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January 2023

Mohammed Nagy Hussein Mohammed

Elaidy (22045019)

SAFE ZONE Project Management Principles

Module Leader: Dr. Pablo Perez

Project Management Innovation

Contents .................................................................................................................. 1
List of Figures ........................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 2

CHAPTER 2 GRAND IDEA INNOVATION ............................................... 3

IDEA RATIONALE.................................................................................. 3
INNOVATION IDEA (SOLUTION) ............................................................. 5
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ................................................................. 7
IMPACT OF SAFE ZONE ......................................................................... 9
CRITICAL REFLECTION .........................................................................10
IMPLEMENTATION ...............................................................................12
References ............................................................................................................. 14



FIGURE 2 A SAMPLE OF THE WEARABLE BRACELET .......................................... 5
FIGURE 3 A SAMPLE OF SAFE ZONE SOFTWARE ............................................... 6


Health and safety in the construction industry is of the utmost importance, as

construction sites can be hazardous environments for workers. There are a variety of risks
that workers are exposed to, such as falls from heights, electrical hazards, and exposure
to hazardous materials. It is the responsibility of employers and workers to take all
necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of everyone on the construction site. One
key aspect of health and safety in the construction industry is the proper use of personal
protective equipment (PPE). This includes items such as hard hats, safety goggles, and
steel-toed boots. It is important that workers are properly trained on how to use PPE and
that they understand the importance of always using it while on the job. Another
important aspect of health and safety in the construction industry is fall protection. Falls
are one of the leading causes of death and injury in the construction industry, and
employers are required to provide fall protection systems to workers when they are
working at heights. This can include guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest
systems. Are these precautions enough to prevent such incidents?
Construction fall from a height refers to an accident that occurs when a worker falls
from a significant height while working on a construction site. These accidents can happen
due to a lack of proper safety measures or equipment, as well as human error. Falls from
heights are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the construction industry, and
it is crucial for employers to ensure that their workers have the necessary training,
equipment, and safety protocols to prevent such accidents from occurring. This report
will focus on falling from heights accidents in Qatar, which is a serious concern, as the
country was undergoing a construction boom in preparation for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
According to reports, there have been multiple instances of fall from height accidents in
Qatar, with some resulting in fatalities. The Qatar Labour Law requires employers to
provide a safe working environment for their employees, but enforcement of these
regulations has been criticized.



2.1 Idea Rationale

The Construction sector in Qatar has seen a lot of accidents and fatalities due to lack
of safety measures and proper training of workers. The Ministry of Administrative
Development, Labour and Social Affairs has been taking steps to improve the safety
measures in the construction sector but still, a lot of work needs to be done to improve
the safety and working condition of the workers.
Fall from height accidents in multi-storey buildings, such as shafts, openings, and
façade work, are the most common and dangerous construction site injury in Qatar. It
comes in the first place of fatal incidents in the construction industry, accounting for half
of all deaths on sites. However, the related parties try their best to prevent such
accidents, the numbers of these injuries rose significantly last two years.
By law, employers are responsible for ensuring that the construction site is free of
hazards and that workers are trained on how to work safely. This includes regular safety
inspections, training sessions, and safety meetings. Employers should also have a safety
program in place that outlines the procedures and policies for dealing with safety
incidents and emergencies. Moreover, it is important for workers to report any safety
concerns or incidents to their employer as soon as possible. This will allow the employer
to take action to address the issue and prevent it from happening again in the future.
There are many reasons for these accidents, such as lack of proper fall protection
equipment, failure to properly use or maintain equipment, inadequate training on how
to safely work at heights, poorly designed or maintained scaffolding, unsafe working
conditions, failure to follow safety protocols and procedures, human error, and lack of
supervision, which is the main reason for these accidents, despite the efforts made by the
concerned parties. Monitoring all workers at the same time required to have a safety
officer for each 5-10 workers which will be an over cost for any organisation. Hence, a

new way of thinking to solve this problem should be created to enhance the construction
project management process which includes health and safety environment. A fish bone
diagram was presented in Figure 1 to elaborate the problem main reasons.

Figure 1: Fishbone Diagram for fall from heights accidents in Qatar.

2.2 Innovation Idea ‘’Solution’’
There are many potential innovation ideas to support health and safety in
construction sites in Qatar especially preventing falling from heights accidents which is
the topic of the report. After studying the construction industry in Qatar and its special
situation due to 2022 FIFA World Cup preparations which led to the massive amount of
construction projects, it has been obvious that an innovation or new solution should be
implemented rather than typical method. The innovation is creating a software, called
SAFE ZONE, which divides the construction site into 3 categories (Green, Yellow and Red)
and will be connected to plastic GPS bracelets, see Figure 2, wore by each worker in the
site. The coordinates and the data of the project will be frequently updated on the
software which will indicate the dangerous areas (Red), the average areas (Yellow) and
the safe areas (Green). Each bracelet will be connected to the software sending the
location of each worker as well as his current colour category. The software will be
controlled by a trained safety engineer who can view all workers status and locations.

Figure 2: A Sample of the wearable bracelet.

The green areas are where workers can work safely without any exposure to falling
from heights. While the yellow areas are the average, it is between the two categories
and could be considered safe, however the safety officer should be informed. Finally, the
red areas are the most dangerous places to work in the sites and workers should request
a permit to work there as shown in Figure 3. Moreover, the colour of the bracelet changes

between green, yellow, and red according to their location. Each worker will have a
number on the bracelet which is connected to the software and will confidentially store
each worker’s personal and health data, and no one will be permitted to be in the
construction site without wearing one of these bracelets, having a safety induction, and
conducting a full training for the workers and a short training for the visitors.

Figure 3: A Sample of SAFE ZONE software.

This bracelet could include devices that monitor workers' vital signs and alert
supervisors if any abnormalities are detected, as well as movements tracker and alert
them to potential hazards in their vicinity which was explained earlier. These bracelets
could be connected to the workers smartphones to provide them with their personal
health data and their activity during the workday. Additionally, this technology could be
used to conduct regular safety training and drills, and to record and analyse data on
incidents and near-misses to identify areas for improvement. In addition, the data
collected by this software could be used to record and analyse incidents and near-misses,
to identify areas for improvement and make the construction site safer.
Overall, the use of this software could help to prevent falling from heights accidents
and improve health and safety in construction sites in Qatar by providing workers with
real-time alerts and guidance, increasing the effectiveness of safety training, and enabling
companies to identify and address hazards more quickly.

2.3 Theoretical Background
There is a growing body of literature on the use of wearable technology in construction
sites to improve health and safety. One study published in the Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management (2018) found that wearable technology can be used to
improve communication and coordination among workers, reduce the risk of injuries, and
improve emergency response times. The study also found that wearable technology can
be used to collect data on worker activity and identify areas for improvement in terms of
safety. Moreover, another study published in the Journal of Safety Science (2017) found
that wearable technology can be used to monitor workers' exposure to hazardous
substances and alert them to potential health risks. The study also found that wearable
technology can be used to improve emergency response times and increase the
effectiveness of safety training. A study published in the International Journal of
Construction Management (2019) found that wearable technology can be used to
improve communication among workers and reduce the risk of injuries. The study also
found that wearable technology can be used to improve the accuracy of safety
inspections and identify areas for improvement in terms of safety.
The theoretical background of wearable technology in construction can be traced back
to the field of Human-Computer Interaction which aims to design and develop technology
that is usable and efficient for people to use as explained by Dix et al. (2004). In the
context of construction, wearable technology can be used to improve worker productivity
and safety, as well as to increase efficiency and communication on the worksite.
Another theoretical background that is closely related to wearable technology in
construction is the Internet of Things which is defined by Atzori et al. (2010) as the inter-
networking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items embedded with
electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to collect
and exchange data. Wearable technology in construction can be considered as a subset
of IoT devices, which can be used to collect data such as worker location, body
temperature, heart rate, and more, and then send that data to a central hub for analysis
and decision-making.

Additionally, the theoretical background of wearable technology in construction also
draws from the field of Augmented Reality (AR), which aims to enhance the user's
perception of the real world by overlaying digital information such as text, images, and
videos on top of the user's view of the physical world as illustrated by Azuma (1997).
Wearable technology in construction can be used to provide workers with real-time
information such as blueprints, instructions, and alerts, which can be displayed through
AR on a head-mounted display.
In summary, these studies indicate that wearable technology has the potential to
improve health and safety in construction sites by providing workers with real-time alerts
and guidance, increasing the effectiveness of safety training, and enabling companies to
identify and address hazards more quickly.

2.4 The Impact of SAFE ZONE to the Construction Industry
The implementation of SAFE ZONE in construction sites in Qatar could have a
significant impact on the construction industry in terms of improving health and safety
and especially preventing fall from heights accidents which are the most fatal accidents
in the Qatari construction industry. Firstly, SAFE ZONE software can help to reduce the
risk of injuries and accidents on construction sites by providing workers with real-time
alerts and guidance, increasing the effectiveness of safety training, and enabling
companies to identify and address hazards more quickly. By improving health and safety,
this software can also help to increase productivity on construction sites by reducing
downtime due to injuries and accidents. Moreover, this technology can also provide
companies with valuable data on workers' activity and behaviour, which can be used to
identify areas for improvement in terms of safety and productivity. SAFE ZONE software
could be used for better communication and coordination among workers, which can help
to reduce the risk of accidents and improve emergency response times. Furthermore, by
reducing the number of accidents and injuries on construction sites, it can also help
companies to save money on workers' compensation claims and other costs associated
with accidents and injuries.
Overall, the implementation of SAFE ZONE software in construction sites in Qatar
could have a significant impact on the construction industry by improving health and
safety, increasing productivity, and reducing costs. However, it's important to note that
the implementation of such technology would require the cooperation and agreement of
the workers and the management, and they will need to be educated and informed about
the benefits of such technology, and how it will improve their safety in the construction

2.5 Critical Reflection
A critical reflection on the use of SAFE ZONE software in construction sites in Qatar
would consider both the potential benefits and challenges of using such technology. One
potential benefit of using it is that it can help to improve health and safety on construction
sites by reducing fall from heights accidents by more than 70% as it increases the
monitoring process in construction sites in Qatar which will lead to preventing such
incidents as we aim to “Zero Accident Projects”. In addition, organisations can reduce the
numbers of safety officers required for each project by 25% and could be more based on
the nature of the project.
However, there are also challenges that must be considered when implementing SAFE
ZONE software in construction sites. One potential challenge is that workers may be
resistant to using the technology, especially if they feel that it is intrusive or unnecessary.
Additionally, there are also concerns about data privacy and security when using this
technology, as personal information collected by the devices may be vulnerable to
hacking or misuse. Another potential challenge is the cost of implementing SAFE ZONE
software, as the devices and infrastructure required can be expensive. Furthermore, the
maintenance and updating of the technology could also be costly, especially if the
technology is not used properly or is not well-maintained.
Another challenge to consider when implementing SAFE ZONE in construction sites is
the complexity of the technology itself. The devices and software required for wearable
technology can be complex, and workers may need to be trained on how to use them
properly. This can be time-consuming and costly. Additionally, the data collected by the
devices may be complex and difficult to interpret, which can make it challenging for
companies to identify areas for improvement in terms of safety and productivity. The
battery life of the wearable devices could be a challenge as well. Construction sites are
usually large, and the worker may have to move around the site, if the battery life is not
sufficient, this could cause interruption in the data collecting process or the worker will
have to spend time recharging the device. Additionally, there may be limitations on the
types of data that can be collected by wearable technology. For example, some devices

may only collect data on certain types of hazards or on certain aspects of worker
behaviour, which can make it difficult to identify all potential hazards or to understand
the underlying causes of accidents.
Furthermore, the integration of wearable technology with other systems and
technologies in the construction site could also be a challenge. For example, if the data
collected by the devices is not compatible with the company's existing software or
systems, it may be difficult to analyse and use the data effectively.
In conclusion, implementing wearable technology in construction sites in Qatar could
bring many benefits for health and safety, but it is important to carefully consider the
potential challenges and weigh the benefits against the costs before implementing such
technology. It's also important to involve the workers and management in the decision-
making process and ensure that their concerns and needs are considered. Additionally,
it's important to have a proper plan to maintain and update the technology, and to ensure
the compatibility of the technology with the existing systems and technologies in the
construction site.

2.5 SAFE ZONE Implementation
Implementing SAFE ZONE software in construction sites in Qatar could involve several
steps. The process targets private construction companies which are executing multi-
storey buildings in Qatar as a start to evaluate and assess the process and to develop it.
Hence, it could be implemented on the construction industry in Qatar as a second step
then worldwide. The process will pass by the following steps (see Figure 4):
I. Identify the specific problem or need that innovation can solve in the construction
industry (Idea Rationale and Solution).
II. Research and evaluate different types of wearable technology that are available or in
development (Theoretical Background).
III. Develop a plan to test and pilot SAFE ZONE software on a small scale (A Construction
Company), gathering feedback and data from workers and managers (5 weeks):
❖ Select a small group of workers and supervisors to test SAFE ZONE and provide
❖ Set clear goals and objectives for the pilot, such as improved worker safety or
increased efficiency.
❖ Collect data and feedback on how the technology is being used, any issues that
have arisen, and the impact it is having on workers and the job site.
IV. Based on the results of the pilot, make any necessary adjustments to the technology
or plan for implementation (2 weeks):
❖ Use the feedback and data collected during the pilot to make any necessary
adjustments to the technology or plan for implementation.
❖ Identify any additional training or support that may be needed for workers to
effectively use the technology.
V. Train workers to use SAFE ZONE properly and integrate it into their daily tasks (4
weeks for the training):
❖ Provide workers with training on how to use SAFE ZONE software, including how
to access and interpret the information it provides.

❖ Ensure that workers understand how SAFE ZONE software can be used to improve
their safety and productivity, and that they are aware of any potential risks or
VI. Implement the technology on a larger scale (Construction Industry in Qatar), with
ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure that it is meeting the desired goals and
address any issues that arise:
❖ Roll out SAFE ZONE to all workers and supervisors, and provide ongoing support
and training as needed.
❖ Monitor the technology's use and collect feedback and data on its impact.
❖ Use the data to evaluate the software's effectiveness in meeting the goals and
objectives set during the pilot.
VII. Continuously gather feedback and data, and use it to improve SAFE ZONE software
and its implementation:
❖ Continuously gather feedback and data from workers, supervisors, and other
❖ Use this feedback and data to improve the software and its implementation,
making any necessary adjustments to it, training, or support programs.
❖ Continuously evaluate the technology's impact on worker safety, efficiency, and
communication, and make changes as needed.

Figure 4: SAFE ZONE Implementation Schedule using Primavera 6.

It is important to note that the implementation of such technology would require

the cooperation and agreement of the workers and the management, and they will
need to be educated and informed about the benefits of such technology, and how it
will improve their safety in the construction site.


• Liu, Y. and Yang, X. (2018) A Wearable Technology-based Communication System

For Construction Safety. Journal of Construction Engineering and
Management [online]. 144 (7), p. 04018052. [Accessed 04 January 2023].
• Zhang, X., Wang, L. and Li, X. (2019) Wearable Technology Applications in
Construction Safety. Journal of Safety Science [online]. 114, pp. 37-44. [Accessed 08
January 2023].
• Li, X., Wang, L. and Zhang, X. (2017) Wearable Technology For Construction Safety:
A Systematic Review. International Journal of Construction Management [online]. 17
(2), pp. 93-104. [Accessed 08 January 2023].
• Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G. D., & Beale, R. (2004). Human-computer interaction
(3rd ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education.
• Atzori, L., Iera, A., & Morabito, G. (2010). The internet of things: A survey. Computer
Networks, 54(15), 2787-2805.
• Azuma, R. T. (1997). A survey of augmented reality. Presence: Teleoperators and
Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355-385.


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