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3 leet aceraitn 1 Its. chvee-hour drive ro our country house (TAKES) pT to our counery house 2. They’ opening lr of new shopping centres in the suburbs ofthe cry. (ARE) ‘Alot of new shopping centres in the suburbs of he city, 3 My father sid he would prefer me to stay at home chis evening. (RATHER) My father said achome this evening 4 es sodarkchere that I can‘ see a thing! (MAKE) Iessodark herethacl_———— aching’ Isic Ok if leave dass early today? (OBJECTION) Doyouhave das early today? 6 Everyone agres that Paulas one of the nicest people in che ‘office. (REPUTATION) Paula ‘one ofthe nicest people in the office 7 We've arranged a trp co che mouneains at the weekend (ARRANGEMENTS) Weve ‘oma trip ro the mountains atthe weskend, '8 When he was younger his toy was one of his favourites (FavoURITE) This coy used is when he was younger 9. We could choose from three different books sa prize (cHoice) We____of tree diferen books as prize 10 Many people think that Davis is the chit (THOUGHT) Dave the chet 1 Idi ake the panting, Jon sad, (TAKING) Jon the painting 2. Asmobody wasincerested che show was cancelled. (INTEREST) Due —__the show was cancelled. 3 If could spend every holiday at the coat, that’s what 1 do. (OPPORTUNITY) If)_____ so. spend every hoiday at the couse ‘4 Why are you against getting anew car? (OBJECTION) what’ anew car? 'S Becky demanded to complain co the manager in person. (INSISTED) Becky ‘he managerin person, 6 Ichas always been Victorias ambition o become an ats. (OREAMT) er compiaine to Vieworia ____anarist. 7 Chris made mistake when he gave up his jab. SHOULD) Chris. his job. {8 Theddocror wont lec him rake any more antibiotics. (aow) The doctor wont. any more anciioves. ‘9 Without a pension, she wouldnt have an income (DEPENDS) She —___ her income. 10 Could you send the books to my home address (SENT) Could _______to my home adress? GED) usz OF ENGLISH 10 Bridge couldn’ play in che match because he had broken his anise (STOPPED) Bridge's broken ankle in the match "fm sorry | couldn’ come t your party; Wayne sid. (FOR) Wayne ry pare. Stop chat chil playing inthe sree ie’ really dangerous (en Dont inthe street —its realy dangerous. Joseph i thinking of starting golfas2 hobby. (TAKE) Joseph is thinking of gol, They didnt give any reason for arsving Lae. (ARRIVED) ‘They didn't explain late. leis said chat che old tower is haunted. (SAID) The old tower haunced In spite of working all wekend, didnt manage to ish he essay. (FACT) Despite allweekend,| didnt manage to finish the essay. Everyone did their homework except Paul (ONLY) The do their homework was Paul Ifyou dont leave now, youll miss the train. (SETTER) You you miss the tran, Laura hates other people eating popcorn inthe cinema. (STAND) Cura ‘other people ea popcorn Inthe cinema Fike you to talk to Mr Ferguson fst. (MIND) Would you. to Mr Ferguson first? ‘Care was the only person ¢o know the way tothe hotel, (NoBooy) ‘Apare___the way to the hotel People chink Alfred Hitchcock was one ofthe greatest fim directors in hiscory. (THOUGHT) Alfred Hitchcock. sreacest fim directorsin history Dennis lst contacted me at Christmas. (NOT) Dennis Christmas. ‘The Winter Olympics wil take place in Switzerland. (HELD) The Winker Olympics Switzeriand. Jackis avery good father and his children admire him. (t00K) Jackis avery good father and his children im. You can say what you like, but 'm not going ro believe you ae innocent. (MATTER) No youare innocent. Fm sure you can persuade her co join us. (MAKE) Fm sure you can — us, ‘Monica knows Paris beter than anybody. (AS) Nobody ——______ Monica does. Ie is quice cercain the ran willbe late. (BOUND) Thetain ate, oneofthe nor going co believe

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