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lied tion How long (drei cekajg) forthe cartoon fo begin? ‘They were standing (napreecko siebie) eee Without sayinga single word | wish knew le Robert zap) for that second-hand Jaguar. Iineed 2 new passport. Im going toa photo studio tomorrow to (zobi edjeie) Patricia wil never lend you money (chyba 2e bedsie pewna) yout return ie soon. We have (za malo informa) to make a final decison. (Nie jeémy) —____ Tim sure we can find something cheaper. ‘Would you mind (zadzweonie) alive ater Mr Morris not avalable now. ‘They (riepotraebrie sie martwili. about me.| wasnt exposed to any danger whatsoever. Why didnt you rll us you'd be so late? We (nie czekalibyémy) Oe er you. to Greece this year. (Wolelibyimy) Without talking cous first. ‘That new boyfriend of yours (nie jes ani praystojny, ani intligentny) ‘Money (to ie jest) important cing in fe (Cur fat (nie byfo malowane). since we moved in What (sont cig do wyicia). without saying goodbye to anybody? never get used (do wstawania) 6am, (Cayo nie mo odie) —— I wouldnt be able to rene such abig fat. George will goon holiday (ik tylko skoiczy) ee writing the book. "sure it was not a mistake. She did ic (sperjahie) you didn't decide the most (Me Starr insisted (2eby mu powiedsie) the whole truth, | dont think my brother will study chemistry. He's (enaceie rie) ‘incerested in science chan in licerature Derek has very strict principles. Not only (nie pi) ute dosent smoke either. The moment | entered the house, someone (gas wit) (Gwe sg ie Anna) tohavean ‘exceptional talent for languages If you ae thinking of gecing inc a good university cis essential by sie praygotowal) forthe exam, Ihave always prefered good comedies (od horroréw) Isnt about ime (2eby Martin 2c2qfszukat pracy) ‘You can have (abo herbary albo kawy) [Next month my grandparents (eda materstwem) for ify years. Why di Fiona ask you ebyé nie otwieal) I Ei envelope? 1 0 Peter your hairs far to long you should go and (obcigge) Betsy sent me a mal last week co say she (comierza prayechae) to Warsaw. (eli nie praestanie padae) ‘well have to cal of the pienic The arrested man (odméwit edpowieds) any ofthe inspectors questions ve seen this film again and again. and each cme (roximiesza mnie) ———— Tim afraid Aune Poly was relly upset. Well hav eager seen er |What ae you doing here? You should (wy) ee halle boar age, The speaker's English was very poo, (co spowodowalo) a reat deal of misunderstanding |e was cold on Sunday so (byl mato ludz) ecccernnccerenc crepe) calland “They were (ty mil) I didn wane to offend them. people that ‘read an article last nigh (eérego autor) TO sronaly criticised the {government interationl policy ‘The man didnt want telhe police (gi wry!) —_______ tregun. [aad (te nie bedie dose) ‘0 see all he interesting places in London. Joe's mother thinks itis about time he (2eby anal!) a permanent job. ‘We had been kept waiting for an hour so everybody (byt zdenerwowany) ‘By this time next month Patsy (bedie mieszkae) ean inher own cottage fora year You are so dificult. Will you ever stop (naraekaé na) —______ everything? If Martha (2arezenwowala stoi). im advance, we wouldnt be looking for another restaurant Do you think this couse will help me (praygotowae sie do) the entrance examination? Do you Rave an idea (ile kosztuje) to send your cid toa good private schoo? ve been working here for over two years Dont you think ieshigh time! (2ebym dostia) promotion? Brad Pics (tak znanym aktorem) that even you must have heard about him I eannot understand (dlaczego nam nie won) eoleave the bulging now. Janice isnot answering the phone she (maze pracje) acces a i ara Havent told you Friday mornings (namie odpowiedri) eee ime forthe meeting? Clive fel sck because he (zad! za cuzo) SSsneaelnnanenes fersla ur plane (wystartowal) hour late because ofthe dense fog. Mrs Davies did not insure her ca, (co ja kosztowalo) ‘ver 52,000 repair bills when halfan the had an accident ope chat (wszycyrozumici). the importance of security precautions The British Prime Ministers wizyta w Warszawie) is planned forthe second half of ext month USE OF ENGLISH B 10 1 10 lies acersion hope hac by December (kara) 104 TE paving ff che morgage for che howe. a Martha (nie moglenapisae) this text her Engish is noc good enough, 5 eta mystery (alacaego on jes ak ziym kirowea) ater so many years behind he whee ‘4 Jeffs uncle suggested (eby poszukal) anther piace ro practise the 5 rams, [im planning to take up gardening when | (pride ‘ rag emerytu) You have to read these Books if you want ro (prygotowa 7 sie do) ‘your examination. You have no chance to get an office job her. 8 You (ani ie pszese na Kawiaturze, ani ne ies?) how to operate che most basic ° office equipment. “Martin was fined because he (zaparkowa) his cain he no-parking zone 0 Sorry. alle nformace sq) strict confidential, Heres my telephone number (na wypadek,gaybyicie) nd ‘need any more information. 2 How long (masz). his wreck ofacar! 5 was reading (tak ascynuige kignke) ‘that | dd not go to seep unt ‘ iam By the time he recred, Mr Henderson (by ztrudniony) in aur company for over twenty 5 years “This session is my toughest so far; have an examination ‘ (co drug cet) ‘But (gdyby nie pomoc prayjaciof)————— 7 Patrick would bein serious trouble. Id rather (2eby pan nie dzwont do) : ny daughrer any more. ‘Mes Patterson i very old and sometimes she does not ° recognize people She often mistakes me (zmoim ojcem) a 0 ‘Your offer sounds (bardzo interesuigco) _eeeEea We certainly will consider it. (Niepotrzebnie sie martwilicie) about jimmie, hes alright. “This retauranc has become very popula ately, youthaveto books eable a least (na din 2269) i USE OF ENGLISH hope he wont leave che country before (pola go carestyje) ————— had (ak colerancynych radsicow) tha all my frends were envious “They promised inthe garage tha the car (bediegotowy) ae afr lunch, but when | came, they ‘were sll working one ‘What's wrong wih ane and Tommy? The (nie rozmawiolg 1e 1obq) since yesterday I talked to the manager and he agreed to give me (wolny lee) ame aE I don't know (ak wyalada) but she’ gota sweet voice Jordan suggested (2eby zopresie) allthe children from the neighbourhood. {cant find my gloves anywhere | (maze zostawitom) eee chem inthe office. “The picture (ky osignl cong) ——____ £50,000 atthe auction lastnight, was eventually ough by an unknown art collector, ‘You'l get fired unless (zacniezz cigs) pracowaé) “The police blocked the main road, (co spowodowalo) severe atic jas Someone musi zostawid) the front door unlocked lastnight. Ieseems we (skoricaynam si). of sues. Susan is very musical but (zaden 2) her twin sons has any musical talent (Nigdy mnie nie potrakcoware). With uch disrespect. "have no idea (kira bya godzina) when Syvia called me. ‘The headmaster told jimmy (by praeposit Mss McCain za) is rude behaviour ‘Your mothers cake alvays (smakuje tok dobre) that can help eating too much. ‘Steve changed che wheel and (po dwugodzinn) przerwie) we continued our journey. {ion due aye tym mnie) patience | have for responsible people.

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