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NWVVELELE LED Idddddddddddddddd/Mw Data sraucture Anything to give Information is tailed data. Exz Student nlame , Student Roll ato. Types of Data structure There are maloiy tuo types of dota Structure [oar sraucrvxe ] Reprecentarfon of dara is cabled structure Ext Graph , Arrays, Ust + Data Stutrure = Dara + structure. + Dafa strucure fs a Woy jo Store and Organize data so tat Tt tan be used efficdeany [butter woy ) + Data strutture is a ay of organizing all dota items and relartonship “to eath omner omng Cunkeo) Primcrive Non = Parramnive Bata sTevervee| Dara sravetune Primitive data structure :] These ave bade Stucure and are dirty operated by making Instruction Ext Integer, Foal, character. SWVEEVEET [Non- Primiatve data chuccure | 8) [eemgtog ] tombioing thi data of tide different stored Flies tato 9 “Test are derived from the primitive data Singie stored File different type primitive data structure « Ont In the data structure so Exr Arrays, staus, trees thot each data treme fs traversed ov visited Data Strudure Operation The dora MWh is Stored in our dara Strauuse are Processed by some stt of operation) * fn Array can be defined as an infinite cortertion of homogeneous ( stmliar type) ) GEnserting Aas a new dota in tre dora elements. shuuure. Array are aweys ctered Ia consecutive 2)[Peieting] Remove a dara from tne dota Cspetifte) memory tecarion- strucure Arrroy can be stored Mumpie values Which Arrange dara increasing ey can be veFerenad by @ single name. decreasing order. [Reeatngd Fio0 tne towaton of ata j [Fires oc manye J data Structure rue ame CAINIKEDIN, SWUVULDULELULIII Idd dso ddd dr 2) [Mun?- Dimentonal Arrays t Muitl-Dimentlonal Avraye ase Mor then one Arrouy subscript to describe the Arrays elements fh eV ETC + IHS Use only one subscript to aeflne tht elements of Avrays Two Dimentionad Arrays: [row] [torumn] 1Fs use two Crow] Leowmne) subscript, ont Subscript 0 represent you valut and seond ubseslpt 4o represent tolumn value . tt malay use foe mateix i. Th ts aico Known as One cee) Declararton + ata -tyge var_name Lexprsclnll p ectaration tw20 Dimenttona) Av ae ee Dara-rype var-name Crowds) tact a ea a int num(s) (27 miHalfzation 2-D Ayrayst Anttlatizing one - DimenHonar Avvo es Sota: type vay-name Crows) Ctotumn)={ values} 5 Dara-type varname Cexpression]-{ values} ; xs oar tot) 41,254,505; ¢ exi— int num Col? {1,2,3,45,6,7,8,4, 10}; int num CITI = {1,2,3,4, onor als] =A", 8 ; prt Komak CLNKEDIA) Yislte_a_Progsam to read 4 write ont Stacks (Date Structure Dimentlonal Array. . Include < stsioh>-— pramaeys tnraout Ye Stack 1s a alon - Primitive Unear dara include < tonto.n>~ ; Strucrure- — toncole Saput ou Cire (ro geteh y [eo Tt ts an ordered fist tq which addition of vola main (7 Neo dota item and daerion of already existing i data item is done From only ong End Known as Tép of stack (Tos ) { Jor all i; crs} ; <— Pus Pine é (enter tre Array elements”) 5 Pop for (iz0;, 1<=9; , itt) abs © ceane ("23", €altl); ¥ Print € (“the entered Array 15”)5 fox (t=0; ie=4; J44) {ante ("ra\n", a Lt]); Je The last qdded loment wil be the Flyst to 3 gech 075 be Removed From phe stack. Tris 1S phe vearon stack |s catled Last-}n-pivst-out (L1FO) type oF that OPerattons on stax There are two operation of stauk. 2 =a pio Sa @ ned element to the top of Stack fs called Pu:H Operation Every new element is adding fo stack top is incremented by one Tn case th array Ys Fall and no new element can be gdded it's called Stack full o+ Stack overfiowW condition. 2); [POP Operation | + The process of auieting an element From tui top of Stak called PoP_oferation + After every FOP operation tre stack (TOP) is decreminted by One. Stack has two Operation 1). Push operation. 2). PoP operation. 2. [PUSH OFeraHONT THs process of adding a new element of tre top of statK 75 called | usw Operation + Every Pus operation Top Is Incremened by one * In tase th Array ts fun no new element igadded - this condifion js called Stack Futt ox Stack Overfie® tonaiHon. «= Te there is no element on pr stauc @nd pu JAF Algorithm for Yncerting an item tnto PoP is pexformed tren is Win vest Into Stack underA0d Conairion. Tessa fat Staux (Pus Operation). SWUWVUUELEUEU UII Idd ddd ddddddddddi% Posy ( Stack Cmax size], trem) Step: iniarze Sot topes) Step 22 Repeat steps 3405 until Tepcmax. Steps: Read Hem Srepyt Set gop = top ty Step St Set staucUtop] =item Step 6: Print " Sau overflow" 2. [Por Operation s The process of deleting an element From tht top of stack is called PoP Operation. + Afrer eviry POP Operation 4m Staux To? is deevementtd by one ToP = Top -1 © TF there ts no element on th Stack and thy Gee operation ic performed prun gris wolM resul jnfo STACK UNDERFLOW. condition z2) *por openames!_+ POP Zodelered [30] ror=2 4 Algorithm for deleting on item from tne Stack ( PoP ) PoP ( stack Emax Size], tern) Reprar steps 2404 until Top 20 + Set Them = stax CTF] Steps: Ser top = 40p-1 Step4: Fring, 0. deleted is, Stem Sep: Pint stan under Frows ‘Stacks (Prefix g Postfix) » Tahese tne operator ts weltren Tn berdeen the Operands. Ex ATB 4 Operator A,B Operands 2) [PrePix notation] In tis operator 1s wvitren before PL Operands Tris also Known as Pallch nletatton xr +98 3){fostflx notation] Th ents operator 1s wsttyen after the OfeFand Ir fs alse Knowon as SurFix Notation, ex ABT Tor =Top- foie. oI SWVVVVUEEEKLELEEISEIddd IE dd ddd deers Q> Convert the forlowing Intty to Preflx.and [Postfix > (A+B) x ¢/0 + €7F/q 84) & c/o + €"F/4 posthlx for (A+B) * CID +E*E/G AG Prefix ® (A+ 8) # C[D + ENF IG Let AB t=, + ABR CID TETEIG Ri x cD + e%F/q Let +AB=R, ae CID FERDIG Rix CD + ENE Let Ri ® c[p+ AEFIG Rik C0 t lq Let > NEF = Ro Gi CO + Raq Ry YD + Raq ker coy = Rs Ry K 1D + RIG Ry Ret RalG Aura cD = Rx Qs ® Ra +Raq] R* Rs+ hq Ler BGs =Ry RK R34 RG RH Re + hu sta [fat hu Giad res eg R Uk 8 Ro = Bs | mer Rs + Ry ROR Re Rut Now enter tre valve of Re, Rus, Re, 2, Re Rut RRs KR + Agr ed fart AB + CD/ alt ows ennee tne vee oF fs, ba, fs fe, Bs Ee taglco/ncra using pobuiar form 4 fo Convert tn Preflx Foowlng operation Program Ys Reverse te fnpur srying 2). Perform tabulay matnod and élnd post ft exprestlon« 3). Reverse thls postélx Expresslon string to Find the Prefix Ext ALBRC First te ada branthes (a+ exe) Reverse steing (coxe+aA) Prictiny A> highest HK, 2 nighest Tabular Parra [Poste s ae Seanned lexPresston| a c c OF 8 Ce CB e c+ BRA ce xy So tha postfix Exprecsion ca KAT Now youerse tris Expression to ger the prefix 50 prehix 16 BKB gore i Convert postety 3 Dive perform rabular Rum (A+B *C) : [Symbol Stanned Spas] Patt Expresston a a As as Age agcet Insert 10 geo gre 10) + Queue ts a nlon- Piimitive Unar data =0 set Rey Step2.2 Set trem = Queue CFront) Step2: Repeat steps 340 5 u Steps: Te front = = Rear Rear < Maxcae set Front = =I Sur Qear=-) else front = Front +) Srepas Felnr, alo Dereted Se, trem Step: Prat "Queue $s Empry or paces Step: Road Item Step ut if Front =-1 phen Front=0 Rear=0 else Rear = Rear + | Sreps: Ser Queve Ley] = trem Feint , Queue is OverFlow MOWWVULLE LULU II Idddddddddddddddliii 3). Each Hme a need element Is Inserted Into phe queue the Rear Tx Incremented by one ae A Circwar queue is one Yn which the Rear = Rear +) Tnsertion eF a new element 15 doru at tnt very fu)> Each time an element Is delated from the First jovotton of the queue Hf the lact locatfon fquewe prt value of Froat Is Incremented by ont of queue is Full ard, on Front = Front +) Feee-t sertan element in Craulay piew Gy Aigo > Gansert (O0e > Item ) ay ‘Sree 1 9 1F (éront= = (Kear+i) 7. maxstze) Orit quewe 1s over Flow £ exit. 4p A Circwar queue overtome Hu Problem of Else: pote the value Unubtifzed space In nay queues Impiemenred te ( Front = =-1) ag arrays Set front =0 Rear =o Rear= (Rear +1) > maxsize) 1). Front wilt qioays be potnting to re First [Assign vauel Queue CRoay] = varue element feng te]. ory 2): LF Front = Rear tht queue wh be emmpry- 2 MUWWLLELELELDI III dddd ddd ddddd dll Queue (Pata Structure) OPeratton on Queue Shales - mMaxsize =3 10, 20, 30, 4o J Frock => empry queue Rear ==1 + 3 4oS Step Repeat R < maxsize -1 1<34 Stet Read thm Read 10 se q[o] = ttem Glo] =10 qa 09 4] vow Gerd va oI a + Yl = 20 mae ¥0 V0 ta) Feo, R=] Ja) Rear < moxsize -) Ree) Bs iti =2 Su yi2)= 30 10 [20 [0 ] +o 49 q69 Feo, Qe2 easy Rear < maxstee -1 2=0 O>=0 true a) ser Item = q [0] Trem =10 a eas 2 Forse €1se CFs 6-041 =1 Ju). trem ts dueres 10 Ts dared 20 | 30 Ye) 4) 302) MWWVVULL LULU Loo ITI I IIe dd ddd III Lakes Lste Fo=o Y Trem bs daued 1>=0 true trem = vod a} rem = 20 iee Rg eu False Je A antes Aur 15.4 dynamic dora structure pret Tat No. of noses tn a ist fe not Flxed 7 +e and tn grew and shrink on demand A Minted Mut 169 Mneay dara strucure In nich qe elements are not stored at Contiguous memory Location ‘rem Ys aeared ao fs duutd Each Clement ts cated @ node woth has 75 Sheps! Yueue 1s empty] +00 parts. Fea Rea 1s GnaerPied. | fnfo part nich stores qne Information Cased) and Polar Nth point to pu next clement. pF> ~ |e] 2 p3cocre fato [pointer | ex: [Io [i254] Info “Palate 2) them = Y 2) item = 30 § eee Por }fvrg 2==2 tue set a1 Loe. se] at asst wuomg (ninuceoins). WWVVVEEEELEEEIIIEIdI SEI dd ddd ll Arduartiges of Unked Ueto Operation On Naked Ust? 1). [Gokes Uist are dynamte dara structure | Thu Rosie operarion to be Performed on tht ‘That is, they can gro ang sheink during | Linked klste are t- tha exeuition of a Program. : 1) [ExeaHFON|] THs operation ave used te Eo Creare a Untad Alst sn Me node 1s Here, memory Ys not Pre-ailocared. memory] created and Linked fo prt another nede « 7s quevarts Whenever 1s repulved. And ft's eatouarta (Removes) HNN THE no longer |>9-[Ensertion] tris operarton ts used go Incert needed @ ned node In fAe Naked Nuts A new node may be Ynsertes AF the beylnning of @ Linked Ast Tt Prouide Pladbitity tn Inserting q dara [4 At tnt End of a Unjecs Uc fem af q Beginning of @ kinked Atut. ~ End of a Kinied Aap + spedPied pouttion tn phe Lier. No WWLULECEC EC UCTTTIT IST ddd dL ®) Tr 1s a prowess oF golag phrough all IRE nodtt Of @ Mnteed thik From one end yo PAL Omer end 5)-[Eoncarenarton g] It's re process of tne jelning PAC Sttend Mist fo tre end OF PRL Arst Net 6).[Dispiog 2fTRis operation ts used to print eath and every nodes Ynfermarion « Tyres OF Haled Ust. + Basteatty , there ave Gur type of Naked Ist 2 1¥65 one to wnien aiinoaes ase Jinkid Rogerner In some sequential manner. it ls oso Called tlasar_ iolad thir [sraer | _sfie a 2).[Doubly - Unked CIF :] [t's one Pn with ail nodes ave Inked together by multiple Inks WHEN pslp tn accestIng both px successor nose (next node) and predecessor node ( Previous node) within phe Hat Dds nelp 40 traverse the Hut In bre fortsard alrettion and backward “nseet_ First (ster, rem) StePLE [Cheuk FOr Overflow] IP Pty = NULL phen Print overeiow elt eise Pre = (mode #)manec (size of (rede?) I Create new node From memory and rsign irs audress to PTR Ser PTR INEO Set PTR Niet Ser START = PTR them sTaer nodet node2 nodes new node. Arter InserHon om RX] omen Cuimicep iat). LINKED LIST] Insert a_nlode at phi nd Yn_singly Wared, Algorinm > IN seet_ Last ( stAet, TTem) Step i: Chex for overflow TP Pry = NULL thon Print overflow exit PrR= (Node *) maiioc ( size of (noder) 5 Stepan: Ser Pre Info = Trem [Steps: Ser PTR + next = Nut > Srepu: TF start = AtelL and thin Str START = Pty ese, Sub LOC = Stayt Steps: Step 6: Step at Repeat step 7 unrl) loc 4 next! Insert_ Locotton (staet, Item, Loc) Steps: Cheuc for overflow If Pty==AuLt thin Print overiow exit else Frr=(Nose-x) marioc (st2e oF (nose)) Sttp2: Set PH > Info = Trem Steps: Tf start = NOLL phon Sek hart = Per Set Pty > Next = Nae Step ut Inltigtize tha Counter T and peinter< Set PHO sur temp = start NWWULELELELEDUTTTIIIIIII II IIIT SLL sergy ger ane Ces eadesee [ Dattng Nowe Bates st] StepFs Se P= rth Step EE Let Ptr NOt = pomp 4 et Dereting a node from tha Unked st Srepar Set temp 3 Net = Pry has three Instances. Ae Dereting the frst node of tht ee ; Hnwd ust = 22 Dererlng the Lact nose of the nad Wet Arter Insertion Ba Datrertng pu nede from spedfiea PostHon OF tre Anas Usp. 2] \s eee Unked Ust Dereting aledes] Derertng see first nlode In singly Uned tist —<—————— ee Linted Ust fereFing Aloaes Dering the tact node tn singly Waleed Ust Algo fitnms > Derared first ( start) Algediinm > Stepr: Cheuk for under Fioid If stavt = AULL, fran Deteting ( start) Step Lt cheus For UnderFiow Tf Start = Nutt thin Print Linked Hick 1s Empty Print Uowed ihst emery exit celt Step2t Tf cravt— nee = NULL bun Suk Pry = Start Step2: Suk PIR = START Step 3: Sek START = START > Next Step Ut Print Clement derered 1S Pry + info Sree S: Fux (Ptr) Set start = nowt Pring element duered ts = P12 > Info Free (eTR) Ena le Step3t Set eT = sraeT SHEPUE Repeat step S and 6 unt!) PTR Naxt) = ALL Step St Ser toe = PTR Start NUUSLELELUUED TUTTI IIIT Id dddddddlll fF Step Gs Set Pre = PIR + Alext [Emked tise “Detening nopes] Step 7: See Loc + Alext = Alou Step 8: Free CeTR) Derettng tre odes Fromm Speci led Qesitlon in Singty uinteed Lise [seaer] Hee oo Atgoritnm > Le oie E Detere - Kecarton ( Next Srepes See r=r+1 Lunicentnl) SreP3: Print Clement dererca Is = Pry — Info Step 8: Se Tempo nie Seepat Free Cet) ste0] Temp fe -F TRees IN Data STRUCTURE Tree 454 non near dara strutrure Th Wich trtms art arranges In a sorttd sequence + Tk 45 used to vepresent Wevarentcal relation wip existing Amongst several gota Seem pa Root Lever © et Eee fe Je] [4] fl After aeletton. Th tever 2 @ oo Leve s vee Tevminoiegy ] Hee has sifFerenr euminoiegy such asi Sy 1) [ROOF 1+ 3s specianny designed data trem fn a tree. Tt is the First In me hitvarnicar Arrangement of data tem. Josey] Earn dota trem tn atree 1s cated @ nodes tn tnt glven THte there ave 1 nodes sun ast A,B,¢,0,€.F,4,4,£,T.«,b,M NWWVULEUDUTUUUTTTTTT IIIT II ddd aE 3)-[Begree oF a node :] fe is the no. of subtrees | 8) ‘The ontlye tree struurure Vs Levelled OF a node Tha given rvee Th uth @ Way that thi yoot node Is aloays The sagree of A= 3 Lvs The degree of C= : 3 rae Tt 124 connecting tine of two nodes. The degree oF 1 = gnats, tht Hine dyaion From one node ro w)-Degree ofa tree] rt te te maxtmum degree | another node fs called an Gage, of nodes tn a given tree. In the given tree |to)fPatne]rt ts a Sequenct of consecurtve eages the nlode A and nede I has maxtmum degree(Z)} Fram Mu soura node to PA destination nose. In mw oluen tree mL path Bo Rand J is as. (a,g) GF) ans (F, 3) Aa28 PS So the acgree of 478 TS 3: s) fRevminal nedeq] A node wth aegeee 070 Ts called Terminal node. In given tree — E,3,4,H,K, Land m are terminal node uy Dewy se 1s tee maximum tevel of any 6)-[tlon- Terminal lode a] AMY node wnoce | node ina glven rvee: In tr given tree, tne degiee Jf not gee 5 called non. revminal nose] woot Mods A has the Maximum Level Tn owen tree - A,B,C, D, FT are we) [Foresr] tt 16.4 set of disjoint trees. In a non. revmings alode. givin Fee TF you vemove Ite yoot nose aA It a) [Stbitags =] The chs nodes of 4 glven parent | bevomes 4 Aovest. In yAt given eee, Phere 1s node aye Called Cibiings. They are also | forest wlth three tee. cuth as. Acrer yemoving rect A. Foxest 1 called brothers. In +he given table = B,¢,D are Siblings ef Parent node A + ZL art Siblings of parent node D. SWVVULEU LETT U TUTTI ITI dd ddd d/l il [Bisaey Teees | TYPES oF Binany TREES] + Bloawy see Ts q Anite cet of dara trem | O-{ERU Binary Freed] A Binary tree ty Furl J ea i g nese has © oF 2. cnt Londen Is ether empty of tonslits ofa tL reeicocgnas © cd Singie trem cauies yoot and toe alcjelnt &” binary Tree cated pra Let cubtyee and yignr subrree- complete binary tree TF @it levels ave comprerely Weuel hasan Keys as Left as posstale Th Binary tree, Cutry nod can have moximum of 2 chhidern talon are known 9s Lett chia and Align cnlid. 2 4 & LeFt Subrree 3). [PerPet Binary Tree] A tree In wren at \nfernal noses has two exhidern and att leaves are at same teuel in which an level nas 2 Nid. tee ated ES tev Level a at ri Level Fy 9F = g pry epmag Comicon). NWSE Waversal of a Binary Tree Tr 1p q Way Th WNC each node fn the tree Ts up sited eaurty once tna. sy stamalte manner, Tere ave three ways wore we use te travers a tre- Node Lege Rigat 1 - Pre Order traversal (N | L | QR) 2- In order traversal (LN, 2) S- Postorder traversah (LRN ) 4. |Pre order Traversod :| Th pads Traversal muthod, prt yoot{n) node V< uisties Fleck, thn the Leet (LD subtree and Finally prt sigur (a) subrize Algorimm 3 Unt! alt nodes are traversed — Step 4: Vide root node Steps: Reanslvely traverse Lert cubtree chep 53 Reustvely traverse Right (Ae voor £& © G8 Of © Pye - order traversal Is 3 A,B,€,0,C, F/G |2)+|Inorder Tyaversol | In tic traversal mumod, po Lefriisuntyee 15 visired fior, pan pe footl) and jarey te 4 1 Algodinm > Until att nodes are traversed ~ Step 1: Recuvstuey traverse reft superee » Shep 2: Viclte yeot node Steps: Rearrstuely traverse Rignr subtree. Binary Search tree (6ST) Binary seaith tree Is q node- based binary A¥ee dary struuuse wondcn Kas Me Porrowing Rue 1) Thr votut 9¢ tu yey In thu Lett oxlid or | tnoyder Traversal ts — Lee GubtrEe TS Je6F Man tM dated oF ete so 3){Post- Order Troversol ‘| Tn shy method 2). Trt Voter of tt Key In gre ylgnr endig | tnt voor node 1s visited Kast Aine the name ot right cubtree ix more than or equal to | First We Traverse APELL) subtree , then tht the yoot: | vlonr(@) subtree and Finally th yor (ino de, 3)- The vignt and left subtree each must Algorithm > a4ce bea binary searth tree (BST) Step 1: Reurslvely traverse Leet subtree Step 2s Rewrsively traverse vignk subtree SHps: Vislk yoot node. tsp Qe— veer X S 06 © post ordey Tyaversal 1s — D.€,8,6,4,C,A prac icomek CUMKeoia) « DIFFERENCE Between srack STACK Te vepresents Ha tolleetton of elements In Last fn Fist our (ute) order. + Objturs are Wnsevred and vemoued af AE Game Und Called Top of stacic (Tos ) Tnsevt opevatton 1s carted push opwvation « Derare opevarton fs carted Por Operation. Tn Stau tnere Is no Wasrage of Memory space Plate counrer ar marriage Reception 1s an Exampie oF (STOLK, Aruc eum ag ConKeDin). and Queue Queve 4). It yepresentc tat Lonetion of elemants tn fist In Fist out CELEO) order. Obstet art Inserted and vemoved from lPfevent ends catled fronrand year ends. < Insert Operarton fs cared Enqueue Operatton. Detare Operation Ts cated Deyueue operation . In Queue there ls a wastage of memory paw, Students Standing In Q tine or Fees counter 1s an example oF Queue. NW UVUVUT TUTTI dl [_ Diteerence Between Smaty ¥ DouBly LINKED LIST z] SINGLY LINKED ust D- Sngiy Untes Hist has nodec wlth dota fidd and next Unk Fleid (forward ttnic) Data [next ext 2)- Tt allows traversal only to one Uday. 3). Te yequlves one KIst polnrer varlabte (start) u) If Oeuples hess memory. 5). Complexity of InserHton and Dertrton ad mnown postton 14 On) gruc ieomak Clinnedint) DOUBLY LINKED List 2). Doudly Linked List has noses vatth data field and two pointer Field (Baxtward ang Foruord kink). tex: [Prevtoud Data [ext | 2). Tr atlows @ wo way tyaverse! 3) Te requlres two Ns¢ polater Uarlabte ( Start and hast) U): Tr ottuples more memory. Compiextty of Insertion and peterfon at knovin posttten rs OLN). Diererence RerWween) GAR J NON-LINEAR DATA sTRUCcTURE LINEAR DATA STRUCTURE Th tris dara structure. Tae elemenrs 1) art Organized INQ ceqyenus sueh ac: Exe Array , Stark, queue ete. 2)- Th Unear data structure stngte tevel 8) is Invotwed- Tt is easy to bmplement: Dara elements Can be tyGuerced tn 9 Stngie Run only. . Memory ts not utilized Ina efficient way.f5)> . Application ef LUncar D-s- axe mataly in 6) Appiitetion softwere deveiopment Non LINGAR DATA STRUCTURE Th is dora struture dora TS Organized wlrhout ang sequence - ext Tree, Graph ott Jn lon. Linear Dara structure multiple levels are Involved. Th 1s alefteut 4o implement. Data elements can't be traversed In 4 singte Run only. Memory utilizarion In an efficient Way Appileatton of non- Une D-S are To Artlelelad Mnteurgenu and Image Processing « SEUUUC UU UU TUTTI STII TT IT Idd ol eld ha [[ Difference Berscen AeRAY AND LINKED Lut ARRAY Size OF an Array is Fieed Arrax) is @ collettton oF Homogeneous fo) Maned List Ts a Collection of node similar) dara type (dota y addvess) Memory 1s atiocared From stauk Memory 1s allocates From neap y Frrrey work with sharie dara u) Makes Uist work witr dynamic dara Shruuure. chrucure |. Elemente are stored Yn Contiguous 6). Elements can be stored anyonere memory location tn the memory. irrey elements ave Independent fo 6). Anied Mist elemenre are tepend to each omer each other a). Arvoy tole more time A): Lares - ct tale less Himes (insertion yf peterfon) C Insevtton g peterfon’) Dre pomae CrsKenis) WoW LLL LETUUTTTTITI IIIT 7 Tree Tree 1s 9 conteuton of nodes and Cages ex T= (node, edges? Ten 164 unique node called yoot In tree There Lill not be any cycte/ Loops + Represents dara tn Ent form of 4 tree Struzuce, laa hlevarenicad manney. . Tn tree only one path bergen Ho noses. In pus preorder, In order and preorder Traverse erie pruticomae ChinticeDia)) GRAPH 4): Graph tsa cotleuton oF vertices | nodes and edges ex G=AV,ey 2): Tiere 1s no unique node B)- There can be loops/cytie. U): Represents data clmfiax to 4 neriworks 15)-Tn GyaPn One oF more then one path burween p00 noder. Tn pnfe Bee and DES traversal.

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