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The Story of Timun Mas

Background : perkampungan
Backsound :
Once upon a time in Central Java, there was a village inhabited by people that lived in peace.
Among the villagers, there is a husband and wife who have been waiting for a child for years.
Every day they pray to God, hoping that their wish will be granted.

Background : hutan
One day, the husband and the wife went to the forest looking for woods and they had a talk
about their life.

Joko : "Bu, do you ever feel lonely in our relationship?"

Wulan : "Yes, I feel that way sometimes."
Joko : "Do you think it's because we don't have a child?"
Wulan : "I think so. Every day we pray to god, but why can't we have a child?"
Joko : "Maybe we haven't prayed enough."
Wulan : "That makes sense."

Background : kuil
The husband and the wife ask for God's help through prayer. They do it earnestly.
Suddenly, they were startled by the appearance of a huge creature.

Wulan : "Pak, look! What is that?"

Joko : "Oh my goodness, it's so big!"
Wulan : "And green!"
Buto Ijo : "Hey there! The two of you! I hear your conversation. Ha ha ha, don't be scared
like that. I am Buto Ijo. I hear that you want a child, is that true?"
Wulan : "Yes, it is true, Buto Ijo."
Buto Ijo : "I can make your wishes come true, but of course there's a condition you have
to fulfill."
Joko : "What kind of condition?"
Buto Ijo : "Plant these seeds and take care of them thoroughly. You'll get what you want if
you do it. 17 years from now, give it back to me. If you don't do all of the things that I've said,
something bad will happen."
Wulan : "Alright Buto Ijo, we’ll make sure we do it." (Wulan dan joko berdiri)

Background : ladang
Backsound : suara burung
After that unexpected meeting, the husband and the wife came back home. They plant the
seeds as the giant said and give complete treatment.

They sense something wrong as the seeds grow. "Timun Mas" represents the look of the plant
that the giant gave to them.

Background : ladang
*memperlihatkan timun yang tumbuh
As time goes by, month after month, the plant grows bigger and bigger until it's ready to be

Wulan : "What a shocking sight!"

Joko : "Is … is that a child?"
Wulan : "It is! She's so beautiful. Let's raise her."
Joko : "Are you serious? I can't believe this happened to us. And I clearly don’t
understand why the seeds that were supposed to grow into a fruit turned into a baby!"
Wulan : "This is a miracle. We have to be thankful!”

Realizing the situation, they cry with a grateful feeling. They decided to take care and become
the parents of the baby.

Wulan : “Pak, I think we should consider the baby’s name. Do you have any ideas in
Joko : “Well …, ‘Timun Mas’ sounds good. It’s because she’s born from the golden
cucumber seed. Do you agree?”
Wulan : “That’s a great name! I like it.”
After many years, Timun Mas grows into a beautiful young lady who is cheerful and full of spirit.
She never thought that something big would happen in her life. At the age of 17, Buto Ijo came
to her house asking for the promise that her parents made several years ago.

Buto Ijo : “Hey human, where is the child I've given to you? I want her back as our
promise that you agreed to a long time ago.”
Joko : “What are you saying? I don’t understand the thing you’ve said.”
Buto Ijo : “Don’t pretend that you don’t know anything!”
Wulan : “Buto Ijo, I'm so sorry, I can't give her back to you. She is too thin and I think it’s
unworthy to return it back to you. I ask for your consideration to give us more time.”
Buto Ijo : “What kind of situation is it?! How dare you say that word to me?!”
Joko : “We’re deeply sorry Buto Ijo.”
Buto Ijo : “Hmph, you’re so useless! I want my dish to be ready tomorrow! No excuse for

The next morning, Buto Ijo came back to Timun Mas’s house.

Buto Ijo : “What about now? I want her back immediately!”

Joko : “Wait please, I have to wake her up first. Let me check, okay?”

Then Joko entered the house, approaching Timun Mas in her room. There is also her wife
who’s preparing a bag for Timun Mas. Joko and Wulan are not going to actually give their
daughter to Buto Ijo, instead, the three of them have a plan to trick that giant.

Wulan : “Honey, listen to me carefully. Get away from this house as far as possible, for a
while, and bring this bag with you. I’ve prepared this to protect you from Buto Ijo.”
Timun Mas : “What are these, Bu?”
Wulan : “These are weapons that will be very useful if you’re in danger. Just throw these
things to the ground, and you’ll see what I mean.”
Joko : “Make sure you’re gonna be fine, and go back to this home if the situation is
safe, do you understand?”
Timun Mas : “Okay, I promise I will be fine. Please don't worry about me.”
After they had enough preparation, her parents accompanied Timun Mas to the giant.

Buto Ijo : "There she is. Come here, we must go from this village."
Wulan : "It’s the time honey, I believe you know what to do."
Joko : "Yes, we trust you."
Timun Mas : "Thanks Bu, Pak. Pray for me."

Timun Mas follows Buto Ijo into the forest which is its habitat. After a long journey they arrived
at an isolated place.

Buto Ijo : "Now it's just you and me, Kid. You can't ask for anyone's help. I think this is the
right time. Are you ready to be my dish?"
Timun Mas : "I'm more than ready."
Buto Ijo : "Wow, I like that confidence."

Once Buto Ijo wants to reach her, Timun Mas suddenly runs away from him. She never wants
to be eaten. Then, Buto Ijo tried to chase her. With its angry look on its face, the green giant

Buto Ijo : “Stop right there, young lady! If you keep running, I will harm your parents!”
Timun Mas : “Go ahead, then. I won’t believe it.”
Buto Ijo : “Woah, I can’t believe this happened to me. How come you’re not scared. Stay

Knowing that his opponent is not an ordinary kid, Buto Ijo has no choice except chasing her
again. After a long time of running and chasing, Timun Mas finds a problem. The gap between
her and Buto Ijo has come closer. She was slightly confused about the situation and the way
she could escape from the giant. Then she realized that her mother equipped her with some
magical weapons. She throws her first weapon which is plant seeds that turn into vines. The
vines wrapped Buto Ijo’s legs and it made him fall down to the ground. Timun Mas shows her
smirk, she chose the right weapon.

Buto Ijo : “What is this gross thing?!”

Buto Ijo screams in anger. After many struggles just to untie the vines on his leg, Buto Ijo
continues to chase Timun Mas. He runs faster and faster.

Timun Mas : “Gosh! Why is he alive?! And how can he be so fast?!”

Timun Mas throws her second weapon. It’s a bunch of needles. Once the needle touches the
ground, it immediately transforms to thorny trees. Buto Ijo’s skin was bled and scratched.

Buto Ijo : “Ha ha! Do you think I will die just because of this? Silly!”
Hearing mockery from Buto Ijo makes Timun Mas lose her focus. She chose the wrong route
and made her cornered.

Buto Ijo : “You can’t run again. Just accept your destiny, young lady. You’re bound to the
promise your parents and I made several years ago. You’re my dish and no matter how hard
you try, you can’t change your destiny.”

Timun Mas had nowhere to escape. It is the most critical situation she's ever had in her 17
years of life. But she has no choice. She has no weapon except for two, the shrimp paste and a
dagger. At the end, Buto Ijo eats her and swallows her.

Somehow, a miracle happened there. Timun Mas uses her last two weapons, she slits the giant
stomach and gets out from Buto Ijo’s body.

Timun Mas : “You can’t never ever trick me. It’s your destiny Buto Ijo. You’re bound to your
silliness. No matter how hard you try, you can’t change your destiny.”

Then, Timun Mas throws her very last weapon which is the shrimp paste that creates a boiling
mud pool. She pushes Buto Ijo into the mud pool and Buto Ijo can’t even save himself from that

Buto Ijo : “Hei! Is there anybody else? Please, help me get out of this mud!”
Buto Ijo’s screams sound useless because no one will help him. Otherwise, Timun Mas feels so
glad, knowing that she’s succeeded in defeating Buto Ijo. She went back to her house and live
happily ever after with her parents.

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