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Lakshmi Ranganatha Hema

Email: Phone: +1 408-429-5897

Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, India August 2010–June 2014
Bachelor of Engineering (B. E.): Electronics & Communication | GPA: 9.25/10

Programming Languages: Swift, Objective-C
Core Competencies: Data structures, Algorithms
iOS: App Life cycle, view life cycle, MVC, MVVM, Protocol Oriented Programming, Dispatch-Queue, blocks, GCD,
multithreading, Cocoa Pods, App Extensions, StoryBoard, AutoLayout, SizeClasses
Frameworks: AVFoundation, UIKit, Core Data, Core Location, Core Foundation, Network, WebKit, MapKit, Core
Bluetooth, User Notification, SwiftUI, Alamofire, ReplayKit, RestKit, XCTest, CoreAnimation, CallKit
Tools: Xcode IDE, Instruments, Google Firebase, Fabrics, TestFlight, GIT, JIRA

Robert Bosch, Bangalore, Senior Engineer - August 2017 – December 2018
• Designed and developed Homag Intelli apps – IntelliLaminating IntelliCoating IntelliMoulding IntelliSanding which provides digital tools
to ease the daily work of woodwork machine operators.
• Designed and developed Condition Monitor app to display measured values, messages from machines and IoT sensors. App read data from
IoT Gateway using REST API. Users could study the IoT sensor behavior from app using real time graphs and by configuring the thresholds
to receives the notifications when threshold is violated.
• Designed and developed an app for Bosch Transport Data Logger (TDL), a smart monitoring device which collects environmental parameters
like temperature, humidity, tilt and shock which influence the quality of users shipment. App used Core Bluetooth to interact with TDL and
allowed users to configure TDL, visualize tracked parameters and share data via email.
• Received Early Achiever award for implementing TDL app in short duration.
• Interacted with customers for requirement gathering, app design review and suggested app enhancements.
• Responsible for App release process to customer.
• Fetched and managed data from IoT devices using URLSession API and Alamofire.
• Suggested and used Codable protocol to parse JSON response
• Used SciChart to plot graphs in real time.
• Improved app performance by 10x using Concurrent programming with Dispatch Queues to render graphs using millions of data points.
• Analyzed user interactions in app using Google Firebase.

Evry India, Bangalore, Software Engineer - August 2014 – August 2017

• Designed and developed ParkNow and ParkMobile apps to allow users to find parking spot based on availability, distance, cost and
services like car wash. E-permit was sent via SMS and email to users’ phone.
• Designed and developed ScanSee all in one app to help users to create shopping list, view nearby retailers and their products, deals.
Users could get product details by scanning barcode.
• Designed and developed HubCiti app to search the products, discounts, coupons etc. specific for city.
• Designed and developed multilingual Buyurun app to buy and covey voucher from operators to customers.
• Migrated ScanSee and ParkNow app from Objective-C to Swift.
• Improved app performance by implementing Image cache and lazy loading of images.
• Received multiple appreciations from Clients for delivering bug free app on schedule and for enhancing app performance.
• Fetched data from cloud using Rest API and manage HTTP session using RestKit and RestClient, Alamofires.
• Used CallKit to integrate call functionality in app.
• Implemented User Notifications.
• Developed app extension to share app data to Facebook.
• Developed Photo and Video album using AVPlayer to play videos.
• Responsible for app maintenance and performance optimization.
• Interacted with customers for requirement gathering, app design review and suggested app enhancements.
• Responsible for App release process to AppStore.
• Debug and fix app crash and bugs.

Common Experience
• Developed UI in storyboards using autolayout and sizeclasses.
• Used Core Data to store user and app data.
• Developed reusable custom UI views.
• Unit test the code using XCTest.

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