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Raffy Tulfo in Action: Forced Cases and Trials through Media

Raffy Tulfo in Action is a well-known program that mediates real-life disputes of ordinary Filipinos pro bono. The program
aired videos on TV5 and OnePH that provide relevant, beneficial, and insightful experiences for the general public.
Additionally, it is broadcast on YouTube to people throughout the world, particularly for Filipino workers abroad. Rafael
"Raffy Teshiba Tulfo," also known as "Idol Raffy," is a broadcast journalist and senator who is renowned for his no-holds-
barred persona of interrogating those who engage in crimes, abuse, dishonesty, and exploitation in both the public and
private sectors. He has contributed to addressing issues about social injustices perpetrated by powerful individuals against
ordinary citizens, earning him the title of "Hari ng Public Service." He has millions of subscribers as of September 2022,
making his YouTube channel the third-most subscribed Filipino channel. However, his daughter Maricel Tulfo-Tungol, his
son-in-law Atty. Gareth Tungol and Atty. Sam Ferrer takes up his job because of his obligations as a senator.

Raffy Tulfo in Action begins to serve as a general public resource. When there is an issue, they always go to the specified
program, no matter how big or small. Raffy Tulfo is well-known for acting swiftly and providing timely and relevant
solutions to issues raised by his listeners and viewers. He has contributed to the resolution of situations, such as societal
injustices that happen in every nook of the country. It is well known among many people, particularly those without
connections, because they may sympathize with the victim. The show will help them start over by providing financial
support or capital to start their business. It is also a popular show for keeping the general public updated on what is going
on in the country. Because of high ratings or soaring audience figures and his ability to strike a decent balance between
important and amusing segments, Raffy Tulfo has gained the admiration of millions of Filipinos across the world.

Filipinos have sought instant justice due to the delayed and failed justice system of the country. The flawed system is
inaccessible to ordinary citizens which results in seeking alternative means. The public requests assistance from Raffy
Tulfo’s program to bring immediate action against those accused of crimes. However, Raffy Tulfo in Action does not
administer justice and is not a public office. The program promotes alternative justice and shortcuts that disregard the
process of our nation’s impaired justice system. Comparable to the legal system's flaws in some ways, the show does not
practice fair judgment and treatment between the complainant and the defendant. In addition to being prejudiced, it
allows public humiliation. Raffy Tulfo In Action is a money-making show that renders swift justice. Despite the fact that it
educates viewers, it is inappropriate to expose cases that require confidentiality.

Justice comes from the Latin word “justicia” which means bond or tie. The concept is described as a system in which a
man is tied in a close relationship with another man in the society. This relationship has a few rights and duties attached
to it. When a man does the right things and fulfills his duties, he is said to be doing justice, but when he’s enjoying his
rights while causing others to be treated unfairly, it’s what we know as injustice. Some of you may have heard the saying
“An eye for an eye” which escalates a cry for retribution, but it doesn’t attempt to compound one wrong with another
wrong; rather it seeks for a fair, moral and ethical judgment from an immoral act. Justice is often used interchangeably
with the word “equality.” For many people, justice is fairness. Justice ought to be based on moral and ethical judgment. It
is assessed in terms of harm or care, and fairness or reciprocity. However, justice means differently to different groups.
It’s hard to explain what justice literally means because people often disagree on what is fair or equal for them to receive.
That’s why justice is represented by a blindfolded person. We turn to justice to resolve these conflicts by establishing what
each person is legally entitled to have. Issues of justice arise in situations where people can make claims - to freedom,
opportunities, resources, and so forth - that may be in conflict. Justice is sacrificed in favor of other values when people's
interests align and a decision must be made regarding the best way to achieve a shared goal – consider a government
official who must decide how much food to stockpile as insurance against a potential emergency. In other situations, there
may be no justification for seeking justice because there are so many resources available that we do not need to be
concerned about allocating shares to specific people. Justice is also associated with the legal system and legal process in
a society.

Raffy Tulfo In Action is not a face of justice. The program is directed to serve as mediator between complainant and
defendant, however, there is a right process appropriate to solve cases. In return, instead, the show has gained popularity
among millions of viewers over the years. This creates more engagement for them to increase public demands for their
implicit objectives. Their depiction of justice is just demeaning and merely capitalizing on public views while making the
parties involved a laughingstock. This violated the sensitivity of an issue that should have been resolved privately but
instead became a source of amusement for the public. Justice can be equated with fairness, but the program is notorious
for its slanted perspective of biased opinions only based on what is displayed and aired from the show. Instead of siding
with both parties, the host, Raffy Tulfo, already favors the one who sought his help first. According to John Rawls,
egalitarian justice is the equitable allocation of goods and services. Both the needy and the wealthy should receive the
appropriate degree of justice irrespective of their social standing. The show does not have the authority to rule on the
people's complaints because of the following reasons: (1) We have a due process that requires problems to be resolved
in court or barangay hall, not in front of individuals nor live telecasts that can cause public shaming and unfiltered topics
not appropriate for minors or underage to watch or gossip about. The program depicts a difficult and highly sensitive
discussion that many adolescents may overlook and may peddle false information and miseducation among them. (2) The
host is not in any position to make a statement or intervene in the proceedings. He is a known broadcast journalist and a
senator and not someone who practices the law. (3) The respondent is pressured to attend the show due to a lack of
awareness while they have the right to deny participation.

Justice should be served in court and not in a public television program. Justice means giving what is right and proper to
people. People should file complaints with the right authorities who work under the law; a formal trial, presence of lawyer
for both parties, and court proceedings headed by a judge in order to secure a proper and fair ruling.

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