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This story is just a fabrication, and never happened in the real world. as for some things that actually
exist in it are references to things that exist.

once upon a time in the Heian era, in a small village called Nioza Village located in Oita
prefecture, Japan. there lived a happy little family, consisting of a husband and wife, and their
son. the husband named Kuroiwa Nakamura is a blacksmith who works for the empire, then
the wife named Hanabi Nakamura who is a housewife, and their son named Okami Nakamura
who is still 5 years old.
One day, while Kuroiwa was working on iron forging, he overheard a conversation between
other workers who were discussing "Yokai". he was curious about the discussion then asked
the workers who were discussing it. "What are you guys talking about? Yokai? What is it?"
Kuroiwa asked one of the workers. "You don't know about Yokai, Kuroiwa? It's being talked
about a lot because of the recent cases," answered one of the workers who answered Kuroiwa's
question. with a still confused face, Kuroiwa asked the worker again about this, "What case?
What does this have to do with the Yokai you're discussing?". because he kept asking about it,
one of the workers explained about "Yokai" to Kuroiwa "Yokai is an incarnation of a cruel
demon, recently there have been several cases of people who died because they were killed,
but the wound was an unnatural wound." clearly a worker to Kuroiwa. With a tone full of
disbelief, Kuroiwa said "there is no way such a thing exists in this world. After all, even if the
existence of Yokai exists, it means that they must have been purified by the monks of the
temple. Yokai are afraid of monks, right?". then one of the workers replied again "it's okay if
you don't believe. but always be careful. we never know when misfortune befalls us". Kuroiwa,
who had been listening to this, still couldn't believe it and continued to work instead.
The next day, a monk came to Kuroiwa's house to inform that every head of the family must
be at home today, and must always be vigilant. because tonight is the night of the Ichijō
hyakkiyakō (Parade of 100 Devils). however, after receiving the information, Kuroiwa ignored
it and went to work anyway because he didn't believe in Yokai's existence.
in the evening after finishing work, Kuroiwa walked back to her house. On the way, he saw a
group of people walking in the thick fog in the middle of the night carrying torches towards
the village where he lived. Kuroiwa who saw this was just ignorant about it, and continued on
his way. The closer he got to the group, he started hearing the sound "死ぬ (Shinu) = Die".
Kuroiwa who heard that, only felt that maybe they were pranksters and exaggerated the existing
myths. along the way, Kuroiwa continued to walk behind the group, then when he was about
to blink his eyes, the group disappeared. with a slight jolt of shock, Kuroiwa was confused, but
she still thought positively, that maybe, she was just tired and hallucinating.
when he got home, Kuroiwa was confused because the house was quiet. he also several times
called the names of his wife and children, "Hanabi, Okami, I'm home". but no one answered.
he kept calling their names while going around the house looking for his wife and children.
then, after arriving at the back of the house, how shocked Kuroiwa was to see his wife and
child lying on the ground with blood spilled all over their bodies. in shock and disbelief,
Kuroiwa ran towards the bodies of his wife and son, crying. He couldn't believe the sight he
saw at that time. he sobbed while apologizing to his wife and son because he was not at home.
Kuroiwa could only continue to cry while hugging the bodies of his wife and child. then in a
loud voice, he said "I will find the Yokai, and I will destroy your damn Parade!".
the next day, Kuroiwa buried the bodies of his wife and son properly. then, Kuroiwa stopped
being an iron forge. all he did after that was just sit at home and continue to sharpen a sword
while continuing to practice swinging the sword with the determination to slash any yokai, or
astral beings he came across. but for more or less a long period of time never heard of again
about yokai or anything like that. Kuroiwa, knowing this, never stopped sharpening his sword,
and continued to swing it every day with the same determination.
day after day, year after year. For approximately 5 years since the death of his wife and child,
Kuroiwa has been preparing himself. until one day, he heard the news, that began to fall victim
in an unusual way. hearing that, Kuroiwa swiftly went to the source of the information to
inquire about the strange death. After searching for information, he finally heard the word
"Yokai" again after a long time. when night came, filled with anger, Kuroiwa sat with his sword
in the middle of the village waiting for the Yokai to come to him. then after a long wait, like
the crowd he had seen years ago, he saw the scene again. full of emotion, he ran towards the
crowd and slashed blindly. After finishing slashing blindly, Kuroiwa was surprised after the
moonlit him up, because what he slashed were village people walking at night. guiltily,
Kuroiwa was just stunned at what he had done.
The next morning, Kuroiwa was visited by the Royal security team who picked him up with
the intention of giving Kuroiwa the death penalty on charges of mass murder. before his death,
Kuroiwa received news that the results of the investigation by the security forces stated that
the deaths of his wife and child were the work of mountain bandits. knowing that, Kuroiwa felt
that she had made a fool of herself, and also felt guilty about her actions that focused too much
on her anger. after that day, Kuroiwa was sentenced to commit seppuku.
after Kuroiwa's death, society began to have less trust in yokai and so on. they start living as
usual, while there are still some people who still believe in the existence of yokai.
do Yokai exist? Yes, they exist, and are always watching from the shadows, waiting for the
humans to be weak and helpless.
Story Outline
Title Yokai
Genre Myth
Characters Kuroiwa Nakamura, Hanabi Nakamura, Okami
Nakamura, Monk
Settings Nioza Village, Oita, Japan. – Heian Era (794 –
once upon a time in the Heian era, in a small
village called Nioza Village located in Oita
prefecture, Japan. there lived a happy little family,
consisting of a husband and wife, and their son. the
Exposition Statement husband named Kuroiwa Nakamura is a
blacksmith who works for the empire, then the
wife named Hanabi Nakamura who is a housewife,
and their son named Okami Nakamura who is still
5 years old.
in the evening after finishing work, Kuroiwa
walked back to her house. On the way, he saw a
group of people walking in the thick fog in the
middle of the night carrying torches towards the
village where he lived. Kuroiwa who saw this was
just ignorant about it, and continued on his way.
The closer he got to the group, he started hearing
the sound "死ぬ (Shinu) = Die". Kuroiwa who
Rising Action
heard that, only felt that maybe they were
pranksters and exaggerated the existing myths.
along the way, Kuroiwa continued to walk behind
the group, then when he was about to blink his
eyes, the group disappeared. with a slight jolt of
shock, Kuroiwa was confused, but she still thought
positively, that maybe, she was just tired and
when he got home, Kuroiwa was confused because
the house was quiet. he also several times called
the names of his wife and children, "Hanabi,
Okami, I'm home". but no one answered. he kept
calling their names while going around the house
looking for his wife and children. then, after
arriving at the back of the house, how shocked
Kuroiwa was to see his wife and child lying on the
Conflict ground with blood spilled all over their bodies. in
shock and disbelief, Kuroiwa ran towards the
bodies of his wife and son, crying. He couldn't
believe the sight he saw at that time. he sobbed
while apologizing to his wife and son because he
was not at home. Kuroiwa could only continue to
cry while hugging the bodies of his wife and child.
then in a loud voice, he said "I will find the Yokai,
and I will destroy your damn Parade!".
After 5 Years. when night came, filled with anger,
Kuroiwa sat with his sword in the middle of the
village waiting for the Yokai to come to him. then
after a long wait, like the crowd he had seen years
ago, he saw the scene again. full of emotion, he ran
towards the crowd and slashed blindly.
After finishing slashing blindly, Kuroiwa was
surprised after the moonlit him up, because what
Falling Action he slashed were village people walking at night.
guiltily, Kuroiwa was just stunned at what he had
The next morning, Kuroiwa was visited by the
Royal security team who picked him up with the
intention of giving Kuroiwa the death penalty on
charges of mass murder. before his death, Kuroiwa
received news that the results of the investigation
by the security forces stated that the deaths of his
wife and child were the work of mountain bandits.
knowing that, Kuroiwa felt that she had made a
fool of herself, and also felt guilty about her
actions that focused too much on her anger. after
that day, Kuroiwa was sentenced to commit
Point of View Third Person Perspective
Moral Lesson Never let anger and resentment blind you from
the right thing
Synopsis This story is about a man who wants to avenge
the death of his family. but unfortunately, the
revenge turned into a double-edged sword for
him, which did not even solve the problem, but
made him have to end his life.

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