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Assessment in Learning 1

Quiz No. 2

1. These are statements that describe or list measurable and essential mastered
content-knowledge—reflecting skills, competencies, and knowledge that students have achieved and can
demonstrate upon successfully completing a course.

A. Learning Competencies C. Learning Objectives

B. Learning Outcomes D. Performance Standards

2. These are statements that define the expected goal of a curriculum, course, lesson or activity in
terms of demonstrable skills or knowledge that will be acquired by a student as a result of instruction.

A. Learning Competencies C. Learning Objectives

B. Learning Outcomes D. Performance Standards

3. This refers to the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that students need to demonstrate
in every lesson and/or learning.

A. Learning Competencies C. Learning Objectives

B. Learning Outcomes D. Performance Standards

4. This domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings,
values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes.

A.Cognitive Domain C. Affective Domain

B.Psychomotor Domain D. Internal Domain
5. This domain includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor skill areas.

A.Cognitive Domain C. Affective Domain

B.Psychomotor Domain D. Internal Domain

7 Categories of Psychomotor Domain

6. Perception
7. Guided Response
8. Mechanical Response
9. Complex Overt Response
10. Adaptation
11. Origination
12. Set
3 Categories of Affective Domain

14. Skills
15. Attitude

What are the two differences between Bloom's and SOLO?

16. Bloom's taxonomy describes many unobservable cognitive skills

17. Solo approach focuses on the onservable evidence of a studen't understanding.

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