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Jillian S.

Infante Jeffrey Ramos

S11-B STEM Med Sci ENG112


Loving someone it is not always by blood but It is by heart. With that, being deeply
loved by someone gives strength, and loving someone deeply gives courage, and the happiness in
this life is to love and be loved. FOR EXAMPLE, in the series of “Love is caught in his arms”,
it shows that being a family isn’t always by blood, it is about the ones who would do anything to
see them smile and who love them no matter what. In this series, the main character is named
Florence. She has a great and loving adopted family. TAKE THE CASE OF florence’s family,
they may not be well off but Florence would not trade his happy and loving life to anything. IN
ANOTHER CASE, she also found true love to one of the grandsons of the Ferrel Family, the
household where she works as a family cook, in the end it shows that even both family of
florence who don’t support their relationship, they both showed that no matter what happen they
still chose to love each other and fight for their true love. One another day, her biological parents
Almero Family found her. And things got worse for her situation since the Almeros and Ferrels
are family rivals. In the end, Florence still influenced good terms to both of Almeros and the
Ferrel Family. The series depicts that fighting has no point over something and that they should
just love one another.

The Characters in the series, Florence, niro, and all other ferrel members conveys
that even if there are not a family by blood of florence, they all still treat her like a true real
family. IN THE SAME WAY, Florence embraced the thought of every ups and downs, they all
got each other’s back, and help one another. When Florence was asked to choose between her
two families (Ferrel Family and Almero Family) on who she will spend her life more, she did not
choose but instead, chose to run away because she believes it would at least stop them to fight
for her. In which this quarrels of the two family, is making her situation not feeling good since
her family she grown love for, and her biological family who she wants to recover the bond that
was lost for over a decades, are fighting over her. IN CONTRAST, both ferrel and almero
family finally did considered to settle in good terms. And EQUALLY, both families decided not
to quarrel anymore for the sake of Florence, as they also realized the situation is making her not
easy to deal with. This series portrays that they should fight the tough times together and help
one another, instead of fighting each other during the tough times.
Jillian S. Infante Jeffrey Ramos
S11-B STEM Med Sci ENG112

Love is Caught in his arms is not just about love itself, but also true friendships
despite any social status. On the first day of Florence in her new university, she encountered
group of wealthy girls who were bullying a girl publicly in the campus just because of having a
poor background. Florence realized all the students who is currently witnessing the bullying
situation just kept watching, AS A RESULT, Florence did not hesitated to help the girl and call
off the group of girls who are bullying. Although little did Florence know after how she helped
the girl, she became the targets of the bullies the next day. After all these bullying for Florence,
one day by the help of the ferrel brothers, the group of girls got called out by the school dean and
principal. It resulted to one of the father of the group of girls, is an abusive father that after he
heard about what happened, he keeps slapping his daughter and it made her be always so down
the next few days. Florence sensed that every time she saw the group of girls after their success
of calling them out that day, she felt that one of the girl has many bruises. She then asked the
group to have a talk with each other with her, and that way Florence learned about the girl’s
abusive father. THEREFORE, she demanded that whatever they have gone through or every
time they are having a hard time, they all had her back and that she is willing to help them. This
made the group cry and felt so touched to Florence, and asked why she is so nice to them despite
everything they have done to her as her bullies. Florence then made it clear that whatever
happened in the past stays in the past, and that in the end they are just all humans and can make
mistakes. She also perceived to them that, she decided to help them in any way she can as she
felt something is wrong and an action needs to be taken, even despite they are the bullies who
made her university life difficult. For Florence, the fact that they are her bullies, it did not matter
anymore to her SINCE she believes everyone has a second chance, and helping one another and
making good terms indeed are the matter of great forgiveness and trust. In conclusion to this, it
portrays that giving second chances is honoring their intuition of wisdom to share, have the
opportunity to be better and grow as a person, and that no matter how different is their social
status is, they are all equal and can also bond together like a family and have the great

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