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Block 2 Cristo Rey, Capas, Tarlac

Academic Year 2022– 2023
Second Semester
Senior Highschool Department

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Lesson 5.4
Show Situations that
Demonstrare Freedom of Choice
and the Consequences of their

Submitted by:
Lacsa, Kiah Alyssa P.
Grade 11 – Resilient
Submitted to:
Angelou T. Bagsik
Subject Teacher
1. To be a free individual is to be responsiblenot only for one's self but also for all.
2. To grow intellectually is a resposibility of an individual.
3. The individual should be disciplined from within rather that fear from authority figure.

You will learn about the nature of philosophy as a discipline in this session. Three
subtopics would make an effort to describe the nature of philosophy as a mother discipline, the
traits of a philosophic question, and the nature of philosophy as a second-order investigation
under an overarching question.

The author agrees to Rand's views of the individual in the advancement of a person.
According to Rand, individual freedom should be aligned with economic freedom. The Filipino
“sakop” or harmony can be a helping value to the full development of the Filipino if it opens up
to embrace the whole Philippines Society. However, there are cases where the Filipino “sakop”
may affect the social and financial status negatively of the one moving upward the social ladder.
For instance, the more well-off members of a family share their gains with their relatives or
friends in need.

However, sometimes, the beneficiaries of the monetary assistance (utang or loan) just use the
money for non-essentials (Ex. Drinking Sprees) when there are more important concerns that
should be prioritized (Ex. Tuition Fee). Hence, Filipino “sakop” must begin to raise its members
in a more responsible way and the members should likewise take this attempt to raise them
financially and socially so as not to misuse the help given on them. Moreover, they must come
to realize that their personal worth and dignity is not visible to themselves; it is found not in the
body of the “sakop” but in the one’s “kalooban.” If these are fulfilled, the Filipinos shall not only
be better persons but a better nation with a sound economy.

Philosophy is not just the domain of smart thinkers who spend all of their time sitting
around thinking about the nature of things. Additionally, it has a practical purpose by assisting
us in deriving direction from accepted ideas. God, for example, is moral and logical, and His
directives don't come from a random will. The Bible does not provide detailed instructions for
every action we should do. In this case, philosophy can be quite helpful. Since we are aware
that God operates according to underlying principles, we can find these principles with the help
of the contemplation and systematization found in philosophy. In addition, since God is truth,
every truth is his truth. And since philosophy's aim is to find truth, it should inevitably advance
our understanding.

Answer the following question.
1. Why is it important to understand the nature of philosophy? Explain and elaborate.
2. What are the characteristics of a philosophic question?

Sioco, M., & Vinzons, I. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Vibal Group,

Ramos, C. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. REX Book Store.

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