Houses6thfromSaturn 211021 181055

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When 6th from Saturn is…

1st – Once body goes through a transformation and focus on body is one of the big
karmas. I have noticed many models had Saturn in 8th house along with Yoga
teachers. Saturn is vata the breath, one must start doing breathing Yoga to
dissolve their Prabdha.
2nd – Until you stop using your family resources you will not find a better resource
in your life. You must become independent.
3rd – You must speak in public and not be afraid of sharing your ideas and
thoughts, until it is done you do not move forward in life, including helping your
younger sibling at their weakest point.
4th – Buy your mother home or land is when you find your way to your Bhagya,
this also includes until you purchase your own home, too. Both will bring about
rise in life.
5th – learning and commitment to mantras and shastras becomes a prabdha, also
brining a child in this life also becomes a source of rise in life.
6th – Help and serve your enemy, opportunity will come to do so you must not
refuse. Helping your enemy will raise you in life. You will complete the biggest
7th – marriage and commitment to marriage brings great luck in a person’s life
because marriage for this individual becomes a dark and cold place. You are marry
your enemy from past life.
8th house – learning hidden occult knowledge or oracle traditional knowledge
become a must for this individual. K.N. Rao has Saturn in 3rd house, 6th from it is
the 8th house of occult and hidden assets. He was the deputy director of Indian
government audit services.
9th house – pilgrimage to a ones ishta devta temple becomes extremely
important, meeting a guru becomes the turning point in one’s life.
10th house – One must serve society without the desire to attain wealth and fame
is when the native’s career rises. You must take part in resolving and serving
people outside your home like local government, community where you take
away some form of hurdle or pain, like building a water pump for villagers,
helping bring electricity to a place where there is none.
11th house – you will have to start a organization to service society and improving
lives of large group of people like attending conferences. Pt. Sanjay Rath (Vedic
Astrologer) has Saturn in 6th house and once he started his organization SJC is
when his world recognition went through the roof.
12th house – One’s prabdha becomes focus on spiritual life. Until after you start
focusing your spiritual life, not wanting material gains, not afraid to losing it all,
only then you gain. It also shows in foreign lands is where you true actions will
come to surface. But you must, must focus on spiritual progress regardless if
you’re a banking attorney, business tech CEO, because at the end of the day the
dead body that would have belonged to you is dead, nothing it can do, no phone
calls, meetings, getting that big pay check. You must make spiritual progress your
overwhelming stamp, but it becomes an absolute challenge, that’s the whole

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