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OUR HOMES REALTORS LLP NASAVI Snnagar Colony. Date. 05-04-2022 72 (in words Re Three Lakhs Fony Six 16% subyect to the follawing terms: & scanned with OKEN Scanner 2} PRTPOYINO $4{DIIO450 94) JO AID 10 E1049 Ul 9 i2OWUOD oui JO SesocuNd aus 10) Pe}UIOdD jUDHNR ote Gny damages/ihoriages of material or discrenancies in invoices, and if the Finctedal s accepted at our end, payment wil be mode only alter certificate of © documentation by way of credit/debit notes. G. Plecte indicate your Bank occount detats as your Invoice for making the payment through RIGS/NEFT h) Test certificates should occompany with each and every consignment, 4. CONTRACT COMPLETION PERIOD ‘Scope of works has to be completed in | MONtKS® from the date of acceptance of work order However Detaled Schedule to be submited by “XPERT PEST CONTROL PVT LTD" snowing each stage with start and finish date within 7 days from acceptance of this work order Any extension will be at discretion of client 5. RATE AND QUANTITY quantities shall be.as per the BOQ attached as Annexure | on and handing aver of this scope of works in all respects. Costs of all materials, labour, plant, equipment, temporary ‘transport, taxes, levies, and any other incidental charges & scanned with OKEN Scanner shall be made on the basis of executed quantities of BOO item, duly certified by PMC/Cllent RA bill submitted by Contractor should necessarly be altached with all relevant supporting 38 required to certify the RA bill (List of documents wil be discussed during kickol! ‘Mode of Measurement shall be as per latest provisions af IS 1200. ‘11. RETENTION MONEY ; ‘An amourt equivalent to 5% (five percent) of the certified gross value of Works done fram each Funning bill will Dé deducted and held. The Retention Money #o deducted shall be released to the Contractor wathiout any interest, within 3 months after surcesstul complation of Detects Liability Period (DLP of 12Montns) ‘Ateratively, 2.5% of the above Retention Money shail be released against submission of a Bank ‘Guarantee for equivalent amount on System handing over and lssue of Completion Certificate and afer successful complation of DLP. The 8G Must be submitted trom ty must be for 3 Months Post DLP period. an agreement guaranteeing the products used and S for s period of 10 years post DLP. It will be sole CONTROL PVT LTD to rectify any defects, amend sues od. No extra charges for such rectifications or attending O/- government stamp paper. ng of works for which Validity shall be applicable from & scanned with OKEN Scanner PLiquidated damages al the rate of 1% of the contract price per woek of delay in delivery / performance of works upto a cap of 8% (five percent) OF the contract price shall bo applied us damages against the delays attibutable to the contractor. In the event of liquidated damagos exceeding Ine above cap, the same shall be treated a4 termination event al the discration of Chent, 18, GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 8. Equipment entry & Exit will be controtied through gate passes and intimation an wuch entry & exit to be conveyed by the contractor one day in advance, b. The Subcontractor is responsible to insure all their vehicles, equipment and workmen The copies of Such insurance and proof of premums payments shall be produced to as and when ask for, cc Space for setting up af site office and parking will be pravided al the site by the Client d The Contractor to maintain sufficient spares and consumables at site for preventive ) Pollution under control certificate. License of p certificate, Labour and supervisors Aadhanr Cards & scanned with OKEN Scanner “4, Scaffolding will be erected and dismantiad by the chen! as per contractor requitement Contractor has to inform the client/ PMC at least 2 days prior to such requirement, Contractor ‘ino agmmed to erect scaffolding # required on urgent basis (material to be provided by client) g. WaterB Electricity will be provided at one paint by us (Employer) and further distribution to your (Contractors) work location is in your scope bh. All the client supplied materials i any, /.6., Cement. Sand, Aggregates, concrete etc. required to execute the work shill be issued at ou site stores and further shifting / trangpertation fo the ‘work location ts in your (Contractors) scope and you shall be responsible for any datects & damages found for the same after issuing and till completion of the work and the same will be debited to your account (fequired Area for the storeroom facilities (as per space avaitability) for suppbed materials should be in permissibie hinits agreed wil be accounted (0 you measures of workers strictly at site All the safety ‘gloves, safely shoes, Masks @ic.. required to execute the quality of work as per |S Standards, and if any at ste, You are also responsible for ‘materiais, construction tals. tackles and vorder You shall take necessary action to d protect adjacent of adjoining property, ‘Oterection. All expenses incurred for & scanned with OKEN Scanner Pscrap / unused | off cute and garbage should be disposed at a location specified by our site in p. IWyouor your labour or any of your representative-are found to collect or camy any material other than what islare specifed/authorized in the contract or create facilties/asset for your own ‘working of otherwise from the resources of Plant Works, you will be liable for legal action. The contract. in such instances, will at once be terminated. Besdes, the cost af such materiaishosses will be recovered from you @. During the course of work/contract, if you oF your labour or any of your representative cause, ‘any damage by carelessness! negligence/bad handling or otherwise, resulting in damaga to any processiplantimachinerylequipmenttcolstackies/ittings ar appliances and necessitate repairirectification/repiacement of such plantimachinery! equipment ats. or any of our installations/machinery/property etc., the entire cost of such damage(s)iosses will be to your account. Aiso, any deviation from the existing terms and conditions of this contract, resulting in additional expenses losses the same wil be recovered from your pending bilisidues of ‘obtain CLRA license and approach HR for obtaining be available at site to record the mstructions & scanned with OKEN Scanner Bese asa Seip hos crc easdade ira coroners vhs wor lv All PPE /'Spl PPE such as helmet. shoes, Hand gloves, safely goggles. ete shall meet GIS & ISI Marked of any international standards, Gompiete PPEZSpl PPE is in the scope of contractor only However, on request by the contractors PMs or ICs, the same PPE will ba supplied by SVC at site on chargeable as per actuals basis b All special PPE such as Welding screen, Gas cutting goggles & leather apron shail moat BIS &. IS! marked or any international standards. are in the scope of contractor (if Apolicable) © Alling machinanes, tools & tackles, are to be tested by any approved third patty agency, and ‘submit report ASDPL. safety lic along with competency certificate. (if Applicable), ¢. All machineries such as welding sets are to be provided with ELCB and cables without joints and al gas Cutting sets are to be provided with flash back arrestors, and gas cylinders are to be with guard All gas cylinders not to be stored below the ground floor, AB cylinders. are to be stored easier) 80" oemitporove’ ormge. condone Penshed or and damagedijoinied welding cables not fo be used at any site. (if | cutting, drilling. grinding, etc. which will operate by power ds, and these machinenes shall be provided with proper d of any international standards or approvals and its ‘the Work Order ie which buys/purchases the HOMES REALTORS LLP ‘Onder is issued to 16 which sells the products Gelivers them to Purchaser in this case RG & Scanned with OKEN Scanner smears he sernces. the servoes as deserted on he Work Orcer + means Products anor Services (or any aspect of them) wench are nct in jain the Work Oncier or which are damaged deficert taufy. inadequate or incomciete {Defective Services means any and al services which were to be provided under the Work (Order as Sef Certan specficaton. but ware not achered to by the Seruce Provider and deficency of which has caused loss o Oetay or Gamage to ine Purcraser (& Delivery Address - mars the place or delivery speciied on the Work Order Ih Guarantee Period - 10 years from the date of completion of entire wort and OLF as ageed mutunily. 21. PRODUCTS. 3. For purposes of tts Agreement “Products” shall mean the Products listed above. provided that ‘additonal Products may be included in by written mutual consert of tne Parbes. Products i= an aLinclusive term and may alae include where the context req.ores the Service Provider to proviee ‘Spproprate Procuct related services. any (installation or maintenance, etc) as per the Specificatons and requirements of the Purchaser ervice Pro by tmetines provided and shall supply samples of Products at nt Goes Not TEGresen! an exclubiwe arrangement between the any evert or circumstance impacts, or threstens to impact ‘tis Agreement. the Service Provider shall immediately “Services” shall mean and refer to al the ist of services as ‘and requires to be cartied out by the Service & scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘under this Agreement. the Service Pravider shall immediately notify the Purchaser in ‘of al relevant information wth fespect to such event or circumstance Service Provider shall perform its obligations nersunder in a manner that complies with all applicable iws, regulations, ordinances and codes, including identifying and procuring required permis. certificates, approvals and inspections, in the event Company suffers any lass due to any non-compliance by the Service Provider. the Service Provider agrees to completely indemnity the Company of such toss. All personnel deployed by the Service Provider shal possass adequate {raining in the requisite filed of work and it shall be Service Provicertts sole responsibilty ta comply ‘at Ite cost and responsibilty, with all provisions including but not limited to the Minimum Wages ‘Act, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act. 1870, Employees Pravident Fund Act and Miscellaneous Act, 1952. GPA, Mediciaim, ESt Act and all other Labour Welfare, Socal and other ‘applicable legislations a8 amended trom time to time and shall pay the contibutions/subseniptions in accordance with all the applicable acts, rules, regulations The Purchaser shall not be responsible for any non-compliance or violation with the above mentioned and other applicable taws, The Service Provider shal indemndy the Purchaser tor all the expenses and lors that might take ail safety precautions its personnel while working ‘Not have any responsibility, # any unforeseen incidont for payment of ail wages, allowances and other (= nna way responsible for the welfare of such ble. at your cost for all welfare measures as stiputated and regulations as amended from time to time hoarding), etc as per Work Order Far the. ‘that # (i) Service Provider has obtained & scanned with OKEN Scanner Im Service Provider shall completely incemnify and held harmiess the Company ftom ‘all and any loss of damage oF injury that may be caused due to any uct of naghgence, non- planes, breach of any terms and conditions of this Agreement by Service Provider, including ‘but not limited to legal costs, fine, penaitios, etc a8 maybe applicable, (iv) Service Provider shall be solely and exclusively for any and afl maintenance (including lighting, caning, elc) services during the duration of such hiring services and shall ensure that such equipment of Vehicle oF advertisement hoarding shall be in good condition and maintenance properly at all times, (iv) Service Provider shall be solely and exclusively lable for all damages including wear and tear that maybe caused to such equipment or Vehicle or advertisomont hoarding and shall bear such costs from time to time, (v) Service Provider shall be solely and exctusively liable for payment of all taxes ‘that may be applicable uring the entire duration of the hiring services; and (vi) if due to any reasons the entire duration of the such hiring services are not provided by the Service Provider. then payment due shall be only for such time as services have been provided 22, SUPERVISION: a a ae nen eee ene Soave re ered tt ut below the age of 18 years and you shall comply with all ory requirements as per central & local authorities. You will ator your workers and necessary proof of records shall be ibelow the age of 18 years will be allowed at the work gli the safety regulations of the site, You shall cover the |Workmen Compensation and Insurance at your cost “statutory centralistate labor and other statutory the construction operations, contractor shail be assistance and company shall be indemnified & Scanned with OKEN Scanner used in the Works sgafety code for handing and storage of buling to prevent deterioration oF shall be stored on racks, SU ppports, in bins, under cover etc. AS damage from any cause what #0 ever to the entice ‘of materials shall onstruction materials on ste and a8 Per 18 7969 materials” This shall include the safe cuBIOgY of cae tay re vecurean ha wots a une cme” 4 “The same shalt be applicable for the matenals s specialized firms, ‘The materiais shall be stored in a be in accordance with |S 4082 supplied by the Emplayer or materials supplied by any proper manner at places at site approved YY the Site Official. If the Employer require the place where the Contractor stores material for any thet purpose, the Contractor shal frthwtn remove ‘and clear the place for the use of the Employer 26, INSPECTION 8 TEST PLAN: |All the materials, items and equ sat Carflificates for the samme. ipment’s should be as per the the material from that place at his own cost approved list of makes and you ‘Samples required for approval. testing to allow for testing, and approval, due allowance being & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Resources (Man, material & machinery) Mobilization Schedule ‘x insurance policies i@., Workmen's compensation insurance and otmer suitable insurance policies as ner tendar conditions / Client requirements | Site Security personne! anc the pian m. Cash flow chart for the project ‘n. Any Statutory fequirement/obligation not limited to the above sald lems has to be fulfilled by the Contractor 28. FORCE MAJURE; Force majeure is herein defined as any cause which is beyond the control as the case maybe. which ‘they could not foresee or with @ reasonable amount of diligence could not have foreseen and which ‘substantially affect the performance of the Work Order, such as. |) Natural catastrophes. like floods, draughts, and earthquakes i) Acts of'any Government. like war, declared or undeclared, priorities, quarantines, embargoes (7) days trom the occurrence of such a cause. notifying the 2s performance obligation impacted by such force majeure of work shall, subject to hereinatter provided, be extended agreed mediate effect and without any prior notice in the Event [gel the work done by chent or through other agency at & scanned with OKEN Scanner rset Is terminated by the Chent on a¢count of default by contractor, the payment any dane only afier campietion of pending works al risk and cost of the contractor, Payment be mate with final settlement. 1. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISIDICTION; ‘Te Contract shall be governed by the laws of india. without regard to any conflict of law princioles or provisions there! In respect of all matters arising out of of relaling to the Contract. the Courts of Hyderabad in India shall have exclusive jurisdiction. ‘32. AMIGABLE RESOLUTION: Any dispute, ditference or controversy of whatever nature between the Parties, howsoever arising ‘Under, out of oF in relation to the Contract including disputes. i any, with regard to any acts, decision ‘and 80 notified in wnting by either Party ta the other (the Dispute") shail in the frst instance be ‘attempted fo be fesolved amicably (Amicable Resolution) The Parties agree that their respective duly authorized representatives shall endeavor to resolve the Dispute within 30 (Thirty) Business days tear eee et NY Son senor shal i ates ont ¥ & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Parties agree and acknowledge that they have entered this Agreement on a Principal to basis and nothing shall give rise to any partnership, joint venture, fiduciary or other ip between the Parties. ‘The Service Provider shall not subcontract or otherwise delegate any of its abligations under this ‘Agreement without the wntten consent of the Purchaser. In such cireumstances Service Provider shall remain responsible for obligations performed by subcontractors to the same extent as suct obligations were performed by the Service Provider. Engagement of subcontractor shall not result in increased cost of liabllty to the Purchaser and shall not result in any extension to delivery ‘schedules, The Service Provider agrees that i shalbe iabie for any tax, penalty er other payments arising out of non-compliance of all apphcable laws in case of use of a sub-contractor 4 The Service Provider agrees to indemnity and hold harmless and defend Purchaser from any and oh ey expense (including reasonable defense casts and reasonable legal fees). claims, ages, and lor (collectively, "Losses" ansing from or in connection wth any ofthe folow vi a its representations, warranties, covenants, or obligations: misconduct, of violation of any law, ordinance, or es of its subcontractors in the performance of their | death or damage 10 real of tangible personal property, d by the negligence or wilful misconduct of Service in the performance of this Agreement the Service Provider has provided unsatisfactory & Scanned with OKEN Scanner TERMITE TREATMENT AT PUNTHLEVEL A) RETAINING WALL ; Providing Anti termite treatment in accordance with stipulations laid down by. 1S 6313 - part Il by approved agency with ‘Min of 10 years of guarantee including the ‘Below Grade siab for a width of one meter and depth of SOOmm or as specified by ‘basement floors is not required and agency shall be approved by consultants/project managers) (Make ; PCLor & Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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