On The Relation Between Moral Qualities of Human Act and Moral Character of A Person 2

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University of Cebu

Department of the Allied Courses

Cebu City
Individual Activity 2
On the Relation between Moral Qualities of Human Act and Moral Character
of a Person

Name:. Course/Year: EDP No:

I. Instructions:
- Answer the question(s) below.
- Follow the required number of sentences and paragraph(s) in the
formulation of your responses.
- Use Verdana as font type with 12 font size.
- Submit the output into your correct LMS.
- Submit on: September 20, 2022/ 11:59 PM.
- Make no delay in submission.
- 40 point.

II. Guide Questions:

 Must the moral qualities of human acts and the moral character of
a person cohere to each other? Why?

 Provide situational example to substantiate your claim of which.

III. Output:

- Answers to the questions above constitute one paragraph with 15
sentences only.
- Starts here below…
Yes. What made me believe this? People's actions these days have
lead me to believe. The phrase "what you see is what you get" came to
mind while I was attempting to make sense of things. This well-known
old phrase cannot always be true. As their intelligence grows, humans
become increasingly adept at creating new identities. They may change
into a persona that is acceptable for any given occasion. People are
motivated to improve their actions when they receive widespread
recognition. Here's an example to demonstrate my point of view. There
are politicians who, in my opinion, are not quite honest. They have a
tendency to relate to the community, to be someone who understands
them, and to treat people with respect, but behind those actions is
someone who is irritated when others demand their needs, who is
greedy with money, and who values their position above all else. I
believe that moral character may be heard and felt as well as shown.
People can detect and believe in consistent and honest behavior. It will
become a part of who you are as a person if you practice it consistently.
However, keep in mind that this comes with a great deal of judgment
as to whether this deed is bad or good.

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