Health 7 Exam Q3

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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is defined as the physiological and emotional responses to a significant or unexpected change in one’s
a. Stressor b. Stress c. Eustress d. Distress
2. Which of the following do you consider a source of eustress?
I. Choosing a gift for a friend.
II. Arguing with classmates.
III. Getting a birthday surprise.
IV. Watching traditional play.
a. I, II, and IV b. II, III, and IV c. I, III, IV d. I, II, III, IV
3. Titan got a failing mark in Mathematics. What kind of stress does Titan is experiencing?
a. Stressor b. Stress c. Eustress d. Distress
4. Which of the following situations causes feelings of anxiety?
a. Eloise is excited to attend her friend’s birthday party.
b. Olympia is assigned to recite a poem in front of the class.
c. Aquila is a having a newborn sibling.
d. Aira won the quiz bee contest in their school.
5. Dom is being bullied by his classmates. If you are Doms, what would you do?
a. I will talk to my parents about my situation.
b. I will have fun with my friends after class.
c. I will let my classmates continue bullying me.
d. I will fight back against my classmates who are bullying me.
6. Which of the following is an unhealthful strategy for coping with stress?
a. Read books while listening to music.
b. Play with your siblings or friends
c. Put the blame on your pet.
d. Write a poem or compose a song.
7. The following are the signs and symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder, EXCEPT
a. Lack or loss of motivation.
b. Recklessness and impulsiveness
c. Excessive gain or loss of weight
d. overthinking
8. Zyra is new to their school. She is having difficulty coping with the new environment and having new
friends. Which of the following is the stressor in the situation?
a. Having new friends.
b. Coping up with the new environment.
c. Zyra is new in their school.
d. Any of the above
9. If you are Zyra, what would you do to cope with the new environment?
a. I will talk to my parents to find another school for me to transfer.
b. I will ask permission from my teachers to allow me to stay at the library instead of attending the
c. I will reach out to my classmates and schoolmates to gain new friends and cope with the new
d. I will just stay away from my classmates and avoid participating in class activities.
10. The disorders that disrupt thinking, feelings, moods, and behaviors and impair daily functioning are
a. Stress b. Stressors c. Mental illness d. Bipolar

TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.
__________11. A person who is not able to handle stress may develop poor habits that will lead to an ailing
health condition.
__________12. Grieving is important and healthy for one’s well-being.
__________13. Mental illness is suffering caused by three factors: loss, disaster, and misfortune.
__________14. If you experience bullying in your school, the best way to do is to talk with your
__________15. If you have been experiencing sadness and frustration because of stressful situations, start
finding the positive side of things.

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