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- is a spread of products, goods, information, and ideas globally.

- It connects one nation from other nations in the world
- is a phenomenon that affects society, culture, politics, and law.
- Through this people can socially connect and interact with other people across
national borders as well as share cultural ideas, beliefs, and practices. It also
connects one nation to other nation legally and politically.

Mega trends related to Globalization (United Nations)

1. Shift in Production and Labor Markets
2. Rapid Advancement of Technology
3. Climate Change

Features of Globalization
1. Technological Change and Globalization of Production
- Technological change and advancement greatly affect the flow of trades in the
globe. The production of products and goods are less costly as well as
information transfer make it close to zero cost.

2. Expansion of Trade in Goods and Services

3. Widening and Deepening of International Capital Flows

21st Century Skills

- Examples of 21st century skills are Learning skills (critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, communication), Literacy skills (information literacy, media literacy,
technological literacy), and Life skills (flexibility, initiatives, social skills,
productivity, and leadership.)
- There are lot of changes due to the advancement of technology. In workplace,
people nowadays look of how the work is done. Technological Advancement
includes machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. And it is very important for a
people in 21st century to acquire its skills so that they can cope up and work with
these changes.

- Globalization and Trade
- Main drivers of Globalization
- Public attitudes to Globalization

- Accelerating technological change

- Urbanization in the developing world
- Aging
- New kind of Globalization

21st Century
- Technology Integration, Social Studies and 21 st Century Skills
- Academic Evolution towards a commitment ( uses of technologies )
- Implications and Recommendation
o Teachers Competences
o Teachers Education Curriculum

Integrating technology in SS learning is an important innovation of educational paradigm for developing
21st-century SS skills. It has solid philosophical and pedagogical foundations in the theory of
constructivism. It has also become an academic and professional commitment among the world
community of SS, because it deemed capable as a vehicle for achieving the NCSS' visions: meaningful,
powerful, value-based, challenging, and active. Various studies are also provide empirical supports for
developing 21st-century skills through technology integration. However, some implications for further
implementations in the classroom, a number of technical constraints, competences, and infrastructure
supports should be attention of the teacher. They need to have sufficient knowledge, attitudes, and
skills for the use effectively. Teachers’ competencies and education curriculum are also expected to
provide a stock of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of technology by designing an adequate curriculum
based on the principles of pedagogy, technology, and philosophy integratively. Finally, future research is
needed to explore how the elements are the critical systems such as standards, assessments and
professional communities’ partnership provide tools and resources that help facilitate and drive it, and
must be aligned to produce a support system that produces 21st SS outcomes for today’s students.
Research on technological devices and integrating models that compatible to K-12 for gaining skills
needed are also important, because the 21st SS skills map for them are different in terms of contents,
levels, and activities of skill are developed. Bridging gaps in access to benefits of technology especially
for the Asia-African students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged are also a challenging study for
future. Moreover, the current studies that provided are very limited.

- Global economy and implications for Europe

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