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The Sitio Paradahan, Igcocolo Seventh Day Adventist Church had its roots in a place known as “Loblob”
after the World War II. The Church building was standing in the lot donated by an Adventist couple Mr. Felipe
Arana Genizera and Pelagia Genona Geva. The prominent members in the early church included:
Mr. Patricio Gentapanan Sr. and his wife Mrs. Eluminada Infante Gentapanan and their 12 children,
Mr. Dionesio Gentapanan and Mrs. Julia Gentapanan and children,
Mr. Alfredo Gazan and his wife Mrs. Luisa Genona Gazan, Sulpicio Gazan, Ceda Gazan, Mauricia Gazan,
Teopila Gazan, Benjamin Gazan, Joe Gazan, and Ester Gazan,
Crisanto Gepullano,
The Geganzo siblings: Rita, Maria, anna, together with their Aunt Teresa Genzon and Ester Genzon,
Felipe Genizera and Pelagia Genizera and 8 children.

Cottage meetings were conducted in the nearby barangays that Sister Evita Mallare (known as Vita
Jamandre) was baptized in Camangahan- Igcocolo River.

God works in mysterious ways. Before the war, Igmedio Drapiza, husband of Blandina Infante
introduced the true doctrine to the Gentapanan Family. The Drapiza family came to know God’s messages
from Lapaz and they came to Igcocolo to visit the Gentapanan family. At the same time, Felipe Genizera came
to see the light when he met the man in Danclan, Negros Occidental worshiping the Lord. He was captivated
by peculiarity of this person, they talked and he was converted. He went home to his wife and children to
Igcocolo Guimbal, Iloilo and they started observing the Sabbath. Eventually the Dionesio Gentapanan family
was surprised that the Genizera’s were longer observing the Adventist doctrines. Thus, these families joined
together to worship the Lord during Sabbath. War came, yet their faith flourish.

Over the years, some of the church members migrated to different places searching for the greener
pastures. Dionesio Gentapanan and family moved to Negros Occidental. In 1948 Felipe Genizera and family
also moved to Camindangan, Negros Occidental. The Church building in “Loblob” was left unattended. A
strong typhoon swept the major part of its roof, as the church was made up of bamboo hatches only and with
iron cast roofing. This iron cast roof was donated by West Visayan Conference.

Because the church was destroyed by the typhoon, the remaining church members preferred to
observe their Sabbath in their respective homes. Despite of the circumstances, the gospel of the Lord
continues to grow to reach people far and wide. A church in Camindangan, Sipalay Negros Occidental rise
together with other churches where the Genizera and Gentapanan came to abode. The gospel message grows
far and wide.

Later, Rita Geganzo marries Eliseo Abarientos, a colporteur. It was through brother “Eyong/Abar” as
commonly known by the locals that Sta. Rosa SDA church came to existence Brethren started to attend
worship at Sta. Rosa SDA church.

Years later, Adventist residents of Igcocolo got tired of travelling to Sta. Rosa SDA church, they have
decided to hold their Sabbath worship in the house of Brother Leslie Gentapanan. A plan to put up a church
building came into realization when Sister Eluminada Gentapanan donated a lot for the building to rise. Her
sister Blandina Drapiza came to know the plan, and that time she was in the USA and offered help. She
contributed majority of the finances as facilitated by sister Rita Geganzo Abarientos. Then, Brother Ramon
Orquiola, one of the active member who move from Sta. Rosa, joined at Igcocolo Church, together with the
rest of the members and they worked hand in hand. Finally, a beautiful concrete church building stood in
more or less 500 sq. m. near the river. Pastor Basco was the District Pastor during that time, then Mrs.
Bernadas, Pastor Esico and Pastor Reano, Brother Eliseo Abarientos, Ramon Orquiola, Benjamin Genizera,
Leslie Gentapanan and Lauro Gensaya served as the Elders.

It was the time during Pastor Reano as the District Pastor, the children of Sister Blandina Infante
Drapiza came for vacations and they started to put up several projects in Igcocolo. One of the project that was
implemented is New Hope Mission Academy, a school church.

In an instance, the members of the church decided to transfer the church building nearby the road. The
reason behind of transferring the church building were the bad smell surround the church and if the church
will be along the roadside it will be easier for the church goers to access. So, the church board agreed to
transfer the church building nearby the road.

During the construction of the new church building nearby the road and this lot was donated by Mrs.
Blandina Drapiza Welkerson. The Finances were donated by the brethren of Igcocolo Church members and
the majority of the finances was from the Drapiza Family in building and constructing the new church.

The Church board decided and agreed that for the meantime they will be observing their Sabbath
Worship at New Hope Mission Academy while the construction is ongoing. Until the time the Church was
ready to held worship. The Igcocolo Church members transferred to their new Church building. This Church
was known as “Igcocolo Seventh day Adventist Church”.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:9-11…. 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's
husbandry, ye are God's building.10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise
masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he
buildeth thereupon.11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. We see that
God’s provision of these physical spaces — church buildings — allow “the church” to worship, be together and
do mission for God. They provide space where more of us are able to join in fellowship with one another, and
often are used to bless our surrounding communities as our doors are open for other groups to utilize the
space. We thank God for these physical spaces that allow us — “the church” — to worship and do the work of
God’s Kingdom.

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