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SESSION: 2021-22

You can do anything if you have the VERVE!

Verve is the yeast that makes your hope rise to the stars. It is the sparkle in your
eyes, the swing in your gait, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your
ideas. People who have the Verve are fighters. They have fortitude. They have
staying qualities. It is the rock at the bottom of all progress. With it, there is
accomplishment. Without it, there are only alibis.

General Objectives:
• to reinforce the skills
• to engage the students
positively and creatively
• to present the
information in a creative
way after research
• to enhance research

Holiday Responsibilities:
• to read books
• to show care and
• to cultivate manners
• to spend time with
nature, family and
Guidelines friends
➢ Please follow the instructions given
by each subject teacher.
➢ Present your work in a systematic
and neat manner, upload it on
Teams under Assignment Tab.
➢ Give interesting captions to your
articles & pictures.
➢ Follow the assessment grid and attach it at the beginning of each
subject’s task.
➢ Please mention bibliography on the last page and acknowledge
the help of everyone.
➢ Be punctual in submitting your holiday task.
➢ Do not consider it as a burden. Enjoy while you learn.
➢ Involve all your family members in your work. This is one of the
best ways to spend quality time together. Enjoy holidaying and
doing holiday home work with your Grandparents.

➢ Date of Submission : Friday, July 9th2021

Label on top of the folder

STUDENT’S NAME: ________________________________

CLASS: ____________ SECTION: ___________ ROLL NO: ________

TEACHER’S NAME: ____________________________ (To be filled in by the student)

SIGNATURE OF TEACHER-IN-CHARGE------------------------------



IDENTIFICATION and The statement & The statement and aim The statement and aim
STATEMENT identification is not of the project is of the project is
OF TASK clear. partially clear. absolutely clear and
[2] well defined.
IILUSTRATION/ The illustration/ design The design of the The project is designed
DESIGN/ORGANIZATION of the project is project is sequential but in an orderly manner
OF THE TASK haphazard. not well defined. and is logically planned.
PROCEDURE / PROCESS The process adopted is The student has adopted The student adopts
ADOPTED not logical and correct procedures but correct and innovative
[2] mathematical in arrives on the wrong methods to arrive at the
working. conclusions. correct conclusions.

WRITE UP/READING OF The project is not The write up is not in The write up,
THE TASK supported with a write accordance with real observation sheets
[2] up. life values. The style validate the students
The reading lacks adopted is fluent but research.
confidence. The doesn’t render the text The reading captivates
intonation and with great sensitivity. and propels one in the
pronunciation are quite dimension of the fantasy
CONCLUSIONS DRAWN Ambiguity in the Conclusion is partially Conclusion is correct.
FROM THE TASK conclusions. correct.
TOTAL [ 10] 1-4 5-7 8-10

Subject Work To Be Done

- Explore on craft based professions – PPT
- Design a Baker’s menu card
- Grammar worksheets
- Dialogue Writing

FRENCH -Write an article in 150-200 words describing

what you do maintain the 'verve' in life, despite
all odds. Present it beautifully in the form of an
- Attempt given exercises from Practice Book.

1. परमवीर चक्र ववजेताओं पर पररयोजना तैयार करना( स्क्रैप बुक
अथवा पीपीटी में)
2. सैवनकों के उत्साहवर्धन के विए वीर रस की कववता विखना|
3. व्यवि अध्ययन( केस स्टडी) द्वारा ज्ञात करना वक कायध के प्रवत उत्साह
वकन- वकन पररस्थथवतयों में क्षीण हो जाता है |

How to give back to society? Write an essay on

SPANISH this topic in 350 – 400 words.
➢ Start with your community.
➢ Make a donation.
➢ Donate without spending money.
➢ Practice social distancing and self-

❖ “यस्य बुद्धि बलं तस्य”अस्य विषयोपरि संस्कृते एकं

लघु कविता /स्विवित लेखं ि वलखत |
❖ बुविमत्या: स्थाने आत्मानम्परिकल्प्य तद्भािनां स्वभाषाया
वलखत |
❖ यत बुविमत्या: स्व उत्साहेन विषंकाले अवप साहस िैयेण
ि कथं स्व कायं पूणं अकिोत् ?
-Make a hand made or digital poster about the
topic “Healthy living”.
-Write an article in 120 – 150 words for the school

-Attempt the grammar and reading exercises

GERMAN posted on Teams.

Make a colourful and illustrative folder or an

MATHS album on any one of the following topics:

➢ Importance of Maths in Dance.

➢ Maths and music go hand in hand
➢ Role of maths in Instrumental Music.
➢ Yoga math

Research on any ONE scientist who was/is
also artistically inclined.

Find out about their artistic expression and

scientific technique or skills. Prepare a cartoon
or a sketch of that scientist interested in art as

Students to make a project on the following-

SOCIAL Topic-Racial Discrimination
Case Study – Death of George Floyd
Design your blog to sensitize school students
across the world regarding the steps to be
taken in educational institutions to combat
racial discrimination
Diegesis - Design a story using the power of
your imagination and explore your
ICT creativity, implement the same in AR/VR
digital story telling format using Cospaces
Edu App. Let the digital characters enact in
your digital story.
Be a VJ, Create your own youtube channel
Write a poem/song and give a musical form
to it on an ICT topic chosen by you.

To know more about VUCA, kindly refer to the link:

Task 1- Collect information on craft-based professions in our country, which are dying out and make a
presentation on any one of the crafts. (Integrated with ICT)

Ref link-


Research on the various products prepared by the baker and their approximate cost and Prepare a baker's menu
card. (Integrated with Fine arts)

Task 2- Attempt the grammar and reading worksheets posted on Teams.

Task 3- Dialogues – Talk to Me

Imagine you are a news channel reporter. A special news report is to be telecast on the local bakers of Goa
and you have been assigned this project. You interviewed one of them and learnt a lot about their traditional way
of baking breads and other bakery products. Construct an imaginary dialogue between you and the baker.

(5 dialogues each) (Competency based)

Watch the video for reference:


प्यारे बच्चो! ग्रीष्मािकाश की शुभकामनाएँ ! इस िषष का मुख्य विषय वनवित रूप
से हममें उत्साह (VERVE) भि दे गा।

“जिन्दगी में कई मुद्धिलें आती हैं पर

स्वप्न जितारे की ख़्वाजहशें कुलबुलाती हैं
उलीच ‘उत्साह’ पूरा आिमान भी दे ता है िब
कााँटों में भी फूल- िी ज ंदगी मुिकुराती है ।“
उद्दे श्य :
• अस्स्थि जगत में िुनौवतयों का सामना किने के वलए विद्यावथषयों में ‘उत्साह/ जोश
/ उमंग का संिाि किना। सकािात्मक भाि जाग्रत किना।
• शोि/ खोजी प्रिृवि का विकास किना।
• उन लोगों के बािे में जानना वजन्ोंने विपिीत परिस्स्थवतयों में अपने साथ दू सिों
के वलए विशेष योगदान वदया।
• ििनात्मक औि ज्ञानात्मक विकास किना।

पररयोिना : ‘परमवीर परवाने’

• भाित में आजादी से लेकि अब तक 21 बहादु ि सेनानायकों को ‘पिमिीि िक्र’ प्राप्त
हुआ है । सीमा की सुिक्षा में उन्ोंने अदम्य िाहि और उत्साह का परििय वदया।
ग्यािह सेनावनयों (1947-1965 तक के) की गाथाओं को छात्र अपनी लघुकथाओं में
वपिोएँ गे वजससे जानकािी के साथ-साथ ििनात्मक लेखन (लघुकथा) का अभ्यास भी
हो सके।

• VUCA (अअिदु ) गजतजवजि: १. िेना का हौिला बढ़ाने के जलए एक वीर रि

की कजवता भी जलखेंगे जििे पजिका के जलए भी चुना िा िकता है । २. प्रत्येक
कायय के जलए उत्साह और िोश की आवश्यकता होती है । व्यजि अध्ययन (केि
स्टडी) कर पता लगाइए जक कब-कब और जकन पररजिजतयों में एक व्यद्धि में
कायय के प्रजत उत्साह क्षीण हो िाता है ?

• अपनी वजम्मेदारियों के वनिषहन की सीख लेते हुए छात्र ‘शांजत, न्याय और िशि
िंस्िाएाँ ’ तथा ‘गुणवत्तापूणय जशक्षा’ जैसे ितत जवकाि लक्ष्ों की पूवतष का प्रयास
किें गे।

• िुका विश्व में िह िहे लोगों को पिम उत्साही िरित्रों से परिवित किा प्रेरित कि सकें
वक असाध्य-सी लगने िाली परिस्स्थवत से उत्साह के दम पि कैसे बाहि वनकलें!

कायय जनदे श :
• संगणक प्रस्तुवत अथिा स्क्रैप कायष पुस्स्तका का प्रयोग किें ।
• लघुकथा के साथ वित्र भी लगाएँ । िीि सेनानी के नाम के साथ शीषषक भी वलखें।
• वकसी एक लघुकथा को उद् घोषक की भां वत सुनाते हुए विवियो अथिा ध्ववन संकलन
कीवजए वजसे संगणक प्रस्तुवत में जोड़ें ।
जनम्नजलद्धखत आकलन िारणी का उपयोग पररयोिना के मूल्ांकन के हे तु जकया िाएगा-

िामग्री/श्रेणी अ ब ि

पररयोिना कायय की पहचान पररयोिना का जववरण और पररयोिना का जववरण जववरण और पहचान

और जववरण उद्दे श्य स्पि और अच्छी तरह और उद्दे श्य आं जशक रूप स्पि नही ं होना l

(२) िे पररभाजित करना । िे स्पिता l

पररयोिना कायय की पररयोिना की

िंरचना पररयोिना को व्यवद्धस्ित पररयोिना की िंरचना िंरचना अव्यवद्धस्ित है
तरीके िे िंचाररत जकया गया क्रमबि है लेजकन अच्छी ।
है और ताजकयक रूप िे तरह िे पररभाजित नही ं

योिनाबि है । है ।

प्रजक्रया/पररयोिना हे तु अपनाई गई प्रजक्रया

जवद्यािी िही जनष्किय पर छाि ने िही प्रजक्रयाओं को काम करने में ताजकयक
अपनाई गई प्रजक्रया
नही ं है ।
(२) पहं चने के जलए िही और अपनाया है लेजकन गलत

नवीन तरीकों को अपनाता जनष्किय पर पहं चता है ।

है ।

पररयोिना कायय िे आलेख, अवलोकन पिक

लेखन वास्तजवक िीवन पररयोिना, आलेख के
िम्बंजित आलेख छाि के शोि को मान्य करते
(२) हैं । मूल्ों के अनुरूप नही ं है । िाि िमजियत नही ं है ।

पररयोिना कायय िे जनकाले जनष्किय िही है । जनष्किय आं जशक रूप िे जनष्किों में अस्पिता।

गए जनष्किय िही है ।

कुल अंक (10) 8-10 5-7 1-4

िंदभय स्रोत:
उद्यम: िाहिं िैययम्, शद्धि: जवद्या पराक्रम: |

एते िट् यि जतष्ठद्धि, ति दे व: स्यायक: ||

उद्यम, िाहि, िैयं, शद्धि:, जवद्या और पराक्रम-उत्साह िहााँ पर ये ६ शद्धियााँ हो तो वहााँ पर िहायता के
जलए स्वयं दे वता ही उपद्धस्ित रहते हैं |

पररयोिना उद्दे श्याजन-

➢ भारतीय भािाणांरक्षनाियम्
➢ बौद्धिकजवकािपुरस्सरम् अध्याद्धिकनैजतकज्ञानािं |
➢ भारतीयिंस्कृते: िंरक्षणं ज्ञानवियनञ्च |
➢ भािाजशक्षण कौशालाजन वियनाय नैपुण्यप्राद्धि: |
➢ िंस्कृत भािया छािाणां िवयजवि जवकाि: |
➢ छािाणां िृिनािकक्षमताया: जवकाि: |

पररयोिना- काययम् – “यस्य बुद्धि बलं तस्य ”

परियोजना १

प्रिय: छात्रा: िति वर्षस्य भाांति अस्स्िन ् वर्ेऽप्रप

ग्रीष्िावकाशाय सवे ििीक्षाििा: सस्ति | अि:
आगच्छतिु ग्रीष्िावकाशे “यस्य बुद्धि बलं
तस्य”अस्य प्रवर्योपरि सांस्कृिे एकां लघु कप्रविा
/स्विचिि लेखां ि ललखि | उत्साह: (VERVE) प्रिय:
छात्रा: इदां लघु: कथा/स्विचिि लेखां ललखखत्वा ज्ञािां
भप्रवष्यति यि ् ,यदा वयां स्व बुद्ध्या ककिप्रप सिस्याणाां
सिाधानां करिष्यािः, िदा ज्ञािुांशक्नुि: यि ् स्वयां अतिे
उत्साहस्य सांिािि ् भप्रवष्यति |
पररयोिना- काययम् –
परियोजना -कययम ् २

❖ वक
ु ा (VUCA) परिस्स्थत्यै: स्व साहसस्य/ बद्ध
ु चधि ियोगां कृत्वा सिस्याणाां सिाधानां करिष्यािः|
❖ यि ् बचु धित्या: स्व उत्साहेन प्रवर्ांकाले अप्रप साहस धैयेण ि कथां स्व कायं पण
ू ं अकिोि ् ? यस्य कृिे
ु चधबषलविी सदा कथाया: प्रवस्ििे ण अ्ययनां कुरु |
❖ बचु धित्या: स्थाने आत्िानम्परिकल्प्य िद्धभावनाां स्वभार्ाया ललखि |

❖ योग्यताया: आिारितशिक्षा: (CBE) – व्यावहारिक: :- बुचधििी इदां उचििां कृिा वा अनुचििि

सांक्षेपे ललखिु )

पररयोिना-कायय -जनदे शा: –

❖ प्रवद्धयाथी िथि परियोजनाया: िसांगानुसािे ण चित्राखण अप्रप सयोजनां कुरु |

❖ प्रवद्धयाथी द्धप्रविीय परियोजनाया: कृिे िस्या: चित्राखण अप्रप सांग्र्ह्य कुरु|
❖ परियोजनाया: हे िो: प्रवद्धयाथी अधोद्धत्स्य अांिजाषलीय सांसाधनस्य अप्रप (ललांक) ियोगां कुरु |
❖ िसांगानुसािे ण चित्राखण अप्रप सयोजनां कृत्वा (A-3 / A-4) िां स्जजि िार्ष -पत्रे ललखिु |

पररयोिना-काययस्य- मूल्ांकनाय िारणी –

िामग्री/श्रेणी अ ब ि

पररयोिना कायय की पहचान पररयोिना का जववरण और पररयोिना का जववरण जववरण और पहचान

और जववरण उद्दे श्य स्पि और अच्छी तरह और उद्दे श्य आं जशक रूप स्पि नही ं होना l

(२) िे पररभाजित करना । िे स्पिता l

पररयोिना कायय की पररयोिना की

िंरचना पररयोिना को व्यवद्धस्ित पररयोिना की िंरचना िंरचना अव्यवद्धस्ित है
तरीके िे िंचाररत जकया गया क्रमबि है लेजकन अच्छी ।
है और ताजकयक रूप िे तरह िे पररभाजित नही ं

योिनाबि है । है ।
प्रजक्रया/पररयोिना हे तु अपनाई गई प्रजक्रया
जवद्यािी िही जनष्किय पर छाि ने िही प्रजक्रयाओं को काम करने में ताजकयक
अपनाई गई प्रजक्रया
नही ं है ।
(२) पहं चने के जलए िही और अपनाया है लेजकन गलत

नवीन तरीकों को अपनाता जनष्किय पर पहं चता है ।

है ।

पररयोिना कायय िे आलेख, अवलोकन पिक

लेखन वास्तजवक िीवन पररयोिना, आलेख के
िम्बंजित आलेख छाि के शोि को मान्य करते
(२) हैं । मूल्ों के अनुरूप नही ं है । िाि िमजियत नही ं है ।

पररयोिना कायय िे जनकाले जनष्किय िही है । जनष्किय आं जशक रूप िे जनष्किों में अस्पिता।

गए जनष्किय िही है ।

कुल अंक (10) 8-10 5-7 1-4

अंतिायलीय स्रोत: –

VERVE – Entusiasmo, Espíritu



1. Las tareas de vacaciones deben realizarse en un archivo / carpeta separado.

2. El trabajo debe presentarse en un formato claro (fácil de leer).
3. Esta tarea no necesita bibliografía, ya que debe ser original, pero agregue agradecimientos si usa
alguna ayuda.
4. Envíe el trabajo dentro de la primera semana de la reapertura de la escuela.

Covid y Sociedad

¿Cómo ayudar y retribuir a la sociedad? Escriba un ensayo sobre el tema proporcionado de alrededor de 350 a
400 palabras Contenido:
• Empiece por su comunidad.
• Haz una donación
• Done sin gastar dinero.
• Practica el distanciamiento social y el autocuidado
Lectura Sugerida:

➢ Collins Dictionary


Haga una investigación sobre los pasatiempos que uno puede adoptar durante una pandemia.


¿Cómo puedo mantenerme seguro pero involucrado en esta pandemia?


1. Vacation tasks must be done in a separate file / folder.

2. The work must be presented in a clear format (easy to read).
3. This task does not need a bibliography, as it must be original, but add acknowledgments if you use any help.

How to give back to society? Write an essay on this topic in 350 – 400 words.

• Start with your community.
• Make a donation.
• Donate without spending money.
• Practice social distancing and self-care

Suggested Reading:
➢ Collins Dictionary


Research hobbies one can start during the pandemic.


How can I keep myself safe but engaged in ths pandemic?


Energie – Enthusiasmus – Freude – Begeisterung – Engagement – Interesse – Leidenschaft – Verve – Lust –


Die Aufgabe:

1. Viele Leute achten heutztage auf ihre Ernährung. Aber vielen ist es egal. Was meint ihr? Welche Rolle
spielt eine gesunde Ernährung im Leben? Ist Sport treiben auch ein wichtiger Teil der Gesundheit?
a. Malt ein Poster (digital oder handgemacht) zum Thema „Gesund leben“.
b. Schreibt einen Artikel für die Schulzeitung. Schreibt 120 – 150 Wörter

Videos zur Hilfe

German Speaking | Was machst du, um fit zu bleiben? | Sprechen - B1 | B2 | Learn German - YouTube

15 Bio | Das Deutschlandlabor | DW Deutsch Lernen - VUCA video

Umfrage: Gesund leben – was bedeutet das für dich? - YouTube

2. Macht die Grammatik – Übungen und Übungen zum Leseverstehen auf Teams.

The Task:

1. While many people are becoming health conscious, many are not as self - disciplined. What is your
opinion? How important is nourishment for a healthy life? Does Sport play a role too?
a. Make a hand made or digital poster about the topic “Healthy living”.
b. Write an article in 120 – 150 words for the school magazine.
Refer to the video above for reference.

2. Attempt the grammar and reading exercises posted on Teams.

Bewertungskriterien / Marking scheme:

Wortschatz Grammatik
Vocabulary Grammar
5 5
Wortschatz und Inhalt sind angemessen. Die Sätze sind fast fehlerfrei. Die Fehler
Es gibt eine geeigneten Titel, Anfang und Schluss. beeinträchtigen das Verständnis nicht.
Relevant vocabulary for appropriate expression Minor or no mistakes grammatically. Mistakes do
Appropriate title, beginning and ending not hamper the understanding.
Sprache Visualisierung
Language Visual presentation
5 5
Wortschatz und Inhalt sind angemessen. Der Text ist Lesbar
Es gibt keine Rechtsschreibfehler. Das Poster zeigt Originalität und Kreativität
Appropriate vocabulary & content. No spelling errors Legible writing & font. Visually appealing, original
& creative
Être en ‘ VERVE’

« La vie est une aventure audacieuse ou rien. » – Helen Keller

‘Life is either a daring adventure or nothing’ – Helen Keller

➢ TÂCHE 1 / TASK 1-

« La vie est une aventure audacieuse ou rien du tout. Faire face au changement et se comporter comme
un esprit libre en présence du destin est une force invincible »
Etes-vous d’accord avec la pensée ci-dessus ?

Si oui, que faites-vous au quotidien pour que la vie soit pleine de VERVE pour vous malgré les
inconvénients et les déceptions qui parviennent dans le chemin ?

Ecrivez un article détaillant au moins 5 activités différentes que vous faites ou initiatives que vous
prenez dans ce but.

“Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. Facing change and behaving like a free spirit in the presence of fate
is an invincible force”

Do you agree with the above thought?

If so, what do you do on a daily basis so that life is full of VERVE for you despite the inconveniences and
disappointments that come along the way?

Write an article detailing at least 5 different activities you do or initiatives you take for this purpose.



➢ TÂCHE 2 / TASK 2-
Faites les exercices suivants de cahier << Get Ready>>
- SECTION A - Les Compréhensions écrites No. 1 à 10
- SECTION C – Les Articles, Les prépositions, les négatives, Trouvez les questions
- SECTION D – Leçons 1-3

Verve means “ Energy and Enthusiasm.” The energy or vitality may be in an artistic performance or a literary
composition. It could be in composing a piece of music. If something has an energetic style or vitality, you can
say it has verve. Dancers , musicians, gymnasts are noted for their verve on the stage.

OBJECTIVE : The project aims to inspire the students to work with verve on anything that they want to do.
This will give them enjoyment, satisfaction and motivation to go on with it and thus to achieve perfection in it.
(SDG 3)
Ideate using one of the four themes given below:

➢ Importance of Maths in Dance.

➢ Maths and music go hand in hand
➢ Role of maths in Instrumental Music.
➢ Yoga math
Task 1

Make a prototype in the form of a flow chart of the Project plan – beginning from the objective till
reaching the goal. Include it in the folder. (Design thinking )

Make a colourful and illustrative folder or an album on any one of the chosen topics.

Task 2:

Watch the Video whose link is given below [VUCA]

Eight forms of classical dances

• Explore and compare the various dance forms.

• State the part of the country from where it comes.
• Observe the moves and write the mathematical concepts involved.
• Compare the types of instruments used and notice the shape and mathematics involved.
• Notice the rhythm/beats and see if there is any pattern involved in each form.
• Shapes shown with the feet and hands such as circles, squares, angles and lines.
• Is there a dance in which the symmetry on stage is not followed?
Any other interesting observation!
Present the information beautifully and colorfully in the folder.
Videos to refer to for your home task.

Elements of Dance

Indian Classical Dance: The Renaissance and Beyond


“The entire world is occupied in some activity small or big, important or unimportant, personal or impersonal.
Those who are successful are the ones who are motivated to accomplish their goals in energetic and enthusiastic
Phenomena on Earth like eruption of a volcano, sprouting of new leaves and colorful rainbow are examples of
verve which can be represented by a painter brush to beautify its exuberance.
Science and fine arts always go hand in hand by expression of thoughts and facts.

Links to videos depicting the amalgamation of Science with Art.

* To build students interests in science while allowing artistic expression.
* To enable students to understand the close interrelation between Science and Art.
* To inculcate critical and creative thinking in the learners

❖ Research on any ONE scientist who was/is also artistically inclined. (Competency Based)
Find out about their artistic expression and scientific technique or skills. Prepare a cartoon or a sketch of
that scientist interested in art as well.
How would you use a scientific technique to create a piece of art? Create something
using the technique. (VUCA and Design Thinking)

Linked to SDG 9 connected with aesthetic and innovative use of commodities and SDG 15 relates to beauty
existing in nature in various life forms.

INSTRUCTIONS - Present your research work creatively on a colored A-3 sheet.

All the work should be handwritten.
Mention your name, class and section on each sheet.

General Instructions:

1. The project should be hand written.

2. It should be well presented, researched, and pictorial.

3. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgement, bibliography, headings and sub –headings are a

4. Each section should be done on white/coloured A4 sized sheets.

5. The project should be presented in a file.

6. The project should not exceed 15-20 pages.

7. Draw or paste required pictures along with the content and label them accordingly.

8. The project carries 10 marks:

a) Content accuracy, originality and analysis – 3 marks

b) Presentation and creativity– 3 marks

c) Timely submission – 2 marks

d) Viva - 2 mark

Prepare a project File as per the following guidelines:

Highlight the following:

• Introduction

• The beginning of racial discriminations around the world

• Racism manifested in daily lives of people of USA

• How people are being discriminated in public places in US

• Tracing anti racial movements in US – Martin Luther King Jr. and his contributions

• Case Study – death of George Floyd :

PROBLEM SOLVING Black Lives Matter Protests Around the World - YouTube

Watch the video and write about your way of protesting for the cause.

• Initiatives taken by the government to curb the racial discriminations in public places

• Human rights enacted by the UN (with suitable examples and pictures)

• the importance of learning other cultures and other languages



Task 2: Prepare a write up (50 words) for your blog as per the following guidelines:

In today’s time social media plays a pivotal role in creating awareness, contribute positively towards
building a better world. Design your blog to sensitize school students across the world regarding the
steps to be taken in educational institutions which can create with data/photographs/ cartoons/ memes to
make a difference.


This is to acknowledge all those without whom this project would not have been possible.. I would wish
to thank our …………………………………….. who gave his/her immense support, dedicated his/her
time towards it and made us understand how to make this project. Without his/her guidance, the project
would not have been complete. The matter contained in it has been taken from the …………. The
source of the newspaper article is ‘………………’ The statistical data has been taken from
(Integrated with Art, Music and English)
The key today is to think like a designer in the way you lead, explore, create and innovate. You need to manage
your innovation with Design Thinking. Design thinking is linked to an improved future and seeks to build ideas
up and this is what our focus this year is with respect to the ICT Holiday Homework.
The five phases of design thinking are :
•Empathize – with your users
•Define – the projects needs, their problem, and your insights
•Ideate – by challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovative solutions
•Prototype – to start creating solutions
•Test your solutions

To complete your Holiday Homework you need to choose one task out of the 2 tasks mentioned below.
Whichever task you choose needs to involve all the 5 steps of design thinking.
Your task should be accompanied with a chart paper poster that should include the following:

• An illustration of a VERVE moment for you

• Explanation of the steps that you have followed through illustrations and pictorial depiction and less of
texts (basically the 5 steps of design thinking). Please accompany your steps with the symbols that we
use for design thinking
• The final link/QR code of your project


Diegesis - Design a Virtual Reality (VR) story using the Cospaces Edu App
Design a story using the power of your imagination and explore your creativity, implement the same in AR/VR
digital story telling format using Cospaces Edu App. Let the digital characters enact in your digital story.
A particular character can either use a speech bubble or your voice recording to narrate the dialogues or to tell
the story. Create an interesting and innovative fictional story world in which the events of the story occur using
the CoSpaces Edu app
Explore your creations in Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality using the CoSpaces App in your mobile device.
Tools to be used : CoSpaces -
This has backgrounds and a rich library of characters and objects to build your scene. CoSpaces is a creative
outlet for storytelling with VR AR Viewing and Creation- Chromebook, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile Device

Example of a story made using CoSpace:

Tutorial link

Online metronome | Musicca
Music will live forever with Technology; Let’s connect not just communicate. This truly is your time to
shine.Be a VJ, Create your own youtube channel

• Choose an ICT topic of your choice (e.g. AI, Programming, Algorithms, Uses of ICT, Online
Transactions, Operating Systems, HTML, Excel, Input Output devices, Input Processing, Output – the
IPO Cycle and many more ….)
• Write a poem/song on the topic chosen by you. Make sure that your poem explains the ICT topic just
like a tutorial.
• Create your own melodies, runs, and riffs; add layers, harmonies, background vocals, and notes. The key
here is to make the song your own – to give it your own twist.
• Play the music with your own instrument of choice (guitar, piano, tabla etc.).
• Add harmonies, background vocals, and anything else you can do with your voice.
• Record yourself with a good camera
• Use softwares: Youtube Channel , Video editing Software

Reference Videos:

Content/Grades A B C

Creativity Project is exceptionally Project is unique and Work is not unique or

unique, detailed and interesting. Student has detailed. The work does
interesting. Student has shown developing ideas not show original idea nor
explored different but without a true sense risks taken
options and has taken of originality
creative risks.

Meaningful Design Chose the correct Chose the correct design The correct design
thinking used design method and method and design method and design
design criteria. The criteria. The student criteria was not chosen.
( Empathise, Define student built, built, programmed but The student built,
, Ideate, prototype programmed, tested and more of testing could be programmed but more of
and Test) revised the project and done on the project .The testing could be done on
the project meets all the project meets all the the project. The project
design criteria design criteria does not meet all the
design criteria

Overall Presentation Amazing Presentation Overall presentation is Overall presentation is not

and relevance to the and very well designed. clear. The content very appealing, The
project The presented content is connects to the topic relevance of the content to
relevant to the topic given, yet the depth of the topic also lacks at
given and is perfect for connection could be many places
the real time users better and more thought

Timely Submission Submitted on the due Submission within 5 Submission after due
date days of the due date date.

Participation, focus Work shows Work shows good and Work shows lack of
and effort exceptional focus, effort decent focus, effort and focus, effort and planning.
and planning. planning. No participation during
the class discussions
regarding HHW.

Marks 16-20 12-15 7-11

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