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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Camarines Sur National High School



QUARTER 2nd QUARTER DATE January 6, 2023

1. Most Essential 1. Describes the characteristics, signs, and symptoms of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.
Learning (H7N-lld-f-23)
Competencies 2. Discuss ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies (H7N-IId-f-24)
(With code)
2. Learning Outcome 1. The learners explained the malnutrition and micronutrient Deficiencies.
2. The learners discussed ways of preventing and controlling nutritional problems of adolescent.
3. The learners realized the importance of preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient
3. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
(KSA) 1. describes the characteristics, signs, and symptoms prevention and control of malnutrition and
micronutrient deficiencies;
2. Apply decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent and control nutritional problems of
adolescent; and
3. assumes responsibility in preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies through
creative differentiated activities.
II. CONTENT Malnutrition and Micronutrient Deficiencies
References Physical Education and Health 7 Learner’s Material. Department of Education- Bureau of Learning
Resources (DepEd-BLR) First Edition, 2017. Pages 298- 307

Other Learning Video-

Reviewing previous  The teacher will give a short group activity entitled “Word in a Pic”.
Lesson or  The students will answer 4 items which will be flashed on screen.
presenting the new Direction: The students will identify words related to the topic using the pictures and missing letters as hint.
lesson They have 10 seconds to identify each word:
(1) Malnutrition, (2) Obesity, (3) Undernutrition, (4) Micronutrients
Establishing a ● The teacher will explain to the students that the activity has a connection to the lesson to be discussed
purpose for the for the day. It is all about Malnutrition and Micronutrient Deficiencies- Nutritional Disorder.
lesson ● The learners will read the objectives flashed on screen.
Presenting The teacher will go back to the previous activity, “Word in a Pic”. and she will explain the meaning of
examples/instance each word. (1) Malnutrition, (2) Obesity, (3) Undernutrition, (4) Micronutrients
s of the new
lesson Practice Task 1:
The students will watch a video about Micronutrient Deficiency Educational Entertainment Video.
The students will answer the following questions:
a. What was the video all about?
b. Do you experience those signs and symptoms of micronutrient deficiency?
Discussing new Micronutrient Deficiencies
concepts and ● The teacher will explain the indications and preventions of each type of micronutrient deficiencies.
practicing new (Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD), Iron Deficiency Anemia, and Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD).
skills #1
Practice Task 2:
Think-Pair-Share (Partner)
 Each student will answer the question: “As grade 7, what will you do to control malnutrition
and prevent micronutrient Deficiencies?”
 After 2 minutes, each student will look for a partner and discussed their answers to each
 After 1 minute, the teacher will ask volunteers by partner to read their insights.

Discussing new Nutritional Disorders (Eating Disorders)

concepts and The students will watch the 5 minutes video discussion about the kinds of eating disorder.
practicing new The teacher will give a trivia to the class:
skills #2
Did you know?
Teenagers who have eating disorders usually have a family history of weight
problems, depression, or substance abuse. In this case they need professional help.
Watch your eating behavior. There are some behaviors that may indicate that you are
at risk of developing an eating disorder.

Practice Task 3: (1 minute for answering and 1 minute for checking)

Check your Eating Behavior
Directions: Check the number if the behavior relates to you and cross (x) if it doesn’t. (Page 309)
Developing In their notebooks, the learners will answer 10 item questions. (5 minutes)
mastery 1-4 identification using description as hint
(Leads to 5-7 prevention to avoid the three types of micronutrient deficiencies
Formative/Authenti 8-10 complete the table about the kinds of eating disorder.
c Assessment) Checking (1 minute)
The students will check their own answers.
Finding practical Group Activity: (20 minutes)
applications of Imagine that you have a chance of giving solutions on how to decrease the number of malnutrition and
concepts micronutrient deficiencies in our country. Your group will act as an organization who would like to promote
healthy eating habits in order to prevent malnutrition and micronutrients deficiencies nationwide.
a. The class will be divided into 4 groups.
b. Each group will compose a song where the lyrics contains about the following questions below:
(Integration in Music)
 “What will I do to protect myself from different nutritional problems?”
 “What can I do to help lower the amount of malnutrition in our barangay?”
 “Why should I help in preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in our
c. They can use improvised instruments such as stick, bottles, or anything that is available.
Generalizing and Each group will present their outputs to the class. The presentation of the group activity serves as the
abstractions about generalization and abstraction about the lesson topic.
the lesson
Evaluating learning Each group will be evaluated using the Rubrics below:

Criterias 1 2 3 4 5
Very Poor Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent
Team Work 1 or 2 members of Very few Few members More members of All members of the
the team do all members of the of the team the team helped team helped and
the task while team helped helped and and shared their shared their ideas all
others are doing and shared shared their ideas. Most of the the way to finish the
other not related their ideas. ideas. Few members shows task. All shows good
works. Very few shows shows good good character and character and proper
good character character and behavior. behavior all
and behavior behavior. throughout the activity
Creativity and Presented with no Slightly creative Slightly creative Shows creative Shows a very creative
resourcefulne instrument, props, in their in their presentation where presentation where
ss or movements; presentation presentation they Improvised 3 or they Improvised 3 or
and displayed where they where they more instruments more instruments and
lack of effort in used 0 to Improvised 1 or and other props other props using
showing creativity 1instrument or 2 instruments using available available resources
and props; and do a and props; and resources and do and used movements
resourcefulness. very few do few some movements and choreography to
movements and movements and and choreography present their song.
choreography choreography to present their
to present their to present their song.
song. song.
Content of Message of lyrics Message was Message was Message was clear Message was very
lyrics was lack of not clear and slightly clear and conveys a clear and conveys
contents and conveys and conveys message that meaningful message.
ideas; and with no message with message with reflects principles It shown applied
principles and very few few principles and insights which practical principles
insights from the principles and and insights were discussed and and insights which
discussion. insights from from the learned. were discussed and
the discussion. discussion. learned.
Originality of Expressed very Expressed poor Expressed Expressed very Expressed excellent
tone of Music poor perspectives perspectives good insightful good insightful insightful perspective
and not original and few original perspectives perspectives and and very catchy
music music ideas. and original catchy original original music. The
composition. The The flow of music. The flow music The flow of flow of music was
flow of music was music was not of music was music was mostly composed originally
not completely mostly mostly composed by the by the students.
composed by the composed by composed by students.
students. the students. the students.
Additional activities a. Something to ponder: Read Addressing Malnutrition in the Country.
for application or (PE and Health 7, Pages 310 to 312)
remediation b. Create brochures about prevention and control of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. The output
for the task will be evaluated using the rubrics from page 329.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Demonstration Teacher Grade 7 Dean, MAPEH Department

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