ISO 7176-5. Silla de Ruedas. Dimensiones, Masa y Maniobrabilidad

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| INTERNATIONAL Ei.. STANDARD THTS-S ‘Second edition 2008:06-01 Wheelchairs — Part 5 Determination of dimensions, mass and manoeuvring space Fauteulls roulants — Parte 5: Determination des dimensions, ae la masse et ae espace de manoeuvre Roferones number 180 7170-52008) ISO 7176-5:2008(E) PDF disclaimer Tris FOF fie may contin embeded typefaces. In eocerdance with Adobe's Ieenska pole, tha Sle maybe pre or ewes bat ‘Sal ot be eed tess fe toetaces whic er embedded ae licensed to and insted on > marae oerrving the Stig. Goarloading ths He, parles azepl Geren the respi of pel hfreing Adcbes Woetsiny wey. Tho IS Cert Secrest sezeois re lbily ths area ech fa Yagemark of Adobe Systems Iooiporaes Delals ofthe sone praduels ued to create is POF Me ca he found tthe Geneta Int telah fo te Me; the POF-reation forametrs wers opto forcriming Evecare hos en tahen ss eneur= hae Nis estan eres by SO member oo In the une event Tat pode eetng (fod, plaselnfomn fe Genial Secretar lhe aes ven below A COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © Isom ‘Al rats reseed. Unless cthewise soocts ro pat ef is publeatlon may be reroced or ulead In any frm or ty any mess, ‘Sectenie o mechentcahicudhg ptotoooyyng afd mrt, witout persion i witng fem eer TO a he acess betow ce [S08 meter bony the caruy of ie enwestes 150 copright fie (Caes posite Ss» CH+1211 Geneva 20 Tet 812274801 11 Fax 341227490047 Exmal copyishidise.o Web wae Published in Starland ii © 50 2008 Al rots reserve Contents Page Foreword... Introduction .. ‘scope 1 Normative references... Terms and definition: Wheelchair classes and occupant mass groups... 2 General. a 222, Classes of electrically powered wheelchairs. 2a ‘Occupant mass groups... 22, Test apparatus ‘Selection of the test wheelchair Preparation of the test wheelchair. Genoral Wheelchair equipment, Wheelchair adjustment. Final check Positioning Loading of the wheelchair Record... sutninnacneamnamaas Use of hand space gauge and foot space gauges Wheel rotation Asymmetrical design of test wheelchair Required measurements 35 General 35 Full overait 36 Overall width : . 36 Handgelp nalght 36 Stowage length . 36 ‘Stowage width. aT ‘Stowage height . aT RISING nnn 37 Total mass 37 Mass of heaviest part. 37 Pivot width. Reversing width Turing diameter. Ground clearance . . ce - Required width of angled corridor 39 Required doorway entry depth... x Z : Requlted corridor width tor side opening, 39 Disclosure of information (Genet sass Wheelchairs with handims vo... i Wheelchairs without nandeims......0scnenor Test report Requirements. Recommendations... 180 2008 Al is reserved i 9: 2008(E) ‘Annex A (Informative) Technical dimensions. 4 Annex B (informative) Pivot width and reversing width 89 Annex ¢ (informative) Turning dlameter ‘Annex D (informative) Wheelchair longitudinal axis and win 14 ‘Annex € (Informative) Guldelinas and racommendiattons for wheelchair dasign and performance .....75 Ichalr centre-point. Bibliography. y © 160 2008 - A ighisrserved ISO 7176-5:2008(E) Foreword 180 (the international Organization for Standardization) is a workiwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The Work of praparing Iniemational Stancaras 1s nermally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical commitiee has been festapiizned has the right to Da representac on tnat committee. intsmatonal erganzations, governmental and Non-governmental, in liaison wiih ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Inwerrational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Inwemational Stangaras are arafted in accoraance withthe rules given in tne ISOVIEC Drectives, Part 2. ‘The main task of technical commitess Is to prepare International Standards, Draft International Stancaras ‘adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bocles for voting. Publication as an Inerrational Stanaara requires approval by at least 75 %e of the memner hodies casting a Vote Attention fg drawn to the possiblity that some of the elements of this dacument may be the subject oF patent rights, ISO shall not be held responsicle for identiying any or all such patent riahs. 180 7176-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 173, Assistive produets for persons with deabilty, Subcommittee SC 1, Wheelchairs. ‘This second eattion cancels ang replaces the rst edition (ISO 7176-0:1086) whicn nas peen technically revised. 180 7176 consists ofthe following parts, under the general title Wheelchairs: — Part 1: Determination of state stabiity = Part 2 Determination of dynamic stability of electric wheeichairs — Part 3: Dotexmination er emectiveness of brakes — Part 4: Energy consumption of electric wheelchairs and sccoters for determination of ¢nsoretical astance range — Part 5: Determination of dimensions, mass and manoeuvring space — Part 6: Determination oF maximum spec, acceleration and deceleration of electric whslenairs — Part 7 Measurement of seating ane wheel dimensions — Parts: Requirements and test methods for state, mpact ana ravgue strengins Part 9: Climati tests for electric whootchairs — Part 10: Dstermination of obstacte-clmbing ably of electicaly powered wheelchairs — Part 14: Test dummies — Part 13: Determination of coeficient of hiction of test surfaces — Part 14: Power ana contro) systems for electrically powered wheelcnairs and scooters — Requirements ‘and test methods 1s0 2008 Airis reserved y Part 15: Requirements for Information disclosure, documentation and labeling Part 16: Resistance to gniton of upholstered parts — Requirements and test methods Part 19 Wheeled mebitty devices for use as seats in motor venicies Part 21: Requirements and test methods for electromagnee compaioilty of slecirealy powerse wheelchairs and motorized scooters, and battery chargers Parl 22 Setup procedures Part 25° Requirements and test methods for altendan-operated stat-cimoing devices Part 24: Requirements and test methods for user-operated stalr-cimoing devices Part 26: Vocabulary 150 2008 Al iis reserved 180 7176-5:2008(E) Introduction ‘The purpose of ins part cf ISO 7176 Isto provide technical detintions togathar with appropriate measurement procedures for measuring Important dimensions and masses of menual wheelchairs and electricaly powered Wheelchairs Inclueing scoctars, which can be Used to estimate the appropriateness for a given enuronment. [A new approach 1s used for tne pre-selection of the reference size trom 2 vingsicnalr mocel with range of various dimensions by introducing reference dimensions of the intended occupant. This new aporoach ensures repeatable ang comparaiia test results ‘The in‘ormation In tis part of ISO 7176 is intended for three main reader groups prescribers and occupants of whaelchaite; architects and public authortios; — manufacturers, wheeichair providers, clinicens end test laboratories. Feetures that are Enportant to whestchair occupants, architects and public authorities, such as overel ‘imensions and the estimation of tie Space neacea and general manoau\ranlity, are coctalned in Clause 8. Values for the different features are disclosed in the wheelchairs specification sheet. The values can be used lodelermine, before purchase, the vinasichal’s sultabilly I relalon fo specif requirements and needs The technical features of a whaelenalr which ate of Inportanca to manufacturers, wheelchair providers, lnicians and test laboratories, such es items to be considered when manufacturing, setting up, adjusting. Fepaiting oF tasting whaelenalts, are Instuded in Anne A Technical Report ISO/TR 13670-1I"l is also available, giving a simplified explanation of the diferent parts of 10 7176. Technical Report, ISO/TR 13970-24, s under consiseration (2180 2008 — Ar ign served vi te INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 7176-5:2008(E) Wheelchairs — Part 5: Determination of ensions, mass and manoeuvring space 1 Scope ‘This part of ISO 7178 spectias methods for the determination of wheeichair mensions and mass. This includes specific methods for the determination of outside dimensions when the wheelchair is occupied by a reference occupent and the required manoeuvring space needed for vineelchalr manoeuvres commonyy cates out n dally te This part of |SO 7176 specifies requirements for the clsclosure of the dimensions and masses and contains ‘ive informative annexes, ‘Annex A specifies methods for the determination of technicel cimensions that can be Important to the partormance of ine wneelcnatr Annex B provides cetalled Intormation about plvot wath ana reversing wiatn Annex C provicies cetalied information ancut the turning ctameter. Annex D provices celalls ch determing the wneelchair longitudinal ax’s an wheelchair cantra-point Annex E provides technical guidelines and recommendations for many of the measurements specited 10 ‘aciltate improved uncerstancing, design and construction of wheelchalts. This part of 1807178 Is apotkable to manvel wheschais and electrical powered wheschats (nung soocters} 2 Normative references The folowing roferenceé documents are indispensable for the application of this document, For dated reterences, anly the edkien clad applies. For undated reterences, the lalest edition of the referenced document (including any amengmants) apples. ISO 7176-7, Wheelchairs — Part 7: Measurement of seating and whoo! dimensions ISO 7176-11, Whooichars — Part 11: Tost cummios ISO 7176-13, Wheeichairs — Part 13: Determination of coofiient of fiction of test surfaces ISO 7176-15, Wheoichars— Part 15: Roquiromonts for information disclosure, documentation and labelling ISO 7176.22:2000, WhooIehairs — Part 22: Sot-up procedures ISO 7176-26, Wheeichairs — Part 26: Vocabulary 0180 2000 At igs reserved 1 3. Terms and definitions For the purposes of this éocument, the terms and definitions given in |S0 7178-28 and the following apply. 34 castor wheel misalignment lateral distaneo between the ground contact point of the castor whoel and that point where the castor stam axis intersects with the ground See Figure 1 NOTE 1 Moasurement isin accordance with A.22 NOTE2 A non-zero value usually indeates a misalignment The value is pesitve if the ground contact paint of the castor whee! Is med 10 he point of Hiersecton of the castor stem ax with the ground, zero I in te desired neu Psion and negate the ground contact paint a the castor whee! is lateral 6 the pent of intersection of the castor ser fee with the grote. NOTE 3. Sketches a), b) and cin fent wew ¢)n top view a) shifted wheel ) conical whee! ©) tilted axle ) oblique axle Key 41 castor whas! mieaignment Figure 1 — Castor whee! misalignment (exaggerated) 2 17180 2008 A rghts resend ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 32 ‘xed wneet wheel that cannot change its axial orientation relative tothe wheelchair during motion EXAMPLE Drive wheel, manoeuvring wheel or guise wheel 33 front wheel track distance batween the ground contact points ofthe front whale, ‘S00 Figure 2. NOTE 1 Measurement ie n accordance with A.96 key 41 front whee! tack Figure 2 — Front wheel track (example) ‘50 2008 ~ ft ngrsrasena 3 180 7176-5:2008(E) 34 {ull occupied length distance botween the most forward and most rearward point cf the wheelchair including lower log cupport assemblies and a reference occupant See Figure 3 NOTE 1 — Measurements in accordance wih AS. NOTE2 This measurement applies were the wheelchair has feed leg suppers andlor foot eupperts er where the les ‘Supports andr foot supports ae removable but nol femoved fu ocaied Feng reauces eccuples eng fsecupted wn fcupied heignt veered Figure 3 — Dimensions of the wheelchair when occupied 4 (2150 2008 — At ins esarve0 dh siatiene 35 {ull overall engin Cisianco botwoon the most forward and most rearward point of the whacIchair whan assemblod and ready for tse with any leg supports, foot supports and any antipping devices fitec See Figuie 4 NOTE 1 Measurement isin accordance vith 62. NOTE 2 This measurement apoliee where the wheelchair has fixed leg supports andior foot supports or where the leg ‘Subporis andor foo! supports are removable bul aot removed. key 1 tatoveratttenotn 2 reauced overanienain 3 overatwan 4 overalineight Figure 4 — Overall wheelchair dimonsions @ 150 2008 alright reserved 5 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 38 ground clearance minimum clearance beiween the occupied wheelchair and the grounct see Figuie 5. NOTE Measurement isin ascordance with 8.14 1 typeatencal poits 2 ground dearance 2 Wheels, adjustable logfoctcupperts end ant-ip deviooa aro not considored. Figure 5 — Ground clearance (example) 37 {ground contact point midpoint of tro aroa where tho whee! contacts the ground See Figure 6. NOTE 1 Ono moans of identifying the ground contact point iste place four fler gaugos of oqua thickrese, and with at ost one straight edge, on the test plane (an cxample of a feeler gauge & a iece of th or other rid materia, 5.3mm +02. te), Hush two of tem from the ront and fear under the wheels wth tne seaight edges nonzontl ‘ne perpendicular to the whooisair longitude! exo and puch tho other two of thar, from both cidea, under tre wheols with thir straight coges paral to the weelchar leneitusinal axis. Push all feclor eauces untl they contact the whee! ‘The ground coniact polis located he mile of he tectangle Gated by the siaigh! edges of he four Teer oaues. NOTE 2 Skeich a)inside view: b) in ron view: o) in 74 view with wheelchatr removed 6 (© 180 2008 — A nts eseres woh 7176-5:2008(E) awe *) ‘rea of contact between wheel ard ground fron! feler seuge rear reser gauge ron teeter gevge tert feter gauge ‘curd contact point Figure 6 — Identification of ground contact point 38 handgrip height vertical distance fiom the ground to the handgrip reference points of the wheeichair NOTE Measurement isin accordance vith 6.4 180 2008 args reseed 7 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 39 handgrip reference point ‘outermost lateral point at haf length of the handgrip See Figuie 7. key 1 andgnp reference point Figure 7 — Handgrip reference point 3.10 lateral handrim deviation {deviation ofthe handrim from a fat plane that is perpendicular to the axle NOTE 1 Moacurementi in accordance with A. NOTE 2 _ Lateral nandtim deviation is expressed 2c the aiference between the postion ofthe innermost ané outermost paints ofthe eutorrest continuous surface of the hancrim, measured in the drecion of the axis ofthe wheel. A non-zero ‘ralue ustally hieates a nesalignment 344 lateral wheel deviation deviation ofthe rim of the wheel from a fat plane that's perpendicular to the whee! axle See Fioure 8 NOTE 1 Meacurementis in accordance with A. NOTE 2 _ Lateral wheel deviation is exprassad as the diference between the postion of the mnermost and outermost paints ofthe eulermost continuous surface ofthe rim of the wheal, measured in the dirsction ofthe ens of the wheel. A non-core value usualy nuicales a isalgnment 3.2 mass of heaviest part mass of the heaviest part (or assembly of parts) of the wheeichair when dismantled for tansport or stowing purposes 3.13 movable wheel ‘whee! that can change ils axial orentation relative fo the wheelchair during motion EXAWPLE Pct whol, pivot crve wheel or castor whodl 8 © 180 2008 — Night rssrved a) wheel with skew axle b)_ wheel with lateral bump ©) uneven whee! Figure 8 —Some wheels with lateral wheel deviation aaa ‘eccupled height vertical distance from the test plane to the uppermost point of the head of a reference occupant ‘S00 Figure 3. NOTE 1 Measurements i ancordance win A. NOTE 2 The cecupiad height meacuroment takes the eresenca of a ceat cushion into account 3.45 ‘occupied width rronzontal dsiance across the whaelenalrincluaing @ reterence occupant ‘See Figure. NOTE 1 Moosurement sin accordance with &.40 NOTE 2 Occupied wiatn includes ihe hands oF the occupant the wneeichalenas nandrens 3.16 pivot width minimum distance between wo vertical and parallel walls between which @ wheelchair with full ferentia Staering can tum through 180° with one single and continuous turing manceuvie ‘See Figure 9 and 8.2. NOTE Macsurament ein aocordance with 8.11 © 160 2008 Al rgts reser 9 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) Key + pot war Figure 9 — Pivot wiath sar radial handrim deviation “deviation of te handiim ftom a true cle that i$ concenie to the axle NOTE 1 Measurements in accordance mith AS. NOTE2 Radial hanerim deviation is expressed as the dfferance betwsen the longast and the shertet outer radius of ‘each Pandiim, A non-zero value usualy indicates 2 misalignment 40 (2180 2008 — aligns esac ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 3.18 radlal wheel deviation deviation of the outer circumference of the whee! from a true citcle that is concentric to the axle S00 Figure 10. NOTE! Measurement is in accordance with A. NOTE 2 Radial wheel deviaton is expressed as the diflerance between the longest ane the shortest rasius of the shee! A non-zero vale usualy incteates a misalgnirent a) eccentric whool _b) whee! with fist part) wheel with bump _—_d)_olliptieal whee! Figure 10 — Somo wheels with radtal whee! deviation 319 ramp transition angle angie between ramp and norgontal on which the ‘ransttion to level ground can ee negotiates witnout contacting the ramp or the ground with any part other than the wheels See Figure 11 NOTE 1 Measurement is in accordance with A.12 NOTE 2 Ramp traneion angle concoms the amallect of the three angles achieved when driving ever a tanciton between level ercurd and a ramp: 2) with front parts a the lower transiion b) with rar parts atthe loner transit, ©) with parts that ae located between the wheels al the uoper transition ‘Te ramp transition angle is expresocd in dogr NOTE 3. Since architects express the angles of ramps in percent, the ramp transition angle may also be expr ' percentage. The ramp trnstion angle can be converted fem degrees to percent as ‘olows: shore Pia the angle in porcent and D ia the angle in dograes for anglos bolew 10° the error is les than 1 24, and bolow 2a" the enor is less than 4%) 1s0 2008 Airis reserved 1" 180 7176-5:2008(E) ss radlal wheel deviation Ueviaton of the cuter crcunvference of tne whee! trom a true cicie that is concent to the axle See Figure 10 NOTE 1 Measurement is in accordance wih A, NOTE 2 Radial wnee! deviation Is exmessed as ine diferarce between the longest anc the shortest radius of the wheel A non-zaro value usually ncieates a misalgnment a) eccentric wheel b)_ whee! with flat part) wheel with bump dl) elliptical wheel Figure 10 — Some wheels with radial wheel deviation 3.19 ramp transition angle ‘angle between ramp and horgontal on which the transition to level ground can be nogotiated without Contacting the ramp or the ground with any part other than the wheels See Figure 11 NOTE 1 Measurement isn accordance wih A.12, NOTE 2 Ramp tranatisn angle concems the smallest of the three angles achieved when driving over a tansiton between evel uround and a ram: 8) with font parts al the lower tension Dy wth ear parts atthe toner wansion, ©} with parts tna ae located between te wets al the uoper vanstion Tre ramp transition ences expressed in dasreos. NOTE 3. Since architects exprecs the anglos of ramps in percent, the ramp trenton angle may also be expr {8 percentage. The ramp tanstion angle can be converted fem degrees lo peroonl as lows: 20d a8 where Pis the angle in percent and D isthe angle in degrees for angles below 10° the ertor is less than 1 3), and below 2 te enor isless than 4%) 180 2008 Nigh racerod " ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 2 a) front parts at the lower bb) rear parts at the lower —_c)_parts located between the transition transition wheols at the upper transition Figure 14 — Ramp transition angle 3.20 rear wheel track distance botween the ground contact points of the reer whee! S00 Figuro 72. NOTE 1 Meosurament ein accordance with A.14 key Figure 12— Rear wheel track (example) 42 (© 180 2008 ~All gnts esenes ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 321 reduced occupied tengtn distance between the most forward and most rearward point of the wheelchair without fower leg support assemllas out Incluaing a reference cccupant ‘see Figure 8. NOTE 1 Measurement sn accordance wit A. NOTE2 This measureren! applis where the wheel:hair is Gelversd without leg suppotts andr foot supports o: \wnere ine lag supports andtor foot supports ae removatie ana removec 322 reduced overall lngth distance between the most forward and the most rearward point of the wheelchair when assembled anc ready for use without lower leg support assemblies ‘S20 Figure 4. NOTE? Measuremantis in accordance wtn 2. NOTE 2 This measurement apples wnere tne wheelsnar Is ceivered without leg supports andor foot suppers oF where tne lag supports ander toot supports ae removable ane removed 0180 2008 — Al igs sere 13 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 3.23 requlred corridor width for side opening minimum width of a corridor necessary to permit the wheelchair to move forwards info oF gut of the corridor ‘through an open doorway of defined width in one wall See Figure 19. NOTE Measurement iin accordance with 8.17 “ LLL 2 b) entering wey 100 mm wise side opening 2 requires comaor wun tor sie opening when exring 3 required condor with for sie opening when entecng Figure 13 — Required corridor width for side opening 14 © 180 2008 Arig reserved wal 71476-5:2008(E) 326 tequired doorway entry depth ‘minimum alsianes netwaen the wall containing the door ans the most remete point of tna whesienalr when ‘opening an 800 mm wide door that's located 600 mm from the sice wall ‘See Figure 14 NOTE Measurements in accordance wt 8.16. key 41800 men wice door pening 2 60Dmmeide distance requirod doorway entry depth Figure 14 — Required doorway entry depth (©180 2008 — Al ight evene 15 ISO 7176-5:2008() 3.25 required width of angled corridor meurum wicty of 2 corrcor vith a right angles turn in which the wheelchair can De driven in both forward andl reanvard directions See Figure 15, NOTE Measurements in accordance wth 8.15 1 Key: 4 required width of angled coriser Figure 15 — Required width of angled corridor 16 (©180.2008 _ ligt eserves ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 3.26 reversing width ‘minimum distance between two vertical and parallel walls Between which the wheelchair with ctrect steering or limited differential steering can tun through 130° with one intial forward dries oe 12arwa-d drive and one ‘nal forward drive (Le. a three-point turn) ‘See Figure 16 and Clause 6.3. NOTE Measuramant ie in accordance wn 8.12. A SS key Figure 16 — 180 2008 A ght resend 7 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 327 rising distance Detweon tho ground and tho lowermost point of tho front whaels when the antitip devicas are in contact with the groune ‘see Figure 77, NOTE Measurement ie in aboordance with €.2 key 11 anttip davice contacting tho ground 2 tisha Figure 17 — Rising 8 (© 180 2008 ~All ights reserved wl 7476-5:2008(E) 3.28 skew relative position ofa pair of fixed wheels, where one wheel is ahead ofthe other See Figure 18, NOTE? —Measuremantis in accordance wt A.18 NOTE2 —Anonze1o value usualy Indicates a misalignment. The value Is postve If ihe let whee! located in font of the right whee, zero the desred neutral positon, and ie negative the right whes! i located infront ofthe left wnael Figure 19 — Skew (exaggerated) (150 2008 At nights rasanee 19 180 7176-5:2008(E) 3.29 Whee! median tne Imaginary circ, having the same diamoter 2s a wheo', whicn passes through the ground contact point of the wheel as the nheel is rotated See Figuie 19 NOTE Ir the whee! is 2 lores, te wheel median ine runs aroure the wheel alts greatest clameter. Ihe wheel fs a Cylinder. he wneel median ine ate halt wath ofthe surtane In case ofa twin whee}, the Wns! Median Ine Is te Iida of te two wes on the cams hub). © Iho HO b)_ wheel median tine of a eylindrieal whee! Figure 19 — Wheel median tine 3.30 Wheelbase Tongituainal aistance between the ground contact points oF the trent anc rear wheels wiin any castor wneais In the fervard trailing postion ‘see Figure 20, NOTE 1 Measurement ie avcordance with A.12, key 1 whostbase ete 20 180 2000 All fats reserved 331 wheelchair centre-point ‘migpoint of the line betwocn tho contres ofthe fixed wneels See Figure 21 and Annex D. NOTE If there is only one fed wheel, the wheelchair contro-pont is at the midpaint ofthat wheet: if there is more than one axis with fixed wheels the wheelchair cenire-pant is on the axis wit the larger wheal dametes: # al fed heels have the same dameter the wheelhalt cense-poml fs on the aks thal baa's the hiher proporten of load of he 1 conte af fixed whee! 2 wheelchair cenie-paint *wnseichairlongtusinal axis, Figure 21 — Wheelchair centre-point and wheelchair longitudinal axis. ©180 2008 -Atrigts reserved a :2008(E) 3.32 wheelchair longitudinal axis imaginary horizontal line through the wheelchair centre-point, runing in the clrection of straight Tonwaravtearward travel See Figure 21 and Annex D. 4 Wheelchair classes and occupant mass groups 44. General The dimensions of ¢ wheelchair are mainly influenced by its class (electrically powered wheelchairs only) and by ts intended occupant mass group, 4.2 Classes of electrically powered wheelchairs Eloctrically powored wheelchairs are classifi in ono or more of the following three classes, dependent upon thei intended fet of use Class A: compact, manoeuvrable wheelchair not necessary capable of negotiating cutsoor obstacles. Class B: wheelchair sufficiently compact and manoouvrable for some Indoor environments and capabie of negotiating some outdoor obstacles: Class C: whestchair, usually larger in size, not necessarily intended for indoor use but capable of traveling over longer distances and negotiating outdoor obstaces. NOTE 1 Typically. cass A wheelchairs are nierded to be used primarly indoors, class B wheelchairs are intended to De used pot incor and cutanors and sass © wheelsnats ate intance to be weed primanly outecrs NOTE2 — Scooters are ncuded in he classes above, 4.3, Occupant mass groups. \winestcnatrs are intended for one ofthe olowng three wneelenak accupent mass groups: — Occupant mass group 1 occupant with a mass balaw 59 kg, — Occupant mass group Il occupant with a mass between 50 kg and 125 ko. Occupant mass group Ill occupant with © mase above 125 kg, 5 Test apparatus 5.1 _ Test plane, rigid horizontal plane of euficiont size to accommodate the wheelchair and tho adjustable barriers (5.2) during testing, such that the whole surface is sufficiently flat that It is contained between two Imaghary norzontal parallel planes 5mm apart per 100mm and 29 mm apart par 6 000 mm, win a ‘coefficient of friction conforming to ISO 7176-13. 5.2 Adjustable barriers, vertical planes capable ct touching or detecting the outer cimansions and the ‘operating area of the wheetchair on the test plane, such that the plane of each barrier is sufficienlly at that i Is contained betwen two Imaginary verteal parallel planes 5 rim apart par * G00 mm, EXAWPLES Physica planes lighl beams or any ether appropriate means for proving a at and vertical plane 5.3 Test dummy, conformng to ISO 7176-71, moatties as follows: replace the lewar lag potions ef the test dummies with two foot space gauges, each having @ shape as indicated in Figure 22 and @ mess of 2 kg = 0,5 kg for occupant mass group | and of 3,5 kg + 0,5 kg for occupant mass groups Il and Il 22 © 150.2008 A tis reserved woh 7176-5:2008(E) Dinensions iq itimetres 303 BS uo 303 a Be. id ‘sy t ) occupant mass group | b) occupant mass groups Il and Il Key | Front > Hos NOTE 1 Pieces of plywood, 15m rm tek, atachad to steel blocks may be Leed. NOTE 2. Skelenes in top view win tne font of tne foot pointing to he top Figure 22 — Foot space gauges 4 knee space gauge, substituting the rarerence occupants knees ana wnieh: has a chape as indicated in Figure 23; ‘adds to the respective tost dummy’s lap section to achieve a total lengtn of 520 mm 4.3 mm for occupant ‘mass group | and 650 mm + 3 mm for occupant mass groups Il ang ill wnen measured parallel o tne saat plane and between the most forward point of the knee space gauge and the intersection point ofthe seat plane wit tne back suppor plane of te test dummy, — has a widin of 270 m4 3 mm for occupant mass group ‘and 390 mim +3 mm for occupant mass group I 340 mm & 3mm for occupant mass group tI — has a raalus of 50 mm 2mm fer occupant mass group | and 69 mm 2mm for cecupant mass groups Wand tl NOTE 1 Aploce of plcod, 15mm 4 Sm thick, may be used. NOTE 2 Dimensions arin accorcance with DIN 3340219 and ISO 7176-11, € 180 2000 Al richis reserved 23 180 7176-5:2008(E) key 4 testeummy 2 knee space oause intersection goin of seat plane with back support plane of est cumy 4 ‘otal engin or aur including knee space gauge 6 reais Figure 23 — Kn space gauge 5.5 Length measuring device, means for measuring linear dimensions in Increments of 0.5 mm an the range of O mm to 150 mm. in increments of 1 mm in the range of 150 mm to 2 000 mm and in inevements of 2 mm i the range of 2.000 mm to 5.000 mm. 5.6 Hand space gauges, means of substituting the reference occupant’s hands on the handrims, They shall add 75 mm_ 1 mm to each handrim in a radial direction and 60 mm + 1 mm in a leteral erection when measured al the top (828 Figure 24). They shall xiang at least 30° in the rearward direction and 60" in the ‘forward direction when measured from the top of the handrim, EXAMPLE Apiece ef flexible material that bords around the handtim. 24 (0180 2008 _Alrighis eserves ISO 7176-8:2008(E) NOTE Inthe side viow ofthe wheel, the forward drection isto fe right Figure 24— Hand space gauge 5.7 Right angle, means of establishing a straight edge normal to the test plane, to an accuracy of + 1 mm ar 1 000 mm, EXAUPLE Engineers sqlore, shestmetal square 5.8 Deviation Identification device, capable of identifying bot radial and taleral deviation of a wheel of hanarim, NOTE Radiol covition of a whoo! or hendtim fo te cevaton from a tus eres thats concentric tits ex and lateral deviation of wheel or han sts deviation fram a plane thats perpendeular (ois as. EXAWPLE A tack placod on tho tect plane equipped with a picos of chak, felt pen oF miro ewitch with rllor actuate. 5.9 Ramp gauge A, Nal rectangular piece of rigid material about 500 mm x 900 mim and 2 mm = 0.5 mm mek. 2180 2008 At rgisresorved 25 5.0 Ramp gauge B, two fat rectangular pieces of rigid_materlal about SOO Imm 590mm and 2 mm £0,5 mm thick and hinged together at one edge (see Figure 25). key 1 hinge Figure 25 — Ramp gauge 8 (example) 5.11 Angle measuring device, means for measuring angles to an accuracy of = 0.5" 542 Castor axis indicator, means of establishing 2 line parallel tothe castor axis. NOTE Sez examplein Fires AS and AG. 5.19. Mass measuring device, means for measuring masses to an accuracy of + 0.2 ka 5.14 Test environment, environment within which the tests ere conducted at an ambient temperature of 20°C 25°C, 6 Selection of the test wheelchair “Tho wheelchair colectad for tast purposes shall bo drawn trom normal preduction. Pie-produciion unils may be usad provided ney have the Intended production dimensions For the purpose of allowing comparison between different wihselchair models, reference set-up values are Specified for each of the vee occupant mass goups I, Irand Il These reference sel-up values shail be used ‘whan selecting a wheelchair whose dimoncions need to be spaciod when ordering/ourchasing tho wheelchair but cannot be adjusted tater NOTE __Soat depth, sant with, back cupport height, oc. are examplos for dimenstane that ueualy need tobe solectod ‘hen orderingeurcnasing the wheelchair. Select a wneeichalr wir nominal cimensions: — according to he reference setup values specified in Table 1 (See 7.3.1) for wheelchairs with handrims: — according to the reference set-up values specified in Table 2 (see 7.9.2) for wheelchairs without handrins. I tne corract dimensions are not avalable, clmensions as ciose as possibie to tne reterence set-up values shall ke used. 26 (© 15002008 — at agnes resenes ISO 7176-5:2008(E) Record the actual dimensions of the lest vhieelchair. Record any deviation from the spect icetions in Clause © ang reasans for deviation 7 Preparation of the test wheelchair 7A General \Wnen a particular test procedure has specific set-up requitements, use the setup procedure specified in that particular test procedure. All other set-up procedures shall be carried out in accordance wilh 7.2 to 7 9 7.2. Wheelchair equipment The wheelchair shall be ready for use ifthe body support system or any of is features fs avaliable in various options: a sling seat, a cling back support, two removable fulliongth arm supports and two soparatod, removable, angle adjustable foot support assemblies with anterior heel supports shell be fled. If any of hese ‘options 1s not available, choose those cptons recommended by the manufacturer and racord thls inthe test report. Ifthe wheelchair can be delivered with wheels of various diameters, select the wheel dlameter recommended by te manutacturar. if hare Is no recommendation, select the largast alameter. if tho wheelchair can be delvered with ant-ip dovices andlor kerb-cliiing devices, these devieas shall be used. Unless they are an integral part of the body support system, postural support device components such es heed supports, any loose saat cushions, ete. snal be removed. NOTE Removable sea! cushions that are provided win the whesichal are necessaty or nor use, at that are fxod with hook end lp fastener, should not be coneldored looso and cheuld not bo romoved ‘The wheelenair shall net be equipped with any accosseries. 7.3 Wheelchair adjustment 7.31. Wheelchairs with handrims: NOTE Wheelchairs with harris comprise wheelchairs with manual handrim prepuision and hank acivaled Doner assisied wheeichat's (HAPANY| Set any adjustable dimensions of the wheelchair as close as possi to the reference sel-up values specified In Tabie 4 with en accuracy of +9 mm or + 1", except where otherwise stated. ifthe reference set-up value is not availatle‘possible, adjust the dimension to the nearest greater value, of, if {his value Is also nol avalable/possibie, agjust as close as possible fo te reference selup value Aglust any ant-ip devices as recommended py the manufacturer. If there Is no recommendation, agjust so that it fs a3 close as possible tothe following position — Set the rising (see 2.27) to 25 mm 4 3 mm. — When tne whesichair is standing on level ground the ante-lippers protude to the rear as far as possibie — 11itis not possibia o achieve noth sattngs at ane time, gwve priory to ine setting of he rsing, the manufacturer recommends moro than one setting, use the recommendod setting closact to thace default settings, (©150 2008 -Atrights record ar 180 7176-5:2008(E) any of the adjustments results in an unwanted setting, e.g. the castor wheols contact any ctier part of the wheelchair, Icreaseldecrease tne adjusiment just enough io ensue a proper twice OF Ve whseichalr and record the actual dimension togathor witn the reason, 7.3.2 Wheelchairs without handeims NOTE __Wheelonars mimour hanarims comprise eléctncaly powserea wheelchairs and manual wneecnars wan lover Propulsion and push wheelchair. ‘Set any adjustaale cimansions oF the whealchalr as close as possibie to the reference satup values specttied In Table 2 with an accuracy of + 3 mm or 4 1°, except where otherwise stated I the reference setup value is not avallable/possibie, adjust the cimension to the nearest greater valu, oF, if this valuo Is aso not avallablo/pessilo, agjust as close as possible to the raference sat up valve. [Adjust any anti-tip devices as recommended by the manufacturar, If thera is no recommendation, adjust 60 that it's aS close as possible fo the following position — Set ine rising (see 3.27) to +3 mm. When the wnaetcnair is stanaing on level ground the anti-ippers protrude to the rear as tar as passibie IFit ic not possible to achieve both settings at one timo, give priority to the setting ofthe rising Ir the manufacturer recommends more than one setting, use the recommended setting closest to these ‘cetault setings ‘Adjust any kerb-clmbing devioes fo thelr working position as recommended by the manufacturer In the case of scooters, adjust the norwonial distance petween the tar and the hack support as recommended by the manufacturer. If there is no recommendation, adjust as close as possible to [840 mm + 25 mm for Scooters Intended for occupant mass group lar Ill and to 460 mm = 25mm for scooters Intended for eccupant mass group I. If more than one setting is recommenced, use the recommenced setting that Is closest to these preferred setings In the case of manual wheslenairs with lever propulsion, adjust the lever(s) to thelr maximum length and sideways postion as recommended by the manufacturer. Then positon them as follows: — when during measurement the wheelchair Is stationary (see €.2 to 8.10 and Clauses A2 to A.22), postion tne levar(s) at ther extreme points ct mavament; if thare is only ane lever, position it atts most forward point of movement; — when, during measurement, the wheelchair is in motion (See 8.11 fo 8.17), move the lever(s) between thelr extreme ports of movement i any of the adjustments resuts in an unwantes settng, e.g. the wheels contacting any otner part of ne wheelchair, increaseldecrease the adjusiment just enough fo ensure a proper funciion of the wheelchair and Fecord the actual dimension together witn the reason fer the change. 28 © 50 2008 arene reserve Table 1 —Reference set-up values for wheelchairs with handrims Reverence setup values | ete valves ahd ees tne Oncupans eal ees t These acustrents are used arly when they co nt conic with any seating austmerts tern Gebigert ers Joup ' " 0 Dict tes usedin1S0 7176-7 and 60 717622 are gvenn frock 2000) | goto tasaa) |b 12540 Seat plane angle (egr2e8) 4 4 ai Eectve seat depth vile) 0 50 cI Eoctve sect with © (iis) 0 40 00 Seat surace nea anon ede teres) ao 2 20 Back supper angle sckest ange] (degrees) 10 10 0 Back support hati fachrs! head (nineties) oo Ey 2 Hanagipnaere (mimes) = = = Back suppor wih easkce wid] (linia) 0 40 00 Footrest to sat (rineies) 0 m0 20 BUT NO LESS THAN: Forex orance miles) ” 0 0 Footestienath iinet es) 1 150 10 Footrest to lg ange (grees) ” oy » Leg seat aurface angle (deare=s) » 7 w roves ert (riers) 160 200 200 Frat of armveatto back cuppot ron! famneat io basket (iinet) EJ 20 = Fanaa deter raineves) = 200 50 Hanoauning whea ismeter[popeing whee ciamete (mints = eo a0 rmstase ouinet es) 0 00 00 [camper (egress) =i @ ° Hoizertal lain of wheel ave (iinet) 2 20 20 Versa coaton cf wes! ace (ulier es) 16 168 168 [Castor whee! dameter (ilimetres) 160 175 175 soa oritietes) 3% 30 0 Frac ef crive wheel or manoeuving whsos [ve wheel Yack with] mis psiton ack cf castor wheels o pat whedls [eater wheal vack wath] rnl-psiton Movable wheel Aoizontal postion castor stam Feusing postion, horzertal mit-psiton Movable wheel vrtcal postion [actor sem hous psifon, vertical mis-psiton ovate whet verical asl postion [oar whee ae postion vate) ‘n-psiton acter rae ecto tom ang, fre plana(degro05) voted 1-0 aso cant caso ten ang aera pane emre=s) vetical= 05 F Since te nena Seat wth (a8 weasied i ISO TITE-7 a8 “Seal WIMPY) i Tease in varous ways the Tuts are oy ecrparcte. Therore, the efleie seat alah Is Used as he reterence vale sine ts drversion bo povdes relate cmparscn| 2150 2008-— A igns reserved 29 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) Table 2— Reference set-up values for wheelchairs without handrins ce Tremont vaues iting susan 87187 0 71721 gn sa ile baton | othe Se < : ; ees (eta Se — ec ex ih ns so a0 [50 ea cri ater pe re a [| Sa ac aati oa aon D z arapna nea on dp a ia) eo [es [0 cso vhs aor) we [fs eee et) a avr 0 ess Tat Forest ern nines * > # a ag te | ea amare peal » % % [este orice ee oT 2» o & rst ei nts) co | ao a Front of amnrest io back suppor tFont of armrest to backrest (rilimetres) 200 = 320, Claret! ip we! davt ears ec eral i vil el OTT tn Fd wes wee cn ae we ae esti, eal rato eset a ts el ca i ° io iar non en ie EAE ae Bans aorta ns dane Tat ei we zl pes ee ten es on OT risen” Novatie wheel, vertical positon jcasor stem housing poston, varical) ___ti-postion irate we apne wel adept, el riper Fiat areal ot no esr vie ec i raponon ei ac racnarge, rontnel ae) Teta A-9 car ar don au a ne a ve 08 ral rie a ine vates ane responds tothe oxcupants need = Since tne nominal seat wom (as measured ISO TIVE? ae “seek wen) = measures in vanous ways the ruts are re eomparane.Trerstre, ti etectivs sea sed ae he earace value since ile rmensnn bt proves ores cemoarsbiy ‘These asim ate used ony when hey do ot coe: wih any searg adsmens > ttre mid-positon snot avalaberpossibe so he nearest poston which prvies alongerwhestbas than the deste 30 (0180 2008 -Atrigsesanee 73.3 Electrical equipment 733.1 Batteries Irthe wheetchai is electrically powered, kit nith batteries of size and type recommended by the manufacturer. ‘Charge the batteries to at least 75 % oftheir rated nominal capacity. WARNING If the whoolchalr Ie equipped with liquid-electrolyte-type batteries, some teste can bo hazardous and there Is a risk of spillage, In such a case, the balteries may be replaced by the nearest equivalent gel or sealed batteries, with supplementary walgnts to give equivalent mass distrigution.. Mounting of control devices For electically powered wheelchairs witn a control device tnat can be placed In different positions in space, set it to the mid-positen for right handed use. Whare there is no provision for this position, use the position thal gives the mk-setting furthest away from the armrest 73.3.3 Electrical settings Set the control device to the manufacturer's recommended seiting. If there is no recommended setting, set to the maximum speed 73.34 Other electrical control devices Set any other slecirical coniral devices that do not require the use of too's, and do not chenge previous adjustments In 7.3, 0 the manufacturer s recommended positon, Ir tnere is no reccmmanced positen fer any ‘such controls, set them to the rid-posttion, 7.3.4 Other agjustable components ‘Sat mechanically adjustable components of the wheelchair, which are not covared by Table 1 of Table 2, to the mid-postion of their range with an accuracy of +3 mm. Where there fs no mid-positon, set them to the postion that glves the nearest longer, widar and/or higher measuromant 73.5 Pheumatie tyres, IF the wheelchair has pneumatic tyres, inflate them to the pressure recommended by the wheeichar manufacturer. If @ pressure range is given, inflete to the highest pressure in tne range. If there is no commendation for inflation pressure from the wheelchair manufacturer, inflate the tyres to the maximum pressure recommended by the tyre manufacturer. 7.3.6 Parking brakes ‘Some of the agjustments can have Influences an the function of the brakes, @.. If the brake block does not ‘maintain contaet with ts surface when adjusting tho postion of the whool. if the brakas are agjustabie and there are na manutaclurer’s Instructions for agjusiments, measure the alslances between the brake blocks ‘and thelr contaet suriacos when the brakes aro in their released postion. Record the cistance. NOTE Ths distance is used when recetang the brakes in the fal adjustments (699 7.3.7) 72.7 Final adjustments {Aller completing the requirements in 7.3.1 10 7.9.6, make the folloning fil adjustments with priorty given to those last in the list, but notin contlct with tho manufacturors instructions. 180 2000 ~Al igs resent mn ISO 7176-5:2008() Irnecessary, adjust the back support angle and the Seat plane angle, wiihout changing aiyy wheel postion, to the reference set-up values specified in Table 1 or Table 2. if these angles are nut availacie possible, adjust the dimension to the nearest greater value, or, if his value also is not avallablelpossibie, adjust as close as possible to the reference set-up valve. Ir necessary, adjust the castor rake to vertical witn a tolerance of +1" / 0° of, f this If not possible, 10 ne position nearest to vertical in the postive direction. No castor cant is allowed. Ir the parking brakes are adjustable, adjust the parking brakas as spectiad oy the manufacturer. f ere are hho manufacturer's specifications, adjust the brakes in accordance with the measurements taken in 7.9.6. 7.4 Final check Afier the procscures in 7.2 and 7.9 have been completed, ensure that all fasteners disturbed during adjusiment are tigntenod in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, if there aro no manufacturer's recommendations, adjust in accordance with ISO 7176-22:2000, Annex B. 7.5. Positioning Place the wheelchair on the test plane. Prepare the wheetchar for driving as specified by the manufacturer ‘Set any mavabie wneels In ther tallng postion fer forward straight ahead movement, 7.6 Loading of the wheelchair 1.64 General Some test methods described in this part of ISO 7176 require that the wheelchair be loaded while other test methods are performed wth tha Wheelchair unloaded, (ra particular test method requites the wheelchalr to be loaded, the load may ether be a test dummy or, if permitted in the particular test method, a human test person. 7.62 Test dummy If tis specified for particular test that the wheelchair shall be loaced, the test dummy spacified in §.3 shall be use. Perform the postioning of the tast dummy as spacitias in [SO 7178-22:2000, Clause 9, with the folowing ‘changes. Replace Table 1 of ISO 7176-22:2000 by Table 3 beow. Table 3 — Selection of test dummy mass ‘Maximum occupant macs Test dummy mace 'o ko 50 50 >80 17S 75 278 100) NOTE This pat of 1807176 dacs not call for ay verformance tests. Therefore, a maximum lest dummy mass of 100 Kg Is aaemed tbe Sumicent toa the wheelcnar. even for Wheelsnars Wit nigher rate loads — rine wneetenair nas two separate fost suppers, postion the twa appropriate foot space gauges (S82 9.3) in lateral direction parallel ans centrally on each foot support. — Ifthe wheelchair has a one-piece foot supcort. position the two appropriate foat space gauges in a lateral rection parallel to ang at a aistance of 10cm 2m from eitnor side of the contro ano of tho foot support. 32 © 150 2008 Alrigis reserved wh 7476-5:2008(E) — Poston the foot space gaugas on tne Toot supports In the fore/an alrection 2¢ specified in this postion of the feet of the test cummy is not possible or if there is an indication that it would gle an Lntealiste Seating pestion for 2 human test person, correct to a possible ang realistic position an recor the position and the reason why it was necessary. — Incase of tubular foot supports, align the foot space gauges at 15° 4 1° tothe horizontal (see Figure 26) — Clamp the foot space gauges fo the foot suppor(s), oF dill holes no greater than 9 min in dlameter In the root Suppor(s) and dott ne Tact space gauges on. Dimensions in milimotres 2) flat foot support without posterior hee! support _b)_Mlat foot support with posterior hee! support to /1 ~~ ©) tubular foot support without posterior heel d)_ tubular foot support with posterior hee! support ‘Support key 1 alignment paint Figure 26 — Position of the foot space gauges on various foot supports 7.6.3 Human test person if itis specified for a particular test that the dummy may be replaced by @ human test diver, a human test parson may ba used. n this case, aca weights, such as sandbags, to a Vast or garment, at. worn by tne test person to supplement any loner maas and to maintain its location of centre of gravity 2o that Is as similar as possible to thal of he appropriately positioned test dummy. Place the lest person's feet on the foot supporis with the front part of the foot (shoe) at the same place where the forward ends of appropriate foot space gauges would be when they nere properly positioned as speciiad above 2180 2008 Atrghis resorvee 33 180 7176-5:2008(E) NOTE Ta determine the correct lncation of cane af mass ofa human dave, the went cstution af the wheelonet lth the seated criver (lus acdtionel weights, fused) can be compared with tho weigh dzsibaioy of ie aneclaneir mith the dary fited to the body support syste as specfed in ISO 7178-2. WARNING — It Is essential that approprlate precautions be takon to encul the test personnol’s satety. 1.7 Records Record the ectusl settings or adjustments of the test wheelchair (7.2 to 7.6). Record any deviation trom the speciticallons in 7.2 to 7.8 and the reasons forthe deviations 7.8 Use of hand space gauge and foot space gauges IFiLis specited fora particular test, the hand space gauge shall be used for wheelchairs that have handrims. IF its specited for a particular test, foot space gauges shall be used, 7.9 Wheel rotation Ifa particular test requires that the Z marks of the wheels be located on a specific ne (In order to rotate the \wheels so that thoir minimum latoral whoo! doviatien is at a spectic orientation), tno folowing procedure shall be carried out (see Figure 27), NOTE 1 Those Zmarks constitute a means of ideniyng the neural lateral heel deviation, NOTE2 Tho procedure balow can be porfermed in cerjunstion wits A and AT. |With tno wheelchair placod on tho test plans, lift the roar and of tho wheolchair just enough to provide froo spin for the rear wneels, NOTES Keeping the tont wheels in contact with te ground wil hold he wheelchair more stable during the procedure Next tothe rim of the leit rear wheel, place the deviation identifcation device (see 5.8) on the test plane. ‘While the wee! Is spinning, slonly shif the deviation identification device closer to the rim of the wheel inthe lateral citection. Identity the point where the deviation identification davies contacts the side face of the rim far the first time. Al that point, mark the wheel with ‘X' as a symbol for the most lateral pont. ‘While the wheel is spinning. continue to slowiy shift the deviation ienificetion device closer to the rim of the \wheel in fateral dltection, making tne area of contact vith the rim longer and longer. Isentry tne point where the deviation identification device closes the circular area of contact fo a complete circle. Al that point. mark the whasl with “Y" 28 a symbol for the least lateral point. Identity the radi through °° and “" and measure the angle «between them. Draw a line that halves angle a And mark the twa pomnts Where ths tne Intersacts win the Sida face ot the rim, witn °Z° as a symeol for Ne neutral iteral deviation. Repeat this procedure forthe right rear wheel \With the wheelchair placed on the test plane, It the front end of the wheelchair just enough to provide free Spin for the front wheels. Repeat the procedure forthe trant wheels NOTE Castor forks can be Mead for proper alignment of castor wha NOTES The Zmarks are usedin At4 10 A.22 34 (0180 2008 — at ins esene0 180 7176-5:2008(E) key X_ mestlateral point ofthe rm Y toast lateral pein of tho erm 2 nouiral lateral daviton of tho rim 41 side face ofthe rim 2 recius trough mer 3 redius though mark "7" 4 tne that nalves the anale beeen 2 and 3 angle between 2 and 3 Figure 27 — Location of Z marks 7.10 Asymmetrical design of test wheelchair When the wheelchair under testis of asymmettical design and @ measurement is made while the wheelchair Js m motion (see 8.11 to 8.17), perform the test In botn directions. If ie results from the two tests are not Identical, record the larger value. EXAMPLE __Acyrnmetica! dosign ie ueuelly ound on marual wheslchairs whero propulcon ie porormed with ono lever for one hand 8 Required measurements 81 General “The measurements obtained fom the {esis In this clause shall be disclosed In the est report, specitcation shoots and tre operator's manual in accordance with C'auses 0 and 10, (©180 2008 — Aight rovers 35 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) NOTE 4 The tems fisted are usee te determine whether the wheelchair wil su the anicated weno, ‘The test procedures are speciied to eneure comparable and repeatable result. The tes apply to all wheelchairs, except wnere otherwise stated, Bofore each particular test, adjust the wheelchair in accordance with Clause 7 and place it on the teat plane. For tests described in 8.2 to 8.10, do not load the wheelchsir with the test dummy. For tests described in 8.14, 10 8.17, load the wheelchar with the appropiate test dummy (Including foot space gauges), as specined in 7.6.2, or a human tost person, as spocitiod in 7.6.3. NOTE2 A Technical Report, ISOITR 19870.2"), is under consideration WARNING This part of ISO 7476 calls for the use of procedures that can be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only to technical suitability and does not absolve the manufacturer or test house from legal obligations relating to health and safety at any stage. 8.2. Full overall length This test le applicable for wheelchairs with leg supperts andlor Foot supports. 'a) Determine the distance detwoen the moct forward and most rearward point of the wheelchair whon measured parallel to the wheelchair longitudinal axis bb) Measure anc record the full overall length to an accuracy of + 10 mm. 8.3. Overall width a) Determine the disiance batween the most lteral parts ofthe nheelchair when itis assembled an ready {or use when measuroa nonzontally and perpendicular to the whaolehair ongitucinal ats b) Meacure and record the overal wieth fo an accuracy of = 10 mm, 8.4 Handgrip height NOTE According te Claube 8, he results of the teet are only required for wneichaie wth hencnme fa} Determine tne vertical alscance trem whe tat plane to the nandgnp reference points of the whaetcnalr b) Meacure ane record the handgrip height fo an accuracy of = 10 mm, 8.5 Stowage length NOTE According te Claube 8, he results of the teet are only required for wnaeichaie without hance fa) Remove all components not requiring the use or tocls to ramove them. Fully told andlor clsmantie the wheelchair to reduce fis volume for transport or stowing purposes. without the use of tools, as recommended by the manufacture b) Determine the distance between the most forward and most rearward font of the wheelchair when measured parallel to the wheelchair longitudinal axis, excluding the removec/dismantled parts, ©) Measure and record the stowage length to an accuracy of 1 10 mm. 36 (0180 2008 — at ins esere0 8.6 Stowage width 1a) Remove all components not requiring the use of tools to remove them. Fully fold andlor dismantle the ‘wneelonair to reduce iis volume for tansport or stowng purposes urinuut tha use of tools as recommended by the manufacturer. b) Determine the distance between the outermost lateral points [le and right) of the wheelchair when mecsurea nonzontally anc perpancioular to the Wneechair longtusinal avs, excuding te removedisismantied parts. ©) Measure and record the stowage widtn to an accuracy of £10 mm, 8.7 Stowage height NOTE 1 Accorcing to Clause 9, the resis ofthis test ar only roculted for wheelchairs without hardems. 1a) Remove all components not requiring the use of tools to remove them. Full fold and/or diamentie the whaelcnair to reduce IS volume for tansport or slowing purposes, without the use of loos, as recommenced by the manufacturer. NOTE 2 Ifthe back support can be foldac towards the sect fp ito the ceat a close a8 poseibl ) Determine the vertical cistance from the test plane to the uppermost point of the wheelchair, exciuding the removediaismantied paris, 12) Measure and record tne stowage height to an accuracy of = 10 me, NOTE Accorsing to Clause 9 the resis ofthis test are only reoulted for nheelchairs with hands. This testis applicable for wheelchairs with antitip devices. Check the position ofthe ant-tip devices avainst the specifications in 7.9.1 or 7.9.2. @) Til the wheelchair ina rearward clrection untl ihe aniiip device contacts the test plane. Determine the Vertical distance betwiean the lowermost point of be ited front wheels ana the tes: plane. ) Meacure end racora the rising to an accuracy of + 1 mm, 8.9 Total mass Determine and record the total mass of the unleaded wheelchair to the nearest klegram, 10 Mass of heaviest part NOTE 1 Accorsing to Clause 9, the rasa of his test are only racuites fr aneelcnais without hanes. a) Dismante all paris (er assembly of parts) of the Wheelchak not requiring the use Of taols to do so, 10 reduce the wheelchairs volume for transport or stowing purposes as tecommended by the manufacturer. b) Determine and record the mass of the heaviest part (or assembly of parts) of the wheelchair to the nearest kilogram, NOTE 2 ‘The neaves! pan may be te remaining frame ofthe wheelonar 2150 2005 At ras reserven 37 ISO 7176-5:2008(E) 8.11 Pivot width NOTE 1 Accorang to Cause 9, me ress fs ta are ory este for whaelenars wou nanerim. ‘This test Is applicable for wheeichalts wth Tl diterental steering EXAVPLE _Handrm-prepetea mana Wheelcnas and seme etcmncaby sewereshesicnas I" the wheelchair has handrims, the hand space gauges (s¢2 5.6) shall be used 1a) Construct 2 corridor so that the distance between its walls is variable, by using two parallel adjustable barriers. Prace the whaalchair in the corridor ang orient it parallel to the wall >) Turn tho whooichair around in the corridor in the most sultablo manner for the wihoalchair, using a sing, continuous movement. NOTE2 — Detalis of te manceuvre are ceserbed in Clause 0.2 2) Gradually reduce the width of the comtidor and determine the minimum corridor width in which the \inaaicnalr can o@ fumed around wehout touching tna walls, 4d) Measure and racord the pivet width to an accuracy of 25 mm. 8.12 Reversing width NOTE 1 Accorsing ta Cause 9, he rast af hs test are only raqued for wheelenais without hance, ‘This test is applicable for wheelchairs with cect steering or imked diferential steering EXAMPLE Scooters and some electicaly powered vneecnas 8) Construct @ corridor so that the distance between its walls is variable, by using two parallel adjustable barriers. Ptace the whaolehair in the corrider and orient it paraill to the walls, >) Turn the wheelchair around in the corridor in the most suitable manner for the particular wheelonaie Involved. However, only one intial forward cfive one single rearward drive, and one final forward drive is permite. The test dive is completed whan the Whesichair has turned through 780" ©) Gradually reduce tne width of the comidar and determine the minimum comldor wiath in whieh the \whealenair can o¢ tumed around without touching the wall, 1d) Measure and record the reversing width to an accuracy of 2 25 mm, 8.13 Turning diameter NOTE 1 Accorting to Ctauce 9, tho rosuts of tis are enly roguited for wheelchairs without hanerims It tho whoelonair has handrims, the hand space gauges (sa9 5.6) shall bo used. 1a) Determine the diameter of the smallest cylindrical envelope in which the whoeldhair can 99 turned for 360" in one constant forward crive with maxsnum steering effect. NOTE2 Details ere provided in Annex. b) Measure and record the turing diameter fo an accuracy of = 29 mm 38 (2150 2008 rigs reserved wb 7176-5:2008(E) 8.14 Ground clearance NOTE Accorcing te Clause 8, he results af ths test ara only required fr wheetcnets whet hanes 2). Identity the lowest point of the wheelchair that is not © wheel, adjustable feot cupport or antitip device. Datermine the vertical distance between tne lewest point ane the test plane. b) Measure and record the ground clearance to an accuracy of + 1 mm, 8.15 Required width of angled corridor Inthe wheeichatr has handrims, the and space gauges (see 5.0) shall be used. 13) Construct the inner wall of a corridor with a 90° turn by using two adjustable barriers connected perpencicularly to each other, On the fest plane draw an orienting line thal starts at the outer comer of ‘mat wall under an angle of 135°. Construct the cutar wall of the CoMdar By using so adjustapte bartlors ‘connected perpendiculery to each other. Position the comer of the outer wall on the orienting line, Take ‘care to Keap the walls parallel (see Figur® 19). b) Place the whesichair at the entrance of the corrider and orient it parallel to the walls. ‘9) Drive tno whaolchalr forwars around the corridor’s corner in the most stable manner for tno particular ‘wheelchair involved. However, only one forward drive Is permited. The test drive is completed when the \wheelcnair ie paral! to the exit of the corridar. ©) Gradually reduce the width of the corridor by shifting the comers along the orienting line closer and

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