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Which among the 21st-century skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration,

and Communication) that you developed through your Grade 11 CAPSTONE

journey can help you the most in choosing your career? Explain your answer and
provide relevant examples to support your choice.

The 21st-century skill that I developed through our Grade 11 CAPSTONE journey
that can help me the most in choosing my career is communication. Communication in
the work environment is important because it boosts engagement, productivity and
satisfaction. It’s also a key for better cooperation in team collaboration. It allows you to
interact with others and exchange thoughts. Effective communication makes information
clearer and saves time. It helps in developing connections, teamwork, and trust. It
expands the depth of your understanding, which enables you to make wiser decisions in
life. The career that I’m going to pursue is to be a flight attendant someday. If there is a
need to evacuate passengers safely during an emergency, effective communication is a
must. Passengers should receive an accurate and timely evacuation announcement
from the cabin crew. In order to effectively coordinate during any emergency crisis, they
also need to be able to communicate properly with one another.

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