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6 eos sitaites 1 Lam sorry you didnt pass your driving tet ~ berter luck next wah your driving test ~ better ick next time! 2 Jay realy wants to see the fim, Jayis looking the fim 3. They didnt seem to prine enough copies of the magazine [Not enough copies ofthe magazine 4 Thavent seen Mark for two years The as ime! 5. Ros read the whole Book in three and a half hours. emcee —— the whole book 6 Dont forge to feed the cat while Im away! Anna said ‘Anna reminded, 7 Lam not as good at tennis 3s Boris is Bors. Somme '8 People say English i quite easy co learn gic eerearreemcnerineeners 9 Look atthe time! We must leave or wellbe late. Iestime—_ifwe dont want co be late 10 Hebroke hislegand he hurt his lft arm. Notonly——~hislefe arm. 1 wouldnt ie you to mention ito my daughter rather commy daugheer. 2 The doctors didnt ec Pec ge out of bed. Pete was ‘ut of bed 3 eas relly unnecessary for us to buy fist-clss rickets. Wereallyneednt chars. 4 Miss Simpson has very good relationships with her students ‘Miss Simpson gets her students. '5 The children have never been atthe seaside before. IestheSrettime the seaside. 6 tis posible the students didnt understand the instructions ‘The students might he 7. They're building a huge shopping mall across the sreet. ‘Auge shopping centre across the street, ‘8 Martin did't answer the phone and now he regress it Martin wishes the phone 9 Ourlocal authorities do not often support charity events Hardly ever charity events. 10 “Your new dress looks very smart he sid to Teresa. He complimented Teresa dress, Transformacje (3) Praeksztlézdaiaw kaidym esate tak, aby bly poprawne samatyeanie|agodne x treicgzdanla wylciowego, Wykorzyaj wyraz podany w nawiasie. Nie wolno zmieniae podanych Fragmentiw adaf ani formy podanego wyrazu- 1.1 Stop them leaving before | come back (LET) Dont. before come back. 2. There arent many TV programmes that | watch regularly (ew) There watch regularly 3 Donna was unable to answer ll the questions inthe exam paper (IMPOSSIBLE) Donna exam paper 4 Someone is redecorating my fat for me. (REDECORATED) “Wl 55 fsomebody ells me how to operate the machine, lean do the work. (TOLD) I the questions inthe Provided lean do the work, 66 Imsure somebody was fllowing me. (FOLLOWED) Fmsuret 7. Samantha cries every time she watches Titanic. (HELP) Samantha everytime she watches Tran | was whispering because | didnt wane to wake the baby. (Nor) Iwas whisperingso wake the baby. |When Jacke got inc the taxi, she forgoc the name ofthe street. (CALLED) When Jackie gor inc the taxi she forgot 2 Take your umbrells i might rain. (CASE) Take your umbrella ——____ierains 13 This the hardest exercise ve ever done. (HARD) Vwenever done 4 fchey cell me what t do ll beable to finish the job. rou) f|_—_____ il beable ro finish theo. Are banks normally open until 600 inthe evening? (NORMAL) Isic ____ unit 600 in she evening? {6 Do you think thatthe weather affects people's behaviour? (INFLUENCE) Do you think chat the weather. people's behaviour? 7. Sean and Karen regret buying chat small ar. (WISH) Seanand Karen that small ear 8 He failed che test because he dcrit do what his teacher said. (INSTRUCTIONS) he wouldnt have failed theeam 9 really dont plan to goto the party on Saturday (INTENTION) 1 ______tothepartyon Saturday 10 Lz somerimes regrets that she took up the job (OCCASIONS) ‘There are some _______thatshe took up the ob. USE OF ENGLISH

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