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6. How unemployment affects the young generation?

In question 6, participants were asked how young generation is being affected by unemployment.
Majority of the participants voted for falling in depression. We have already known that a large portion
of our graduate or below graduate people are unemployed. This people are trying here and there for
their desired job. When they are not getting the deserved job, they are losing hope. Which is eventually
leading them to depression. To prevent this, the government should come up with some efficient idea
such as encouraging the youth for entrepreneurship also support them financially so that they can make
their own work place and can make opportunity for others.” Income losses might force the unemployed
to reduce their living standards drastically which, of course, could influence both the physical and
mental health of unemployed workers” (Björklund, 1985, p.471)

7. What do you think which group of age has the most unemployment rate?

This question was about the age group who are most likely to be unemployed. The majority of the
participants have chosen the age group of 25-30. I can totally agree with this. There is huge competition
in job market. The Organizations demand for highly skilled or experienced candidate for their post. But
the people from age group of 25-30 is mostly in their first stage of working. In this situation,
organizations should make a first initiative to reduce the unemployment rate. They should me more
considerable on recruiting employees.

8. What do you think which field of our country is being affected the most by unemployment?

In question number 8, the participants were asked about the most affected field of our country by
unemployment. Better part of our participants supported the economic field. If we look for the reasons
behind any country’s economic recession, we will find unemployment in first row. Because of
unemployment people from all over the country are suffering. They are not getting job as per their
ability. That is why they are being unable to play any role in economic development of our country. As a
results, our country is not being able to developed economically. “Employment elasticity is a measure of
the percentage change in employment associated with a 1 percentage point change in economic
growth” (Byron,2020, The daily Star)

9.What do you think which type of unemployment is more in our country?

In question number 9, participants were questioned about the most common type of unemployment in
our country. Among four option the majority of our participants voted for structural unemployment
which occurs because of lack of demand for the workers. When any organization declines or reorganize
it follow the stuff reduction strategies. As a consequence, many workers lost their job. To reduce this
type of unemployment worker should take different kind of training to develop their skills in various
area. At the same time government should make more opportunities for the people.

10. What will be your suggestions to the young generation to handle this problem?

Our last question of the survey was about the suggestions of our participants towards the young
generation to handle this problem. The majority of the participants agreed that gaining skills could be
one of the best ways for the young generation to tackle the problem. In addition to education, our
young generation needs to acquire other skills. Even those who are deprived from education should
establish themselves as competent by gaining different types of skills. Various types of skills such as
foundational skills, job specific skills, digital skills, entrepreneurial skills which help a person to become
self-reliant should be taught in every educational institute. “Without these skills, millions of young
people will be either unemployed or trapped in low-skilled work. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will
pass them by.” (Henrietta H. Fore, 2019). These skills will help the young generation to build their own
work place as well as create opportunity for others. This will eventually reduce unemployment in our

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