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‘it was like some damned Juggernaut’

A ‘juggernaut’ was a wagon which was used to carry around the image of the Hindu God Krishna.
More generally it means a hugely overwhelming destructive force. The further theme of sacrifice
implied by ‘juggernaut’ may reference the sacrifice Jekyll makes to Hyde for indulging in dedanent
and inappropriate behaviour this could suggest Hyde is controlled solely by impulse. Hyde is
described as an unstoppable force suggesting he is ruthless and violent and has the capacity to do
harm this represents Hyde as intimidating and inhumane as he is very different from others and has
higher powers.

‘There is something wrong with his appearance something displeasing something down-right

Mr Hyde is a vague character in the eyes of the readers as descriptions of him are ambiguous. He
evokes fear in other characters posing a mechanism which by which people may experience their
inner terrors and sins that exist within them. Stevenson use of ambiguity forces the reader to
imagine the worst fears in Hyde the alliterative ‘d’ reinforces a sense of repulsion. Hyde is not the
opposite of Jekyll he is the absence of good in him while Jekyll maintains all the flaws, benevolence
and temptations of a normal human Hyde is pure evil.

‘The other snarled aloud into a savage laugh’

The words ‘snarled’ and ‘savage’ gives a sense of unstrained and uncontrollable destruction and
freedom. The verb ‘snarled’ portrays his Hyde to be animalistic and subhuman as it connotes a
violent animal. The adjective ‘savage’ shows how Hyde is a reckless cruel person and laughs when he
senses that utterson is upset this shows the sudden change in demeanour that occurred in Hyde as
he was speaking polietley enough to Hyde this shows that volatility that being evil has brought to

‘ape like fury […] audibly shattered […] incredibly mangled’

Mr Hyde sadistically beats up sir Danvers Caerew with ‘ape like fury’. The simile ‘ape like’ suggest
Hyde has immense strength and power however ‘ape like fury’ highlights his animalistic
characteristics and links to his ‘troglodytic’ appearance. His appearance will be displeasing for the
Victorian audience as they feared atavism and disapproved Charles Darwin theory of evolution.

His bones were ‘audibly shattered’ the maid is sensationalising the scene to highlight how badly
Caerew was beaten and showing the brutality of Hyde. The adverb ‘audibly’ reinforces that Hyde
blow were of such catastrophic effect the Caerew frail bones were snapped so easily and powerfully
that the sounds were heard by the maid. The adjective ‘shattered’ implies that sir Danvers bones
were like glass highlighting his vulnerability making Hyde seem more vicious and evil.

‘His every act and thought centred on self’

He is selfish which is far from Victorian ideals this contrast with the characters of Utterson and
Enfield who are reputable and presented as typical Victorian gentleman this empahsises the role of
the Freudian id in the character of Hyde and his self centred existence further aligns him with
animals rather than humans.

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