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Lesnar Transformacje (2) \W katdym zestawie 2da praeksztaé podane zdania tak aby ‘oeraymaé zdania poprawne gramatycznie agodne 2 reicia _dania wyjiciowego. W podanych fragmentach nie welne niczego 11 Jackis beter driver chan me. "done peter dos 2. Athough shes very alerted shes never madea carer a8 See shsvene ade cee ssapianie 2 Somebody wil ave opy forthe damage Thedarage 4 Wetraveled fom London wo Manchester in won hal rou re 5 le was Sophie frst vs to France. Twas che first ime —_—____in rance. {5 Hell have co provide a credible explanation for his absence Otherwise hel lose hsb. Unlesshe__"_ het ose his job 7 Ladvise you not co leave the room before the end ofthe Youd ofthe examination 8 May tun on the TV? (00 you mind. the room before the end theTv 2.1 ‘really think you should stare looking fora permanent job. Ieshigh me you fora permanent job. 2 Allking’ other books are more interesting than ths one This inceresting of all King’s books. 3 Whacs the distance from hereto Bristol? How far to Bristle 4 Why dorit we go toa restaurane? We havent eaten out for ages. Why dont we go to a restaurane? Is ages 'S Martha gave me lif that's why I made it co the airport ifMartha________on ime. 6 Someone broke into the house when we were on holiday. ‘Thehouse when wewere on holiday 7. Steves to inexperienced to be made the Head of Department. Steve isnt. the Head of Department. '8 The moming was so cold that we decided not ro go fora walk. qT EEE moming that we decided norco soforawalk 3-1 Zakisnocold enough toleave schoo. Zakistoo 2. You cant goto the match ifyou dont havea ticket. You cant go to the match ticket 13 They have discovered a new vaccine ae vaccine sesessececeeeese ‘4 Aholiday in he councry is cheaper than ane abroad. ‘Aoliday broad inche country. They missed the plane because they didi eave early enough \feney they wouldnt have missed the plane. USE OF ENGLISH 0 1 Someone must tll David what happened. David "what happened. lam sorry | didnt have te to finish che Book lsh “to finish the book. Carlyn saw a fim atthe cinema yesterday but she didn ike Carolyn didn ke atthe nema yesterday. Tom? ies ten years since | sw im. Tom? years Sara can‘ do that ob! ts roo dificule “That job is too difficult Please don't make that noise. | can't hear myself thinke ‘Would you mind that noise? cant hear myself think Someone has taken my bicycle! My bicycle ‘Weal enjoyed the barbecue even though tained Inspice weal enjoyed the barbecue That man’ car was stolen last week That’ the man. was stolen las week. Te meeting was o long that we were all exhausted bythe end, gee eee bythe end Eromals never been co Italy before. This isthe frstcime Prices here are much higher han | choughe they would be. I didn think prices here Joanna left home much ealie than she had planned Joanna hadnt planned When he says something she never agrees. that we were all exhausted Shernever agrees he says. Paul was driving too fast ~ 50 he had an accident. Paul he wouldn't have had an accident, id you lend me the money? can't remember lcan'eremember the money. leis esencal hat you finish this exercise before you leave. ‘This exercise before you lave Uhaventt heard from Magda for at least year. The as ime I heard from Magda “They epaired my car atthe garage for me Een the garage He can play tennis and he can aso play basketball Not ony he can also play basketball Jack finds i easier to understand French than t0 speak it Ieis_ understand French than f0 speakit Patrick will have to get up early to catch the plan. Patrick wont atch che plane “The exam lasts wo hours. ee ‘There’ a chance i will snow, som taking my warmest coat. rm eaking my warmest coat in prefer us to meet ouside the cinema. rather ‘Outside the cinema. 6 eos sitaites 1 Lam sorry you didnt pass your driving tet ~ berter luck next wah your driving test ~ better ick next time! 2 Jay realy wants to see the fim, Jayis looking the fim 3. They didnt seem to prine enough copies of the magazine [Not enough copies ofthe magazine 4 Thavent seen Mark for two years The as ime! 5. Ros read the whole Book in three and a half hours. emcee —— the whole book 6 Dont forge to feed the cat while Im away! Anna said ‘Anna reminded, 7 Lam not as good at tennis 3s Boris is Bors. Somme '8 People say English i quite easy co learn gic eerearreemcnerineeners 9 Look atthe time! We must leave or wellbe late. Iestime—_ifwe dont want co be late 10 Hebroke hislegand he hurt his lft arm. Notonly——~hislefe arm. 1 wouldnt ie you to mention ito my daughter rather commy daugheer. 2 The doctors didnt ec Pec ge out of bed. Pete was ‘ut of bed 3 eas relly unnecessary for us to buy fist-clss rickets. Wereallyneednt chars. 4 Miss Simpson has very good relationships with her students ‘Miss Simpson gets her students. '5 The children have never been atthe seaside before. IestheSrettime the seaside. 6 tis posible the students didnt understand the instructions ‘The students might he 7. They're building a huge shopping mall across the sreet. ‘Auge shopping centre across the street, ‘8 Martin did't answer the phone and now he regress it Martin wishes the phone 9 Ourlocal authorities do not often support charity events Hardly ever charity events. 10 “Your new dress looks very smart he sid to Teresa. He complimented Teresa dress, Transformacje (3) Praeksztlézdaiaw kaidym esate tak, aby bly poprawne samatyeanie|agodne x treicgzdanla wylciowego, Wykorzyaj wyraz podany w nawiasie. Nie wolno zmieniae podanych Fragmentiw adaf ani formy podanego wyrazu- 1.1 Stop them leaving before | come back (LET) Dont. before come back. 2. There arent many TV programmes that | watch regularly (ew) There watch regularly 3 Donna was unable to answer ll the questions inthe exam paper (IMPOSSIBLE) Donna exam paper 4 Someone is redecorating my fat for me. (REDECORATED) “Wl 55 fsomebody ells me how to operate the machine, lean do the work. (TOLD) I the questions inthe Provided lean do the work, 66 Imsure somebody was fllowing me. (FOLLOWED) Fmsuret 7. Samantha cries every time she watches Titanic. (HELP) Samantha everytime she watches Tran | was whispering because | didnt wane to wake the baby. (Nor) Iwas whisperingso wake the baby. |When Jacke got inc the taxi, she forgoc the name ofthe street. (CALLED) When Jackie gor inc the taxi she forgot 2 Take your umbrells i might rain. (CASE) Take your umbrella ——____ierains 13 This the hardest exercise ve ever done. (HARD) Vwenever done 4 fchey cell me what t do ll beable to finish the job. rou) f|_—_____ il beable ro finish theo. Are banks normally open until 600 inthe evening? (NORMAL) Isic ____ unit 600 in she evening? {6 Do you think thatthe weather affects people's behaviour? (INFLUENCE) Do you think chat the weather. people's behaviour? 7. Sean and Karen regret buying chat small ar. (WISH) Seanand Karen that small ear 8 He failed che test because he dcrit do what his teacher said. (INSTRUCTIONS) he wouldnt have failed theeam 9 really dont plan to goto the party on Saturday (INTENTION) 1 ______tothepartyon Saturday 10 Lz somerimes regrets that she took up the job (OCCASIONS) ‘There are some _______thatshe took up the ob. USE OF ENGLISH 3 leet aceraitn 1 Its. chvee-hour drive ro our country house (TAKES) pT to our counery house 2. They’ opening lr of new shopping centres in the suburbs ofthe cry. (ARE) ‘Alot of new shopping centres in the suburbs of he city, 3 My father sid he would prefer me to stay at home chis evening. (RATHER) My father said achome this evening 4 es sodarkchere that I can‘ see a thing! (MAKE) Iessodark herethacl_———— aching’ Isic Ok if leave dass early today? (OBJECTION) Doyouhave das early today? 6 Everyone agres that Paulas one of the nicest people in che ‘office. (REPUTATION) Paula ‘one ofthe nicest people in the office 7 We've arranged a trp co che mouneains at the weekend (ARRANGEMENTS) Weve ‘oma trip ro the mountains atthe weskend, '8 When he was younger his toy was one of his favourites (FavoURITE) This coy used is when he was younger 9. We could choose from three different books sa prize (cHoice) We____of tree diferen books as prize 10 Many people think that Davis is the chit (THOUGHT) Dave the chet 1 Idi ake the panting, Jon sad, (TAKING) Jon the painting 2. Asmobody wasincerested che show was cancelled. (INTEREST) Due —__the show was cancelled. 3 If could spend every holiday at the coat, that’s what 1 do. (OPPORTUNITY) If)_____ so. spend every hoiday at the couse ‘4 Why are you against getting anew car? (OBJECTION) what’ anew car? 'S Becky demanded to complain co the manager in person. (INSISTED) Becky ‘he managerin person, 6 Ichas always been Victorias ambition o become an ats. (OREAMT) er compiaine to Vieworia ____anarist. 7 Chris made mistake when he gave up his jab. SHOULD) Chris. his job. {8 Theddocror wont lec him rake any more antibiotics. (aow) The doctor wont. any more anciioves. ‘9 Without a pension, she wouldnt have an income (DEPENDS) She —___ her income. 10 Could you send the books to my home address (SENT) Could _______to my home adress? GED) usz OF ENGLISH 10 Bridge couldn’ play in che match because he had broken his anise (STOPPED) Bridge's broken ankle in the match "fm sorry | couldn’ come t your party; Wayne sid. (FOR) Wayne ry pare. Stop chat chil playing inthe sree ie’ really dangerous (en Dont inthe street —its realy dangerous. Joseph i thinking of starting golfas2 hobby. (TAKE) Joseph is thinking of gol, They didnt give any reason for arsving Lae. (ARRIVED) ‘They didn't explain late. leis said chat che old tower is haunted. (SAID) The old tower haunced In spite of working all wekend, didnt manage to ish he essay. (FACT) Despite allweekend,| didnt manage to finish the essay. Everyone did their homework except Paul (ONLY) The do their homework was Paul Ifyou dont leave now, youll miss the train. (SETTER) You you miss the tran, Laura hates other people eating popcorn inthe cinema. (STAND) Cura ‘other people ea popcorn Inthe cinema Fike you to talk to Mr Ferguson fst. (MIND) Would you. to Mr Ferguson first? ‘Care was the only person ¢o know the way tothe hotel, (NoBooy) ‘Apare___the way to the hotel People chink Alfred Hitchcock was one ofthe greatest fim directors in hiscory. (THOUGHT) Alfred Hitchcock. sreacest fim directorsin history Dennis lst contacted me at Christmas. (NOT) Dennis Christmas. ‘The Winter Olympics wil take place in Switzerland. (HELD) The Winker Olympics Switzeriand. Jackis avery good father and his children admire him. (t00K) Jackis avery good father and his children im. You can say what you like, but 'm not going ro believe you ae innocent. (MATTER) No youare innocent. Fm sure you can persuade her co join us. (MAKE) Fm sure you can — us, ‘Monica knows Paris beter than anybody. (AS) Nobody ——______ Monica does. Ie is quice cercain the ran willbe late. (BOUND) Thetain ate, oneofthe nor going co believe

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