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@ PRACTICE TEST PAPER (-] Paper 2 Section A: Reading Read this extract from a short story. Four friends are on a climbing holiday in the mountains. But something is worrying one of them. Jodie woke to a beautiful morning. Wriggling out of her sleeping bag she unzipped the Gor of the tent and gazed out over the valley below. Alter the storm of the night before, ail lay peaceful and quiet. Even the cows on the distant meadow were unmoving, the bells a ny heir necks barely clanging as they munched the summer grass. The sun had. just appeared from behind the mountains opposite, casting a reddish glow 0” their snowy tops § aoe eerche underside of the wispy clouds that floated in the sky. Just for @ second Jodie cetembered the old saying, ‘Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning) = But at that oe eent, Laura stirred beside her and in turning to say good morning, she forgot her vague disquiet. Fustling sounds from the other tent indicated that the boys too were awake ‘hope Tom is in a better mood this morning,’ Jodie said to Laura as Wey: dressed. ‘It was 10 very odd yesterday the way he suddenly lost his temper. | stil don't understand what upset him so much.’ ‘Itwas when we decided to stop for the night’ mused Laura. ‘It was unsafe to try to goon in the dark. I wonder why he was so adamant that we have not gone far enough” When the two girls emerged from their tent, the boys had already lit the stoves and were 18 cooking breakfast. ‘Come on, sleepy-heads! We need to be moving - we lost too much time yesterday. At least Tom sounded cheerful again, but what was the hurry? Brian looked up from the frying-pan he was holding. ‘Does it matter, Tom? We've several days of our holiday left. Plenty of time.” 20 Tom began to reply, but then checked himself and turned away. Puzzled, Jodie waited for Laura to say something, but she just shrugged her shoulders and sat down. ‘As they ate, Jodie tured over in her mind possible reasons for Tom's urgency. Was it something to do with his unexplained absence from dinner the night before they left? The next morning he had been ready to leave hours before the rest of them, and grumpy all the while they finished packing. But Laura wouldn't be hurried; she painstakingly checked everything they needed, and in the end they had set out only half an hour later than planned. imb had gone well and they had made good progress in the r slopes were gentle and grassy, clear streams flowed softly i ll bloomed in sheltered crannies, all framed by |. As the path took them higher on the third ming PRACTICE TEST PAPER @ Yes, that was when Tom Laura had been fi weet temper. No! Wel nab aes a ae not far enough; we must go on But st stoical of the four of them, who had to warm them all up, and calmed Tom This morning, though, it was as and clear that the mountains on oes Nad Never happened, Everything was so bright «8 totouch, The sun, now fully ior © ne! Side ofthe valley seemed almost close enough quite pleasant, and aise was warm enough to make sitting to eat their breakfast Ir were reg Stored to equanimity by a night in warm sleeping bags. At that moment Tom jum Sear comerecd omic Bing the lie to Jodie's thoughts. With a scowl he repeated, NG. Are you lot going to sit here all day? 2 Now answe ‘ow answer the questions in the spaces provided 1 Eat in your own words how the writer uses the view over the valley in the morning to create atmospher ines 1-9), ae ‘Three marks indicate t reed to find three things to sa Ea goiehs Support your answer with examples from the passage. [3] question asks: explain in your ‘un words and give examp * 2 a) What sort of do you think Jodie is? Tips for success Q Se eo aad ‘Why do we know what happening? What does she tell us about what happened earlier? Write one word or phrase in your own words. Ww - b) Write one quotation from the passage to support your O) @ PRACTICE TEST PAPER Tips for success Four marks means that you need to find four things to say. And remember that ‘explain’ needs more than just listing what he did. Tips for success Concentrate on the underlined phrase, not on the sentence as a whole, What does the phrase make you think of? Tips for success how Tom's behaviour before Explain in your 01 rords Se ee reas 27) was different from that of the rest of they left ines 23-27) was d the group. Support your answer with examples from the Passage, [4] 5 “The streams now rushed urgently over lips of rock’ (line 32), What is the underlined phrase an example of? ul Tick Zi one box. Alliteration a Hyperbole fa ‘Metaphor a Personification O 6 Write two quotations that show how their climb changed on the third day (ines 31-34). 2 7 Explain in your own words how the change in the climbing conditions affected the group. tl ey a PRACTICE TEST PAPER @ Give r: ein the passage is the Hof ther described? I it ai in gy, _]fece? Note that you are i Eyed how the writer ma | ast, 80 your ans gay tase tothe wording of sage even though you ways in the Weather teat” hich the writer contrasts the r the next morning my 2 Tips for cess 10 Give one way ge goto ust = Urgency in the says, but how or wh aa comes immediately by jines? Has anything cl since earlier in the in which the wi riter emphasises Tom’s final p, 4 aragraph (lines 49-50), in] Tips for succe Nore than two of these of are true of the passage. But Tick Z two boxes you need to decide v contribute to the feeling that something, an adventure, is g {happen to the group. 11 Which two features fror m m this text suggest that it is from adventure story? i] a A first person narrator The mountain setting The use of dialogue ——! The use of flashbacks Bee oO ‘The withholding of information 12 Write one quotation which tells us that Laura is the leader of this group. wy 13 Explain in your own words how the other three members of the group react to Tom. ‘Support your answer with examples from the whole a @ PRACTICE TEST PAPER Section B: Writing 9 Write a story about an adventure that a small group of young people have, with an unexpected but happy ending Try to show how the group work together and make jt exciting for the reader. Why is the ending unexpecte Planning Write your plan in the box. 7 What causes it?

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