Annika Park - American Dream Carousel Reflection

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Park 1

Annika Park

Mr. Smith

Junior Literature - A block

12 April 2023

American Dream Carousel Reflection

In my opinion, the American Dream has changed drastically throughout history. By the

desire to achieve it and the fundamental values that it's composed of. If we look back in history

the American Dream was believed to mean you were wealthy, successful, smart, white, and had a

happy stable family. If you had achieved all those things you were viewed in society as superior

which ultimately caused everyone to want it. In today's time with our world and society

changing, I believe the fundamental values of the American Dream changed with it. It's now

believed to be something more personal. Everyone's idea towards the topic is different, for

example, someone could be super successful and rich thinking they are living the dream, while

someone else could be working at a hair salon and have a dog and to them, that's the dream.

Today it's seen as being happy and that is why it is so desired in today's society. In conclusion,

the American Dream is not what it used to be due to societal changes in time.

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