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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD @ £32) 3784 Road vehicles — Measurement of impact velocity in collision tests Vebicules routies — Mesure de la vitese ‘impact dans es oxak de colition First edition — 1976.07-01 ube 623.113, Ref. No. ISO 3784-1976 (E) ‘ice bed on 3 gs: FOREWORD ISO the Internstionel Organization for Standerdization) i a worlewide federation of national standards institutes (ISO Member Bodies), The work of developing International Standard i¢ carries out through 1SO Technical Commstas. Every Member Body Interested in a subject for which 2 Technical Committee has been set lup has the right to be roprotented on thst Committee. International organizations, governmental ard ron-governmental in liaison with ISO, aso take pet in the work. Draft Intarmationsl Standards adopted by the Technica! Commistet are circulated {othe Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as |nteretional ‘Standard by the ISO Council International Standard. $0 3784 was dram up by Technical Committee ISOITC 22, Road vanicloe, and circulated to the Member Soci: May 1875. Ihas been approved by the Member Bodias of the Following counties australia Germany Soxin ‘ustia Hungary Sweden Belgium Switzerland Brazit aly Turkey Bulgaria Japan Unitad Kingdom chile Nethertands usa Czechoslovakia Polang Yugoslavia Finiand Romania France South Aria, ep. of No Member Body expresied esaporova of the document, Ineemaenal Oranantion for Sueeediation, 1978 ¢ INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 3784-1976 (E) Road vehicles — Measurement of impact velocity in collision tests 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This Intemetions! Standard lays down the acoursey of measurement of she pact velocity in collision tests on ‘oad vahicls. In addition, some typieal methed suitable for the measurement of this impact velocity are described Inthe annex. Thess methods are intend £0 Taelitae the comparison of cata obtained in similar ts by eifferent laboratories. 2 PERFORMANCE 2A The accuracy of velocity meesurement shall be 15 1 velocity messurement shall be mado Wwihin 0.2 prior to impact 3. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT Tvical methods for measuring impact velosity a oceribes im the annex. Other methocs may be used provided they meet the requirements of 2.1 end 2.2 180 3784-1976 (E) ANNEX, ‘TYPICAL METHODS OF MEASUREMENT OF VELOCITY Velocity measurement methods can be classified in three 4), Doppler etfecr method: bb] summation of the unite of cistnce in 8 given time (Gitth wheel method) }_ measurement of the time needed to cover a aiven fistance as DOPPLER EFFECT METHOD Thie effect utilizes the apparent frequaney variation of 3 snave in mation, This vetiation is roporticnal to the seed of the Dad In relation to the obtervr sf Soveerec by the following formula fo where F intha sppatenttrequeney: fy_ is he emitted Frequency ye the speed of the wave emitted in an ambient medi: vp. inthe speed of the vehicle, ‘The emitted oleetromsgnetic waver which are generally sic ae stunt int different wavelength bards al_centimetric waves ‘nly ofthe orcer of 2%: radar with an accuracy chat i 1D) mcrometrc waver: the later “The laser system, more perfected than the radar system, permits measurements with on error less thon 1%. It Should be noted, however, that the cost of this tyDe of ‘equipment ic very Figh 2. SUMMATION OF THE UNITS OF DISTANCE INA GIVEN TIME (FIFTH WHEEL METHOD} ‘A wheol sttashed <0 the rear of the vehicle by an artic Tated yoke is mainteined in contact withthe ground by @ spring’ Mounted avalon this wheel i¢ a die containing slits spaced regularly around the circumference. A Photoelectric tarsmitieteceive: system is located on ther ide ofthe aes 2 Passage of the sit in frant af a photoeleeric eal ativates 2 series of impulses corresponding to the distance covered ‘The summation of these data petnis drect reading from 2 gshanomiter, oF 3 recording on an uitraviort ‘xeillograpn. Careful machining permits an accuracy of the order of 1 [An slternative method is to use an induction proximity tector in plae of tho photooleetric recover Ite advantages are simolerassernbly and resistance to weather ‘A further variation involes ataching the wansmitier Girctly to a raar wheel ofthe vahiole instead of the Fith ‘wheal. In this cose it difficult to caliarate the sytem anc there must be no tyre slip atthe road surface, However, the calibration aust be catied out carefully ‘Ad. MEASUREMENT OF TIME NEEDED TO COVER A GIVEN DISTANCE ‘The following typi! meshode are in general use 3.1 System using & photooleewie barier 1 tranemitier anc 3 receiver are located on either side of 2 shutter in 2 Usshaped errangpment fixed vgidiy on she vehicle The transmitter consists of a lamp emitting 2 tight beam whith eetenialy parallel rays vinen ilumnase = photo ‘lect eel which constitutes the receiver Successive cutting ofthe light boam by the arms of the U Start and stop ciital chronorneter. The transmitter ' placed approximately 1m from she receiver. ciaprragm can be placed on the recover to limit arate relletions The euting of the beam fe offzted by means of e shutter in 2-U shape mounced on the side of the vehele, This ‘mounting should be very ‘igid in erdor to avoid any efiection tending to spread oF tlt the two arms, thus ‘tering their separation. The spacing between the arme of the U should be known within approximstely 0.2 %. The Us painted matt black co eve any retiections, The pessage of vhe fist arm of che shutter through the barriar produces a variation in voltae at the amplifier. Tie ffereace in potential applied at entrance A of # digital nronomater shove time ato 42 regulated to 1D'* initster the time razording. When the second arm Doscures the cecever, it produces anew voltage variation 3t tntrance & of the enronometer, stopping the reoarding “The accuracy with this system is very high and can be better than 136 ‘A32_ System with induction proximity sensor ‘The rectver is of a cylindrica! form and has dimemtions of aporoximetely 60 rn in length with a diameter of 11 men The receiver includes 2n eleewanie amalitier within the “The Eensor ican osclaror which Ks stopped when # metalic body pac: in front ofthe setive extrem ty of the racenver ‘The power supply required by this receivaris 24 V de. The ‘urn current can attain a0 mA trom # raeeiver having = resistance of 600 £2, with « rosponse time of 150 us. A ital chronometer’ is steed” end stopped by the meralic body pesing close by “The accuracy of this sytem is better than 1% Ourabiiy is ako very good due to the fact that tare le na ciract This procedure can only be utilized if the vehicle is perfectly guided, the meximum detection cintance ein Simm, 3.3. Equlpment uulizing electromagnetic beem berries Two cantimetric transmitters and two recsivers are located fon ea side of the tex track at an interval of at att | my Passage ofthe vehicle torrupts the beams letorruption of the fist bear setuates tha eeu of the chronometer: intoruption of the 1eeene stops the cireult The major dtewback of this systom iis high cost ‘Assuming that the axes of tha beams from the two ‘wansmittes ore perfectly parallel, the princi source 0! ror comes rom measurement of the soming ot The Ie fs considered that its system provides an accuracy better than 1 A3 Cinematographic procedure The impact velocity can also be measured by use of high speed cinematagrapiy, of the ord af 500 t9 7 O00 image per second, A cloatly visible tatgot is placed on the vehicle ard ite Aisplacerent in relation to a ground target's reasured on 2a certain number of film images. The time i derived on she basis of the camera time batos on an impraision on the margin of the film of «small flasy every 9,01 3 or 9,00) s, contingent on the film speed chosen. To ootain the time 1$0 3784-1976 (E) raasuremnent, enother method can be utilized by Fina a ‘ize operated by # tall synchronous motor ‘The accuracy ofthis procedure depends on 2} the grain of the film, which can cause blurring ofthe iene D-the time base of the carmera, Analysis of the films must be etfocted with equipment permit positioning of the film within © 15 sim, erect tetion of 1/20 ram in X and ¥ and 22’ of angle in In order to minimize parallax errors, the eaneras must be Positioned 5 far amey as posible and be equipped with ong focal length lates cornpaciole with the field to be filmed. To obtsin scourecioe of 1 %, vary detailed attention to equipment and technique is required ASS System of plates actuated by the vehicle wheels ASSA. Metalc loves ‘Two flxibla metalic plats, separated from aach othor and arrangee across the test ack, ate put in contact by the presiuro of to front whee oF the venicle. Cound with 3 Girect currant generator, this contect actuatce a csital chronometer. The pessage of the reer wheels resioses the contact and stops the chronometer. Knowing the time roquited to cover a given cistarea, a. the wheelbase ofthe vehicle, i is simple to derive ve velocity. This procedure is fot very precise oning 10 the disparity of the pressures ‘engendered by the front whoo and the rear wheels. Thie ‘dranbeck leads to the use ofa variation of this procedure which consist in placing two identieal ses of plates ass ‘the tack. The actuation and stopping of the chronometer ‘re then caused by the front wheels alone, It she contact is subjected to repeated actuation and wear is ret apparent, it is possible that after several wats the ‘elocity measurement would be affected by erretic release. A352. Preumadc plates {mn this version, the recelvar consists ofa rubber tube closed st ono end. Passage of the vohiclo over the tubo produces ‘8 prosure variation, which actuates an elecvieel contect formed from a movable element and a stationary element Time measurement is achieved in the samme manner as with the metallic plates equipment

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