of the Mbozi Iron Meteorite near Mbeya
Economic Geology, 1–141; Dar es Salaam.
Kent, P. E., Hunt, J. A. & Johnstone, D. W. (1971): The geol-
ogy a nd ge ophysics of c oastal Tanzania.– G eophys.
Pap. Nat. Environm. Research Council, Inst. Geol. Sci.
6, 1–119; London.
Landner, L. (1998): Small-scale mining in African countries
– p rospects, p olicy a nd en vironmental i mpacts.– P ro-
ceed. I nternat. C onf./Workshop 29 S eptember – 1 Oc-
tober 1997, Dar es Salaam.
Muhongo, S. (1989): Tectonic Setting of the Proterozoic
Metamorphic Terranes in Eastern Tanzania and their
Bearing on t he E volution of t he M ozambique B elt.–
IGCP N o. 255 Newsletter, Bu ll. 2 , 4 3–50; T ervuren,
Pinna, P., Muhongo, S., Mcharo, B., Le Geoff, Deschamp,
Y., M ilesi, J. P. & R alay, F. (2004): G eology a nd m in-
eral potential of Tanzania: d igital map at 1:2,000,000
scale.– 29 th C olloqium A frican G eology, A bstr. Vol.,
337; Orleans.
Schlüter, T. (1997): Geology of East Africa.– I–XII, 1–484;
Gebrüder Bo rntraeger, Be rlin, S tuttgart. Temple, P.
(1975): Geology.– In: Tanzania in Maps, L. Berry (ed.),
42–43; Univ. London Press, London.

Fig. 372 Presentation of the living world as it existed in

Tendaguru 150 million years ago in the hall of the Berlin Natural
History Museum.
Tanzania 253 T
General Its external part consists of a sedimentary sequence,
Area: 56,785 km2 dominated b y s hales o f l ow-metamorphic g rade,
Population: 5,966,000 ( 2007 estimate) which f orm t he t ransition z one b etween t he Volta
Basin in the west and the Atacora range in the east.
The Atacora structural unit includes the Kande schists,
Summary of Geology
which a re made u p of ja sper a nd s andstone forma-
Most of Togo is underlain by Precambrian rocks. Only tions, a nd st rongly f olded a nd d eformed ep imeta-
in the southern part of the country occur Cretaceous morphic f ormations, made u p o f m icaschists a nd
to Tertiary basin sediments, which dip gently towards quartzites. The external part of the mobile zone also
the sea. includes an anatectic domain at Kpalime-Amlame,
which consists of calc-alkaline granitoids, micaschists
and gneisses. The internal part of this mobile zone
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
consists a) of a ba sic-ultrabasic t rend at K abye-Sot-
Part o f t he e astern ma rgin o f t he West A frican ouboua-Agou, which is characterized by an associa-
Craton i s t he N orth-Dapaong z one, c onsisting o f tion of crustal metamorphic and supracrustal rocks,
various c rystalline f ormations, a nd c onsidered to an abundance of basic to u ltrabasic rocks and local
range from Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic (Birrim- eclogites, and b) of a structural unit of the Benin-Togo
ian) age. Within this zone widely occur migmatites, plain, which is represented by granitoids, migmatites,
gneisses, a mphibolites, g ranodiorites a nd g ranites. gneisses, metasedimentary rocks, orthogneisses and
The sedimentary formations of the Togo portion of ultrabasic rocks.
the N eoproterozoic Volta B asin l ie u nconformably The c oastal s edimentary ba sin c overs a bout
on the Birrimian bedrocks and can be divided into 3,300 k m2 in t he south of t he country and is essen-
two lithological units: an intra-tillite group, which is tially represented by detrital formations. Paleogene
dominated by sandstones interspersed by pelites and marine vertebrates from the coastal area were already
siltites, and which is slightly monoclinal towards the discovered i n t he e arly 20 th ce ntury (Stromer v on
southeast; a supra-tillite group, consisting from bot- Reichenbach, 1910). Complex deposits of rivers, lakes,
tom to top, of a tillite, carbonates and silexites. It is swamps and mangroves are widespread.
overlain by the Mango shales, which are interspersed
by sandstones. This group is also monoclinal towards
Economic Geology
the s outheast a nd progressively folded towards t he
east. A mobile zone corresponds to t he Neoprotero- Togo᾽s m ineral i ndustry i s do minated b y t he p ro-
zoic Pa nafrican r ange o f t he Da homeyide O rogen. duction of pho sphate. P hosphate ro cks a re fou nd
in Eocene deposits at Hahotoe-Akoumape (Fig. 373)
and at Da gbati of t he c oastal ba sin. There a re a lso
considerable N eoproterozoic pho sphate d eposits,
which, h owever, a re ha rdened a nd t herefore ha ve
not y et b een e xploited. G old a nomalies ha ve b een
discovered in many locations of Precambrian age, but
exploitation has not yet begun. Diamonds have been
found in alluvial formations in the rivers crossing the
basic-ultrabasic trend and the Atacora structural unit.
Zinc-mineralisation has been discovered near Pagala,
about 280 k m north of Lome. In northern Togo are
the manganese deposit of Nayega and the iron deposit
of Bassar located. Marble deposits are widespread in
Togo. The most important are those of Gnaoulou and
Fig. 373 Excavation of overburden and phosphate ore of
Pagala, which are both under production. Limestone
Eocene age by bucket-wheel excavators at Hahotoe-Akoumape is locally mined for the production of cement in the
in southern Togo coastal basin.
(—N '— (—<

N <

('—E J ('—E

), ' ), ,'bd


(—N '—

DfjkcpXcclm`Xcj\[`d\ekj I\Z\ek$


/—E /—E



>iXe`k`Z^e\`jj\jf]k_\<Yld\Xe<m\ek GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z 255



-—E F:<8E -—E

Fig. 374 Geological overview of Togo (modified after Anonymous, 1956, and Affaton, 1987)
256 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 375 Former Misa Höhe in central Togo during German Fig. 376 Road construction work in southern Togo during
colonial times (1912) German colonial times (about 1912)

Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here is one u niversity (Lome) where
geology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd p ost-
graduate c ourses a re o ffered. T he p ersonnel a nd
institutional capacities of its department are probably
of low standard as the university is not considered in
international ranking databases for Africa.

Affaton, P. (1987): Le bassin des Volta (Afrique de l᾽Ouest):
une marge passive, d᾽age protérozoique supérieur, tec-
tonisée au Panafricain (600 ± 50 Ma).– Thése Doct. Sc.
Fac., St. Jerome, Marseille, 1–462; Marseille.
Aicard, P. (1959): L e P recambrien d u Togo e t d u N ord-
Ouest du Dahomey.– Bull. Service Mineral. Geololog.
23, 9–39; Dakar.
Anonymous (1956): Carte géologique de l᾽AOF et du Togo
au 1:2,000,000.– Dir. Mines et Geologie; Dakar.
Notholt, A . J. G. (1994): P hosphate ro ck i n d eveloping
countries: a re view of ge ology, resources and develop-
ment.– In : Industrial Mi nerals i n D eveloping Coun-
tries (S. J. M athers & A . J. G. N otholt, e ds.), 193–222;
Sougy, J. ( 1971): Remarques sur la stratigraphie du Proté-
rozoique superieur du Bassin Voltaien; influence de la
paléosurface d᾽érosion glaciaire de la base du group
de l᾽Oti sur le t racé sinueux des Voltas et de certains
affluent.– C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 272, 800–803; Paris.
Stromer von R eichenbach, E . (1910): R eptilien u nd Fi s- Fig. 377 Rapids in central Togo
chreste a us d em m arinen A lttertiär von Süd- Togo
(Westafrika).– Z eitschrift D eutsche Ge ologische Ge -
sellschaft 62, 478–507; Stuttgart.
Togo 257 T
Area: 163,610 km2
Population: 10,276,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Most of northern and central Tunisia is underlain by
sedimentary rocks ranging from Permian to Recent
and belonging to the structural unit of the Atlas Do-
main. In the south of the country Mesozoic and Ce-
nozoic sediments overlying the Saharan platform are
well developed. Northwestern Tunisia is influenced
by the structural unit of the Tellian Domain, which
is part of the Alpine orogeny.

Stratigraphy and Tectonics Fig. 378 Canyons with well-banked Mesozoic sediments near
Like the Moroccan and Algerian branches, the Tuni- the oasis of Tamerza, southwestern Tunisia

sian Atlas constitutes a folded domain between the

Rifo-Tellian chain in the northwest, which is part of
the A lpine chain, a nd t he S aharan platform i n t he
south of the country. In the north, the so-called Tu-
nisian Trough (or “diapir zone”) separates the Atlas
itself f rom t he R ifo-Tellian c hain (in A lgeria o nly
known as Tellian chain). The Atlas in the strict sense
extends between the diapir zone in the north and the
Negrine-Tozeur-Kebili fault in the south.
The oldest strata known at outcrop are of Permian
age. In the Djebel Tebaga and beneath the Jeffara in
southeastern Tunisia, t he Permian i s c layey-sandy
with limestone bands containing a marine fauna with
brachiopods, foraminifers (e. g. large fusulinids), cor- Fig. 379 Rugged coastline at Tabarka, northern Tunisia
als, etc. The Triassic is quite well known at outcrop in
the south, in oil drillings elsewhere, and also by some
lithostratigraphic observations that could be carried facies with radiolarites. In the area southwest of Jebel
out i n t he d iapirs. I n t he M edenine a rea, w here i t Zaghouan the Jurassic strata are mostly composed of
overlies ma rine Permian strata, t he following t hree limestones, r anging f rom Si nemurian to T ithonian.
members represent the Triassic from base to top: The On t he n orth-south a xis a t J ebel N ara Jurassic de -
Lower to Middle Triassic is characterized by argilla- posits are made up of dolomites ranging from Liassic
ceous-sandy fluviatile s equences. A c arbonate u nit to L ower T ithonian, a nd o f a rgillites r anging f rom
containing some detrital partings with palynomorphs Lower Tithonian to U pper Cretaceous. I n southern
indicates a L adinian a ge, w hereas t he L adinian- Tunisia a n orthern a nd a s outhern do main c an b e
Carnian limit is situated within the carbonates. It is distinguished. I n t he former one a t Jebel Tebaga, a
overlain by an argillaceous and evaporitic series of rather thin succession consists of limestones, whereas
Upper Triassic age covered by the transgressive Mes- in the latter one from base to top evaporitic deposits
saoudi dol omite. Jurassic de posits a re k nown f rom with l imestones, s andstones a nd c lays i nterchange.
northern Tunisia a t v arious l ocalities, r epresented Within these strata, paleosols and beds rich in plant
in the Lower and Middle Jurassic by calcareous and remains alternate with sandy layers. The Cretaceous
marly sediments, in the Upper Jurassic by a deep-sea is well distributed in Tunisia. The Lower Cretaceous

*-—E N < *-—E


J 8C><I@8

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;le\jXe[Xcclm`Xcj Gc\`jkfZ\e\

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DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj <fZ\e\ =fikJX`ek
*'—E *'—E
Lgg\i ('—<


JXe[jkfe\j#c`d\jkfe\j#ZcXpj# Cfn\i
jfd\k`d\jk\ii\jki`Xc`ek\iZXcXk`fej :i\kXZ\flj
C`d\jkfe\j#ZcXpj#jXe[jkfe\j Lgg\iAliXjj`Z =Xlck

:XcZXi\fljdXicj#c`d\jkfe\j Cfn\iAliXjj`Z

8i^`ccXZ\flj$jXe[p$]clm`Xk`c\ Ki`Xjj`Z$
j\[`d\ekj G\idf&Ki`Xjj`Z

Fig. 380 Geological overview of Tunisia (modified after Fabre, 1978, and Ben Hajali et al., 1985)
260 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

of the Tunisian Trough in the north accommodates carbonate unit with an argillaceous and gypsiferous
several thousands of metres of clays with ammonites middle unit of Cenomanian to Turonian age; the Aleg
and calpionellids, intercalated by calcareous and sandy Formation consists of clays and marls with limestone
deposits. In central Tunisia the following units have intercalations of Turonian to partly Campanian age;
been obs erved: The M eloussi F ormation c ontains the Abiod Formation consists of massive limestones
sands, carbonates and marine sandstones of Ber- of C ampanian to pa rtly Ma astrichtian a ge; t he E l
riasian to Valanginian age. The Boudinar Formation Haria Formation consists of clays and marls of Upper
is made up of poorly sorted fluviatile sandstones of Maastrichtian to Thanetian age; the Metlaoui Forma-
probable H auterivian t o Ba rremian a ge. The Gafsa tion consists of marls, gypsum, dolomite, phosphatic,
Group consists of clayey-sandy-carbonate alternations calcareous, chert a nd a rgillaceous b eds of Ypresian
of the Bou Hedma Formation, then the Sidi Aich sands to Lower Lutetian age; The Souar Formation consists
and the Orbata carbonates, of Barremian to Apt ian of marine clays and marls, then of sands and gypsum
age. In southern Tunisia the Lower Cretaceous is rep- of end-Eocene age. Synsedimentary tectonics, already
resented, as in many Saharan domains, by the “Con- active during previous periods, remained well marked
tinental Intercalation”, which has sometimes yielded during the Late Cretaceous and Eocene. Its effects on
dinosaur bonebeds (Figs 381 and 382), and then by a paleogeography are combined with eustatic variations.
marine carbonate unit of Aptian to Cenomanian age, In t he Tunisian Atlas, t he s edimentary subs tratum
reflecting the onset of a mid-Cretaceous transgression. is segmented into unstable blocks bounded by three
The deposits of the Upper Cretaceous and Eocene in regional faults at Gafsa, Kasserine and Kaala-Djerda-
central Tunisia have been grouped together into the Sbiba, underlined by the development of rudist reefs
following for mations: The Z ebbaq F ormation i s a from the Turonian to the Santonian. The Oligocene
and N eogene i s i n Tunisia de fined b y t he F ortuna
Formation in the Cap Bon area, where it is composed
of sandy limestones and nummulitic marls, overlain
by coarse sandstones with ellipsoidal quartz pebbles,
and finally, Aquitanian continental beds. The Forma-
tion is absent in the southwestern part of the country.
In central Tunisia, it corresponds to the more littoral
facies of the Cherichira sandstones. The overlying suc-
cessions comprise the following units: The Messiouta
Formation of Aquitanian to L ower Bu rdigalian a ge
comprises fluviatile or lagoonal sediments. The Gri-
jima Formation of Upper Burdigalian age comprises
marine clays, sands and conglomerates. The Ain Grab
Group of Langhian age comprises sandy carbonates
Fig. 381 Bone bed bearing sediments of Cretaceous age at
with b ivalves, e chinoderms a nd f oraminifers. The
Ksar Krerachfa, southern Tunisia

Fig. 382 The castle of Ksar Krerachfa with exposure of a bone Fig. 383 Marine Pleistocene deposits along coastal northern
bed-bearing site of Cretaceous age Tunisia
Oum Domil Formation of Middle and Upper Miocene
comprises sandstones and marls with lignites.
The Q uaternary de posits c onsist o f t hree u nits,
from the oldest to the most recent: quartzose sands
rich in lamellibranchs, reaching an elevation of
+11 m above s ea l evel; s ands a nd ma rine b ioclastic
sediments, w ith a n el evation a long t he c oast v ary-
ing from 2–10 m. These are often overlain by aeolian
deposits; oolitic sands with Strombus, often overlain
by aeolian deposits. The elevation of the marine bands
varies from 4–13 m.
In n orthwestern Tunisia t he a llochthonous u nit
of the Numidian nappe, which is part of the Tellian Fig. 384 Cave homesteads in clayey soils at Matmata in
domain of the Maghreb in northwestern Africa, crops southern Tunisia
out. Its final emplacement occurred late during the
Alpine orogeny, but it pre-dates the deposition of the
“post-nappe M iocene”, a n ew a utochthonous u nit
covering the whole pile of allochthonous units.

Economic Geology
The mineral industry does not play a very significant
role in the economy of the country. The key mineral
commodity i s p hosphate ro ck, b ut t he p roduction
has decreased over t he years. Tunisia is a ma rginal
producer of l ead-zinc worldwide, wh ich is coming
from two occurrences at Bougrine and Lahdoum in
northwestern Tunisia. P hosphate ro ck w as m ined
mostly in the southern region in the Gafsa and Sehib
areas. Another new open pit phosphate rock mine at
Kef Eddour is about 10 km northwest of Metlaoui.
Hydrocarbons have been explored in Tunisia, but Fig. 385 Guermessa along the margin of the Sahara in
the proven reserves are steadily declining. The bulk of southern Tunisa
natural gas comes from the El Borma field. Offshore
the tourist i sland o f D jerba i s t he na tural ga s field
of Ezzaoiua located. The Upper Cr etaceous Ab iod of lower standard as the university is not considered
Formation ha s y ielded i n t he Gu lf o f Ha mmamet in international ranking databases for Africa.

offshore the Maamoura oil field.
References 261
Ben Haj A li, M ., J edoui, Y., D ali, T., B en S alem, H . &
A formal inventory has not yet been made, but Tuni- Memmi, L. (1985): Carte géologique de la Tunisie, echelle

sia is a to urist destination and offers many places of 1:500,0 00.– Office Topographie Cartographie; Tunis.
Bishop, W. F. (1975): Geology of Tunisia and adjacent parts of
geoscientific interests, especially along the coast and in Algeria and Libya.– AAPG Bull. 59 (3), 413–450; Tulsa.
the outskirts of the Sahara desert (Figs 378 and 383). Bishop, W. F. (1988): Petroleum G eology of E ast C entral
Tunisia.– AAPG Bull. 1033–1054; Tulsa.
Fabre, J., Jonquet, B. & Bronner, G. (1978): Carte géologique
Geoscience Education du nord-ouest de l᾽Afrique.– SNED; Alger.
Petroleum E xploration S ociety of L ibya (1967): Gu ide-
Countrywide there is at least one university (Tunis) book to t he G eology a nd h istory of T unisia, 1–293;
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd Amsterdam.
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and Piqué, A. (2001): Geology of Northwest Africa. I–XIV, 1–310;
institutional capacities of its department are probably Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
Area: 236,040 km2
Population: 29,100,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
More t han t wo t hirds o f Uganda a re u nderlain b y
Archean and Proterozoic rocks. Apart from the vast
Archean Gneissic-Granulitic Complex in t he north
there are at least three major Proterozoic belts exposed
in the country: the Paleoproterozoic Buganda-Toro
System, t he M esoproterozoic K aragwe-Ankolean
System a nd t he N eoproterozoic M ozambique B elt.
Tabular N eoproterozoic s ediments a re a lso w ide-
spread. Tertiary to Re cent sediments filled parts of
the downfaulted Western Rift. Tertiary carbonatites Fig. 387 Mt Stanley from Baker’s Summit in the Ruwenzori
and Cenozoic volcanics are related to r ift activities Mountains
and occur along the eastern and western borders of
the country.
Gneissic-Granulitic-Complex ha s b een p roposed
(Schlüter, 1997). The oldest u nit embedded i nto t he
Gneissic-Granulitic Complex in the West Nile region
About 60 % of ro cks o utcropping i n U ganda – e s- comprises l argely g ranulite f acies g rade ro cks, f or
pecially i n t he n orthern a nd c entral r egions – a re which the name Watian Group is used. The Watian is
high g rade me tamorphics, f or w hich t he na me apparently of Mesoarchean age (2,910 Ma). Similarly,
some of t he rocks of t his grade appear to f orm t he
earliest u nit i n t he K aramoja D istrict, w here t hey
form enclaves in the gneissic sequences. Rock types
include acid and i ntermediate gr anulites and char-
nockites, qu artz d iorites, ba nded, p orphyroblastic
and quartz-feldspathic types. Basic granulites are less
common a nd p ure c alcareous ro cks a re u nknown.
Retrogressive metamorphism is extensive. Folding is
usually relatively simple. Rocks of the Aruan Group
tectonically and stratigraphically succeed the Watian
in the West Nile region. The group has a monotonous
lithology, u niformity of metamorphic g rade, a nd a
structural style typified by tight folding on steep axial
planes with generally northerly directed axes. Rock
types include biotite gneisses, banded, migmatitic and
granitic gneisses with lesser quantities of hornblende
gneiss, amphibolite, quartzites and very few ultraba-
sic pods. In Karamoja the Central Karamoja Gneiss
Group ha s v ery si milar l ithological, me tamorphic
and structural characteristics. Rocks belonging to the
Mirian Group occur in the eastern West Nile region,
where t hey te ctonically p ost-date t he A ruan ro cks.
Fig. 386 Mt Stanley and Lake Bujuka photographed by the They are characterized by a si milar lithology to t he
Luigi Amedeo di Savoia expedition in 1906 Aruan rocks, but are isoclinally and intensely folded

L^Xe[X JL;8E +—J

N < B<EP8


J J_

\ Xi
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)—E )—J
k 9`j`eX
\8 CXb\
CXb Bpf


BXdgXcX A`eaX

'— CXb\>\fi^\ B<EP8 '—

CXb\<[nXi[ CXb\EXYl^XYf

DYXiXiX CXb\BXZ_`iX CXb\M`Zkfi`X



IN8E;8 *+—< *+—<

I\Z\ek$E\f^\e\ Cfnkf_`^_^iX[\d\kXdfig_`ZifZbj
f]k_\9l^Xe[X$KfifJpjk\dIln\eqfi` GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z
E\f^\e\ =fc[9\ck
>iXe`k\j Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[
K\ii\jki`Xcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\BXiff :XiYfe`]\iflj

Dfjkcpj\[`d\ekjf]k_\9lbfYXe E\fXiZ_\Xe
Jpjk\d >e\`jj\jf]k_\8ilXe<m\ek

Dfjkcpj\[`d\ekjf]k_\9lepfif$ E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
Bpf^XJ\i`\j >e\`jj\jf]k_\NXk`Xe<m\ek D\jfXiZ_\Xe

hlXikq`k\j#lckiXdX]`ZifZbjf]k_\ gifYXYcp
BXiXjlb>iflgDfqXdY`hl\9\ck >e\`jj`Z$>iXelc`k`Z:fdgc\o
Cfn^iX[\d\kXj\[`d\ekjf]k_\ D\jfgifk\ifqf`Z
=fc[9\ck JKIL:KLI<J
>e\`jj\jf]k_\D`i`Xe>iflg =Xlck#j_\Xiqfe\ZXkXZcXj`k\j

Fig. 388 Geological overview of Uganda (modified after Macdonald, 1966, and Muwanga et al., 2001)
264 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

on recumbent axes trending approximately northeast

and overturned to the northwest. The rocks are typi-
cally flaggy and of epidote-amphibolite facies grade.
Rocks ascribed to the Neoarchean Nyanzian System
in Kenya also occur in southeast Uganda. They com-
prise mainly rhyolites, porphyries, tuffs and basalts.
This u nit i s n ot app reciably r egionally me tamor-
phosed, but is well folded. The Buganda-Toro System
(or Ruwenzori Fold Belt) is of Pa leoproterozoic age
and occupies much of the south-central and western
parts of the country. Argillites predominate, but basal
or near basal arenites are an important feature. Lo-
cally, e. g. in the Jinja area, occur thick amphibolites,
which a re p robably der ived f rom ba saltic ma terial.
Large tracts of the system are granitized; on the other
Fig. 390 Alexandra Peak seen from Margherita Peak in the
hand l ow-grade p hyllites a lso o ccur, pa rticularly Ruwenzori Mountains
towards La ke Victoria in t he s outheast. Folding i s
fairly tight on predominantly ENE a xes in the east,
but varies in the west. Axial planes are steep and there
is a tendency for this folding to decrease in intensity north-easterly o n s teep a xial p lanes i s t ypical, b ut
with lo wering of me tamorphic g rade s outhwards. the fold pattern is more complex in the lower parts,
Included in the Buganda-Toro System are the Igara where e arlier i soclinal s tructures a re en countered.
Schists composed mainly of quartzites, mica schists The age of the low-grade metamorphic rocks of the
and gneisses, the Bwamba Pass Series of the Ruwen- Madi Series in the northwest of Uganda has not yet
zori Mountains, which is made up of grits, sandstones, been established. Tabular Neoproterozoic rocks are
slates and phyllites, and the Kilembe Series of Toro. known f rom v arious si tes: The Bu nyoro S eries o c-
The rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankolean cupies a na rrow tract of country over 160 k m in an
System (or Kibaran Belt) rest unconformably on the ENE-WSW direction in central Uganda. The rocks
Buganda-Toro System in the southwest. Argillites are predominantly argillaceous, but pebbly beds are
predominate, b ut a renites a nd si lty ro cks a re a lso locally abundant. Near the base of this formation a
regularly d istributed a s t hin ba nds t hroughout. At tillite has been recognized. The Singo and Mityana
the base of the system metacalcareous rocks generally Series of the Bukoban System occur in the southern
occur. Metamorphism is less highly developed than in
the Buganda-Toro System and many parts are entirely
unmetamorphosed. Fairly open folding in two main
directions, i . e. app roximately n orth-westerly a nd

Fig. 389 “Arena” granites of the Karagwe-Ankolean System Fig. 391 Mount Baker and Scott Elliot Pass in the Ruwenzori
near Mbarara in southwestern Uganda Mountains.
Precambrian rocks, and the processes of formation of
the rift valley and later volcanic centres, followed by
crustal warping during the Pleistocene that probably
resulted in the formation of Lake Victoria. Shear zones
occur in the Precambrian rocks in several areas of the
country. The Aswa Shear Zone is the most extensive,
following a n orthwesterly t rend f or o ver 300 k m
through northern Uganda and into southern Sudan.
Other shear zones, probably all of Neoproterozoic age,
run t hrough t he Karamoja and Acholi regions and
the West Nile District. The Rift Valley extends along
the western border with the Democratic Republic of
Fig. 392 The Murchison/Kabalega Falls descending into Lake Congo and encompasses Lake Albert, Lake George,
Albert, western Uganda Lake E dward a nd t he R uwenzori M ountains h orst
block. Sediment thicknesses of 1,800 to 4 ,000 m are
estimated to lie within the Rift Valley.
and w estern c entral pa rt o f t he c ountry a nd a re
both a renaceous a nd u nmetamorphosed, p robably
Economic Geology
representing molasse-type deposits. An assemblage
of g neisses, a mphibolites, m arbles, q uartzites a nd Extensive portions of Uganda have been exposed to
ultramafic ro cks o ccupies a s trip o f a bout 200 b y prolonged and intense weathering. These processes
40 k m along the Uganda/Kenya border in the Kara- have led to s ome materials being concentrated into
moja area and is called Karasuk Group. This unit is ores, mos t n otably g old, t in, py rochlore (niobium,
apparently p art of t he N eoproterozoic h igh-grade tantalum a nd r are e arths) a nd apa tite. M ineral o c-
metamorphic Mozambique B elt. I ntrusive ro cks of currences i nclude g old i n Bu sia i n t he s outheast,
various P recambrian a ges o ccur i n ma ny pa rts o f hosted b y a n A rchean g reenstone b elt, w hilst i n
Uganda. the s outhwest a t Bu hweju a nd K igezi, g old o ccurs
Three small exposures of Karoo-aged strata are also in Pa leo- to Mesoproterozoic metasediments. Gold
recorded f rom U ganda. These o ccur i n appa rently mining has taken place at Busia in both alluvial and
down-faulted outliers near Bugiri, on Dagusi Island quartz vein occurrences. Recent exploration i n t he
and underlying part of Entebbe, probably indicating Buhweju-Mashonga area indicates that much of the
an Ecca age. gold being extracted by a rtisans der ives f rom later-
Miocene v olcanics o utcrop i n s everal a reas o f itic gravel lying under on kaolinised bedrock. Other
eastern Uganda, close to the Kenyan border and are potential gold areas include Mubende and Karamoja.
denoted to pographically b y p rominent mo untains Busitema Mining Company undertakes underground
of the southern Karamoja region. Carbonatitic ring and open gold mining at Tira, while Kisita Mining
complexes, possibly formed since Cretaceous times
and representing the eroded remnants of volcanoes
of a si milar g eological su ite, o ccur i n s everal e ast- U
ern l ocations. O ther C enozoic ro cks a re ei ther o f
sedimentary o r v olcanic o rigin a nd a re f ound i n

the w estern R ift Valley adjoining Rwanda a nd t he

Democratic R epublic of C ongo. The s ediments a re
often fossiliferous and sometimes exceeding 4,000 m

in thickness. The volcanics have been ejected f rom

vents, b ut a re n ow do rmant. T here a re s ome h ot
springs in this region.

The ma jor s tructural c ontrols o f U ganda i nclude Fig. 393 Oil exploration at the Turaca well near Lake Albert
orogenic f old b elts a nd she ar z ones w ithin t he in western Uganda
266 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Company o perates a sma ll-scale g old o peration a t

Kisita Ridge, 120 km west of Kampala. Platinum
group m ineralization i s re ported f rom t he l ayered
ultrabasic rocks of t he Karamoja region, where t he
regional geology is similar to t he layered intrusives
in South Africa.
The most prospective region for base metals is in
the Kilembe area, where volcano-sedimentary rocks
of Pa leoproterozoic a ge o utcrop f or a d istance o f
over 90 k m. Other copper ores have been recorded
from Bobong and Kaabong in the Karamoja region.
Chromite occurs in ultramafic rocks at Nakiloro, also
in Karamoja. An ultramafic rock assemblage at Mo- Fig. 395 Lacustrine Neogene lake deposits and quarry at
roto has the potential for nickel, chromium, copper Hima, western Uganda
and platinum-group mineralisation. Lead, zinc and
gold have been found in the Buganda-Toro System at
Kitaka, within the Buhweju gold district. The Muko reservoirs have yet been found. The deposits of Karoo
iron ore deposit occurs in Mesoproterozoic Kibaran rocks near Entebbe and along Lake Victoria are too
rocks, whilst magnetite occurrences in the east, such small for larger occurrences of coal.
as a t Su kulu, a re f ound i n Tertiary c arbonatites.
Most of the cassiterite (Fig. 394), tungsten, columbo-
tantalite, beryl and lithium mineralisation is hosted
by pegmatites and granites of the Buganda-Toro and Various geoenvironmental hazards have been reported
Karagwe-Ankolean Systems. from Uganda: E arthquakes a long t he Western R ift
Amongst i ndustrial m inerals, pho sphates a re have been noted (Hampton, 1995) (Fig. 396), sometimes
found in the east in Tertiary carbonatites that also triggering landslides (Muwanga et al., 2001). Ground-
host limestone, titanium and rare earths elements. water p ollution c aused b y m ining ha s f or i nstance
There is also limestone at Hima (Figs 395 and 397) in occurred in the Kilembe area (Muwanga, 1997).
the southwest, in a s econdary deposit derived from
calcareous tu ffs a nd h ot sp rings. O ther i ndustrial
minerals i nclude c lay, k aolin, f eldspar, d iatomite,
silica sand and various types of dimension stone. A p reliminary i nventory o f p otential g eosites o f
The search for hydrocarbons in the Albertine Rift Uganda was presented by Schlüter et al. (2001) a nd
in western Uganda since the early 20 th century has includes t he f ollowing si x l ocations: N yero Ro ck
led to t he d iscovery of sedimentary structures t hat Shelter and Paintings, Napak Volcano, Bukwa Fossil
potentially may yield traps for oil or gas, but no major Site, N kondo-Kaiso Fo ssil Sit e, K isegi-Nyabusosi

Fig. 394 Former tin mine near Mbarara in southwestern Fig. 396 A church hit by the Fort Portal earthquake of
Uganda 5 February 1994 in western Uganda
Hampton, C. (1995): The Fort Portal Earthquake 5th Febru-
ary 1994, W U ganda.– Berliner Geowissenschaftliche
Abh. A175, 147–158; Berlin.
MacDonald, R. (1966): Uganda Geology, Scale 1:1,500,000.–
Department of Geological Survey Mines; Entebbe.
Muwanga, A . (1997): E nvironmental i mpacts of c opper
mining at K ilembe, Uganda: A geochemical investiga-
tion of heavy metal pollution of drainage waters, stream
sediments and soils in the Kilembe Valley in relation
to m ine w aste d isposal.Braunschweiger G eowissen-
schaft liche Arbeiten, 1–140; Braunschweig.
Muwanga, A ., S chumann, A . & Bi ryabarema, M . (2001):
Landslides i n U ganda, D ocumentation of a Nat ural
Hazard.– Documenta Naturae 136, 111–115; Munich.
Odida, J. ( 1994): Bibl iography of t he G eology of U ganda
1920–1994.– C IFEG O ccasional P ublication 1994/28,
I–XVII, 1–233; Orleans.
Pickford, M., Senut, B. & Hadoto, D. (1993): Geology and
Fig. 397 The Hima Cement factory plant in western Uganda Palaeobiology of t he A lbertine R ift Valley Uganda –
Zaire, Volume 1: Geology.– CIFEG Occasional Publica-
tion 1993/24, 1–189; Orleans.
Schlüter, T. (1997): Geology of East Africa.– I–XII, 1–484;
Fossil Site a nd Nyakasura Caves w ith Speleothems. Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
The Department of Geological Survey and Mines in Schlüter, T., Kibunjia, M. & Kohring, R. (2001): Geological
Heritage in East Africa – its Protection and Conserva-
Entebbe hosts a small museum exhibiting the major tion.– Documenta Naturae 136, 39–50; Munich.
mineral and rock types of the country. Senut, B. & P ickford, M. (1994, editors): Geology and Pa-
laeobiology of the Albertine Rift Valley Uganda – Zaire,
Volume I I.– C IFEG O ccasional P ublication 1994/29,
Geoscience Education 1–423; Orleans.
Countrywide t here i s o ne u niversity ( Kampala)
where g eology/geosciences i n u ndergraduate a nd
postgraduate courses are offered. The personnel and
institutional capacities of its department are of high
standard, as the university achieves a good position
in international ranking databases for Africa.


Fig. 398 Morning over the Portal peaks from Nyakalengija in

the Ruwenzori Mountains
Western Sahara (under Moroccan administration)
General during the Mauritanide orogeny. The western part of
Area: 266,000 k m2 (or 252,000 k m2) this domain underlies the coastal plain.
Population: 355,000 ? (2007 estimate) In the Aaiun-Tarfaya coastal basin clastics, evapo-
rites and basalts extruded in a l ate tensional rifting
phase a nd a re suc ceeded b y J urassic c arbonates,
Summary of Geology
marls and clastic sediments. These are overlain by a
The eastern part of the Western Sahara is underlain Cretaceous-Tertiary clastic sequence, in which Paleo-
by Archean rocks of the Reguibat Shield. An alloch- cene to Eocene sediments generally lie unconformably
thonous u nit of t he Mauritanid Orogen, k nown a s upon the Cretaceous deposits.
Ouled Dhlim, outcrops in the southern central part Late P leistocene to H olocene de posits a re w ell
of the territory. The Zemmour Domain is a southern exposed i n p luvial l ake b eds a nd a s l arge d une ac -
continuation of the Anti-Atlas Domain in Morocco. cumulations in the southeastern part of the Western
The w estern pa rt o f t he Western S ahara c onsists Sahara. The l atter a re c haracterized b y a SW -NE
of c oastal ba sin s ediments. L arge N E-SW s triking striking trend.
dune accumulations cover t he southeastern part of
the country.
Economic Geology
Western Sahara has been claimed and administered
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
by Morocco since 1976. Debate over the sovereignty
The Re guibat Sh ield i s t he n orthern e xtension o f of t he territory still continues. The only sig nificant
the West Africa Craton. Its core consists mainly of mineral production from this region is from the
migmatites, w hich a re o verlain i n t he T iris r egion phosphate mine at Bou Craa in the central northern
in the eastern Western Sahara by imbricated gneiss Western Sahara. The production of phosphates was
belts. The Tiris Series is made up of granulite-to- stable o ver t he pa st s everal y ears to taling 1.5mt/a.
amphibolite facies metamorphites. Exploration for hydrocarbons offshore Tarfaya near
The Z emmour Do main i s a s outhern c ontinu- the border to Morocco was not yet successful.
ation o f t he Anti-Atlas D omain in Morocco a nd
forms a p eripheric pa rt of t he West A frica Craton.
The f ollowing suc cession ha s b een i dentified: St ro-
matolitic carbonates of possible Neoproterozoic age Fabre, J., Jonquet, B. & Bronner, G. (1978): Carte géologique
occur at the base. These are overlain by the Oumat de nord-ouest de l᾽Afrique, 1:5,000,000.– SNED, Alger.
el Ham Group of Ordovician age, which consists of Piqué, A . (2001): G eology of N orthwest A frica.– I–XIV,
1–310; Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart.
sandstones a nd s hales w ith g raptolites. The Garat-
el-Hamoueid Group rests on a n erosive su rface of
end-Ordovician glacial origin and is probably of Up-
per Ashgillian age. It follows transgressive Silurian,
represented by clays and shales with graptolites, and
then by l imestones w ith corals. The De vonian suc-
cession, more than 1000 m thick, is complete from
Gedinnian to F rasnian and can be correlated w ith
that of the Western Anti-Atlas Domain. It is repre-
sented by ferruginous oolitic limestones, sandstones,
siltstones and c lays. Brachiopods, bryozoans and
corals are widespread.
The a llochthonous u nit o f O uled D hlim i n t he
southern central Western Sahara, consisting of crys-
talline nappes of Neoproterozoic age a nd a na rrow
Cambro-Ordovician parautochthon along its eastern Fig. 399 Exfoliated granitic rocks used by members of the
side, is thrust eastwards upon the West Africa Craton Polisario as shelter
DFIF::F ('—N

N\jk\ieJX_XiX <c8`le

)-—E F:<8E


M`ccX:`je\ifj E
)+—E )+—E

N <

))—E ))—E

('' ' ('' )''bd

(,—N ('—N

I\Z\ek$ HlXikq`k\j#c`d\jkfe\jn`k_jkifdXkc`k\j
DX`ecp[le\j Gc\`jkfZ\e\
DX`ecpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj HlXik\ieXip D\kXdfig_`ZifZbji\cXk\[kfk_\

DX`ecpdXi`e\j\[`d\ekj E\f^\e\Xe[ >iXe`k\j#le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[


MXi`fljj\[`d\ekj :i\kXZ\flj DX`ecpd`^dXk`k\j GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z



DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj Lgg\i;\mfe`Xe

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj Cfn\i;\mfe`Xe
Western Sahara

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj J`cli`Xe

DXi`e\j\[`d\ekj Fi[fm`Z`Xe

Fig. 400 Geological overview of Western Sahara (modified after Fabre et al., 1978)
Area: 742,618 km2
Population: 11,262,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
The rocks of Zambia are grouped into the Basement
Complex, the Muva Supergroup, the Katanga Super-
group and the Karoo Supergroup. Above the Karoo
strata a re l ate M esozoic, Tertiary a nd Q uaternary Fig. 401 The gorge cut by the Victoria Falls, being the border
sediments. between Zambia and Zimbabwe

The ol dest ro ck s ystem o f Z ambia, t he B asement
Complex, is most extensively exposed in the east and
southeast of the country. The rocks of the Basement
Complex, known in the Copperbelt as the Lufubu Sys-
tem, are structurally complex. They have been folded
and faulted and have undergone repeated metamor-
phism, so that their original character has been com-
pletely obliterated. The main rock types are: granites,
gneisses, schists, migmatites, amphibolites, granulites,
charnockites, khondalites, phyllites, limestones and
metaquartzites. These rocks are of Paleoproterozoic
age. The intrusive and extrusive rocks in the Basement
Complex are granites, syenites, dolerites, granodior-
ites, p egmatites, qu artz v eins, ap lites, py roclastics,
gabbros, r hyolites, u ltrabasic r ocks, a ndesites a nd
metavolcanic rocks. The Basement Complex occupies
a large part of t he Eastern and Northern Provinces,
while isolated domelike outcrops occur elsewhere on
the plateau, e. g. at Solwezi and Luswishi.
The M uva Su pergroup ha s a m uch l ower g rade
Fig. 402 The Victoria Falls seen from the Zambian side
of me tamorphism. I t i s s eparated f rom t he B ase-
ment Complex by an unconformity, which probably
represents a period length of about 1 Ga. It is mainly
exposed i n t he C entral, C opperbelt, S outhern a nd River from Lake Mweru to Lake Tanganyika.
Northern Provinces and is composed of conglomer- The Katanga Supergroup is unconformably located
ates, g rit, qu artzites, i ron-rich s andstone a nd r ed above the Muva Supergroup or the Basement Com-
mudstone, gneissose schists and metavolcanic rocks. plex, and is composed of conglomerates, shales, argil-
Intrusive rocks in the Muva Supergroup are granites, lites, quartzites, arkoses, greywackes, iron formations,
granite p orphyry, g ranodiorite, s yenites, dol erites, dolomites a nd ae olian s andstones. T he K atanga
norites, l amprophyres, c arbonatites, peg matites, Supergroup rocks are Neoproterozoic to C ambrian
quartz veins, gabbros, basic volcanic and ultrabasic in a ge. I ntrusive ro cks i n t he K atanga Su pergroup
rocks. A belt of porphyritic rock, largely rhyolitic in are g ranites, dol erites, ad amelites, l amprophyres,
character a nd a ssociated w ith v olcanic b reccia, i s gabbros and ultrabasic rocks. Rocks of the Katanga
thought to b e equivalent i n age to t he Muva Super- Supergroup occur extensively in Northern, Luapula,
group. It extends along the eastern side of the Luapula Copperbelt, N orthwestern a nd C entral P rovinces.
),—< *'—<


\i K8EQ8E@8
N < CX

('—J ('—J





i`YX ('' ' ('' )''bd

E8D@9 Q@D989N<


),—< *'—<

DX`ecp :fe^cfd\iXk\j#j_Xc\j#hlXikq`k\j#
B`dY\ic`k\j :i\kXZ\flj ^i\pnXb\j#`ife]fidXk`fejf]k_\ :XdYi`Xe6$ 
BXkXe^XJpjk\d E\fgifk\ifqf`Z

:i\kXZ\flj$ D\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\DfqXdY`hl\
JXe[jkfe\jXe[dl[jkfe\j Lgg\iAliXjj`Z E\fgifk\ifqf`Z
:fek`e\ekXcj\[`d\ekjf]k_\;npbX# Cfn\iAliXjj`Z$ D\kXj\[`d\ekj#d\kXmfcZXe`Zjf]k_\
<ZZX#9\Xl]fik#JkfidY\i^>iflgj2 Lgg\i B`YXiXeJpjk\d
BXiffJlg\i^iflg :XiYfe`]\iflj
JKIL:KLI<J Jp\e`k\jf]k_\Clj\e^X>iflg

=Xlck ?`^_$^iX[\d\kXdfig_`ZifZbjf]k_\

Gi\$BXkXe^X9Xj\d\eki\dfY`c`j\[ GXc\fgifk\ifqf`Z

>iXe`k\j#^e\`jj\j#mfcZXe`ZifZbj Le[`]]\i\ek`Xk\[

Fig. 403 Geological overview of Zambia (modified after Drysdahl et al., 1961, 1981 and Ng’Ambi et al., 1994)
272 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

On the Copperbelt the Katanga Supergroup has been

divided i nto t he Roa n, M washa a nd K undelungu
Groups. In the remainder of the country, it has been
usual to divide the Katanga Supergroup simply into
upper and lower divisions. Part of the Roan Group
is h ighly m ineralized, a nd c opper o ccurs i n l ocal
synclinal basins in shales, sandstones, dolomites and
quartzites on t he ma rgins of t he broad K afue a nti-
cline. Copper minerals include chalcopyrite, bornite,
chalcocite, malachite and azurite. The Mwasha Group
consists l argely o f c arbonaceous sha les, a rgillites
and interbedded quartzites. The Kundelungu Group
rests unconformably on the Mwashia Group and its
lithology varies greatly from place to place. It can be
divided into a lower part consisting of a conglomerate
of g lacial o rigin, dol omites, l imestones a nd c arbo-
naceous shales, and an upper part predominantly of
sandstones, quartzites and shales.
The Karoo Supergroup of upper Carboniferous to
Jurassic times is best represented in the rift block val-
leys of the eastern and southern parts of the country, Fig. 405 Maamba Coal Mine of Dwyka age
the valleys of t he Luangwa, Lu kusashi, Lu nsemfwa,
Rufunsa and mid-Zambezi, although further outcrops
occur on the plateau to the west. The lowest part of the occur elsewhere in the mid-Zambezi Valley and also
sequence is represented by a possible tillite indicating in the Luangwa Valley. Higher in the sequence, the
a glacial phase of upper Carbonifrous age. This is fol- Karoo Supergroup consists mainly of mudstones, grit
lowed by sandstones and then by the Gwembe Coal and sandstones with an upper layer of basaltic lava of
Formation. These coal seams outcrop in the Maamba- Jurassic age. The basalt outcrops around Livingstone
Nkandabwe area of the Zambezi Valley, but thin seams and is exposed in the walls of the Batoka Gorge below
the Vi ctoria Falls. I ntrusions i nto t he K aroo Su per-
group are a few carbonatites and kimberlites.
Above t he K aroo Su pergroup a re s andstones a nd
mudstones of Late Jurassic to Cretaceous age. The
Kalahari Gro up, c onsisting o f p oorly c onsolidated
sandstones a nd u nconsolidated w indblown s ands,
mantles t he g reater pa rt o f t he Western P rovince,
together with smaller a reas of the Northwestern,
Central and Southern Provinces. These sands origi-
nated during t he Neogene a nd Pleistocene p eriods.
They were deposited during an arid phase, when the
limits of the Kalahari Desert were greatly extended.
Alluvial de posits o ccur mos t e xtensively a long t he
upper Zambezi River and its tributaries, on the Kafue
Flats, the Lukanga and Bangweulu Swamps and along
the upper Chambeshi River.

The main structural provinces of Zambia comprise
the Bangweulu Block, the Ubendian Belt, the Irumide
Belt, the Kibaran Belt, the Mozambique Belt and the
Fig. 404 Upper Karoo sandstone from Lusitu River Zambezi Belt, the Lufilian Arc and the Mwembeshi
Shear Zone. The Bangweulu Block, a c raton of Pro- aquamarines and garnets in Lundazi. Talc has been
terozoic age, covers a large portion of northern Zam- worked in Ndola. The Lower Karoo hosts economic
bia. The Ubendian Belt has a NW-SE orientation and coal deposits, whereas i n t he Upper K aroo a n u ra-
is probably of Paleoproterozoic age. The Irumide and nium mineralisation occurs.
Kibaran Belts have a NE-SW orientation and are dat-
ed 1.1 Ga. The Irumide orogeny affected pre-Katanga
rocks, especially those of the Muva Supergroup. The
Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt forms the southern Pollution of surface and groundwater due to extensive
part of an orogenic belt extending from Ethiopia and mining in the Copperbelt Province is one of the major
cutting across the Irumide Belt in southern Zambia. geoenvironmental hazards in Zambia.
The Z ambezi B elt i s probably a s outhern e xtension
of t he M ozambique B elt. T he Lu filian A rc i s a n
arcuate belt that stretches from Angola through the
Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, giving An inventory of potential geosites in Zambia has not
NE-SW a nd N W-SE structures, being formed by a yet been made. The Zambian part of the Victoria Falls
northward movement between 840 and 465 Ma. The as well as its Zimbabwean counterpart is a lready a
approximately 550 Ma old Mwembeshi Shear Zone is UNESCO world heritage monument, but clearly also
a ductile shear zone associated with a sinistral strike represents a geosite (Figs 401 and 402).
slip movement. Karoo rift ing formed t he Luangwa,
Zambezi and Luano-Lukasashi Valleys.
Geoscience Education
Countrywide t here a re 2 u niversities w here g eol-
Economic Geology
ogy/geosciences in undergraduate and postgraduate
Zambia ha s a g reat m ineral p otential i n v arious courses are offered. The personnel and institutional
geological environments. Mining for copper in the capacities o f t heir de partments i n t his t raditional
famous lower Roan Group (Copperbelt Province) is mining c ountry ha ve o ver t he l ast de cades d ue to
the most prominent feature and was the main eco- economic problems apparently deteriorated. In inter-
nomic backbone of t he country t ill t he m id-1970᾽s national ranking databases for Africa both universi-
when t he dema nd a nd p rice f or c opper sudden ly ties are not considered.
declined. C obalt a s b yproduct o f t he c opper p ro-
duction is now the major mineral export in order of
importance. Other metal ore commodities include
lead, t in a nd z inc. M ica w as m ined i n p egmatites Drysdahl, A . R., J ohnson, R . L., M oore, T. A. & Thieme ,
in t he S outhern a nd E astern P rovinces. The Base- J. G. (1972): Outline of t he Geology of Z ambia.– Geol.
ment Complex hosts gemstones w ithin pegmatites Mijnbow 51, 265–271; Leiden.
Drysdahl, A . R., Th ieme, J. G. & J ohnson, R . L. (1961, re-
and veins, but gemstones are mined in Zambia only printed 1981): Geological Map of the Republic of Zambia,
on a small scale. Emeralds occur in the Ndola area, 1:1,000,000.– Geol. Surv. Department; Lusaka.
Hanson; R . E., Wi lson, T. J. & M unyanyiwa, H . (1984):
Geologic evolution of the Neoproterozoic Zambezi Oro-
genic Belt in Zambia.– Journal African Earth Siences
18, 135–150; Oxford.
Kribek, B., Pasava, J., M ajer, V., Nyambe, I. & Mwaie, M.
(2004): Impact of copper and cobalt mining on the envi-
ronment in the Zambian Copperbelt.– 20 th Colloquium

African Geology, Abstr. Vol., 238; Orleans. Ng᾽Ambi, O.,

Sikatali, C., Legg, C. A. & Bwalya,
J. J. (1994): R epublic of Z ambia, G eological a nd M ineral

Occurrence Map , S cale 1:2,000 ,000 .–Geol. S urv. De-

partment; Lusaka.
Snelling, N. J., Johnson, R. L. & Drysdahl, A. R. (1972): The

geochronology of Zambia.– Rec. geol. Surv. Zambia 12,

19–30; Lusaka.
Thieme, J. G. (1981): Republic of Z ambia, Geological Map
1:1,000,000, She et SE , N E, N W, S W.– G eol. Su rvey
Fig. 406 Kafue copper deposits in the Katanga Supergroup Zambia; Lusaka.
Area: 390,757 km2
Population: 13,130,000 ( 2007 estimate)

Summary of Geology
Zimbabwe is underlain by a core of Archean basement
known as the Zimbabwe Craton, which is intruded
by t he f amous Gr eat D yke, a S SW-NNE t rending
ultramafic/mafic dyke complex. The cra ton is bo r- Fig. 408 The Victoria Falls from the west in a painting of
dered to the south by the Limpopo Belt, to the north- Thomas Baines (1862)
west by the Magondi Supergroup, to the north by the
Zambezi Belt and to the east by the Mozambique Belt.
The c raton i s p rincipally c omposed o f g ranitoids, Group. They are separated from each other by grani-
schists and gneisses and greenstone belts. It is overlain toid and gneissic rocks. The Great Dyke is a u nique
in the north, northwest and east by Proterozoic and geological f eature o n t he Z imbabwe Cr aton. It i s a
Phanerozoic sedimentary basins. long, narrow body of inward-dipping peridotites, with
chromite bands, pyroxenites and norites consisting of
separate but continuous elongate, gently inward-dip-
Stratigraphy and Tectonics
ping masses emplaced from several intrusive centres
The Zimbabwe Craton is made up of vast areas of aligned along a NNE-SSW striking graben structure.
older Paleoarchean gr anitic gneisses and younger The Great Dyke, its two parallel satellite dykes on either
Neoarchean gr anitoids. The a ncient g neisses ha ve side known as the Umvimeela and West Dyke, and the
largely been recrystallized, which makes it difficult to gabbro-filled Popoteke fracture zone further east, were
distinguish between granitoids and gneisses. Green- intruded into basement complex greenstone belts and
stone belts are another geological feature located on batholitic granites. The Great Dyke is divided into four
the Z imbabwe Cr aton. P rincipally t hese b elts a re sections; from north to south, the Musengezi Complex
composed of mafic, ultramafic and felsic volcanics and (44 km long), the Hartley Complex (314 km long), the
associated i ntrusions, epiclastic sediments a nd i ron Selukwe Complex (97 km long), and the Wedza Com-
formations. The greenstone belts are thought to have plex (80 km long). These sections form a long synclinal
formed on the basement of older granitic gneisses and structure, which has the same stratigraphic succession.
developed in three successive phases: the Sebakwian In essence, the more than 500 km long Great Dyke,
Group, t he Bu lawayan Gro up a nd t he Sha mvaian is, however, not a dyke but a long stratiform complex

Fig. 407 A dried-out arm of the Zambezi River over granitic Fig. 409 Zambezi River close to the Victoria Falls
rocks close to the Victoria Falls
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C`d\jkfe\j#[fcfd`k\j#fik_fhlXikq`k\j E\fgifk\ifqf`Z D\kXj\[`d\ekjf]k_\J_XdmX`Xe#

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CfdX^le[`>iflg E\f$D\jf$ GI<:8D9I@8E#LE;@==<I<EK@8K<;
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Fig. 410 Geological overview of Zimbabwe (modified after Campbell et al., 1991)
276 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 411 Exfoliated granitic rocks in Mashonaland, often Fig. 412 Contemporary sculpture of a baboon by the Zimbab-
exhibiting stone age paintings and engravings wean artist John Takawira, made of Proterozoic serpentinite
from Nyanga, northern Zimbabwe

composed of juxtaposed segments. The Magondi Ba- The Karoo Supergroup is made up of sediments
sin was formed during an extension phase after t he and volcanics, which were laid down in three basins:
emplacement of the Great Dyke. This basin constitutes the Middle and Lower Zambezi basins in the west and
the northwestern margin of the Zambezi Basin. The north, and the Save-Limpopo basin in the south and
southern part of the basin is covered by sediments of southeast of Zimbabwe. The basins developed on two
the Karoo Supergroup and younger formations. The ancient suture zones known as the Zambezi and Lim-
sequence within the basin is divided into the Piriwiri popo Mobile Belts. The Zambezi Basin is the thicker
Group, the Deweras Group, the Mcheka Group and of the two and was developed in the axial zone of a rift
the Chiwuyu-Godzi Group. The basin is filled w ith structure fringed by parallel subvertical faults and ex-
a t hick sedimentary sequence w ith felsic a nd ma fic tends southwards onto the craton. The Save-Limpopo
volcanics i nterstratified n ear t he ba se. These rocks Basin in the south is relatively thin. The Karoo rocks
are h ighly deformed a nd me tamorphosed. Dolerite are g enerally c omposed o f ter restrial de trital s edi-
sills were formed during a magmatic episode on the ments (feldspathic sandstones, grits, shales, coal beds,
craton, the so-called Mashonaland igneous event. The etc.), which are overlain by basaltic flows.
sills are concentrated in the northwestern part of the The K alahari Gro up o f N eogene to Re cent a ge
craton. The Zimbabwe Craton is separated from the consists of poorly consolidated sandstones and sands,
Kaapval Craton to t he south by a z one composed of which occur in the northwestern part of the country
rocks sh owing ub iquitous p enetrative def ormation between Bulawayo and the Victoria Falls.
and a h igh de gree o f me tamorphism. This z one is
called t he L impopo Mobile B elt. The L impopo B elt
Economic Geology
runs SSW-NNE in the south of the country and con-
sists of metamorphosed cratonic rocks containing gold Non-fuel minerals such as chromite, gold and nickel
deposits, corundum and magnesite occurrences. It has will r emain t he ma instays o f t he e conomy f or t he
a complex polyphase history spanning Paleoarchean near future. A special case is asbestos, which has been
to Mesoproterozoic times. for several years a major contributor to the economy
of Z imbabwe. Bu t a sbestos i s n ow g enerally u nder
threat of ban by some countries due to he alth risks
associated with its use. Although uncertainty about
the future of asbestos continues, it has been noted that
a better understanding of the health risks associated
with the different varieties of asbestos will lead to the
continued use of Zimbabwe᾽s chrysotile deposits.
It ha s b een n oted t hat t he A rchean ter rain o f
Zimbabwe, in terms of gold yield per km2 , is the most
productive of its kind in the world. Gold production
remains the backbone of the country᾽s mining indus-
try with over 2000 operating mines scattered around
the country (Fig. 413). Evaluation of industry views
about the future of the platinum group metals (PGM)
generally indicate positive perceptions, for instance it
is estimated that the Great Dyke contains a resource
of over 4,500 Mt of platinum-bearing material. The
production of base metals in Zimbabwe in the last
few years reflects significant structural changes that
have occurred. While chromite ore, nickel and cobalt
metals indicate steady output levels, those of copper
and tin have declined. In terms of gross value to the
country nickel occupies t he number t hree position
after gold and the PGM. Chromium ore production Fig. 414 Contemporar y sculpture of a female by the
Zimbabwean ar tist Nicholas Mukomberawe, made of
was in the range of 500,000 –700,000 t /y in the late Proterozoic serpentinite
1990᾽s. The p recious s tones i ndustry had u ntil t he
1990᾽s b een do minated b y emer ald o utput a t t he
Sandawana Mine, but the country᾽s production has vermiculite, g raphite, m ica, l imestone, l ithium to
been erratic, ranging from as low as 276 kg to as high black g ranite. A sbestos ha s i n r ecent y ears b een
as 2209 kg from one year to the next. River Ranch in ranked second a fter gold in production values, the
the Limpopo Mobile Belt, Zimbabwe᾽s only diamond bulk of which is exported. Within Zimbabwe there is
mine, commenced production i n 1991 and a s teady a thriving downstream industry based on chrysotile
output improvement from about 40,000 ct in 1992 to a asbestos, as the manufacture of water pipes, roofing
peak of 437,000 ct in 1996, before registering a decline tiles, i nsulation products, etc., a re a ll ba sed on t he
prior t o c losure. The industrial minerals s ector in asbestos fibre mined in the country.
Zimbabwe is diverse ranging from asbestos through Zimbabwe has huge coal reserves. Currently about
5.5 Mt are produced by the Wankie Colliery at Hwange
to meet the thermal power plant needs of the country,
as well as the industrial and agricultural sectors. A
second m ine, a t S engwa, i s p lanned to c ommence
production and supply the Gokwe North power plant.
During the last decade Zimbabwe has seen a consid-
erable exploration interest in coal bed methane as a

potential energy source.


The mining sector faces a number of issues concerning

environmental degradation during mining (especially

related to t he a sbestos production), t he d isposal of
Fig. 413 Venice mine in Mashonaland West near Kadoma, waste products and their potential use as well as local
where gold is produced community conflicts.
278 Chapter 4 – Review of Countries and Teritorries

Fig. 415 The so-called Akropolis (= upper town) of the Fig. 417 Balancing rocks, an inselberg of granite boulders, at
Zimbabwe ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage site, erected Epworth, southeast of Harare
probably by Shona people between the 12th – 15th century on
a granitic inselberg in central Zimbabwe

Geosites capacities especially at t he Department of G eology

An i nventory of potential geosites has not yet been of the University of Zimbabwe in Harare have over
made, b ut Z imbabwe offers v arious g eological f ea- the last years due to t he economic problems of t he
tures of scenic beauty (Figs 415–417), for instance the country deteriorated, but a re still of comparatively
Victoria F alls ( Figs 407–409), w hich a re a lready a high standard. The University of Zimbabwe achieves
UNESCO world heritage site. in international ranking databases for Africa an in-
termediate position.
Geoscience Education
Countywide t here a re 2 u niversities w here g eol- References
ogy/geosciences in undergraduate and postgraduate
Campbell, S . D. G., O esterlein, P. M., Blen kinsop, T. G.,
courses are offered. The personnel and institutional Pitfield, P. E. J. & Munyanyiwa, H. (1991): A provisional
1:2,500,0 00 scale tectonic map a nd t he tectonic evolu-
tion of Zimbabwe.– In: S. M. N. N. Ncube (ed.), Annals
Zimbabwe Geological Surv. 16, 31–50; Harare.
Mukasa, S . B., Wi lson, A . H. & C arlson, R . W. (1998): A
multielement geochronologic study of the Great Dyke,
Zimbabwe: significance of t he robu st a nd re set a ges.–
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 164, 353–369;
Stagman, J. G. (1977): Provisional Geological Map of Rhode-
sia, 1:1,000,000.– Geol. Survey Rhodesia; Salisbury.
Stagman, J. G. (1978): A n out line of t he ge ology of R ho-
desia.– R hodesia G eological Su rv. Bu ll. 8 0, 1–120;
Stagman, J. G., Ncube, S. M. N. & Sithole, R. T. (1994):
Geological Map of Zimbabwe, 1:1,000,000, 7th edition.–
Government Printer; Harare.
Wilson, A . H. (1982): The ge ology of t he “ Great D yke”,
Zimbabwe: The u ltramafic ro cks.– J ournal Petrology
23, 240–292;

Fig. 416 The Chinhozi Caves in northwestern Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe 279 Z
Geographical and Subject Index



N <

I`]kYXj`e J





Geographical Index

Abd-Al-Kuri (Socotra) 224 Bab el Mandeb (Sudan) 241
Aberdares (Kenya) 136 Babadougou (Ivory Coast) 130
Abidjan (Ivory Coast) 128 Babassa (Central African Republic) 68
Abkorum-Azelik (Niger) 192 Baddredin (Egypt) 96
Abu Ras Plateau (Egypt) 94 Bahariya Oasis (Egypt) 95, 96
Abu Tartur (Egypt) 94, 96 Bakouma (Central African Republic) 68
Abu Zawal (Egypt) 94 Bamako (Mali) 165
Abuja (Nigeria) 196 Bandiagara (Mali) 165
Accra (Ghana) 119 Bangui (Central African Republic) 68
Acholi region (Uganda) 265 Bangweulu Swamp (Zambia) 270
Adrar des Iforas (Algeria) 32, 34 Banjul (Gambia) 114
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 106 Baragoi (Kenya) 134
Ader-Doutchi (Niger) 193 Barberton Mountains (South Africa) 230
Adola (Ethiopia) 108 Basila (Benin) 44
Adrar (Mauritania) 169 Bation Peak (Kenya) 135
Adrar des Iforas Mountains (Mali) 162 Batoka Gorge (Zambia) 270
Adua-Axum (Ethiopia) 106 Bayuda Desert (Sudan) 238, 240
Afast (Niger) 192 Beghemder (Ethiopia) 106
Agadez (Niger) 192, 193 Benghazi (Libya) 150
Agadir (Morocco) 176 Bengo (Angola) 41
Agbaja Plateau (Nigeria) 196 Benty (Guinea) 124
Ahnet (Algeria) 34 Benue Valley (Nigeria) 196
AÏr Massif 190, 193 Biankouma (Ivory Coast) 130
Akagera (Rwanda) 206 Bidzar (Cameroon) 60
Akoufa (Niger) 192 Bie (Angola) 41
Alexandra Peak (Uganda) 264 Big Hole (South Africa) 234, 235
Algerian Atlas (Algeria) 35 Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea) 98, 100
Ambalavao (Madagascar) 154 Bir Moghrein (Algeria) 32
Anambra (Nigeria) 196 Bird Island (Malawi) 158
Angoche (Mozambique) 183 Bisoke Crater (Rwanda) 206
Anjouan (Comoros) 74 Blafa-Gueto Hills 130
Ankaratra (Madagascar) 154 Blantyre (Malawi) 161
Annabon Island (Equatorial Guinea) 98 Boa Vista (Cape Verde) 66
Aouzou (Chad) 73 Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) 50
Arance (Namibia) 186 Bobong (Uganda) 265
Aribinda (Burkina Faso) 50 Bofal (Mauritania) 168
Arlit (Niger) 192 Bofala (Mozambique) 182
Arusha (Tanzania) 250 Boffa (Guinea) 124
Ashanti region (Ghana) 118, 119 Bogoin (Central African Republic) 68
Asmara (Eritrea) 102 Bondoukoun (Ivory Coast) 128

Atacora Range (Togo) 254 Bongouni (Mali) 164, 165

Athi River (Kenya) 136 Bou Craa (Western Sahara) 268
Awaso (Ghana) 119 Bou Khadra (Algeria) 36

Axum (Ethiopia) 108 Brandberg (Namibia) 186

Azguemerzi (Morocco) 174 Brazzaville (Congo Republic) 86
284 Geographical Index

Brukkarus (Namibia) 186 E

Bugiri (Uganda) 265 Ehi Mousgou (Chad) 72
Buhweju (Uganda) 265 El Borma (Tunisia) 261
Burnt Mountain (Namibia) 186 El Heimer (Morocco) 178
Busia (Uganda) 265 El Jadida (Morocco) 176
Butare (Rwanda) 204 El Rhein (Mauritania) 168
Elgeyo-Marakwet (Kenya) 136
C Elmina (Ghana) 26
Cabinda (Angola) 40 Entebbe (Uganda) 265, 267
Cabo Delgado (Mozambique) 182 Epworth (Zimbabwe) 277
Cairo (Egypt) 95, 96 Erfoud (Morocco) 174
Cap Bon (Tunisia) 260 Erg Afrout (Algeria) 32
Cape Cross (Namibia) 186 Essakane (Burkina Faso) 50
Cape Good Hope (South Africa) 233 Essaouira (Morocco) 178
Cape Maclear (Malawi) 160
Cape Varga (Guinea) 124 F
Cap-Vert (Senegal) 214 Faleme (Senegal) 214
Casamanca (Senegal) 212 Farim region (Guinea-Bissau) 126
Cassinga (Angola) 40 Fernando Poo (Equatorial Guinea) 100
Chamarel (Mauritius) 172 Figuil (Cameroon) 60
Chingue Hills (Mauritania) 169 Fischer's Tower (Kenya) 137
Comba (Congo Republic) 86 Fish River Canyon (Namibia) 187
Conakry (Guninea) 124 Fogo (Cape Verde) 66
Copperbelt 81, 270, 272 Fongo-Tongo (Cameroon) 60
Cotonou (Benin) 44 Franceville (Gabon) 113
Crocodile River (South Africa) 230 Francistown (Botswana) 48
Cuanza Norte (Angola) 40 Freetown (Sierra Leone) 222
Fregate (Seychelles) 216
D Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) 62
Dagusi Island (Uganda) 265
Dakar (Senegal) 212, 215 G
Damagaram-Mounio (Niger) 193 Gabgada (Sudan) 240
Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) 250 Gaborone (Botswana) 49
Darfur (Sudan) 70, 72 Gafsa (Tunisia) 260. 261
Darsa (Socotra) 224 Gamba (Gabon) 112
Dieprivier (Namibia) 186 Grand Bassin (Mauritius) 170
Djebel Serraf (Morocco) 176 Geita (Tanzania) 249
Djebel Tebaga (Tunisia) 258 Gibeon (Namibia) 186
Djenguile (Congo Republic) 86 Gilf Kebir (Egypt) 94
Djerba (Tunisia) 261 Gnaoulou (Togo) 254, 256
Djongo (Cameroon) 60 Goma (D. R. Congo) 82
Dogon people (Mali) 165 Goumpare (Benin) 44
Donar Hajar (Morocco) 178 Grande Comore (Comoros) 74
Dondo (Angola) 38 Gulf of Aden 88
Dori (Burkina Faso) 50 Gulf of Guinea 50, 94
Dori-Yalago (Burkina Faso) 50 Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia) 261
Dossi-Kiere (Burkina Faso) 50 Gulf of Sirte (Libya) 148
Draa (Morocco) 174, 176 Gulf of Suez 240
Drakensberg Escarpment (South Africa) 234 Gunner ̛s Quoin Islet (Mauritius) 172
Drakensberge (Lesotho) 142, 143
H Kalahari Desert 184, 270
Hadar (Ethiopia) 109 Kamokwie (Sierra Leone) 220
Hahatoe-Akoumapa (Togo) 254 Kampala (Uganda) 250, 265
Haib (Namibia) 186 Kaokoveld (Namibia) 184
Hammer Laghdad (Morocco) 176 Karamoja (Uganda) 262, 265, 266
Hanang (Tanzania) 248 Karera Falls (Burundi) 56
Harare (Zimbabwe) 277 Karibib (Namibia) 186
Hassi Messaoud oil field (Algeria) 36 Karthala (Comoros) 74
Hassi R’Mel gas field (Algeria) 36 Kasai (Angola) 38
Haya (Sudan) 238 Kasai (D. R. Congo) 76
Hellspoort (Lesotho) 142 Kasserine (Tunisia) 260
Helwan (Egypt) 95, 96 Katanga (D. R. Congo) 80
Hierro (Canary Islands) 62 Kef Eddour (Tunisia) 261
Hima (Uganda) 265 Kenieba (Mali) 164, 165
Hoggar region (Algeria) 32 Kerdous (Morocco) 174
Holle (Congo Republic) 86 Kerio Valley (Kenya) 136
Huamba (Angola) 41 Kette (Central African Republic) 68
Huila (Angola) 41 Khorixas (Namibia) 187
Hwange (Zimbabwe) 277 Kigali (Rwanda) 204
Kigezi (Uganda) 265
I Kilembe (Uganda) 265
Ibadan (Nigeria) 196 Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) 248, 250
Ife (Nigeria) 196 Kilwa (Tanzania) 248
Ile St Marie (Madagascar) 152 Kimberley (South Africa) 232, 234, 235
Ileus Secos (Cape Verde) 66 Kindia (Guinea) 124
Imouraren (Niger) 192 Kinshasa (D. R. Congo) 82
In-Ouzzal-Iforas (Algeria) 32, 34 Kinzo (Angola) 40
Isingy Massif (Madagascar) 154, 155 Kisangani (D. R. Congo) 80
Itakpe Hills (Nigeria) 196 Kisenge (D. R. Congo) 82
Kisumu (Kenya) 137
J Kit Mikayi Rock (Kenya) 137
Jabal as Sewda (Libya) 150 Kitui (Kenya) 137
Jbel Ouiharem (Morocco) 174 Klahoyo (Ivory Coast) 130
Jbel Saghro (Morocco) 174 Kofue Flats (Zambia) 270
Jbel Siroua (Morocco) 174 Kolkonde (Benin) 44
Jebel Marra (Sudan) 240 Komatiport (South Africa) 230
Jebel Nara (Tunisia) 258 Kombat (Namibia) 186
Jebel Oweinat (Libya) 148 Kondougou (Burkina Faso) 50
Jebel Uweinat (Egypt) 94 Korhoga (Ivory Coast) 130
Jebel Zaghouan (Tunisia) 258 Koudekouron (Senegal) 214
Jeffara (Tunisia) 258 Kouribga (Morocco) 178
Jinja (Uganda) 264 Kouroudiaka (Senegal) 214
Jos Plateau (Nigeria) 196 Kpalima-Amlame (Togo) 254
Kribi (Cameroon) 60
K Kuiseb Canyon (Namibia) 186
Kaala-Djerda-Shiba (Tunisia) 260 Kumasi (Ghana) 119
Kabalega Falls (Uganda) 265 Kwademen (Burkina Faso) 50

Kabong (Uganda) 265 Kwale (Kenya) 136, 137

Kabye-Sotouboua-Agou (Togo) 254 Kwalini (Swaziland) 245
Kabylia Massif (Algeria) 36 Kwaluseni (Swaziland) 245, 435

Kadoma (Zimbabwe) 277 Kwara (Nigeria) 196

Kakoulima-Kaloun Range (Guinea) 124 KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) 232
286 Geographical Index

L Lupa (Tanzania) 249

La Digue (Seychelles) 216 Luswishi (Zambia) 270
Lake Albert (Uganda) 265 Luxor (Egypt) 94, 95
Lake Assal (Djibouti) 88 Lydenburg (South Africa) 232
Lake Baringo (Kenya) 135, 136
Lake Bogoria (Kenya) 137 M
Lake Chad (Chad) 72, 73 Maamba-Nkandabwe (Zambia) 270
Lake Edward (Uganda) 265 Mabounie (Gabon) 113
Lake George (Uganda) 265 Mabuasehube (Botswana) 48
Lake Guinos (Namibia) 186 Mafeteng (Lesotho) 142
Lake Kivu 206 Mafi keng (South Africa) 232
Lake Langano (Ethiopia) 108 Maio (Cape Verde) 66
Lake Magadi (Kenya) 136, 137 Maiombe (Angola) 40
Lake Malawi 160 Makokou-Mekambo (Gabon) 113
Lake Margherita (Ethiopia) 108 Malanje (Angola) 38, 40
Lake Monoun (Cameroon) 60 Mamelles Volcano (Senegal) 214
Lake Mweru (Zambia) 270 Man (Ivory Coast) 128
Lake Naivasha (Kenya) 136, 137 Manica (Mozambique) 182
Lake Natron (Tanzania) 248, 249 Manu (Botswana) 48
Lake Nyassa 180, 248, 249, 250 Maore (Comoros) 74
Lake Nyos (Cameroon) 60 Maputo (Mozambique) 183
Lake Otjikoto (Namibia) 186 Maradi (Niger) 192
Lake Rukwa (Tanzania) 246, 249, 250 Margherita Peak (Uganda) 264
Lake Tana (Ethiopia) 106 Marrakech (Morocco) 178
Lake Tanganyika 54, 246, 248, 270 Marsabit (Kenya) 134
Lake Turkana (Kenya) 135, 138 Maseno (Kenya) 132
Lake Victoria 249, 264, 265 Massif d’Ambre (Madagascar) 154
Lake Zway (Ethiopia) 108 Massif l’Itasy (Madagascar) 154
Lam Mountains (Chad) 72 Matasade Hills (Kenya) 134
Lambarene (Gabon) 113 Mavita (Mozambique) 182
Lamu (Kenya) 135 Mayo Darle (Cameroon) 60
Landazi (Zambia) 270 Mayoka (Congo Republic) 84
Lanzarote (Canary Islands) 62, 65 Mayotte (Comoros) 74
Las Palmas (Canary Islands) 64 Mbabane (Swaziland) 245
Lebombo Mountains (South Africa) 234 Mbalam (Cameroon) 60
Lelatema (Tanzania) 250 Medenine (Tunisia) 258
Leona (Senegal) 214 Menengai Volcano (Kenya) 137
Liptako (Niger) 190, 192 Merelani (Tanzania) 250
Lome (Togo) 254, 256 Messak (Libya) 150
Lomie (Cameroon) 60 Metlaoui (Tunisia) 261
Longonot Volcano (Kenya) 137, 138 Middelburg (South Africa) 233
Loubboira (Mauritania) 168 Middlepits (Botswana) 48
Luanda (Angola) 41 Minjingu (Tanzania) 250
Luangwa (Zambia) 270 Misa-Höhe (Togo) 256
Luangwa Valley (Malawi) 158 Mitzic region (Gabon) 110, 112
Lubumbashi (D. R. Congo) 81 Mmamabula (Botswana) 48
Lucala (Angola) 40 Moatize (Mozambique) 183
Lueca (Angola) 40 Mogadishu (Somalia) 229
Lukasashi (Zambia) 270 Moghrein Guelb (Mauritania) 168
Lunda Norte (Angola) 38 Mohammedia (Morocco) 178
Lunga-Bunga (Angola) 40 Moheli (Comoros) 74
Lunsemfwa (Zambia) 270 Mokta (Ivory Coast) 130
Mombasa (Kenya) 134 Niassa (Mozambique) 182
Monte Manze (Mozambique) 183 Niger Delta (Nigeria) 196, 199
Monte Muambe (Mozambique) 182 Nouakchott (Mauritania) 168
Monte Salambidua (Mozambique) 183 Nova Lisboa (Angola) 38
Monts des Crystal (Gabon) 110 Nsuta (Ghana) 119
Moroccan Atlas (Morocco) 35 Ntendezi (Rwanda) 56
Moroni (Comoros) 74 Nubian Desert (Sudan) 238
Mounana (Gabon) 112 Nyamulagiri Volcano (D. R. Congo) 81, 82
Moxico (Angola) 40 Nyanza (Kenya, Tanzania) 10
Moyale (Kenya) 134 Nyiragongo Volcano (D. R. Congo) 81, 82, 83
Mpumalanga (South Africa) 232, 233 Nzako (Central African Republic) 68
Msambweni (Kenya) 136 Nzambani Rock (Kenya) 137
Mt Baker (Uganda) 264
Mt Cameroon (Cameroon) 58, 60, 61 O
Mt Elgon (Kenya) 137 Ogaden (Ethiopia) 104, 106
Mt Gao (Ivory Coast) 130 Okwa Valley (Botswana) 48
Mt Guraghe (Ethiopia) 108 Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano (Tanzania) 137
Mt Kenya (Kenya) 135 Olorgesaillie (Kenya) 137, 138
Mt Kori Timia (Niger) 190 Omaruru (Namibia) 186
Mt Mulanje (Malawi) 160 Omo Valley (Ethiopia) 106
Mt Nimba (Guinea) 124 Orange River (Namibia) 186
Mt Timia (Niger) 190 Orapa (Botswana) 49
Mubende (Uganda) 265 Otavi Mountains (Namibia) 186
Muhweza (Burundi) 56 Otjiwarongo (Namibia) 186
Mukarob (Namibia) 186, 187 Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) 50
Mulanje (Malawi) 161 Oued Amizour Mountains (Algeria) 36
Murchison Falls (Uganda) 265 Oued Assemlil (Morocco) 174
Murzuk (Libya) 150 Oueme (Benin) 44
Mutara (Rwanda) 207 Ouenza Mine (Algeria) 36
Muyinga (Burundi) 56 Ougarta Range (Algeria) 35
Mwali (Comoros) 74 Oujda (Morocco) 178
Mzuzu (Malawi) 161 Oum Avwagen (Mauritania) 168
Oumelalen-Temasent (Algeria) 34
N Outjo (Namibia) 184
Nairobi (Kenya) 137, 251
Namib Desert (Namibia) 184 P
Nampula (Mozambique) 182 Pagala (Togo) 254
Nandi Escarpment (Kenya) 132 Pagalu Island (Equatorial Guinea) 58, 59, 98
Naukloft (Namibia) 187 Palapye (Botswana) 48
Nayega (Togo) 256 Parakou (Benin) 44
Ncheua (Malawi) 161 Perkoa (Burkina Faso) 50
N ̛Djamena (Chad) 73 Pico Biao (Equatorial Guinea 100
Ndola (Zambia) 270 Pico de Príncipe (São Thomé & Príncipe) 208
Ndora (Burundi) 56 Pico de Teide (Canary Islands) 64, 65
N'Drahamcha (Mauritania) 168 Pico Sao Carlos (Equatorial Gunea) 100
Ndzuani (Comoros) 74 Pietersburg (South Africa) 232
Nelion Peak (Kenya) 135 Pissila (Burkina Faso) 50

Nelspruit (South Africa) 232 Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion) 202

Ngada (Central African Republic) 68 Piton des Neiges (Reunion) 202
Ngazidja (Comoros) 74 Pointe Noire (Congo Republic) 86

Ngong Escarpment (Kenya) 137 Port Elizabeth (South Africa) 233

Niamey (Niger) 190, 193 Port Louis (Mauritius) 170
288 Geographical Index

Port Sudan 238, 240 Sassandra (Ivory Coast) 130

Porta da Abra (Madeira) 156 Scott Elliot Pass (Uganda) 264
Potgietersrus (South Africa) 232 Sedigi (Chad) 73
Poura (Burkina Faso) 50 Segaye (Ivory Coast) 130
Praslin (Seychelles) 216 Seguela (Ivory Coast) 130
Pretoria (South Africa) 232 Sehib (Tunisia) 261
Seme (Benin) 44
Q Semha (Socotra) 224
Quelimane (Mozambique) 183 Sengwa (Zimbabwe) 277
Serra de Moriangane (Mozambique) 183
R Shaba (D. R. Congo) 80
Red Sea 88, 102, 241 Shinyanga (Tanzania) 249
Red Sea Hills (Sudan) 238 Sikasso (Mali) 164
Rehamna (Morocco) 176 Simien Mountains (Ethiopia) 106
Rehoboth (Namibia) 186) Sintou Kola (Congo Republic) 86
Richard's Bay (South Africa) 235 Solwezi (Zambia) 270
River Bofon (Guinea) 124 Songo Songo Island (Tanzania) 250
River Bomu (D. R. Congo) 78 Soutpansberg (South Africa) 230
River Chambeshi (Zambia) 270 Spitzkuppe (Namibia) 187
River Cuanza (Angola) 38 Strandfontein (South Africa) 232
River Gambia (Gambia) 114 Suakin Archepelago (Sudan) 240
River Gambia (Senegal) 214 Suguta Valley (Kenya) 135
River Huab (Namibia) 186 Swakopmund (Namibia) 186
River Kagera (Rwanda) 207 Swartkrans (South Africa) 237
River Kunene (Namibia) 184, 186
River Luapula (Zambia) 270 T
River Niger 124, 192 Tabarka (Tunisia) 258
River Nile (Egypt) 95 Table Mountains (South Africa) 233
River Nile 240 Tafi lalt region (Morocco) 174, 176
River Okavanga (Botswana) 48 Tambao (Burkina Faso) 50
River Ranch (Zimbabwe) 277 Tamerza (Tunisia) 258
River Uele (D. R. Congo) 78 Tamesna (Niger) 192
River Zambezi 158, 270 Tananarive (Madagascar) 154
Rochester Falls (Mauritius) 172 Tanga (Tanzania) 250
Rodriguez Island (Mauritius) 170 Tangier (Morocco) 32
Roka (Kenya) 136 Taraba (Nigeria) 196
Rössing (Namibia) 186 Tarfaya (Morocco) 178, 268
Rouessa (Mauritania) 168 Tassa N ̛Taghalgue (Niger) 192
Rusuma Falls (Rwanda) 207 Tassili N ̛Ajjer (Algeria) 35
Ruwenzori Mountains (Uganda) 264 Tazadif Hills (Mauritania) 168
Rwengeri (Rwanda) 204 Tazenakht (Morocco) 174
Tchibanga (Gabon) 113
S Teguida N ̛Tessouan (Niger) 192
Sabaloka (Sudan) 240 Tenere (Niger) 193
Safaga (Egypt) 96 Tenerife (Canary Islands) 64
Saint Denis (Reunion) 202 Termit-Agadem (Niger) 193
Saint Louis (Senegal) 214 Tete (Mozambique) 182, 183
Samburu (Kenya) 134 Thai Desert (Chad) 72
Santo Antao (Cape Verde) 66 Tham bani (Malawi) 161
Sao Nicolao (Cape Verde) 66 Thomson ̛s Falls (Kenya) 137
Sao Tiago (Cape Verde) 66 Tia (Ivory Coast) 130
Sao Vicente (Cape Verde) 66 Tibesti 70, 72, 148
Tidekelt (Niger) 193 W
Tigray (Ethiopia) 104 Wadi al Hitan (Egypt) 96
Tira (Uganda) 265 Wadi Hammamad (Egypt) 9
Tiris region (Western Sahara) 268 Wadi Iharnaren (Libya) 150
Tolaagnaro (Madagascar) 154 Walvis Bay (Namibia) 186
Tortiya (Ivory Coast) 130 Waterberg (Namibia) 187
Tortro (Ivory Coast) 130 West Nile (Uganda) 262
Tortuga (Equatorial Guinea) 100 Western Desert (Egypt) 92, 95
Toscanini (Namibia) 186 Windhoek (Namibia) 187
Touleplen (Ivory Coast) 130 Witbank (South Africa) 233
Townsrivier (South Africa) 233
Tromelin Island (Mauritius) 170 Y
Tsumeb (Namibia) 186, 187 Yako-Kaya-Ouahigonya (Burkina Faso) 50
Tunis (Tunisia) 32, 261 Yala (Kenya) 132
Turaca Well (Uganda) 265 Yalinga (Central African Republic) 68
Yangan-Koubenza (Congo Republic) 86
U Yaounde (Cameroon) 60
Uige (Angola) 41
Valencia (Namibia) 186 Z
Vanrhynsdorp (South Africa) 233 Zambezi River (Mozambique) 10
Vereeniging (South Africa) 233 Zambezia (Mozambique) 182
Victoria (Cameroon) 60 Zanago (Congo Republic) 84
Victoria Falls 270, 274, 278 Ziemougoula (Ivory Coast) 130
Virunga Massif (D. R. Congo) 81 Zimbabwe ruins (Zimbabwe) 277
Virunga Volcanoes (Rwanda) 206 Zomba (Malawi) 161
Vredefort (South Africa) 232, 233 Zomba Mountains (Malawi) 160
Zouerate (Mauritania) 168

Subject Index

Aaiun-Tarfaya Costal Basin 268 Ancient Gneiss Complex 16
Abdulkadir Complex 226 Ancient Series 170
Abeokuta Formation 198 andalusite 1 19
Abiod Formation 260 andesite 1 5
Abiod Formation 261 Andriba Group 152
Abu Balas Formation 94 Androna Group 152
Abu Ziran Group 92 Anfongilian Granitoids 152
Abyad Basin 94 Angavo Group 152
Accraian Series 118 angiosperms 4 9
Adamawa Uplift 60 Angola Shield 76
Aden Series 102 Angonia Group 180
Adoudounian Series 174 Aniuri Mine 130
Aepyornis maximus 154 Ankazaba Group 152
Afar Depression 88 Antenina Group 152
Afar Triple Junction 88 Anti-Atlas Domain 174, 176
Afema Shear Zone 130 antimony 178, 232, 235
Agadez Basin 190 Antriamena Group 152
agate 1 42 Antsakomiary Group 152
agrogeology 4 apatite 2 65
Ain Grab Group 260 Apenine segment 32
Aioujian episode 126 Apollonian Group 118
Akilet Deilel Series 32 aquamarine 1 86, 273
Akinbo Formation 198 Arabian-Nubian Shield 92
Akjout Copper Deposit 168 archaeocyathids 1 76
Alaotra Group 152 arena granites 264
alaskite 7 6 Argana Basin 176
Albertine Rift 266 Arthrophycus 9 4
Aleg Formation 260 articulate brachiopods 26
Algoma type BIF 16 artifacts 2 8
alkaline volcanics 22, 24 Aruan Group 262
Alto Zambezi Group 180 Aruwumi Group 80
Alveolina 9 5 Asaharbitu Formation 134
Amarasinde Bed 190 Asankrangwa Belt 116
Amaro Horst 106 Asata Shale 198
Ambarolampy Group 152 asbestos 102, 119, 182, 236, 244, 277
Ambodiriana Migmatites 152 Ashanti Belt 116
Amded Formation 35 Aswa Shear Zone 22, 265
amethyst 142, 250 Atacora Domain 254
Amisian Group 118, 135, 154, 198, 260 Atacora Group 42
Amouslek Formation 174 Atlas Belt 174
Ampasary Group 152 Atlas Rift 176
amphibians 2 34 Australopithecus afarensis 109
amphibolites 21, 42, 68, 108, 110, 122, 162, 196, 228, Avalanche Mine 244
238, 242, 254 Awga Formation 198
Amsaga Group 162 Aysha Horst 102
Azanguerene Gneiss 190 Bongo Granite 118
azurite 1 68, 272 Bongolova-Ranotsara Lineanent 154
Bosumtwi Meteorite Impact Crater 119, 120
B Bou Hedma Formation 260
Bafata Group 122, 126 Bou-Azzer inlier 174
Bambio Formation 68 Boudinar Formation 260
Bambouto Caldera 61 Bove basin 26, 122, 126, 166
Bandas Belt 68 Bove-Bafata Syncline 126
Banded Iron Formation (BIF) 68, 124, 128, 132, 220, Brachiopoda 2 6
249 brachiopods 122, 164, 168, 258, 268
Bangweulu Block 272, 273 Brachiosaurus brancai 251
Bangweulu Craton 80 branchiopods 1 34
Bangweulu Group 20, 21 breccia 80 , 156
Bania Group 122 bryozoans 2 68
Baoule-Mossi Domain 128 Buem Group 42, 118
Baoule-Mossi Province 20 Buganda-Toro Supergroup 20
Barberton Greenstone Belt 15, 230, 242 Buganda-Toro System 262, 264
Barberton Supergroup 232 Buhwa Fossil Site 267
Barue Complex 180 Bukoban System 54, 80, 264
baryte 102, 113, 146, 161, 200 Bulawayan Group 274
Bassarides 1 66, 212 Bullon Group 222
Bassaris Branch 212 Bunyoro Series 264
Batapa Group 126 Bur Basement 228
Batéké sequence 112 Bur Mayo Formation 134
batholites 21, 22, 70, 116, 242 Burdigalian 36
Batopa Group 212 Burgersdorp Formation 140
bauxite 4, 50, 60, 72, 119, 124, 126, 146, 161, 165, 183, Burundian Supergroup 54, 204
222 Bushmanland Craton 233
Beaufort Group 10, 28, 48, 140, 234, 244 Bushveld Complex 20, 230, 232, 235, 236
Bechar Basin 35, 36 Byumba Series 204
Begrama Group 152
Behara Group 152 C
Bellekoiré Bed 190 caldera 1 00
Bember System 38 Caledonian Cycle 35
Beninia Gneiss 196 Caledonian-Hercynian Event 24
Benin-Nigeria Orogen 196 calpionellids 2 60
bentonite 2 50 Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) 58, 60, 98
Benue Trough 24, 60 Cape Fold Belt 24, 26, 230
Bereme Gneiss 78 Cape Granite 233
beryl 1 19, 182 Cape Supergroup 24, 233
Betic segment 32 carbonatites 38, 40, 67, 182, 230, 248, 251, 262, 265,
Bibiani Shear Zone 130 266, 270
Bikosi conglomerates 86 Carnot-Berberati Formation 68
Bima sandstone 199 Casanje Graben 38
Birrimian Event 59, 144, 164, 190, 192, 212, 252 cassiterite 56, 69, 119, 200
Birrimian Supergroup 20, 116, 118, 122 Cave Sandstone 244
bivalves 1 98, 260 Central African Mobile Zone (CAMZ) 58, 60

Black Reef Quartzite 235 Central Tectonic Province 180

Bled-el-Mass anticlinorium 35 cephalopods 1 76
Bole-Navrongo Belt 116 Chad Basin 70

Bombouaka Supergroup 118 Chad Formation 199

Bomu Gneissic Complex 78 Chaillu Massif 78, 84, 86, 110
292 Subject Index

charnockites 38, 42, 76, 78, 79, 98, 110, 158, 196, 198, Danakil Horst 88, 102
220, 248, 270 Danissa Formation 134
Cherichira Sandstone 260 Darfur Block 238
Cheringoma Formation 183 decollement zone 24
Chilwa Alkaline Province 160 Dekoa Belt 68
Chinkozi Caves 277 Devil ̛s Reef Mine 244
Chiura Supergroup 180 Diale Series 212
Chiwonde beds 160 diamonds 4, 40, 48, 60, 68, 80, 86, 112, 119, 124, 139,
Choma-Kaloma Block 20 142, 146, 164, 186, 214, 222, 234, 235, 244, 249, 254
chromite 4, 44, 119, 192, 235, 238, 274, 277 diatomite 1 36, 206
chromium 40, 4 4, 72, 86, 193, 232, 234, 238, 249, Dicroidium 1 40
277 Didimtu Formation 134
chrysocolla 1 86 Diego Basin 152
chrysotile 236, 245, 277 Dinosaur Beds 160
Chuan Shear Zone 22 dinosaur footprints 187
Clarens Formation 28, 140, 142 dinosaurs 2 60
coal 82, 192, 200, 234, 236, 244, 250, 266, 272, 273, Dinsor Complex 228
277 dioptas 1 86
coal measures 26 Dixcove type granites 118
cobalt 4, 40, 60, 81, 130, 146, 273, 277 Djanet-Tafassasset terrain 34
coltan 4, 81, 206 Dodo Member 222
columbite 1 19, 200 Dodoman Belt 246
columbium-tantalum 56, 72, 81, 206 Dokhan volcanics 92
conglomerates 36, 54, 84, 94, 116, 132, 144, 156, 192, Dokolwayo Kimberlite 244
204, 212, 233, 246, 270 dolerite dykes 20, 68
Congo Basin 28 dolerites 38
Congo Craton 15, 16, 46, 76, 79, 80, 110, 184 dolomite 4
Congo intracratonic sag basin 26 dongas 1 42
Congolian Group 16 Douala Basin 58, 60, 98
conodonts 1 64, 192 Doukkal Basin 178
Continental Intercalaire 94, 199 Drakensberg basaltic lavas 28
Continental Terminal 72, 192 Drakensberg Group 140, 234
Continental Terminal Series 114 duricrusts 1 26
copper 40, 44, 48, 68, 73, 86, 95, 10 2, 126, 136, 161, 168, Dwalile Suite 242
178, 182, 184, 186, 193, 232, 235, 249, 265, 272, 277 Dwyka Group 10, 26, 28, 48, 140, 142, 184, 233, 244
corals 74, 192, 258, 268 dyke swarms 24
corundum 1 61 Dzalanyama Granite 158
Cruziana 94 , 192
cuprite 1 68 E
East African Rift System 10, 15
D East Sahara Craton 238
Dahomeyan System 118 Eburnean Event 42, 116, 128, 162, 164, 166
Dahomeyide Orogen 42, 254 Eburnean Orogeny 84, 98, 196, 212
Daisy Mine 244 Eburnean Shield 32, 34, 35
Dakacha Formation 134 Eburnian province 20
Dakhla Basin 94, 95 Ecca Group 10, 28, 48, 140, 184, 233, 244, 265
Dalema Series 212 Echinodermata 2 6
Damar Metasediments 21 echinoderms 2 60
Damara Belt 46 echinoids 1 98
Damara Orogenic Belt 184 eclogites 4 2
Danakil Depression 106, 107 Edoukel Micaschists 190
Danakil Graben 88 El Haria Formation 260
Elliot Formation 28, 140, 142 gold 4, 44, 48, 50, 56, 60, 68, 73, 81, 86, 95, 100, 108,
emerald 232, 250, 273, 277 112, 118, 124, 126, 128, 135, 146, 161, 164, 182, 186,
enderbites 38 200, 206, 214, 222, 232, 234, 235, 236, 238, 244, 249,
Enugu Shale 198 254, 266, 277
Epupa Complex 184 Gombe Sandstone 199
Esua Shale 95 Gongila Formation 199
Etosha Basin 28 goniatites 1 76
Etosha intracratonic sag basin 26 Gordonia Subprovince 21
evaporites 88, 95, 168, 228, 238, 250, 268 Gorouel Belt 192
Ewekoro Formation 198 Goulimine Series 174
Eze-Aku Formation 198 grabens 2 8
Granitic-Gneissic Complex 68
F graphite 182, 186, 250, 277
Faleme Iron Deposit 214 graptolites 26, 122, 126, 164, 168, 174, 176, 268
Falkland Belt 46 Great Dyke 18, 20, 242, 274, 277
Fayum Depression 95 greenschists 21, 22, 34
feldspar 1 02, 200 greenstone belt 15, 50, 68, 78, 152, 164, 180, 182, 220,
Fig-Tree Group 242 265, 274
Fika Formation 199 Gregory Rift 135, 248
Fingoe Group 180 greywacke 34, 128, 132, 190, 212, 270
fluorite 182, 184, 235 Grijima Formation 260
fluorspar 136, 186 Griqualand Basin 232
flysch 28, 50, 242 Grootfontain Complex 184
Foraminifera 26 Grudja Formation 182
foraminifers 154, 258, 260 guano 2 18
Forbes Reef Mine 244 Guinea Rise 50
Forecariah Group 122 Gwembe Coal Formation 272
Fort Dauphin Group 152 gypsum 67, 102, 105, 183, 200
Fortuna Formation 260
Foumban Shear Zone 60 H
Franceville Supergroupv110 Hammamet Group 92
Freretown Formation 135 Harmony Mine 234
fusulinids 2 58 Hartley Complex 274
Hassaouna Sandstone 146
G Haut Shiloanga Group 84, 86
Gabbro-Syenite Belt 226 hawaiites 1 00, 208
Gaborone Granite 46 hematite 36, 95, 146
Gafsa Group 260 Hercynian Cycle 35, 36
Gairezi Group 180, 182 Hercynian foreland 26
Ganguan Greenstone belt 78, 79 Hercynian Orogeny 22, 24, 92
garnet 95, 186, 196, 273 Hereri Formation 134
gastropods 1 98 HIV/AIDS 4, 5, 48, 236
Geita Mine 249 Hlatikulu Granite 242
Ghadames Basin 35 Hoba Meteorite 186, 187
Ghallames Group 162 hominids 1 61
Ghanzi Group 46 hot spot 74
Gibi Mountain Formation 144 Huab Complex 184

glaciation 2 8 Huri Group 80

glauconites 4 4, 72 hydrocarbons 4 , 36
Globigerina 1 56

Gneissic-Granulitic Complex 262 I

Golberobe Formation 134 Iapetus Ocean 22
294 Subject Index

ignimbrites 1 06 Karoo Basin 142, 232

Igukku Formation 132 Karoo rifting 74
Illizi Basin 35, 36 Karoo Supergroup 24, 26, 38, 46, 134, 140, 142, 152,
ilmenite 95, 114, 124, 136, 222, 235 160, 180, 182, 183, 230, 233, 244, 246, 248, 265, 266,
In Ouzzal granulites complex 34 270, 272
Inchirian episodev 127 Karumve Group 54
Inda Ad Complex 226 Kasai Shield 76
Inkisi Group 80, 84, 86 Kasai-Lomami gabbro-norite 76
insects 49, 94, 140, 234 Kasai Craton 38
inselberg 160, 166, 238 Kasewe Hills Formation 222
Insuzi Lavas 242 Kasila Group 220
Intermediate Series 170 Katanga Group 180
Iramba-Sekenke Mine 249 Katanga Supergroup 270
iron 48, 60 , 73, 95, 102, 113, 144, 146, 182, 193, 234, Katanga System 76
244 Katangan episode 158
Irrelouchem volcanic rocks 35 Katangula Group 180
Irumide Belt 46, 180, 272, 273 Kavirondian System 132, 246
Irumide Block 20, 21 Kayes inlier 166
Isahara Group 152 Kazigwe amphibolites 54
Isalo Group 152 Kedougou Inlier 212
itabirites 113, 144, 146 Kenema Assemblage 220, 222
Iullemiden Basin 28, 192, 193, 196, 199 Kenema-Man Domainv122, 128, 220
Iwaneng Pipe 48 Kenieba inlier 166
Kenya Dome 135
J Kerri Kerri Formation 199
Jebel Quatrani Formation 95 Kheis Beltv46
Jebel Rahib Belt 238 Kibago Group 54
Jeffara-Malta Axis 150 Kibalian Greenstone Belt 78
Jobaria tiguidensis 193 Kibaran Belt 20, 21, 24, 38, 42, 46, 54, 56, 204, 272,
Jofane Formation 183 273
Johannesburg Dome 230 Kibaran Event 266
Kibiongoni Formation 134
K Kibi-Winiba Belt 116
Kabolonde Mine 244 kimberlites 24, 38, 40, 48, 116, 119, 130, 142, 146, 165,
Kabylian Basement 36 186, 230, 234, 236, 249, 272
Kalahari Basin 28, 48 Kimezian Supergroup 84
Kalahari Craton 80, 184 Kindia Formation 122
Kalahari Group 230, 234 kinzigites 3 8
Kalahari Supergroup 15, 38, 40, 46 Kipevu Beds 135
Kalahari Suture Zone 46 Kipushi Mine 81
Kambe Formation 134 Kisegi-Nyabusossi Fossil Site 267
Kambui Supergroupv220 Kisii Group 132
Kamina Group 80 Kissi Kissi Formation 122
Kanda Kanda Gneiss 76 Kolente Group 122
Kanda Kanda Tonalites 76 komatiites 1 5
Kande Schists 254 Komba Basin 212
Kangankunde Carbonatite 160 Kombele Formation 69
kaolin 41, 44, 102, 119, 200, 245 Kordofan Metasediments 238
Kapvaal Cr aton 15, 16, 18, 4 6, 230, 232, 233, 2 42, Koulountou Group 126
244 Koulountoun Branch 212
Karagwe-Ankolean System 246, 248, 249, 262, 266 Kounsouta Formation 122
Karasuk Group 265 Kubu Island Granite 46
Kudu Gas Field 186 Madzuire Group 180
Kufra Basin 70, 146 magnetite 95, 150
Kule Formation 48 Magondi Belt 46
Kundelunga Supergroup 80 Magondi Supergroup 274
Kundelungu Group 272 Mahalapye Complex 46
Kwanga Series 80 Maif Complex 226
Kwanza coastal basin 40 Maji ya Chumvi Formation 134
Kwetta Granite 242 Makalondi Belt 192
kyanite 1 96 Makamba Gneiss 242
Mako Series 212
L Makoppa Dome 230
Laetoli 2 51 malachite 168, 193, 272
Lake Chad Basin 60 Malagarasian Supergroup 54, 80
Lake Stephanie Rift 108 Malami Dolomite 235
Lambaréné Migmatite 110 Mali Group 122, 126, 212
lamellibranchs 1 76, 261 Malmesbury Group 233
Lawra Belt 116 Maloma Mine 245
lead 11, 73, 86, 102, 113, 126, 136, 165, 182, 184, 186, 198, Mambere Formation 68
200, 235, 249, 261, 273 mammals 95, 154
Lebombo Group 234 Mamu Formation 198
Lebung Group 48 Man Shield 144
Lecani Canyon 110 Manapofsy Group 152
lemuriformes 1 54 Mandera Basin 134
Leo Shield 144, 162, 164 Mandera Formation 134
Leonean Event 220 manganese 4, 82, 86, 112, 119, 130, 234, 238
Leonian Orogeny 128, 144 Mangbei Basin 58
leptynites 3 4 Mango Shales 254
Lesotho Formation 140 Manica Belt 182
Liberian Event 220 Manica Group 180, 182
Liberian Orogeny 128, 144, 196 Mansa Guda Formation 134
Limpopo Belt 15, 18, 46, 230, 232, 274 mantle plume 67
Limpopo Mobile Belt 277 Marampa Group 220
Limpopo Orogeny 158 marble 88, 102, 136, 162, 165, 186, 212, 238, 265
Lindian Supergroup 80 Marehan Formation 134
Lions Cavern 245 Margarini Beds 135
Livingstonia Coal Field 161 Mariakani Formation 134
Lobatse Group 46 Marvatanana Group 152
Lochiel Granite 242 Mascarene Oceanic Basin 216
Loko Group 220 Maseno Basalts 132
Lualaba Series 80 Mashonaland Dolerites 20
Lucy 1 09 Masora Group 152
Luena Mine 82 Massylian flysch 36
Lufi lian Arc 80, 81, 272, 273 Massylian nappe 36
Lufubu System 270 Mativa Granite 84
Luia Group 180 Matolani Formation 134
Lurio Supergroup 180 Maud Belt 46
Luuq Member 228 Mauritanides 126, 162, 166, 168, 169, 268

Mayombe Supergroup 84
M Mayombe-Nganga Terrane 110
Mabale Formation 222 Mayumbian Supergroup 38

Madi Series 264 Mazeras Formation 134

Madina-Kouta Basin 212 Mbozi Meteorite 251
296 Subject Index

Mbuyi Mayi Supergroup 80 Mozambique Orogenic Belt 10, 20, 21, 22

Mchinji Group 158 Mozanbique Tectonic Province 180
Meatiq Group 92 Mpaka Colliery 244
Mecuburi Group 180 Mpioka Group 80, 84, 86
Meengueur-Mengueur Ring Dyke 192 Mponono Suite 242
Meloussi Formation 260 Mporokoso Group 20
Meponda Group 180 Mswati Granite 242
mercury 2 32 Mtombe Granite 242
Meseta Domain 174, 176 Mtomkuu Formation 134
Messinian Event 95 Muaguiba Group 180
Messioura Formation 260 Mudaa Formation 132
methane 2 06 Mudeck Formation 60
Metlaoui Formation 260 Mukogodo migmatites 22
Mhlatuzane Gneiss 242 Mukolian Supergroup 230
mica 119, 273, 277 Mukorob Site 187
Migmatite-Gneiss Complex 196 Murchison Greenstone Belt 230, 232
migmatites 20, 21, 32, 4 2, 4 6, 58, 84 , 122, 190, 228, Murri Formation 134
254, 270 Murzuk Basin 146
Migori Granite 132 Musefa episode 38
Migori Segment 132 Musengezi Complex 274
Milankovich Cycles 28 Musindozi Group 54
Minim-Martap Complex 60 Musoma-Mara Mine 249
Mirian Group 262 Muva Supergroup 21, 270
Misaha Trough 94 muzuka 2 06
Mityana Series 264 Mvoda Formation 132
mixtites 3 8 Mwashya Group 80, 272
Miyove Series 204 Mwembeshi Shear Zone 273
Mkhondo Suite 242 mylonites 1 22
Mliba Granodiorite 242 mylonitization 5 4
Mmathete Granite 46
Moaka Colliery 244 N
Modipe Gabbro 46 Nama Group 46, 184
Mokoko-Abana Oilfield 60 Namaqua Belt 46
molasse 34, 44, 54, 80, 86, 92, 116, 118, 246, 265 Namaqua Province 20, 21, 230, 233
Mollusca 2 6 Namibian System 184
molluscs 1 98 Nampala Supergroup 180
Molteno Formation 28, 140, 142, 234, 244 Napak Volcano 267
molybdenum 119, 126, 193 Natal Belt 46
Mombasa Basin 134 nautilids 1 76
monazite 95, 119 Negrine-Tozeur-Kebili Fault 258
Monga Gneiss 78 neodymium 1 1
Monogaga deposit 130 Ngaoundal Complex 60
monzonites 1 10 Ngorongoro Crater 251
Moodies Group 242, 245 Ngwane Gneiss 242
Mora Complex 226 Ngwenya Mine 244, 245
Morondava Basin 152 Nhamatanda Group 180
Mosso Group 54 Nhlangano Gneiss 242
Moukka-Ouadda Formation 68 Niassa Tectonic Province 180
Mount Gangan Formation 122 nickel 40, 4 8, 56, 60 , 73, 86, 102, 124, 130, 146, 161,
Moyo episode 38 182, 193, 232, 235, 249, 277
Mozaan Group 242 niobium 86, 250, 265
Mozambique Channel 74 Nkoma 5 4
Nkondo-Kaiso Fossil Site 267 P
Nkondolo Sediments 244 palynomorphs 2 6, 134
Nkporo Formation 198 Pan-African Event 20
North Dapaong Zone 254 Pan-African Orogeny 22, 24, 32
North Gabon Massif 110 Passarge Basin 46
Nosop-Ncojane Basin 46 Paul da Serra Beds 156
Nouakchottian episode 127 pegmatites 70, 73, 238
Nsukka Formation 198 Pendjari Series 52
Ntem Group 58 Pendjari Supergroup 118
Nubian Cycle 238 peridotite 2 74
Nubian Sandstone 9, 70, 94, 238 petrified forest 187
Numidian flysch 36 Pezophes solitaria 170
Numidian Nappe 36, 261 Phalaborwa Mine 234, 235
nummulites 9 5 Pharusian Belt 22
Nyakasura Caves 267 Pharusian Chain 35
Nyanzian Group 15 phonolites 38, 74, 202
Nyanzian System 132, 246, 264 phosphates 4, 40, 41, 56, 86, 95, 126, 150, 165, 168, 178,
Nyero Rock Shelter 266, 267 214, 215, 235, 236, 250, 254, 261, 266, 268
Nyika granite 158 Piggs Peak Mine 244
Nzangi Gneiss 78 Pilanesberg Volcano 232, 233
Nzega Mine 249 Pilgrims Rest-Sable Deposit 235
pillow lava 220, 238
O Pita Group 122, 126
Obosum Group 44 platinum 40, 48, 192, 232, 234, 235, 266, 277
Odukpani Formation 198 platinum group minerals (PGM) 4
Oendolongo System 20 polymetallic nodules 170
Ogooué Orogenic Belt 110 Pongola Supergroup 15, 242
Ogooué Supergroup 110 porphyrites 21
Okanjande Deposit 186 potash 1 02, 113
Okaria Volcanic Field 137 pozzolana 60, 67, 74
Okawango Basin 28 Pretoria Group 235
Okawango intracratonic sag basin 26 Pugu Hill Kaolin Deposit 250
Okitipupa Ridge 198 pumice 1 02
Okorusa Mine 186 Pyrenean phase 36
Okwa Group 46 pyroxenites 4 2, 238
Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano 251
Older Granites 196, 198 Q
Olontole Complex 228 Quabri Bahar Complex 226
Omingonde Formation 184
Onverwacht Group 242 R
oolites 72 , 268 Rabi-Kounga Oil Field 112
ophiolites 21, 42, 92, 134, 190, 238 radiolarians 1 98
Orbata Carbonates 260 Rahmu Formation 134
Oti Group 44 Ranomena Group 152
Oti Supergroup 118 Ranotsara Group 152
Ouankifondi Group 122 Ranotsara Shear Zone 152
Ouarzazate Series 174 Raphus cucullatus 172

Ouled Dhlim 268 Raq al Abiod Complex 166

Oum Domil Formation 260 Red Sea Depression 238
Oumat el Ham Group 268 Reguibat Shield 32, 162, 166, 268

Owelli Sandstone 198 Rehoboth-Sinclair Complex 184

reptiles 2 34
298 Subject Index

rhodolite 2 50 Sidi Aich Sands 260

rhyolites 246, 264, 270 silexites 3 6
Rif Alpine orogenic system 26 sillimanite 1 96
Rif Domain 174, 176 silver 40, 186, 192
Rifo-Tellian Chain 258 Singo Series 264
ring complexes 24, 58, 198 skarn 8 1
Rio-del-Rey Basin 58, 60 Skolithos 94, 164, 168, 192
Roan Group 272, 273 Skorpion Zinc Mine 186
Roan Supergroup 80 Soakibany Group 152
Rokel River Groupv22, 144, 220, 222 soda ash 48
Rokelide Orogen 122, 124 Sokoto Basin 196
Rokelides 1 66, 220 Somali Coastal Basin 228
Rosh Pinah Mine 186 Songwe Carbonatite 161
ruby 2 50 Souar Formation 260
rudists 2 60 speleothem 26 7
Rukesa Formation 134 spodumen 1 19
Rushinga Group 180 staurolite 1 96
Rusizi-Ubendian Orogeny 158 Ste Luce Group 152
rutile 60, 114, 124, 136, 161, 222, 235 Stormberg Group 10, 28, 140, 160, 184, 244
Ruwenzori Fold Belt 264 stratovolcano 98, 100
Rwamagaza Mine 249 stromatolites 34, 35, 38, 164, 232, 268
Strombus 2 61
S strontium 11
Sable River Basalts 244 Suggarian Chain 35
Sahambano Group 152 Sungwa beds 160
Sahantaha Group 152 Swakop Group 186
Sakamena Group 152 Swaziland Supergroup 242
Sakoa Group 152 sylvite 1 02
salt diapir 112
San Francisco-Congo Cratons 24 T
Sansikwa Group 84, 86 Taban Group 122
Saouda series 166 Taban Member 222
sapphire 2 50 Table Mountain Group 26, 233
Sassandra mylonitic zone 128 Tadrari Sandstone 146
Schisto-Calcaire Group 84, 86 Tafaratian episode 126
Schisto-Quartzitic Complex 68 Tafeliant Group 162
Sebaiya Mine 95 Tafourfouzete Formation 190
Sebakwian Group 274 Taguei Intrusion 192
Sefwi Belt 116 Tahoua Apatite Deposit 193
Seir Formation 134 Taia Formation 222
Sekondian Series 118 Taiba Domain 215
Selebi Phikwe Complex 48 talc 113, 245, 273
Selous Basin 249 Tamale Supergroup 118
Selukwe Complex 274 Tanezrouft-Adrar Zone 34
Sembe-Ouesso Group 84, 86 Tanga Cement Factory 250
Senegal Basin 212 tantalite 113, 130, 200
Series de Carnat 60 tantalum 86, 265
serpentinite 2 45 Tanzania Craton 15, 22, 246
Shamvaian Group 16, 152, 274 tanzanite 2 49, 250
She Mine 244 Taoudeni Basin 162, 164, 166
Shiselweni Amphibolites 242 Tarawan Shale 95
Shivahala Formation 132 Tarkwaian Group 20, 50, 116, 118, 128
Taru Formation 134 Tuli Basin 48
Tati Greenstone Belt 16 tungsten 56, 72, 206, 249
Taung Child 237 Tunisian Trough 258
Telimele Group 122, 126 Turkana Basin 135
Tellian Chain 35, 36
Tellian Domain 258, 261 U
Tendaguru 2 51 Ubendian Belt 246, 272
tentaculitesv176 Ubendian Orogeny 54
Tera-Gassa Belt 192 Umkondo Group 180, 182
Tessalit-Tilemsi Greywackes 162, 164 Umvimeela Dyke 274
Tete Group 180 Upper Luangi Granite Gneiss 76
Tethyan-type faunav26 uranium 40, 68, 72 , 86, 112, 124, 142, 161, 186, 192,
Tethys 9 4 235, 273
Teye Formation 222 Usushwana Complex 242
Thie s Domain 215 Usutu Suite 242
tholeiites 16, 140, 174 Uweinat inlier 92
tholeitic dykes 24
tholeitic gabbros 35 V
thorium 8 6 vanadium 40, 54, 56, 232, 234, 235
Thr inoxodon liorhinus 237 Varvatenina Group 152
Tibai Member 222 Venice Mine 277
Tibesti Belt 22 Ventersdorp Supergroup 15, 232
Tibestian 70 vermiculite 1 36, 235
Tilemsi Zone 35 Volta basin 118, 190, 254
tillites 26, 34, 38, 42, 118, 122, 162, 164, 168, 176, 212, Voltaian Belt 21
233, 254, 264, 272 Voltaian Supergroup 22, 42
Timessalarsine succession 35 Vondraza Group 152
tin 56, 70, 72, 86, 200, 206, 249, 273 Vredefort Dome 230
Tindouf Basin 162 Vumba Greenstone Belt 16
Tiririne Formation 34, 35
titaniferous sands 114 W
titanium 4, 73, 86, 130, 232, 234 Wabane landslide 61
Todi Shear Zone 144 Walidiala Group 122
Togo Belt 21 Wankie Colliery 277
Togo Group 42, 44 Waterberg Supergroup 230
Togo Series 118 Waterberg-Soutpansberg-Matsap Supergroup 15
Tolongoina Group 152 Waterfall Mine 244
Tonaf Anticlinorium 35 Watian Event 79, 262
tonalites 78, 238, 242 Wedza Complex 274
tourmaline 124, 186, 238, 250 West A frican Craton 15, 32, 122, 128, 144, 162, 166,
trace fossils 248 174, 212, 220, 252, 268
trachytes 38, 74 West Congolian Belt 78,
Tranomaro Group 152 West Congolian mobile belt 38, 84, 86
Transvaal Supergroup 46, 230, 232, 236 West Nile Complex 78, 79
Trap series 106 Witbank Basin 236
travertine 1 36 Witwatersrand Basin 232
trilobites 26, 174, 176 Witwatersrand Supergroup 15, 230, 232

trona 1 35 wolfram 7 0, 86
tsavorite 2 50 Wolkberg Group 235
Tsawela Gneiss 242 wollastonite 1 36, 186

Tsitondroina Group 152 Wonji Fault Belt 108

Tuareg Shield 20, 32, 34, 162, 164 Wylesdale Mine 244
300 Subject Index

xenocysts 1 00

Yetti Series 32
Youkounkoun Basin 212
Youkounkoun Group 122, 126, 212
Younger Granites 192, 196, 198, 226
Younger Series 170

Zadinian Supergroup 38
Zambezi Belt 272, 273, 274
Zambezi Group 180
Zambue Group 180
Zariga Formation 88
Zebbaq Formation 260
Zenaga Series 174
Zibane Zone 35
Zimbabwe Craton 15, 46, 182, 274
zinc 81, 86, 102, 113, 126, 136, 165, 178, 184, 186, 198,
200, 235, 249, 254, 261, 273
zircon 4, 95, 114, 124, 136, 235
zirconium 4 , 234
Authors Index

Abbate, E. (1973), (1994) 91, 102, 109, 223, 229 Baudin, B. (1984) 207
Ackermand, D. (1994) 155 Bebiano, J. B. (1932) 66
Adegbesan, B. A. (1994) 201 Becq-Giraudon, J.-F. (1987) 183
Aden, I. H. (1994) 229 Behrensmeyer, A. K. (1992) 28
Adly Abdel Mageed, A. (1978) 241 Belinga, S. E. (2001) 61
Afevedo, T. M. (2004) 126 Bell, S. V. (1964) 120
Affaton, P. (1987), (1990), (1991) 45, 120, 256 Bellini, E. (1980) 146
Afonso, R. (2004) 207 Bellion, G. (1986), (1990), (1991) 45, 73, 215
Afonso, R. S. (1976), (1978) 183 Bellon, H. (2004) 91
Agueev, Y. I. (1998) 41 Ben Haj Ali, M. (1985) 261
Aicard, P. (1959) 256 Ben Salem, H. (1985) 261
Aitken, A. C. (1961) 252 Bertrand, H. (1978), (1983) 37, 165
Alcard, P. (1957), (1960) 45 Bertrand-Sarfati, B. (1990) 45
Alidon, S. (1990) 73 Besaire, H. H. (1956), (1964), (1966) 155
Allen, P. M. (1969) 223 Bessoles, B. (1969), (1977) 52, 61
Alves, P. H. (2004) 126 Beuse, C. (1962) 215
Alzouma, K. A. (1990) 73 Beydoun, Z. R. (1970) 223
Amedofu, S. K, (1995) 120 Bezusko, P. (2006) 52
Anderson, J. M. (1998) 237 Bichan, H. R. (1970) 223
Arambourg, C. (1936) 113 Bienkinson, T. G. (1991) 278
Arana, V. (1991) 65 Billa, M. (2004) 52
Araujo, J. R. (1987), (1998) 41, 183 Billard, G. (2004) 202
Aribisala, O. A. (1994) 201 Biryabarema, M. (2001) 267
Armstrong, R. A. (2000) 49 Bishop, W. F. (1975), (1988) 261
Arthurs, J. W. (1981) 223 Black, R. (1983) 165
Arush, M. A. (1994) 229 Bloomfield, K. (1966) 161
Asfawossen, A. (2004) 109 Bosse, H.-R. (1996) 6
Ashwal, L. D. (1997a, b), (1998), (2000) 6, 155, 218 Boucarut, M. (1985) 91
Assuncao, C. Torre de (1965) 66 Bouchez, J. L. (2006) 52
Aucott, J. W. (1981) 223 Boucot, A. J. (1999) 28
Awadalla Yassin, A. (1984) 241 Boudzoumou, F. (2006) 87
Ayonghe, S. N. (2006) 61 Bowen, R. (1987) 11, 91, 96
Ayres, N. (2000) 49 Brinckmann, J. (1970) 109
Brinkmann, J. (2001) 57
B Bronner, G. (1978), (1991) 37, 131, 179, 215, 261, 268
Bachelery, P. (1993) 74 Brusrewi, M. T. (1980) 146
Baker, B. H. (1963a, b) 218 Burollet, P. F. (1971), (2004) 6, 146
Balcha, T. (1978) 109 Buscaglione, L. (1994) 229
Barbey, P. (1995), (2000) 61, 194 Busche D. (1998) 146
Bard, J. P. (1974) 52, 131 Bussiere, P. (1958) 202
Barning, K. (2005) 120 Bwalya, J. J. (1994) 273

Barr, M. (1987) 183

Barrere, J. (1965) 215 C
Bates, D. A. (1955) 120 Caby, R. (1983), (1987) 37, 165

Battistini, R. (1965) 155 Cahen-Vachette, M. (1979), (1988) 146, 155

Baudet, D. (1988), (2004) 57, 83 Cahen, L. (1967), (1984) 11, 38, 45, 83
302 Authors Index

Caldeira, R. (2004) 207 Davies, A. M. (1922) 120

Calvez, J. Y. (1993) 183 Davies, D. (1964) 218
Campbell, S. D. G. (1991) 278 Davies, T. (2008) 6
Canuti, P. (1973) 91, 102, 109, 223 Davis, D. W. (1996) 131
Carite, D. (2000) 169 De Bock, F. R. (1989) 183
Carlson, R. W. (1998) 278 De Carvalho, H. (2004) 126
Carvalho, H. (1983) 41 De Klasz, I. (1990) 73
Casey, O. P. (1963) 201 De Souza Filho, C. R. (1998) 102
Castellano, M. C. (2004) 41 De Wit, M. (2000) 6
Casting, L. (2004) 52 Debenay, J. P. (1986) 215
Censier, C. (2001) 68 Deblond, A. (1990), (1999) 57
Chamalaan, F. G. (1969) 172 Delhal, J. (1984) 11, 45
Charpy, N. (1978) 131 Delor, C. (1999) 125
Charsky, T. J. (1972) 161 Delvaux, D. (2000) 49
Chartry, G. (2004) 83 Deruelle, B. (1987 a, b), (1988), (1991) 61, 100, 207
Chevalier, C. (1999) 113 Deschamp, A. J. (1975) 109
Chevremont, B. (2004) 52 Deschamp, Y. (2004) 252
Chirac, J. (1999) 179 Deschamps, M. (1991) 37, 131
Cilek, G. C. (1989) 183 Diabira, F. (2004) 169
Ciraba, M. (2007) 83 Dimichele, W. A. (1992) 28
Claessens, W. (1987) 57 Donzeau, B. (2004) 52
Clark, M. C. (1975) 245 Dorbor, J. K. (1990) 146
Clifford, A. C. (1986) 28 Drury, S. A. (1998) 102
Clin, M. (1985), (1970) 91 Drysdahl, A. R. (1961), (1972) 273
Coakley, G. J. (1999) 6 Duarte-Morais, M. I. (2004) 41
Collingnon, M. (1956) 155 Dubois, D. (1990) 73
Conant, C. C. (1970) 146 Ducrot, J. (1978) 37
Condray, J. (1993) 74 Duncan, R. A. (1982) 74
Corfu, F. (2000) 49 Dupuis, D. (1996) 113
Cornee, J.-J. (1991) 179 Durand, A. (1990) 73
Corneu, G. (1980) 100
Costa, A. (1999) 125 E
Costa, F. L. (2001) 66 Egal, E. (2004) 52
Costa, M. (1987) 183 Eide, E. A. (1998) 218
Coste, B. (1991) 113 Eko N'Dong, J. (1991), (1996) 113
Coulibaly, S. (1992) 125 Elangwe, H. N. (1979) 61
Cox, C. R. (1952) 120 Emerick, C. M. (1982) 74
Cox, R. (1997) 155 Empson, H. E. (1983) 252
Crevola, G. (1991) 215 Erikkson, K. A. (1982) 28, 237, 245
Crow, M. J. (1981) 223 Ewing, R. C. (2001) 113
Culver, S. J. (1979), (1991) 146, 223 Ewins, N. P. (2001) 41

Dadet, P. (1969) 87 Fabre, J. (1978), (1982), (1983) 37, 165, 179, 268
D'Agrella-Filho, M. S. (1996) 113 Fairborn, H. W. (1971) 146
Dal Piaz, G. V. (1987) 229 Faure, H. (1962) 194
Dali, T. (1985) 261 Fazzuoli, M. (1994) 229
Dallmeyer, R. D. (1991) 215 Fediuk, F. (2005) 223
Damuth, J. D. (1992) 28 Fernandes Des Alonso, M. (2004) 83
Daoud, M. (2004) 91 Fernandes, M. (1983), (1991) 188, 207
Dars, R. (1959) 125 Ferrara, M. (1987), (2006) 183
Daudi, E. X. F. (1999) 183 Fey Besse, J.-L. (1996), (1999) 113, 125
Fischer, G. A. (1884) 11 Hunt, J. A. (1971) 252
Flores, G. (1987) 183 Hunter, D. R. (1961), (1982), (1999) 28, 237, 245
Franceschi, G. (2004) 83 Hurley, P. M. (1971) 146
Francis, T. J. G. (1964) 218
Frasca-Spada, L. (1989) 183 I
Freeth, S. J. (1987) 61 Iliescu, D. (1999) 125
Furon, R. (1968) 11
Fürst, M. (1964) 146 J
Jackson, M. P. A. (1982) 28, 237, 245
G Jacobs, L. (1993) 161
Gadir El Shafie, A. (1984) 241 Jacobshagen, V. (1988a, b) 179
Geigert, J. (1965) 194 Jelenc, D. A. (1966) 109
Gerard, G. (1958) 73, 87, 113 Jensen, K. A. (2001) 113
Gerbeaud, O. (2004) 194 Joaquim, A. (1998) 41
Getaneh, A. (1993) 109 Jodoni, Y. (1985) 261
Ghagomu, R. T. (1991) 207 Johan, V. (1991) 113
Ghebreab, W. (1997) 102 Johnson, R. L. (1961), (1972) 273
Ginsburg, L. (1962) 143 Johnstone, D. W. (1971) 252
Gobert, M. (1981) 131 Jones, E. (1977) 120
Gomes, R. A. (1965) 66 Jones, W. B. (1985) 131
Gondarzi, C. H. (1970) 146 Jonquet, B. (1978) 37, 165, 179, 261, 268
Gonjou, J.-C. (1999) 125 Jordan, R. C. (1986a, b) 183
Gray, C. (1971) 146 Jourdan, P. P. (1989) 183
Gregory, W. (1896) 11 Jourde, G. (1987), (1993) 183
Grünert, N. (1999) 188 Junner, N. R. (1940) 120
Guerrat, C. (2004) 52 Jux, U. (1987) 11, 91, 96
Guiraud, R. (1990) 73
Gwosdz, W. (1996) 6 K
Kabengele, M. (2006) 83
H Kabore, E. (2004), (2005) 52
Haas, O. (1992) 41 Kamboa, R. (1987) 61
Hadoto, D. (1993) 267 Kambou, R. (1988), (1991) 100, 207
Hallet, D. (2002) 146 Kampunzu, A. B. (1991), (2000) 28, 49
Hampton, C. (1995) 267 Kasereka, M. (2007) 83
Hanon, M. (1991) 207 Kavotha, K. (2007) 83
Hanson, R. E. (1984) 273 Kavuke, K. (2007) 83
Hard, Y. (2004) 52 Kawule, M. (2007) 28
Harris, J. F. (1961) 252 Kay, R. I. F. (1987) 61
Hashmi, O. S. (2004) 169 Kazmin, V. (1978) 109
Hastings, D. A. (1985) 131 Kent, P. E. (1971) 252
Hawkes, D. D. (1972) 223 Kesse, G. O. (1983), (1985), (1990) 120
Hecht, F. (1964) 146 Key, R. (1992), (2000) 28, 49
Hein, U. (2001) 57 Khalil, F. A. (1984) 241
Hirdes, W. (1990), (1996) 120, 131 Kibunja, M. (2001) 138, 267
Hobday, D. K. (1982) 237 Kinga-Mouzeo, A. (2006) 87
Hobday, D. K. (1982) 28, 237, 245 Kitson, A. E. (1922) 120
Hoffmann, K. H. (1983) 188 Klerkx, J. (1987) 57

Höhndorf, A. (2001) 57 Klitzsch, E. (1964), (1966), (1981), (1986) 73, 96, 146
Holmes, A. (1951) 11 Klyver, H. M. (1981) 194
Honesson, A. (1990) 73 Knoche, G. (1982) 41

Hottin, G. (1979) 155 Koeberl, C. (2005) 120

Humbrey, M. J. (1981) 194 Kogbe, C. (1976), (1989), (1990), (2001) 41, 73, 201
304 Authors Index

Kohring, R. (1998), (2001) 138, 237, 267 Madeira, J. (2004) 207

Kominek, E. (2006) 52 Mageed, A. A. (1998) 241
Konan, G. (1996) 131 Magnier, P. (1971) 146
Kondratiev, A. I. (1998) 41 Majer, V. (2004) 273
Kone, J. (1967) 125 Makanga, J. F. (1999) 113
Kossmat, F. (1907) 223 Malibangar, A. (2001) 68
Kote, S. (2004) 52 Manderscheid, G. (1971) 146
Krafft, M. (1990) 83, 207 Manigault, B. (1987) 183
Kreuser, T. (1993) 28 Mapeo, R. B. M. (2000) 49
Kribek, B. (2004), (2006) 52, 273 Markwich, H. (1996) 6
Kröner, A. (1982), (1996) 28, 229 Marques, J. I. (1987), (2006) 183
Kürsten, M. (1970) 109 Marteau, P. (1987) 183
Kusnir, I. (1997) 73 Martin, H. (1965), (1977) 188
Mason, J. F. (1981) 138
L Massa, D. (1980) 146
Labondere, D. (1999) 125 Mata, J. (2004) 207
Lächelt, S. (1988), (1999), (2004) 183 Mauer, R. (1990) 120
Lacomme, A. (1999) 125 Maurin, J. C. (1992) 87
Lacroix, A. (1911) 125 Maury, R. (1980), (2004) 91, 100
Lahogue, P. (2004) 83 Mavonga, T. (2007) 83
Lamberton, C. (1946) 155 McDougall, L. (1965), (1969) 172
Lancelot, J. (1978) 37 Mcharo, B. (2004) 252
Landner, L. (1998) 252 Memmi, L. (1985) 261
Lang, J. (1990), (2001) 68, 73 Mendes, M. H. (2001), (2004) 66
Laserre, M. (1978) 61 Merla, G. (1973) 91, 102, 109, 223, 229
Lavreau, J. (1987) 57 Mestraud, J. L. (1964), (1971) 68
Le Bas, M. J. (1980) 66 Metaseria, D. (2004) 109
Le Gall, B. (2004) 91 Meyer, H. (1981) 66
Le Metour, J. (2004) 52 Michard, A. (1976) 179
Lecorche, J. P. (1991) 215 Milesi, J. P. (2004) 52, 109, 252
Ledru, P. (1989) 113 Miller, J. A. (1963) 218
Leger, J. M. (1995) 194 Miller, R. McG. (1983), (1990) 188
Legg, C. A. (1994) 273 Millot, G. (1959) 125
Lehmann, B. (2001) 57 Minck, R. (2001) 41
Lehto, T. (2006) 183 Minter, W. E. L. (1982) 28, 237, 245
Leo, G. W. (1971) 146 Mitchell, N. (1984) 155
Lepersonne, J. (1967) 83 Mitchell-Thome, R. C. (1976) 65, 66, 100, 156
Leube, A. (1990) 120 Mobbs, P. M. (1999) 6
Liegois, J.-P. (1983), (1987) 57, 165 Modisi, M. P. (2000) 49
Lissom, J. (1991) 100, 207 Mogere, S. (2002) 6, 138
Lizaur y Roldan, D. J. (1945) 100 Mogersie, A. (2004) 109
Lompo, M. (2006) 52 Mohammed V (1999) 179
Lorenz, W. (1996) 6 Mohr, P. A. (1971) 102, 109
Lubalo, R. T. (2006) 83 Montaye, H. A. (1997) 73
Lüdtke, G. (1996) 131 Moore, T. A. (1961) 273
Lukaye, N. (2007) 83 Moreau, C. (1987), (1991) 61, 100, 207
Morel, S. W. (1981) 223
M Moussiessie, J. (2006) 87
MacDonald, R. (1966) 267 Moussine-Pouchkine, A. (1978), (1990) 37, 45
Macfarlane, A. (1981) 223 Mroz, J. P. (1993) 183
Machado, F. (1965) 66 Muhongo, S. (1989), (2004) 252
Macrae, C. (1999) 237 Mukambilwa, K. (2007) 83
Mukesa, S. B. (1998) 278 Picho-Olarkar, G. (1993) 28
Muller, J. (1991) 179 Pickford, M. (1993), (1994) 267
Munha, J. M. (2004) 207 Pilger, A. (1975) 109
Munyanyiwa, H. (1984), (1991) 273, 278 Pinna, P. (1987), (1993), (2004) 183, 252
Mussalam, K. (2001) 57 Pique, A. (1985), (1991), (2001) 37, 165, 179, 261, 268
Muwanga, A. (1997), (2001), (2007) 28, 267 Pitfield, P. E. J. (1991) 278
Mwale, M. (2004) 273 Polskoi, F. R. (1998) 41
Pons, J. (1995) 194
N Popoff, M. (1991) 28
Nabas, S. (2006) 52 Porada, H. (1977), (1983), (1989) 41, 87, 188
Nahon, D. (1978) 131 Pouchon, P. (1970), (1985) 91
Nair, A. M. (1990) 146 Pougnet, R. (1960), (1965) 45, 194
Nascimenta, B. (2004) 207 Pousard, J. F. (1991) 215
Ncube, S. M. N. (1994) 278 Premoli, C. (1924) 41
Ndelec, A. (1987) 61 Pretti, S. (1993) 109
Ng'Ambi, O. (1994) 273 Prion, J.-P. (1991), (1996) 113
Ngnotue, T. (2000) 61 Pulfrey, W. (1969) 138
Njilaah, I. K. (2001), (2006) 61 Putignano, M. I. (2004) 41
Njonfong, E. (1991) 100, 207
Nkomboa, C. (1991) 207 Q
Nkombou, C. (1991) 100 Quennel, A. M. (1983) 252
Nono, A. (1991) 100, 207
Notholt, A. J. (1994) 256 R
Nsifa, E. N. (1987) 61 Rahaman, M. A. (1990), (1991) 45, 120
Ntasin, E. B. (2006) 61 Ralay, F. (2004) 252
Nyambe, I. (2004) 273 Ramokate, L. V. (2000) 49
Nyobe, J. B. (1994) 61 Razack, A. A. (2002) 194
Nzenti, J. P. (2000) 61 Razafiniparang, A. (1994) 155
Razakamanana, T. (1994) 155
O Regnoult, J. M. (1987) 61
Odida, J. (1994) 267 Reimold, W. U. (1999) 6, 120, 237
Odukwe, G. C. (1980) 201 Reyment, R. A. (1965), (1983) 201
Oesterlein, P. M. (1991) 278 Rocci, G. (1991) 37, 131
Okezie, L. N. (1974) 201 Rogers, A. O. (1905) 11
Onodera, S. (2004) 201 Rolet, J. (2004) 91
Onyekakeyah, L. O. (1991) 201 Romann, R. (1990) 73
Ortiz, R. (1991) 65 Ronineau, B. (1987) 61
Ouedrago, S. (2004) 52 Rooyani, F. (1987) 143
Owor, M. (2007) 28 Rössler, A. (1975) 109
Roth, W. (1996) 6
P Rothe, P. (1996) 65
Pacavira, N. (2001) 41 Roussel, B. (1991) 179
Paron, P. (2007) 229 Rüe, A. de la (1931) 202
Pasava, J. (2004), (2006) 52, 273 Rumvegeri, B. T. (2006) 83
Paulis, R. V. (1989) 183 Rusanganwa, J. B. (1988) 207
Pavia, G. (1993) 229 Rusangiza, K. (2007) 83
Pavlovsky, R. (1953) 74 Russeger, R. (1842) 11

Pekkala, Y. (2006) 183 Russel, T. S. (1988) 114

Pellikka, P. (2007) 229
Penaye, J. (1994) 61 S

Perevalov, O. V. (1998) 41 Saadallah, A. (1978) 37

Peron, C. (1975) 131 Saggerson, E. P. (1961) 138
306 Authors Index

Sagri, M. (1973) 91, 102, 109, 223 Tagini, B. (1981) 131

Said, R. (1981), (1990) 96 Tait, E. A. (1983) 201
Saint-Ours, J. de (1953) 74 Talbot, C. J. (1997) 102
Salard-Chebolaff, M. (1990) 73 Tankard, A. J. (1982) 28, 237, 245
Saleh, M. A. (1994) 73 Tawadras, E. (2000) 96, 146
Salem, M. J. (1980) 146 Tchikaya, J. B. (1969) 87
Salpeteur, I. (2004) 169 Tegyey, M. (2004) 52
Sampsell, B. M. (2004) 96 Teixeira, J. E. (1968) 126
Sassi, F. K. (1994) 229 Ten Kam Kon (1992) 87
Sattran, V. (2002) 52 Tersvik, T. H. (1998) 218
Sauvage, J. F. (1985) 165 Theunissen, K. (1991) 207
Savard, R. (1985) 165 Theuri, F. G. (1981) 138
Schlüter, T. (1993), (1997), (1998), (2001), (2002), (2007), Theveniant, H. (1999) 125
(2008) 6, 11, 28, 138, 237, 252, 267 Thibault, L. (1985) 91
Schmitz, G. (1987) 143 Thieblemont, D. (1999), (2004) 52, 125
Schmus, van W. R. (1994) 61 Thieme, J. G. (1961), (1981) 273
Schneegans, D. (1936) 113 Thomas, R. J. (1999) 113
Schneider, G. (2001), (2006) 188 Thorman, C. H. (1983) 146
Schuhmann, H. (1991) 194 Tijani, M. N. (2004) 201
Schumann, A. (2001), (2007) 28, 267 Timm, F. (2001) 57
Scrosso, I. (2004) 41 Torres, P. C. (2004) 66
Senut, B. (1993), (1994) 267 Toteu, J. F. (1994) 61
Serralheiro, A. (2004) 66 Touliere, B. (2004) 52
Shifferaw, V. (1978) 109 Trichet, J. (1990) 73
Shroder, J. F. (1972a, b) 161 Trompette, R. (1990), (1991) 45, 120
Sikatali, C. (1994) 273 Tschoua, F. M. (2000) 61
Silva, L. L. (2004) 66 Tselikov, A. F. (1998) 41
Simpson, E. S. W. (1965) 172 Turner, D. C. (2000) 49
Skuys, M. (1950) 83 Tysdal, R. G. (1983) 146
Slansky, M. (1960), (1965) 45, 215
Smart, R. (2004) 6 U
Smith, , B. (1984) 46 Upton, B. G. J. (1965) 172, 202
Snel, M. J. (1956) 57
Snelling, N. J. (1972), (1984) 11, 45, 273 V
Soba, D. (1989) 61 Vail, J. R. (1974), (1984), (1988) 11, 61, 45, 241
Sougy, J . (1964), (1971), (1990), (1991) 45, 109, 120, Valebar, R. (1993) 109
169, 256 Varet, J. (1978) 91
Stagman, J. G. (1977), (1994) 278 Vargas Rojas, R. (2007) 229
Stahlecker, R. (1935) 66 Venkatakrishnan, B. (1991) 146, 223
Sithole, R. T. (1994) 278 Verhaege, M. (1963) 57
Stieltjes, I. (1956) 74 Verniers, J. (1989) 183
Stockley, G. M. (1947) 143 Vicat, J. P. (1992) 87
Straaten, P. van (2007) 6 Viljoen, M. J. (1999) 6, 237
Stromer von Reichenbach, E. (1910) 256 Villeneuve, M. (1989) 125
Sues, H.-D. (1992) 28 Visser, D. J. L. (1981) 143
Sunda, P. (1998) 41 Voinovski, A. G. (1998) 41
Swardt, O. P. (1963) Voland, B. (1981) 183

Tacconi, P. (1973) 91, 102, 109, 223 Wadsworth, W. J. (1965) 172
Tack, L. (1990), (1995), (1999) 57 Wafula, M. D. (2007) 83
Tadesse, S. (2004) 109 Wagenbreth, O. (1998) 11
Walsh, J. (1969), (1980) 138 Witschard, F. (1965) 215
Weber, F. (1971) 113 Wodsworth, W. J. (1965) 202
Weis, D. (1982) 218 Woldegiorgis, L. (2006) 102
Weiser, T. (2001) 57 Wolf, F. (1996) 6
Wendorff, M. (2000) 49 Wolff, J. P. (1962), (1964) 68, 73
White, R. W. (1971) 146 Wopfner, H. (1994) 155
Whiteman, A. J. (1971) 241 Wright, I. (2000) 183
Whyte, W. J. (1988) 114 Wright, J. R. (1985) 131
Wilkinson, A. F. (1981) 223
Williams, H. R. (1979), (1985), (1991), 131, 146, 223 Y
Wilson, A. C. (1982) 245 Yalire, M. (2007) 83
Wilson, A. H. (1982), (1998) 278 Yameogo, F. H. (2006) 52
Wilson, T. J. (1984) 273 Yusuf, O. S. (1994) 229
Winchester, S. (2001) 11
Windley, B. F. (1994) 155 Z
Wing, J. L. (1992) 28 Zida, B. (2004), (2006) 52
Wissmann, G. (1982) 169 Zigirababili, J. (1984) 207
Wit, M. J. de (1998) 218 Zisermann, J. (1984) 207


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