Lesson 1 Overview of Data Science

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Introduction to

Data Science
Module 1
Week 1
Overview of Data Science
Module Objectives
At the end of this module, students must be able to:
1. Explain the meaning of and differentiate the concepts of
big data, data analytics and data science;
2. Differentiate the domain areas of statistics and data
Big Data
What is Big Data?
refers to humongous volumes of data
that cannot be processed effectively
with the traditional applications that
exist (usually comprise of raw data
that isn’t aggregated and is most often
impossible to store in the memory of a
single computer)
Big Data
What is Big Data?
refers to humongous volumes of data that cannot be processed effectively
with the traditional applications that exist (usually comprise of raw data that
isn’t aggregated and is most often impossible to store in the memory of a
single computer)
immense volumes of data, both unstructured and structured (usually
inundates a business on a day-to-day basis)
something that can be used to analyze insights which can lead to better
decisions and strategic business moves.
(Gartner)“high-volume, and high-velocity and/or high-variety information
assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing
that enable enhanced insight, decision making, and process automation”
The Ten-V’s of Big Data
Common Types of Big Data
Data Science
Deals with unstructured and structured data
Data Science
Deals with unstructured and structured data
a field that comprises of everything that
related to data cleansing, preparation, and
the combination of statistics, mathematics,
programming, problem-solving, capturing
data in ingenious ways
the umbrella of techniques used when
trying to extract insights and information
from data.
The Data Science Process
Data Analytics
the science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing
conclusions about that information.
involves applying an algorithmic or mechanical process to derive insights.
(e.g., running through a number of data sets to look for meaningful
correlations between each other)
used in a number of industries to allow the organizations and companies
to make better decisions as well as verify and disprove existing theories or
its focus lies in inference, which is the process of deriving conclusions that
are solely based on what the researcher already knows.
Data Analytics
Analytics Value Chain

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