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First Time:

The first time we used the UF in the bottom of impregnated sheet, it was good at first day.
After two days the Sheet became more sticky. It took too much moisture and became
flexible like a cloth

So we decided to not continue the production like this

Second time:

After first time we evaluated the problem and then we decided to make a test for that again.
After second time production with only one pallet of sheet, we kept it for one week in the
cold storage to see whether it becomes sticky or not

It didn’t become sticky. So after that we used it in the machine without any big problem. But
the final 2-3 hundred sheets became more flexible which could have happened due to
potential absorption of moisture

So we decided to make third test

Third Test:

At the third test we made it 2 pallet. Both pallet we kept it in the cold storage room. After
one week we used one pallet. It was good. Only problem was that it became sticky for the
last 2-3 hundred sheet

Another pallet we used after two week. It was same as the first pallet

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